#Zev the human cleric
koibish · 1 month
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Art of my dnd group for a homebrew campaign: Tamarand Academy 📚
by Kyung Han Kim
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the-cryptographer · 1 year
Notes on Lurk’s DA OCs
- (Sereda?) Aeducan. Diplomatically evil. Critical of human prejudice against elves and mages, but completely unwilling to look at Dwarven class prejudice (yes, she kept the anvil). Convinced Leliana to murder Marjo (who, yes, objectively needed to die) because she wanted to see if Leli would kill someone she loved on her command. Turned down the position of Warden Commander and fucked off back to Orzammar at the end of Origins. Took Gorim, Leli, and her personal assassin (Zev) with her. Currently embroiled in trying to snatch the throne after Harrowmont dies.
- Unnamed Kader. The Orlesian Warden Commander who took over after Aeducan fucked off. I wrote a fic where she and Sigrun kissed.
- Dominic Amell. Of Chasind descent, but got passed off as Amell when actual Amell drowned due to Templar negligence while they were both being escorted to the Circle Tower. He does not remember this and has completely embraced his noble Amell lineage. Mage supremacist and Uldred fanboy, but unfortunately(?) wasn’t cool enough to ever get invited to the militant liberationist hangouts. Also Karl def caught Dominic trying to spy on an orgy he and Anders were hosting and kicked him to the curb. Bonds with Morrigan over them both being edgy misanthropic teenagers, but loses steam on it a lot quicker than her when the outside world doesn’t really conform to his worldview. Breaks up with her to explore his bisexuality with Zev, but there are still feelings for Morrigan when the Dark Ritual happens.
- Halliserre ‘Halli’ Surana. Not the Warden. Racially marginalised honor student, teacher’s pet, and wannabe Knight Enchanter. Dominic’s rival for Jowan’s attention until they both get overlooked for Lily. Left Dominic behind when she grabbed Lily and Jowan and escaped the tower in the Origin. Bc fuck that guy.
- Dolores ‘Lola’ Tabris. If Aeducan is diplomatically evil, Tabris is rudely and unpleasantly heroic. Angry and bitey and volatile and violent and a total pill. Would have liked to be happily married, but has beef with her father trying to silence her anger about her mother’s death. Tried to make her worthy of the ‘Like dogs, Shianni’ line. Religious syncretist. My one straight OC, and her taste is suave mercenary pump-&-dump fuckboys. Is surprised when Zev actually sticks around.
- Marian Hawke. Mage. Diplomatically evil (are we noticing a theme?). A bit of a user. Extremely into political power grabs. Had a fling with Isabela, but sweet on Merrill. Considered Anders a bit beneath her and not really worth the negative press of associating with him, but enjoys his sense of humour and the slight sadism of him putting others down. Doesn’t take it well when he assassinates the Grand Cleric and ruins her plans to become Viscount and sends him away. Currently hanging out in Ostwick, getting drunk and partying and reminiscing about how she almost became Viscount, while her wife, Merrill, and Velanna (whose contact deets Merr got from Anders) plan militant elf uprisings. Would absolutely never be caught dead publicly taking responsibility for anything that happened regarding Corypheus, and did not appear in DAI (Varric hired an actor). Towards the end of the game, Fenris clearly wasn’t very happy with her in Kirkwall, so she sent him to Ostwick where he was promptly mistaken for a mage and interned in Ostwick’s Circle Tower. But that’s a story for another day.
- Aedros Hawke. Runesmith, researcher, dwarven tech and history fan, and all around lover of the scientific method. They’re a blood mage, but not in a combat oriented way as much as a ‘let’s bleed a rune onto this rock’ kind of way. Transed their gender after Malcolm’s death. Their beard is v curly. Mama’s boy, but resembles Malcolm (who was of Rivani descent) more. Their biggest dream is to publish their own scientific journal about theirs and their research team’s (Merrill, Anders, Fenris) research. With that goal in mind, they are working in coordination with Xenon in Act II instead of Viscount Dumar. Also they mucked around with Darktown enough to reinstate the old tevinter plumbing system, so they are, in fact, a sexy plumber. Also they’re bad with money and drive Carver up a wall.
- Unnamed Adaar. idk, my canon Adaar. She’s levelheaded and centrist to a fault, as DAI protags tend to be. She romanced Thom, let him go after he kept pushing her away and went for Josie, then she and Josie together start something back up with him after he becomes a Warden. I like the idea of Josie doing diplomacy work at Weisshaupt.
- ‘Lady’ Lavellan. She has a Dalish name, but goes by ‘Lady’ in her line of work. She had half a falling out with her Clan after the Keeper’s son made a pass at her, and has since been doing work as a liaison for Clan Lavellan in their dealings with human cities. She is a chronic liar, very good at telling people what they want to hear, and not letting anti-elf aggressions get to her. This becomes important when she romances Sera. Has Elgar’nan Vallaslin so everybody knows she’s baby butch.
- Felice ‘White Tears’ Trevelyan. Ex-Circle Mage. Neurotic and extremely baby. Cries at the drop of the hat. Therefore it catches people unprepared when she schemes or shows any kind of backbone or reveals herself to be a competent fighter. Is a responsible Antiquarian, and was completely unprepared for the Mage Rebellion or being the Inquisitor, but pretty relieved she doesn’t have to seduce any scary noble dudes (all dudes are scary) to buy her way out of the Circle. She is perpetually scared of a good half of the DAI party (Dorian, Bull, Blackwall, Cassandra). Hero worships Vivienne like- whoa! Vivienne is mostly pissed off that babying this extremely neurotic blonde little magelet is now necessary to properly rub elbows with the Inquisition. But, yanno, it’s hard not to become the mask and start sympathising with someone who adores you so.
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knightsdivine · 3 years
Anything interesting about your characters?
Aria Cousland is a very skilled bard (despite being trained as a 2-handed warrior), not that anyone who figures that out lives very long to tell it.
Phann and Leona Calabra were once the same character that I split in two, my monk-cleric Phann Calabra. dnd!Phann was a noble half-elf, so I gave the noble human part to Leona, and the elf part to Phann.
Solaris thinks ZITHER makes a mockery of being a Virtuoso. After ZITHER joined the Inquisition, she traveled to Skyhold to teach the art in a more offensive capacity. She finds that they both did what they had to survive as mages, and they even struck up a pretty good friendship.  
Leona is more a Polearm, than she is a tempest dual wield.
Togashi’s parents were dragon worshipers– and as such his mother drank dragons blood fairly often. His fire magic tends to be much more explosive than other mages.
Phann eventually settles in the Emerald Graves, and does a pretty good job of scaring the locals off. She helps local wildlife and hopes that with the humans too scared to act, she can move more Elves into the Graves. She’s essentially become the Witch of the Wild in Orlais.
Leona, has a pretty idyllic idea of marriage. She has a thing for stories about Princesses running away with knights and it fuels her crushes on Warden!Carver, Cullen, and King Theirin.
Enna absolutely adores children, but they’re very awkward around them. Which doesn’t help as they already have kids.
June was disowned/given to a Cloister. Her mother wants nothing to do with her, but her father was very involved in her upbringing. In fact, he’s the one to urge her to join the Black Divine’s Navy. However, she end up stealing a ship and becoming a pirate, but eh, what can you do?
Emra and Nalia eventually adopt an Antivan boy named Valeriano. Zevran dropped him off very cryptically one night when Val was 4, and whenever they ask where he found him Zev always gives vague answers.
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cataclysmess · 7 years
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So I’m helping DM my first campaign and it is terrifying but lots of fun. We are running two separate groups in the same setting simultaneously and I’ve finished portraits for all of them. So without further ado, let me introduce Group 2:
(cw from top left)
Asyr Sei’lar; middle aged elven life domain cleric, had settled down as a “simple town doctor” before being dragged back into shenanigans by his old patient Tycho
Zev Sanesca; dashing human rouge/fighter, most likely to be found in a tavern or brothel, reliable man-for-hire, knows everyone and their mother, agrees to help Kasan pull together this group for the chance of revenge
Kasan; young tiefling ranger, overly blunt and straightforward, lacking tact for someone who is supposedly a spy, is responsible for pulling this motley group together to complete a mission given to zir by zir shady higher-ups
Tycho of Clan Skloforge; crotchety old dwarven artificer, retired freedom fighter, renowned glassblower, and accomplished rune caster, agrees to help with this mess at the urging of Zev and the lure of an old enemy
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