#Zivs fake I.D. had been made by a AgriCorps Specialist WHO HAD PREPARED HUNDREDS BEFORE
irrfahrer · 4 years
Character Information XXIX: Zivs (fake) Identichip
As mentioned befrore- when Ziv had joine dthe AgriCorps she had been given a fake I.D. to use in the case she would fall in the hands of slavetraders in her work on the Outer Rim. Full fletched Jedi or not, Force-Sensetive Slaves are seldom and very expensive and the fate that would await them is not exactly a nice one. And as the AgriCorps mostly worked too far away from the Jedi-Order to expect immediate Help, the Adepts are teached certaine skills to keep attention away from them which included learning Bocce, beeing given their own money, beeing given a Blaster to use and ordered to give away or hide the Lightsaber, beeing given “normal” cloth, and eventually a fake I.D. that sounded so boring it could replace a sleepingpill. Ziv knew how to live and earn money without beeing noticed, she knew how to move through the galaxy without giving away what she was- a Jedi. And what she had learned in her first year in the AgriCorps saved her life after Order 66 when many other padawans on their own were killed off. This fake I.D. aided Ziv for years and helped her to keep a low profil, however when she eventually joined the Rebels the fake I.D. was eventually unmasked by the Tynnan in Deep Current and then promptly replaced by a better more steadier one.
Lets say Zivs fake I.D. lasted exactly the time the Rebel-General Ziv had approached needed to send a call to the Tynnan-Intelligence-Cell Deep Current and get to the head Saltbite. Which were in this case exactly fifteen minutes because Saltbite wanted to finish breakfast first before going through his files. It was a simple task that was like watching the News on the holonet over a cup of caf: Tynnan are a strictly bureaucratic species and as the leader of the planets central gouverment on Tynna is chosen by a lottery every birth has to be registered so this person could be added to the lottery when they are of age. Which meant that Zivs birth had been registered. Zivs familyname Odiz’Zee meaning Springdancer in Tynnan is a broadly used familyname so the files kept about the population had been carefully ordered to avoid any mistake so there had been a moment of confusion for Saltbite. Yet Ziv was obviously someone who had grown up off-world which was seldom for Tynnan and In the same manner tynnan are not known for beeing strongly force-sensetive, as in fact there is exactly one known Jedi-Master who had been a Tynnan and that had been Master Bowspritz who had lived thausand of years ago so Ziv beeing taken to the Jeditemple and therefor her beeing born as a strong Force-Sensetive had been noted down carefully for once to keep her out of the lottery and to keep a eye on the development of force-sensetiuve children born in the species. Ziv had been the only pup given to the Jedi-Temple in her Generation- Tynnan are really not a species known for having high midichlorian-counts.
And at last Ziv had been born with the genetic deffect of ablinism which of course had been noted also in her file in case she would need more medical attention during her life that would have been naturally provided on the very rich world that is Tynna where people usually only worked if they relly wanted to boost their living-standarts from well to luxerious. Which meant that Saltbite simply played one game of Bingo- He had the name Odiz’Zee, he had the fact about Zivs ablinism, he had the fact that she had lived away from the Homeplanet Tynna, and he had roughly her age, which lead him promptly to her beeing the cub that had been given away to the Jedi-Temple which of course had been neatly registered. After checking this information for any mistakes and having the conclusion that tere is no other way,  Saltbite had not even emptied his cafcup and had asked to be intreduced to Ziv in person.
Which however does not mean that any Rebel in generel know Zivs background as Deep Current is still a Tynnan Intelligence-Cell and Saltbite is very much intelligent and pragmatic enough to not give away a Joker when he has one on the paw. But when it comes to the organisation Deep Current on Tynna it is a open secret what training Ziv had been given and how it could be used properly past the Cells bureacratic methodes. After all when it comes to bureaucracy Zivs Species are like a pack of Rancors going after a prey.
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