taylinreviewsthings · 5 years
Zine Research! (Part 2)
HItsa me, Taylin. Another Design student trying to figure things out in the world. Onto my second part of my research! We look up 50 Zines (Online or in person, but since the world is a bit limited right now all of them are online sourced. I’ll put a brief two word explanation of their topics or themes and then I’ll show one that I really enjoyed in particular!
Here we go!
Top 50 Zines Tay thought to be interesting!
Shabby Dollhouse
Motherlands Zine
Wonderfair Dave Zine *personally own
Got a Girl Crush
Gut Feelings
La Liga *Latinx Culture
The Cosmos *Science fiction and space
Home Zine *Feelings of home
Bed Spread Zine *Sleeping and Beds
Record Culture Magazine *Music and records
Polyester Zine *Embrace Bad Fashion
Yo Sick Zine *Patch designs and photography
Subjectively Objective 
Editorial Magazine
Conveyer *Wacky subjects like time travel
My Keanu Zine *Fan zine of Keanu Reeves
Post comment Below Zine
Too Much magazine
Birkensnake *Fiction
½ Zine
Pink Mince 
Buffalo Zine
Limner *Illustration without intention
Illuminati Girl Gang *Feminism
PentaPrism *Black and white photography
F Word Zine *Feminism
STATIC Heal and Grow Zine****
Bossier *Empowering Female Artists
Farid the Zine *Youth Culture
The Eye Creative
The Moon Zine
AJ Breaker *Collage
Bossy *Feminine graphic magazine
Lot's Wife 
Ginger Zine
Holy Glitter *fun aesthetics 
Margot Terc Zine
The Art Gorgeous
I’m Not Perfect
Fan Club
Candy Zine
Violet Summer Magazine *Urban Magazine
Haiku Zine *Poetry and language
Paints and Pens *illustrations
Taylin’s Top Zine
The one I really enjoyed was from the list, a publication called Static, specifically the first Issue of the first volume called Heal & Grow. It contains different essays and poetry as well as illustration and encouraging words through the issue. Now, there is sensitive content within this particular Zine, so I’ll go ahead and but a TW (Trigger Warning) for this content just in case!
I enjoy the emotional rawness in both the writing and the illustrations themselves. You can really tell it’s coming from the deep emotions coming from the thoughts of healing through something tremendous. Helping find self worth while also knowing you’re not alone in the process of it all. I really found this insightful and so important since I keep the topic of healing and growing close to my heart. I guess you could say the personal portions of the issue really got to me in a personal way too, I could relate since such crazy ways and it was nice to see in something endearing and creative like a zine. 
I hope you guys can check out some of these Zines, they're extremely creative and thoughtful and simply beautiful to look at while sending awesome messages!
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