hjamesp · 5 years
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funjavcandids · 7 years
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graphicabyss · 8 years
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NEWS na Futari SP 2016.12.29/2017.01.13 
There were two separate filmings for this one so I’ll write about them by themes rather than by dates. Both topics were very important and I want to talk about them even if this gets subbed later. 
The first topics was discrimination against mixed Japanese. Some heavy themes ahead!
All of the guest were “halves” which is to say only one of their parent was Japanese, including Zawachin famous for her “eye make-up” impersonating celebrities and Ariana Miyamoto, Miss Universe Japan 2015 . 
The complaints were many: that people expect them all to be cute and pretty, and good at English. Basically, they are often treated like foreigners even though most of them grew up in Japan. Shige joked “It’s like we are expected to be able to do a back-flip just because we’re Johnny’s.” And Koyama said “That’s a great example to understand!”
I love how Shige often acted as an interpreter, giving additional explanations from the guests to better explain their position and add facts. Unlike the male panelists who did nothing but make rude and stupid jokes. I understand the show has to have some entertaining value but comments like “they only bullied you because you have a bad temper!” were very unnecessary.
Another issue was that while being half-European is viewed as cool, being half-Asian is seen as inferior. They especially talked about Filipino women since two of the guests’s mothers were Filipino. A lot of them came to Japan looking for work and often worked as hostesses and dancers so they became viewed as inferior. Shige went to a Filipino district to investigate. He first talked with a woman who came to Japan to work as a dancer to help supper her 10 siblings and now owns her own bar. The saddest thing was that not only was she harassed by the Japanese, she was also harassed by Filipino for going to Japan. However, she said that things are much better now and she is hopeful about the future. He also talked to a 23-year old girl whose mother is Filipino.
Zawachin and Raburi also shared their stories of being bullied. They were mostly bullied for their skin colour and called “fry pan” and “cockroach” and also in case of Zawachin for her bad Japanese. The children’s mothers sometimes would not let their kids play with her just because of her mother. Shige said the kids are not the ones to blame for their bullying, but their parents and teachers, they’re the ones who need to stop this.
After that came the story of Ariana Miyamoto growing up in Japan. She said kids at school often kept their distance. They wouldn’t touch her hands and got away from her in the pool saying that her skin colour will stain them. A lot of it came from the parents who wouldn’t let her in the house and whisper behind her back. At 15 she went to US and her problem dissolved because everyone just treated her normally. While working as a bartender she met Steve, also mixed. He grew up in Japan and had similar experience so they became close friends. However, Steve was a very troubled guy, he didn’t know English and was confused about who he was. A year after they met she learned that he committed suicide. During their last talk he said he wanted to do something to help people such as himself and she said she would help. So that was the reason why she applied for the Miss Universe contest. Such an amazing woman.
Shige said he was hoping by watching this show people would not just think mixed Japanese people are good-looking but also very strong because a lot of them endured a lot of hardships in the past and see that as their true appeal. He also hoped people would learn from them and it would resonate with those who had a similar experience. Such an amazing man.
Shige also went to a monthly “Hafu” meeting. Not all the people there were of mixed race, some were foreigners and the only rule for joining was that you should know English. There Shige heard more stories of hardships. While all the studio guests were girls, boys shared some specific boy problems such as other guys trying to peek on them in the bathroom and sauna to check out their peen. Shige said it was a Japanese complex.
All in all, most people said in recent years and with the help of celebrities the situation is getting better.
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kpophighlight · 3 years
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Netizens react to Japanese makeup artist Zawachin's ability to transform into any male or female K-Pop idol she wants https://t.co/kwqTeRNyNP (via Twitter http://twitter.com/allkpop/status/1432942289832316931)
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enter-web · 3 years
【芸能】ざわちん、一般男性と結婚していた 夫を“顔出し”公開 出会いは「オンラインゲーム」 [シャチ★]
元スレ 1 :シャチ ★ :2021/05/21(金) 20:59:23.22 ID:CAP_USER9.net  タレントのざわちん(28)が21日、TBS系バラエティー『中居大輔と本田翼と夜な夜なラブ子さん』ゴールデンスペシャル(後8:00)に出演。交際していた一般男性・しゅんちゃん(29)を“顔出し公開”し、昨年12月24日に結婚していたことを発表した。 【写真】結婚相手・しゅんちゃんを“顔出し”公開 https://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20210521/20/zawachin/f0/8c/j/o1080072014945360698.jpg…
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oatofsilence · 8 years
No Make No Life February 2017 Review
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Hey guys! This is a review of the products I've received in my No Make No Life monthly subsription box. This is a new subscription box my TokyoTreat which also does the Yume Twins and Tokyo Treat monthly subscription boxes. This is the first month of nmnl and it provides 5-7 makeup, skincare, and other beauty tools and supplies for $30 USD monthly. I paid for this subscription myself, although they did have a launch coupon for 30% off. All shipping on this subscription is free.
   The items which I received in my box this month are the Hello Kitty sakura sheet masks, a Sakura Face Soap, noyl makeup 12 colour eyeshadow palette, a small tube of hand cream, DollyWink Eyelash Adhesive and some Sailor Venus themed false eyelashes. I feel like I have had a chance to try all of these items adequately.
   I'll be the first to admit I can't read Japanese despite having much love for a lot of things from there <such a weeb haha>, so I found it really helpful that they included a booklet detailing each item  which you have received in your box. Unfortunately I am a doofus and have already recycled it so I won't be able to exactly tell you what manufacturers the items had. Oops, hahaha. I'll have to remind myself to save it next time until I do a full review of all the items.
   First I would like to talk about the Sakura Face Soap bar soap. I don't normally use bar soap type products in my daily life as I find sulfates are too harsh on my skin, so I was skeptical. It's not drying, so that's quite exciting, but I have very sensitive skin and I feel like this did aggravate the acne along my jawline. I tend to get deep cystic type pimples and this gave me a few. After using this for a few more weeks, I feel like it's very moisturizing but I would avoid use on my super oily areas. If you have drier or combo skin it might work better for you.
   The sheet masks were an 8 pack, which I really enjoyed! Once opened they're good for use for 60 days. I didn't feel like they were too saturated with serum, but they were very moisturizing and felt really refreshing. I felt like the chin area of the mask tended to try out before the recommended 15 minute application time was over. For me they were quite brightening and didn't make my skin too oily afterwards but had the right level of moisture. If it was possible for me to purchase these where I live I would very likely buy them.
   The hand lotion I'm having mixed feelings about. I'm always happy to receive hand cream in my subscription services because I'm sensitive or allergic to most kinds of soap and my current job requires a lot of constant handwashing, and the formula is great. It's fairly quick absorbing, non-greasy and I did find it lasted through vigorous handwashings while at work, but the scent bothers me. The tube says soap scented, which I didn't really have any expectations for but I'm not really a fan. It's extremely fragrant and lingers, and it reminds me of cheap hotel bar soap. There was a cute rubber sleeve included on it, and for sure I'll use it up but I don't think I would repurchase this item in this particular fragrance.
   Fourth item I had in my box was the zawachin x noyl makeup 12 pan eyeshadow palette. These are all shimmer shadows that come with a double ended applicator which has a sponge on one side and a stiff brush on the other. I didn't really enjoy the applicator but I feel like this is probably a more affordable Japanese brand so I didn't expect to be  wowed by it. They gave a bit of a background about the collaboration between the brand and zawachin which is cool. I hadn't heard of this particular Japanese celebrity before. My palette came with four shades of brown, four shades of blue and four shades of purple. Purple is definitely an every day colour for me, it goes great with my green eyes. I love making a gradient with the more exciting pops of colour into the more neutral browns. A welcome addition to my palette collection.
   The last two items in my box were paired together, a Dollywink Eyelash Adhesive and a pair of Sailor Moon eyelashes themed after Sailor Venus. I gave these a try but as a person who wears glasses all the time I don't really find wearing false lashes to be very comfortable. I felt like the adhesive had good hold and the eyelashes were nicely constructed and not too dramatic but I don't think I will use these very often. However, I could find a lot of use in the eyelash adhesive for other things such as attaching gems to the face.
Overall, I was extremely pleased with this box. I feel like this was an excellent value for what I paid, getting major use out of five out of the six included items. I will be looking forward to my March box and to trying more Japanese products.
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makeupjapan-blog · 7 years
【そっくりすぎる!】ざわちんのものまねメイク集!!~Impersonation makeup collection of Zawachin~
【そっくりすぎる!】ざわちんのものまねメイク集!!~Impersonation makeup collection of Zawachin~
ざわちん(1992年8月16日 – )は、日本の女性タレント、ものまねタレント。 本名・小澤 かおり(おざわ かおり)。群馬県太田市出身。 元AKB48の板野友美のそっくりタレント。また、後述するように、メイクをアレンジして様々な有名人の顔真似をしてブログで公開している。アメーバブログ新登場第1位を記録し、公式ブログの1日のアクセス数は100万超を計上している。 芸名の由来は、周囲が板野と誤認して“ざわざわ”する事と名字の小澤の「ざわ」に、板野の愛称「ともちん」に倣って「〜ちん」を付けたもの。
○顔真似(ものまね)レパートリー ☆女性芸能人 ク・ハラ(KARA) 滝川クリステル 安室奈美恵 くみっきー きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 菜々緒 ローラ 益若つばさ 沢尻エリカ(『ヘルタ…
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idolmatome · 9 years
Itano Tomomi Impersonator “Zawachin” Removes Mask, Planned Artist Debut in April
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Zawachin, a talent known for her makeup impersonations, annouonced that she will be making her music debut. She is planning to release her first single “Mada Minu Sekai” in April on Universal Music’s new label “star.”
Having an interest in music for some time, the “Zawachin Music Project” was created and led to her CD debut.
The title song of her debut single was written by Zawachin herself. With a mix of painful and hopeful lyrics, they convey a very real message. Moreover, Zawachin is planning to remove her trademark mask for the CD Debut.
The Zawachin Music Project will include her back band, as well as the creative team. The members of these will be chosen by auditions. Let’s look forward to the details about her debut, as well as the rest of her music career.
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romanticwish · 9 years
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yamakaze-arashi · 10 years
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Zawachin does a look-alike of Johnny's idols
I hope she completes Kanjani 8 some day too ^^
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amnosbands · 10 years
Omg. Why didn't I know that?
Zawachin… The famous make up artist impersonator of more than 100 celebrity faces is a Japanese-Filipino! Kyun Kyun~
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