hornyguys95kl · 2 months
Sesape nk layan pic n video seks saye n wife kat handphone, jom lepak.Saye horny bile orang tengok body wife saye... Now saye kat area kl✌️
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ofwolfandmuses · 2 years
He smiled as the other let be known that he wasn’t expected to drop what he was doing. He knew eventually he would have that expectation from some alpha. The idea of it being Zakar was one that made his insides tingle. He had only pleased the man orally but he knew he wanted more just wasn’t sure how to ask for it. He moved to hand out some more of the tonic before standing in front of the alpha give him all of his attention not caring that it upset others in the healers house.
“It’s a simple cough suppressant rosemary lavender and honey for taste with some clove as well” he spoke as he pulled out the dropper to place some on the man’s tongue. He blushed a little as the thoughts of him being alone with the alpha. “About dinner tonight,” he paused as he looked at him. “Instead of having it with the others could we go to your quarters there is something I want to ask you in private” he knew the blush on his face was giving away his thought as well as the scent of his growing arousal at just the thought of it.
Eyes simply watched as the young wolf pulled out a dropper that housed the concoction he was referring to, and once he was instructed, he held out his tongue and allowed the omega to place a drop. The taste wasn't too pleasant, but he supposed that since it was supposed to be something that was good for you, it wouldn't necessarily be so. Still, he smiled lightly as the other wolf spoke, admitting that he wanted to speak with him privately.
"I'm not sure how private my quarters will be..." He wasn't sure if the new wolf, Castor, would still be in the room, and who knows whether Heath or Jasper would be around to interrupt them. "How about after we dine together, we take a stroll by the river? I bet you practically radiate underneath the glow of Selene's light," Zakar whispered, reaching forward to let his fingers brush against Abril's reddening cheeks.
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His own wolf didn't fail to miss the scent of arousal in the other, and he could feel his own arousal respond in turn - his cock twitching with life as blood began to pool southward - but he had to reign himself in. "Will you be able to continue to work with my being here, or would you prefer I come back? I'd love to see you in your glory, tending to the wounded and helping expectant omegas..."
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wally-b-feed · 6 months
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Anthony Fineran, Al Zakar Unit PR9, 2024
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just-a-pole-sir · 1 year
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azrithart · 7 months
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Chapter cover for my webtoon, Sporeblood
The composition was inspired by the music video for Ultraviolet - Spiritbox, one of my current favorite jams! __ Please don't use or repost my art. Don't use my art to train AI. Reblogs are great, though, thanks! 🖤
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a-camp · 2 months
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Alex Claremont-Diaz by @enchantedlandcoffee for @aotvfilm
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sketchkrsh · 2 years
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My worship is not holy
It is born of blood and guts
Of tearing sinew from bone
To reconstruct an old god
That lived somewhere in my mind
My worship is unholy
It is raw and painful
And it is my only escape from the horrors
That plague me
One day they’ll fear what I have become
Watch me tear my own heart from my chest
Devour it
Consume the viscera that was all the love
And all the grief
That I had left
When that is said and done
They will watch
As I molt into something dangerous
Dressed in blades and sharp edges
Ready to worship
the only way
Unholy Worship
poem by me
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yejiizhere · 1 year
andy : not sure how or when i got this number but please remind me -- how are you again ? the contact name is somehow blank . // @lovetayzakarperez
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codyxwrites · 2 years
Hayden’s plush lips couldn’t help but to curve up into a smile as he looked at the familiar man. Who just so happened to be in a familiar position. Hayden let out a small chuckle as he shook his head, making his way towards Zakar with a quirked eyebrow. “You know...It’s beginning to get concerning how used I am to seeing your with bruises and cuts.” Hayden teased the other lightly as he carefully and gently moved to guide the other to a place to sit down after opening his door and seeing Zakar injured...Again.
“Maybe I should just start going on these little assignments with you. That way there’s not a blood trail to my place next time.” He teased playfully as he quickly moved to go get his medkit, trying to keep the other engaged and alert so he could access the damage as he grabbed the fully stocked kit.
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ofwolfandmuses · 2 years
There weren't many wolves, outside of his own pack, that Zakar would call a good friend of his but there was one in particular that he held above others. What had started as just another job, the older alpha coming to the forge to get new training swords for incoming wolves in the guard guild, had turned into a strong friendship and if he had to define it, he'd say that Juan was arguably his best friend. There was no one else that got him the way that Juan did, no one that understood how good it felt to fuck an omega and fill them with your seed, to look at them and wonder what pups they'd have...
And there weren't many alphas that had as insatiable of an appetite as he, either.
The two of them looked to each other as brothers of sorts, though that didn't stop them from sharing flesh with one another either - not as Alpha and Omega, but as equals, as brothers - and it only strengthened their bond. And it also helped, too, when they found an omega that wanted to be fucked by two strong and virile Alphas.
So when he had news that he wanted to share, he knew that there was one person he needed to see first - and that was Juan. It took him awhile to find him, but when he did, he approached and immediately took his arm in a greeting. "Brother," he spoke before moving to press his forehead to the other's in a common greeting among wolves that knew one another well. "I'm glad I found you alone... I was starting to think I'd find you with your knot buried inside a pretty omega."
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Olive Zakar, 2023
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aaronrawr · 1 year
Main Mobile Legend ama Dengeri lagu jeketi48 ampe wafat
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Mobile Legend adalah sejenis game MOBA (Multiplayar Online Battle Arena). Secara harafiah, dapat diartikan sebagai pertempuran dalam suatu arena yang dilakukan oleh beberapa pemain secara online
biasanya saya suka bermain mobile legend karena game yang kompetitif dan menegangkan kita bisa bersaing dengan ratusan juta player lain bahkan di luar indonesia layak nya ranking pada suatu hero, itulah yang membuat mobile legend menjadi game yang kompetitif misal nya beradu ranking dengan orang diluar indonesia ada pula orang yang menggunakan ranking tersebut untuk mencari uang contoh nya joki game dan masuk ke dalam dunia esport
saya senang memainkan game ini terutama ketika menggunakan ling yaitu hero dengan mobilitas dan butuh kegesitan tinggi saat memainkan nya ada pula fanny dan lancelot yang benar benar membutuhkan kegesitan tangan yang tinggi
game ini kadang dimainkan disaat senggang dan bisa dimainkan pada situasi manapun dikarenakan game nya memiliki objektif utama yaitu penghancuran turret yang membuat player bisa memenangkan game dengan cepat oleh karena itu mobile legend bisa dimainkan pada kondisi apapun, biasanya 1 game berkisar10-20 menitan
ada pula rekor pada game ini yang mencatat kemenangan tercepat pada menit 4:50 dan terlama pada 1 jam 59 menit 34 detik
ada beberapa hal memungkinkan orang orang memainkan mobile legend
yang pertama ada sebagai sumber penghasilan
ada beberapa orang yang menjadikannya menjadi sumber penghasilan dikarenakan padat nya pemain game tersebut dan keinginan orang untuk mengejar atau mencapai rank tertentu
yang membuat orang betah menjadi penjoki adalah penghasilan yang besar berkisar 100 ribu sampai dengan 10 juta perhari tergantung pembeli, kehebatan sang penjoki dalam game, kepopuleran shop nya di medsos
namun menjadi penjoki didatangkan tanggung jawab yang besar juga contoh nya sangat mahir dalam bermain game dan lain nya
saya pernah menjadi penjoki dalam game ini dan memang benar penghasilan nya besar karena tiap rank yang dicapai makin mahal juga biaya nya dan saya berhenti melakukan nya karena penghasilan nya besar ada resiko yang harus ditanggung misal nya penyakit mental, ,menurun nya sistem tubuh dan penyakit lain nya dikarenakan begadang ketika mengerjakan jokian
mengapa harus begadnag? sebenarnya tidak dipaksa tapi tergantung dari berapa banyak orderan yang masuk kepada kita
walaupun ad resiko saya tetap mensyukuri nya karena bisa menghasilkan duit sambil main game
agar tidak terlalu bosan ketika mengerjakan jokian biasanya saya dengerin lagu jkt48 karena sangat bagus ketika didengar sambil main game :))
Terima kasih telah membaca blog saya walaupun biasa aja :)
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azrithart · 1 year
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Amarth Vah'ari and Sarith Zakar, from my webtoon Sporeblood They have some different outfits as of Chapter 5, but I love their OG's! Sarith's outfit I commissioned from my friend @c-cloudyy and they did a fantastic job! Check out their stuff! This series has come a long way thanks to all you guys' support ;U; __ Please do not use or repost. Not for AI.
Reblogs are always cool and appreciated, thank you! 🖤
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a-camp · 2 months
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0852-7060-4590 Jual Minyak Lintah Pembesar Zakar Di Medan
0852-7060-4590 Jual Minyak Lintah Pembesar Zakar Di Medan
Jual Minyak Lintah Pembesar Zakar Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Punan Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Sarawak Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Tapa Dari Papua Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Tapa Papua Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Terbaik Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Untuk Alat Vital Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Untuk Apa Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Untuk Memperbesar Alat Vital Di Medan, Jual Minyak Lintah Untuk Payudara Di Medan,
Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli - Rahasia Tersembunyi untuk Peningkatan Performa Seksual Pria. Untuk pemesanan bisa langsung menghubungi admin kami: WA: 0852-7060-4590. WA: 0852-7060-4590. WA: 0852-7060-4590. Apakah Anda ingin meningkatkan performa seksual Anda secara alami? Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli adalah jawabannya! Minyak lintah telah lama digunakan sebagai ramuan tradisional untuk meningkatkan vitalitas dan kekuatan pria di ranjang. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan mengungkapkan manfaat Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli, cara penggunaannya, serta memberikan wawasan tentang mengapa produk ini menjadi pilihan populer bagi pria yang ingin meningkatkan kehidupan seksual mereka. Bacalah terus untuk menemukan rahasia peningkatan performa seksual yang luar biasa!. Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli adalah ramuan alami yang berasal dari lintah yang ditemukan di wilayah Papua. Ramuan ini telah digunakan secara turun temurun oleh suku-suku di Papua untuk meningkatkan kekuatan seksual pria. Minyak lintah mengandung enzim dan zat aktif yang dapat meningkatkan aliran darah ke alat vital, membantu memperbesar ukuran alat vital, dan meningkatkan kualitas ereksi. Keunggulan Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli:Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli menawarkan sejumlah keunggulan yang membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang menarik bagi pria yang ingin meningkatkan performa seksual mereka. Pertama, minyak lintah membantu meningkatkan aliran darah ke area genital, yang dapat menghasilkan ereksi yang lebih keras dan tahan lama. Selain itu, minyak lintah juga dapat membantu memperbesar ukuran alat vital secara alami, meningkatkan sensitivitas, dan mengoptimalkan stamina seksual. Dengan menggunakan Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli secara teratur, Anda dapat merasakan perubahan yang signifikan dalam kehidupan seksual Anda. Cara Penggunaan Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli:Penggunaan Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli sangatlah mudah. Anda cukup mengoleskan minyak tersebut ke alat vital secara lembut dan merata. Lakukan pijatan ringan selama beberapa menit untuk membantu penyerapan minyak. Disarankan untuk menggunakan Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli setiap hari, idealnya sebelum tidur atau sebelum berhubungan seksual. Penting untuk mengikuti instruksi penggunaan yang tertera pada kemasan dan tidak menggunakan lebih dari yang direkomendasikan. Manfaat Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli: Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli memberikan berbagai manfaat yang signifikan. Pertama-tama, minyak lintah membantu meningkatkan aliran darah ke alat vital, yang dapat menghasilkan ereksi yang lebih kuat dan tahan lama. Selain itu, penggunaan rutin Minyak Lintah Hitam Papua Asli dapat membantu memperbesar ukuran alat vital secara alami, meningkatkan sensitivitas, dan memaksimalkan kenik
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