#Zee x damien
canonically47 · 6 months
i don't know what this post is meant to be, just look at them
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they are so fucking silly. they are. the silliest to ever silly. their dynamic is so fun even just for a few seconds. their colours clash together better than most people's and zee clearly cares for damien and tries to hold him back. i don't know if i ship them or not, i just wanna say, they're a hell of a duo and i need more of them
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mikatoonist · 1 month
‘are you drinking pepsi for breakfast?’
remembered that zee canonically drinks soda for breakfast so this had to be done 🥤
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total drama ship names but they are in the (name)shipping format (reboot edition)
chase/ripper- pizzafartshipping
julia/nichelle - famousshipping
mk/julia - stolenphoneshipping (someone did this and I love it so credit to them)
axel/nichelle - actionmoviesshipping (someone also thought of this as well so credits to them)
chase/zee - orangecheeseshipping (their outfit colour scheme makes the colour orange and if you mash their names it sounds like cheese-)
priya/axel - noicehardcoreshipping.
millie/priya - braceletshipping
bowie/raj - hockeypearlshipping
lauren/damien - spookychemistryshipping
wayne/nichelle - snowfilmshipping
lauren/ripper - stinkyscareshipping
damien/zee - studysodashipping
emma/julia - blondecreatorshipping
julia/chase - toxicinfluencershipping
bowie/raj/wayne - rainbowshipping.
bowie/ripper - grossfashionshipping
emma/nichelle - famousblondeyshipping
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zeekedout · 5 months
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you better not be anime artstyle zeemien when i get back
my stupid ass:
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anna368sus · 11 months
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The last two where originally templates from interest so I added td characters to it:
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More td memes?
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pawzofchaos · 1 year
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based off that one image
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ovium-sheep · 6 months
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*Slips Zee and Damien lps in your drink* whoopsies 🤭
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sammy-deserves-better · 6 months
Hey people who definitely didn’t follow me for my AUs here’s another AU I thought up on the spot!!!
Fantasy/Royalty AU bam lets get into it
Julia and Bowie are the princess and prince of the kingdom, as you do, it’s gay and lesbian hostility in that castle every day
Axel, Wayne, Raj and Emma are knights with Axel being the head of the knights, Emma is also secretly a florist because why not
Priya is the head of the guards while Caleb is the personal guard/advisor to the king
Chase is a travelling bard who loves to talk about his ‘amazing’ adventures of ‘helping’ people
Nichelle is still a famous actress but instead of movies she’s like, famous from plays and all that jazz
Ripper’s a barbarian that’s pretty good at his job, unfortunately he is not taken very seriously
Millie is a famous writer but she’s so damn difficult to find at times and only a few people know where she actually lives
Damien is a wizard’s apprentice, he’s still learning but he’s got some real talent within him
Zee is the court jester, he didn’t even like try out for the role he just started talking one time and the king thought he was hilarious
Scary Girl is a famous necromancer because she is, funnily enough, scarily good at her job
And MK, silly ol’ MK, is a master thief who is wanted all over the world, but can never be located, always managing to escape at the last moment
Alright here’s some more details yippee
Raj and Bowie are like, in love, obviously, knight x prince romance! Forbidden love that isn’t really forbidden but like it’s super cute and Raj is so smitten and Bowie just loves this handsome knight that would do anything for him
Wayne and Emma are friends here because I also think they’re silly, Wayne’s the only one who knows Emma’s secret florist job because she trusts him enough and also he accidentally found out but it’s fine!! But he also nearly gives away Emma’s secret so many damn times because he’s just a little bit stupid
‘Man I wish I could get Bowie a nice bouquet…’
‘Oh well Emma is actually a fl-‘
And then Wayne gets elbowed so hard he can’t breath for 2 minutes
Emma also definitely has a thing for the cute court jester but she has no idea on how to actually approach Zee so she just sends him flowers anonymously and sighs while looking at him lovingly
Julia and MK meet because MK climbs up the damn castle walls at 2am and sneaks into Julia’s room just to rob her, gets absolutely slammed by the princess, wakes up and is tied to a damn chair with Julia right up in her face about to rip her to shreds and all MK can say is ‘you are REALLY attractive oh my gods’
This throws Julia off, they start talking, Julia realises that despite the fact she is holding one of the most wanted criminals hostage in her room, she wants to keep seeing MK because she’s entertaining and mean and just slightly pathetic, so she lets MK go on the promise that the thief will come back every night and so she does and yadda yadda lesbians toxic yuri wins
Millie’s stories actually come to life because shocker she’s actually a wizard in disguise and she needs to be really careful about what she writes so that’s why she hides herself away and is so hard to track down because if the wrong people knew about her magic capabilities oh no that’s a lot of blood and injury and angst and 10k words every chapter
Millie’s parents also had this ability to create anything from mere writing, they shared this ability with the kingdom, and so if an important figure asked them to say…make a protector of the kingdom, they would do so, and they did, and that’s where our villain/antagonist comes in but that’s a story for another day
The older gens are also involved in this one way or another as well, most are just backgrounders but some hold important to the story
Damien is the wizard apprentice to Leonard and Tammy, two great and powerful sages who spend their time helping the world
DJ is the one who taught Emma how to be a florist, he’s kind and understanding and always helps Emma choose the right flowers to give to Zee
Eva trains Ripper under her watchful eye, she’s proud of how far he’s come, but feels he can do just a bit more
Aleheather are the king and queen of the kingdom, Bowie and Julia are their adopted children
And that’s all I got for now uhhhh add whatever you want to this it’s just a silly time
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totaldrama-showdowns · 5 months
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Round 3 Match 2
Zeemien: “they are.. gay ngl”
“i saw someone say anxious nerd boyfriend x chill stoner boyfriend somewhere before anyways they hold hands”
“if they dont sweep im blowing up the building. that building? idk fresh tv hq or something”
“2 wild idiots in love who smell like body spray and eat food with their bare hands. I love them”
“get rippaxed”
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td-rarepairs · 5 months
Damien x Wayne x Zee.
They are in a happy and healthy poly relationship and went on a date when the show was over its canon terry told me himself.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
My hopes for S2 of the total drama reboot:
More Axel screentime! Honestly, I felt like Ripper really should have got voted out that ep because he was less useful to the team and the nerds were already annoyed by him. It felt like they booted her just because she's like Eva in the episode where they voted off Eva.
Julia keeps the bun the entire season
Maybe I'm getting my hopes up, but Priya x Millie? You can have it be one-sided if you want to make Priya x Damien canon. But they had just as much, if not more romantic tension then the canonically queer couple! (not a bad thing, I love Rajbow too!)
Speaking of Rajbow, I DON'T want season two to introduce artificial drama between them. I don't think it would make sense from a character driven perspective, because Bowie knows how to play the game too well for that. I think that in season two, its likely he'd put his relationship on hold to better persue the million.
Emma Villain arc, but like in a sympathetic way. She really wants to win the million and prolonged Chase exposure might cloud her judgement on what she will do to get it.
Nichelle and Julia alliance. Or just any interaction between them. Please. I need to know how she'll react to Julia's true colors.
Speaking of Julia, I want to see her come back next season with a new fake personality. Maybe have her be a fake gamer girl idk. Nobodies buying it.
For Priya and Millie, I want to see them both working on a book TOGETHER next season. Maybe a total drama survival guide?
Less fart jokes from Ripper. More of a personality that does not revolve around fart jokes from Ripper.
MK learns from her mistakes and gets farther in the next season. I want her to pull a Noah.
In between seasons, Damien watches Total Drama and becomes a fan. Maybe he and Priya geek out about it?
This one's never gonna happen but if the writers make my Autistic!Priya headcanon official I would literally die of :DDD
Either vote Caleb off first again, or give him something distinct from Justin and Alejandro. This is silly, but the first thing I thought of is that he dislikes his looks because its hard to make genuine connections with other people when all everyone wants to do is get in his pants.
More humor based around Zee being an amputee. As a physically disabled person, I thought it was hilarious and handled respectfully.
Bowie and Emma don't become friends again, so WAYNE takes over trying to help Emma out with Chase.
What do you want to see next season?? Please tell me in the RBs I'm curious!
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canonically47 · 6 months
oh them...
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also tiny ripaxel & damizee:
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i love them so much (they are my ideal final four) (no joke) (full on serious) (i have even added them to an all stars AU i am writing) (and they are a team in it) (please i'm begging you to ask me about it they are the team ever and it goes so well) (please) (PLEASE!!!)
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justa-chocolate · 1 year
I have a silly lil request, Damien X Zee
They ARE the sillies!!!
Damien would talk about "nerdy" suff for 10 hours straight
Zee just sit there, listen to him despite the fact that he doesn't understand a thing.
Love em❤❤
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More ship request guys?
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zeekedout · 5 months
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new coloring style check it zeemien
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nonaverage · 6 months
Y'all I have Wayne x Damien x Zee brainrot
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r4bidcherry · 6 months
warning: im getting damien x zee brainworms
like think about them alone discussing how zee has never kissed anyone so damien asks if he can be his first kiss ouUGHHHH
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