windsofredemption · 2 years
💫 Zamasu💫
' ' ..... ' '
"UGH! I can't believe you! What if Pumkin died- why did you just sit there and watch her get beat up?!"
Today was a shitty day for Zamasu, that much was clear... although... it was mostly his own damn fault it was such a crappy day- since he decided on letting Pumkin run and fight an enemy much stronger than her, opting to watch instead of help.
' ' Please- why do I have to do everything for this mortal? If she gets killed due to her own hubris, that's her fault, not mine. ' ' A good, proper response to the Supreme Kai of Time's complaint, he should say. Why should he be helping these pitiful mortals anyway?! If the saiyaness couldn't keep up with his training, that's on her.
" YOU are supposed to be teaching her- it's your JOB to make sure she's okay and stays alive!! Ugh... I have half a mind to call Gowasu... or hell, Lord Beerus- "
That caused him to bristle. The name Beerus sent shivers down his spine, and Gowasu being mentioned made a pit form in his stomach. ' ' You. Wouldn't. ' '
Seeing his reaction, the pink shinjin smirked slightly. "Keep fucking around and find out, Zamasu. Seriously- we gave you this second chance for a reason! Don't. Waste. It. " She really didn't like threatening the man, but he made it so damn difficult sometimes!
"She's been put on rest, so YOU can do the rest of her missions, seeing as it's your fault she got hurt in the first place!.. Seriously... take responsibility... do you really want to be erased again?"
He went to protest, only to close his mouth tightly. No. He didn't wish to be erased again... Damn it all.... ' ' Fine. If it stops your incessant yammering, I'll do it. ' ' There was no arguing with Chronoa when she was this irritated... Damn. There went his relaxing afternoon.
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