#Zaorva is a troll
kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Switch au
N/A: This idea comes to me thanks to some fanarts and some talks.  What am I doing? Honestly, no idea. But I´m doing something. BTW, this is a mix of Ultimate and 616. A new au here.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
Her skin is wet, completely so. Her cold sweat covers all spots of her body. Boisterous sounds assault her ear-her eyes see unfocused and dubious figures coming near her form-  as the voices, sounds are still enigmatic to her form. Suddenly, a loud honk forces her eyes to locate a big van and a man - if her eyes have the strength to see something so bleary- and her eyes saw the crimson circle and can only reply. "w-what?" with such feeble tone cementing the fact the others sure must haven´t heard.
"Call HER now. We found" she can hear someone giving orders. Someone familiar. And she sees a form of a blonde woman-oh, she can see the logo of quartet fantastic. Is Sue Storm- near the circle and muttering something. She can´t hear well.
"Don´t worry....you´re safe...Kitty" is all she managed to get before she closes her eyes again.
(2 hours before)
One Kitty Pryde is forming a circle in what used to be Dr. Stranger´s old apartment- the man moved out years ago and never look back- and aggressive fixing the symbols in the view. And huffing in and out. She clenches her teeth for a moment and only speaks once the digital watch-the the only thing she brought with her- marked 00:00 and then finally speaks.
"I summon, the begin, not the end. I summon the harbinger of life. Venus, heed my call" Kitty repeats those words 3 times and waits impatiently - tapping her foot away from the circle to not mess out her work of art- until someone taps her shoulders.
"You know, I´m pretty easy to summon...no need to go so archaic" and there is Venus. The Herald. With her long fiery hair-metaphorically speaking now-her dress covering what it must but showing a lot of her skin and her smug expression. "So, little mortal, what you want?" she looks up and down to Kitty. "A new sense of fashion?"
Kitty ignored Venus. At least, this question. "No, I want to sue Zaorva for taking my face. She uses my face and does whatever she wants" and Venus does the only sensible thing.
She giggles. Flicks her forehead and then speaks. "You´re supposed to be smart...that is pretty much dumb" and Venus shakes her head amused. "You are out of luck...She-Hulk is solving a conflict between Pheonix and Galaticus...time is relative" Venus responds and shurgs off.
Kitty is not caring. "Then I want to talk with Zaorva." and Venus stops smiling. "You´re being dumb here...but" she lifts her hand as her once brown eyes change into something azzure. "what you know, Zaorva is also amused...ok, little mortal..." and summoning somewhat ancient staff- mind you, out of thin air- Venus pushes Kitty to the circle without any struggle.
And Kitty is down on the rabbit hole, so to speak.
The beginning is never static. The Neverending is in constant change if you look closely. Nothing remains the same. And Kitty has no mind- a dangerous thing to admit concerning an Outer God and you- to admire the beauty of Neverending. Kitty has no mind to do anything but survive and talk with Zaorva.
The sky is in a greenish shade-one that seems familiar to Kitty and at the same time is completely new- as she´s holding to her dear life on something - something soft and squeeze. And her eyes land on an azzure tentacle. The origin and no end.
And a booming voice responds. Amused. In higher spirits and all its attention goes direct to Kitty. "You were wanting to talk with me, right...here I´m, Kitty Pryde. Oh, right..." and the voice stops and Kitty looks to a version of herself- donning with something blue. Not sure if is a dress or a robe, and at the moment, it doesn´t matter- as a face similar to hers is speaking now. "Hello, Kitty. You want to sue me?" and she treats as is a joke.
(It isn´t? Humanity is a fun joke for some Outer Gods. Humanity is a great way to kill time for others)
Kitty let go of the tentacle-better not try to understand how Zaorva is- and summons her courage again. "Why you bless that union?" and Zaorva didn´t respond and Kitty continues. "Peter Parker was taken ...by that thing...why?"
And now Zaorva answers putting a finger-Kitty´s finger. And there´re some implications here that she chooses to ignore- making a silent gesture to Kitty. Kitty/Zaorva will explain. "Peter Parker falls in love with the Felicia Hardy of my dimension. If you think this love was caused because of her tits..." Zaorva never breaks eye contact. "you´re wrong! Now...let me answer some of your questions that height in your soul"
Kitty wonders if she can even speak against. Even if she truly wanted. Could she do it?
"Felicia Hardy of the dimension where I live is not human as you noticed but rather the void" Kitty looks even more frightening. "The void has plans to Spiderman...He´s not being forced to be with this version of Felicia nor will be hurt, again, he has plans for this version of Spiderman"
And she continues. "Spiderman of your dimension jump the interdimensional portal on his own free will. No void, no Felicia tempted him to do so...only his desire to escape the mess of this dimension"
And to conclude. "And why I use your face? Because of Katherine Anne Pryde...I was you a long time ago. I can be a bit nostalgic" and a cute smile plays on Zaorva´s face. "And if you want to sue me" she is obviously mocking now. "She-Hulk is dealing with a big problem with Pheonix and Galaticus"
Kitty gulps unsure of her next step. A tentacle shows up. Several.
"Not so fast, little mortal, while I´m amused you wanted to sue me...would be another one to my criminal file" Kitty makes a wtf expression even if she´s still aware of the tentacles. " you did something really dumb and I´m a bit disappointed as well...so, I´ll punish you"
Her eyes change to a crystal tone of blue. She´s smiling in such a serene way. "You´re bold, as you´re judgemental, brash and always look down on magic users...well, that´s a bit hypocrite of you, isn´t it?"
And her view is just darkness.
And Kitty opens her eyes in a blink. So fast and registering how the ceiling facing her is not the one she is used to. This is not the X-men´s mansion. Not the old apartment of Dr. Strange and not a hospital. Where is she?
"Ah, you wake up!" a voice carries from above. She shivers thinking is Zaorva again- her voice is different from the last time- and her eyes land to the right to see a woman -donned from heads to toes with crimson- hovering in the air in a lotus position.
"Who are you and where am I?" Kitty replies taking a grip on her situation. The woman´s age seems lost to Kitty- either she has 1000 years, which wouldn´t be the first time Kitty meet an immortal, or she has a normal age- opens her eyes and slowly comes down to the ground.
"I´m the Sorceress Supreme of this dimension. Still Scarlet Witch, I fought tooth and nails to keep my title to let go so easily and my name is Wanda Maximoff. You´re Kitty Pryde" Wanda answers for Kitty as she didn´t know who she is. "and you´re in Salem, my house now"
Kitty sits on the now identified as the couch and looks around. There´s nothing suspicious on as far her eyes- tired as they are- can register. "What happened?"
Wanda clap her hands and took a deep breath. "Lots of things happen in the 2 days you were in a comma. Oh, I´ll come there. First off, Jean Grey, the woman who was sleeping with Wolverine behind Scott´s back and then sleeping with Scott behind ...did many bad things earning the wrath of Pheonix...the Firebird would have burned all the X-men, however, Jean in a moment of clarity decides to sacrifice herself in exchange to all X-men´s safety. Pheonix agrees!" and Wanda looks at Kitty´s face.
Kitty and Jean aren´t that much friendly towards each other, in fact, quite the opposite...but, knowing Jean sacrifice herself to save others is something Kitty isn´t ready.
"Then, Logan didn´t take this well and jump into a Vulcan. Yes, that happened. Prof X´s lies are exposed and people start to side with the mutants in the social media" Wanda frowns at that. "sure, when I took the mantle people to side with my people too...but that didn´t lead the Romani people to live well, not all of them"
"Oh...anything else?" Kitty asked and Wanda nods.
"Spiderman renounces his residence in this dimension and is living in a new dimension with Felicia Hardy" Kitty inhales loudly and didn´t say anything. Wanda carries on. "The Avengers as well X-men will never be friends, but, once Tony Stark is out of the picture...again, they won´t be friends" and now she lowers her head and exhales. "Magneto was killed in the most ironic way...a Jewish community of New York killed him as Magneto was ready to murder everyone, mutants, and humans for his view"
Kitty opens her mouth and closes. "I´m sorry"
Wanda didn´t say much about this part. "The Quartet fantastic located and killed Madame Hydra and Red Skull on the same day"
"And then...come to you. You´re either the dumbest or bravest soul I ever meet. You managed to get an audience with the Mother of all magic. What you two talk I don´t know and if you don´t wish to say is alright...but, you must know...." Wanda now narrows her eyes sitting in front of Kitty and level her eyes to the young woman. "what you truly think of magic?"
"I ...never liked"
"Well, congratulations, Kitty...Zaorva loves ironic punishment and now you´ve magic powers" and as Kitty lifts her hands Wanda adds. "You can wrap reality just like me"
Kitty shivers and tries to deny, but, as her hands glow a pinkish light. Kitty knew in her heart, without a doubt, what truly happened. "And what I do?"
"You have options, Kitty. You can go away and return to the X-men" Wanda doesn´t hide her disappointment with the X-men-was an Avenger thing or something else?- "and figure out the magic on your own...is your choice. Or, you can be here and I can teach you how to use safely without hurting anyone or yourself"
And Kitty adds. "I must choose now?"
"No, you have options and time, something I never had...and more importantly, if you want to talk...I´m here ´cause I know and did some pretty dumb things in my youth...you´re not on even top 10"
And Kitty takes a decision. The X-men have an open vacancy and Nightcrawler wonders what happened to Kitty to give up on the X-men- is how he sees it- to go to a magic academy. "Something fishy...and I don´t trust Scarlet Witch nor any Sorcerer Supreme"
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mikeellee · 4 years
@djinmer4 Marvel has Gaea? Wow. No idea. Cool to know. But Zaorva has many names and is a troll.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Ocean au (kidnapping part 4)
N/A: Finally Lorna is kidnapped and Emma is playing her cards. Tatsuy is Kokoro´s name? Ok, she was trolling Kitty. Also, this is based on that image of "not confirmed" Seline.
@djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @dannybagpipesarecalling @everykurt
How Felicia Hardy manages to get such contacts is all a question of being on the right spot and meet the right person and sure, is now married to Bruce Wayne opens many doors for the ex-thief, however, she didn´t get this far by marrying a great and wonderful man. No, she got all she conquer to her talent and to another woman.
"Seline Kyle, you don´t age a thing" Felicia states joyfully as Seline is wearing Givenchy- a model made only for her as she made sure of this-sit on her proverbial throne and looking at Felicia with a cat-like smile. It is well suited as her place is filled with cats.
(Hoarding is not her thing as she explains those cats come and go as it pleases them. She donates part of her wealth to help stray cats and centers of protection for women that were abused. Seline Kyle had a story that she wishes no one would endure)
"And you don´t look so bad for yourself, and before you ask me again" she looks clearly too amused with this. "I´m not a meta-human. I´ll age but with class. But you´re not here to talk about my good looks..." and Felicia shakes her head.
"I...you know me, I´m a matchmaker and I want to help our favorite thief to find someone" she states. "our hacker has someone...and I worry for Kitty...she slept with an Eldritch abomination once" Seline almost rose of her proverbial throne to ask if they should exorcise Kitty now.
"Calm down, it was a son of Zaorva" and Seline let out a big breath of relief. "Still...I worry about her! Can you help me" and Seline evaluates the words and expression for a moment.
"Oh, what I can do? Her name is Kitty...I love cats in all forms. I think I know someone who can help Kitty" Seline Kyle has a promising smile on her lips.
"And you´d not anything so freely, even in regards love. So, tell me, what is your price?" Felicia asked crossing her arms and Seline is intrigued but drops the act as she reveals heer price.
"Talia Al-Ghoul stole something of mine. I want it back"
"Tell me what´s and is yours!"
When Felicia asked Kitty to go to the brunch for some reason everything in Kitty´s body was saying this is a trap and indeed when she arrived in the hotel where the so-called brunch is served -and spy MJ flirting with a man too similar to Peter Ross-and didn´t found Felicia´s white hair.
She even calls her sister to see if her cellphone and GPS are broken and so far it isn´t. "Face, sis, you fall to another Felicia´s plots. Good luck!" and turns down and leave Kitty on her own devices.
A Japanese woman with silk black hair wave at Kitty with a grin that is a bit familiar...but it can´t be. Kokoro has purple hair.
"Uhm, hi?" Kitty begins uncertainly. "Look, if Felicia promised whatever ...I´m not interested. I´m dating already"
The Japanese woman looks at Kitty as if she´s stupid. "Good, I´ll never be interested either, now, sit your ass here...Columbina!" and this did the trick as Kitty has no idea who this woman is.
"Do you need help in stealing something?" Kitty asked wondering if this will come down to a fight and is evaluating her chances. This strange woman is taller than Kitty but Kitty can face if the worst comes to it.
"...Are you really that stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?" the woman rudely interjected her thoughts and Kitty lift her finger to her.
"Your purple hair is the only indication you´re you. Kokoro..." and she looks at Kokoro´s face one last time and in a way that still surprises the telepath, Kitty takes her wallet to see what´s her name is.
"Tatsuy Braddock? I thought you go as Kokoro full time" Kokoro takes the wallet and smirks at Kitty. And explains that she can change the color of her hair. Purple for Kokoro and raven to Tatsuy
"I like to troll people and you´re easy to tease" she regrets saying this as both women recall people ship Kokina and they cough to forget this moment. "Anyway, Seline Kely and Felicia are interested to make sure you got a health and nice relationship...and they ask me"
Awkward silence issue.
"Are you...look, I´m flatter, but, I sort of seeing someone!"
"NO! I´m here to help you not to date you! Anyway...who is this person you´re dating..."
".....Kurt Ryder"
"Break up with him. You deserve better" she said and some people sit near to them are now with the firm and wrong belief those two ladies are in a romantic comedy situation and not in a horror story.
"I slept with him...let me tell you, you deserve something better" Tatsyu regrets this line because now people are thinking she´s jealous and Kitty is blushing instead of jealous or insecure.
"Yeah, he told me bits of his past and it wasn´t so hard to put 1 and 1 together. You hate him because he´s Kantique´s son?"
"Among everything that makes him ...be him. I...don´t want him to hurt you"
"You tell her, sis!" and it was uncomfortable for both women involving. Felicia and Seline must be laughing at this.
Sam is not one to do surprises too often, but, when she does usually is a good thing, so when Sam shos up in her house saying to Lorna she has a nice surprise and she needs to be blindfold she only response. "Kinky sex in the morning? Hell yeah!" and this is the last thing she says as she put the blindfold and is paralyzed.
Loki shifts himself to his original self and calls to Amora. "Can you teleport two? I found your green beauty!" and Loki disappears right at the moment the real Sam arrives carrying cupcakes.
"Lorna, I have a surprise for you. I have cupcakes!"
"And this is what happened to Loki´s last girl" Emma shows the pictures and Magneto is not pleased. His blood and sole heir won´t be treat as she was a mere whore.
And when Loki arrives carrying Lorna blindfold it really makes Magneto´s blood seeth. What did Loki do with his only daughter?
"Loki, what the meaning of this?" And Emma is the first to answer.
"Your daughter is here, Magneto...oh my!" she puts her hand on her mouth and looks at Lorna as she saw something indecent and Magneto is ready to kill Loki.
Amora is ready to protect Loki and Emma is ignored who is slowly leaving the two men and Amora fighting as Lorna is slowly waking up.
"Hello, Sam? What are you doing?"
"Felicia. WTF? That was the strangest and embarrassing moments of my life...Felicia? I´m fighting with you..."
"Kitty...your sister has been kidnapped by Magneto!"
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Harem au
N/A: Kitty, the lady necromancer can´t ever stopping trolling him...well, wizard Kurt is a bad detective. Ryder should give him some tips. Loosely based on a webcomic and some documentaries I watch.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
By all intentions and purpose, the carriage is one of the fastest transportation out there, not really, but the nobles love to use the fanciest carriage available, even if they can fly or teleport, either way, Kitty Pryde is using this transportation to head to her new destination.
The driver seems to enjoy talking in a vulgar manner with the passenger and is gritting on Kitty´s nerves.
"You know, usually he asks for prettier women, you are pretty average, your chest, for example, is really small, maybe he wants to try an average woman for once" the man gives a crook smile and Kitty only rolls her eyes.
"Do you speak like that with all the women? Thinking talking poorly of them, hurting their self-esteem they will accept you, oh, child, not in a million of years" Kitty said close enough for the man to hear "in fact, I think you should benefit in never talking again"
The carriage arrives in the place where the Necromancer is waiting, the silence was the golden rule in the carriage and in the castle, however, Kitty has no problem to chat with the intimidating figure of one Kurt Wagner.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Evil Necromancer," Kitty said shaking his hand after Kurt makes an airy question to the man who drove the carriage but didn´t care enough to get the answers(nor the lack of answers)"I´m your new acquisition to your ever stupid harem, please, let´s not make this a bloody mess" Kitty said smiling and Kurt can admire her sense of humour.
"Well, Katzchen" seems natural to call her like that, she is such a catty person, Kurt likes that, oh...maybe he can play favourites again and see those women tear each other apart, it has been a long time since he has any favourites "I´m an evil Necromancer, I can´t promise anything" then Kurt gives a smirk full malice, however, the man noticed something not entirely peculiar about the woman.
"Oh, you are wearing blue? I thought the monarch thought this was a tasteless colour" Kurt replied a bit curious as no other woman ever put blue in any circumstances.
"This shade is from Lady Zaorva´s own form and I like to homage the goodness, however, not even her is the owner of the blue colour, now, my dear Mr Evil Necromancer, where shall I be?" she asked in such chipper way that Kurt shakes his head amused. Giving an order to the driver to take her luggage and take to the room, again, Kurt is not minded the lack of answers. _______________________________ His mansion is bigger and dark and Kitty would have to control herself from not make a quip about men and the ever need of overcompensation, why Kurt needs such a bigger mansion is a mystery to Kitty.
Walking through towards the room, a green door appeared in her panoramic view and Kitty has no problems in knocking first then phasing. The room, behind the door, is a luxurious place, worthy of a princess. A woman with green hair is painting something not minding to reply.
"No, you evil monster I won´t tell anything about my father," Lorna said only to realize Kitty is not the monster who keeps her arrested. Her hand drop the brush as she runs to hug here saviour.
"Hello, Lorna," Kitty asked too akin of a mother"Are you alright?" Kitty asked and the question has a hidden meaning that Lorna picks up.
"No, he never touches me, but keeps me here as his prisoner, my father is a flawed man and makes a bad deal with a Necromancer" Lorna gritted her teeth angrier at each moment.
"Magneto asking help from a Necromancer is never wise, especially if he wants to destroy his enemies, I know, Magneto asked for help to get rid of the Meridith, an old thorn on Magneto´s side, and now the country is under Magneto´s power, however, I don´t think the man intended to things to go that gruesome, which makes him a fool in my eyes" Kitty declares as Lorna only nods "you were helping the resistance, aren´t you? That´s why you are here?"
"It´s more than that, the necromancer request one of the royal children as Magneto hasn´t paid everything yet. Oh,  if he hasn´t...I wouldn´t be here" Lorna sighs dejectedly "Wanda was supposed to be here, but...no, she suffered too much, I don´t want her to be away from her family, Vision was almost killed in their last diplomatic mission and Wanda needs to be on his side" Lorna then looks away from Kitty "but don´t think so highly at me, maybe, I just want to be close of one of the prisoners, Marco Diaz"
"I know, I understand, we fall in love in the strangest place, Lorna, I was sent here to free you, however, I can take this Marco as well, after all, no kid deserves to not know their father" Kitty speaks brightly looking at the belly who is no longer under an illusion. Lorna would ask how, but, it´s better not ask.
Lorna did notice how his guards are taking Kitty´s suggestion to the heart, the monster the man created to keep the prisoner of Meridith away suddenly decides to take a walk, of course, opening the cell of each prisoner(the political prisoners are extremely confused and thankfully) as Lorna hugs Marco.
Kitty only looks at the couple and wishes the best for Marco as he gets a really bad and scary father-in-law now. ___________________________________________ Kitty is sewing a blue dress as the Necromancer shows up in her room, ignoring the other gazes of the women (envious, fearful and hateful) and is in a foul mood. Kitty stops sewing as Kurt puts his head on her lap.
"...Bad day?" Kitty asked cooly "It was Lorna´s and the other prisoners vanishing from your grasp"
"Sort of" Kurt speaks tired now" Magneto did pay the last part of his deal, so, Princess Lorna is no longer important, no do I care for Meridith, I just want to know how that happens"
"Oh, maybe is the guards, you know, you could replace them with seals, it works better, living things have the need of breathing and need to eat and drink, so, maybe the prisoners got luck, a bit of luck with a good plan" Kitty replied huffing his hair. Kurt looks astonishing at this revelation and smiles now.
"I know what happened" Kurt´s golden eyes are on her form"It´s the Blue Lady´s work" the smile is a tad bit maniacal. Kitty looks apprehensive at this, biting her lips the woman tries to speak gulping now.
"I know who the Blue Lady is, it was obvious from the start"Kitty can feel her heartbeat increasing loudly, can he hear it?! "Is Kymri, the priestess from the Zaorva´s temple, of course"
"Yes, of course, good on you, Mr Evil Necromancer" Kitty feels at easy now and smiling serenely at Kurt. ________________________________________ Elizabeth Braddock is a woman with great beauty but a cold heart. Jean Grey is also a great beauty but is a woman with no soul or brain. Both prime themselves to be Kurt´s favourite and love the idea of cashing favours, however, Kurt is not even looking at them anymore, no matter what they wear, Kurt is not even remotely interested, yet, the new welcomer, Kitty Pryde with her blue dress is clearly his favourite.
Betsy wanted a diamond ring, a pink one that she thought Kurt would give to her, she is beautiful, however, Kurt gave a pink diamond ring to Kitty, who in turn, does not seem to care all that much.
Jean wanted new clothes, a fine new dress that she thought Kurt would give, after all, Jean is the most beautiful woman in the world, however, Kurt gave the dress to Kitty, who in turn make the dress be blue. Jean is enraged at this.
The two women thought it is time to pay a visit to Kitty Pryde. At first, they tried to read her mind, somehow they failed(gaining a strong headache), then they tried to poison her, put enough Belladonna to kill an army, yet, Kitty shows up fine in the next day.
In fact, she summons the poison Jean used and drinks in front of her, Jean can´t lie here and say that didn´t freak her out, however, this won´t stop. Kitty needs to go.
Betsy got violent and stab the woman in the heart. Betsy´s victorious smile twisted her gorgeous face as she laughs now Kurt will have to like her more, that´s was the end goal. Next day, Betsy scream in fear as Kitty Pryde just get out of the shower, a wet towel in her hair claiming it was hard to take all the dirty, the towel was only on her hair as Betsy could see the woman´s chest...no mark of her blade.
"Ah, stop staring at it, I know I´m pretty" Kitty jokes and takes the towel to reveal Kitty´s chestnut hair. Betsy runs away. The image of her skin untouched haunts Betsy, after all, she did stab the woman through the heart.
Jean and Betsy united force and decides to confront this...woman.
"What are you?" Jean asked trying to read Kitty´s mind again and failing.
"My name is Kitty, miss Grey and you are really pretty but...rotten inside, in fact" raising her fingers the red hair fall from the ground " it is nauseating to look at you" Jean tries to summon the Pheonix, yet, nothing happens, actually, nothing happens as she can´t read anyone´s mind or lift anything.  Where are her powers?
Betsy tries to attack, tries to, as Kitty Pryde make the woman fall from the ground without as so much looking directly to her. It was something was pushing her down forcing her to obey, it was really painful and some of her bones certainly are in a poor state now.
"You are really, really pretty Betsy, yet, your beauty only hides your rotten self" Kitty speaks calmly as Betsy´s skin turns in a putrefied state "you were a horrible woman in life, maybe in death, you can be something better" Jean tries to speak but no sound comes out."Child, I haven´t forgotten about you"
On the next day, Betsy is gone and in Jean´s room has a woman no one recognizes, she is without any shadow of a doubt, the most hideous woman in the planet. ________________________________________ Kymri is a priestess in the oldest temple dedicated to Zaorva and is a woman in love, just like the goddess herself, she is in love with a man who can create chaos for fun(wait, is it a sin to compare herself to Zaorva?) and ever since they sleep together, Kymri knew he was the one.
"Say, if you were to purify a haunting home, how you would do it?" Kurt asked a bit peeved after Kymri just healed someone with just healing powers, Kymri´s lover is an odd man, but, Necromancers are odd by nature.
"It´s easier, I would pray to Zaorva to clean the house or maybe ask for a monk, that´s their speciality"Kymri is a tad bit afraid of saying she would ask Jude for help, she has no idea if Kurt and Jude are in good terms.
Kurt is crestfallen (much better than angry) and scratching his head the man concludes the obvious.
"You aren´t the Blue Lady" Kurt speaks and for a moment Kymri is ready to defend the colour of her skin, when, it finally hits on her quite violently that Kurt is not referring to her skin.
"Oh..that Blue Lady, no, I´m not her, however, funny thing, I heard that the Blue Lady is one of the Zaorva´s oldest followers. Her followers always wear blue, as a symbol of her grace, in fact, the most blue you wear the better" Kymri speaks closing her eyes and remembering all the details.
"What?" Kurt can only speak/ask not minding the curious stares being delivered to him. " Who told you that?"
"Ah, one of our regular followers,"then Kymri stops "in fact, I´m new here, not sure if she is an old member or not, it´s rude to ask such things, either way, Kitty Pryde told me that, the Blue Lady prefers to wear blue as a way to honour Zaorva" And Kymri points to a painting of Zaorva herself, well, one of the interpretations of the entity, and the blue hue is the same Kitty uses.
Kurt´s eyes twitch at that as he bamfs ignoring Kymri´s pleas and confusion. _____________________________
Kitty is exploring Kurt´s mansion and finally meet one room she never saw before, strangely enough, this is a room with advanced seals prevent the woman to enter. She got a hand to Kurt when he wants to make something impossible, he does. Kitty couldn´t enter in the room, thanks to the seal, yet, manages to open the door and see glimpses of what is there.
"Wait, is that the news about the fire in Rome?" Kitty asked knowing what really happened. Seeing by this distance the words "It was her doing"make the woman steps back until she hits on someone. Someone fuzzy.
"That´s the room where I ponder about the Blue Lady, I always want to meet her, she is a mystery to everyone" Kurt explained letting Kitty entering in the room. "See this? Is about the time Rome was burned completely, no one knows what happened. I think someone must have upset her, could be jealousy?"
"Jealousy? No, they tried to harm ...her son, and the Blue Lady does not forgive such travesty"
"It´s you, isn´t?" Kurt asked looking into her eyes. "Blue Lady as in your clothes, not skin, right?"
"Oh...you are bound to found out, eventually"
Kitty crosses her arms and looks into his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Mr Evil Necromancer, I´m the Blue Lady, how was your day?"
"You are a cheeky thing, aren´t you?"
"I need some sense of humour"
After that, the harem lost his interest completely, no one mind the fact the driver is still mute, as the remains members were sent away to their home. For now, it seems Kurt is no longer interest in a harem.
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