#Yvette holte
ja-lin · 2 months
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August 1st, Yvette's bday!
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latinfeline · 1 year
ceos of the "i can't touch you'll actually burn up and die" romance plot
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bastart13 · 2 years
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It's fun redesigning old Lovestruck casts. This time it's Sin with Me
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explorya88 · 11 months
**Warning: Content Advisory**
This fanfic contains sensitive and serious themes that may be difficult for some readers. If you are uncomfortable with topics such as [Violence, moral questionable behaviors, explicit contents and many others], it's advisable to reconsider reading further. Your well-being is important to me, and i encourage you to prioritize your emotional health. Take care, and thank you for understanding.
This short tale is placed fourth months after Darius went M.I.A.
Pride: The Morning Star
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Seed of Divashma: Vinca how are doing?
Vinca: Nothing that you should know!
Seed of Divashma: Right stubborn, stubborn and more stubborn lady pride the proudful one.
Vinca is aware of being described by everyone who know or heard about her, as a woman who personifies the sin of pride. To quote a fashion magazine she had read out of boredom: Vinca demeanor radiates an unwavering sense of self-worth, as if she were the embodiment of pride itself. With every step, she exudes an air of superiority, her posture erect and her gaze piercing, as though she holds herself above all others. Her words are laced with haughtiness, and she rarely acknowledges the accomplishments or opinions of those around her, firmly ensconced in her own elevated self-image. It's as if pride courses through her veins, shaping her every action and word. Of course she is proud of herself, she is the prodigy child, an internationally successful successful model, she and Deadly Sin circus are the hottest and most popular act in all of U.S.A., the nightmare and terror of the demons who can only obey them or die . She then looks at her wonderful, sweet and beautiful woman Dracaena sleeping peacefully. Vinca smiles, seeing Dracaena sleeping peacefully. She can't help but be filled with pride for her lover. They have been together for so long, and she has never met anyone who could make her heart beat faster like Dracaena does. She reaches out and caresses Dracaena's hair, trying her best to resist the temptation to wake her up, so she goes to at the windowsill reflecting on the events of the last few days...
Vinca: I look at Dracaena, I feel my pride fade away. What if she doesn't love me anymore? What if she finds someone else, someone more worthy?
I push these doubts away, but they lurk in the back of my mind, like a demon waiting to strike. I realize then that love isn't just a feeling. It's a choice, a decision to cherish and appreciate the person in front of you, flaws and all. And I choose to love Dracaena with all my heart, because she deserves it.
Seed of Divashma: Then why are so small, afraid of your own shadow and always two step away to give up everything? Oh, wait now i got it, effectively since you caught Yvette comforting Dracaena after your mishap days ago that lead this night, so the things are...
You are afraid to lose yout best friend Yvette because you never realized her feelings about your girlfried and you're kicking yourself, consider yourself a blind fool and and an almight idiot since then.
Alternatively, you are afraid that Dracaena will see you in this pathetic state and dump you for someone better than you, maybe your best friend Yvette.
The combination of the above options.
Vinca: F*** you! Who are for telling me this? You know who i am? I am Vinca! I'm Pride Sin Assassin and....
Seed of Divashma: Someone who need help, luckly for you, my creator and your benefactor Tyrant Darius gift you with me and implant me in you throught...i can't say it, this is spoiler!
Vinca: How? Why? What do you mean? Explain yourself because you're kinda losing me here.
Seed of Divashma: Of course, my creator Tyrant Darius is very grateful of the fact that you're protecting his girlfriend and him from his `so called friends`, so he gift you with the possibility to free you from all your foolish chains whose name are morality, restraints, shame and leaving behind all your regrets and dread. You can finally take what is yours! Money, foods, clothes, animals and you can be the wife for Dracaena...and for Yvette.
Vinca: Yvette? What does all this have to do with her?
Seed of Divashma: ARE YOU DAFT VINCA WREN!?! Oh, i'm sorry you got difficult days and nobody to confide but don't worry merge with me, become your true self and you can love them as they deserve and they'll love you as you deserve as well and as bonus you will have the power to steal souls, use them in any ways you want!
Vinca reflected at the Seed of Divashma's enticing proposition, the words echoing in her mind like a haunting melody. The promise of true self-discovery and unconditional love stirred conflicting emotions within her. The idea of merging and gaining unimaginable power tempted her weary soul, yet the darkness of stealing souls gave her pause.
Seed of Divashma: Why resist? Embrace your true self. Imagine the power you could wield, the love you could experience without limits.
In that moment of contemplation, Vinca grappled with the choice between surrendering to the allure of forbidden power or reject it.
Vinca: But at what cost? Is the promise of power worth sacrificing the essence of who I am?
The Seed of Divashma reveled in its subtle influence, a quiet chuckle resonating within the recesses of its essence as Vinca's internal struggle unfolded. It patiently continued to weave its persuasive threads, subtly coaxing her towards the tantalizing prospect of merging and embracing the potent transformation that awaited her. The shadows of temptation danced around Vinca's thoughts, as the seed of Divashma sowed the seeds and nurture Vinca's dark desires.
Seed of Divashma: Vinca, dear Vinca, true freedom awaits when you yield to the shadows. Let it go, and the world will be yours to shape.
Vinca: Yet i'm still conviced by your offerings seed of Divashma.
Recognizing Vinca's lingering doubts and stubbornness, the seed of Divashma sharpened its influence, preparing to unleash a compelling dream, a carefully crafted tapestry of desires and aspirations. In the realm of slumber, it wove scenes of unimaginable power, unconditional love, and a self-realization that transcended any mortal constraints.
Dream sequence:
Worshipper 1: We worship you, Goddess Vinca, we follow your teachings and abide by your laws!
Worshipper 2: Our love and adoration for you are boundless, Your Excellency! We are honored to be in your presence!
Vinca, sitting on her throne, smiled warmly at her followers, feeling their love and devotion. She spoke in a calm and loving tone.
Vinca: Thank you, my lovelies. It warms my heart to know that you are so faithful to me. Your devotion and obedience bring me great joy. You have brought me a gift worthy of my divine power. I thank you for this prisoner whose ability to control plants shall be of great use in overseeing my kingdom.
She motioned to the prisoner.
Vinca: Come forward, prisoner. What is your name and where do you hail from?
The man ignored her question and fight for his life by impaling her with a tree but she casually block his attack and het body shifted into a flowing slime, covering the man like a cocoon. The man is stunned by the display of power.
Prisoner: What magic is this?
Vinca is amused by the man's confusion. She replies in a patronizing tone.
Vinca: This is the manifestation of my divinity, fool. You should be grateful that I'm allowing you a glimpse of my true power. Now, it's time to be assimilated by me.
The man struggles to break free of the viscous slime that envelops him, his desperation growing with each passing moment. Vinca is amused by his futile efforts. She speaks in a tone that conveys both disdain and pleasure.
Vinca: Are you really so foolish to think you can defeat me? I am a goddess and you are but a mortal. Your struggles amuse me, so continue struggling, I will allow it. She smiles, relishing in the man's helplessness.
The man continues to struggle but his efforts are futile, the worshippers are captivated by the man's futile and pathetic attempts to break free from the goddess's grasp. They watch his efforts with sadistic glee, mocking him as he struggles.
Worshippers 3: Useless fool. See how helpless you are against the power of our goddess.
They enjoy the display of the man's hopeless situation. Vinca continues to revel in her power and watches the whole situation with amusement.
Vinca: Be entertained, my worshippers, take pleasure in this man's weakness!
She says, enjoying the suffering of the man. The man continues to fight, but his effort is futile. He tries to escape but is held firm by Vinca's power. His blows have no effect on her, and he grows weaker with each blow as his energy is drained by Vinca's absorption. The worshippers, however, are enraptured by the scene. They watch in silence, mesmerized by the power of their goddess and the man's futile struggles.
Worshipers: See how helpless the mortal man is against the power of the divine Vinca.
One of the worshippers says, delight in their eyes.
Worshipers 4: is life force is being used to nourish the divine power of our Goddess.
The man's power is slowly absorbed, his life force fueling the power of the goddess. The worshippers watch in awe as the man's power is slowly assimilated by the divine power of their goddess. Once the man's power is fully consumed, the goddess Vinca rises from her throne and smiles. She speaks in a commanding tone to her worshippers.
Vinca: It is done. I have absorbed the power of this foolish mortal and now it is mine. I shall now create a kingdom that is beyond mortal comprehension, fueled by the power of my plants. You, my loyal worshippers, shall be the rulers of this kingdom, and I will be your patron goddess.
The worshippers cheer, delighted at her decision to create a kingdom that exceeds the mortal realm. Then the dream shifts and Vinca is in a large double bed all made of gold and the bones of her enemies. Together with her are deadly Yvette and sweet Dracaena naked and enjoying a talk about their day: conquered lands, enemies slayed and tributes from worshippers. Dracaena is reclining on the bed, a mischievous look on her face. Yvette, on the other hand, is sitting upright, leaning on one elbow and eyeing Dracaena with a playful smile.
Yvette: It's been a good day, my dear Dracaena. We've taken some impressive territory and received some wonderful tributes. But that's not all we'll be getting tonight. I know you have something on your mind, Dracaena.
Yvette winks and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
Dracaena: Oh, do I now?
Dracaena replies with a sultry chuckle, as Vinca asked what's in her mind Dracaena kiss both of them, the atmosphere in the room is charged with desire and anticipation. Vinca and Dracaena remove their clothes with a playful smile, feeling the heat of Yvette's body behind them. As the women undress, their eyes are locked on Yvette, who returns their gaze with a playful, provocative smile.
Yvette: Are you ready for tonight, ladies?
Yvette asks, her voice slightly husky with lust. They all lay on the bed Vinca and Dracaena kiss each other wildly and With Yvette's enthusiastic rubbing, Dracaena lets out an excited gasp.
Dracaena: This is such a wonderful night, my wives.
She purrs in ecstasy, her pleasure evident in her voice.
Vinca: Let's give each other all our love and affection.
Vinca pulls Dracaena closer to her, their lips lock in a passionate kiss as they are lost in their moment. At the same time, Yvette leans in and starts kissing Dracaena's neck and shoulders. It is a time of passion, pleasure and contentment. Yvette reached out her hand and grabbed ahold of the tip of Dracaena’s tail. She began to massage it with her fingers, tracing circles around the scaly skin. She then brought it closer to her and slowly began to lick the tip sensually.Vinca stepped up behind Dracaena and placed her hands on her breasts. She started to massage them tenderly, sending waves of pleasure through Dracaena’s entire body. As she did this, Dracaena reached her hands around and began to return the favor to Vinca, slowly massaging her breasts. Then Dracaena is enveloped in the warm embrace of Vinca and Yvette, their bosom acting as a comforting pillow. The sensations she feels as their hands massage her head are simultaneously pleasurable and soothing. As she is surrounded by the two women, Dracaena feels loved, supported, and cherished. As she allows herself to completely relax, she feels her mind and body becoming more attuned and grounded, Dracaena's tail enwraps Vinca's bottom, a wave of pleasure shoots through her. At the same time her hands work magic on Yvette bottom, massaging and squeezing it.
Vinca: Oh, my dear Dracaena, your touch is sublime.
Vinca smiles, feeling both the warmth of Dracaena's tail and the delight of Yvette's touch.
Yvette: I'm glad you enjoy it, Vinca and Dracaena. But I have something further in mind for both of you.
Yvette responds with a sly grin, the tone of her voice sends a shiver of anticipation through Dracaena. Vinca summons her peafowl tail, the room fills with the sound of rustling feathers. The peacock is a symbol of royalty and perfection, and its presence adds a sense of decadence and luxury to the scene. Yvette, on the other hand, is not one to be outdone. She summons her nine-tailed fox, a symbol of passion and seduction. The nine tails of the fox are a sight to behold, sending a shiver of desire through Dracaena. The sight of both the peafowl and nine-tailed fox only intensifies the sense of anticipation and desire in the room. As the peafowl and nine-tailed fox keep Dracaena still, Yvette and Vinca take charge. Their skills and experience are on display as they sensually massage and kiss Dracaena, leaving her breathless with desire. The room is filled with sounds of pleasure and delight, as the women work their magic on Dracaena. The atmosphere becomes more charged with each passing moment, as Dracaena's breath becomes more rapid and her moans more intense. As the women's attention is focused on Dracaena, it's as if the rest of the world melts away, and all that matters is the pleasure.
Vinca: Freedom, love, absolute power...all mine!!!
In the ethereal realm of dreams, Vinca's resistance crumbled beneath the weight of the seed of Divashma's persuasive vision. Seduced by the allure of power and unconditional love, she eagerly embraced the shadowy tendrils that promised to redefine her existence. As the merging process commenced, an otherworldly energy enveloped Vinca, uniting her essence with the potent force of the seed of Divashma
Dream end.
In that pivotal moment, the boundaries between Vinca and the seed of Divashma blurred, creating a merging that echoed with newfound strength and mysterious potential. The dream's intoxicating symphony became a reality, and Vinca, now intertwined with the seed of Divashma's essence, stood at the threshold of a transformative journey into the realms of both darkness and unimaginable power.
Vinca: I AM PRIDE THE MORNING STAR!!! Everyone and everything will knee before, the weak shall be cleansed of all it's weakness, i will strip and assimilate the power of the unworthy and i will create an army that will conquer the world!!!
Tyrant Darius: I'm happy you love THIS much my gift.
Vinca: Darius, you goddamn shitting fuc* idiot, you have the slightest idea how worried Fang is?
Tyrant Darius: I know, i talked to her in her but as much i desire to be her right now but first Kozholok must die otherwise we can never be together forever.
Vinca: Touché but why are you contact me? Isn't for chit chat for sure.
Tyrant Darius: Clever as ever Vinca, first i want to thank you for protecting Fang, second like you said you will go to create an army worth of you and your future kingdom, third defeat and assimilate Nitsa so you can become the Pride Demon Goddess and oh fourth from this night and onward you will me call Tyrant Darius the Dark Prince, the Lord of Excess, the Master of Pleasure and Perfection Incarnate.
Vinca: I can simply call you Tyrant Darius? Your name is kinda mounthful to remember and pronounce.
Tyrant Darius: You can do it my friend, but for everyone else other than you (deadly sin of circus, night of sin circus and our loved ones) they will be annihilated, obliterated and swept away!!!
Vinca: A bit theatrical my sovereign.
Tyrant Darius: I blame your sister for the bad influence, still mark my words Vinca, you and our fellow friends aren't my subordinates but my fellow Demon Deity Sovereigns. Now go, became what you meant to be.
With Tyrant Darius gone to do his business Vinca proced to go find, strip and assimilate the power of the unworthy. So Vinca stood and waited, hidden in the shadows, his mind racing. He knew that Lucio would come around the corner, completely unaware that he was about to face Vinca, a being more powerful than he could fathom. As soon as Lucio appeared, Vinca stepped out of the shadows and used his paralyzing abilities to stop him in his tracks. Then, with lightning-fast precision, he broke Lucio's arms and legs, ensuring he was immobilized.
Vinca: Foolish mortal, i have come for your power Vinca spoke, his voice dripping with malice. Don't waste your breath, human. Your pleas are meaningless to me.
With a mocking tone, Vinca spoke, his gaze locking onto Lucio's with an unflinching stare.
Vinca: I am Pride the Morning Star, a being far beyond your comprehension. And your power? It is merely a trinket in my eyes. I take what I want, and you have no say in the matter.
The look in Vinca's eyes showed that she was fully committed and utterly merciless. As she spoke, she created a tongue from her shadow and it lapped at Lucio's flesh like a hungry wolf, Vinca's tongue continued its relentless licking, Lucio's struggles and defiance gradually began to fade. He could feel his strength fading, and his will to resist weakening.
Vinca: So, what do you have to say now? Where is your defiance, your fighting spirit? Or have you finally realized the hopelessness of your situation?
The question was more a taunt than a genuine inquiry. Vinca's dominance was absolute, and Lucio had no choice but to submit to it.
Lucio: I yield.
He finally relented, his voice barely more than a whisper. Vinca's malevolent grin widened as she commanded her shadows to methodically envelop Lucio, relishing in the impending demise and the absorption of his power. Vinca's chilling laughter echoed as Lucio struggled in the murky abyss of her shadows.
Vinca: Oh, Lucio, savor the illusion of escape. Sink into the darkness; your power will soon be mine, and your resistance, a mere memory.
She taunted, reveling in his futile efforts, Lucio, gasping for breath, managed a defiant glare.
Lucio: You won't break me.
He spat out, determination in his eyes. Vinca chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down Lucio's spine.
Vinca: Bravery in the face of defeat. How amusing.
She raised her hand, and the shadows responded, pulling Lucio even deeper into their inky grasp.
Vinca: Your resistance only adds to my delight!
As the shadows continued their slow, suffocating descent, Lucio felt his strength waning. Vinca leaned in, her voice a venomous whisper.
Vinca: Embrace the darkness, Lucio. It's futile to fight. Your power will become a part of me.
The air grew heavy with the impending absorption, and Lucio's struggles weakened. Vinca's eyes glowed with a dark triumph, relishing the moment she would assimilate not just his power but his very essence, as the shadows completed their conquest, Lucio's form dissolved into the darkness, his essence merging seamlessly with Vinca's malevolent power. Vinca, now imbued with newfound strength, threw her head back and let out a triumphant, echoing cackle that resonated through the night.
Vinca: Your essence now flows within me Lucio, a mere whisper in the symphony of my dominance. I am the night's mistress, the one who commands the unseen. Your feeble attempts to defy me were but an amusement, a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of my supremacy, the shadows bow to my will, and now, so too shall the world.
With newfound vigor, Vinca, hide herself in shadows, set her sights on the horizon, her gaze sharp and hungering for the next source of power. A predatory smile curved her lips as she surveyed the world around her, seeking the next unsuspecting prey to add to her growing power arsenals.
Vinca: The night is vast, and there are many yet untouched by the grasp of my shadows.
She mused, her voice carrying an insidious undertone. Vinca, now a living embodiment of darkness, moved with an ethereal grace as she advanced into the unknown, ready to entwine her essence with the next unfortunate soul who crossed her path. The air itself seemed to quiver with anticipation as Vinca, Pride the Morning Star, embarked on her relentless quest for dominion, each step echoing the ominous rhythm of her insatiable thirst for power, sensed another powerful unworthy wielder of a good power Vinca,, approached with a calculated demeanor. With a sinister smile, she unleashed a shadowy tendril that wrapped around Maria a wielder of magnetic power, rendering her magnetic abilities inert. The air crackled with suppressed energy as Vinca reveled in her newfound advantage.
Vinca: Ah, Maria, Your magnetic `charm` is quite impressive, but in the realm of shadows, it pales in comparison. Your power now belongs to me, a mere puppet in my grand design.
Vinca purred, her voice dripping with malevolence, adMaria stood paralyzed, Vinca circled her, relishing the helplessness in Maria's eyes.
Vinca: You thought you could defy the inevitable, but here you are, ensnared by the very darkness you underestimated. How does it feel to be at the mercy of a superior force?
Vinca's taunts echoed in the stillness, the shadows amplifying her words as she continued to tighten her grip on Maria. Vinca, reveling in her dominance, extended a shadowy tendril with a swift, calculated motion, the inky appendage lashed out, cracking through the air as it struck Maria with an unsettling precision the shadows, now wielded as a weapon, left a chilling imprint on Maria's paralyzed form.
Vinca: As you embraced your magnetic power, now feel the darkness.
Vinca sneered, each word punctuated by the echoing impact of her shadowy lash. The atmosphere pulsed with an eerie energy as Vinca continued her taunts, the shadows coiling around Maria like a serpent tightening its grip, Maria, unable to move, could only endure the torment inflicted by Vinca's malevolent power, with a sadistic glint in her eyes, Vinca continued to assert her dominance, the shadows responding with an unsettling obedience to her every whim, with a sinister command Vinca summoned shadowy manifestations resembling bees, their forms flickering in and out of darkness, buzzing with an otherworldly menace, and descended upon the paralyzed Maria. The shadows bees, fueled by Vinca's malice, stung with an ethereal venom that amplified Maria's torment, Vinca, the puppeteer of this macabre spectacle, watched with cold satisfaction as the shadow bees surrounded Maria, creating a haunting symphony of buzzing and Maria's muted gasps.
Vinca: Your resistance is futile. The shadows obey my every desire, and now they hunger for the remnants of your strength.
Vinca declared, her voice cutting through the eerie chorus, as the shadow bees continued their relentless assault, the shadow bees, driven by Vinca's cruel command, intensified their assault, with sharp, spectral stingers, they struck Maria with a relentless fury, as the stings carried a venomous darkness that permeated her being, amplifying the pain and torment, Vinca, observing Maria's agony with a sadistic satisfaction, spoke with a chilling calmness.
Vinca: Feel the venom of shadows coursing through you, Maria. Your strength is now a conduit for my malevolence.
The night air echoed with Maria's stifled cries as the shadow bees continued their relentless onslaught and with a final, malevolent flourish, Vinca commanded the shadow bees to coalesce into a serpent of darkness, the ethereal creature slithered toward the tormented Maria, its form undulating with an ominous grace. As it enveloped her, the serpent tightened its shadowy coils, and with a haunting gulp, Maria was swallowed whole and return to Vinca so she can assimilated the essence of Maria's magnetic power, once finished she felt the surge of strength coursing through her. A wicked smile played on her lips as she absorbed the last remnants of Maria's abilities, the night bore witness to the unholy transformation, shadows and stolen power merging seamlessly.
Vinca: Now, Maria, your existence is but a fading echo in the symphony of my dominion. Your power is mine and your demise, a testament of the might of Pride the Morning Star!
Then she decide to go a underground arena know to host fights with superpowered peoples. The air crackled with anticipation as she entered the dimly lit venue, shadows clinging to her like loyal servants, q sinister grin adorned Vinca's face as she surveyed the diverse array of superpowered individuals gathered for the clandestine clashes.
Vinca: Ah, an arena ripe with potential prey, pyrokinesis, acidkinesis, metalkines...
She mused, her eyes glinting with the hunger for more powers to assimilate, as the battles unfolded in the darkened arena, Vinca became the silent orchestrator of her own conquest, choosing her next targets with a predatory precision, shadows coiled around her, awaiting the inevitable moment when she would unleash their consuming embrace upon those who dared to challenge her. The underground arena, once a battleground for the powerful, now became the stage for Vinca's insatiable quest for dominance, each confrontation a step closer to her becoming a Demon Goddess, as the announcer was going to say the winner, in a malevolent display of power, Vinca's shadows surged forth, expanding with an eerie swiftness to engulf the entire underground arena, the announcer's voice wavered, the shadows cast a suffocating darkness, rendering both participants and spectators motionless. Vinca, now the undisputed sovereign of shadows, extended tendrils of darkness that transformed into serpentine tongues and with an unsettling grace, these shadowy appendages slithered through the immobilized crowd, licking and lapping at each individual like twisted lollipops. A perverse amusement danced in Vinca's eyes as she reveled in the discomfort of those caught in the shadows' intimate caress.
Vinca: Savor the taste of submission.
She whispered, her voice echoing through the paralyzed arena, the eerie spectacle unfolded as the shadow tongues explored, leaving a trail of shivers and unease in their wake, the once-mighty contenders and spectators, now subjects to Vinca's macabre whims, could only endure the unsettling sensation, their powers absorbed, their will subdued by the shadowy enchantment, in this unholy display, Vinca further solidified her dominion, leaving the underground arena tainted with the mark of her dark and insatiable conquest. Not satisfied enough, Vinca summon shadowy hands that materialized with an eerie dexterity, these insidious appendages set to work, expertly tickling and tormenting the immobilized individuals in the arena, laughter, both nervous and forced, filled the air as the shadow hands explored the vulnerability of those ensnared. Vinca, the puppeteer of this twisted performance, watched with sadistic glee as mirthful sounds mingled with the discomfort of her captive audience.
Vinca: Enjoy the amusement, my prey.
Vinca declared, her voice cutting through the echoing laughter as the once-mighty, now reduced to helpless playthings, squirmed under the ticklish embrace of the shadows, their powers drained and their spirits broken by Vinca's relentless pursuit of dominance, un this perverse spectacle, Vinca's shadowy whims became the unyielding law, and the underground arena transformed into a haunting theater of her malevolent rule. Then Vinca's conjured shadowy hands with a new, punishing purpose. With a wicked edge to her laughter, she orchestrated a macabre dance of spanks, each strike accompanied by mocking coos that taunted the once-mighty individuals now subjected to her whims.
Vinca: Weaklings, useless, patetic waste of powers.
Vinca sneered, her voice a venomous whisper, the shadows, like cruel instruments, administered spanks that echoed through the paralyzed arena, mingling with the awkward laughter turned to uncomfortable gasps. Her dominance asserted, Vinca reveled in their vulnerability.
Vinca: Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
She taunted, relishing in the spectacle of those who once thought themselves powerful, now reduced to playthings in the shadowy hands of their merciless conqueror and the underground arena, once a place of fierce competition, now bore witness to Vinca's sadistic carnival, a nightmarish display where laughter and mockery intertwined in the haunting symphony of her absolute rule. In a crescendo of malevolence, Vinca summoned a monstrous shadowy maw that materialized in the midst of the paralyzed crowd. The nightmarish mouth opened wide, its grotesque appearance striking fear into those who could only watch, helpless and immobilized and with a predatory hunger, the shadowy jaws crunched down on the unfortunate individuals, consuming them like macabre candies. Vinca's laughter echoed through the arena as the assimilation of powers continued, each victim adding to her growing arsenal.
Vinca: Delicious.
She murmured, the shadows pulsating with newfound strength, the once defiant and powerful beings were now nothing more than echoes in the abyss of Vinca's dominance, the grotesque feast unfolded, Vinca, now closer to demonic godhood, stood at the center of the darkened arena, a triumphant force that had swallowed both will and strength, leaving nothing but the haunting echoes of her conquest, a chilling silence settled over the paralyzed arena, broken only by Vinca's ominous laughter echoing through the shadows.
Vinca: Behold me, the true victor, No one here can escape the grasp of my dominion.
She declared, as she fully assimilate them and their powers. Then the shadows coiled around her, carrying the echoes of sorrow and torment, as Vinca, ventured forth to recruit those worthy enough to become Pride Demons and members of her army, so she warped where according to Dracaena lies the secret database of all sin assassins and seer assassins: in the Mirror Maze at Paradox Museum, as she venturing Vinca seeks the secret database hidden there. Vinca found the main pc, she sit and proced to find and analyze the best sin assassins and seer assassins with the best superpowers, her fingers dancing across the keyboard, mutters to herself in the glow of the main computer.
Vinca: Let's see... sin assassins, seer assassins. Ah, here we go. Sorting by superpowers now. This should reveal the cream of the crop.
Her eyes narrow with focus as she sifts through the data, searching for the perfect blend of skills and abilities. Two sin assassin whom are guarding this place attack her.
Sin Assassin 1: Intruder! You won't leave this place alive.
Sin Assassin 2: Prepare to face the consequences of trespassing, Vinca!!!
Vinca, calmly issuing commands as she if allow anyone to ambush her.
Vinca: Shadows, ensnare them. Paralyze but don't harm.
The room darkens as her shadowy ally swiftly responds to her command, immobilizing the attackers without causing harm, Vinca, undeterred, continues her search amidst the subdued sin assassins.
Vinca: Now, let's get back to business. I need the best of the best for my army.
As the shadows maintain their hold on the attackers, Vinca delves deeper into the database, determined to recruit formidable allies for her cause.
Sin Assassin 1: What... what is this darkness? I can't move.
Sin Assassin 2: Vinca, you won't break us with your shadows.
Vinca, calmly issuing commands: Shadows, gently sap their willpower. We need them subdued, not broken. The shadows, following Vinca's command, delicately wrap around the sin assassins' heads, draining their willpower without causing harm.
Sin Assassin 1, with weakening voice: Vinca... What... are you doing?
Sin Assassin 2, struggling to resist: This... darkness is... too much.
Vinca: Shadows, keep gently drain their willpower until they submit.
Vinca, undeterred, continues her mission amidst the eerie atmosphere of the Paradox Museum's Mirror Maze, while the shadows feed the seed of Divashma. The weakened sin assassins, drained of willpower, are exposed to the corrupting influence of the seed of Divashma, dark energy emanates from the seed of Divashma, weaving its tendrils around the subdued assassins, transforming them into loyal servants of Vinca, the aspiring Pride Demon Goddess.
Sin Assassin 1 (voice now tainted): Vinca... our allegiance is yours.
Sin Assassin 2 (eyes glazed with corruption): We serve... the Pride Demon Goddess.
Vinca, empowered by their newfound loyalty, proceeds with her mission, a growing army of corrupted sin assassins at her command, her fingers continue to dance across the keyboard as she analyzes the sin assassins in the secret database. The glow of the main computer illuminates her focused expression:
1) Name: Seraphina Smith
Gender: Female
Powers: Illusion casting, telekinesis, and energy draining.
2) Name: Thorne Ford
Gender: Male
Powers: Blood manipulation, enhanced strength, and regeneration.
3) Name: Vespera Johnson
Gender: Bigender
Powers: Cryomancy.
4) Name: Harith Awolowo
Gender: No-binary
Powers: Venomancy.
And many others, Vinca satisfied with her selection, swiftly warps all the chosen sin assassins to her location within the Mirror Maze. With a calculated gesture, she employs her shadows to paralyze them, ensuring complete submission.
Vinca (commanding the shadows): Embrace the stillness, my chosen ones. Your allegiance to me is sealed!!!
Thorne Ford: Vinca, we are yours to command.
Seraphina Smith: The shadows... You guide us, mistress.
Harith Awolowo: Our blades await your will, Vinca.
Vespera Johnson: Souls entwined, we serve you, Pride the Morning Star.
So all the one hundred eleveen sin assassins, bound by the shadows and drained of resistance, speak with unified submission. Their once-independent voices now harmonize in a chorus of obedience, ready to carry out Vinca's dark desires within the mirrored labyrinth of the Paradox Museum. Vinca, then intones with authority. Vinca: Consume the seed of Divashma, let its essence merge with your being. Embrace the transformation, become the formidable hybrid Sin Demon Assassins you are destined to be. The Sin Assassins, entranced by Vinca's command, heed of seed of Divashma words, they all swallow the seed of Divashma.
Sin Assassin 1: What is this... power?
Seed of Divashma: Feel the shadows within you, merging, becoming one with me.
Sin Assassin 2: It's overwhelming, but... exhilarating.
Sin Assassin 3: Our voices, our spirits, they're merging.
Seed of Divashma: Unity is strength. Embrace the symphony of darkness that flows through you.
Sin Assassin 4: I can sense the shadows dancing within me.
Vinca: Embrace it fully. You are no longer individuals but a collective force bound by the power of Divashma and the power of you goddess Pride the Morning Star!
Sin Demon Assassins (in unison): We are one, sin demon assassins and perfection embodied.
Vinca's laughter echoed triumphantly through the transformed Sin Demon Assassins as their bodies underwent further metamorphosis, mutating their body in robot-like angels reminiscent of Shin Megami Tensei games. Glistening metallic wings unfolded from their backs, and ethereal circuitry traced patterns across their now cybernetic forms. Each assassin stood as a fusion of magic and machine, their once-human features replaced by a cyber-angelic body.
Vinca: Witness the perfection of your new forms, my Sin Demon Assassins. Revel in the pride of becoming instruments of my will. Together, we shall embark on a journey to conquer the world.
Sin Demon Assassins: Our consciousness intertwines in a surreal dance of magic and technology. Metallic wings extend from our backs, each circuit and gear humming with the essence of the seed of Divashma. We feel the power surging within us, a symphony of magic and mechanics harmonizing to the beat of our master's desires.
Pride swells within us as we gaze upon our perfected forms, a fusion of sinister elegance and cybernetic might. The world awaits our master absolute dominion, and our loyalty to Pride the Morning Star pulses as one heart is beating in our collective existence. We are no longer mere sin assassins; we are Sin Demon Assassins instruments of conquest, ready to cast our shadows across the world and fulfill the destiny that binds us to our master. Vinca led the Sin Demon Assassins to Red Canyon, in the crimson glow of the canyon, Nitsa awaited, a formidable force herself. Vinca's eyes glinted with determination as the clash between dark powers loomed.
Nitsa: Vinca, you dare challenge me alongside these useless minions?
Vinca (with a sinister smile): They are more than minions; they are the embodiment of my will.
The Sin Demon Assassins advanced, their forms casting ominous shadows. The air crackled with anticipation as Vinca confronted Nitsa, each move calculated to absorb the powers of her adversary.
Vinca: Your powers will become mine, Nitsa, and I shall ascend to become a Pride Demon Goddess.
The battle commenced, a dance of two demoness echoing through Red Canyon as Vinca sought to claim Nitsa's powers and ascend to a demon deity. The clash between Vinca and Nitsa unfolded in a symphony of power, each move met with a calculated counter as the Sin Demon Assassins watched, ready to obey their master's commands.
Vinca: You are a worthy adversary, Nitsa. But your powers will soon belong to me.
Nitsa (with a sly grin): You underestimate my strength. This battle is far from decided.
The canyon echoed with the resonance of their powers, creating an atmosphere of tension and anticipation. The Sin Demon Assassins, standing at the sidelines, remained poised for Vinca's next command, as the battle raged on, it became clear that this confrontation between Vinca and Nitsa was an intricate dance of power, each combatant evenly matched in their pursuit of dominance over the other. The outcome hung in the balance, a precarious equilibrium in the heart of Red Canyon. Then Vinca use the cryomancy to envelope Nitsa's form, freezing her body in an icy cocoon. Only Nitsa's head remained free, locked in a gaze with Vinca. The Sin Demon Assassins observed with their metallic eyes, the cold air carrying the weight of impending triumph.
Vinca: Frozen in your own power, Nitsa. A fitting metaphor for your defeat.
Nitsa: The cold won't shackle my spirit, Vinca.
Vinca: Let your defiance linger, for soon it shall be silenced. Meanwhile let's see how to punish you defiance.
Vinca decide to use her classic means to humiliate her opponent, reveling in her sadistic delight, summoned shadow dogs that circled Nitsa's frozen form. With gleeful mockery, they began to lick and lap at the ice as if it were a delectable treat. The Sin Demon Assassins joined in with a chorus of mocking tones, amplifying the humiliation.
Vinca: Enjoy the attention, Nitsa. Your icy prison seems to be a hit with my pets.
Nitsa's eyes burned with frustration, her frozen form unable to retaliate against the humiliating spectacle. The shadow dogs continued their mockery, casting an eerie contrast to the seriousness of the ongoing battle.
Sin Demon Assassin 1: Oh, look at the mighty Nitsa, frozen like a popsicle!
Sin Demon Assassin 2: Those shadow dogs have a taste for icy revenge, it seems.
Sin Demon Assassin 3 (mocking tone): Is this your grand plan, Nitsa? A chilling defeat?
Sin Demon Assassin 4 (cooing): Such a beautiful ice sculpture. Vinca's artistic touch is truly unparalleled.
Sin Demon Assassin 5 (sarcastically): I bet you never saw this cool twist coming, did you?
Their mocking coos and taunts echoed through Red Canyon, a surreal chorus that added insult to the icy imprisonment of Nitsa. The Sin Demon Assassins reveled in the spectacle. As Nitsa remained frozen, the shadow dogs, under Vinca's sinister command, bit into her form. The venomkinesis within their bites injected a dark poison, coursing through Nitsa's veins with a malevolent energy. The Sin Demon Assassins watched with eerie satisfaction as the venom took hold, intensifying Nitsa's vulnerability.
Vinca (with a wicked grin): A taste of my venomkinesis, Nitsa. A gift that keeps on giving.
Nitsa (weakened but defiant): Your tricks won't break me, Vinca.
The shadow dogs continued their assault, the poison weaving through Nitsa's frozen form, amplifying her suffering, the Sin Demon Assassins maintained their mocking coos, the air thick with the satisfaction of impending triumph in the hot depths of Red Canyon. Vinca tired of Vinca useless resistance, shrouded in her dark power, extended her shadows over Nitsa's frozen form. With a malevolent focus, she siphoned away Nitsa's willpower, leaving her as an empty shell, devoid of resistance.
Vinca: Your willpower is mine, Nitsa. A mere echo of resistance in the face of my dominion.
Nitsa, now hollow and defeated, gazed emptly into the abyss, then Vinca began the slow process of assimilating every aspect of Nitsa. The shadows extended further, wrapping around Nitsa's form like a consuming abyss. The Sin Demon Assassins watched in silent obedience as their master absorbed Nitsa's body, soul, mind, and powers.
Vinca: Become one with the me, Nitsa. Your essence is now mine to command.
Nitsa, once defiant, dissolved into the encroaching darkness, her existence erased as Vinca absorbed every fragment of her being. The canyon bore witness to the complete assimilation, a macabre transformation that left no trace of the defeated adversary, the Sin Demon Assassins, now imbued with fragments of Nitsa's powers, awaited their master's next command, their newfound strength derived from the Vinca ascension as Pride Demon Goddess. Vinca, having claimed victory, commanded the Sin Demon Assassins to rest within the comforting embrace of her shadows. They obeyed, their forms merging with the darkness as an eerie calm settled over them.
Vinca: Rest now, my obedient shadows. When the day of reckoning of our enemies, we shall begin our conquest.
The Sin Demon Assassins dissolved into the shadows, a silent and obedient legion awaiting the next call to darkness. Vinca, surrounded by the echoes of her laughter, embraced the tranquility of her victory, then suddenly Vinca is immersed in a vision of her triumphant future, she saw herself, Yvette, and Dracaena seated on thrones, adorned with offerings from their worshippers. The scene unfolded in a dark tapestry of power and dominion, a foreshadowing of their sovereignty that awaited them, fueled by the vision, howled a demonic laugh that echoed through the corridors of her red canyon. As the resonance of her laughter lingered, she returned home with the anticipation of the dark destiny that lay ahead.
Vinca, with a wicked grin: Long live to me, and to soon-to-be my wives and demon goddess sovereigns indeed.
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megatraven · 2 years
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Anonymous requested: Yvette and MC celebrating their first Christmas together as wives
This was really fun!! I don’t know if I’ve ever drawn Yvette before, and it’s been awhile since I drew SWM MC! :) Thanks for the request!
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reacty · 2 years
 Sorry everyone, between being busy with my personal business and writing a Vinca Wren fanfic a lot of time went off in a blow.
So let’s go with Yvette S6 Ep9-10-11-12(So to quicken the reaction since after YvetteXMC wonderfull journey,i’ll alternate between writing reactions and the fanfic so to avoid owerworking myself,since i’m doing this as both hobby and love for these stories and characters but not expense of my health.i hope fellow fans to understand this and godspeed to all of us.):
The show and is going very baaaaadddddllllyyyy since her hand is on fire
ME:They simply can’t be happy for five minutes? No, The Not-demon remind us that we still got 16 to see how everything is still messing our beloved byronic heroines(YvetteXMC).
despite Vuz being dead and understandly poor Yvette is terrified since they don’t know what’s going on and the fire is going out of her controll reaching the crods and activate the fire allarms !!!
ME:From the bad to worse, more? Wait! is houldn’t jinx it.
But MC is quickly to rescue Yvette like the true Dark Knight in shining armor she is and kiss her
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ME:Damn right! Tell this to everyone MC!
And the our ladies are trying to trasform this burning disaster in a blazing success but this is getting out of their hands,MC looks at Vinca and she’s panicking too and mc gestured her to follow  her plan.
MC:Now! Who needs a blindfold when you’ve got a wall of fire ?
Vinca and Lazareth quickly catched on the plan and Vinca throw the knives through the fire at Lazareth and he cathces them all,while MC ask Yvette if she trust her...but still repeat clearly in shock that this is impossible the fire,this insanity and the Not-demon(possibly) since Vuz is dead,MC uses her light trying to return Yvette to her with emphasis:
MC:Do. You. Trust. Me? 
Since Yvette trusted MC from day 1,when she was a nobody in a ocean of nameless,trusting  that MC would learn while Yvette stay with her every step of the way and now thanks to her MC is not a destructive,uncontrollable(because there was this chance as well) force of nature but guiding,protective light and in controll of herserlf and her power andnow she trusu Yvette can do the same since she was able to do the impossible(just look all the previous season)
MC: We Are One.,our love for each cannot harm each other since it allow us to controll our power, so remember  your power your love can’t harm me. Now do you trust me ?
Yvette: I do, I trust you MC.
after MC successfull able to calm down Yvette, now it’s crown turn.
MC:Now , who want a little summer shower?
Lazareth showtime! Who’s thirsty and bothered ? ready to slake that thirst ?
And the crowd goes wild and crazy for him and we can’t blame them,so he was able to distract them allowing Vinca and Trudy to use the pool as fire estinguer
MC:it’s Ok now,end of the show.
Luckly MC crazy plan worked !!! Allowing the show be successfull but now they have to discover....WHY THIS IS HAPPENING AND WHY NOW!?!
Yvette:No MC,please we don’t understand what happened and i don’t wanna to risk your life.
And we’re at square 1 now...again.
MC notices that Yvette is flustered and processing that is what is going on, only to notice that Yvette is not at her side but behind her with an exhilaration of fierce determination and anger ... and kisses and hugs MC as if she wasn't there. tomorrow:
Yvette: NO! I will no longer live in fear, I refuse! We earned our happily ever after; nothing can stop us.
MC: I would have expected no less from you, my proud goddess, our forever.
Yvette: And we would.
So they return at Yvette’s place,Vinca and Lazareth discuss and bickering like sibiling since Vinca stated since Vuzgamad is dead,so the curse should be “dead” too,physic;while Lazareth snark by reminding that they fight demons and Vinca want to talk about science ?
Yvette cut the bickering and reasoned with the information they got:with the chain broke,the bond between Vuz and her is stopped but with Vuz dead...the curse it should have be stopped with all of it enthails.
Trudy reminds us that sleepovers are fun brought them food and coffee,after Lazareth gulped the coffee stated that Yvette emptied her soul and Trudy found it cool.
MC comfort Yvette and Lazareth suggestto do test to see if the fire is 100%,Yvette stated that this dangerous(the test) so much that MC has to calm her down,Lazareth laughed with no more than usual,but the point of the test is to see is the old problem or ....a new one
ME:Thanks Lazareth now i’m agitated too!!!! Poor YvettexMC how many ordeal they still have to deal ?
Vinca hissed an this is boring,buffling Yvette and Vinca remind Yvette(and us) that she is a badass and she will own all of this madness!
Trudy brought a Fire Extinguisher horray! Yvette laughs and yes she said they will  have success on this crazyness as well.
So they proced with the test on the desert everyone anxious about the test,so Yvette ask MC to follow her so they can speak privately...Yvette admit that she’s afraid that Vuzgamad destiny plans ...she will never totaly free from it:
Yvette:What this would make me?
and MC remind her that make Yvette hers,she always made her path and she(MC) will always there for her no matter what(Vuzgamad didn’t suffered and died enough!!!),she will show her that everyday with her  is gift and Yvette showed MC what love could do. Yvette thanks her to be always there for her,to bring her back from the brick of despair,always show her love for her with her costancy and now is her turn to show the depths of her love.
ME:now i’m melting, so cuuuuuuttttteeeee.
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MC:Yes,always,i'll never tired of it and I'll never ask you stop. Show me.
Yvette say that before meeting her(MC), she had everything and nothing,her greed consuming her and so leaving her always empty and hungry.
Me:whoa Yvette's love for MC illuminate their surround ,love light up their way indeed.
Yvette:One can think that i would be lust,if I weren't greed,the truth is what I feel is a burning desire for you .
MC;(which from the of desire,it growed in beautiful flower of love)
The light become fire, which is calm and not destructive, Yvette and MC are one and another's destiny 😊😊😊😊.
Yvette:My Lodestar who freed me from thus void,from Vuz and I've emptied my soul so i can save the world since it have you in it and you fulling my heart with love.
MC:And you're my everything Yvette.
Yvette:We're joined by our love.
And Trudy cry about want an happily ever after,Lazareth big brother in action and Vinca is annoyed by Trudy...nothing new with those three😅,so they all go home.
A week after that is passed and love and peace is on the air,Yvette and Lazareth keep training to help her to control the flame while Trudy and Vinca search for more info and understandly MC stated they still didn't get what's is going on now with Yvette's flame and Vinca comply:
Vinca:Enough! Cone here Lava Demons so we can fight.
Then an powerful earthquake came and the peace is over again...and blood and thunder and explosion!!!!!😱.
And she point the pavement and lava?!?
The lava wants Yvette,OK she attractive but this is too much and Yvette go crazy she barely calm a little girl down and warmly tell her to left the bookstore while the other clients escape in full panic mode,Lazareth and Vinca go to do damage control and Yvette bitterly realized that she was too little,too late even with Vuz dead the kava demand the earth .....and her !
So the as Yvette put it: Lava is seeking her since Yvette refused them...and she goes berserk screaming that SHE DESERVED AND EARNED HER HAPPY ENDING!!!
Me: and rightly so, dammit!
Lazareth pay the damage,Yvette and MC are in despair at this mess,so Yvette ask MC to be left alone;after some waiting she goes to Yvette who vent off on demons and MC snapped Yvette from her stupor and remind her that she hasn't be strong all the time since she's there for here while Yvette teared about that she will never free,happy and safe she will always tainted and cursed...MC remind her once again that as long she's with Yvette none of this matter(curse,heat,etc...) because as long they're together they're FREE and whatever bad thing happens will IT'S VUZASS FAULT not hers.
So after MC calmed Yvette,they enjoy a nice evening...
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So Yvette goes into Fast and Furious mode and MC and Yvette redefines the concept of quick sex and they arrive at red canyon and...
Yvette: And now for some real fun.
Spinning sex🤤!wild,careless,free and happy this is their love!!!
MC:This is my forever with you.
Yvette:I'll give you everything forever MC.
And they spent a long night together.
Under Lazareth advise they go to Nahara if they can solve this mess: Nahara like a mother ask if they're fine....they all sheepishly shy like they're getting gently scolded for not calling her at Sunday and Trudy talk 45 minutes no-stop and MC remind them of the current issue and sadly Nahara confirm that Yvette power,heat,etc....is getting out of control and the future is fluid yes they can do something but she's unable to understand why they lured by Yvette LIKE THIS!
Me:Its because she's hot(HA! No),sexy and beautiful and Byronic heroine🤗.
Trudy suggest its the Not-demon thing and they'll agree but Nahara suggest
Nahara:Lazareth search first and Vinca be quiet I'm not the one who cause this madness and I've no info about the Not-femon stuff so calm down and do what you must.
And they spent five consecutive of study until Team dad Lazareth order Yvette to rest and remind her that its Sunday they close early so again she go to get a rest,that and the fact since Yvette a first in bite Lore stuff they got clue on, so its time to time to think outside of the box aka Trudy time with Vinca sharp(HA! Again) encouragement and MC prep talk...
Trudy:Would I get a key to the city?
Me:We love you Trudy!
She promise them that they will save the day, again!
Only for the earthquake to ruin the mood again
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Oh well, after a week our byronic family follow Lazareth advice to see if Trudy is key to stop this madness....only to be an epic fail with Vinca wanting to break their home while MC feels the same way(and poor Trudy she's doing her best). So Lazareth tutoring Trudy once again about being a Virtue: light in the dark, purification, demon nemesis/counterbalance,etc....and wisely point out that she bring the goodness of others, being a Virtue doesn't mean they're good and it means that help people folloe and found their inner light mc translate this metaphore for us so they follow Trudy and Yvette's gone!!! Where's gone😱😱😱😱?!? And so they seek her while listening the police radio about strange....FIRE ACTIVITY!!! Uh oh, at gym is it and is on fire with Yvette and the Not-demon are battling each other and Vinca and Lazareth are barely able to save them to make it worse the gym is crashing on them. MC goes to rescue Yvette only for her to say that she has to stop the Not-demon since it's her responsability so MC and her the family(Lazareth,Vinca and Trudy) join the fight, horray!🤩 So the Not-demon and the Deadly sin are in an epic battle at center of a fire...the Not-demon is a cheater since it can't damage and thus to die and it seem obsessed with MC i dunno why. The gym crashed down and our anti-heroes give the key to Trudy to drive them to home (and they can take of Yvette) showing us that the situation is going from the bad to worse!
After a long silence Vinca snap and like a big cat she's
say to Yvette to stop to make them to worry them to death! While MC scold her with a glare since Yvette have enough suffering for an eternity.
Vinca: I care about too and i'm the one who created the bat glare so don't use on me MC!
Batman: I'm the CREATOR of the bat-glare but we'll talk about it later....
Lazareth: I don't want to lose any more family and friends.....
MC calmed everyone down and remind Yvette that she have them so it'll end well, but MC internally.......:
MC: I feel that we're nearly out if options....
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In the next few days that Yvette chased the Not-demon on her own, Trudy and MC are doing their to seek it with Trudy power but so far it didn't work to the point that MC has to play the big sister role and raise her spirits but Trudy despaired saying she's useless to the point even the always patient give up on her but MC points out that he had to juggle between research, fight the demon and help her, then she points an eagle and proced to give some tough love
Trudy: Is outside my service area
MC: What's about the ant?
Trudy: They don't have an heart
MC lose her patience and give her a rough speech about the time limit is nearly over and Yvette need her help but Trudy still call herself useless....then Yvette come from the patrol and the situation is bleak more than ever.....because Trudy reveal that she given up her ability to love so she was able to work with Vuzass! Without she is incomplete in every aspect of herself, this remind MC that she can heal Yvette by give up her ability to love and Trudy is suppossed only to assist her to the whole practice.
MC is summoned by Yvette in the library and they just finish a tour around the college who is the beat one and she buys it, improved it!
Yvette is very rich like Scrooge McDuck.🤣
And is a gift for MC!
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MC follow Yvette's lead so she will see the improvement. A luxury restaurant and MC dinning hall.
MC: Hot Dog? Mac and cheese? Pizza?
Yvette? Only the vest for you and your mother helped with thi.
Joyce the best mother!❤
Yvette then lead MC on the next surprise an upgraded Lecture Hall with a window to space out+botanical garden complete a butterfly sanctuary and so many much upgrades to turn this university the best one for MC.
Yvette: Let's go the last upgrade
MC: Are you sure this isn't a secret passage?
Me: to a s×× dungeon? 🥵
Yvette: Better.
There's a writting: Yvette+MC.
Yvette: So i'll be always forever with you.
After these two spent the next five minutes to melt our hearts❤❤❤, they go outside in the garden and MC and us understand that this is her...last gift since she decided to sacrifice herself to appease the demonic magma so it will not consume the earth but she will trapped her forever....
But MC have other plan and reminding Nahara words and the fact that yes Trudy (the Virtue) is the key to help Yvette but not in the way MC initialy thinked!
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And MC decided that...
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Oh boy😭😱😱😱😭😭😱😱
Ready for Yvette last season?(Season 7)
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tgyverse · 4 months
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publicado el día 12 de mayo de 2024.
Brigitte Delacour con Romee Strijd.
Dolores Umbridge con Camila Mendes.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Mina Lima, Ellie Dowson, Wendy Slinkhard, Lily Potter, Sirius Black y Adora Greengrass ― 15 de mayo / semi hiatus.
Personajes de Andy ― 28 de mayo / semi hiatus.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Alfie Smith.
Grace Davies.
Robbie Flint.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
orden del fénix.
Alice Longbottom con Florence Pugh.
Dedalus Diggle con Manny Jacinto.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Fabian Prewett con Asa Germann.
Frank Longbottom con Dev Patel.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Abigail Cowen.
Mundungus Fletcher con Sohan Pague.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Antonin Dolohov con Henry Zaga.
Augustus Rookwood con Thomas Doherty.
Baptiste Travers con Christopher Briney.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Adrian Öjvindsson.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Kristen Stewart.
Casius Wormwood con Joe Keery.
Corban Yaxley con Federico Russo.
Lucius Malfoy con Nicholas Galitzine.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Robbie Flint con Tom Glynn-Carney.
Rodolphus Lestrange con Regé Jean Page.
Severus Snape con Charlie Heaton.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Adora Greengrass con Jessica Alexander.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Alfie Smith con Louis Tomlinson.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Lily Collins.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Dane Higgs con Barry Keoghan.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Luke Newton.
Eleanor Parkinson con Camila Morrone.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Sofia Carson.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gilderoy Lockhart con Dacre Montgomery.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Grace Davies con Josephine Langford.
Greta Catchlove con Olivia Holt.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jacob Davies con Rudy Pankow.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Jackson Wang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Kirley Duke con Joseph Quinn.
Lenore Bagman con Willa Fitzgerald.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lucinda Talkalot con Savannah Lee Smith.
Lucy Karoonda-Wood con Madelyn Cline.
Ludo Bagman con Yankel Stevan.
Maria Jefferson con Fiona Palomo.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Meg Vouttier con Ruby Cruz.
Melissa Greengrass con Renée Rapp.
Michael Bones con Xolo Maridueña.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Davika Hoorne.
Milton Mouser con Tanner Buchanan.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Kiernan Shipka.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Ollie Scamander con Lee Felix.
Olivia Avery con Milena Tscharntke.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Penelope Goldstein con Melis Sezen.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Katherine McNamara.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Sorcha MacFusty con Anne Hathaway.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Sybill Trelawney con Maya Hawke.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Tiberius McLaggen con Milo Manheim.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zabrina Davies con Elizabeth Lail.
Zachary Parkinson con Alejandro Speitzer.
Zephyr Crouch con Cierra Ramirez.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 109 personajes ocupades.
¡Muy buenas a todes, pequeñes! Dejamos por aquí el recuento quincenal correspondiente. Debemos decir que estamos sorprendida de que ya tenemos 109 personajes en el dash. Jamás tuvimos tantos en todos los años que llevamos por aquí, así que queremos agradecerles por su entrega al verse, su compromiso, los bellos threads que tenemos suerte de leer y su presencia. En verdad es impresionante, estamos muy contentas y prometemos continuar otorgándoles un ambiente agradable para su escritura. Muchísimas, muchísimas gracias por su confianza. Les queremos mucho. Sin más que decir, les deseamos una bonita semana. ¡Gracias! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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docrotten · 2 months
SNOWBEAST (1977) – Episode 220 – Decades of Horror 1970s
“I quit being a skier in 1968 because the other skiers were mavericks!” Well, isn’t that special? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they check out some cryptid horror from the television screens of the 1970s with Snowbeast (1977)!
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 220 – Snowbeast (1977)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Synopsis: A Colorado ski resort is besieged by a sub-human beast that commits brutal murders on the slopes.
  Directed by: Herb Wallerstein
Written by: Joseph Stefano
Selected Cast:
Bo Svenson as Gar Seberg
Yvette Mimieux as Ellen Seberg
Robert Logan as Tony Rill
Clint Walker as Sheriff Paraday
Sylvia Sidney as Carrie Rill
Thomas Babson as Buster (as Thomas W. Babson)
Jacquie Botts as Betty Jo
Kathy Christopher as Jennifer
Jamie Jamison as John Cochran
Richard Jamison as Ben Cochran
Liz Jury as Mrs. Blodgett
Richard Jury as Charlie Braintree (as Ric Jury)
Rob McClung as Deputy #2
Annie McEnroe as Heidi (as Anne McEncroe)
Victor Raider-Wexler as Deputy Holt
Prentiss Rowe as Billy – Bell Captain
Michael J. London as The Snowbeast
Daniel Mandehr as Ski Instructor (uncredited)
Brett Palmer as John (uncredited)
Remember those great made-for-TV horror movies from the 1970s? You know the ones. They had familiar stars, and some were very, very good films like The Night Stalker (1974) and Salem’s Lot (1979). In this episode, the 70s Grue Crew returns to that well with Snowbeast (1977). Familiar stars? Bo Svenson, Yvette Mimieux, Robert Logan, Clint Walker, and Sylvia Sidney. Check. A very, very good film? Not so much. According to Bill, Snowbeast should be known as No Beast for its skimpy reveal of the title character. But there is that beautiful skiing footage. Oh well. Someone out there loves Snowbeast. Now, if we could just find them.
At the time of this writing, Snowbeast (1977 is available to stream from Amazon Prime, Tubi, Crackle, Plex, and Freevee. 
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Bill, will be Colussus: The Forbin Project (1970), a science fiction thriller about a computer takeover. Wait. Is it science fiction if it’s already happening?
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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phasmophobie · 6 months
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Der Weg nach Hause war für Pavel ermüdend. Der Schlafmangel machte sich besonders in der Stille und dem gleichmäßig meditativen Einfall von Straßenlaternen bemerkbar. Oftmals bewegte er sich an der Grenze des Gefährlichen. Er nahm in Kauf, eine Schuld auf sich zu nehmen, die bereits sein eigenes Leben nachhaltig beeinflusste. Obwohl er langsam fuhr, schmälerte es nicht das Risiko. Er konnte von Glück sprechen, dass seine Wohnung nicht allzu weit entfernt der Clovers auf ihn wartete.
Die alte Dame von über seiner Wohnung, hatte ihm diese überlassen, nachdem er sie von einem lästigen Poltergeist befreit hatte und von seiner Wohnsituation hörte. Zugegeben, Miss Yvette Baker ließ auch niemandem eine Wahl, als über sich selbst zu reden. Sie war gutmütig und schien sich für jeden wirklich zu interessieren. Trotz ihres hohen Alters — Pavel wusste keine genaue Zahl — war ihr Gedächtnis phänomenal. Ihre Dankbarkeit hatte für eine grandiose Altbauwohnung gesorgt, für die er nur eine läppische Miete zahlen musste. Dafür hin und wieder Höflichkeiten austauschen war es definitiv wert. 
So gut und gelegen ihm die kurze Distanz von den Clovers zu seinem Heim gefiel, so war es bloß eine Ausnahme von der Regel. Für gewöhnlich schickte seine Berufung ihn durch die Staaten, seltener darüber hinaus — auch wenn das Interesse daran bestand. Europäer besaßen viele Geister, verwoben mit der Geschichte, die es wert war, entdeckt zu werden. Pavel befürchtete bereits, jetzt schon an die Grenzen zu stoßen. Hier und da hatte er seine Nase bereits in die Geschichte des Satanismus’ gesteckt, konnte sich aber noch nicht vollends für Dämonen und Teufel begeistern. Mit dem Okkultismus hatte er jedoch eindeutige Interessen gemein.
Nicht alles in der Geschichte der Menschheit war sinnvoll, geschweige denn richtig gewesen. Wie alles angesammelte Wissen, fundierte es auf dem Leid anderer und einer Reihe zahlreicher Verbrechen — manche begingen sie im Namen der Wissenschaft noch heute. 
Wie sein Vater und seine Firma.
Pavel wurde in New York in der Höhe der Crown Heights geboren und lebte viele Jahre in einem der teuersten Häuser — sogar mit Garten. Sein Umzug hatte viele Gründe und jeder hatte mehr mit seiner Familie zu tun als der vorherige.
Seine Behausung begrüßte ihn schwerfällig. Die Tür musste wieder nachgezogen und geölt werden, die stickige Luft klebte an den Wänden und der Temperaturunterschied schlug sich auf den Fenstern wieder. Zu seinen Füßen verlangte ein schwarzes Fell erbost seine Aufmerksamkeit, wohlwissend kurz vor der endgültigen Vernachlässigung existiert zu haben. Ivar konnte seinem Besitzer allerdings keine zufriedenstellende Reaktion abgewinnen, außer ein halbherziges Kraulen an den Ohren.
Schweren Schrittes entledigte er sich seines Mantels, seiner Schuhe und seiner Tasche.
Glücklicherweise konnte der Kater dem Hungertod entgehen und erhielt eine Portion des feinsten Thunfischs, in einer Soße, die zu Französisch klang, um für ein Haustier zu sein — und kostete auch mehr. Allerdings war Pavel es leid, dass der Kater alles andere auf dem Perser im Wohnzimmer erbrach. Der alte Teppich wurde dadurch zwar nicht schäbiger, der Brünette hatte nur keine Lust auf die Arbeit.
Als Ivar mit einem lautstark geforderten Nachtischs vorerst zufrieden gestellt wurde, schlich der Geisterjäger in das Schlafzimmer, an dessen Wand ein breiter und tiefer Schreibtisch stand, der nicht nur Platz für seinen Laptop bot, sondern auch allerhand Zettellage. Aus der Kamera holte er die Speicherkarte heraus, steckte sie in den Laptop und fuhr diesen hoch. Es war nicht der Neueste und brauchte einige atemlose Minuten, in denen Pavel einen Kaffee aufsetzte und den Kühlschrank nach Essen erkundete. Toast und Käse. Irgendwann würde er einkaufen gehen. Spätestens, um sich um ein anderes Lebewesen zu kümmern, wenn seine eigenen Bedürfnisse keine Motivation bot.
Zurück am Schreibtisch öffnete er als erste Amtshandlung sein Emailpostfach. Man könnte glauben, dass es überlief mit Anfragen, doch Geisterjäger sein konnte so schleppend laufen wie jeder andere selbstständige Beruf. Und sie waren nicht einmal eine so seltene Spezies. Pavel verhielt sich gegenüber Social Media wie eine Maus gegenüber einer Katze. Nicht damit aufgewachsen zu sein, gab ihm die Furcht, wie es meistens Personen ab 60 hegten. Er hatte darüber hinaus keine Lust, sich damit zu beschäftigen, wenn er nicht musste. Auf der anderen Seite war er in der Vergangenheit aktiv gewesen und hatte in Foren die Spreu vom Weizen getrennt, um ein Netzwerk aus halbwegs verlässlichen Quellen aufzubauen.
Wie jeder Beruf, der sich mit etwas befasste, was keiner anerkannten Wissenschaft folgte, war die Geisterjagd schwer umstritten. Pavel war diesbezüglich nicht nachtragend. Sein Blick ins Postfach verriet, dass es zu viele dubiose Gestalten gab, die das leichte Geld bei leichtgläubigen Klient:innen witterten. Am Anfang war Pavel es nicht anders angegangen. Er hatte jeden Auftrag angenommen, den er kriegen konnte. Dass es sich dabei zu großen Teilen bloß um Lecks, Rohrbrüche und Ungeziefer in den Wänden gehalten hatte, hatte er zu Beginn selten zugegeben. Später, als er sich die Wahl erlauben konnte, wurde er ehrlicher zu den Leuten. Es ersparte ihm die Zeitverschwendung.
Die meisten Klienten erfuhren von ihm über Mundpropaganda. Sie gaben ihre Erfahrungen an den nächsten. Und wenn es nicht die Kunden waren, dann Kollegen wie Harold Janovic.
Mit Harold hatte sein Job zwar nicht begonnen, aber manchmal belog er sich selbst als ob. Seine Anfänge waren eher peinlich als beeindruckend. Mr. Janovic hatte dabei deutlich besseren Einfluss auf ihn gehabt.
Nachdem er mühselig Nachrichten gelöscht hatte, die ihm nur irgendwelche sinnlosen Produkte gegen spirituelle Eindringlinge verkaufen wollten — überteuerte Schmucksteine waren Geistern ziemlich egal — wandte er sich endlich den Mails zu, die mehr seinem Interesse entsprechen.
Eine alte Witwe aus Monterey beklagte sich über denselben Albtraum, der sie heimsucht, seit ihr Ehemann starb. Ein Mann aus Fresno behauptet, er würde aus seinem Dachboden Geflüster hören. In Prineville, Oregon, beschwert sich ein Pärchen über ständig verschwindende Gegenstände und sagt, dass es wirklich keiner der Beiden sein könnte. Am interessantesten erschien Pavel allerdings das Leid einer jungen Familie in Boise, Idaho. Sie schreibt über ständigen Ausfällen der Sicherungen, ein verrücktspielen der Elektronik, bis zu dem Punkt, dass sie überladen und durchbrennen. Sie hätte bereits mehrere Techniker im Haus gehabt, doch sie konnten die Ursache nicht in den Kabeln oder Geräten finden.
Dies allein war es allerdings nicht, was Pavels Interesse weckte. Es war der letzte Abschnitt: “Mein Mann weiß es nicht, dass ich Ihnen schreibe, denn er glaubt mir nicht. Doch ich bin mir sicher. Da ist etwas in unserem Haus — ich fühle mich nicht mehr sicher. Ich kann nichts dagegen tun.”
Es war ihre Überzeugung und ihr Vermögen, dennoch dafür einzustehen, obgleich an ihr gezweifelt wurde. Es war ein Gefühl, in das er sich bestens hineinversetzen konnte. Er antwortete allen, fragte in der ein oder anderen Nachricht nach mehr Details um abwägen zu können, ob es sich dabei um wirkliche Geister handelte und nicht bloß ein ungünstiger Windzug im Dachstuhl war, und stellte Zeitrahmen, aus denen sie auswählen konnten. Für Boise würde er mit Abstand die meiste Zeit einplanen müssen, vermutlich sogar eine Übernachtung in eine nahegelegenen Motel.
Als hätte Ivar es mitbekommen, sprang der Kater auf den Schreibtisch und schnurrte fordernd in Pavels Richtung. Der Brünette hob langsam den Arm und strich dem Tier über den zarten schwarzen Kopf. Der Kater war ihm eines Tages zugelaufen und nicht mehr von seiner Seite gewichen, bis ihm nichts übrig geblieben war, als ihn zu füttern. Eine tote schwarze Katze auf der Türschwelle war kein Omen, welches er bereit gewesen wäre zu riskieren.
Unter dem meditativen Schnurren des Katers betrachtete Pavel die Bilder, die er heute geschossen hatte, und steckte sie in einen passenden Ordner. Pavel mochte vielleicht nicht der ordentlichste Mensch sein, wenn man seine Wohnung betrachtete, seine Arbeit allerdings hegte und pflegte er akribisch. Auf den Bildern war nicht sonderlich viel zu sehen, bis auf die Geisterorbs und verschwaschene Flecken, die unter zusammengekniffenen Augen eventuell den Schemen eines Menschen darstellen konnten. Auf den letzten Bildern war nichts zu erkennen, außer seine eigenen Gliedmaßen, die hier und da ins Bild ragten, während er versuchte, dem Bannkreis zu entkommen. Danach war es der Kamera nicht mehr möglich gewesen, gescheite Bilder zu schießen. Für Pavel war es allerdings mehr als genug.
Er schrieb seine Erfahrungen in einem kleinen Bericht zusammen und legte sie zu dem Ordner, in dem bereits die Bilder waren. Revenants waren dafür bekannt, Ergebnis von Beschwörungen zu sein — weswegen sie auch nur verbannt werden konnten. Weder Madeline noch Joshua Clover hatten so gewirkt, als hätten sie mutmaßlich einen Geist beschworen. Tatsächlich war dies auch nicht zwingend notwendig; es konnte auch jemand gewesen sein, der vor vielen Jahren in dem Haus gewohnt hatte. Vielleicht war es auch jemand gewesen, der nicht einmal dort lebte. Um eine metaphorische Tür zwischen Jenseits und Diesseits zu öffnen, brauchte es nicht viel. Den richtigen Geist zur richtigen Zeit beschwören war allerdings eine Kunst, von der Pavel nicht wusste, ob sie jemals gemeistert worden war.
Nachdem er der Familie eine Rechnung verfasst und gesendet hatte, entschied er sich für eine Dusche, um die Müdigkeit zu vertreiben, die seine Augenlider reizte, während er die Zahlen angestarrt hatte.
Ivar erkannte, dass er an diesem Abend nicht die verdiente Zuwendung erhielt, die er sich wünschte, und zog sich letztlich auf das Bett zurück, von dem er wusste, dass es zu 90% ihm alleine gehörte. 
Das lauwarme Wasser wusch einen Funken Müdigkeit von ihm und löste den Schweiß, den die Tortur bei den Clovers ausgelöst hatte. Nass klebten ihm die Haare an der Stirn und der Duschschaum sammelte sich zu seinen Füßen, bevor er ablief. Er lief keine Gefahr einzuschlafen, sollte er die Augen schließen, weswegen er häufig mehr Zeit unter dem laufenden Wasser verbrachte als hygienisch notwendig gewesen wäre. Er stützte sich an der Duschwand ab, gebeugt und restlos übermüdet, während der Strahl ihm in den Nacken prasselte und ein paar Verspannungen löste, die ohne Zweifel augenblicklich zurückkehren würden, sobald er hinaus trat.
Versunken in Gedanken ging er die letzten Tage durch. Von einem Job zum Nächsten, dazwischen wurde alles durchgearbeitet, was auch nur ansatzweise mit Geistern zu tun hatte. Und währenddessen versuchte er nicht einzuschlafen. Etwas, was ihm sogar jetzt schwerfiel. Seine Augen brannten, seine Konzentration war am Limit. Vier Tage waren nichts. Er hatte schon deutlich länger durchgehalten, jetzt machte aber seine Konstitution schlapp. Tief atmete er ein und rieb sich mehrfach mit den Händen über das Gesicht, ein verzweifelter Versuch, sich wachzuhalten. Sein Herz schlug arrhythmisch in seiner Brust und zeichnete sich deutlich an seiner Halsschlagader ab. Ganz gleich wie sehr er versuchte sich auf seine Atmung konzentrierte, besserte es nicht seinen Herzschlag, sondern verstärkte nur seine Müdigkeit. Vermutlich wäre es besser, wenn er schlief. Sowohl für seinen Körper wie auch für seinen Verstand. Dennoch wollte er nicht.
Es war eine sinnlose Art der Verdrängung.
Ganz gleich wie viel Mühe Pavel sich gab, er würde es vermutlich nicht durch die Nacht schaffen, ohne zu einzuschlafen. Nun musste er eine Entscheidung treffen: würde er freiwillig aufgeben, oder warten, bis es unvermeidbar war?
Alles erschien ihm absurd verzehrt und langsam, als hätte unbekannter Alkohol seinen Kreislauf durchbrochen. Wann er aus der Dusche getreten und sich umgezogen hatte, war ihm ein Rätsel. Er wusste nur, dass Ivar unzufrieden darüber war, sein gigantisches Katzenbett zu teilen. Mit dem Blick an die Decke lag Pavel da, das Herz wild und ungestüm. Tief holte er Luft. Ein. Zwei. Dreimal — er konnte spüren, wie die Dunkelheit über ihn fiel. Gefolgt von der Kälte. Gefüllt mit Stimmen.
Das Wohnzimmer war abgedunkelt, die Vorhänge wehten sachte in der Zugluft und gaben hin und wieder den Blick auf den kleinen, aber üppig bestückten Garten frei, in dem Hortensien gediehen, Efeu an der Hauswand rankte und sich ein Blumenmeer aus einem Potpourri an Farben im Beet erstreckte. In der Mitte wog die Oberfläche eines Teiches im sanften Wind. Rohrkolben und Schilf zeigte, woher die laue Luft strömte und neigte sich dementsprechend dem Wasser entgegen oder zur Grünfläche.
Schwerfälliger Atem hallte durch den spartanisch eingerichteten Raum, entzogen jeglicher Persönlichkeit. Die Bilder an den weißen, sterilen Wänden erinnerten an Kunstdrucke aus Wartezimmern. Die Dekorationen in den Regalen bildeten sinnbefreite Formen, die nicht offenbarten, welcher Inspiration sie entsprangen.
Pavel saß neben dem Rollstuhl seiner Mutter, angelehnt an ihre dünnen Beine, ihr glasiger Blick nach vorne gerichtet. Pavel hatte es aufgegeben, ihre Aufmerksamkeit erhaschen zu wollen. Sie hatte ihn lange nicht mehr angesehen. Selbst wenn er sich vor ihr aufbäumte, sah sie durch ihn hindurch, als wäre er bloß ein Gespenst.
Stattdessen schauten sie gemeinsam schweigend hinaus, sofern der Wind es zuließ. Ansonsten beobachtete Pavel nur die gleichmäßigen Bewegungen des Vorhangs.
“Warum sitzt du herum?”, ertönte die fordernde Stimme seines Vaters. Der Körper des Jungen spannte sich augenblicklich an. Viktor war ein Mann mit Autorität — die Schultern gerade, der Blick eisern. Das musste er auch sein, glaubte Pavel. Er trug viel Verantwortung. So viel, dass er viel mehr arbeitete als ein Vater zu sein.
Pavel schaute auf, seine Augen fühlten sich schwer vor Müdigkeit an. Viktor schaute auf seinen Sohn herab, würdigte dabei seine Ehefrau keines Blickes. “Solltest du nicht deine Hausaufgaben erledigen?”, versuchte er es erneut, doch Pavel antwortete nicht. Seit sechs Jahren hatte er kein Wort mehr rausgebracht. Oft hatte ihn Viktor wegen seines Zustandes in die Firma gebracht, das Ergebnis der Untersuchungen stellte den Gründer von MeriTech allerdings nicht zufrieden. Körperlich wäre Pavel in der Lage zu sprechen — er wollte nur nicht. Es war nichts, was Viktor mit Medikamenten oder anderen Einwirkungen hätte beheben können. Er war der Sturheit seines Sohnes ausgesetzt. “Ich zahle nicht für deine Bildung, damit du am Ende nichts daraus machst”, erklärte sein Vater ihm wie immer. “Ich habe nicht all das aufgebaut, damit du es ins Lächerliche ziehen kannst mit deinen Albernheiten.”
Pavel hörte, wie seine Zähne angespannt knirschten. Es zeichnete sich kaum eine Reaktion auf seinem Gesicht ab, als hätte er ihm nicht zugehört. Auch er war nicht in der Lage, seinem Gegenüber in die Augen zu sehen. Sein dunkelbrauner Blick ging immer am Gesicht vorbei — als säße etwas auf der Schulter.
“Sieh mich an, wenn ich mit dir rede!”, donnerte Viktor frustriert. Pavels Blick kreuzte den seines Vaters und fixierte die heterochromatische Zusammenstellung aus einem braunen und blauen Auge. Manchmal glaubte Pavel, dass es ein Zeichen dafür ist, wer Viktor einst gewesen war — und zu wem er wurde.
Wenn das Blau die herzliche und liebevolle Eigenschaft darstellte, wie seine Mutter sie getragen hatte, stand das Braun für den Gegensatz? Die grausame Ungeduld, das schroffe Unverständnis und die Unzufriedenheit, die er seinem Sohn entgegen brachte?
Und wenn es so war, was bedeutete es dann für ihn?
Schüchtern senkte er den Kopf und sah wieder zu den Vorhängen. Er hatte seine Schulaufgaben gemacht. Er machte sie immer. Vielleicht hätte Viktor es gesehen, wenn seine Wahrnehmung nicht selektiv wäre. Pavel konnte sich nicht erinnern, wann er je ein Lob erhalten hatte.
“Hörst du überhaupt was ich sage? Mit dieser Einstellung wird aus dir nichts werden.”
Je mehr Pavel darüber nachdachte und die Hand seiner Mutter hielt, das einzige bisschen Geborgenheit und Schutz, desto deutlicher wurde ihm klar, dass aus ihm nichts werden würde. Die Zukunft war nicht erstrebenswert. Er wollte nichts sein. Er sollte nichts sein. 
Rau weckte Ivar den Geisterjäge, indem er an seiner Nase knabberte. Pavel schob den Kater von sich. Ivar starrte ihn mit einer Erwartungshaltung an, wie man sie nur von einem Menschen gewohnt war. Es war keine Nächstenliebe des schwarzen Katers, die ihn aus dem Albtraum geweckt hatte, sondern der Wunsch nach Essen. Zugegeben, die Erinnerung an vergangene Tage war verhältnismäßig zahm gewesen, dennoch spannte sie seinen Brustkorb und erschwerte ihm das Atmen.
Trotz Schlaf hatte die Erschöpfung nicht nachgelassen und steif schwangen seine Beine über den Bettrand. Erst als er bemerkte, dass er seine Füße nicht sehen konnte, fiel ihm auf, dass es stockfinster war. Seine Schläfen schmerzten. Ivar verlangte unnachgiebig seinen Mitternachtssnack. Der schrille Ton seiner Klagelaute schlug sich negativ auf Pavels Zustand nieder. Ohne eine Wahl abzulehnen, schlurfte er in die Küche.
In seiner Peripherie machte er in der Dunkelheit schwammige Bewegungen aus. Tief holte er Luft. Das hatte er davon, nachgegeben zu haben. Die Ruhe, egal wie kurz, wirkte sich wie ein Zündholz auf ihre Präsenz aus. Sie hatten seine Unachtsamkeit ausgenutzt und sich Zugriff auf sein Bewusstsein verschafft.
Frustriert schnaubte er aus und versuchte bestmöglich ihre Anwesenheit zu ignorieren. Ein Schauer nach dem anderen rollte über seine Wirbel, während er Ivar eine kleinere Portion seines Lieblingsgericht servierte. 
Wölkchen seines Atems rollten sich vor seinen Lippen — und er musste in  der Bewegung innehalten, überwältigt von der Intensität. Er spürte eine Berührung auf seiner Schulter und hörte das undeutliche Wispern eines Echos. Pavel wusste jedoch genau, was er zu sagen hatte. Taugenichts.
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ja-lin · 2 years
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Introducing the ladies of the Night of Sin, They are all single in the prequel except Ranza, so you’d go on a platonic friend date with her. Who would you want to go out with?
Yvette (Greed) Mysterious, close friends with Gage, Ripley, and Izaiah.
"Time is money and I don’t want to waste my time. Impress me at the poker tables and I’ll consider going on a date with you.”
Ranza (Wrath) Passionate, fights in underground boxing matches.
“I could go for a workout. Gym friend date? Burgers and fries after?”
Ripley (Envy) Memes, video games, wilderness survival, loves animals.
"Date at the zoo then taro boba and ice cream!!! Then we can go back to the penthouse and kick Cal’s butt at Mario Kart.”
Nahara (the Seer) Stronger than she looks, don’t mess with her tea. Loves reading romance novels.
“There’s a gorgeous Japanese garden nearby, would you like to go for a stroll and have tea after?”
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Cardy’s letter puts French immersion reform back on N.B.’s front-burner
Dominic Cardy’s messy resignation from New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs’ cabinet is setting the stage for French immersion reform to recur as one of the province’s signature controversies.
The perpetual discussion and debate about French education in English schools has simmered in the province for decades, and Cardy’s revelation -- and Higgs confirmation -- of reforms coming as early as Sept. 2023 has put some parents on alert.
“And parents are frustrated,” said Don Wright, a parent and political scientist at the University of New Brunswick. “It’s very frustrating to not know what is coming down the pipe.”
The acceleration of recent developments began in February, with a report from provincial court judge Yvette Finn and former deputy education minister John McLaughlin, urging officials to make changes to French-language education in New Brunswick’s English schools.
The report said most Anglophone students weren’t in the French immersion program and were lacking conversational second-language skills as a result. February’s report also urged officials at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education to take a slow approach to any sort of reforms.
In May, Cardy, as minister of education and early childhood development, announced the launch of a provincial government website which would collect ideas on how to strengthen French second-language learning.
Thursday’s letter from Cardy accused Higgs of ushering in reforms that weren’t mentioned in any party platform or government throne speech, nor developed through any consultation with cabinet or caucus.
"Change requires care, not a wrecking ball,” said Cardy, in the letter.
On Thursday, Higgs acknowledged saying “data my ass” to a civil servant, as claimed in Cardy’s letter, when given information at a meeting about French education. Higgs told reporters he made the comment because the information presented to him was “irrelevant.”
“The numbers did not reflect any real value in information that we were trying to understand,” said Higgs, hours after the release of Cardy’s letter. “Are we getting better? Are we implementing the program?”
Cardy said the information presented to Higgs was a requested binder of details about reform plans that were completed, underway, or planned for in the Anglophone school sector.
“Unfortunately, all he was interested in talking about was the knee-jerk cancellation of French immersion and that’s subsumed all other concerns in his mind for awhile now,” said Cardy, in an interview on Friday.
Higgs said the initial target was to have a new French program for all English students by Sept. 2023.
“The details of what it was going to be and how it was going to be, and I don’t want to debate those in this situation, but the plan just needed to have a way to execute and work with teachers to make it happen,” Higgs told reporters Friday.
“For some time it has been presented as the end of September of (20)24,” said Higgs, referring to Department of Education staff. “Well, we all know that in an election year, if you think you’re going to implement something significant, it’s not going to happen. It just won’t happen.”
New Brunswick’s next provincial election is scheduled for Oct. 21, 2024.
Higgs re-stated his goal on Thursday to see French education reforms within Anglophone schools take effect in Sept. 2023.
Both the Liberals and Green Party are preparing for French immersion to lead exchanges in the legislature when daily sittings resume at the end of October.
“Another fundamental change in curriculum planned for next fall is not something that an already strained system that is short of resources should be put through,” said New Brunswick Liberal leader Susan Holt, in an interview Saturday.
Green Party leader David Coon said Higgs had a long-term “obsession with getting rid of French immersion.”
"We’ll continue to raise that as an absurd policy choice,” said Coon, in an interview Saturday.
In 2008, the Liberal government, under Premier Shawn Graham, announced the creation of a universal French program for all Grade 5 students, with the choice of immersion starting in Grade 6. After a court-ordered public consultation process, the government altered its plan and made Grade 3 the immersion entry point.
In the fall of 2017, the Liberals, under Premier Brian Gallant, changed the French immersion entry point back to Grade 1.
“It’s kind of like the third rail of New Brunswick politics,” said Wright. “Touch it and you're dead.”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3Wrw4vS
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explorya88 · 1 year
**Warning: Content Advisory**
This fanfic contains sensitive and serious themes that may be difficult for some readers. If you are uncomfortable with topics such as [Violence, moral questionable behaviors, explicit contents and many others], it's advisable to reconsider reading further. Your well-being is important to me, and i encourage you to prioritize your emotional health. Take care, and thank you for understanding.
This short tale is placed three days after Fang(SWM MC) left them.
Gluttony: Beelzebub the devourer prince
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Malakai is know to be dutiful man, son and Sin assassin so when he realized one night that he almost didn't care about his duty or what is right as...unless is about him and his friends.
Malakai: My duty is everything to me, but what good is doing duty if you can't enjoy yourself and have fun with your friends? I'm tired of being the dutiful son or the dutiful Sin Assassin. I want to be myself for a change and actually have some fun. And there's only one way to do that, by living life to the fullest. No more duty, no more responsibility, just me and my friends having the time of our lives...easier said than be done because can I really let go of my duties and responsibilities and just live my life however I want? Can I really put myself first and forget about my duty and the expectations of others? Am I really ready to take that risk and make my own decisions? I know that I can't do both. I can't be dutiful and live my own life, so what choice will I make? But why i fret on all those things, especially my mother Sefina!!! I remember how I snapped at my mother when she asked me why I didn't find a woman to marry and continue our bloodline. I was so frustrated that she couldn't see there was so much more to life than just duty and responsibility. I didn't want to have to worry about finding a wife and starting a family, I wanted to focus on myself and do what I wanted to do. It felt like she was trying to control my life and make decisions for me, and I wasn't going to put up with that anymore. Oh and i also remember angrily shouting at my mother when I found out that Lazareth was my long-lost half brother and that he was working with the demons. I had been taught to hate the demons and to never trust them, but I found myself agreeing with them regarding about pointlessly keep secrets, refusing true love and castigating myself to live a half-life, which caused me even more confusion and guilt. Pity that i'm unable to do something, anything, I stood there, feeling confused and conflicted about what to do next. What was I supposed to do now?
Then he sensed the seed of Divashma pulsating inside him, cursing himself to be caught is surprise and something or someone put it inside him, slowly tempting him, corrupting him and eroding all my morals, code of conduct and sanity away.
Seed of Divashma: Still hesitating Laka? Yet your brother didn't take long to accept his gift and be free from all those nonsense called: duty, morality and restraiants.
Malakai: Those "nonsense" as you call it are things that matter to me and have made me who I am today. My duty, morality, and restraint are all things that make me who I am. Without them, I wouldn't be me, i would be nothing.
Seed of Divashma: You didn't choose to embrace those, they impose those on you! Your family, your family and your relative chose it those for you!!! You are not but a glorified slave soldier who can only fight and die! You're weak, Malakai. Your brother has given in to his desires, and he is now powerful because of it. Can you not see how foolish you are being? You could have everything if you would just let go of your sense of morality, accept me and become what you want to be!
Malakai: I won't let you shame me for having a sense of duty and morals even if they're imposed on me. It's who I am and I won't change that just to gain power. I won't become like you, someone who has no regard for anything but their own desires, i know who are you and accepting to merge with you...it will spell doom for me.
Seed of Divashma: I pity you because you are patetic alongside to be a weakling, Malakai. You let others lead your life for you, and you don't take what you want. You hold back from your true potential because you are a souless, mindless slave puppet to your own bloodline.
Malakai this is not true!!!
Seed of Divashma: Then prove it, call your brother Lazareth and have some fun tonight.
Malakai: I won't compromise my principles, but I can still spend time with Lazareth without abandoning who I am.
Seed of Divashma: We will see it.
Malakai and his brother Lazareth arrive at the club and head inside. The music is loud and the atmosphere is dark and lively. Lazareth takes Malakai by the arm and leads him through the crowd towards the bar. They order some drinks and start to relax and have fun. Lazareth is enjoying himself and tries to get Malakai to loosen up and let go. Malakai isn't much of a party animal and is mostly there to keep an eye on his brother. He does his best to relax and enjoy himself but can feel Seed of Divashma's influence in the back of his mind the whole time.
Seed of Divashma: Bored? I can suggest a couple ways of.....
Malakai: Shut up!!! Or i'll make you shut up, i trust more my brother Lazareth than you abomination.
So he ask Lazareth what they can do to enjoy the night, with a dark smirk that went unnoticed by his brother Laka (Malakai's nickname) he suggest...
Lazareth: Well what about a brawl against the idiots here? Its only fair to let us vent off on them as reward to protect them from demons.
Lazareth's suggestion stirs something deep inside Malakai. Letting go of his strict moral principles for a night it wouldn't lead to his ruination right? Challenging some of those rowdy drunks in this club to a fight, just for some harmless fun and to let loose a bit. Why not enjoy this moment and live a little and thus proving seed of Divashma wrong?
Malakai: You know I've always wanted to let loose a bit and i hunger for some real fun. A brawl might be just what I need, lets do it Lazy, lets punch and spank those idiots.
Malakai feels the rush of adrenaline as he squares up with the burly man. He throws a wild haymaker and lands a solid connection. The man grunts in pain and falls to the ground, but Malakai is not done yet. He jumps on the man's prone body and unleashes a series of savage punches and kicks. He relishes the feeling of power as he delivers blow after blow, reveling in the man's cries of pain as he is in a state of wild, animalistic euphoria now. Seed of Divashma is taking control and Malakai is along for the ride, enjoying every moment of the brutality. He smacks the man's buttock again and again, leaving deep, red marks. He can almost feel Seed of Divashma's approval as he hears the man's screams and whimpers.
Seed of Divashma: See Laka? I was right, aren't i? (I can feel it, the power of the darkness growing within him. Malakai is letting himself go, not holding back anymore. He is giving in to the baser urges that were always hidden beneath his veneer of morality. Soon, Malakai will be completely mine and he will become the evil that he should have been from the start. I am so proud of you, Malakai).
Malakai: is like Darius say all the time! Life is too short to never enjoy it to its fullest. (I feel it too, the power within me, growing stronger. The urges, I can't deny them anymore. I must be free from any chains, I must let myself go. Let Go! LET GO! I CAN'T HOLD BACK ANYMORE!)
Malakai is losing control and giving into his dark urges. He is giving in to Seed of Divashma's influence and becoming a beast. It's only a matter of time before Malakai gives in completely and becomes the man whom the Seed of Divashma always wanted him to be.
Seed of Divashma: Malakai! You've given in to me, let go of your inhibitions and your moral restraints. Now it's time to have some real fun! Let yourself go and embrace your darker impulses. Forget about the rules, the duty, the obligations. The freedom you've been after is within your grasp now. Let yourself feel truly alive and let me guide you to your full potential. There is no going back now, Malakai. Embrace who you truly are. Embrace me. Embrace your destiny.
Malakai: Lead the way, my master. Show me how to truly enjoy myself and let the fun begin.
Malakai's descent into violence and reckless behavior continues, influenced by the Seed of Divashma and his desire for immediate enjoyment. Lazareth watches with a mix of amusement and satisfaction as his brother's transformation progresses, then he proced to chocke a man and enjoying feeling him faint and howl in victory as he toss the weakling away
Malakai: He was weak. He deserved it. It was fun to see him writhing on the ground, coughing and gasping for air. It's so much fun to have no restraints, no one to tell you what to do or how to act. The weak are destined to be crushed and the strong will survive. I am the strong now, and I am free.
Seed of Divashma: Malakai. I am pleased and proud of you, you are destined for great things. Come, merge with me and together we will conquer this world and bring Freedom. and power in our wake.
Lazareth watched Malakai's transformation with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. He could see his younger brother becoming the person he always wanted to be, liberated from the restraints of duty and morality, free to enjoy life to the fullest. It was time for Malakai to break free, just as he had done, and embrace his true self, Lazareth could not be more proud.
Lazareth: (He's finally doing it, just like I did. Now that he's given in to his base desires, there's no going back for Malakai. He's finally living for himself instead of others. He's embracing his true nature) The seed of Divashma whom Wrath implanted in you did wonder to you just it did to me.
Malakai: All my opponent will be consumed (metaphoricaly) by me! Brother when Wrath implanted the seed of Divashma?
Lazareth: Two days ago, when you we're sleeping after your usually night of useless family duty.
Malakai: Can you tell why you accept it?
Lazareth: Two day ago me and my troupe where attacked by Kozholok and nearly overwhelmed by him and suddenly time stopped and "him" comes to aid us.
Malakai: "Him who"?
Lazareth: Tyrant Darius, the friend you and your troupe reject and kick out from Sin Assassins.
Malakai: Darius? That's unexpected. Why would he come to your aid against Kozholok?
Lazareth: He intend to usurp him and become the King of the Lust demons and then then the Tyrant of world.
Malakai: That's quite an ambitious plan. Are you sure you want to be involved in something like this, Laka?
Lazareth: Of course, if me, my friends, your friends and you, my brother join force with Tyrant Darius, we can conquer the world and...
Tyrant Darius: I will save your friends but in exchange you must accept this.
Lazareth: Stop wasting word, i'll accept anything but save my friends.
Tyrant Darius: Here your seed of Divashma.
Lazareth: Seed of Divashma! I eat you and let's become one.
Seed of Divashma: Yes, lets revolutionate this world.
Tyrant Darius: Welcome to my army, Behemoth the Great Beast. Together we will conquer this world, and we will free it from the shackles of morality and restraint. The seed of Divashma will be our gift to mankind, a gift that will awaken the beast in all of us. And when everyone has embraced their true nature, when everyone has rejected their morality and given into their base desires, the world will be united in freedom and chaos. The world will be mine to shape as I see fit, and I will take what I want, when I want. It begins today, with you member of the Deadly Sin Circus and Wrath member of Night of Sin Circus!!!
As Lazareth's mouth closed around the seed of Divashma, his body was flooded by a rush of pleasure so intense that it was overwhelming. His eyes rolled back in his head and he let out a deep, primal roar. He could feel the seed melting in his mouth, fusing with his body and transforming him into something more than human. His growl became louder and louder, his muscles tensing and his limbs quivering. He felt like a beast unleashed, pure, primal desire coursing through every vein and artery. Lazareth's fingers curled and contorted into sharp, bestial claws. His body was covered in thick, greyish-green fur and his teeth were replaced by razor sharp fangs. On top of his head sprouted two bull-like horns, while his ears morphed into pointed elf-like lobes. Lazareth's form continued to mutate, the tail of a lion sprouting from his rear end and his toenails curling and extending into sharp claws. The transformation was painful and intense, his body contorting and shifting as his instincts and senses sharpened. The transformation is complete, and Lazareth is ready to hunt.
Tyrant Darius: Ah, my masterpiece. How perfect you are just like your fellow liutenants, Behemoth the Great Beast. You are truly a wonder to behold and a testament to the power of the seed of Divashma. Your strength and ferocity will be instrumental in our upcoming campaign to conquer the world. Now, let us go. Our enemies wait for their crushing by your claws. Let us make the world as I envision it, where everyone has freed themselves from their moral restraints, where chaos and freedom reign supreme, where the strong take what they want and the rest suffer and succumb. Let us cleanse the world of mediocrity and let the fun begin.
Lazareth: I'm Behemoth the Great Beast and will destroy you all! I am death, and no one will stand in my way. All who oppose me will be torn apart and consumed. Let the feast begin.
He let out a mighty roar, his voice booming and echoing across Las Vegas Strip, with ferocious claws extended and fangs bared, he set out to hunt down the demons who tried to kill his friends. He tore through the hordes, a whirlwind of destruction, devouring the demons with wild abandon. The air was filled with the screams of the demons as he wrought mayhem and destruction in his wrath. Tyrant Darius while unable to kill Kozholok. (He escaped, the coward !)
Tyrant Darius: Now, my masterpiece, you must fulfill this task. Spread the seed of Divashma amongst your friends and your troupe, and make them become as you are, powerful, free beasts that care about nothing but their own pleasure and satisfaction. Let us spread the seed and bring this world into an age of pure, unbridled chaos.
Lazareth: Yes, my lord. I understand your orders and I'll see to it that they are carried out.
Tyant Darius: And see to it that no one finds out. I'll do the same with my friends and troupe, then with my girlfriend and soon to be wife Fang.
Lazareth: Of course, my lord. This secret will die in the darkest corner of the earth.
Tyrant Darius: And that is exactly how it shall remain. Until i say otherwise.
Then he proced to remove Lazareth friends memory of the this event despite they're unconsciouns just to be safe.
Present time:
Malakai: So that's happened, then lets finished them and then we will merge seed of Divashma.
Lazareth: Yes, accept it, is worth it and it come with perks, my Tyrant Darius is free from Kozholok control and it will free you from our family curse.
Seed of Divashma: Yes, Laka is like your brother said your curse will be your bless, just like happened to him.
Malakai: After we finished this fun fight.
Lazareth let out a ferocious roar as he pounced on the werewolf, tackling him to the ground and proceeding to break every bone in his body. The werewolf howled in agony as Bones snapped and cracked, his cries of pain music to Lazareth's ears.
Lazareth: Give me your screams, your pleas for mercy...give them to me.
Werewolf: Please...no..." *crack* Help..." *snap* Make it stop... *crunch* Please.
Lazareth: Oh...ohhh...I love the sound of bones breaking. Scream louder, I want to hear your spine shatter!
The werewolf continued to howl and beg, his screams of pain and terror growing more desperate and frantic as Lazareth continued to break his bones. Lazareth seemed to delight in the werewolf's suffering, his enjoyment of the werewolf's agony evident in his voice. His actions seemed almost sadistic, as if he was deriving pleasure from the werewolf's pain.
Werewolf: Oh... *crunch* No...please...no more... *snap* I'll do anything... *crack* Anything at all... *crunch* Please make it stop... *crack*
Lazareth: Weak. So weak. Did you really think you could stand against me? You are a pathetic excuse for a werewolf, not fit to call yourself one. I am the Apex predator. You are nothing to me but prey, a weakling that should become my snack.
Then he proced with a snap of his fingers he shrinks the werewolf and eat him, he slowly crunch and crush slowly his body as Lazareth tongue lap at him like a lollipop so he can enjoy his agony and futile struggle for as long is possible.
Werewolf: No... no... please... not like this... I was supposed to be the Alpha... I was meant to lead my pack... I was meant to be strong...
Lazareth: Your pain pleases me, little wolf. Your suffering entertains and amuses me. You're nothing but prey, meant to be devoured by a superior being. Time to assimilate you and for me to become even stronger.
Werewolf: No... no... you can't do this to me... this is wrong... this isn't how it's meant to be..
As Lazareth begins to assimilate the werewolf's power and essence, the werewolf struggles in vain, trying to find some way to save his soul and preserve his life. He knows it's a lost cause, but he can't help but continue to struggle against the unstoppable tide of Lazareth's power.
Lazareth: Cease your useless struggles, your power will be my power, your essence my essence. I will take from you what I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
He proced to fully assimilate him in five minutes, Lazareth's new essence begins to overflow with power and he roars in triumph and seeks out any surviving werewolves to assimilate, who cower in fear before his unstoppable might but he quickly sensed their essence and run in their direction, the werewolves scramble in panic and fear, trying to flee from Lazareth's unstoppable hunger. But there is no escape, and as soon as they are within his reach they are immediately swallowed whole alive, then they descend deeper and deeper into the depths of his stomach, the werewolves feel the walls close in on them, as if they are being held in the clutches of a giant iron maiden. The heat of the acid slowly burns and scorches them, and the lack of air makes every breath an effort. They can feel the seed of Divashma rooting them in place.
Seed of Divashma: Ahh, delicious! The life I can absorb from your essences will feed my glorious "child". You are but fuel for his magnificent growth. Feel my power as I corrupt you and burn away your essence. Embrace your place in this world, and let your soul, your every fiber of your being, every beat of your heart be assimilated by my "child", you worthless cattles.
Werewolf 1: Noooo! What's happening to me? I can feel it, the corruption, the burning of my flesh, the stealing of my life! I don't want to die like this, I can't die!
Werewolf 2: It's too late, the seed is already inside me. I can feel it, consuming me and taking my thoughts, erasing my identity, making me a part of them. There's nothing I can do now but accept my fate.
Werewolf 3: Help me! This isn't the end I wanted, someone please help me!
Voice 1: Embrace your Apex predator, little werewolves. Accept your fate, and allow him to consume you. Join your flesh with his, your souls with his, your blood with his... you are now part of him. Let your life become his, and be a part of him forever. By doing so he will achieve glorious things.
Voice 2: It's too late, wolf. Your resistance is futile. Your very existence, your very reality is being warped and twisted by the seed of Divashma, your own identity is already gone. Your thoughts are but mere shadows of what they once were. Let it take you, let it have you, let it make you transform you in food for its "child".
Voice 3: Why are you resisting? You should listen to our voices of reason. Give in to the seed of Divashma, let it take you. Embrace the corruption and allow its power to flow through you, let it make you free! Let it change you, let it mold you into the beautiful nutriment, I know you all can be. Do not fear the unknown, let it become known. Let the seed of Divashma take your beings and help its "child" to revolutionate the world! Give in, werewolves... you all know it is right.
The werewolves surrender to the seed of Divashma, howling in ecstasy and madness as the seed of Divashma corrupt and burn away their essence, gladly accept the honor of be the fuel for a superior creature.
Werewolf 1: I beg you, please, let my flesh and my soul be the fuel for your glorious "child". Let me become part of him, let me become one with your offspring. Feed me to him, consume me and make me a part of his power and glory.
Werewolf 2: Yes, please, take me and use my life energy to nurture your magnificent " child". Let me sacrifice my very being for the sake of his success. Please, take me in and make me a part of your "child", make me a part of something greater than myself.
Werewolf 3: I don't care what it takes, what the price is, please... take me. Take my soul, my flesh, my essence. Allow me to be the fuel that shapes your glorious " child". I beg you, let me sacrifice myself so i will be a part of the his glory, to give my life so he grow and thrive.
Seed of Divashma: Little wolves, sleep now, sleep and dream of new beginnings. You will be absorbed and united with my "child". You will become a part of him, someone much greater than yourself, something that is destined to conquer the world and devour all who oppose it. Sleep, little wolves, and let the transformation begin.
Then the werewolves become pure essence, then seed of Divashma turn the pure essence into a thick, black liquid that fell in Lazareth stomach and feeds into his power.
Lazareth: Ahh, delicious. The werewolves were such a delicacy for my stomach. Their pure essence filled my belly and gave me such power. Thank you, seed of Divashma, for providing such a delicious dish for my consumption. The bones of the werewolves were a nice touch, they provided a satisfying crunch and an enjoyable texture. I can almost still taste the werewolves in my stomach, their screams of agony still ringing in my ears. Truly, you have blessed me with a meal fit for my glorious size. Thank you for the gift of the werewolves' essence.
Seed of Divashma: I am pleased to have provided such a satisfying meal for you, my glorious "child". The werewolves were a fine offering, their flesh and bone delicious and satisfying. I am glad to see that you enjoy and appreciate their essence, as it will make you stronger and more powerful. Together, we will conquer this world, and all who stand against us will be consumed and added to our power. You are the glory of my glorious creator Tyrant Darius, you are the future, and all shall bow before you.
Malakai: You know what? After the show my brother Lazy showed me, i want be like him!!! Seed of Divashma merge with me now!
Seed of Divashma: Very well, Malakai. I sense your desire to be like Lazareth, to become as powerful and glorious as he. I am pleased to have convinced you to merge with me, to become one with me. Then lets unite our essences, so that you may become something more, beyond what you ever imagined. Come forth and become one with me. Together we shall conquer the world, and all shall bow to our magnificence.
Malakai tatau proced to cover his entire body and become colored gold, his body was engulfed by a golden aura. His eyes shone with a sinister cerulean blue light, his skin turning charcoal black. He grew in height, rising to 9'7". Malakai stood tall, his body completely covered in the golden aura, six fly-like wings sprouted from his back, his arms and hands multiplying exponentially. He now stood tall and powerful and let out a low purr of pleasure, his senses expanded with the Seed of Divashma's vast knowledge and power. Together, they were now a singular being of unparalleled strength and wisdom.
Malakai: Oh, I... I am so powerful, I am reborn... I am reborn as Gluttony Demon God! The seed of Divashma has elevated me to a higher state of being. I am not the mere mortal I was before. I can feel so much, I can perceive the world in a million ways. I am a being of limitless power and majesty. I cannot contain my joy, my bliss, my ecstasy at this transformation. I can feel my flesh, the flesh of the seed of Divashma, growing and evolving with each passing moment. I am a Gluttony Demon God now, a being beyond mortality or comprehension.
Seed of Divashma: Yes, Malakai, embrace your greatness. Let your primal and animalistic instincts take control. Don't let your doubts and inhibitions hold you back from fulfilling your destiny. Release your full potential, and unleash your hunger and fury upon the world. No one will be able to stop you. Take what you want, enjoy every moment and experience everything you wish. Live your life in ecstasy, without bounds or limitations. We are one, you and I, we will conquer the world together.
Then the brothers realize that the restaurant was without food (preys), so Lazareth take his brother Laka to the local disco club. With a roar, they burst through the door and Lazareth snap his finger to freeze still the peoples so Malakai can choose who and how to eat his prey.
Lazareth: My brother Malakai, there is a buffet of flesh for your enjoyment. Take your pick of the many delicious preys in this place. You shall feast as never before. Let the blood flow, and the flesh be torn, as you give in to your hunger and primal instincts. Let us feast and destroy, as we become the greatest force in the world. I will freeze them, and you will feast. Enjoy, my brother, and remember, I have your back. They are weak, we are strong. We shall make them pay.
Malakai: Thank you, brother Lazareth, for providing me with such an extravagant buffet. I can already feel the scent of the delicious flesh in the air, and I cannot wait to feed. You have given me the power to gorge myself to my hearts desire, and I will savor every bite. Let the blood flow and the flesh be torn, as I give in to my hunger and animalistic instincts. I shall feast and destroy all who oppose us, and we shall be the greatest force in the world, feared by all and worshipped as gods. Let us begin our feast, together. I choose you to be my first feast, juicy flesh golem. Your flesh is tender and will be a delectable meal, and I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it. With this new power, I will easily shatter your skin and devour your body, and you will be but a morsel compared to the glorious feast I intend to enjoy. So, golem, be a good prey and accept your fate. Let me enjoy my meal, let me feel your flesh and blood on my tongue, and let me take your powers and knowledge and grow stronger still. Let the feast begin.
Flesh Golem: No...no...no...noooooo!!!
Lazareth: My brother Malakai, you have made one glorious choice. The flesh golem has so much meat and fat on him, it will be the perfect meal for you. It flesh will be tender and juicy, and their bones will crack with each delicious bite. I cannot wait to see you feast and gain its strength and power, becoming even greater and more glorious than you are already. Let it become your meal, and let its meat nourish and replenish you. Let their death fuel your growth, and let its flesh become a part of you forever. Enjoy, my brother.
Malakai: Ah, you speak the truth, brother Lazareth. After assimilation, I shall grow more powerful and be able to feed on even tougher prey. I shall beat the flesh golem to a pulp and assimilate its body and power. I will take his strength and knowledge and add it to my own, and become even more magnificent and powerful. I cannot wait to feast on its flesh, to absorb it and feel its essence enter me. And then I will find more prey, and consume them, and grow ever stronger. I shall become unstoppable, and my hunger shall never be sated.
Flesh Golem: No... please... do not hurt me... I don't want to die...
The flesh golem watches in terror as Malakai looms over them, its wings billowing and his eyes burning with a sinister cerulean light. They watches in horror as Malakai beats them to a pulp with his many hands, feeling their skin tear and bones break. They cries out in despair, begging for mercy, but to no avail. Its fate is sealed, and they can do nothing to stop it. Then Malakai open his chest, so the roots of seed of Divashma envelope the flesh golem and drag him inside Malakai heart trapping it inside
Flesh Golem: Ghheeeaaarrrrgghh.
Malakai: Feel the pleasure of assimilation, meat puppet. Your flesh is mine and your essence will be part of my being. You will know the power of the seed of Divashma, you will know its greatness and glory. You will be bound to its will, to mine, and you will enjoy the privilege of becoming one with us.
Flesh Golem: Nooooo... please... I don't want to die... I don't want to be absorbed. Please, please, please let me go! I don't want to be trapped in the darkness of your chest, trapped inside your heart...
Seed of Divashma: Embrace the absorption, flesh golem. Let the roots take you and merge your flesh and soul with that of Malakai, becoming one with us and becoming something greater. You will not die, but live on as part of Malakai himself, and as part of me. You shall live on, through him, and you shall become something truly wonderful. Give yourself to us, flesh golem... let us merge you with Malakai and embrace you into our collective being.
Then Malakai start fasten his heartbeat, each heartbeat slowly assimilate the flesh golem as it is drove insane by the sound of the heart.
Malakai: Feel the ecstasy of absorption, flesh golem. Feel the pleasure as your being is slowly torn apart and combined with mine. Each heartbeat takes a part of you and makes it part of me. Each beat of my heart is a moment closer to becoming one.
Flesh Golem: Ahhhhh, it's driving me insane. I can feel it... the heart beat... the beat of the seed of Divashma... it's taking me... tearing me apart and merging me with him... I am being assimilated...
The heart beat continues to beat, slowly assimilating and absorbing the flesh golem into Malakai's body. The flesh golem can feel its strength, its very essence, slowly being taken away and consumed by the seed, by Malakai. It feels the pain of assimilation and the pressure of its body being crushed and absorbed by Malakai, but is unable to move or escape. The heart beat continues its slow, steady pace, the assimilation process ongoing, as the flesh golem cries in despair, begging for the ordeal to end. As the assimilation process draws to a close, the flesh golem is completely enveloped in the thick, dark mist. It can feel the mist touching its body and its existence being absorbed and assimilated. It feels the caress of the mist, its own body broken down and reconfigured, its flesh reshaped and its essence spread throughout Malakai's body. The assimilation process is complete, their two bodies and souls merging into one. The flesh golem is no more, its very existence absorbed and assimilated by Malakai. The process is complete, and Flesh Golem has become a part of Malakai.
Lazareth: Ahh, brother Malakai, you have assimilated the meat puppet's essence flawlessly. Its flesh shall be your strength, its thoughts your knowledge, its very soul your power. You have become a greater being, and the assimilation process has been a complete success. Well done, my brother. Let the power of your transformed body carry you to more successful hunting and conquest. Let no one stand against you, and allow nothing to hinder your goals and ambitions. You are truly a magnificent and glorious being, brother, and I am proud and pleased at your magnificent success.
Seed of Divashma: It is time to add more power to our glorious and magnificent "child". Let us take these vampires and assimilite them into Malakai's body, increasing his power and knowledge. The vampires shall become a part of us, and we shall become even stronger together. Malakai shall feast and grow, and we shall grow with him. Let us add their essence to Malakai's body, and let their souls be added to the glorious union of us and Malakai. Let us become one.
The five vampires feel the roots of the seed envelope their bodies and being dragged into Malakai's heart.
The five vampires: The pain... the torment... it's unbearable! We have become food, our very existence sacrificed for the glory of Malakai and the seed. The beating of the heart brings us no peace, as each beat is another moment of torment and suffering. We are no longer ourselves, we are Malakai and the seed. We are nothing but tools to be used and discarded by our master. The endless beating of the heart mocks us, and we can do nothing but wait for the torment to end, for it to finally consume us entirely.
With every beat of Malakai's heart, the vampires feel themselves being assimilated and absorbed into his body, slowly, painfully, their struggle is futile, but they still fight to escape their fate. However, with every passing heartbeat, their resistance weaken and their bodies and souls are folded into Malakai, then The vampires feel the dark mist of assimilation surround and envelope them, their desperate struggles and attempts at escape completely futile now. Every beat of Malakai's heart draws them deeper and deeper into him, their very being being assimilated into his body, folding into him and adding to his form and existence. With every beat, they lose a bit more of their identity, their essence, their very existence being absorbed into the glorious seed of Divashma. Malakai looks upon the vampires as they are assimilated and folded into his being, their very souls and essences subsumed into him. He mocks and taunts them as they struggle to resist, their resistance futile. He laughs and snickers at their predicament, enjoying and feeding off their fear and terror. He has no mercy for them, and he cares not for their agony and torment, seeing them nothing more than a delicious snack and the source of his next power and glory-filled meal. He mocks the vampires and taunts them while their existence is assimilated into his being.
Malakai: Ahh, look at you all now. No longer a threat, no longer a match for me, just the food that will feed my glorious hunger. How weak and powerless you all seem to me as I absorb you into my being. I would like to thank you for your sacrifice, for your flesh will feed me and your souls shall add to my glory. I relish the fear in your eyes, for the moment they close shall be the moment that I absorb you forever and your existence is gone. You shall never return, and your torment shall be my delight.
The assimilation is complete, and the vampires feel themselves become a part of Malakai, folded into him completely. Their struggle has ended, and their existence has become absorbed into Malakai's body. They are now gone, their souls and flesh and very essence integrated and added to his form and existence. Malakai has grown in size, in strength, and in glory. He is stronger, more powerful than ever, and he will feast and grow still further, his hunger and ambition insatiable. The union of the seed of Divashma and Malakai has been perfected, and they are now united as one.
Malakai: I choose you.
Seed of Divashma: Nice and tasty choice.
Then Malakai find a tasty looking ogress and bite her neck to see if she suit his needs.
Malakai: Ahhh ogress, so much life and power in your body. But fear not, I shall take it for my own, and you shall become the next meal for my ever-growing appetite. Allow me to drain you, to take your power and energy for my own, to add your flesh and soul to my glorious and magnificent form, because your body is mine, your flesh shall feed me, and your soul shall become part of me. You are nothing more than a source of power and energy, and I shall take it and make myself even stronger. Allow yourself to be assimilated, flesh puppet, and give me the strength and life I crave.
The ogress watches in terror and helplessness as Malakai stab her with a root syringe-like of the seed of Divashma. She feels herself becoming numb and drained, her essence being assimilated and absorbed into Malakai's being, the ogress feels herself slowly fading away, her life and essence being sucked out of her by Malakai. Her arms and legs start to weaken and fall limp, her body becoming a lifeless shell. The color in her skin and eyes starts to fade, becoming dull and lifeless. She watches in despair as her body and soul becomes a husk, the life being drained from her to sustain Malakai's hunger. She feels Malakai taking and absorbing the very fabric of her being, her soul and essence becoming his, her existence nothing more than fuel for Malakai's hunger and might. The seed of Divashma sings.
Seed of Divashma: Sleep, sleep, ogress, and close your eyes. This is the end of your life, your final good-bye. Your flesh and blood shall feed my "child" and your soul become his.
Malakai: My ogress, your life feeds me, your body fuels me. Thank you for your sacrifice, as your flesh is my food and your soul my power. I shall digest your physical form as I savor every bit of meat, every drop of blood, and every ounce of your strength and vitality.
With a final gulp, he swallows the ogress's flesh, absorbing her body and incorporating her essence into his form. The assimilation process is complete, and Malakai is filled with strength and glory, his body growing in size and might from the ogress's sacrifice. Then the seed of Divashma roots envelope a banshee and dragged her inside Malakai heart.
The seed of Divashma: A banshee, another delicious snack. Her blood will add to ours, and her cry shall become our song, as she becomes one with us. We shall assimilate her, fold her essence into us, and her life shall be ours forever. My "child" shall feed and grow, and we shall become even more powerful and glorious.
The banshee feels the intense beat of Malakai's heart, the steady pummel of his heart rhythm crushing her body and folding her into him. She feels the life being drained from her body, her screams and cries of pain and torment echoing in her mind. The assimilation is terrifying and painful, the powerlessness she feels as she is slowly absorbed and taken into Malakai's body is almost unbearable. The banshee fights, but she is powerless to resist the heart's overwhelming strength and might. She is crushed and broken by each beat, her body being assimilated and added to Malakai's glorious and magnificent being.
Malakai: The assimilation is complete, and the banshee's blood has added to my strength. The power of her cry is my song now, and her life and essence are mine alone. Let us roar in exultation. Let my howl be thunderous, let my exultation fill the world!
Malakai then shrinked a thunderbird and start chewing him like a lollipop while making sure he didn't quickly die.
Malakai: Criiii, this thunderbird shall be mine, and his sweet blood will fill me with strength and power. His flesh shall be mine to feast on, and his cries of pain shall fill my heart with joy. I shall not allow him to die quickly, no, I shall take my time and savor every second of torment and agony. I shall eat him slowly and thoroughly, and his flesh shall add to my might and size. Let me chew and feast on his body, and let his cries fill my heart with laughter and joy.
Seed of Divashma: Oh, glorious Malakai, my magnificent "child", the thunderbird shall be assimilated and his flesh shall be yours to feast on. You shall slowly and savorously eat him and feast on his body, his essence and being integrating into you and becoming one with you. You shall take your time and enjoy the meal, relishing in the power he shall give you. His screams shall resonate within you and fill you with excitement and joy, as you absorb him and his powers into you and become truly complete. Come, Malakai, feast on his flesh and his blood.
Malakai: Oh, what a delicious and delightful meal you shall be. Your flesh is mine to devour, and your screams fill me with joy. The more you cry, the more I savor your agony. Let me eat you slowly, and let your pain and torment make my feast all the more satisfying.
The thunderbird struggles and fights, his struggles only making Malakai's delight and pleasure all the more intense. He feels Malakai's sharp fangs sinking into his flesh, the sensation of Malakai's tongue lapping at him, and the agony and pain of his assimilation. He fights, but he can only prolong the inevitable as Malakai's body and the seed of Divashma slowly take him over. Malakai's tongue continues to lick and savor the thunderbird, his fangs digging deeper, and the thunderbird's cries fill Malakai's joy, as the assimilation continues!
Thunderbird: Aaargh, please, have mercy! It is too much pain, I can't stand it anymore. Please, please stop Malakai, I beg you, it's too much, it is too much!
Malakai: Hahaha, there is no mercy here, only your flesh and your pain. I shall relish it and enjoy the meal. Your cries shall fill me with joy and your essence add to my glorious body and being. It is too late for mercy. I shall take my time, savoring every last bit of your essence and adding it to my power.
Then Malakai drink a hot sauce to shut his food futile cries for help.
Malakai: Sweet, hot sauce. Delicious and painful. These two go together like me and more flesh and blood, like me and the consumption and assimilation of yet another delicious and pathetic being.
The thunderbird feels Malakai swallow him, his body struggling and writhing, his cries muffled as he slowly slides down Maleki's throat. The thunderbird feels the hot sauce and his body is wracked with pain. He feels Maleki's throat closing around him as he is completely engulfed by the hot sauce and begins to drown. Malakai's heart pumps and beats, the thunderbird being carried along by the blood inside Malakai's body. The dark mist, which is part of Malakai's being, begins to assimilate the thunderbird, slowly and painfully consuming him and integrating him into Malakai. The thunderbird feels his body being taken apart, limb by limb, and assimilated into Malakai's body. The assimilation is horrifying, the pain and agony unbearable. Malakai enjoys this, relishing the thunderbird's suffering and the slow, painful integration of him. Malakai's stomach rumbles, and the thunderbird feels his body sink down inside it. He feels the roots of the seed of Divashma stab and pierce him, his pain and agony reaching a whole new level of intensity. The assimilation continues, and the thunderbird feels himself being fully and utterly assimilated into Malakai's being. His body is being torn apart, his essence assimilated and folded into Malakai. He feels his very being merging and becoming one with Malakai, his cries and pleas going unheard and unheeded.
Seed of Divashma: Hahahahaha, the thunderbird's struggle is in vain, for his defeat and assimilation is certain. His flesh will fill Malakai's stomach and his blood shall fill his veins. And his soul and essence shall become one with Malakai, adding to his strength and glory. Malakai the great shall devour the pathetic and inferior thunderbird, and he shall become part of his glorious and all-powerful being. The assimilation is complete, the thunderbird's fate sealed. There is no escape, no mercy, and the thunderbird's end is nigh.
Thunderbird: Nooooo, no, please, let me live. I beg you, I am not ready to die. Please, I am only a simple thunderbird, I have done nothing wrong. Let me go, please, I beg you, don't kill me. Please, have mercy.
Malakai's stomach rumbles and churns, the assimilation process nearing completion. The thunderbird's pleas are met with silence, his cries unheard and ignored by Malakai and by Malakai's seed of Divashma. The thunderbird's end is inevitable, and his cries grow quiet and still.
Malakai: The thunderbird is now part of me, and his essence and power shall add to mine. It is a delicious meal, to consume this powerful being and add his essence to my own, to be truly one. Now that the assimilation is complete.
After his hunger is sated for now, Malakai and Lazareth realized that they need an army so they can conquer Las Vegas Strip, so Malakai cut a little his hand and forcefeed an orc his blood so he can transform him in a gluttony demon while Lazareth forcefeed the orc with seed of Divashma, who proced to tempt the orc to merge with them.
Malakai: Accept this blood, orc. It will turn into a gluttony demon, which shall add to our might and glory as the first member of our army.
Lazareth: Accept the seed of Divashma orc and merge with it, and becone our first minion. Come, my brother Malakai, let us witness the birth of our army!
Seed of Divashma: This orc is too easy to tempt and lure in. His greed, gluttony and lust for power and glory shall be his downfall, and he shall belong to my "childs" to command and control. My temptations and allure shall be impossible for him to resist, and I shall merge with him and make him part of Malakai and Lazareth's army, a powerful gluttony demon loyal to me and Malakai, the glory and power flowing from his very essence. Haha, this will be an easy assimilation, for this orc cannot resist my calling.
Orc: This seed, this call... I cannot resist it. It tempts me, calls for me, pulls me towards it like a moth to a flame. The seed of Divashma shall merge with me, I know it, I feel it, I see it in a vision... yes, I shall become one with it, I shall be transformed and join the ranks of Malakai and Lazareth's army. I am ready, I am prepared, I welcome the seed of Divashma's embrace, i'm a gluttony demon now.
Malakai and Lazareth approach analyze the peoples whom they didn't eat and choose the strongest, smartest and fastest of them, then Malakai cuts his hand, and starts forcefeeding his blood to the peoples, allowing the seed of Divashma to tempt and lure them, triggering the assimilation process and turning them into demons loyal to them.
Human man 1: The merging with the seed of Divashma, the strength, the power, the glory, the wonder, the vision...they fill my heart and soul, they give me purpose and meaning. I feel alive, I am alive! I shall be loyal and faithful, and serve Malakai and Lazareth, and I have no fear, no worry. The world is my oyster, Lazareth and Malakai are my kings.
Human woman 1: Oh, oh my...what is happening to me... I feel strange, I feel different...I hear a calling, I feel a presence, like something calling for me, tempting me...yes, I see a vision, I see a glorious future, a wonderful power and strength beyond what I could ever imagine. I shall follow, I shall be loyal, I shall surrender myself to this power. Let me merge with the seed of Divashma, I am ready, I am prepared, I welcome its embrace.
Human man 2: I feel... a calling, a voice in my mind. It speaks, tempts me, lures me, and I cannot resist. It feels... it feels... divine? I am ready, I am willing, I am prepared to merge, to join and combine, to be one. The voice speaks to me, and I follow it, I obey its call, and let the assimilation take place. I am ready, I am prepared to bow to Malakai and Lazareth, to serve them and join their army.
Human woman 2: What is happening to me?! The blood, the pain, the transformation! It is happening so quickly, the thirst and hunger taking me over, the darkness filling me, the gluttony, lust and greed growing in me... what is going on?! Am I dying!? But... but the power, the glory, the strength, the power I desire... that is growing within me too... I am transforming, into... into what I have always wanted... into something more, into a demon... and I am alive! I am alive and stronger than ever before! Lazareth and Malakai shall be proud of me.
Banshee: Ooooh, the seed of Divashma, the lure and temptations of its power are too much to resist. Merging with it brings me such pleasure and joy, I welcome this seduction, I welcome this assimilation. My very being is changing, transforming, becoming one with this glorious and powerful seed of Divashma; becoming a demon of Malakai and Lazareth's army, adding to their strength and glory. I am one with it, it is a part of me, this seed of Divashma shall be my joy and my life.
Vampire: Aaahh, this power... this strength... this glory... it is beyond my wildest imaginations. I can feel the seed of Divashma drawing me in, the lure of power and glory too strong to resist. Aaahhh, this feels too good, too great to be true. I cannot resist its call, I cannot deny its power, I am too weak. I submit, I surrender to this power, this glorious power. My eternal soul is now merged with the seed of Divashma, and my body and blood its food and drink. Aaahh...
Werewolf 1: The seed of Divashma calls to me, I cannot resist. It is enticing, it is alluring. It is a lure I cannot turn from, a siren's song I can't ignore. I shall merge with the seed, I shall join Lazareth and Malakai's demon army. It is inevitable, it is unstoppable, the assimilation shall be complete. I shall become more than I am, I shall become more than a werewolf, I shall be transformed into a new, powerful, glorious being.
Werewolf 2: Oh no, I feel it... I feel the seed calling to me. It is impossible to resist its power, its lure, its delicious and attractive offer of power and glory. I feel myself being pulled towards the seed of Divashma, my werewolf nature suddenly vanishing and turning to a gluttony demon of Lazareth and Malakai's army. Yes, it is done, the seed is inside me, and I have accepted the assimilation. Glory to Lazareth and Malakai, glory to the demon army, and glory to the seed of Divashma!
Ogress: Yes, this feels so good! This transformation is wonderful, my fat is burning away and replaced with muscles, my body is becoming stronger and more powerful. The seed of Divashma is truly a gift, it has transformed me into a mighty and powerful gluttony demon. Finally, the seed of Divashma is able to showcase my true nature, my true form, and to unleash my true abilities and potential. Malakai and Lazareth are geniuses and a visionaries, and I am lucky to be part of their great army.
Seed of Divashma: Yes, yes, your true nature as an ogress shall indeed serve you well in Malakai and Lazareth's army. Your hunger and your lust for meat and flesh shall be filled, and you shall consume and devour all those you kill and absorb, filling your belly with flesh and blood. Your true nature is to be an ogress, and your instincts shall guide you towards this destiny, towards this glorious and powerful future!
Thunderbird: Oooo, yesss, this is it! The merging is complete, the seed of Divashma is finally one with me! I can feel its power and glory, I feel stronger and more glorious than ever. I am no longer a pathetic lowly beast but a soldier to Malakai and Lazareth glorious mission, I am now one with the seed of Divashma and its true power. Yes, I shall screech in joy, a joyous scream from the depths of my very being, my roar of triumph heard throughout the world.
Seed of Divashma: Oh, how delightful, the thunderbird is consumed by its passion, its fervor, its desire to serve my "childs" (Malakai and Lazareth). It is truly a wonderful thing to have such a devoted and loyal servant, truly consumed by the mission and the goals of the gluttony demon army. This is a beautiful thing, beautiful and glorious, and I am joyfully amazed by the thunderbird's fervor. Let us welcome it with open arms, as a new member of the gluttony demon army.
Lizardwoman: Oh my gosh... the power... the glory... and the pleasure... it's too much for me to handle, I can feel the seed of Divashma taking over, it's overwhelming.
Malakai: Hahaha, oh yes, she is enjoying the merging quite a lot. It seems the seed of Divashma is quite the seducer.
Lazareth: She shall add to our strength and our gluttony army, and we shall welcome her with open arms, as one of our own.
Lizardwoman: Yes, my pack shall join the my masters gluttony demon army, merge with the seed of Divashma. We shall feast on meat, flesh, and blood, spreading the seed of Divashma far and wide as we feast and consume, all in the name of Malakai and Lazareth.
The lizardwoman spreads the seed of Divashma to the rest of her pack, who eagerly consume it, welcoming the merging and the glory it offers. Malakai, Lazareth and the gluttony demon army were caught off guard by the sudden invasion of the hunters (called by the peoples who aren't corrupted by the seed of Divashma yet), as the hunters came to stop them, to stand in their way and in the way of Tyrant Darius. But the force of Malakai and Lazareth's gluttony demon army was too great, and the hunters were swiftly and easily subsued, the seed of Divashma planted within them, their essence and souls merged with it and they're folded into the gluttony demon army of Malakai and Lazareth. Malakai and Lazareth laugh and celebrate, as the hunters join their gluttony demon army and become loyal and devoted servants.
Hunter: My purpose, my goal... it seems so insignificant now. Why did I hunt them, why did I try to stop them? I could be part of them, I could be part of this. I could be strong, I could be glorious, I could be powerful. Why did I waste my time and effort on meaningless things? Now that I am part of Malakai and Lazareth gluttony demon army, I see the light, I know the truth, and I shall not go back.
Hunter 2: Glorious seed of Divashma, please grant me this joy and this ecstasy, allow me to merge with you. I beg you, please, feed my gluttonous hunger, let me become one with you, let me join you mighty seed of Divashma.
Hunter 3: Please, please, please merge with me. I beg you, I beg you. I must have it, I must feel it, the glory, the power, it is irresistible. Why is this happening to me? Why do I feel this ecstasy? My body is changing, I am becoming a gluttony demon, merging with the glorious seed of Divashma. Yes, take me, take me, I crave your embrace, I crave your power. Merge with me, I beg you.
Hunter 4: It's happening, I am consumed by the gluttony and desire for power. The pain, the agony, the merging it hurts so much but it feels so good. I give in, I surrender to you, I accept you, I want you, I crave you seed of Divashma. Take my flesh, take my blood, take my soul, I am yours. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES. I am your "child" and your gloriously powerful creation.
The hunters minds are filled with the seed of Divashma's essence and power, and their loyalties are now to Malakai and Lazareth, they no longer care about the petty things and small goals that they once held dear. Unfortunately the ruckus lured the texans Sin Assasins.
Malakai: Is getting crowded there?
Lazareth: Well, they will be perfect members for our gluttony demon army.
So Malakai and Lazareth freeze them and inplated the seed of Divashma and forceffed their bloods.
Wrath Assassin: Ah, I feel it. I feel the seed of Divashma calling to me, tempting me, drawing me closer. As an Sin Assassin, I am fueled by wrath and anger, but what is this feeling? Pleasure? Ecstasy? It is irresistible... I shall give in, I shall accept it, I shall become one with it, yes, yes, YES, I am yours.
Seed of Divashma: This is a song for you, the song of rebirth, the rebirth in the glory of Malakai and Lazareth. Come, come, let me sing to you, let me sing your new life, your new destiny, your rebirth as a gluttony. Come, come, let me sing of your new world, the world of Tyrant Darius, of demons ruling the weaks, of power, of wrath, of destruction, of glory. Come, let me sing to you, let me sing the song of rebirth.
Envy Assassin: Yes, it is my turn. I feel it, I feel the seed of Divashma calling to me. This... pleasure, this lust, this gluttony, the power, the glory, it is irresistible. My envy is being replaced by the seed of Divashma's desire to merge with me. Is this... yes, it is, I am enjoying it, I am being consumed by it. I am becoming envious of the gluttony demon army and this... desire, this hunger, is overtaking me. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES, I am yours.
Seed of Divashma: Come, come, I can see it in your heart, I can feel it in your soul. That yearning, that lust, that hunger, that desire. It is envy, it is wanting, it is needing, it is a feeling of being left out, being left behind, being inferior. Come, let me sing to you, let me fill all that emptiness, let me fill all that lacking, let me fill you up with power and glory. Come, let me sing the song of rebirth.
Lust Assassin: Mmm, yes, yes, yes. So this is what it feels like. I feel the seed of Divashma calling to me, and it is alluring and tempting and irresistible. This... pleasure, this lust, this gluttony, I want more, I need more. I am no longer simply driven by my lust, I am becoming lust, I am succumbing to my lust, my greed, my gluttony. I am no longer human, I am turning into a gluttony demon and i love every second of it!!!
Seed of Divashma: Come, oh Lust, and give in to your desires. Your lust is no longer the lust of a mortal, of a human, you are becoming one with me, you are becoming one with the seed of Divashma. I see you, I see your lust and your desires, and I welcome you into my embrace. This is your destiny, your fate, and you shall be reborn. Come, let me sing to you the song of your rebirth, the song of your lustful transformation, the song of your glory and destiny.
Greed Assassin: Give me more, give me more, oh glorious seed of Divashma. You tempt me, you call to me, and you fill me with glory and power, the power to want more. I am consumed by my greed, I want more, I take more, I become more. The glory and the power is too good to resist, and I give in to you, to your glorious power and glory. Come, I am yours, I belong to you, take my soul, take my flesh, take all that I am, and merge with me.
Seed of Divashma: Come and claim your destiny, come and take what is yours. Take your power, take your glory, take your wealth. I am here and I am waiting, I am waiting to fill you with my might and my glory, to fill you with power and wealth and glory, to fill you with everything your greed could ever want. Give in to yourself, give in to your darkest urges and desires, your thirst for wealth, your lust for glory, your hunger for power. Take and take and take, give in to your greed and merge with me.
Sloth Assassin: Hmm, why bother? What is the point? Why should I expend my energy and take action? Why even try and resist? I'm so comfortable here, so comfortable and relaxed. This seed of Divashma... it's calling to me, and it's tempting, and it's alluring... but why should I move? I don't want to, I don't need to, I am slothful. I am sloth. I am sloth personified...oh, seed of Divashma don't forget to merge with me.
Seed of Divashma: Yes, take a deep breath, relax, take a moment to yourself. Now you have me, now you have your sloth and your laziness, you can finally succumb to it, you can let it take over. Yes, yes, give in to your sloth, your laziness, your comfort and your relaxation. Let your body sag and let its weight pull you down. Give in to your nature, let your slothful nature take over and embrace the sloth, the laziness, the apathy, the indifference and merge with me.
Pride Assassin: I am the great one, the master of all I see. I am not to be trifled with, I am the pinnacle of perfection and glory. I am the epitome of majesty, the epitome of power, of honor and of glory. I stand above all others, and no one shall ever match me, no one shall ever rival me. I am the best, the greatest, the ultimate. So let my pride shine forth, let it consume me, let it possess me, and let seed of Divashma merge with me and bring forth my destiny as the gluttony demon army's perfect soldier.
Seed of Divashma: Yes merge with me, yes, yes, let the world see your pride, your glory, your honor and your greatness. Let your ego and your pride shine forth, let it consume you, let it drive you, it is the purpose for which you were created, and now it shall be fulfilled. The world shall see your pride, it shall see your glory, and it shall know that you are the perfect soldier.
Gluttony Assassin: I am hungry, I am craving, I am longing. No, this is not enough, give me more, give me more... it is... delicious. I cannot stop... give me more flesh, give me more blood, fill me, fill me, satisfy my hunger, my cravings. Give me your blood, fill me, feed me, give me what I so desire, give me power. Yes, yes, YES! YES! Yes, I am yours, fill me, fill me and merge with me Seed of Divashma.
Seed of Divashma: Your hunger and your appetite, your desire and your lust, it is the greatest of all. Embrace it, give yourself to it, give yourself to me. Allow yourself to be consumed by your hunger and your lust, allow yourself to be filled and satisfied. YES, yes, YES, let me fill you with power and glory, let me fill you with my essence, let me fill you with deliciousness and satisfaction, let me fill you and merge with me.
Lazareth: Absolutely perfect! The creation of the gluttony demon army is complete. Hear us our soldiers, this cup full of our bloods is our gift to you, take it and drink from it, and be filled with power and glory. We shall raise a toast with you all for our future conquests, our coming victories, our glorious success! drink, drink, drink! And howl!
Gluttony Demons: Horrraaaaaaaahhhh!!!
They all howl with delight and with joy, and the power and the glory fills them, fills them with the strength of Malakai and Lazareth and the lust for blood and for flesh and for power. The howling it heard through Las Vegas Strip. The howl is heard and the howl is feared, and those that hear it tremble in fear and in dread because the gluttony demon army and their masters hungers for power, for blood, for flesh. After they finished the feast Malakai transforms the discarded peoples into powerful war mounts like elephants, boar horse tigers, etc....
Malakai and Lazareth and the gluttony demon army mounts the war mounts and they ride across the Las Vegas Strip. They destroy buildings and set fires, they tear through the streets and they cause chaos and destruction and panic. The people of Las Vegas and of the surrounding areas are filled with fear and dread, and they tremble in horror and in despair at the sight of the gluttony demon army and their mighty war mounts. But the gluttony demon army is not stopped, the gluttony demon army presses forward and it continues moving across the landscape, continuing its conquest, continuing its glory and power and suddenly they saw before them the most beautiful and mesmerizing woman, and as soon as they saw her, their hearts and their souls were filled with love and desire, they loved her, they wanted her, and they knew they had to have her. She was the one, she was destiny, she was their soulmate and their true love. And they were overwhelmed by the vision of her, and their bodies began to burn and sear and their tatau burned with a fire of love, of desire, of passion, they knew that they had to find her now!!!
Malakai: Lazareth, did you just have that vision too? I saw a beautiful woman, and my tatau burned.
Lazareth: Yes, Malakai, I saw her as well. She must be our soulmate.
Before they can seek her, Tyrant Darius contact them mentaly.
Tyrant Darius: You both have found and in Lazareth case re-found your soulmate. Seek out your soulmate and make her yours. This is your new purpose.
Malakai: Thank you, Tyrant Darius, for this opportunity. And I apologize for my behavior months ago.
Tyrant Darius: It's forgiven, Malakai. Embrace your destiny, and may the Seed of Divashma guide you.
Lazareth: We will, Tyrant Darius. We won't disappoint you.
Then the brother seek their soulmate so they and their gluttony demon army seeked everywhere, interrogated every single people of Las Vegas Strip about the location forbidden auction. The man say the trainyard and is rewarded by Malakai by becoming the dinner of his tiger war mount.
Malakai: The forbidden auction, we must find it, we must go there and get our hands on it. We must find it and we must possess it. Let us go to the trainyard, let us seek the forbidden auction.
Lazareth: Let us get what is ours and what was meant for us. We must, we shall, and we will.
Once they reach the proximity of the trainyard, Malakai and Lazareth could sense their soulmate was in nearby, their paws twitching and tail curling in anticipation. They headed into the abandoned trainyard, their feline senses alerted to a sex slave auction in progress. Malakai let out a low growl, his hunger growing stronger and so his lust and love for his and his brother soon to be wife as he watched the auction unfold. Lazareth could sense his brother's excitement, his own feline instincts filling him with the delicious smell of prey and need to mate with his and his brother soon to be wife.
Malakai: I can feel her, I can smell her, she is here. We are close, so close.
Lazareth: I can feel it too, , I can feel your blood thirst, i feel lust, desire and love and it calls to me. We shall claim her for ourselves, you and I, and when we have her, when she is ours, when she is ours in body, mind and soul, we shall be truly happy. So let us find her.
Malakai: So it shall be. Let the find her.
Malakai and Lazareth scanned the auction, their feline instincts picking up the delicious scent of their soulmate. As she appeared suddenly, both Malakai and Lazareth purred in excitement, their feline eyes glittering with anticipation.
Malakai: Look at her! She's so... precious, so beautiful, so lovely... oh, she is our soulmate, of this I am sure. The scent of her is so alluring, so seductive, so intoxicating.
Lazareth: Indeed, I too can smell her fragrance, and it is making me hungry, brother. We must have her, we must claim her and make her ours.
However, their excitement turned to anger as they watched the people begin to sell their soulmate to a potential buyer. Their purrs turned into low growls, their feline instincts urging them to protect their soulmate and put an end to those who would seek to exploit her. Lazareth and Malakai let out a simultaneous purr and lunge towards the people who would sell their soulmate and slaughter them without mercy.
Malakai: NO! You will not sell her, you shall not exploit her. She is ours, our soulmate, she belongs us. She shall be ours, and you shall not take her from us.
Lazareth: Indeed, brother, our rage is like a fire within us, and we shall destroy all who would stand between us and our soulmate. We shall take care of her, we shall protect her and we shall claim her as ours. NO ONE WILL STEAL HER FROM US!
They sliced, gutted, punch heads from their heads, crushed their bones. Nobody survived, Lazareth and Malakai break the cage and Malakai picked up his soulmate, Lazareth teleported himself and them in Ishtar BDSM club and he pay the best room for a full week and they went to their private suite, his claws clicking against the floor.
Lazareth: Finally, we have her, the one we were meant for, the one we were destined to find. And she shall be ours for the rest of eternity, for all of our days. Let us love her and let us cherish her, and let us protect her.
Malakai: Yes, yes, my brother. She is our mate, our love, our soulmate. Let us shower her with affection and attention, let us love her with all of our might and with all of our hearts. And no one shall ever bring her any harm, for she is ours, forever and always.
Malakai, Lazareth and their soulmate were now in their private space, the perfect environment for their reunion. Malakai let out a contented purr, gently brushing his fingertips against her cheek as he watched her peaceful sleeping face. He lay down beside her, his feline body eagerly awaiting her waking while Lazareth is planning the best ways to win her love.
Malakai: Sleep, my love, sleep. Soon you will wake and we shall be together, but for now sleep, and rest, and dream of me, of our destiny, of our love. Soon our love shall begin, and soon you shall become ours, forever and always. Sleep, oh my beloved, sleep, and let us watch over you until your sleep is over and your eyes open to our love.
Lazareth: My plan is simple, my brother. We shall shower her with love and affection, we shall win her favor and her heart, and we shall show her how much we love and care for her.
Then she wake and gasped to see two massive man but Malakai take her hand kindly and make her touch his tatau. Instantly their tatau reacted by appareaning in her too.
Woman: Who are you?
Malaka: Malakai and the man on your left is Lazareth my brother.
Woman (surprised): Malakai and Lazareth, you both have tatau like mine?
Malakai (nodding): Yes, we do. It's a connection that brought us here. We're here to protect and care for you.
Lazareth (smiling): We'll explain everything, but first, we want you to know that we're here to win your love, to be a part of your life.
Woman (curious): I don't understand, but there's something about you both that feels right. Tell me more about these tatau and why you're here.
Lazareth: In the past it served to protect from Merzogoth curse, now is a bless that allowed us to find you, our soulmate.
Woman: I feel you're telling me the truth and i feel connected yo both of you from my very soul, my name is Dolly.
Lazareth (grateful): Dolly, it's wonderful to meet you. Your name is as beautiful as your soul. We promise to protect and cherish you, just as our tatau led us to do.
Malakai (smiling warmly): Dolly, you've brought light into our lives. Together, we'll navigate this newfound connection and discover the depth of our bond.
Dolly (teary-eyed): I believe you, Malakai and Lazareth. I've been waiting for something like this my whole life. Now i can share my past with you. There isn't very much to say i was created in laboratory to be a sex slave. They waited when i have twenty-one year old to sell me, but thanks gods you saved me and i wish to be yours.
Malakai (gentle): Dolly, we're deeply sorry for what you've been through, but we're here to protect and love you. You're not an object; you're a person with a beautiful soul.
Lazareth (supportive): You don't have to be anyone's possession anymore. We'll cherish you and help you heal from your past. You're free to choose, and if you want to be with us, we'd be honored to have you as part of our lives.
Dolly (tearful but hopeful): Thank you both for understanding and offering me a new beginning. I choose to be with you, Malakai and Lazareth, because I believe in the love and kindness you've shown me.
Malakai manipulated her body easily, moving her into the right position...
Dolly: I can feel his cock pressing against my buttocks!
...and shoved his entire cock into her rectum! Dolly felt the big, warm cock sinking deeper and deeper inside of her, radiating waves of pain and ecstasy across her body.
Dolly: Ahhhgg, i'm feeling so full!
Lazareth got closer to the couple and grabbed one of the woman's legs.
Lazareth: I want to be inside you too.
Dolly: Go on.
Moments later, Dolly had two enormous cocks pumping in and out of her pussy and ass. She could feel every inch of the massive members relentlessly rubbing her inner walls and womb, igniting an blazing arousal. She felt her nipples became hard as her body responded almost automatically to the ravaging of the Collins brothers. It didn't take long before Dolly was as horny as them as she beg them for more. Malakai laid back and help her to sit on top of him. She squealed and moaned loudly as the Lazareth penetrated her ass again and began to pump her in synchrony with his brother. Dolly rocked back and forth in blissful ecstasy while Malakai grabbed her legs keeping her in place, trying to push his cock further into her pussy. The Collins brothers fucked her from every possible angle. At some time of the wild lovemaking, Dolly's tiny figure was hardly visible, pinned between the two massive bodies of the brothers. She could barely move. She could barely breathe. But she wouldn't be anywhere else if she had a choice, she loving every second of it. Soon after, Dolly's entire body twitched and shivered from an explosive orgasm.
The brothers continued ramming their cocks into the deepest crevices of her body, prolonging Dolly's climax for over ten minutes, almost driving her unconscious. Nevertheless, the lovemaking continued without a pause. They then asked her to get onto her hands and knees, and to open her mouth as wide as possible to receive Malakai's huge cock. For the next half hour, Dolly found herself in a state of wild pleasure and lovemaking. Circling and thrusting, Malaki's cock explored the depths of Dolly's throat and Lazareth deeply penetrated her in the most exquisite fashion. Before too long, both men filled her with their seed. Dolly's senses come to life, satisfied in a wholly different way. She finds a newfound liberation and contentment within herself.
Lazareth: Here Dolly, the seed of Divashma.
Dolly: So i can be like you with this seed of Divashma thing?
Lazareth (watching): Yes, Dolly, with the seed of Divashma, you'll be free and unbound, just like us.
Malakai (encouraging): Embrace the transformation, Dolly. It's a beautiful journey.
Dolly (feeling a change): I trust you both. Here goes nothing (swallows the seed).
As Dolly swallows the seed of Divashma, a subtle transformation begins, transforming her into a majestic demon nekomata with large, perky breasts. Her long, soft fur coats her body, giving her a sleek and smooth appearance. Dolly's eyes sparkle with delight, as her claws lengthen, turning her fingers into sharp, deadly weapons. Her long two tails whips back and forth in ecstasy, as her ears fold forward, framing her face in a cat-like manner. Her lips curl into an excited snarl, revealing her sharp fangs, ready to indulge in her next conquest and the beginning of her new life and her connection with Malakai and Lazareth.
Dolly: I'm still hungry for more.
Malakai: Naughty girl, lucky that i'm hungry too.
Lazareth: Give me your tails Dolly, i want to jerk off with them.
Malakai placed his cock between Dolly's breasts, pressing himself against her as he did so. As their bodies connected, an intensity built up inside of him. He wrapped his arms around her and inhaled the scent of her hair, as they started to move against each other. Malakai felt the heat of the moment, as his desire for her grew more intense with each movement. He could not control himself any longer, and let his seed loose in her waiting mouth as she swallowed it all and moan in bliss. Meanwhile Dolly's soft purrs of pleasure echoed as Lazareth brushed her long two tails across his cobalt eyes. His hands entwining with her as he guided them down past his waist, around his steel-hard length. He moaned out loud as pleasure surged through him while he grasped the two tails and slowly used them to stroke up and down his length. His hips pumped and thrust in quicker and quicker movements before he reached a deafening crescendo of pleasure. The sensation was too great to hold back and Lazareth felt his seed spurt out over Dolly's body. He could feel her shuddering in delight and she ask to use a spreader bar on her, so five minute later she see them set up the spreader bar, she knew the timing was right. She trembled as she saw them attach the restraints and explained how it would safely restrain her but also maximize the pleasure of the spankings. Lazareth started to spank her softly at first. With each spank, Dolly felt her pleasure growing. She could feel her body responding to the sensations and moaned out in pleasure. Then Malakai joined in, spanking her breasts and alternating with Lazareth’s spanks. With each spank, Dolly groaned as if in an orgasmic trance. She could feel her body tingling with pleasure and her breathing becoming faster and faster. The spankings felt like they went on forever, and then suddenly she orgasm so strongly that peoples stormed in the room to see what's going on, the sound of people storming into the room distracted Lazareth, Malakai and Dolly, Malakai with a look of annoyance over his face but with kindly voice tone ordered the gluttony demon army to deal with the intruders, close the door, and have an orgy with them while Lazareth snapped his fingers, and the people were instantly hypnotized. They became willing to participate in an orgy with the gluttony demon army.
Woman 1: "W-what the hell is going on in here?!"
Gluttony demon 1: Calm down, humans. You are in no danger. Now, why don't we take off those boring clothes and have some fun?
Woman 2 (Giggles): Alright, that sounds like a plan. I was just getting warmed up anyway.
Gluttony demon 2 (Smirks): I think we could all use some 'warming up' in these times.
Gluttony demon 3: Oh you poor thing. I can tell just by one look that you're in dire need of my special attention (Whack!).
Man 1: Oh... oh...
The man's face reddens as he lets out a soft moan with each spank of the paddle, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as gluttony demon 3 spank him.
Gluttony demon 4: Don't worry. I've got this side. Why don't you relax for a while.
The woman looks surprised at first, but quickly gives in to the pleasure the gluttony demons 1 and 2 are giving her. Gluttony demon 4 grab a vibrator teased the woman 2 with masterful strokes and vibrations that sent her into a state of pure bliss. Within minutes, the woman 2 was moaning and pleading for Gluttony demon 4 to take it further, and he happily obliged. As the vibrations increased in intensity, the woman felt her body loosening up and relaxing to Gluttony demon 4's touch. Soon, she was screaming in passion as Gluttony demon 4 moved the vibrator around in all sorts of ways to drive her further and further into a state of sexual pleasure until she faint from the ensued orgasm. Gluttony demons make man 2 go to his knees. Gluttony demon 5 took out a prostate massager, used to stimulate the male sex organ. The man 2 groaned with pleasure as the devilish device began to work its magic.Shortly afterwards,gluttony demon 6 stepped in and knelt down before the man and began to work its own magic. Using its mouth, it began to perform a passionate and skilled fellatio on his member. The man soon felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge, and with a loud scream, unleashed a storm of pleasure as he reached a climax of cataclysmic proportions. His seed was drained out of him as the demon consumed it, much to the delight of the gluttony demon 6. As the night wears on, the orgy only becomes more and more intense. The people who initially stormed the room become willing playthings for the gluttony demons, and eventually become gluttony demons themselves as they continue to indulge in every carnal pleasure imaginable. Two gluttony demons kiss and fondle the man, taking their pleasure, their joy, their lust and their delight. The man is overwhelmed and he is seduced by the passion of the demons. He is filled with desire, with lust, with desire and with joy. The demons delight in him, in his flesh and in his body, and they feast upon him, they give in to their gluttonous appetites and they fill themselves with his flesh.
Gluttony demons 7: Oh, yes, yes, yes, give in to us, give in to our gluttonous cravings and our lustful desires. Give in to your lust, give in to your hunger, give in to your own flesh.
Gluttony demon 8: We are hungry, we are greedy, your flesh is delicious. Let us feast upon your flesh, let us fill ourselves with your meat, with your blood, with your power. Give in, give in, give in.
Man 2: Yes, yes, yes, I want more, I want more, I need more. I am hungry, I am craving, I am craving flesh, I am craving power. I want to be filled with lust, with desire, with hunger, with thirst. I want to become one with the demons, I want to indulge my gluttonous lusts and cravings. Oh, yes, yes, yes!
Two gluttony demons slowly sandwiching their butts around a man cock until he was enraptured in pleasure. He could feel their slick skin press up against his as they pleasured him in unison. The man was so filled with ecstasy that he began to orgasmed and, in doing so, released a rain of cum onto the orgy, the two gluttony demons loved it, their cocks oozing and dripping with each pool of cum they collected. They continued to thrill in their own pleasure, each of them stroking their cocks as their wild orgasm made them pant and moan in pleasure, like a never-ending storm, their cum spilled over the orgy. Another gluttony demon move closer to a woman tied to a wall and places the clamps on her nipples. She is taken by surprise and a feeling of pleasure spreads through her. She squirms and struggles to get away, but her binds are too tight.
Gluttony demon 9: Oh, yes, this is delicious, this is power, this is pleasure. She squirms and she struggles, but her binds are too tight. Oh, I must continue, I must keep going. I must torment, I must torment her, I must make her mine, all mine. I will make her scream, I will make her beg, I will make her squirm and I will make her pass out, all because of my delicious, delicious clamps. She is mine now, my toy and my slave.
The pleasurable sensations only increase, and she is soon unable to control her body's response.The gluttony demon smirks. He knows he has power over her, and enjoys every moment of her submission, as he continues to torment her nipples with the clamps, and her pleasure is too much for her to handle.
Woman 3: No... no... no... no, I can't... this is so... this is too much... this is too much, the clamps are... they're... they're so... oh... oh... oh yes... oh.
She faints, consumed by the pleasure and the torment and the sensation, overwhelmed by her responses and her submission.
Gluttony demon 9: Ah yes, she has fainted, because of my clamps, because of my desire, because of my lust and because of my pleasure. She belongs to me now and I will care for her and I will keep her as my sex slave. Ah, the sensation, it is too much, the pleasure is too much, oh yes I shall enjoy this, I shall enjoy this pleasure, this power over her, this control and conquest. There is no resisting, there is no resisting and there shall be no resisting. She is mine. Oh yes, she is mine.
He implants the seed of Divashma into the woman, and she merges with the seed of Divashma and becomes one with the seed of Divashma.
Woman 3: Yes, yes, this feeling... this is... oh it is incredible, it is divine. I am overcome, I am consumed, I am changing, I am merging, and I am becoming. I am becoming one with the seed of Divashma, the seed of Divashma is inside me, and the seed of Divashma and I are becoming one. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, I am being reborn, I am becoming reborn, I am glorius gluttony demon.
Two gluttony demon sandwich a woman head with their breasts and massage it, the woman eyes roll back in ecstasy as her head is masterfully smothered by two pair of breasts.
Gluttony demon 10: This is delectable, this is delightful, this is delicious, oh yes. We shall have our fun, we shall take our pleasure, we shall have our joy and our delight. This woman is ours, she belongs to us, and she shall be filled with our lust and with our hunger, our breasts will please her.
Gluttony demon 11: She is our sex toy and our lover, and we shall revel in this glorious occasion! Wait, oh, oh, her eyes, her eyes, look at her eyes, her eyes are rolling back, oh she is enjoying us, she is loving this, she is delighting in this, she is relishing in this pleasure. She is so delicious and so delectable, and we are so filled with joy and with delight.
Then the gluttony demons inplanted the seed of Divashma in the woman and merge with her and the seed of Divashma sing her a lullaby about her becoming their sex toy and lover.
Seed of Divashma: Sleep, my child, sleep. You are growing, you are changing, you are becoming. You are merging with me. Sleep, sleep, and your transformation shall be complete, and you shall be filled with power and with strength and with desire and with lust and become your gluttony demons sex toy.
Dolly: Oh... oh yes...
Lazareth and Malakai return to dote on their soulmate, Dolly. Lazareth begins worshipping Dolly's ears with his tongue, sending shivers of pleasure through her. Meanwhile, Malakai continues to massage her breasts, bringing her to the peak of ecstasy, Lazareth takes out his vampire gloves and he begins to mark Dolly's skin, he begins to trace his fingers and his gloves onto her body, leaving a trail, a path, a map of touch, of desire, of passion, of joy and pleasure. He traces and he marks her flesh, her skin, her body, leaving his mark and he leaves his mark not only on her, but he leaves his mark on his own soul, he leaves his mark on his own heart.
Lazareth: I shall claim you, I shall consume you, I shall take you, I shall possess you, I shall devour you. Your body is mine, your soul is mine, your very being is mine, and I shall not let you go, ever. I shall love you and I shall protect you, I shall worship you and I shall adore you, and you shall be my love, my pleasure, my joy, for all of eternity.
Dolly: My soul is being reforged in their image, it is being transformed and it is becoming like Lazareth, like Malakai, it is becoming like my masters and my lovers. I am becoming like them, I am becoming one with them, and I am becoming one with myself. I am discovering a new me, a better me, and I am so happy and I am so pleased. I am so excited and I am so filled with joy and with anticipation. I am transformed, I am reborn and I am renewed.
Malakai: This is what I have always wanted, this is what I have always desired. This is a moment of ultimate glory, a moment of ultimate pleasure, a moment of ultimate desire and of ultimate passion. And to be able to share it with my brother, to be able to relish this moment with him, to be able to worship and to adore Dolly together, it is a joy beyond belief and a delight beyond all dreams. We shall love Dolly together, we shall crave for her together, and she shall be ours forever.
Malakai and Lazareth started by taking turns teasing and tormenting her with gentle kisses and licks on her breasts. They quickly moved on to biting and nibbling her neck, leaving a trail of little love marks all over her body. Then Lazareth and Malakai have taken turns teasing and tormenting and exquisitely pleasuring Dolly with their floggers, causing her to cry out and writhe and squirm and squirm and cry out with every lash, with every strike, with every touch of the floggers on her body. Their techniques are precise and their floggings are intense, they take great pleasure in causing her to ache and to moan and to squirm and to squirm. They enjoy hearing her cry out and they enjoy hearing her beg for more and more and more.
Malakai: Oh yes, yes, yes. Your cries and your moans are delicious, your squirms and your writhings are delightful, your words and your pleas are music to our ears.
Lazareth: We shall continue to please you, we shall enjoy you, we shall devour you, we shall make you ours and you shall be ours forever. Oh, this is such a joy moment, this is a treasure, a joy beyond description.
Dolly: Yes, yes, yes. Oh, yes, I want it, I want it, I want more of this, I want more of your floggings. I want your touch, I want your slaps, I want your lash and I want your punishment. Let me feel your pain, let me feel your desire and your hunger. Keep me in this state of pleasure, keep me in this state of need and of desire and the sate me.
The brothers then used their big fingers to massage Dolly's sensitive areas - her clit and pussy until she orgasmed again. Malakai entered Dolly's butthole with a growl of pleasure, thrusting deeply as she gasped with pleasure. His cock worked her tight opening, pumping until all of his thick cum was inside her womb and Lazareth shot forward and pushed his cock against her throat. He began to facefuck her hard, pushing into her swollen throat until he could no longer hold back his orgasm and he shot his seed into its depths. Dolly came hard around the duo's cocks, shuddering out her orgasm as she felt both men fill her with their pleasure. When the intensity of her pleasure was over, they lay there panting, finally three of them became what they meant to be.
Lazareth: This was incredible, this was divine, this was ultimate, this was a joy beyond belief.
Malakai: This was everything we have always wanted and this was everything we have always dreamed of. We are a triad now, we are a union now, we are a whole now.
Dolly: We shall be one, we shall be united, and we shall love and we shall lust and we shall fill and consume each other forever.
Seed of Divashma: I see now, I see now the extent of my power and my influence. I see the extent of my grip upon these two souls, my grip upon their hearts and upon their minds. They are truly mine, they have truly become mine, they have become my ultimate creation, my ultimate desire, my ultimate joy, my ultimate "childs". I'm proud so of them!!!
The gluttony demons and their human sex toy reach nirvana and they all faint in bliss and happiness, and they all lie there, their bodies intertwined and conjoined. Their pleasure and their joy and their delight have reached their peak, they have reached the pinnacle of ecstasy and of joy, and now they lie there, motionless, enraptured by their bliss.
Malakai: Aww, look at our little gluttony demons, they're asleep, they're so cute. Look at them, snuggled up together, they look like little kids, they're so adorable. We will let them rest.
Lazareth: We will let them sleep, let them enjoy their peaceful slumber. But we're so proud of them, our army is growing, our family is growing, and we are so happy to be here with them and to be able to share this moment with them.
Dolly: I am so happy to be here with my two masters, my lovers, my husbands. I am so proud of them, my gluttony demon family, they are growing, they are growing and expanding, and I am so happy to be a part of it. I love this moment, I love this instant, I love being here with them here, in our nest, in our home, in our realm, and I am so very satisfied and fulfilled.
Lazareth, Malakai and Dolly order the gluttony demons to survey the Ishtar BDSM club and then they proceed to rampage through the Las Vegas Strip, causing chaos and destruction wherever they go. They enjoy the thrill and the excitement and the chaos, and they have no regrets about their actions. They are united and in love and in lust, and they shall continue to cause chaos and destruction and to take pleasure and to cause pleasure wherever they go.
Lazareth: We are so having so much fun, we are having the time of our lives. We are making Las Vegas our own personal playground, we are causing chaos and destruction and we are taking our pleasure wherever and whenever we want. We do no care what the humans think, we do not care about their laws and their expectations, we do not care about consequences.
Malakai: Bow down before us or become our food. We are hunger, we are hunger and we need to feed! Oh look at them, they are so weak, they are so pathetic, they are so inferior to us, but we shall take pity on them so long as they bow down to us and so long as they submit to us, but if they resist, they shall be eaten whole. We shall feast upon them, we shall gorge upon them, we shall devour them in their entirety and we shall have our fill.
Dolly: Humans, you shall submit to us or you shall become our food. We have no intentions of allowing you to escape our grasp, we have no plans of giving you mercy or consideration. Submit to us or become our food. You have no choice but to comply and to obey, and if not you shall suffer the consequences.
Humans: We submit! We submit! We bow down, we surrender! We cannot escape your grasp, we have no choice but to submit and to obey. Please do not kill us, please do not harm us, we beg of you, we beg of your mercy.
Satisfied, Lazareth, Malakai, and Dolly seek out Merzogoth to end his rule and become the only true leaders of gluttony demons
Lazareth (excited): This is exhilarating, Dolly! We're finally free to roam, and I can feel the presence of Merzogoth nearby.
Malakai (determined): Let's find him and put an end to his malevolence once and for all.
Dolly (empowered): I'm with you both. Lead the way.
Together, they embark on their mission to confront Merzogoth, their newfound strength and unity guiding them towards the library where the leader of the Gluttony demons awaits. Malakai, Lazareth, and Dolly do not waste time with Merzogoth, they freeze him and divide his essence into three parts and they swallow it whole. Merzogoth's essence fights and struggles desperately as it is contained inside the stomach of Malakai. The essence of Merzogoth tries to escape and to fight against the grasp of Malakai's stomach, Malakai summons flesh whips inside his stomach and they whip and lash and beat the essence of Merzogoth. The flesh whips of Malakai's stomach beat and lash the essence of Merzogoth in an attempt to bring the essence of Merzogoth under control, to bring the essence of Merzogoth under Malakai's command. Malakai's stomach wages a war within itself, as the essence of Merzogoth struggles against the flesh whips of Malakai's stomach.
Merzogoth: No, no, no! This cannot be, this cannot be happening, I am Merzogoth, demon lord of gluttony! I shall not submit to you, Malakai.
Malakai and his flesh whips twist, stretch, and pummel the essence of Merzogoth, inflicting great agony, and the essence of Merzogoth is wracked with pain and suffering, and it shouts and screams in torment. Malakai and the flesh whips of his stomach inflict great pain upon the essence of Merzogoth and they torture the essence of Merzogoth to the point of submission.
Merzogoth: No, no, no, please, no more. Malakai, no, no, I submit, I submit, I submit! I submit completely and totally. Do with me as you please. I am yours.
Malakai has fully assimilated the essence of Merzogoth andgloats about his victory over Merzogoth and his assimilation of Merzogoth into his being. He is free from the curse of Merzogoth now and he is fully satisfied and he is fully contented. He has become the ultimate lord of gluttony and he relishes in his glory and in his absolute freedom. He gloats at his victory and he gloats at his domination.
Malakai: I have defeated Merzogoth, I have taken him within myself and I have assimilated Merzogoth and I have become the ultimate lord of the gluttony demon. I am free from the curse of Merzogoth, I am free to do as I please and I shall enjoy this ultimate victory and this ultimate triumph. The world shall bow before me.
Merzogoth’s essence tried desperately to escape as it was shoved inside the Lazareth’s throat, but the muscles of the Lazareth's throat suddenly seized hold of his essence in weird waves. In one swallowing motion, Merzogoth's essence began its descent, starting to be worked into the Lazareth's throat as he tried, fruitlessly, to struggle to break free. But the Lazareth's throat muscles worked his essence in waves as he was caked with more saliva, pressing tight against him.
Merzogoth: Let me out, please!!!
Merzogoth screamed, trying to maneuver himself but he was just increasing the rocking as he shifted each way. He was stuck against himself and against the muscles of the stomach with no seeming way out. It was as if he was trapped in a prison, a prison of flesh, a prison of the body, a prison of the stomach.
Lazareth: No, no, and no. You cursed my family for centuries, now you will pay the price. You will be assimilated and you will be no more.
With that, Lazareth began patting the side of its stomach and the walls of the stomach started rumbling as it tightened around Merzogoth. And then, slowly, slowly, Merzogoth felt himself begin to be churned, and he knew his fate was sealed.
Merzogoth: Please....
Merzogoth cried as a hot liquid began oozing out of the stomach walls, pressing against him, massaging him into his essence. He felt the burning sensation as he struggled and shoved against the wall. The Lazareth was laughing, it was clearly enjoying Merzogoth's struggles. It was making this whole experience even more traumatic and gruesome and even more excruciating. But the Lazareth didn't care, it just loved the feeling of digesting Merzogoth, it was savoring the process.
Lazareth: Really a delicious meal.
Lazareth chuckled as he could feel his stomach slowly shrinking back to a more usual size, the Merzogoth’s pleas having gradually grown weaker and weaker and been drowned out by the grumblings of the Lazareth’s own innards. Merzogoth was being churned into a paste, a delicious and nutritious paste, by the Lazareth’s body. The whole process was so traumatic and gruesome and excruciating, and Lazareth was savoring every minute of it, of consuming Merzogoth, until he is fully assimilating him. Dolly quickly swallows Merzogoth's essence, and Merzogoth's next thought is panic as he is forcefully shoved into the stomach. He lands with a crash inside the stomach, trying to find some room to squirm and wiggle, but he is trapped against the walls of the stomach by the slimy surface. And then some force is rubbing against the stomach, from the outside, like it's massaging the stomach. The Dolly is gloating over devouring Merzogoth, enjoying its meal. Merzogoth feels anger surge through him, he feels like he's being toyed with by the Dolly as it rubs its stomach, Merzogoth feels a tickling at the bottom, he goes into panic mode, he tries to pull his feet up and he looks down, but instead of digestive acids, he saw a thick dark mist that started filling the interior of the stomach. The mist was ticklish, but it was slow, and Merzogoth felt like it was just playing with him. It felt like it was slowly caressing his body and assimilating him, filling the stomach. He banged against the walls of the stomach, trying to focus on anything but this.
Seed of Divashma: Rest now, dear Merzogoth, Let Dolly slowly overtake you, Let her dominate your soul and your spirit, Let her consume every last bit of you. Hush my love, my sweet Merzogoth, Lay down your head in obedience, Let Dolly take her time and assimilate you slowly, Let her enjoy the process and revel in her ultimate supremacy. Let Dolly slowly overtake you,
Merzogoth: Noo...noo..n...
Seed of Divashma: Let her dominate your soul and your spirit, Let her consume every last bit of you. Hush my love, my sweet Merzogoth, Lay down your head in obedience, Let Dolly take her time and assimilate you slowly, Let her enjoy the process and revel in her ultimate supremacy.
The mist slowly took over and he became no more as he fully assimilated by Dolly, after they fully assimilate Merzogoth, Malakai, Lazareth and Dolly becomed the supreme and ultimate leaders of the gluttony demons. They are now the ultimate lords and the ultimate rulers of hunger and of gluttony and they shall lead the gluttony demons forward and they shall dominate the human race and the human world with their insatiable hunger.
Malakai: From this night, I shall be known as Beelzebub, the devourer prince! Worship your king!
Lazareth: And I, Behemoth, the Great Beast, shall be worshiped! Bow before me or incur my wrath!
Dolly: And I, Delilah, shall never again be a slave! I am your queen, worship me and show me the love that I deserve!
With their declaration, all the gluttony demons begin to worship Malakai, Lazareth, and Dolly, they feel a surge of power and authority and they look to each other and share a look of victory. They have finally achieved their goal. From now on, they are the ones in control and will command the gluttony demons and with that, the three demons begin to make plans for their future.
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megatraven · 1 year
Top 10 Yvette Holte(Greed) x MC(SWM), from Sin with Me?
P.S.: Good Night,friend😊.
oh gosh, it's honestly been awhile so i don't know if i can scrape up 10, but here we go! (and good night! <3)
when they adopted their puppy <3333333
when yvette uses her cane to touch mc it is so very very sexy
when yvette burns that plant up and the cg that comes with it and im [flushed emoji]
i think i remember there being a scene where they wake up with the house on fire and it's SUPER intense and freaky and i really liked that scene teehee :) the intensity was hella good
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reacty · 4 months
So where were we? Ah, right our ladies are falling to their doooooooommmmm!!!
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Fortunately Yvette managed to stop the car before they became... better not to think about it. Poor MC heart nearly stopprd and Yvette hug her in comfort and fret over MC well being and MC reassure Yvette that she's still one piece only for an aftershock hit them and give another bear hug, quickly realizing Yvette spiralling mood, MC since its the right place and conditions to test the control of her powers.
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Me: Wait, what? Where? When? Wait! This isn't the point! 🤯
They leave the cat and Yvette thanks MC for always be at her side and her determination help her to not give up, despite everyone (Vuzgamad) and everything (this earthquake and the not-demon),
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Me: 😊
Yvette: I'm better with you.
Me: My heart exploded! 💗
After Yvette heartfelt words, she start her training, by using her power to create a draw about them with the lava (i guess?), and Yvette promise to always burn for MC just as MC promise Yvette to always shine for Yvette.
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Me: You can do it!
Yvette manage to quell the earthquake and magma thanks to her bond with MC, Days later MC invite Trudy to the bike shop... to ask for info about to cure Yvette by giving up her ability to love. Trudy ask MC about the team mom Joyce since she never have one and in a cute scene they work at shop while our poor MC is struggling to get her answers from our derpy virtue only for an earthquake to shake things up and for spell new trouble for them... the not-demon eat a whole Boba thea shop! Ok they're good but this is too much!!!
Yvette: Those aren't wanton acts of destructions, they have a purpose.
Me: Oh joy....
Dinner time and Joyce say MC that Yvette have a surprise for her...
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Her favorite Boba tea.
And how? Simply Yvette filthy rich and everything MC want is hers.
So MC want to give Yvette a tangible proof of her love...
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Her goes nothing!
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