#Zushku and Bella
thecandywrites · 1 year
Zorroku and Peaches Part 16
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It's been several hot minutes. But I was sitting on most of this since the last update, and then I got distracted with several disasters all at once. But now I'm trying to pick up where I left off. This WAS supposed to be a quick, little polishing update. And not the complete overhaul it's turned into. But, hopefully it's an improvement either way.
Also, when you see orcish ages, I was reading where orcs age and mature much faster than humans do. And some orcs, given the right conditions could be adults even as early as the age of five. But for the purposes of this, whenever you see orcish ages up to like- 15- double that number to give you an approximate maturity for humans. So an orc who's three- it's like they're six, if they're seven, they're basically 14/15. So by that logic, an orc by the age of 9, 10- is really 18-20, and 11 is 22, and 12 is 24. And I think most would agree that full Adult Adult starts in mid twenties. So this isn't meant to be pedophiliac in any way, I just wanted to explain the ages and numbers and maturity rates.
Zorroku and Peaches 
Part 16
You went to the feasting hall, with Jaseeneh and everyone else, where a feast was already prepared and waiting for you as Jaseeneh had you and Zorroku sit in the large seat of honor for winning the battle with your children sitting down from you. 
She had the best wine in all of the seven cities- fill your glass and the glasses of your family. The kids giggled to be able to be served a small cup full for just a special occasion such as this as you and Zorroku got to have your very own pitcher of it. It was served with fruit and berries and spiked with liquors so that it was very sweet like punch.  
“I would like to toast to the victor of today’s battle, who was able to use a humble’s mother’s sling to defeat three lying bitches and the bastards who followed their greedy peckers to richer pastures.” Jaseeneh began, as you simply smiled appreciatively and silently huffed a laugh through your nostrils as echos of laughter and cheers rippled through the feasting hall. 
“So, as they say- ‘to the victor goes the spoils’!” She continued. 
“Heads of the banks, I would like for you to take the three checks that I wrote to her ransomers, to be fully signed over. And may the full worth of the checks go to her along with the full rate of interest my checks usually carry. As well as all properties and belongings that belonged to them, should go to her as her spoils.” Jaseeneh ordered before the seven High Lords of the Banks stood and ceremonially bowed to her to accept her order along with their word of agreement. 
“And since the latest blood tax increase came because of those ransomers, now that they are dead, now it is time for the increased blood ransom taxes to be lifted and waived. And they are to go to what they once were.” She added, as that got a round of applause as the seven High Lords once again stood and ceremoniously bowed and added their words of agreement and acknowledgement. 
“And in addition to this, the bail that was on those three lying, dishonorable bitches, shall now be paid out to the victor, which was half a million bricks each with, an additional 500,000 bricks to be awarded for the death of each of the greedy mates. So now my Double Vizsla Belladonna- is now 3 million bricks of salt richer!” Jaseeneh proclaimed and the entire area erupted into thunderous applause as you nearly choked on your spit and started to cough and sputter as Zorroku reached out to pat and rub at your back as you took that wine and guzzled it to clear your throat. 
“What?! Why?” You sputtered as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes before you used your fist to beat at your chest a few times as you looked to Zorroku to explain how that was even possible. 
“Usually, when someone is already in prison for a crime, and there is a challenge of Shiro Katzu, the bail is the reward for killing them in said battle. And if there is someone to fight with them, the same amount is placed on them as well. So, the three bitches had 500,000 each, plus their mates at equal amounts, comes to three million.” Zorroku informed you in a low murmur as he leaned over to say such things in your ear as you leaned over to him to hear it. 
“Usually, if there is a bail out on them that high, there will be lines through all of Avlar and the other six cities for others to win the right to kill them to claim the bail money. The moment they were arrested, before Grandma set the bail, I was the first to sign up, and, coincidentally, so were your other courters, just because they offended and disrespected you. But once she set the bail. Everyone else in my family signed up. But once they called Shiro Katzu, there was no way for any of us to fight them, except if we fought with you. And since you only wanted me to fight by your side, I was happy, content and proud to do so. No bricks of salt needed or wanted.” Zorroku explained. 
“Ohh!” You nodded in understanding. 
“Thank you Grandmother.” You thanked her as you stood up to bow graciously to receive the gift before she moved you to stand up and then sit down again. 
“Now, there was once a point of contest for all of my Double Vizsla's ransom of a hundred times their family’s weight in salt would be paid out. But since they were not held for ransom by the Black Wolf White Rock Clan, their ransom is now their full inheritance! Come, let them and their families come to be weighed.” She decided before a special scale was brought out as your parents and your younger sisters were all weighed together before the sum of that weight times a hundred was awarded to their accounts. Then it was your older brother’s turn and then Lilly’s turn. 
“Now, for my Double Vizsla Belladonna, the weight of your entire family.” Jaseeneh insisted as she gestured to you and to the children you had adopted as well as to Zorroku as you were already in the process of taking Ori out of your sling.  But instead, you, and all of your children and Zorroku even came to stand on that scale before it’s total was allotted to you and to Zorroku- since he was seen as the father of the children you had adopted as it was put into a family joint account, while the High Lords of the banks notated that and made sure to assure you that the joint account would notate the names of all of your children, who at that point, got to have your name as their own as well as your title. 
They gave you a new total for your checkbook and for Zorroku’s account that he shared with you for Ori that now had the accounts of your children on it as well. Jaseeneh signed off on the accounts, her gold pen with its gold ink glittering in the light. As did her son, and her daughter in law before you both were presented with new checks, with your name and Zorroku’s name on them that had been finished only the night before, as well as all of your children to receive their new permanent checks as your children.
You went ahead and put a thousand bricks into each child’s account, since their own mothers had sold them for what was really ten bricks worth of goods, which you felt was a great insult to put a price on the priceless. 
But even with such generosity, there was still, so much wealth left over. 
You had been earning, as a Double Vizsla, a monthly stipend of 200 bricks of salt a month, for the last 18 years. Which gave you 43,200. Then you got a seasonal bonus of an additional 200 bricks every three months,. So an additional 800 bricks every year which gave you an additional 14,400. Which just those two factors gave you a total of 57,600. That was the moment you got it before you spent anything. But now that you were here and fully inherited, that allowance went up to 300 bricks a month regardless if you were in Avlar or not. And an additional thousand bricks for seasonal bonus a year.  
But now, because of the battle, you now, in your own personal account, had 3 million from the bail alone. And then for your own ransom that Bully’s Bitches “settled for” which was 2,850 each, which came to 8,550 bricks, plus Jaseeneh’s rate of interest, which gave you a total of 15,390 bricks, for your own ransom paid out to them from your grandmother. 
Not to mention the very salt you once paid for the sheep and goats. So now, you had a grand total, just in your personal account of 3.2 million bricks. And with one brick equalling 100 cubes- that was 3.2 billion cubes. That was so much more than you could ever hope to spend in a hundred lifetimes. 
And because of the hundred times your weight of your original ransom, now applied to Zorroku and all of your kids. Especially since Zorroku was still in his armor and weapons, which were added to the weight too since he used them in the battle to fight beside you, that was another couple hundred thousand pounds all by itself because Zorroku’s weapons were especially heavy and your brain hurt from totalling it all up as the High Lords of the banks seemed to calculate and add everything right there on the spot as you just sat there and looked at the total sheet rather numbly because it was just so…overwhelming. 
“Everything ok?” Jaseeneh asked once it was decided and announced to the whole banquet hall who had erupted into thunderous applause and cheered and toasted to the victory and to you and your family getting their full inheritances. 
But you still had questions as you simply sat there with a puzzled look on your face. 
“If I had not won, and those bitches had beaten me instead, what would have happened?” You asked her. 
“Then before they could land a second strike, all those who signed up would have been let in to come to your rescue and fought in your name and honor.” Jaseeneh answered as you noticed that such persons were still in their own full armor, as if they had been eagerly awaiting such an opportunity too. 
You looked to Zorroku for a more indepth answer though. 
“According to the rules, they would have had their own bail as prize money for the fight.” Zorroku answered truthfully as your shoulders dropped and your cheeks flushed harder as that helped clarify their intentions-crystal clearly. 
“Of course, that’s really why they wouldn’t take my offer. Because why take my measly 50 thousand bricks when I was alive, when I was worth five hundred thousand to each of them dead?” You realized rhetorically as you looked down the line of your children, wondering what horrors they would have faced, living with those horrible women, had you not won. 
“Exactly. And that’s why their chosen mates fought beside them. Because they stood to gain that money themselves and get themselves out of debt. So that’s why you killing all three bitches and their mates, who were the ones who called the challenge, you got the full payment for all of them.” Zorroku explained. 
"Maybe I should have let you kill the mates then, at least we would have split the bail evenly." You murmured. 
"Nope. Even if I had, I would have not accepted it and given it to you regardless. The emotional toll they all put on you and the way they disrespected you, could not and will not ever be tolerated. You deserve every cube and more- as reward for putting up with them for so long." Zorroku calmly countered with a gentle shake of his head as he wrapped one arm around your shoulders while he squeezed your hand that he was holding a bit more tightly as you squeezed back, letting his touch ground you to the moment. 
“So don’t feel guilty about accepting it My Darling. You deserve every cube.” Jaseeneh urged you with a soft pat on the back as your guilt for such a sum was eaten away with a sense of righteous justice, which the blessings helped with tremendously. 
It just left you to sit there, softly shaking your head as you pressed the chilled wine in the wine glass in your other hand to your blushing cheek as you took a moment to try to find your appetite again. 
No wonder they turned you down. It was never going to be enough for them, they stood to gain unfathomable riches and the opportunity to settle the grudge. Of course they wouldn’t accept your offer. 
“I didn’t know that. I didn’t know about any of that.” You admitted. 
"Did they?" You asked. 
"Oh yeah." Zorroku and Jaseeneh both nodded emphatically. 
“Their mates took out huge gambling debts on themselves, just for the match. Which put the odds in their own favor. Which means all those who were rooting for you were richly rewarded.” Zorroku nodded over to his cousins to see they were being paid out handsomely by the betting rings, right there at the feasting tables as you frowned at it. 
“Did you place a bet on it?” You asked him. 
“Nope, only signed up to fight. Nothing else.” Zorroku reassured you. 
“Thank you. A fight with your life- is gamble enough.” You insisted. 
“I agree. Besides, you needed all the mental and emotional support I could give you, I could not let anything or anyone else distract me.” Zorroku nodded. 
“You didn’t tell her about it?” Jaseeneh asked Zorroku. 
“She didn’t ask. And she didn’t care about that. She had her priorities right. Her children’s safety, security, love and affection. And then worried about the gifts taking over her and then putting everyone else in danger. And she was more concerned about my safety in that arena with her. But she never worried about my own ability to fight off against my own opponents. Which was very sweet of her and quite reassuring, I thought.” Zorroku shrugged with a proud smile and a subtle shake of his head no. 
“Well, then that explains your surprise and your sense of overwhelm at the news. But that is good. I’m glad that at least one member of my family members, isn’t motivated or moved by money. Always hungry for more and more bricks. As if everyone has forgotten what we’ve had to do and how far we’ve had to come to make them in the first place.” Jaseeneh practically sneered down her other side of the table at the other members of her family who were still in the process of accepting the bets. 
“I would be happy to donate my winnings to the Double Vizsla and her family Grandmother.” Kakazi offered as he blushed as he got the large billfold of bills. 
“No, your winnings are your winnings Kakazi. And I’m just grateful you were prepared to come to my defense today. Please keep them for yourself and your house as your own reward for your willingness to risk your life for mine. I already have far too much as it is, I do not need or want any more.” You gently refused as Jaseeneh grinned to hear your answer just as an attendant came up to you and to Zorroku. 
“Vizsla Belladonna, the properties as owned by your challengers.” He offered as he handed you several scrolls along with a set of keys tied to the very strings that were used to tie up the scrolls- that were the deeds to the houses that the the challenging warriors owned, along with lists of items each dwelling had and since they died by your hand, were now your property. 
“Has anything been done with the contents of the apartments?” You asked as you looked them over. 
“Nothing. Just a tally of what was contained within them.” He answered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him before he bowed his head respectfully and went away. 
“What are you going to do with them Mama?” Belinda asked. 
“What do you think I should do, Bebe?” You asked her curiously because Belinda, being her father’s daughter, was always so careful and thoughtful and had a wonderful sense of right and wrong, fairness and inequality.  
“You could sell them.” She shrugged. 
“Is there anything that you guys think- the women who birthed you- had, that any of you would like to keep as a keepsake or anything?” You asked them, trying to carefully and thoughtfully choose your words well. 
“Nope. There is nothing that woman had that I want, especially to remember her by.” Bully Jr. was the first to shake his head no but the others hesitated to answer. 
“Tell you what, how about we go there after the feast, just to be sure. Otherwise we can have them cleaned out and the contents and the properties themselves- sold off.” You suggested. 
“Thank you Mama.” Becina nodded with a grateful smile. 
“You’re welcome, Cece.” You smiled adoringly at her. 
After the feast, you went with them to the apartments to look through the apartments to see if any of them liked what the women had birthed them left behind. 
The girls actually wanted to keep some small treasures their father had originally gotten for their mothers, and kept them more a reminder of him, than them, which you were relieved that they got to have at least that much as you could only shake your head at the otherwise messy clutter these bachelors had left their apartments in. 
Once the kids were satisfied, you invited the challenger’s families to do the same, so that they could take back any family heirloom that the challengers had in their possession, which was greatly appreciated by the families of the challengers as they rather quickly and readily picked through it. 
“So what do you want to do with the rest of it?” Zorroku asked. 
“Is there some kind of donation system here? That some can donate what they no longer want to be either resold to another or given to the needy for free?” You asked hopefully. 
“Yes.” He confirmed. 
“Then we should do that. I certainly don’t need or want anything from these places. Let’s donate the rest and have the apartments cleaned, thoroughly, and then sold for fair market value and that sum given to them as individual inheritances and any differences in one from the other, we can make up so that it’s fair to all of them.” You urged him as he smiled proudly at you for such a decision. 
“I was going to suggest just that. I’ll take care of it.” He reassured you before you handed it over to him to deal with. 
“Thank you. Come on kids, let's go home and let’s let Daddy take care of this for us.” You urged them before you left with them to return home as you noticed, they were wearing your colors today, so that you all really matched like a family, which you thought was very cute and sweet of them.
However, you arrived home to see a huge boxes full of letters.
“What in the world?” You wondered as you opened the first few to see, offer after offer of marriage, for not just you, but for all of your children, mostly from Jaseeneh’s extended family members as you just frowned deeper and deeper the more you looked at them. 
“What’s wrong Mama?” Belinda asked as she watched you closely. 
“Kids, I want you to understand something. I will not agree to any marriage offer for any of you. All of you are free to marry whoever you want, when you are old enough to decide for yourselves, but right now, all of you are way too young. Especially you young lady.” You addressed them before addressing Ori who cooed and babbled at you in response. 
“Bully? Why are you giving me that look?” You noticed Bully’s slightly guilty look. 
“Well, um, you know those girls who always seemed to like me when my dad was alive?” He asked. 
“Yeah. And I also remember how they seemed to forget you existed the moment your dad died too.” You recalled which only got his cheeks to darken more as he seemed to be fidgeting. 
“Girls? Could you get Fabu and go play for a bit? Junior and I need to talk.” You pleasantly urged them before you ushered yourself and Junior into another room. 
“What happened?” You asked him. 
“So, when you got taken from White Rock, and I was especially distraught, um, they came and comforted me.” He confessed. 
“Would the words- intimate and carnal be involved in that comfort?” You asked carefully. 
“Yeah…” He grimaced with a wince. 
“And let me guess, since we’ve been here, they’re claiming that they’re pregnant now?” You asked. 
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“And their claim that you’re the father of their kids, is an honest possibility?” You furthered. 
“Yeah.” He nodded again. 
“When did you find out?” You asked him. 
“Just now, they came and told me at the feast.” He answered. 
“Before or after the announcement of the ransom?” You asked. 
“After, after everything. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I…I just forgot all about it. And I thought it was just a one time thing.” Bully confessed. 
“Because they acted like it was a one time thing?” You prodded. 
“Yeah, they wouldn’t even talk to me after, they just wanted payment for their comfort is all.” He divulged. 
“Oh, then it’s transactional. Ok. How do you want to handle this?” You asked him. 
“I don’t know. I…I’m too young for this. I hate this. I hate that they acted like I was a charity case back in White Rock but now that I’m somebody here, it’s like they’re sharpening hooks just to dig into my skin.” He explained. 
“I agree. However, you still have a responsibility to them if they are in fact pregnant. You don’t have to marry them, but you should claim those kids, if they are indeed yours and if you will not take them on, you should provide for them nonetheless.” You reminded him. 
“I know.” He nodded. 
“Ok, would you be ok if I talked about this with Zushku or do you want me to keep this just between us?” You asked. 
“I…I doubt he’s ever done anything like this, I don’t think he would approve.” Bully admitted as he shamefully dropped his head. 
“I think you’d be surprised, no one is perfect. Everyone makes stupid mistakes, especially when they’re young. And the heat of the moment is- exactly that, the heat of the moment. And I think he’d be more empathetic than you think. And I know he believes in fairness. And it’s incredibly unfair that they would choose just now to tell you when they’ve had the last few weeks to tell you. I know the rules of White Rock, but I’m just learning the ones here and the ones in Thunder Herd. We can talk to him and see what he thinks. There still might be a solution yet. Plus, those girls are pretty young too, their bodies might reject the pregnancies and then the matter would be null and void. So, it’s not too late, let’s explore our options and see what we can do. But if those gold digging tramps think they can strut into this house and think they’re the ladies of this house, they have another thing coming their way. Honestly, if I have to do what Crowthu and Yotul have done and recognize the kids as my grandkids, but keep them as servants, then so be it.” You said. 
“Oh gods no, they’d burn down this house if you gave them that option.” Bully worried. 
“And then they’d be killed for trying. Plus, I know those girls, their own pride would forbid them from doing such menial work.” You reassured him. 
“But if those kids are really my kids…” Bully tried to reason. 
“Then I’m sure you’ll rise to the occasion and still try your best to be the dad to them that you need to be. You won’t be alone ok? Zorroku was a single dad for a long time before he met me. If he can do it, you can too.” You tried to encourage him. 
“What if, they’d rather just take medicine and dispose of the pregnancy instead?” He asked. 
“Then that’s their choice and probably something they would have done, if you had not become my son. Technically, it’s their bodies and their choices. The fact that they are just now coming forward, means that they’re motives are insincere and shady as shit.” You reminded him. 
“True. Plus, there’s other girls here who I like way more anyway.” He admitted. 
“Oh?” You asked in pleasant surprise. 
“Who caught your eye?” You asked as you slid closer until your side was right next to his as your arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him tighter as you wiggled with him and giggled at the news which broke the tension and got him to giggle too as a bashful smile bloomed on his face. 
“Cleopatrahnah, among others.” He admitted. 
“I wondered. You’ve been acting all star struck and like a love drunk idiot every time she’s around. Ok, well as your mother, I feel I’m obligated to remind you that you’re both still young, a lot can happen and change over the next few, pivotal years. And all that.” You waived off dismissively. 
“But as your friend, let me just say, good choice. The only thing is, is that she is Kann’s daughter. Who is heir apparent right now. And granddaughter of the Clan Chief, and great grand daughter to Dowager Clan Chieftess, that means she has her pick of whoever she wants in her entire clan. Plus any other from any other sister clan. Thankfully, you don’t really have to worry about anyone from White Rock because no one of the Clan Chief’s immediate family is her age, but you would have to compete with other warriors from that clan regardless. The other thing to keep in mind she’s also related to everyone else in the Clan Chief’s family of her own clan and in Thunder Herd. Except for you. So maybe for her, you might be the only viable option who is of equal status, but not related. So that might work in your favor. But otherwise. Don’t push it or pursue it until we get this matter - with the other girls- settled, ok? It would not look good if you were pursuing her but ignoring them.” You advised him. 
“Just as I was going to try to ask her out, those other girls came up and derailed me, and now I’m too shaken up for it.” He confessed. 
“Yeah, I know how that feels, to have all the wind knocked out of you before you can even use that breath to breathe.” You offered before you put your forehead and nuzzled it with his and rubbed soothing circles into his back as he melted into you. . 
“It’s going to be ok Bully. We’re gonna get through this, you’ll see. I still love you, unconditionally, ok? This doesn’t make me love you any less ok? If anything, your reaction helps me to love you more and be even more proud of you than I already am.” You urged before the doorbell rang. 
“I’ll get it.” You urged him before you got up to see Cleopatrahnah herself at the door - who looked like she had been crying. 
“Hi Hun, are you ok? How about you come on in.” You invited her before she readily slipped into the house with you and shut the door behind her. 
“Hi, um, I’m so sorry to ask this, but my dad sent you letter by um, accident. And I uh, I’d really like to get it back, unless you’ve already read it?” She asked with a wince. 
“No, as you can see, I have not gotten the chance to.” You smiled as you showed her the boxes right behind her. 
“Oh thank the gods!” She exclaimed in relief. 
“By all means, have at it.” You invited as you gestured to the boxes behind her. 
“Thank you!” She thanked you as she sank to the floor and immediately dug through the mail to look for what she was after. 
“I take it’s a certain offer about you, that you didn’t give him your permission to give?” You guessed as her head and shoulders sank.
“Yes, is it that obvious?” She asked with a wince. 
“Nope. You’re still pretty young Hun. I was going to ignore it when and if I ever found it. Which, now that you’re here, just go ahead and take any and all from your family. Because my kids are too young for this kind of thing too. Besides, you guys are kids. You should enjoy every single moment of your childhood that you can and not let anyone take any of that away, especially your childhood innocence. And while I can guess your dad’s motives for sending it. I would never think you shared them too. And the fact that you’re here trying to find it before I did, actually means a lot, and means that my kids are safe with you. If anything, I should be asking for your help to guide them to see who else has motives for either politics or money.” You reassured her. 
“Yes, yes of course, thank you so much for understanding this means the world to me.” She gratefully hugged your legs as you stood beside her. 
“You’re welcome Cleo. Let me get you something to drink at least ok? I’ll be right back.” You urged her as you bent over to pat her shoulder to let her get back to work. 
“Cleo?” Bully asked as he came when he heard her voice. 
“Oh, hi Bully, sorry to just um barge in, my dad accidentally mailed your mom something, I just came to get it before um, any of you got it.” She admitted. 
“Oh, I could um, I could help you find it, if you wanted some help.” He offered. 
“Please.” She readily accepted his help as he sat down next to her, but in front of the other box while you handed them a third to put the sorted mail into. 
“Here, just, all the ones that either should be ignored and either used as kindling or whatever, put into here ok?” You offered. 
“Thank you so much Aunt Bella.” She thanked you. 
“You’re welcome Sweetie. Of course, you’re also welcome to go through these from the comfort of a couch or perhaps a table and chairs too.” You invited. 
“Oh, yeah, thanks.” She thanked you as she got to her feet and grabbed the box she had been looking through while you grabbed the one box while Bully grabbed the other two and led the way to the living room where you put the boxes on the tables for them to sort through as you let them have a moment of privacy at least as you tried not to grin too schemingly. 
“I’m so sorry about this, really. I just…don’t know what my dad was thinking, putting this stupid thing in the mail is all.” She excused as she immediately knew just by the color of the envelope who was her family or not while Bully handed her every other envelope of the same colors while he organized the rest by color of the envelope. 
“It’s ok. I agree with my mom on this one. I'm happy to help, I just didn't want you or literally anyone else to think that I chose my mom just for the money or the status either. She's been my mom even before she was old enough to have kids herself. And it was the woman who birthed me, keeping me from making her my mom before I could. None of us knew about the bail money either. It wasn't until Clan Chieftess Jaseeneh announced it that we knew anything about it. My mom didn't even know until the announcement either, our Dad didn't say anything to us about it before. My mom even went to those women before the battle and tried to give this and everything else she had over to them in exchange for me and my siblings and that greedy thing wouldn't even be satisfied with that. So, I get it. I don’t want people thinking I chose her as my mom only after I knew she became someone. I chose her as my mom years ago when all she was, was my grandparents cook and babysitter. And she chose me and my siblings even after my father died and I was - in a single moment demoted and practically abandoned by everyone else except by her and her family." Bully revealed in a low murmur as he kept his gaze down at the letters, ignoring the names, just sorting by colors, handing all the pristine white letters over to her as she just smiled fondly at him. 
"I guessed as much. I saw the way you cleaved to your true parents when you first came to Avlar. Before it was known who any of you were, I could tell she was your mom because of Abrahieem." She smiled as she blinked away some tears before they could fall as she felt incredibly humbled that he would reveal that much to her. 
"Abrahieem?" Bullard asked as he turned his head towards her. 
"Abrahieem was a forefather to the Mountain Blizzard Clan and it's said that his seven daughters birthed the seven clans. But, he's the one that domesticated the first mammoth. He said that he didn't choose his mammoth, that the mammoth chose him. Because most people when they look at mammoths, they see a really big food source. But, with him, it is said that he saw his mammoth and saw his friend. And his mammoth looked at him and saw her friend too. Here in the seven cities, you don't pick your mammoth the way the Thunder Herd can pick a horse, the mammoth chooses their rider. And that bond can last decides and usually at least 3 generations. It happens with ice wolves too. And being an orphan isn't really that big of a deal here because often, the kids can and do find their own parents, one way or another. And we simply call the phenomenon after our forefather, Abrahieem. So if you've known her as your mother for so long, tell people that, tell them she's been your mom since the first moment you felt that way and it will be accepted as such and not questioned. And don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You know the truth and the truth is all that matters. And the truth will prove out, it always does." She explained. 
"Thanks." Bully smiled with a nod and simply went back to his stacks of letters in his hand as it was Cleo who now seemed reluctant to continue on her search as she seemed to look at what she thought was just a boy only moments ago, and realize what kind of man he seemed to transform himself into right before her eyes as she then began to question whether she should really be there at all and wondering of it was too late to make an offer with her own hand. Because while she could tell he was just as young as she was, he seemed much wiser beyond his years. And it wouldn't be nearly as bad as she feared if he were to find it and agree. She could suddenly see herself being betrothed to him and actually enjoying the experience. 
"Well, it doesn't look like it's in this box. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll find it. I was just as panicked as you are when I saw all of these, it’s a lot all at once.” He mused as he set the now organized letters back into the box and began to reach in and try to take the different colored envelopes out of the box she was now slowly going through. 
“Exactly. It’s so embarrassing. I can't believe he would do this, after the battle and after the feast too. When you already had so much on the line, not just yourself, but your parents and your siblings." Cleo tried to regain her former train of thought. 
"And then at the feast, to have my grandmother basically announce to everyone in the seven cities that you guys are practically the richest family in the whole seven cities, it basically put a bounty on your head and the heads of your siblings, especially your mom. Even now, my own dad is gunning for her, as if my own mother and my other five step mothers aren’t enough for him. As if another wife will make him any happier, but she's spiritually blessed, and that's all he seems to care about. It's not like he's not sitting on a fortune himself either. And if he can’t have her, the fact that he’s throwing myself and my sisters at you, is just…so embarrassing and humiliating. And it’s nothing against you, obviously, you’re a great guy and really nice and really humble and sweet. It's just, the fact that he threw this in here with everyone else. It’s like he’s stooping to everyone else’s level and I thought he raised me and my siblings to be better than that. And at least give us a chance to get to know you on our own to see if we could even be friends, which we are, there’s no doubting that.” She admitted as she seemed to have difficulty finding her words as much as she was finding her father’s letter. 
“Then I’m doubly grateful for choosing my parents, because so far, they’re both just out to protect me and my sisters and my half brother.” He admitted with a lopsided grin. 
“Exactly! That’s the way it should be. Don’t for a single second- think that they’re just being over protective either. They are really doing you one hell of a service. Heck, I’m half tempted to adopt your mom as my own if it’ll get me out of this.” She admitted before you came back with two cups and a teapot of tea before she took them from you. 
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much.” She thanked you as she found her feet and helped you sit before she served you a cup of tea along with Bully and then herself, which you couldn’t help but notice she had the same- ceremonial, ritualistic like movements with it. 
“Thanks.” Bully thanked her and drank the tea before he grabbed another huge handful. 
“Any luck?” You asked. 
“No, not yet.” She shook her head no. 
“But if you are up to it, I would like to ask you a few questions.” She mentioned hopefully.  
“If they’re about the gifts you saw in the arena, let me give you some answers. I’ve had those gifts for about 2 years. They were actually given to Bully’s uncle by a series of mages along with other blessings and because I was, at the time, the resident babysitter, I went with him to get those and when he wasn’t happy with how strong they were, the mages, spitefully transferred them to me and they will not leave me. Otherwise without them, I don’t know how to fight or to train another. And those spite blessings threaten to kill everyone around me when I use them. Which is why I keep them locked up inside me as much as I do.” You listed off. 
“Oh, well, thank you for that, but I actually wanted to ask you questions about how you are liking the scents of the perfumes and incense.” She politely deflected. 
“Oh, those, they’re great, they smell awesome.” You readily reassured her. 
“But now that you brought it up, why did the uncle seek the blessings?” She asked curiously. 
“Because his father and his other uncle died when a peace negotiations with another clan did not go well and resulted in a war where his father, Bullard Senior, and his other uncle Myles lost their lives trying to free slaves from Iron Mammoth, Berserker and Infamous Hand. So that left his remaining uncle Yar to seek any blessing he could to protect his family and his clan from another attack and another war with them.” You specified. 
“And my dad was my Grandfather, the Clan Cheif’s eldest son. And I was his eldest son.” Bullard supplied. 
“Oh, oh! Oh I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes I forget that other clans do not live as peacefully as we do. And for that to happen when you all were still so young, I can’t imagine how badly that affected you and especially your siblings.” She offered to Bully. 
“Thanks.” He smiled politely with a nod but wouldn’t look up and into her eyes, just kept his eyes fixated on the letters in front of him. 
“I take it you don’t like talking about it?” She guessed. 
“Not really, no.” He shook his head no. 
“Well, if you do ever want to talk about it, I’ll be there to listen ok?” She kindly offered. 
“Thanks.” He smiled politely and just kept trying to focus on the letters. 
‘Bad time.’ You tried to mouth to her when she looked sympathetically from him to you. 
“I’m happy to see Ori doing so much better. I was really worried about her when she left. She barely looks like the same baby.” Cleo offered as she did her best to change the subject. 
“Thanks. She’s turning out to be quite the stinker.” You smiled happily as you pat her as she reclined in the sling and continued to play with her toy and coo at you before there was another knock at the door. 
“I’ll get it, you should sit and rest Aunt Bella.” Cleo immediately offered before she practically bounded up off the couch and gathered up even more mail that had just been pushed through the mail slot before she noticed that her father’s letters were in the special basket high on the door, where the first class mail usually got put into before she grabbed it all in her hand and opened the door before she saw two White Rock girls on the other side. 
“Can I help you?” She asked them. 
“We are here to see Double Vizsla Bully. We have a very important matter to discuss.” They insisted as they tried to push their way in before she pushed them back. 
“The fuck you do! Do you have no manners? What is wrong with you? Charging into the house of a Double Vizsla without being invited in!” She yelled angrily before you and Bully immediately found your feet and practically ran to the door. 
“Oh shit.” Bully said the moment he saw who was there as he immediately wanted to shrink back. 
“Bebe! I need you!” You called to Belinda as you were pulling Ori out of the sling to hand her off before the girls saw Bully. 
“Bully Baby!” They called to him and tried to push their way in but with Cleo looking over her shoulder and seeing the fear and dread in his face, had her pushing them back out of the door before she shut it and bolted it just as Belinda and her sisters came to get Ori from you. 
“What’s going on?” Bebe asked. 
“Gold diggers. Get Ori and get your siblings out of here and away so Bully and I can deal with them.” You urged her. 
“Cleo, thank you so much, but Bully and I have to deal them honey, how about you go with Bebe ok?” You urged her. 
“No. They disrespect you and your house by assuming they can barge right in. Since Zorroushku is not here himself, I insist on staying. They need to learn to have manners and respect, especially with you and your family.” Cleo insisted. 
“Cleo, please, I really don’t want you to have to witness this.” Bully begged her desperately. 
“Bully, you are not in White Rock anymore. You’re in Avlar, and here in Avlar, we do not tolerate any disrespect, especially in either word or deed. They literally broke the law about trying to gain entry into this house without invitation, it does not matter if you’re a child or an adult here or who you are or what you are, it’s a rule for everyone.” Cleo insisted as she pressed a button by the door that locked the house. 
“Cleopatrahnah, please, I am begging you, please go with my sister. I really, really do not want you to see or hear any of this.” Bully insisted as tears were already forming in his eyes. 
“Bully, I’m sorry, by principal alone. You’re family to me by Aunt Bella and Uncle Zoku, and I will not have either her or you disrespected, because if I do nothing, I’m seen as condoning it and I will never stand for it. Tell me how I can help, please. Or else I’m going to have to press this red button on the wall and that will call the police to arrest them for what they’ve already done.” Cleo insisted as she looked pointedly from him to the button on the wall before he moved himself between her and it and started shaking his head no, while exclaiming as much. 
“Girls, go on.” You urged Bebe before you closed the door from the foyer to the rest of the house, locking you in with Bully and Cleo. 
“Mom, no, come on, please.” Bully begged you. 
“Bully, when someone offers you the very help you need, even when your own pride insists that you don’t, you take it. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.” You urged him as you brought your hands up to his face to wipe his tears away. 
“When Zorroushku and his dad and his brothers came to get me from White Rock, it was a very, very intense moment and it felt like I was being ripped from my family and my friends and my home. And Bully was just as powerless to save me as he had been to help his dad two years prior. And in a moment of need, he sought comfort. And found it in apparently those two girls out there, that had once been after him before his dad died, and then once his dad did, they dropped him like a hot rock. And only permitted themselves to give him comfort for a price. It seems they are back, asking for a bigger and better price.” You tried to delicately explain. 
“Oh, ok. It’s a Fuhn-Lah, I got this.” Cleo nodded in understanding and opened the door before shutting it behind her and locking it in the process before you found the door to the stone screen so that you could still watch and listen to this exchange. 
“Madness?” You whispered curiously. 
“What?” Bully asked. 
“In Ragesh, Fuhn-Lah, it literally means claiming madness. Like when someone is going crazy, that’s what you say about them. Unless the meaning of the word changed.” You breathed as you moved to listen in to the exchange. 
“First of all, how dare you presume you are welcome on this front porch without a formal invitation. It is illegal to push your way into the dwelling of another here in Avlar. Secondly, does your matter really have so much urgency that you can not practice the rules of decorum? Does everyone in Black Wolf White Rock Clan have as much dishonor as those who perished in the arena this morning?” Cleo demanded angrily at them as she used her daggers in her hands to point at them. 
“You come to the house of the Double Vizsla Belladonna, with the audacity to demand an audience with her family without a gift? And without the decency to ask nicely and respectfully? To do otherwise is to court dishonor. How dare you! I am outraged you show such little decorum and respect for the very ground you are standing on. Look around, do you see anyone else acting so presumptuously or cavalierly?” She challenged as she pointed to the others on the street who were stopping to stare at this spectacle. 
“Who are you to talk to us that way?” They scoffed. 
“It doesn’t matter who I am. I am a citizen of Avlar, and I am holding you accountable for your actions. My own honor and sense of justice demand that I do. Now, if you can keep your voices down and behave properly, you may state your business here, and I will inform the house of your reason for calling.” Cleo insisted as she held her daggers down at her sides, before the girls came forward. 
“We are here to hold Double Vizsla Bullard accountable for his actions. He got us pregnant, we are here to demand he make honest women out of us and marry us.” They demanded before Cleo raised a disbelieving brow.
“Are you aware that this matter has a name? It’s Fuhn-Lah. And this is not the procedure and custom of calling Fuhn-Lah. For matters of Fuhn-Lah, first you must write to the matter and set up an appointment. Because to approach a household with Fuhn-Lah without an appointment, is then considered Jahowl. And comes with much higher stakes and harsher outcomes. When did this happen?” Cleo calmly asked. 
“Only a couple of weeks ago. We are due for our menstruation and it is late.” They grinned defiantly. 
“No, it is only when a woman misses two menstruations completely that she goes to test to see if she is with child. And it is only when she feels the first kicks of the quickening that she can inform the other party if they are not already within a union themselves. So you are premature in that respect for both Fuhn-Lah and Jahowl. Secondly. You choose today of all days to bring this matter to light? You did not care to bring this to light before the Double Vizsla Bullard became a Double Vizsla? You malign him and his honor and show your own filthy greedy intentions by coming forward now.” She challenged. 
“It wasn’t until today that we knew and this is the first opportunity we’ve had to approach him, these things are delicate, we needed to be sure.” They insisted.
“Really?” Cleo questioned disbelievingly. 
“First of all, the Double Vizsla is still considered a minor. And will be as such for another 5 years at the minimum. So that means that you actually need to bring this matter up to his parents. And neither of you barely look old enough to have double digits in your age, and aren’t even considered sub-adults by the age of 10 and full adults by 12. Which means- that your own mothers need to bring this matter up to Double Vizsla Belladonna and Double Vizsla Zorroushku. And by Avlar law, they do not have to give you anything or do anything. They do not even need to recognize the babes, should you actually be pregnant with them.” She informed them evenly. 
“Secondly, because the Double Vizsla Belladonna, by birthright- is of the Dowager Clan Chieftess’ family, this concerns the entire High Formal Clan Family. And you can not bring this matter up without someone of equal status outside of the Clan Family, which means you must go to your own Clan Chief and his family and inform them and they must make the entreaty on your behalf, if they see you are so deserving. Because as far as I can see, the Black Wolf, White Rock Clan is dropping members left and right. Look to the challengers, Not only did they lose all ties with the Clan Family, but the Clan itself. Do you really think the Clan Chief and his family would permit you to dishonor them and their clan on this account? And to do so right when they too had the honor of their own clan put into question? How could you presume to think that doing so would bring you, or your clan anything other than dishonor and bring into question the validity of your claim? Or the purity of your intentions? The Double Vizsla, has on standing order, the entire military force of all the seven cities. And you are just two younglings. Do you really think your own mothers can fight off the entire armies of the seven clans before they would ever get to face off against the Double Vizslas?” Cleo challenged and tried not to grin too victoriously when fear began to bloom in their eyes. 
“Also, it should be known that the Double Vizslas  have already answered a challenge of Shiro Katzu in the arena today and proved victorious, which is the most serious challenge anyone can call and out ranks both Fuhn-Lah and Jahowl. Which means they are immune to any more for the next year. And it also means that any who challenge them or any member of their family, will be executed upon any other kind of challenge being called. No matter what the reason for it is or what kind of challenge it is. So because you misused the time you had to bring this matter to light when you didn’t feel it was advantageous to bring it to the fore before, means you have one year and one day before you can bring this matter up again. And even then, your own parents and your own Clan Chief and his family must bring it up for you and must be ready and willing to battle in the arena for it. And should a clan call for the arena two years in a row, it is seen as a mark that the entire clan is dishonorable. Are you really ready and willing to do that? You must carefully think it over and consider it. Because it’s not just your lives, it's the lives of your family and your clan at stake.” She reminded them before they seemed to shrink back. 
“Or there is another way.” She informed them before they seemed to move forward again. 
“What is the other way?” They asked. 
“The Truthsayer. My other grandmother is a truthsayer. She has a guam jabvhar, a needle tipped with the most lethal poisonous venom. One prick can kill a clan of tens of thousands. A drop? Can kill hundreds of thousands. You place your hand in the truthsayer’s magic box. The box will give you both a pain a hundred times worse than any childbirth. And she asks you various questions. And in front of the seven cities, you must answer the questions, each one more embarrassing than the last, so that every sin you have ever committed comes to light for all to see, your intentions made clear and evident. And it is impossible to lie. But even then, there are many outcomes to this. None of them will be what you want though. Because at best, you will be humiliated, at worst, you and your babes can die.” Cleo informed them evenly. 
“But still there is yet a third way to settle this. And that is to sell yourselves into the slavery of the Double Vizsla's house. But to do so, means you must work your way up within the household staff. But it would ensure that your children are close to their father, even when you must be servant and he remain your master. But I suppose all marriages are slavery in most senses. But that is if they will buy you and if they win the auction, because once you intend to put yourself into slavery, everyone in the seven cities has the chance to bid on you and buy you outright. And once a high bid is made, it must be accepted, no matter who bid it. Because you will no longer have any say so in who you go to and what work you will do. And, again, it’s a very large if, if the Double Vizslas will win the bid and if they will accept your service. I have seen thousands of girls and young women do that, and then get sold to others who then took them out of Avlar and never returned. There are always slave traders in Avlar, who are eager to buy up any pretty young girl to sell to distant and older warriors as wives that way. I have seen too many girls your ages sell for as little as a single cube before. And others sell for as high as a single brick. And the rate at which you can work off your own freedom again, may not happen for decades.” She warned. 
“But you should know, that it is impossible for a Double Vizsla to marry anyone who had been a slave in the last decade before they married them. So that option, you’re looking at fifteen years. Because it would take five years for the Double Vizsla Bullard to come to the age of full inheritance and responsibility. And it would take another ten years after that for you to gain your freedom before you would be eligible to marry him. So you must ask, is it worth your own slavery and service for the next fifteen years at the bare minimum? And that is if everything goes perfectly and in your favor for you. And by a miracle, the very slave traders who are on that street corner right there, do not hear this and buy you out right this instant.” She pointed before the two girls snapped their hands with a gasp and balked at the grotesque figures in question and tried to hide behind Cleo before she pushed them to stand away from her. 
“Do you really have nothing else to do with your life? Is this the only way to preserve yourselves? Because it’s either fighting to the death, or possibly working yourselves to death. And even then your children would never be able to call you mother while you are a slave, if they are to call Bullard- father. Otherwise, it is better to either end the pregnancy, or if you can not or would not, give the children over to the orphanage, and hope that the Call of Abrahieem would have your children find their father when they are old enough to look for him on their own. Those are the only ways forward for you right now. You are free to talk to anyone else, there are councilors, who charge a brick of salt per half hour to council others, but they are usually booked out several months in advance even for that and it takes at least a hundred bricks, that’s a thousand cubes to cut the line and only get five minutes of council. But this is the council I can give you now for free. Otherwise, you better have either money or salt in hand to do otherwise.” She explained as she gestured down the street where one of the councilors’ house was. 
“Um, actually, we…” One of them began to stutter as she looked to the other. 
“We are mistaken. We have nothing to offer as a gift and can not make any challenges. And do not wish to court such dishonor and disaster. {lease, give the Double Vizsla's our apologies for unknowingly being rude. We did not know the custom here, and we mean no dishonor or disrespect. We will not seek their faces again, and I um, I actually feel my menstruation coming in, right now, so if anything, there is nothing here to worry about or concern any of the Double Vizslas or anyone else with.” The older of the two tried to offer before she pulled herself and her friend away and in the opposite direction the slave traders were. 
“Thought so.” Cleo grinned at their backs before she turned around and was greeted with you opening the door for her, since you had been listening through the stone screen behind the wall. 
“Very well done, thank you.” You thanked her. 
“You’re welcome, thank you for letting me help.” Cleo smiled happily. 
“They apologize for their rudeness and are mistaken. And will not bring it up again for the consequences are too great even for them to pay.” Cleo informed you and Bully who had just sank to sit on the floor with his head in his hands. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it, ok? They’re just greedy girls, out to stake the first claim is all. They weren’t even as bold as I’ve seen others be with my own father. This is like, nearly a daily thing for my own mothers and all my aunts and stuff, nothing to be embarrassed about ok? It’s ok. I don’t think any less of you ok?” Cleo reassured as she crouched down in front of Bullard. 
“Yeah, but if they were really my babes….” Bullard tried to argue. 
“There were no babes, I saw the blood dripping down on the ground under them myself and I could smell it from where I stood. They were literally menstruating like normal right as they were talking to me. There are no babes. But it’s sweet that you would want to care for them, if they were. That’s more than my own father and uncles and brothers and cousins do, even when the babe is literally born and is the spitting image of them. In Avlar, we make big talks and speeches about honor. But it’s just that, it’s talk. We’re still people just like everyone else. You know what my Dad says about every orc my age?” Cleo prodded as she knelt down in front of him. 
“What?” Bully asked as he wiped his tears away with his shirt. 
“That ages 6-10 were made for making mistakes, especially like that. And that any orc who doesn’t, isn’t an orc at all. Congratulations, you’re normal.” Cleo tried to offer comfortingly. 
“But my father taught me better than that. As did my mother.” Bully retorted as he looked from her to you. 
“We tried to. But Honey, you’re still young and you’re still learning. I know your dad thought courtly love was the best and highest form of love and he tried his best to teach you that, but Honey, even he fell short of it. Not only did he fall short of it once, he fell short of it three times over. So for you to do it just once, is actually pretty impressive. And I know you’ve gotten a lot of scares recently, but maybe they are just that. Scares. And meant to keep you acting right and humble ok?” You urged him. 
“I just…I doubt Dad has ever had to deal with any of that.” Bully murmured before Cleo raspberried a snickering laugh. 
“Oh, oh no, no, according to both of my parents, my aunt Shanarra instituted the traditions and the customs and rituals of both Fuhn-Lah and Jahowl- to the way they are now. Back in the day, before she had Zorroushku, it used to be, if any woman claimed another sired her baby, if there had been sex at all between the two in the window of conception, it was just a given that the woman would be added to his house and her kids to his kids. But when Shanarrah became Clan Chieftess of Thunder Herd, she changed it. If there was ever a case of rape, of course, the rapist always had to give everything he had over to who the rapist hurt. But in the case of other girls seeking to get in the Clan Chief's family early, that’s when she got my mom and my grandmother involved with Avlar as our services as Truthsayers, to prove the intentions of the one claiming birthright. And according to my dad, he and Zoku were only three when the first claims came in, which is why they are called Fuhn-Lah, which means “madness, and lunacy” and Jahowl means ‘imprudence, rashness and foolhardiness’. Because to make such claims was seen as just as foolish as jumping off a mountain, expecting not to fall, which was ridiculous. Which is why Sharnarrah, together with her mom and my dad and my grandpa and everyone else, enacted the challenge rules and then enacted the enslaving procedures as deterrent.” She recounted. 
“In fact, the reason, just six houses down, the Slave Masters live on the corners of every street, especially in the nicer neighborhoods, just to keep this kind of thing from happening in the first place, because Slave Traders are allowed to approach anyone who even utters those words. And with how loud I said it, they were interested and were going to approach if I had signaled them. And it actually led to a lot of birth controls being used in the seven cities to keep this thing from happening in the first place. No one else in Thunder Herd or the seven cities would dare do that to you or any of your siblings either. They know better. Think of those girls just making a last ditch effort to try to lay their claim to your family’s fame. That’s all it is.” She reassured him as she leaned her folded arms over his knees to dip her head down to look at him and keep his gaze. 
“Plus, in Thunder Herd, they have another solution. The father is given first dibs. It’s why my uncle Silug has so many slaves and servants. Because Crowthu will not risk the clan honor in the arena. And in order to keep himself and his family out of the mouths of the gossipers, he just buys whoever my other uncles fuck for them. In fact, Silug and Winug, they will outright just go up to any girl they want, who is even remotely pretty and claim they had already slept with them and wondering when their babies will be due. So they’ve had many who fight the fact that they ever laid together at all, and will fight to stay out of it. And if they are ready and willing to fight, usually that is enough of a deterrent to keep them from getting their way. I’ve seen too many beautiful girls get injured, fighting guys like them- off. Which, also, sadly says quite a bit about them.” Cleo expounded with a sour expression before her face softened to one of reassurance once Bully looked up at her again. 
“So if you’re worried about your dad judging you or thinking less of you, he has no room to talk. If anything I think he would be proud of you for your attitude and willingness to do the right thing. I know I am. If anything, I think he would tell you all the secrets about how to never be in this situation again. And how to protect yourself and any and all brothers you have now and in the future. Zoku may be older, but he is very wise and has been around enough and seen enough go down, that he will prefer to save you the heartache and teach you the lessons, without the pain of going through the ordeals yourself. It’s going to be ok. Trust me on this. Your mom chose your dad incredibly well.” Cleo reassured him. 
“Well, thank you for handling it the way you did. I obviously didn’t know anything about that. If I did, I would have handled it myself.” Bully admitted. 
“I know you would have. And you will in the future. Heck I have a half brother who is 11, who is still counting on his mom to handle all of this for him. The fact that you’re only 8.” 
“I’m seven, granted I’ll be eight in a few months, but yeah, I’m still seven.” Bully corrected. 
“Oh, ok. Wow. Seven, still, you’re handling this at 7, with more maturity than I’ve seen 14 year olds handle it with.” Cleo offered. 
“Don’t let this get to you. And don’t feel embarrassed that I was here for it. If anything, I’m honored I could be here for it and could help defend the family’s honor.” She smiled happily before she found her feet and dusted herself off. 
“Ok, well, thank you for your very generous hospitality, and thank you so much for letting me do this, but I need to return these to their rightful owners.” She excused herself as she grabbed the letters by the door and then went back to get the others. 
“Do you want me to single out any more that I find?” Bully asked as he followed her. 
“Yes please.” She nodded before she bid you and him goodbye and left with her bundle of letters in her arms as she walked over a single block to where her own home was, her hot tears pricking her eyes as she came to her home and the doormen opened the door for her. 
“Where is my father?” She asked the butler. 
“He’s in the gardens, Lady Cleopatrah.” He answered. 
“Thank you.” She marched to the garden in question and found her father sitting at a table with some wine and chitchatting with her mother who was tending to the trees in the garden before she marched up to him and dumped all the envelops onto the table. 
“How dare you! As if they haven’t been through enough today! You and everyone else in the family dump marriage proposals onto the Double Vizslas, is your hunger for power really that insatiable?!” She roared at her dad. 
“And how could you sign off on it? I’m seven! I still have three and a half more years before I would ever have to deal with this shit!” She screamed at her mom as she pointed to her mother’s handwriting on the letter in her hand. 
“They have had enough! They do not need us lusting after their wealth as if we don’t have any ourselves! How could this be seen as anything but a bribe?! There has to be thousands of double bar bills in here!” She stomped her feet before her parents simply looked at each other in confusion. 
“Cleopatra, did you actually open it and read it?” Mahati asked. 
“...I didn’t need to, they had boxes and boxes of them in their entryway.” She shook her head no as tears continued to stream down her face. 
“How about you just open it and read it for yourself then.” Mahati calmly urged her before she began to take her gloves off as Kann went ahead and opened the others curiously before he couldn’t help but hum a small laugh to read that everyone else had done what he had done before Cleo used her dagger to open it and then sink down into the other chair as she read the note that was wrapped around the stack of bills. 
“Oh no. I’m…I’m so sorry. I…I thought when you said you wrote to them after the feast, I only assumed…” She humbly apologized to her parents when she read that all the money was being offered to Bully and his siblings, since they risked the most in the arena that day. 
“If you thought that we had offered your hand in marriage, why didn’t you say anything to us?” Kann asked his daughter. 
“I just…when I heard the High Lords begin murmuring to their daughters and say that they would send offers to the Double Vizslas for them and when you said that was a ‘good idea’ just as you were wrapping this money out right at the table as mom wrote the note. I just assumed you did too.” Cleo admitted. 
“Shit, I fucked up. I imputed bad motives and brought shame and dishonor on our house, I’m so sorry.” Cleo apologized as more tears fell from her eyes. 
“Honey, why are you so upset? Usually this kind of thing isn’t that big of a deal to you.” Kann asked. 
“Because when I was there, two more bitches from White Rock tried to Fun-lah and Jahowl- Bullard Junior. And he was even more humiliated and modified than I was. But Uncle Zoku wasn’t even there, and he has not been teaching them Avlar ways or customs, they didn’t know any of the proper procedures or customs. And so, out of a sense of honor and duty, I intervened on their behalf to them, the same way Ming Veh does for Shu-Fae. Thankfully they rescinded but still, poor guy, he was just sitting there, on the couch, just trying to sort through three cases of proposal letters for himself and his sisters from all of the seven cites, but mailing this first class, it just, was overwhelming to them.” She recounted. 
“I see.” Kann nodded with a scheming grin he moved from one to the next and began to make sure they were all the same. 
“I fucked up.” Cleo repeated before she let her head fall into her hands as she cried into her palms. 
“How?” Kann asked as he got up and took the seat next to her, instead of from being across from her as she reached out and used his shoulder to bury her face into as she hugged his arm before he put the letter down and pulled her into his embrace and kissed the crown of her head affectionately. 
“I…I was so desperate to keep myself and our family from being seen or viewed as desperately grasping for new wealth that I basically told them that the most I would ever want to be is their friend and nothing more. If I had just let them open this on their own, they would have been that to me regardless. I shouldn’t have interfered or panicked when I saw you hand the note to the mail carrier.” She admitted. 
“And now that I see the truth of the matter, I feel so stupid for jumping to the worst conclusion. And now I need to go back, but there is nothing that I own that could ever be good enough as a gift to face them again.” She admitted. 
“Honey, you’re family to them, you don’t need a gift to see family.” Kann reminded her. 
“I do though. Especially to make up for the scene and spectacle I made in front of them. How am I even let out of the house- not on a leash is beyond me.” She grumbled as she looked at her little sister, on her tether to her mom to keep her from climbing the tree too high that her mother was pruning. . 
“It wouldn’t  bother you this much if you didn’t care.” Kann reminded her gently as he now put the now opened and read messages into stacks. 
“Yeah, that’s…that’s the problem actually.” She huffed. 
“How is it a problem?” Mahati asked as she came over to prune the tree nearby, gently nudging the growing fruits as she did so. 
“Because he’s…he’s only 7 and he handled the Fuhn-lah with more maturity and grace than men twice his age usually do. And most boys his age only care about being with their friends and trying to fuck their way through the seven cities. And he’s nothing like that. He’s…he’s so sad. He’s already lost his father at five. He lost both the mother who birthed him and was threatened to lose his second set of parents today and he faced such things with more calm and conviction than slashes do in their second and third battles. He’s never known peace yet he has poise and calm in his nature that’s just…so unnatural yet…” She struggled to find the right words. 
“Attractive?” Mahati supplied. 
“Yes! Why is that attractive? He isn’t the most handsome..guy. But being with him today and learning more about him, he just…he became instantly so much more attractive and it had nothing to do with his status or the setting or anything. It was like he was content just to be with his family, whether they were in a palace or in a shack. Whether they were clothed in silk or burlap. Like the only things he cared about was his sisters and his mom especially. And he was even worried what Uncle Zoku would think of the Fun-Lah, and worried about Uncle Zoku thinking less of him because it happened period. Like uncle Zoku wouldn’t have tales and tales about Silug and Winug alone.” She admitted as she said her other uncles names with a sneer as Mahati and Kann both blinked in surprise. 
“Cleopatrahnah, firstly, I would think you would know me well enough to know that I would never betroth you without your knowledge, much less your consent, let alone for you to be so young too.” Kann began as Cleo had to begrudgingly nod. 
“And I wouldn’t stand for it either. I’d get you to the closest colony if that were the case.” Mahati insisted. 
“But also, I’m happy you were there and could intervene on their behalf since Zoku isn’t there, he’s still out and dealing with the challengers and their homes, cleaning them up and cleaning them out before they are sold and will be giving all the proceeds to Bully Jr. to divide among his siblings evenly too.” Kann informed her. 
“Oh.” Cleo frowned. 
“You didn’t do anything irreparable, if anything, I think you gave a good impression because now, Bullard Junior will see you as one of the few girls who isn’t after him for his status or wealth, which he will once again have to start to suspect every girl who shows an interest in him from now on. So you actually did yourself a favor.” Mahati reassured her daughter as she moved the anchor of the tether from her wrist to a hook in the ground before she moved from one tree over to the next. 
“But it also means I shut myself off from him ever expressing any kind of interest in me and that I can’t express any in him either, not for…who knows how long now.” Cleo pouted. 
“Hun, you’re 7. I know every day still feels like a small eternity to you. But trust me, give it like a day or two and it will blow over. It always does. And soon, both of you will feel and act like today never happened.” Kann comforted her. 
“Come on, let’s go see what we can do about all of these letters and things.” He offered as he gestured to the table that had all the letters spread on them as they both began to recollect them. 
Meanwhile, you were just happy to get a break and get a chance to breathe to be back at home and settle in as you finally got the full tour of the house with your kids, all of you discovering it as you went as you noticed the plants from the abalone shells were starting to shoot their identification leaves as you wondered what they would grow into before Belinda informed you that you had a library and surely there would be books telling you about the plants before you went and did just that. 
“How did he get a hold of a dragon heart tree? That doesn’t grow anywhere around here, it’s from another continent!” You wondered aloud as you identified the first one in amazement as the kids shrugged but pet the plant and it’s silky soft leaves affectionately. 
“This is clearly some kind of citrus, but whether it be orange, lime or lemon, I don’t know.” You murmured as you compared the leaves to the book. 
“But this, I can’t find the leaves anywhere in here.” You realized as none of the leaves matched anything. In the book, and you had never seen a tree like this before in your life. 
“Maybe it’s something new.” Bully Jr. shrugged. 
“But if it’s new, I wish I could know if it was safe or not, or poisonous.” You worried. 
“My Father wouldn’t give you something that was dangerous to us.” Becina urged you. 
“True.” You agreed with a nod and a sigh, wishing you could know what it was. But it would just have to be a surprise- you supposed. 
Despite the feast for lunch, you grew a little hungry for dinner and made something simple for dinner as the kids talked about anything and everything else other than what happened in the arena as it seemed they seemed to be collectively relieved that it was over. 
“How scared were you guys about it?” You asked them. 
“Very.” Belinda readily answered. 
“Because after we lost dad and our place both at home, and in the clan changed, we were scared that the same thing was going to happen again. And we were scared that you weren’t going to be able to rescue him when you already had your hands full. Or that he wouldn’t let you intervene at all.” Belinda expounded. 
“Oh, Darlings. I wish I could have known so I would have told you that Zorroku is a very accomplished warrior. I’ve fought beside him against an entire pack of wolves when we were going to Thunder Herd. It was just me and him. And he was scared about me and had me up in a tree. But he didn’t know about me and so was able to take my bow and arrow and strike all but one down. I let him have one. But he started out fighting off three and he was able to keep them at a good distance until I could get the others. He’s able to hold his own pretty well. And obviously you got to see it yourselves. When he comes home, ask him about it. He’ll honestly tell you about how well and for as long and how well he’s trained. Granted, when he was younger, he was a bit more reckless, but just about every warrior is at that age. But when his mom died, he was only your age Bully. So he knows what it’s like to suddenly go from favorite son, to ignored, and then to protect his own sisters from his own step mother. So if anything, if there was anyone in all of Thunder Herd, or even anywhere else that could sympathize and empathize with you about your losses and struggles and fears and anxieties. It’s him. He’s 19 for crying out loud. For orcs, that’s like he’s my Dad’s age actually. But he doesn’t really look or act too old does he? I mean he’s certainly mature, but not..he’s not the kind of old that weakness and feebleness starts to creep into.” You tried to explain. 
“Yeah, it was just…we just had to see it for ourselves is all. I think I spent the whole thing holding my breath and under Bully’s arm as I both wanted to watch but hide my face every time any of them looked like they were going to land a hit.” Belinda admitted. 
“Oh Honey, I’m so sorry. I wish I could have spent more time assuring and reassuring you or had him spend more time with you guys. Maybe tomorrow or even the day after, we’ll have a chance to do that, ok?” You offered. 
“Ok.” They all nodded before the girls seemed to tease Bully Jr for so many girls his age practically batting their eyelashes off at him through the whole feast as Bully was rightfully embarrassed as he tried to toss back that every boy his sister’s age seemed to try to do every embarrassing stunt to get their attention too. And how Zorroku’s little cousins seemed to be the most attentive to them personally during the battle since Kakazi’s little sister Cleo, which was short for Cleopatra, wedged herself between Bully and Brode. 
Which surprised you to hear. Especially when one of the younger ones was upset by the violence, only to have Kann get after him for being so sensitive and that he needed to ‘man up’. Which had upset you, but it warmed your heart that Caruna asked for the little boy to stay with her and keep her company as she chose to sit, with her back to the booth, so that neither of them could see it unfold and stayed side by side. Caruna was only three and the same size and mental maturity of a human 6 year old. And it broke your heart that she, even being so small and so young, still used her ‘power of influence’ to help another. 
“My Loves, I want to tell you something and I want you to listen closely ok?” You proposed. 
“What is it Mama?” They asked. 
“I want all of you to be proud to be who and what you are, ok? You should absolutely take pride in the fact that Bullard was your father when he was alive and even now that he’s not with us in person anymore. And I want all of you to be proud that Grandma Bula and Grandpa Khagra are your grandparents ok? But I also don’t want you to feel that without them or without me or even without Zorroushku as your adopted dad, that you guys don’t have any other identity ok? All of you are your own persons, no matter who birthed or sired you. And while you are my kids as sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, you are still you. Do not let your own instinct for survival diminish any of your own identity. I want you to be proud of who you are and what you are. And be able to take pride in yourselves as individuals and in this family. Don’t let who I am, wherever I am, and who Zorroushku is, wherever he is - and what we may eventually be- dictate your worth as an individual ok? Because to me, I will always love you all unconditionally. I will always love you as my own. And I will do everything I can to teach you, to protect you and help you grow into the best versions of yourselves that you can be. You all are the most important people in my life. Because we’re family, whether we share blood or not.” You insisted somberly as they all seemed to nod their heads in agreement. 
“And unfortunately, all of you know how quickly status within the clan can be earned, gained, or lost in just moments. And I know you all felt helpless when your father died and then resentful when Grecko and his two sets of twins were promoted and you were demoted, through no fault of your own, when you were already grieving the loss of your father. And then to see and hear your own mothers mourn their loss of their own status more than they mourned the loss of your father was horrible. Hell, I was even angry and bitter to them over that.” You readily admitted. 
“Which, you were the only one he really loved like that. And for us, that’s why we came to you, because you were the only one we could mourn with, when it felt like everyone else moved on so quickly.” Bully admitted before you reached up to hold his cheek in your hand and wipe the tear as it dripped down his cheek. 
“I know. And I’m sorry I couldn’t do more then. But I will never discipline you for wanting to reminisce about him. Which is why I will always treasure you and everything he ever gave you and gave me. I miss him too. Even now, I wish he could have been there today to fight beside me too. The way he trained me to, and the way we used to.” You admitted as tears came and even fell from your eyes as they all came around you and hugged you, which you were grateful for. 
“But just because he’s gone, doesn’t mean we have to hold onto his memory so tightly, that we miss out on making new memories now. And I love it that Daddy knows what it’s like to lose someone and how unfair it feels when it feels like everyone else moves on so quickly and you feel like you’re still stuck where you are. I feel like we’ve all been stuck in limbo for the last two years. But now with you and with Daddy, it feels like we can finally get back on our feet and close that chapter of our lives, and even close that book of our lives and open a new one with Daddy and Ori. And I love it how he’ll still talk about Medowne and his mom and do so- so respectfully and he treats you so well and gives you every respect and dignity. It’s so much easier to accept him when he accepts us just the way we are too.” Belinda confessed. 
“Me too. I feel the exact same way. I’m so happy he treats me as well as he does and treats you guys as well as he does, because if he could not accept you guys as my kids, I’d kick him out. Because if I have to choose between him and you guys? Oh no contest, you guys win every time. And I’m so happy he doesn’t make me choose either. He is happy and content with as many or as few kids as I am. But I still want you to know that when I get a chance to really marry him and have more kids. That none of those kids will replace you guys ok? And I will not love them more than I do you guys. That’s impossible. I felt like my love multiplies with every kid I have.” You readily assured them as you hugged them and tried to kiss everyone’s cheeks. 
“We know Mama. We love you too, more than anyone else, even each other.” Fabu smiled happily as he cleaved into your side as his comment made you and the kids giggle a little. 
“I know, but siblings teach us patience and they teach us to share, and they teach us how to be kind, and how to be brave and how to protect each other and protect ourselves. And they make the best wrestling partners right?” You prodded with a giggle as they giggled too. 
“And I know, today, you were all scared and stressed that Zorroushku was going to meet the same fate that your first father did. And because Zorroushku is his father’s first born son, there’s that unspoken expectation that if he survives his father, he’ll be looked to to be the new Clan Chief. But yet, because he doesn’t actively seek prominence, so I don’t want any of you to act haughty or put on airs, ok? Just be honestly and authentically yourselves. You guys know that when those spite blessings come out, how little I can have control of myself and I become just as much of a spectator that you are, but Zorroushku promised that even if that were to happen that he would protect you, even if it’s from me when those spite blessings might take over.” You explained. 
“Really?” The kids asked in astonishment as they pulled away a little to look at your face. 
“Yeah, really. So that fills me with assurance and faith and trust that he’s going to be a really good Dad to you guys. Because to him, you’re his kids just as much as you are mine. And he knows what it’s like to be adopted in name but not in practice and he’d rather be in practice than anything else. And as long as you guys can see that he is trying so hard to earn your respect just as much as he has earned mine. He’s also trying to earn your faith and trust too. So while it’s good to test out to see if someone is trustworthy or not, it’s also good to let people have what they’ve earned too.” You encouraged them. 
“Agreed.” They all nodded in agreement before they pulled away and sat back down and began to eat with renewed vigor and calm as that seemed to ease the tension they had begun feeling. 
“I want all of you to enjoy your childhoods and not let the pressures and expectations of the future to leech any joy you may take in any other thing in your lives ok? You guys are only kids once and these few years are very precious and are pivotal to build what you guys will be like as adults. I don’t want to miss anything. I felt like all of you grew and changed so much when I first went away. And I know you guys were scared for me when I did. And I know you guys felt just as powerless as I did when Crowthu and his sons came to White Rock. But as we have seen, they’re not so bad. And hopefully from now on, we will never be at the mercy of anyone else. Or ever be disrespected either.”
“Nope.” The kids practically giggled gleefully. 
“Granted we have our place in Thunder Herd and in Mountain Blizzard, but I know we will always have a place and find welcome in White Rock too. But I want us to be able to find a place anywhere. And not feel like we can only live and only survive or thrive in just one place ok? We technically can go anywhere we want. And I know at the unity celebration, many will be coming from far and wide. And they may try to tempt you into convincing me to go with them and talk themselves and their clans and their homes up into something spectacular. And it may be that they’re selling us dreams that are only possible if we build it ourselves.” You gently cautioned them. 
“I don’t care if I have to spend the rest of my life in a tent or under the open sky. Anywhere that you call home, is my home too.” Bully Jr. insisted before his siblings were quick to agree. 
“Likewise my Darlings. Anywhere where we can all call home- is home. No matter how great or how humble it is.” You smiled happily before you started talking about what life both here in Avlar and in Thunder Herd was going to be like. And how you were going to be getting them their own yurts to interlock with yours so that they had a space of their own too. 
Once you were almost done eating dinner, did Zorroku return, with receipts in hand as he had stopped by a place to pick up fried dough balls, called ‘doughnuts’ rolled in honey and sugar and sweet spice for the kids that he put down on the table, next to the bread in the bread basket, which you and the kids were eager to quickly grab one and pop them into your mouths. 
“It’s all done and taken care of.” Zorroku informed you as he laid the bundle down next to your plate and then washed his hands and then got a plate and went around the kitchen to fill his own plate with dinner and returned to your side at the table. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him from around the sweet bite of dough as you looked at the receipts for the transactions and then slipped each one to each child to keep. 
“Thanks Dad.” Junior grinned when he saw the receipt and put it away in his wallet as the girls looked at their receipts with pleased grins as Fabu just looked at the receipt curiously as he was still trying to do the math on it to make sure he was learning such a subject correctly. 
“Thank you Daddy.” The girls cooed happily before they put the receipts into their wallets in their little purses and continued on eating, happy to simply accept the sum and move on with their lives. As if they finally got to close that particular chapter from that book and continue on with a new one with you and Zorroku as their dad. 
“You’re welcome.” He smiled back at you and them as he grabbed one of the doughnuts and popped it into his own mouth and ate it before digging into his own dinner in between answering all the questions all the kids had for him about how and where he had learned to fight like he did, which Zorroku was happy to answer and satisfy their curiosity. As well as agree that in the morning, he would and could start training all of them, which they were happy to learn before they were happy to wash their own dishes and set them to dry before they left to play. 
“So I take it, it took a while to get those places cleaned up.” You noted as you stayed at the table with him as you looked at the page with all the totals, including the cleaning fees to clean them that was part of the cost in ‘settling’ the estate before it could be sold free and clear. 
“Yeah, once we started looking, there was just…all kinds of filth tucked away to keep it looking “decent” to the average eye. But I think I found out why those guys paid as much as they did for “art”.” Zorroku murmured. 
“Was it lots of women in the nude?” You guessed with a chuckle. 
“Oh yeah. They had closets and bed drawers full of it.” Zorroku snickered as he visibly shuddered. 
“And of course, once we found it, most of the other guys all came and crammed in and grabbed it and that’s where you see so much money for all of it “selling” for as much as it did. But it left them only to practically take their shirts off to cover it so they could transfer it to their own homes. Which was hysterical.” He recounted as he laughed harder at the memory. 
“Did you bring any of that home with you?” You asked. 
“Hell no. I don’t want or need it, never have either. Because a picture is just that, a lifeless picture. Nothing compared to the real thing. Plus, the real thing usually isn’t shared and passed around as much as cube bills are.” Zorroku shook his head sharply. 
“True, I used to feel sorry for such girls who posed for such art, but with Grecko’s wives, I got to understand that while children should be protected from it, how for others, it’s the only way they can get a release and it saves women from more violent and brutal individuals who don’t know how to treat women with respect, dignity and care.” You murmured as Zorroku seemed to be impressed with such a line of reasoning. 
“True, have you ever seen any of it?” He asked you. 
“What do you think?” You asked. 
“Ok, I honestly don’t know.” Zorroku admitted. 
“Once Yar’s “medicine” started working and once he overdosed himself, and his muscles grew but his manhood shrank, that kind of art was all he could get his hands on and the only women who would share a bed with him were painted on paper. Yar is… a connoisseur of that kind of art. But then he would commission some himself. And what he commissioned, no living mortal would ever survive having a body that disproportionate.” You revealed. 
“Ooh, ew.” Zorroku grimaced. 
“Yeah, tell me about it. Cleaning up after it is usually the grossest part of that.” You admitted and that’s when Zorroku nearly spit out his food across the table and it was his turn to choke and sputter as he was both disgusted yet found it comical. 
“Oh that’s so gross. Did you have to do that?! Or was he at least man enough to do it himself?” Zorroku questioned. 
“Oh, psh, I did. Because to Yar- ‘washing was women’s work’ remember? Plus, why do you think all those mothers chose to take a bundle of laundry from the bed? They were trying to conceal their son’s shame and preserve what was left of the family honor.” You reminded him. 
“I…it’s been so long since I was that young that I had to have my mom do my laundry, I forgot about that.” Zorroku just shook his head. 
“And I bet your mother guarded your laundry very jealously, the same way Bula has Bully’s boys since birth.” You mused. 
“She did, until she taught me why and how to deal with it myself. Something that Yar especially needs to learn to do himself.” Zorroku nodded with a bashful grin as his cheeks got darker but fond at the memory before you grew more somber and reached out to simply hold his hand with your own to bring his attention back to you. 
“I’m going to need your help with Junior when it comes to things like that. He actually had two girls come while you were gone, they were here for ‘Fun-lah’ and ‘Jahowl’?” You repeated as Zorroku’s eyes got wide. 
“Are they still here?” He asked worriedly. 
“No, your niece Cleo was here and dealt with them, she was here reclaiming a letter her dad apparently “accidently” mailed to us. Considering the three boxes of proposal letters I had gotten the letter with, it’s safe to assume it was that kind of letter. And she didn’t want us thinking that her and her family were like that apparently. But because she was already here, she insisted she help deal with it and she handled it way better than I could of, I didn’t even know that Fuhn-Law and Jahowl was a thing. Apparently your mother put them into place once you were born and you had something similar when you were three?” You recounted. 
“Yes, yes I did. I wasn’t even two when the first women approached my mother to offer their daughters to me as wives. My mother defended me and my right to choose on my own very zealously. And then when I was three, that’s when the first girls tried to come forward that I had sex with them, which I didn’t. And that’s when my mother really went on the offensive with Fuhn-lah and Jahowl. And soon, it ended up backfiring, because it meant no other girl wanted anything to do with me once the first ones got sold into slavery. Then, it was very much a- I couldn’t pay any girl to be seen with me, for fear of my own mother and what she would do. And when my mother died, and Yotul became Clan Chieftess, that’s when Silug and Winug took Fuhn-Law and especially Jahowl and instead of having it as a protection, they used it as a weapon. And that’s when my dad practically outlawed Jahowl in Thunder Herd and instead put Alaman into effect. Now, it’s just like the way it was, if any girl comes forward to claim Fuhn-law, it’s not even questioned and simply put into effect. 
“There needs to be a middle ground.” You frowned. 
“There does.” He nodded in agreement. 
“Malawen. It means ‘peaceful haven’. It could mean whatever needs to be done to reestablish peace between the two parties.” You realized. 
“Malawen, perfect.” He grinned. 
“But otherise, I’ll talk to him and help him understand how things work both up here and in Thunder Herd.” Zorroku offered. 
“And me, I need to know it too.” You insisted. 
“Of course.” He nodded in agreement. 
“Since Bullard Senior died, poor Bully has been through the wringer. First he has had his old mother tell him that he was the most important person in the clan, and he’s been told since birth he’s special, for no other reason than he was Bullard’s son. And then overnight, when we lost Bullard, Bully found out the hard way how quickly things can change and instead of feeling and knowing he was special, to learning that without Bully’s presence, his position went from the most important person, to the least important in the clan when that attention shifted to his infant cousins. And I fear his own sense of self worth was centered and hung by that. And now that we’ve adopted him, specifically, you, the fact that you’re your father’s first born son by your mother, I’m worried he’ll get resentful of any of all interest he may receive because of that. And I’m worried he’ll also think that because he’s my son, that the same expectation to be a Double Vizsla by my Grandmother, he’s…I’m worried he’s more fragile than he lets on and I’m worried he won’t know who or what he is without any of that. Like an animal caught in a snare, that lashes out at everyone. He guards his sisters better than any watchdog. And I’m worried that he will guard them so possessively, those girls will feel like they can’t breathe. And I worry that they’ll feel smothered when they’re not feeling overwhelmed in the first place.” You murmured. 
“I’ll talk to him about it. Maybe if he can understand that he doesn’t have to guard his sisters all alone, that I’m there to help share the load, and help him realize that he is his own person without anyone and everyone else, that will help him feel more comfortable in his own skin. I know once Yotul adopted me, I was resentful to her because she was the biggest thorn in my mother’s side. And then she had the audacity and presumed that, just because she adopted the twins, that she could discipline them the moment they made any noise. That’s why they are still so quiet. Because she spanked them for making any other sound than laughter when her sons told jokes. And her daughters aren’t much better, which is why I too, guarded my sisters as much as I have and why talking in Ragesh has been a small act of defiance and rebellion. Because it was something my dad approved us to keep my mother alive in our memories. Because Yotul sought to cover up and bury all memory of my mother once she took her place. So, I get it. I really do.” Zorroku reassured you. 
“Thanks Zushku.” You thanked him as you shared a small, sweet kiss. 
“Oh and that reminds me, I was going to go back to the restaurant tomorrow, I told the Head Chef I would come and bring my recipes and trade them with his and show him how to cook the new ingredients. The peaches specifically.” You offered. 
“Ok, that’s fine. If you’re going to be doing that, I’ll take the kids to the recreational and training complex. The boys especially will enjoy the rougher tumbling play and the girls will get to at least socialize and they’ll get some training if they want it.” Zorroku offered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him sweetly just as he finished his dinner before he went up and washed his own dish as well as yours so that you could put the prepared food away into the ice chests before you went to relax with the kids in the garden on the roof.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Zorroku and Peaches Part 14
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Two parts so soon? I'm on a roll...down hill...but that's not important. What is important is that I have this. Enjoy.
Zorroku and Peaches 
Part 14
But come morning, you found Bullard’s kids at your door again. 
“Aunt Bella?” They asked. 
“Hey guys, come on in. I’m trying to pack up but you can come in.” You invited as you greeted them all happily. 
“So what’s up?” You asked as you continued to pack up while they were all wearing their own packs on their backs. 
“When we get to Avlar, can we stay with you?” Bullard Junior asked hopefully. 
“Sure, I don’t mind. Why?” You asked. 
“Our mothers told us to stay with either you or with Grandma and Grandpa, but Grandma and Grandpa already have their hands full with both sets of twins. But our moms told us to leave them alone because they needed space to be courted and couldn’t be courted right if we were there.” Bully Jr. answered as Zorroku nearly spit out the juice he was drinking and almost choked before he coughed and beat his chest. 
“Your own mothers told you to get lost?” He asked as they nodded before you gave him a meaningful look before he gave you a nod. 
“Of course, you know you’re always welcome to be with me. All of you always are.” You reassured them as you hugged them tight, happy to have them back with you. 
“Are you sure we won’t be an inconvenience to you?” Bully Jr. asked. 
“Nope, you never were and you never are and you never will be. Come on, I want to show you guys something.” You invited them upstairs. 
“What are they?” They asked when they saw the plants you pointed their attention to. 
“I don’t know. But your daddy left them for me. I wanted you to see them and see what you thought.” You offered to them. 
“When these produce fruit and seeds, could we have one to plant back here?” They asked. 
“Of course, absolutely.” You smiled. 
“In fact, I’m hoping that each of you will carry one on our way up to Avlar. Could you do that for me?” You requested as you handed the first to Bully Jr. The second to Fabu and the last to Caruna while encouraging them to share turns with Belinda and Becina too. 
“So between you and your siblings, you guys will need to look after them and make sure they make it safely up to Avlar. And you guys can travel up with me ok? Let your moms have some space and some time alone ok?” You urged them before you brought them back downstairs to make sure they had all gotten enough to eat and drink before you would leave to go. 
“Zushku, could you put these guys on my other horses so they can all stay together?” You requested. 
“Sure. I think I’ll see if anyone brought a multi kid saddle.” Zorroku answered. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him before he left to go look. 
“So? What do you guys think of him?” You asked Bullard’s kids as they smiled appreciatively once he had left. 
“He’s really nice.” Belinda praised. 
“Yeah he is.” You grinned. 
“What do you like the most about him?” Bully Jr. asked. 
“His humility.” You answered immediately. 
“He is a Warchief, not because he wanted to be or asked to be, but because his father saw that he was ready and gave him that responsibility without him asking or begging for it. Humility is not grabbing everything you want just because you want it. Especially when that thing is heavy responsibility. Remember what your dad said that Clan responsibilities were?” You asked. 
“A heavy burden without weight.” Bully Jr. answered. 
“Exactly. And what happens when you try to carry something that is way too heavy for you to carry, before you have built up the strength to carry it?” You asked. 
“You get hurt.” He answered. 
“Exactly. Zorroku’s father, watched how Zorroku was building his own strength up, both in mind and body and spirit, before he ever asked for such a weighty responsibility. Do you remember how your dad, before he left, was always tired? Even when he physically didn’t do much. How, he said that the burdens he carried were burdens in his mind? Rather than his body?” You asked as they all nodded. 
“But Daddy always said that if everyone pulled their own weight, the weight he carried wouldn’t be so heavy.” Belinda recalled. 
“That’s true, but it means that those who shirk their own load, it all must be carried by the others right?” You asked as they nodded. 
“Some people see others who carry heavy burdens and wish to help them carry that load. Others see the heavy burdens and beg off from carrying in the first place. But the key is balance. So if you see the Clan Chief and those in authority carrying heavy burdens because of clan affairs, And you love them, and you want to help them carry those burdens, especially, if they’re your family members, build yourselves strong if you want to carry them.” You urged them as Zorroku just stared in utter adoration of you. 
“No truer or wiser words were ever spoken. And if I could ever give you advice, if any of you ever meet another person as wise as her, listen and listen very closely and very carefully. Because wisdom like that- is rare and hard to come by. No matter how it’s given or who it’s coming from. But recognize it when it comes and heed it when you hear it.” Zorroku urged them.
“But, we should get packing and ready to go though.” He encouraged them before they were happy and eager to help you get packed up and then ready to go. You watched as you were put up in the head of the caravan and then looked behind you to see their mothers fawning over several options in the back of the caravan. But at least Bullard’s children were with you. That was the least you could do for Bullard’s sake. 
You got up to Avlar, and were greeted with a party and celebration. And while you were happy to be the Double Vizsla, you urged all who asked, that the children with you, were your special guests. 
“Come on, we should deposit most of this cash into the account as well as have your signature noted so that when you write checks today, the banks will know your signature.” Zorroku urged you as he helped you fill out a deposit slip for most of it while you made sure all of Bully’s kids had their own wallets, each with a brick’s worth of money, except for Bully Jr. and Belinda, who got a brick and a half’s worth of money as he helped you with their younger siblings and half siblings and was like a bit of a babysitter too.
“Do you see the sign?” Zorroku noted as he tapped it and how it was framed before you looked up and read it and started laughing with Zorroku when he couldn’t help but laugh with you. 
“Oooh, are they going to get the surprise of their lives.” You giggled.
“And these guys are?” The teller asked as she gestured to the kids as she processed your deposit cheerfully along with the changes to your account and the fact that you had adopted Orianna and were now going to be co-parenting her with Zorroku. 
“Oh these are my nieces and nephews.” You answered as you gestured to them. 
“But she’s like a second mom to us more than she is an aunt.” Billy Jr. corrected. 
“Aww, that’s so sweet! Well if you’d like, could I get your names? Will you guys be with her regularly? I can add them to your account as registered extended family members.” She asked as they looked to you hopefully before you looked to Zorroku.
“They’re your nieces and nephews, that’s your call to make.” He simply smiled, even though he could already tell that you were going to do so anyway. 
“I would love that.” You smiled. 
“Yes please.” They readily agreed as they gave her their names and had then opened accounts with them at the bank and transferred money into each one so that they could learn to manage an account before she got special little paper checks and put the appropriate stamps on them too before she handed the little “starter” check  books out to them while Zorroku gave them an impromptu lesson, thanks to a chart the bank had about how to fill out the checks and how to write out the amounts of bricks, bars, sticks and cubes as the teller took down copies of their signatures and sent a request to Jaseeneh to approve of the additions to your accounts and the approval of the shared family accounts. 
“Is there anything else we can do for you today?” She asked once you were all done and all squared away. 
“No, I think that’s it. Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to seeing you around more often.” You smiled as you shook her hand and the hand of her manager who had helped you do it while your brothers and sisters had been down the line to do the same thing, setting up their own accounts and such but hadn’t needed to add extra accounts and had already left to enjoy the market. 
Once you were satisfied and then went to go leave the bank as their mothers walked right by their children and outright ignored them and acted like they weren’t even there as they tried to greet their birth mothers, but they wouldn’t even acknowledge that. You were just as upset by that as the kids were as the tellers noticed the exchange and noted that down too. 
“Come on Darlings. Let’s get snacks at this snack vendor over here.” You urged them as you pointed it out to them before you got them situated at a table and rounds of snacks for everyone as Zorroku found Bully Jr. on one side of him and Fabu on the other side, which he didn’t mind one bit. He was more eager to watch the spectacle that was about to unfold as he noticed that Lilly and even your brothers had taken up seats at nearby tables to watch this unfold. 
“Hello. I’m Burquen, and I’d like to cash this please.” Burquen said as she laid Jaseeneh’s check up on the counter as the teller did a decent job of hiding her disgust to see what it was written out for. But she knew this person was going to come into the bank today and they had just gotten the brown paper money in- just the day before and had counted and recounted it to make sure it would be enough. 
“Of course Miss Burquen, welcome to the Bank of Avlar.” She greeted politely as she took the check from her. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to get my manager to cash this particular check out.” She excused as she and the other two tellers who each had Famire and Crelle at their windows as they all went into the manager’s office. 
“They’re here, the Double Vizsla’s ransomers.” The tellers said as they handed the checks over for the manager to sign off on and make the appropriate changes to Jaseeneh’s account. 
“Ladies. Welcome to the Bank of Avlar, if each of you would please take a seat with the bankers, we must go into the vault to get the money. We’ll be right back.” The Bank’s manager offered charmingly as she took the other tellers into the vault as they each got palettes and got the right amount in bound stacks of brown square single bar bills perforated to make ten single little squares. 
Each of them smiled happily when they saw the huge cases of brown bills, not realizing the significance of them at all, only that it was a lot of money metaphorically speaking. 
“Uh, actually, we should probably get this traded down and in for regular money.” Their courtiers offered. 
“Why?” Burquen and her sister wives demanded. 
“Because did you see all the signs in the market? How many of the vendors had signs of ‘no brown squares’? This is the money they were talking about. This won’t be any good, and those vendors won’t accept this as a form of money. We’d be better getting it in physical salt.” They tried to urge. 
“Oh I am sorry but didn’t you read the sign?” The tellers asked as they pointed to the huge signs right on the bench of the teller’s counter. 
“‘All blood money, will be charged a 50% exchange rate into regular cash or a 90% exchange rate for physical salt.’ What the fuck?!” The suitors asked when they read it aloud. 
“When was this enacted?” They asked.
“Two weeks ago.” The Bank Manager’s answered. 
“But…but..” They said as they just glared at the sign in the bank. 
“Will this ever be lifted?” They asked. 
“No. The Dowager Clan Chieftess and both the Clan Chief and Clan Chieftess all signed off on the order. That’s why most of the vendors won’t even bother taking the squares. Because even they would have to pay these percentages once the money was deposited.” She said. 
“Are there any stores that will take the brown squares?” The other courters asked. 
“Only the general store in Avlar. That’s the only one that will accept them. But they may charge an additional fee on top of the 50% to accept them.” The Manager offered in her most professional apologetic tone. 
“But what if we deposit the check, as is into my account, surely it wouldn’t have such fees.” They tried to offer. 
“Actually then that’s when this would be put into affect.” The manager said before they showed them a second document. 
“Any account accepting the checks numbered…” The guys read off before they read off all three check numbers.
“‘Will be demoted to red and stay red for life.’ What kind of fucked up nonsense is this?” They asked. 
“Ahem.” The manager flipped the page and read the back of it. 
“Oh.” They said as they didn’t bother to read it outloud. It went onto decree that any who married them would get the same status and that neither they nor any children born to them would ever get anything bigger than the red checks for life. 
“Then only a 30% one time fee would be needed to clear the check itself.” The Manager told them just as they read that themselves. 
Half of them immediately cut their losses and left without saying much of anything, leaving only the most desperate who had great debts that needed to be paid- left. 
“Well then we’ll just go to the other banks.”  The remaining three guys insisted. 
“You can try.” She shrugged with a shit eating grin from behind the counter as the brown paper money was taken back and immediately put onto a train to the main vault of all the banks. So that the money would be retrieved by any and all banks- not just in Avlar but all over the many cities while the checks themselves were handed back to Burquen and her sister wives who glared at you while their suitors urged them to the railway system to get to the farthest bank who hopefully didn’t get a chance to come under Jaseen’s order. 
Meanwhile, you were happy to keep Bully’s kids with you and go through the market, happy to buy them what they wanted, as Yotul was happy to do the same for Bula and her other children and other daughters in law, specifically, Miles’ kids, and while they initially had less money, because they didn’t have the same “ransom” that Bully’s bitches got, they were given a stipend that Yotul usually got given for a month. And it was better than nothing and they didn’t have to pay any fees at all to change the physical salt in for paper currency. And thankfully their own suitors were eager to have them as their wives with their younger kids, while the elder ones chose to stay with their grandparents. And they could already count as their own as they were eager to get them added to their own accounts and happily “deposit” the actual physical salt and exchange it for actual cash and order checks for them that would match their own status and put in requests for changes to their status’. 
“Oh, here’s for…” Bula began as she handed an envelope of cash for Bully’s kids once she found you in the market as you were getting the kids fitted for new and really good shoes. 
“No, I got em, save it for Miles’ kids.” You urged them as you stopped her from giving it to you. 
“But we should be…” Bula tried to argue. 
“Children should never pay for the sins of their parents. I’m happy they’re with me and not being grouped in with their mothers at least, look at them, arguing with the banks about the blood money, I do not wish for these children’s faces to be associated with their mothers. Their own mothers told them to get lost. And they found me instead. For Bullard’s sake. Let me keep what I’ve found, for as long as I can. For who knows what will happen to them after this. Bully always took care of me. Let me return the favor to them, for his sake at least.” You pleaded as Bula’s eyes glazed with tears before she hugged you as tight as she dared as you then both watched  from the table of a snack vendor’s stall that was right in front of a bank where Burquen and her sister wives were arguing vehemently with the bank staff, that had gotten beefed up for the banker’s safety. 
“Thank you.” She thanked you. 
“You’re welcome. Enjoy the market. I’m going to keep them with me for now, I have guest bedrooms at my house according to Zorroku at least. I’d be happy to keep them as long as I can. I don’t know how much room you will have at Crowthu’s home with Yotul and everyone else. At least until tomorrow before we try to blow this money before it burns holes in our pockets. Because you always taught me to never shop on an empty stomach.” You smiled before Zorroku gave them your address. 
Once Burquen and her sister wives moved on from that bank, and were determined to go to the others, Zorroku could sense how truly furious and angry they were and didn’t want them to vent that anger out on you or the kids so he took you and them to your house himself as the kids enjoyed their comfortable new shoes on the way there while they carried their own shopping bags full of new treasures themselves as you let them get whatever they wanted. You had a fortune that dwarfed even their mother’s ransom check and was more than what you could ever hope to spend in a lifetime. But while you wanted it to be generational wealth, you also didn’t want to waste this opportunity to get the kids what they wanted and needed for themselves either as the kids were actually overjoyed to keep the mountain lion cubs and wolf pups on leashes and collars like the other dire wolves were in the cities were, as there were even little “parks” specifically for the domesticated pets to use the bathroom and play with others as the kids were happy to continue to teach these pets their names and other commands, Bully Jr, Fabu and Becina doing so the most with the three wolf pups while Belinda and Caruna each taking a mountain lion kitten with them so each kid had their own animal to care for that they were “responsible” for. And what you really loved about this place was there were vendors there strictly to provide food for the animals while their owners would get food too. 
“So, this is it. Home sweet home.” Zorroku said before he gestured to it once he brought you there. 
“Oh my gods.” You balked when you saw the gorgeously carved front of the house. With huge peacocks carved and inlaid right into the stone as you laughed in delight as you touched them as if they were real before you saw the gorgeously carved doors with your name on them before you used the special and one of a kind key to open the door to reveal a gorgeous home. Practically a mansion, four stories high with a large terrace on the top floor, full of plants and shrubs and blooming with flowers since the opals imbedded into the ceiling of the cavern mimicked the true sky from the mountain tops, even “clouds” traveled over the opals to allow “shade” from the warm sunshine. And for being so high up, Zorroku said something about the opals giving off good breathing air so that everyone could breathe easy despite the elevation. As you giggled when you had “mail” in the mailbox. An invitation to a celebration and ceremony tomorrow with Jaseeneh and the Clan Chief and Clan Chieftess in the main square that was between all of the major cities where major festivals took place along with your official “invitation” to the unification celebration that still listed your name under one of the potential brides available for wooing that listed off your gifts, and that you were currently co-parenting with Zorroku. And you hoped that that would be enough to deter most. 
“We’re going to need special clothes for it don’t you think?” You asked Zorroku as you pointed to the invitation for the celebration for tomorrow specifically. 
“Yeah, you should have several outfits that will do just nicely.” Zorroku nodded. 
“No, I know I do, but I don’t think they do.” You nodded to the kids as they were still walking through the house’s entry way and staring at the gorgeously inlaid stone walls and floors covered with gorgeous rugs as everything smelled fresh and clean and even looked brand new and spotless. 
“Oh, yeah, we can definitely get them something after lunch. I just wanted you guys to not carry stuff around all day.” Zorroku explained. 
“This is your home?” Bullard’s kids asked in amazement. 
“I guess it is.” You marveled with them. 
“Can we stay with you the whole time we’re here? Please?” They asked hopefully. 
“Of course, you’re always welcome to stay with me, Grandma and Grandpa know you’re staying with me for tonight at least, so make yourselves at home.” You urged them. 
“Here, I know she has spare bedrooms for guests. I’ll show you.” Zorroku invited as he took them upstairs and got them situated and comfortable before you went to the kitchen and just stared in amazement at what was already there and waiting for you. As you could smell how most of this had been moved here only this morning or maybe the day before. The quality of the ingredients already here were amazing and in quantities you could easily use to feed a small army. Youreadily started to make lunch for them before you could hear Lilly already hard at work in her house right next door on the other side-  asking her “guests” to rearrange some of the furniture inside as you simply shook your head. While it seemed, Glasha was on the other side of you, with Dastrin in his home, showing it off to him. 
“So? What do you think?” Zorroku asked as he entered the kitchen to see Ori happily sitting in a special seat, holding a rattle in her hand and playing while you cooked as in just the short week, she had practically doubled in size and was starting to gain some fat rolls. 
“I love it. The kitchen is spectacular and very well stocked.” You praised. 
“Good. I was hoping you would have what you wanted and needed in here especially.” He answered before Belinda and her sisters Bencina, and Caruna came into the kitchen. “Can we help?” Belinda asked hopefully. 
“Of course, I would love some help, thank you.” You smiled happily as you got the girls prepping food before Bully Jr. and Fabu came in. 
“Can we help too?” They asked. 
“Yes, I need you big strong boys to get that hunk of mammoth meat in the ice chest and cut steaks for us out of it. Could you do that for me?” You asked. 
“You got it Mama, or Auntie, sorry.” Fabu apologized before you paused and hugged him. 
“It’s ok. I won’t tell- if you won’t.” You whispered with a pleased smile and a sweet kiss to his cheek. 
“But what if I want you to be my mom? My mom only used me to get herself good stuff from Grandma and Grandpa. And then she always…” Fabu began. 
“Fabu, I know. I was there. I’ve been there the whole time, remember?” You reminded him. 
“Don’t worry about it. You just stay with me. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. Always. Especially when I get the chance to do so myself.” You smiled as you kissed the crown of his head before all the kids hugged you. 
“That’s it, bring it in. Big group hug.” You laughed before they disbursed to do as you had asked as Zorroku helped them learn what cut of meat this was and how to cut it accordingly as all of you worked together to make a wonderful family meal as you actually preferred to eat it on the table that was in part of the kitchen as it was an ‘informal’ dining room. As you didn’t care much about much of anything outside of this room. As you enjoyed sharing the meal with them as this house started to feel more and more like “home” the more you and Zorroku and Ori and somehow, especially Bully’s kids were in it. 
“So is this where you are going to have your own servants eat?” Bully asked. 
“Who says I need servants?” You asked. 
“This is a really big house, you would never sleep if you tried to clean it all- all by yourself.” Belinda noted. “Well I don’t plan on being that dirty of a person. And as long as you guys clean up after yourselves, it shouldn’t be that hard to maintain its cleanliness the way it is right?” You asked as they all nodded in agreement. 
“But there are several places where you can hire housekeepers and babysitters and stuff, who don’t have to live with you, they would just come to the house to lend a hand and you wouldn’t own them as master and servant per say, but you could get the help if you needed it or wanted it.”  Zorroku supplied. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You smiled. 
After lunch, you got the kids to the clothing district to get them all new clothes,  and good sturdy clothes too, and several sets each, and especially good clothes for the celebration that was going to be held tomorrow, before you opened up your checkbook and the tailors nearly fainted when they saw it. 
“Vizsla? The Double Vizsla?” The store clerk asked as she looked at the checks and had to practically lift up her jaw off the floor. 
“Yup.” You nodded. 
“And these are your children?” She asked. 
“Well this one for sure. These are my nieces and nephews.” You answered delicately as you listed them off after gesturing to Ori in her sling across your chest. 
“Of course, of course. I need to get your sizes, for we were given your clothes and we were told you’d be coming. Thank you so much for stopping by. Come, let me measure you.” She urged you as you gave Ori back to Zorroku before she took you to the back to get you fitted. 
“Will you be expecting little ones for yourself soon?” She asked. 
“Most likely.” You nodded yes. 
“So you will need more room in the belly.” She noted. 
“Yes. If at all possible, could I get them adjustable, so I could fit them to me as my body will undoubtedly change?” You asked her hopefully. 
“Oh of course. We have very beautiful ties just here.” She pointed to the display as you picked out your favorites that would be put on your garments before you gave a check for the total amount including a generous tip for her undoubted near herculean effort of getting the clothes she had been making for you to suit your current and future sizes before you saw the most amazing silk mother sling on display. 
“So this is a mother’s sling?” You asked you reached up to touch it’s softness and marvel at the way it was one solid piece of silk. 
“Yes, that one is very special. We just got in too. The weights are actually made from pieces of a meteor that was found. And the metal was naturally shiny and while it took quite a bit to decorate. The weights serve as a counter balance. See, like this.” She said as she got it off the display as you took your current mother’s sling off of yourself so she could wrap this one around you before she showed you how to twist the weights around each other in the back to give however heavy the baby you were carrying in the front counter balance before she showed you all the many ways you could tie it around you so that you could even have each weight on the back edge of each hip so you could still sit down and even lay down. But the weights acted like counter weights for your own balance and once you put Ori back into it, it was strangely like she barely weighed anything as the weight was transferred to your legs which were naturally stronger and your back and shoulders were relieved of the weight from both Ori and your bosom. 
“I love it, I need it. How much is it?” You asked. 
“We’ll it’s actually two bricks by itself, the fabric is one solid piece of silk and it was fashioned to the weights instead of the weights being fashioned for it.” She answered. 
“Worth every cube.” You insisted as you added that to to the total too before you made sure everyone got everything else they wanted and needed from her shop as you were adamant that you were going to raise every child from now on- in this thing. It was truly one of a kind and something extraordinary and you just loved everything about it. 
“Thank you, so much Vizsla Belladonna.” She thanked you as she held the check and was so happy to get one of the first checks from your checkbook. 
“You’re welcome. You can just call me Bella, I’m used to that as being my nickname for friends and family.” You thanked her. 
“Oh, me- a friend of the Vizsla? I’m blessed to be so.” She praised as she hugged you happily. 
“Of course. Thank you so much for all the help with all my nieces and nephews too. They’re growing like crazy.” You smiled before she saw you off and then closed up shop for the day because she would be taking the check straight to the bank to get the sweet, sweet interest. 
“How about we go out for dinner?” Zorroku offered once he brought you all to the very fine restaurant section where you saw Lilly sitting at a huge table, surrounded by all your previous suitors before you looked over to see Brunah and Marnausta and Dastrin and Glasha eating at a smaller table for just the four of them as you all saw each other and waived but let them enjoy their appetizers that had already been brought to their tables while Shuzug and Nar were at another one and eagerly waived hi to you too. 
“Zorroushku! How are you?” The waitress asked when she saw him and walked straight across the restaurant to greet him as she hadn’t noticed where he was sitting and who he was sitting with either. 
“Hey Maddie, I’m good, how are you?” He asked before he simply reached over to grasp your hand on the large round table that had a spinning disk where the dishes would be put around the table and then the center circle would be rolled over balls in grooves to allow everyone to get some of each dish but the movement caught her eye as she watched as you took it and gently squeezed his hand with yours as you looked up from the menu up to her as her own eyes traveled up to where you had Ori in a sling and then to your own face. 
“Oh I see you found Ori, another mother.” She noted as she only slightly faltered in her smile before rebrightening it to hide her own disappointment.  
“Yup. This is Belladonna.” He introduced. 
“Hi, you can just call me Bella.” You said as you extended your other hand to shake with hers as she shook your hand before Ori turned her head to see who you were touching and started growling and grunting again. 
“Hey, hey, Little Lady, behave. We’re out in public.” You gently chided Ori as you pulled your hand away from the waitress to pet her head and kiss her forehead which settled her down before she started cooing to you as if she was telling you all about the woman beside you. 
“Oh she’s always been like that. At least she’s not screaming her head off this time.” Maddie tried to joke and waive off. 
“Oh I see, well I’ll keep that in mind.” You placated Ori who was content to rest her head back down on your chest and babble ‘mama’ over and over as she rubbed her face into your bosom. 
“Oh she needs to nurse again probably.” Zorroku realized. 
“Probably.” You agreed as you could just start to feel your milk come in too before you adjusted her in the sling and had her lay down and nurse from one breast which finally settled her down. 
“So are these your other kids?” The waitress asked as she noticed the other kids around the table looking at her curiously. 
“These are my nieces and nephews. This is Bully Jr, Belinda, Becina, Fabu and Caruna.” You began as you went around the table and introduced them all to her. 
“Oh wow. So where are your parents?” She asked them. 
“Out shopping.” You smiled in answer. 
“Oh nice. So what can I get you?” She asked as she got her order pad out to write down the order before Zorroku offered one of the feasts that was on the menu to feed everyone and all of you got a variety of punches to drink, but with yours and Zorroku’s it came with the added bonus of alcohol in it too. 
“Awsome.” I’ll get that started for you then.” She smiled as she got that down and wrote the order in. 
“Are you sure?” You whispered over to Zorroku having noticed that it was going to be a whole brick per adult and half a brick per child, regardless of age. 
“Yup. Don’t worry about it. I got it.” He smiled. 
“Zorroushku!” Guys came over to greet him when they came into the restaurant themselves and recognized him in an instant and made a B-line for him. 
“Hey guys.” He greeted happily when he saw them and got up from his chair to hug them. 
“Hey! You found a mom for Ori! Now what’s your name Beautiful?” They asked. 
“I’m Bella, I take it you’re friends? Family?” You smiled as you shook their hands while Ori was still happy to be held and nursed and rocked by you. But they recognized Ori’s clothes that you currently had her in peeking between the straps of the mother’s sling. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re…” They introduced themselves and how they knew Zorroku and were related to him through your own grandmother. 
“So how did you two meet?” They asked. 
“His grandmother had a vision about me. So he and all of his brothers and his father rode to me where I was serving as the Clan Chief’s Master Chef of the Black Wolf White Rock Clan, which we simply call it White Rock for short. They came for an alliance meeting and so I got to make breakfast for everyone. And when my Clan Chief made the joke that I was a cook worth her salt. His dad took him up on it. And it turns out that my Clan Chieftess is his father’s current Clan Cheiftess’ sister. So once I uncovered that, Thunder Herd and White Rock were discovered to be sister clans, for the last oh, 12 years or so?” You explained. 
“It was the best food I’ve ever had in my life, and she’s been a godsend for Ori especially.” Zorroku praised proudly as he sat back down in his seat beside you. 
“So you got him through his stomach eh?” They grinned. 
“Something like that.” You smiled happily. 
“And these are her nieces and nephews from White Rock, that’s Bully Jr, Fabu, Belinda, Caruna and Becina.” Zorroku pointed as he started with his immediate left where Bully Jr. was sitting and then pointed around the table as they all said their hi’s too. 
“So did you hear? You mom’s double Vizslas were found, there’s this huge introduction ceremony but the rumor is that it’s a whole family of six. And four of the kids are of marrying age, two women and two men, looking for two men and two women respectively. They’re supposed to be coming here today. Did you get to see them yet?” They asked. 
“Oh you mean that double Vizsla?” Zorroku smiled proudly when he pointed back to you before they looked wide eyed from him to you. 
“You’re..you’re one of the Double Vizslas?” They asked in surprise. 
“Yeah. My full name is actually Belladonna, daughter of Oriannaregina, the daughter of Dowager Clan Chieftess Jaseeneh. That’s my twin sister Lillyanna over there with Kakazi and everyone else at the big table. Just look for the red hair, you can’t miss us.” You repeated  
“But you’re…you’re…” They stuttered and stammered as they gestured to you. 
“My mother was adopted by Jaseeneh as an orphan when she was only Becina’s age. And these are my nieces and nephews by the way. The Clan Chief and Chieftess’ of White Rock grandchildren. I’m like the friend of the family, honorary aunt. Their dad was my best friend growing up. This is Bullard Junior, he’s  7, this is Belinda, she’s 6, Becina, she’s 5. Fabu who is 4 and little Caruna here is only 3. I’m watching them because Clan Chieftess Yotul of Thunder Herd is with her sister Clan Chieftess Bula of White Rock. And that’s my twin sister Lillyanna over there. And over there are my brothers Dastrin and Brunah with Glashnarrah and Marnausta.” You pointed to the other tables. 
“I have proof if you’d like to see some proof.” You offered before you got your checkbook out of your purse and showed it to them as they all shoved in around to read it for themselves before you closed it and put it away.
“So…you’re taken, I take it.” They ventured as they then gestured to Ori who was still happily guzzling down her dinner and still happy to practically hold your breast like a bottle while she did so. 
“Just about. But my sister isn’t. She’s auctioning off her hand to the highest bidder at the unification celebration in just a few weeks.” You answered as you gestured back over to her. 
“Awesome, well congratulations Zushku. It was a pleasure to meet you Vizsla Bella and to meet your nieces and nephews. See you around.” They urged with pats and squeezes of Zushku’s shoulders before they all practically came over to Lilly to fawn over her which she was happy to get the attention and adoration as others got chairs to squeeze in around her already massively huge table to accommodate her new suitors as she urged the former to move down so she could get to know the newcomers. You could just subtly shake your head to watch them before Ori drained that breast and popped off and started to fuss because she was still hungry.
“Hang on Baby Girl, give Mommy a chance to get you changed over from one udder to the other.” You pacified her as you got one breast put away before you moved her over to the other and settled her back in before your feast was brought out as huge platters lined around the circle with a giant platter of roasted and seasoned rice was in the very middle with various heaps of stewed meats ontop of that too and huge serving spoons and tongs to grab what you wanted as the kids giggled to get spoonfuls of food onto their plates before “spinning” the table around to get to the other dishes. 
“This is awesome. Can you get a table like this at your house Mama?” Fabu asked. 
“Sure.” You smiled and nodded as Zorroku helped get the food onto your plate since one of your arms was around Orianna and resting her in the sling on your chest. 
“How expensive are tables like this anyway?” You asked Zorroku. 
“Eh, depending on how nice you want it, could be relatively cheap or expensive, depending on the materials used. But your table is already pretty nice if I recall.” Zorroku offered. 
“But what about the table in the informal dining room, the one that we ate off of for lunch? Could we put one like this in there?” Bully Jr. recalled. 
“Well actually the table in your family dining room would be better, the layout of the room is better suited to it.” Zorroku answered. 
“How much of my house have you personally put together?” You chuckled as you used a utensil to eat different pieces of your dinner. 
“A lot, it’s how I could deal with Yotul during the winters. My sisters helped a lot too, because it was the one of the few places we could escape Yotul, and it was something we could still tie to my mom and it would keep us sane while we wintered here. I think I spent more nights at the houses of your family members than I have my own the last 12 years.” Zorroku muttered. 
“You have a house of your own?” You asked. 
“Well it was the house my mother had while she was alive, and when she died, it’s been inherited by myself and all my full siblings and we’ve all taken up little rooms in it. But Yotul’s and my father’s is right next door. And Yotul can be a very loud, annoying neighbor. But don’t worry, I didn’t sleep in your bed or anything. But we did use the guest bedrooms fairly often.” Zorroku explained as you snickered a laugh at the comment about Yotul. 
“So which one did you like the best? And don’t say mine unless it’s the truth.” You urged him. 
“Honestly? Your brother’s Dastrin’s. I really liked the simplicity of it. Your sister’s, I got real tired of seeing all that green and yours was usually so busy I got headaches.” Zorroku teased. 
“Did you really?” You asked. 
“No, I’m kidding. Yours was the most fun actually. So bright and colorful. And then to meet you in person and to see how reserved you were, I thought for sure, you would have had Lilly’s home. But then to hear Lilly move everything around, we must have gotten it all wrong.” Zorroku murmured. 
“Nah. Don’t worry about it. She’s a very particular person. It’s because she’s a healer, everything has to be exact and in order. If I healed the way I cooked, I’d kill half the time because I measure with my mood and not according to any exact recipe. It drives Lilly nuts because it’s inconsistent.” You waived off. 
“But it’s really good.” Zorroku offered. 
“Thanks. I try. Love is always the secret ingredient.” You beamed.  
“Well that’s why it’s always the best food ever.” Zorroku grinned. 
“Thanks, although I wouldn’t say no to learning the ingredients and cooking preparations of this. I really like it.” You offered as you ate the different dishes before you popped a particular one in and found the hot chilis hotter than you expected. 
“Woo, that’s hot, good, but spicy.” You praised as you broke out into a sweat and reached for your drink to cool your palate. 
“Sorry.” He apologized. 
“No, don’t apologize. It’s really good, just spicier than I thought it would be.” You appraised before Ori was done nursing and tried to climb out of the sling before you handed her off to Zorroku to put yourself back together. 
“So how is everything?” Maddie asked as she came over with two pitchers to refill your cups of punch as Ori once again started to growl and grunt and move her little fists towards her as she kicked her little legs as she looked from Maddie over to you and started to fuss again before you got her back from Zorroku. 
“Oriannaregina, stop. That’s rude. Behave nicely please, I don’t care if you throw fits at home, but we’re out to eat. We need to learn restaurant and-out in public manners.” You urged Ori who looked at you with her big wide eyes because this was the first time you were really disciplining her. 
“Can you be good? For me? And stop giving Maddie here a hard time? She’s serving us. She’s trying her best, she needs to be close enough to do so. You can relax. It’s ok. You’re ok. I’m ok, you’re ok, Daddy’s ok and the other kids are ok. So please, stop growling and stop trying to hit her or kick at her. That’s very rude and disrespectful. So you need to stop.” You urged Ori before Ori looked from you to Maddie as Zorroku was both awed yet proud because he hadn’t had the heart or nerve to discipline her either before Ori reluctantly said something in the same tone a kid, being told to give an apology would give. 
“That’s close enough to an apology for me.” Maddie smiled, happy and relieved that Ori had you to be the right mother to Ori, because while Zorroku knew how to care for her, and to a degree, cater to Ori. He had not been one to ever discipline her either. At least, that she saw. 
“Zoku, you got one hell of a good mom for her.” Maddie praised. 
“Thanks, I couldn’t agree more.” Zorroku grinned. 
“See? You’re getting older, you’re gonna need to learn how to be good and behaved like they are.” Zorroku told Ori as he nodded over to Bullard’s kids. 
“I take it you’re the one to teach them good table manners too?” Maddie guessed as she refilled the other cups with the non-alchoholic punch. 
“Yup, elbows off the table, only put enough food on your fork that it can hold.” Belinda started to list off. 
“And don’t put more into your mouth than you can chew.” Bully Jr. added.
“And always say ‘please and thank you’.” Fabu supplied. 
“Wow. I can see why you got her to be Ori’s mom, she’s already had quite a bit of practice with her other family members.” Maddie smiled. 
“Yeah. Lot’s and lots of practice. The food is really good by the way. Very well prepared. Please give my compliments and praise to the cooks.” You offered. 
“You can if you’d like to.” She offered. 
“Really?” You asked.
“Yeah, come on.” She invited. 
“Oh, ok. I guess I’ll be right back, here, let me get her bag so I can change her diaper while I’m up.” You urged Zorroku before he leaned forward so you could get the diaper bag that was slung behind his chair. 
“Now you have to promise to be good.” You told Ori before you followed Maddie to the kitchen.
“So is Maddie short for anything?” You asked her. 
“Yes, Maddiwar.” She answered. 
“Aw, that’s really pretty.” You smiled. 
“I’m so happy you got to Ori. I was afraid Zoku was going to either lose her or spoil her rotten. Because before now, he’s only gotten the best for her, to an almost ridiculous degree.” Maddie admitted. 
“Yeah, tell me about it. When I took her over, she has better clothes than my own previous Clan Chieftess did. I mean look at her, the girl wears nothing but silk.” You murmured back to her. 
“But you are still doing really good with her. She looks so much better than she did the last time I saw her.” Maddie admitted. 
“We’re getting there. She’s allergic to onions and garlic and those were the favorite foods of the woman who had nursed her previously. So I’ve done my best to stay away from them for Ori’s sake.” You admitted. 
“Oh wow, that would make sense as to why she struggled to thrive under his sister in law’s care then.” Maddie realized. 
“So where is your other child?” Maddie asked. 
“I have no other child. Zorroushku’s father’s mother blessed me with mother’s milk so I can nurse her. Otherwise I’m a virgin actually.” You admitted. 
“Really? The way Zoku was with you at the table, I thought…” She admitted. 
“Oh, well you see, there’s a unification celebration for The Mountain Blizzard Clan, The Thunder Herd Clan and Black Wolf White Rock Clan here in just a few weeks. And my sister and I volunteered our hands in marriage for it. So technically, Zorroushku and I aren’t “officially” together, together, but he’s the only marriage offer I’ll be accepting then. But my nieces and nephews have been excellent chaperones.” You confided. 
“Oohhh, I see, that explains it then. Because I was standing there going ‘man none of those kids look anything like her’.” Maddie admitted. 
“No, they’re of no blood relation to me but I helped birth them and raise them and babysat them. My best friend growing up was their father. But he died two years ago in a raid, trying to free some slaves from Iron Mammoth. And their moms basically abandoned them, or sold them- more or less, to their own grandparents. And Zorroushku’s step mother, and the current Clan Chieftess, Yotul, is my previous Clan Chieftess’ sister. But I didn’t find that out until I went home with Crowthu and all of his sons because they had come to White Rock for an alliance meeting, that I cooked for and when Crowthu grouped me in with the alliance agreement, Bula and the Clan Chief, Khagra couldn’t and wouldn’t argue about it. And it wasn’t until I walked into Yotul’s tent that I recognized her and realized who she was and made the connection. It was nothing short of the gods’ will and hand bringing me there to connect the two and for her and I to connect too.” You explained as Maddie grabbed a napkin and wiped up her tears. 
“That is just so sweet.” Maddie praised. 
“You were so brave. I mean I would have shit a brick if that had happened to me.” She admitted. 
“Oh I was ready to-too. But Bula has always been like another mom to me and I was basically another mom and aunt to those guys and we were all practically family. Sometimes family is more than just blood bonds, but who you find and choose along the way.” You appraised. 
“Oh well Zoku is really blessed to have you then, it must have been some meal you cooked.” She praised. 
“It was. When you get some time off, I’ll have Zorroushku give you my address and I can show you what I did and how I did it. So that if you don’t have a partner yourself, you can get which ever one you like.” You giggled. 
“I’d love that.” Maddie beamed. 
“Corner!” Maddie called out as she rounded the corner as you stuck close to her side before you saw a full kitchen and then recognized a bunch of the faces who looked up to see you and then reached out to nudge the others. 
“Bella?” They asked. 
“Hey! How are you?” You asked before they dropped what they were doing and came around to hug you. 
“You got out! You got out of White Rock!” They cheered. 
“I did.” You laughed. 
“I came back here to tell you how great you guys did making the food, it was so good and amazingly prepared. Really. It was fantastic.” You praised as they bashfully but happily took your praise. 
“Still, not as good as you could make it though.” They reassured you. 
“No, you made it better than I could. Of course, you guys probably have access to better ingredients so...” You shrugged. 
“Actually, we got some new ingredients in just this morning, could you tell us what they are?” They asked you before they brought you over to the refrigerator as you were quick to bundle Ori up in a blanket to keep her warm in the ice room before you immediately recognized the ingredients and told them all about the ingredients, what they were, how to cook with them, how to use them, to the best of your knowledge. 
“And you are?” The Head Chef asked. 
“I was the Head Chef for Clan Chief Khagra of the Black Wolf White Rock Clan. Hi, I’m Bella by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You offered as you offered your hand to him. 
“And you know them- how?” He asked as he gestured to the others before you told them what clans they used to come from and where and how you knew them all previously, both through Khargra’s alliance meetings and from your travels with Bullard, Yar and Shuzug. 
“Holy shit, you’re pretty well traveled.” He appraised. 
“Yeah, not, really by choice, just the assigned babysitter for others, Shuzug mostly. Been trying to keep that kid from accidentally killing himself since birth. He’s ten now and you know that really reckless stage that just about every kid between the ages of 10-12 goes through where they think they’re invincible and no matter how much knowledge they possess, they are so sense stupid, it’s a wonder they’re alive?” You posed rhetorically as everyone nodded and murmured their agreements to that. 
“That’s been him since he was 3. He is coincidentally one of the smartest yet dumbest people I know. Do you know what he got me as a mother gift when I got Ori?” You prompted them. 
“What?” They asked. 
“Wild mountain lion cubs!” You revealed as they all gasped in varying degrees of horror and shock. 
“Like I don’t have my hands full enough as it is with her and everything else.” You gestured to Ori. 
“So who is this again?” They asked. 
“Oriannaregina, daughter of Zorroushku, first born son of Crowthu, Clan Chief of Thunder Herd and his late Clan Chieftess Sharnarrah the Magnificent.” You answered proudly. 
“Wait, this is Ori? Little Ori? Fuzzy Ori?” They asked as they gestured to her. 
“Yup. Amazing how much a baby can grow when they’re nursing from a woman who isn’t eating everything they’re allergic to.” You nodded. 
“Oh! I didn’t recognize her! She’s not screaming her head off. That’s improvement.” They agreed. 
“Well, if you guys ever want to share the recipes for how you made the food tonight, I would love to get them if you were ever so inclined. They were really good.” You praisecd. 
“I’ll trade you recipes, how’s that?” The Head Chef offered. 
“I’d love that. I have plans for tomorrow, but maybe the day after tomorrow?” You offered. 
“Yeah that would work out. Mornings, this place gets busy at night.” 
“I understand. Well let me get out of your hair so you guys can get back to work, there’s still a bunch of really hungry people out there.” You offered before you thanked them and gave them all little hugs and handshakes before Maddie showed you where the restroom was so you could change Ori’s diaper since Ori decided that the cold room was a great place to start to take a dump in her diaper. 
“Feel better?” You asked once she got it all out and you were changing her as she giggled and started cooing as you changed her on the changing table and rinsed out the soiled one right there in the restaurants’ diaper cleaning sink. 
“Well I’m glad you feel better. Now please be good. Stop being Miss Jealous Overprotective ok? I don’t need it now that everyone else is after Lilly. It’s just you and me and Daddy ok?” You cooed to her before you exited the bathroom only to hear a huge commotion and when you came out, you saw Zorroku get up from the table and back Bully’s Bitches away as they were pointing and screaming at the tops of their lungs at him as Kakazi and Lilly’s other suitors joined Zorroku in trying to get them out of there and away from the kids before you hurried over to the kids as were your own brother’s and sisters who were leaving their tables to get to Bully Jr. and his siblings as even Shuzug and Nar were trying to pull them out of there, but to no avail.
“You bitch!” They screamed when they caught sight of you and weaved around Zorroku and Shuzug and Nar and Kakazi and the others along with the other tables to get to you before, without thinking, you put Ori to your back where thankfully she was still held up in the sling and without thinking, you just deflected all of them with ease and put them down into the floor before turning and backing away while facing them, leading them away from their own children to keep their anger and focus on you. 
“Pay for them! Pay for what you stole you petty, pathetic kitchen slave!” Burquen and her sister wives all screamed at you as they tried to gang up on you but instead you used their own weight and size to your advantage to once again deflect their blows until they were in a heap on top of each other as the police were filtering into the restaurant to apprehend them. 
“I never stole anything.” You maintained calmly. 
“Yes you did! You stole Bully’s heart, mind and soul away from us! You stole his love away from us! You stole our own children’s love away from us! You need to pay for that! Pay for all of it!” They bellowed as the police officers immediately restrained them and then picked them up. 
“No I didn’t. You sold your own children to their rightful and legal guardians, their grandparents. And Bully has been dead for two years, you literally cut all the ties you could to be free of him yourselves. So how could you ever accuse me of stealing anything that I never took in the first place? You were perfectly content with the payments you got for the ransom you held me and my family under and you were content with the price you sold your own children for this morning. To the point you wouldn’t even acknowledge them when you saw them this morning at the bank when you tried to cash that ransom check in. So take your ransom money and whatever payment you got for selling your own children and whatever ties you had to my friend Bullard, may the gods give him peace and rest, and the rest of his wonderful family, and go fuck yourselves and don’t you ever come at those innocent children again. If I see you even looking at them, I will not hesitate to finish what we started right here and right now. Don’t ever speak to them or go anywhere near them ever again and I swear to every god in the heavens above, in the earth around and in the sea below, if any of you harms any of those children, I will not hesitate to kill you for it. You sold every right you had to them before you ever came here. And I don’t owe any of you anything, ever.” You urged them. 
“You heard the Double Vizsla, take them to jail for attempting to assault and attempting to murder the Double Vizsla, I’m sure everyone in this restaurant can attest to their shameful and honorless conduct.” Zorroku urged the polic officers as you were moving Ori from your back- back to your front before they were gagged to keep them from screaming and saying much of anything else as Zorroku escorted you away and the other patrons and even the kitchen staff applauded your ability to deflect the attempted assault. 
“How did you do that?” Kakazi and Lilly’s other suitors asked as you got back to the table and checked up on Bully Jr. And his siblings to make sure they were ok as Shuzug especially was exceedingly proud of you for handling them the way you did.
“Ask Yar, second son of Clan Chief Khagra of Black Wolf White Rock Clan. He’ll tell you and show you better than I ever could.” You deflected. 
“You can’t miss him. He’s literally a giant of muscle. He could, and probably would eat a mammoth by himself.” Zorroku added as he helped you put the food into to go containers and then into a bag to take home. 
“Well let us escort you home at least.” They offered. 
“No, you guys should still enjoy your meal. We were done eating here right? Let’s go home and bake a cake for dessert, how’s that guys?” You asked Bully’s kids who nodded in agreement as they seemed to huddle around you. 
“No, please, let us escort you back.” Kakazi insisted. 
“Are you sure I won’t be ruining your night?” You asked. 
“Nope. I doubt any of us would sleep tonight if we didn’t see you safe at home.” Nar insisted.
“Ok. But I want you two to go and tell your parents what Bully's Bitches tried to do.” You urged Shuzug and Nar.
"Yup, on it." They agreed before they went back to their own table to pack up thier leftovers and paid for the meal and then left to go do as you asked.
“Did you take care of the bill for the food?” You asked Zorroku. 
“Nope, the Chef took care of it. He was alarmed you would be assaulted in his own restaurant.” Zorroku answered. 
“Well I should leave a decent tip for Maddie at least.” You said. 
“No, I already took care of it.” Zorroku stopped you before he and his other friends and family got you, and Lilly and your brothers and Bully’s kids into a protective formation and walked you out of the restaurant. 
“We were having such a pleasant day too.” You pouted. 
“I’m sorry they ruined it Mama.” Jr. offered before Lilly and your brothers all smiled knowingly at you. 
“Me too Honey. But you did really good, I saw the way you kept your sisters behind you at least.” You said as you put your arm around their shoulders before Bula and Khagra, and Yotul and Crowthu all came around and were relieved they ran into you and met you halfway as did Justineh and Fusha and your parents when they heard about it from Shuzug and Nar and were worried about it as Jaseeneh was being brought over as well. 
“Where are they? Where are my grandchildren?” Bula asked worriedly. 
“They’re ok, they’re in here, please part to let them in.” You requested before they moved away so Bula and Khagra could come to them and hug them and console them too as you and Zorroku helped Khagra take a knee to hug and hold his own grandsons in his arms as Bula and Khagra were both crying and worried and upset when it was reported to them what Bully’s Bitches tried to do. 
“And you’re ok? They didn’t hurt you?” Bula asked. 
“No, they never landed a hit.” You shook your head. 
“I want Bella to be my Mama though.” Fabu insisted as he came and cleaved to your side before all the kids did the same as you were moved to tears too as your arms instinctively came to rest around them. 
“But I have no rights to you though.” You tearfully pointed out. 
“But you fought for them. You have always loved them as if they were your own. You have always taken care of them as if they were your own. And you fought for them and led the danger away from them tonight. You have acted as their mother ever since they were born and without you ever being asked to. As far as I’m concerned, if they want to be yours, then that’s ok with me.” Bula offered tearfully but happily. 
“But they’re Bully’s kids, I don’t want them to be separated from you, just as much as I also don’t want to be separated from them.” You admitted. 
“But it’s not like we are never going to see each other again. When we miss them, we know exactly where to go to find them and see them again. Besides, I think we’ll be trying to work out how to get the whole clan up to winter here to see Miles’ kids too. If we’re all here every late fall, all of winter and early spring, we’ll see each other for half the year, every year from now on right?” Khagra volunteered as Zorroku and Kakazi helped him back up to his feet. 
“Right.” You found yourself agreeing to that. 
“Well then it’s settled huh? Congratulations kids. You have one hell of a mom and soon to be a great dad too.” Kragra congratulated before Bully’s kids hugged their grandparents. 
“You’ll still always be our Grandma and Grandpa though.” The kids urged.
“Always.” They agreed before Jaseeneh came upon the scene. 
“Who dared to assault my Double Vizla Belladonna?” Jaseeneh asked. 
“Bullard’s widows.” You answered. 
“Are you alright?” She asked. 
“Yeah, they never landed a hit. But the kids are a bit shaken up and the widows did make a scene in the restaurant, which was practically humiliating.” You admitted lowly. 
“Not as humiliated as they were that you were able to put them into the ground by just deflecting their attempts to strike you.” Zorroku reassured you as the others were quick to agree to that. 
“I see. So what is the outcome?” She asked. 
“I would like to adopt them as my own the way I have Ori.” You answered.  
“Very well. Dowager Clan Cheiftess Arob has told me that you are a mother ice bear. Quite protective of your den, an excellent provider and quite the gifted defender. It would make sense as to why you would be the mother of a nation and why children and fathers flock to you for you are already the perfect example for such a great nation. Very well, if these are your children, they are your children, by their father who is no longer with us. I shall inform the banks to approve them as yours. And I’m sure my son in law will approve of it as well. Zorroushku, you chose very well. I will see to it that you and they are all protected and cared for.” Jaseeneh dictated. 
“However, I still wish to honor what the invitations said about myself. And while I wish to only accept Zorroku’s proposal, I do wish for there to be honor in the invitation, especially for Lilly’s sake.” You offered.
“Because your honor is especially fine.” Jaseeneh smiled and nodded proudly. 
“Regina, how well you have done to raise such excellent young adults.” Jaseeneh praised. 
“It was a joint effort between Micha and myself Mom.” Regina answered proudly. 
“Yes, every child is owed excellent parents. And I’m very happy to see that your own were given that.” Jaseeneh praised. 
“Could we all come into my house now? I promised the kids I would bake a fruit and honey cake. Would anyone else like some?” You offered as you looked around. 
“That would be wonderful, thank you. So hospitable.” Jaseeneh agreed before you opened the door to your house and invited everyone in before you handed Ori back to Zorroku while yourself, Lilly, Bula, Fusha, Glasha and Marn all got to help make several pans of fruit and honey cake for everyone else while Bully's kids showed off your pets to Kakazi and the other guests who were intrigued with them while Shuzug told everyone how he got them for you as Bula just shook her head.
"So Bella's the only reason he's still alive?" Yotul muttered to Bula once the cakes were made and were in the huge oven to cook.
"Yup." Bula nodded.
"Half tempted to send him to me for the next few years so him and Nar at least will be able to stay close to the one voice of reason he'll listen to?" Yotul offered.
"Don't tempt me beyond what I can bear. That would be so nice. He has been inseperable from Nar anyway." Bula sighed in resignation.
"Eh, let those two keep each other company." Yotul urged her sister.
"Agreed." Bula nodded.
"Cake is done!" You called out as you pulled out the various pans of cake and drizzled them with the honey sauce and once they were cooled enough, you cut them up into pieces and put pieces on various plates for everyone who was there and was happy and grateful to get a piece of it before the whole house was practically filled with moans and keens about how good the cake was done as Zorroku's shoulders almost started to bruise from the others jabbing them in mock jealousy of how good of a cook he had managed to snag as Zorroku was happy to laugh it off.
“This is a spectacular house Bella.” Bula praised as she ate the cake from the comfort of one of your couches.
“Thanks. I have yet to even look it all over. The kitchen is great though.” You laughed from your spot beside her while Khagra was happy to have his grand daughters eating their huge piece of cake with him while Lilly was happy to eat some cake with her suitors too. As even Bula and Khagra laughed. 
“Of course. Any house with a good kitchen is a good house for you.” Bula offered. 
“Well, that and a happy family within it. It’s what makes any house a home.” You smiled. 
“True.” She nodded in agreement before there was a knock on the door. 
“Yes?” Zorroku asked as he answered the door to see the police officers and an investigator there. 
“We need to speak to Dowager Clan Chieftess Jaseeneh.” They reported. 
“Couldn’t this wait?” Jaseeneh complained as she didn’t bother to pause in eating her delicious cake. 
“The assailants are demanding a Shiro Katzu.” They reported. 
“Out of the question.” Jaseen immediately snapped. 
“What’s a Shiro Katzu?” You asked. 
“A fight to the death over parental rights.” Your mother answered. 
“That matter is already decided.” Jaseeneh insisted. 
“But because they were married to Mountain Blizzard Clan members just today, they claim thier children were never sold and have no reciepts for such things, all three claim maternal motherhood rights to their children, and the stipend that comes with them.” The investigator claimed as you could only snort in derision. Because it wasn’t about the kids. It was about the stipend. 
“That’s proposterous, I can list the things they sold them for.” Bula argued before she listed them off as each thing made you lose your appetite as Bully’s kids couldn’t even raise their heads and look at anyone, just looked down at the plates they were eating off of. 
“Clan Chieftess Bula, those items that you just listed were found by the door of your rooms. Your son Yalak was just as surprised to find them as we were.” The investigator said. 
“How could those things have been put back into the rooms?” Bula asked Khagra who looked just as furious yet humiliated as you and his own grandchildren were. 
“Where are they now?” You asked. 
“They are currently held in the prison.” They answered. 
“When will they be relseased?” You asked. 
“Never.” Jaseeneh insisted. 
“Will they be satisfied with the stipend only and not the actual children?” You asked. 
“No. They claim such a thing is priceless.” The investigator answered. 
“Well, I can’t argue with that sentiment. Grandmother, I request that the matter be decided by how those honorless whores demand. My mother has told me countless times how Avlar is a city of law and order and how such things give the clan every right, freedom, liberty and honor. And if they claim legal right and are legally challenging me, I wish to answer such a legal challenge. For I wish for all of my children to be able to hold their heads up high and claim me as much as I wish to claim them. I wish for the matter to be settled difinitively and legally. For such dishonorble people to claim that any member of your household or family would do such a dishonorable thing as poaching children from their parents, should not stand and should not go without answer. Do not worry. I have faced them before and have come off victorious. They will not be able to defeat me. I’m stronger and sturdier than I look and I fight for the most noble cause there is.” You answered. 
“Then you will not fight alone.” Jaseeneh decided. 
“I will fight beside her.” Zorroku volunteered before everyone else practically tried to jump in. 
“Will my assailants be fighting with their mates?” You asked. 
“Yes.” The investigator answered. 
“Then that is enough. Zorroushku and I will fight as the parents we are choosing and happy to be. No other should needlessly involve themselves.” You urged them. 
“Mama,” Bully Jr. tried to interrupt but you simply slipped from the couch to kneel with him on the floor as you held his face that reminded you so much of his father. 
“My Love, it’s ok. You and all of your siblings are worth any danger I would face to protect you. You are extremely precious to me and priceless and I never want you to doubt your own worth or be afraid of someone bigger and stronger than yourself or how you percieve me to be, harming you or bringing any harm to your brother and sisters. And the last thing I ever want is for you to be ashamed to be who you are and where you come from. You are your father’s son, just as much as all your siblings are. All of you have his heart of gold, his exceptionally fine honor, his regal and noble character. He died trying to free the enslaved and shelter the weak, beaten and abused. And in my book, there is no more worthy cause to fight for. And that’s why I will fight for you. Because you have been under those vicious women who you had the unfortunate luck in life to be born from. But in this moment and every moment after this one, honor me by letting me be your mother in every respect. And forgive me in advance for what I must do to keep you with me and keep you safe from the honorless women who sought to use you as leverage and as a tool to seek their own selfish desires.” You requested as he nodded and just hugged you tightly. 
“Very well, tommorrow, after the announcement, we will have the battle in the arena.” Jaseeneh caved. 
“And what will your weapons be?” The investigator asked. 
“This.” You answered as you reached down and tugged on the tie that served as your mother’s sling. 
“You can’t be serious.” The investigator and the other’s asked as Zorroku looked to you meaningfully but the look you gave him told him that you had answered with all seriousness.
“I’ve seen her take down more with less.” Zorroku offered. 
“But I will be in my usual armor with my usual weapons.” Zorroku answered. 
“Mama, you shouldn’t go in there with just this sling.” Bully Junior tried to plead. 
“Junior, look.” You offered as you began to untie from around yourself to reveal it had weights at the ends. 
“What happens when you spin a weight really fast at the end of piece of cloth?” You asked him as you held the two weights in your hands. 
“They become more powerful.” He answered. 
“And this is one solid piece of silk. What does wet silk never do?” You asked him. 
“Break.” He smiled despite his tears. 
“So as a mother, there is no finer weapon for me to fight with- to fight for the right to be your mother and the mother of your siblings than this. Besides, part of fighting is disarming your opponets right?” You questioned as he nodded. 
“This spinning as fast as I can get it to go, will dent and smash whatever it collides with. So my plan is break any weapon used against me from a distance that they would never be able to reach out and touch me with them anyway. And any warrior who relies solely on his weapons forgets that the greatest weapon is always the mind. You’ve heard of warriors who slayed countless foes without every having to touch the handle of a weapon, who were always deadlier with hand to hand combat than they were with full armor and full sets of weapons right?” You posed as you sat back on your lower legs. 
“And you’re smarter than they ever were.” Bully Jr. praised. 
“Thank you. I try, I’m still learning, because remember, no one knows everything, everyone learns different things at different times and we all always keep learning new things all the time if we are open to learning them. And hopefully it’ll be this and this that wins. No other weapons needed.” You said as you gestured to your head and heart after you carefully set the two weights down onto the surface of the table. 
“It’ll be ok. Tomorrow, this matter will be settled permanently and I can prove my own worthiness as a mother to you and every clan here so that such things are never brought into question ever again ok?” You insisted. 
“Ok.” He nodded. 
“Then we should leave my Double Vizsla to enjoy the evening with her family in privacy.” Jaseeneh insisted once she finished off the last bite of her cake before everyone else seemed to wolf down the last bites of their own pieces of cake too as you and your kids took on the now empty plates from your guests as you said your goodbyes and goodnights and wishes of luck and success.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Zorroku and Peaches Part 13
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Sorry it's been a minute. Had 11 deaths, about to be 13 deaths actually, in my close friends and family circle. And one hell of a writer's block but I finally have an update for you. Hopefully it was worth waiting for.
Zorroku and Peaches 
Part 13
It was actually a relief to mark what you wanted to be taken with you and your yurt. Which fit onto a special cart pulled by a mammoth, that was, coincidentally given to you by Jaseeneh, who was named Abuna with her calf Gisi. And it was easier to simply take all of Medowne’s old clothes that had simply been sized down to suit you as your new wardrobe too. While everything else you were happy to either send back to Avlar with Jaseeneh and most of everyone else, or simply let it stay there in Thunder Herd. You grabbed your favorite things from the tent so that the yurt had a beautiful blend of both Mountain Blizzard and Thunder Herd touches.
But while Jaseeneh and her son Drashaneh and Cilanthe returned to the Clan to get things ready for your family’s arrival, Kakazi stayed with Lilly, insisting she needed his help with things. While Zorroku insisted on helping you himself. Which you could not and would not argue with while Shuzug and Nar always seemed to stay close too. And while one was blue and one was green, they were practically twins and soon became inseparable as they both continued to treat you more like a big sister than anything. Yotul and Bula continued to practically depend on you to keep them out of trouble, especially once they began to prank their older brothers and if it had not been for that book of riddles that they began to speak in to each other, you wouldn’t have known what they were up to because otherwise, their mothers to threatened to put them back on the leashes they wore when they were toddlers. 
But between Zorroku and Nar and Shuzug, they managed to get everything else, so you could focus on Ori and the mountain lion cubs and the wolf pups who never seemed to stray too far from your side.  You were astounded by how quickly things could be taken down and packed up when you left with your family to go back to White Rock to move your family and their belongings from there to Avlar. And while it took a whole day of riding, you were happy and content to be back home, to show off your daughter and her very handsome father while Shuzug and Nar were happy to reset up most of your home before slipping away as Shuzug wanted to show Nar all around, specifically the huge white rock that served as a den for the black wolves of the clan. As others in White Rock simply took the fact that Zorroku never strayed from your side either as a sign of you choosing Zorroku. And for him to have his yurt connected with your own, was a sign of that union, as unofficial as it was and in the eyes of just about everyone else, your choice had already been made, despite you putting your name and your “gifts” into the invitations for the celebration that you had helped Cilanthe, Yotul and Bula write out while their husbands signed off as Mountain Blizzard sent out messengers to every clan all three were allied with. 
But of course, once you got back, Bully’s bitches were arguing with Khagra and Bula about Bully’s children. Because Bula and Khagra wanted their grandchildren to stay with them and not go to Avlar with their mothers, because losing you and your family to Avlar was already hard enough, but they were adamant that if Bullard’s widows were going to go, they were going to leave their children with them with Black Wolf Clan, because that’s where they belonged. Which for Bullard’s oldest kids, was easy for Burquen to simply say that Bully Jr. and Belinda were old enough to decide for themselves. Because while they were 7, and 6 respectfully, to orcs, they might as well have been middle teens as far as size, personal and mental development. Bully Jr. was adamant he was going to stay with his grandparents, and urged his sisters to do the same.
Especially since their mothers had all told them to basically get lost since they had gotten to Thunder Herd and met with others from Mountain Blizzard and the promise of their new fortune from the 8,500 pounds of salt split three ways which, Jaseeneh, for the sake of simple math made it 2,850 bricks each. And gave them each a check to be cashed at the Bank in Avlar while she wrote down the numbers on the checks so that the banks would know to get the money ready, just in case they decided to go to any other bank within the mountain city fortress.
You weren’t surprised when those girls cared more about that precious piece of black paper with gold ink than anything else and cared more about exactly what such a huge sum could buy there as they got a sense of just how big of a fortune that really was. It was enough to set them up to live like Queens for decades. Because their suitors insisted was a very large fortune and one that usually was the inheritance of only the richest of orcs in Avlar. And Famire and Crelle were of the same mind set. Famire had only bore Bullard one son- Fabu who was only 4, but was the equivalent to a 8 or 9 year old human. While Celle had only given Bullard a daughter who was now only 3 but was not much different than a 6 year old human.
And it incensed for you to see how their mothers bickered over what was theirs in Khagra’s house to pack up and take to Avlar with them while you were happy to simply take Bullard’s kids with you to the gardens and away from all the distressing fighting. Which the kids were all extremely grateful for. As even Zorroku could empathize with how they were feeling when his own mother had passed and his father had moved on with Yotul, as Bullard Jr and Fabu were keen on talking to him about it and how to move on. Because Bullard Jr. could still remember all the doting of his father and all the lessos his father tried to teach him but it felt like the moment Bullard died, his own grandparents switched gears and had now started pouring everything into his infant cousins and he couldn’t help but feel abandoned and resentful, which Zorroku and yourself completely sympathized and empathized with which helped Bully Jr. and Kabu make sense of the huge changes that had seemed to happen overnight with their mothers. All while you couldn’t help but use Zorroku as an example to Belinda and Becina especially for what to look for in a good mate and father too. 
Your own home’s garden was practically stripped bare and every extra seed of every food possible was taken and you were actually astounded to come back and found that while such a small humble home always had such love and joy in it. The analogy of the pot was brought to mind. Oh how quickly you had grown out of it. And how easily you had done so too. And while you gave the now empty house, with it’s bare kitchen and garden walls one last once over, it was just a house that was soon going to be filled with new occupants and their meager belongings. But they would no doubt find that it would give them the shelter it had always given you and your family. You were just happy to climb the trees one last time to pick the newly ripened and ready fruits from them while also taking as many cuttings of the branches to make new trees as possible. And while the tree itself would grow back anew, it would also be parents to yet another new garden, one in Avlar. 
And it was while you were up there that you realized why you loved doing this.
It was the view.
Because while you could see most of White Rock from here. You could see the mountains beyond them where Avlar was hidden inside of as you could see the pillars of smoke rise from the tops like smoking volcanos but smiled when you knew it was just a facade to hide the cities inside. You smiled when finally, you could give into the southern wind’s call to go northward to such a place. 
“Finally, we get to go to our rightful home.” Your mother sighed dreamily as she had climbed the trees with you as she looked over at the mountains happily too. 
“It almost doesn’t seem real.” You murmured before you reached over to get one last peach to eat while you sat in the tree boughs as she did the same. 
“I know. But it’s the gods' will.” She smiled. 
“Do you regret marrying dad and staying here as long as we did?” You questioned her. 
“While I don’t regret marrying your father. I wish I would have pulled us away once we mourned Bully and Miles. Because after they died, things got worse.” She admitted. 
“I can’t help but agree because they did.” You agreed. 
“But I’m happy we’re out now. And hopefully, this will be as bad as things can be there. And with Grecko, hopefully he will have the heart to bring about the change that Bully always tried to bring.” She admitted. 
“Me too.” You nodded in agreement to that.
“Well, everything else is way too small to harvest.” You noted as you looked around you and could not see anything worth taking from the tree. 
“I agree.” She nodded as you both weaved your bodies down the tree back down to the ground as you noticed Glasha was armpit deep into a sheep to help it give birth while your brother Dastrin helped her while Marnausta with with your other brother Brunah doing the same for the goats since it was now officially the start of lambing season which would last the next 4 days or so here. 
“Come on guys, let’s help birth those lambs.” You uged them as you brought them into the pen and helped get each ewe which you were happy to help out with yourself while Lilly was playing catch up with the other lambs to make sure they were nursing and had moms who were healthy while your brothers kept track of who gave birth to who and who belonged to who thanks to some chalk markings on their rumps. But it would be round the clock birthing since the pregnant sheep were in a covered pen to keep them close and safe as you were secretly happy that those two in particular seemed to be just as drawn to your brothers as Zorroku and his other brothers had been to you- at least, at first.
“Auntie Bella, could we sleep in your house? Our mothers are still fighting.” Caruna asked tentatively. 
“Of course, I’d be happy to have you.” You smiled before you brought them up to your bedroom where you let Caruna, Becina and Belinda get into bed with you while Zorroku set up a second guest bed for the boys before he went to sleep in his own yurt to let you have some privacy with them before he closed the door from your upstairs to his. 
“Thank you for letting us sleep with you.” Caruna thanked you as she laid on the other side of Ori who was still nursing but her eyes were fighting to stay open as you were quite tired yourself from working hard with the garden and the sheep all day. 
“You’re welcome.” You smiled as you reached up to pet her head affectionately. 
“Especially when my mother’s suitors keep looking at me the way they do my mom.” Belinda revealed as you nearly twisted your head off your neck to look behind you at her. 
“They do?” You asked worriedly. 
“Yeah, it makes me feel weird.” She frowned. 
“Well then you really should stay with your grandparents, because if he’s looking at you like he is your mom, it won’t take long before he would start touching you that way too and you’re way too young for that kind of thing.” You urged them. 
“That’s what Grandma said too.” She revealed. 
“But what if I want to stay with you? And call you my mom?” Becina asked. 
“Yeah?” Caruna asked hopefully. 
“That would be up to your grandparents. They have more of a right to you than I do. But if you want to stay with me until everything is sorted out and settled with your moms and your grandparents, you’re more than welcome to. But we’ll see what happens between now and then ok?” You invited. 
“Ok.” They all readily agreed as you couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. That they’d rather have you than their grandparents because even their grandparents had their hands full with Grecko’s kids. 
Once all the lambs and kids had been birthed, then you bought, outright, your favorites, using the very salt Rhotan had put into the chest for you. And while you didn’t care if you paid more than they were usually worth, you were happy to not have to worry about the mammoth not carting all of that heavy salt themselves from among your belongings. Your siblings did the same and practically bought out Khagra and Bula’s flock, the best of the best of them too. Leaving only the older, and truly undesirable behind. 
But to Bully’s bitches, they didn’t care. They just wanted the salt and that much more money to spend at Avlar. Miles' widow’s refused to have any part of the ransome part but took payment in the form of the physical salt from your hands and the hands of your siblings for the sheep and goats at least, all the while Bullard’s kids continued to sleep in your yurt and stay practically glued to your sides until the very last night when Bula and Khagra came to bring them back home to unpack their things because they had to practically buy their own grandkids outright from their mothers who were showing just how selfish and greedy they really were. 
But your last night at White Rock, instead of being happy, you felt restless and even slightly agitated. 
“What’s wrong?” Zorroku asked as he lowkey watched you pace in the space of your upstairs while he got Ori dressed and ready for bed. 
“I don’t know. I just…I have, not necessarily a bad feeling, but like, there’s something big that I’m forgetting. And I feel like I’ll be halfway there and finally remember what it is.” You admitted before Zorroku began to list off everything he could think of as you were quick to answer when and how you had taken care of that. 
“Maybe it’ll come to you in a dream?” Zorroku offered. 
“No, I feel like the matter is staring at me in the face or like a snake, hidden in the grass, ready to strike and I can’t even see that it’s there.” You tried to explain as you felt more and more uneasy. 
“I need to get some air, will you two be ok? I just…I need to take a walk and get some air and maybe it’ll come to me.” You offered before you slipped a robe on and some shoes before you took a lantern and walked out, to, you didn’t quite know where, but you let your feet guide you while you wore a belt with weapons on them, just in case. You stopped to check in on Bullard’s kids but they were already fast asleep in their beds. And while they all the girls were in one room while the two boys were in another. They were safe and sound. 
“Everything ok?” Bula asked as she watched you look in on them before you could press a kiss to the crowns of their heads because as much as you loved them, they weren’t yours. But that wouldn’t mean that you wouldn’t want to spoil them rotten while you could. 
“Just worried. Trying to find the cause.” You admitted before you left their rooms, satisfied that they were ok at least. 
“You were always quite partial to them.” Bula smiled. 
“Yeah, I know.” You smiled as you reached up to rub the back of your neck, wondering if you strained it, pulling those breech baby lambs and goats out of their mothers. 
“So what is it?” She asked. 
“I have no idea. I can’t think of anything. I already asked Zushku to list off everything he could think of and I already did all of it and more. But I feel like there’s just something else. Something big that I’m missing and it’s like I can’t see or know what it is, even though it’s right there in front of me but I can’t see it.” You admitted. 
“Well I’m sorry to say, I can’t think of anything.” She shook her head with an apologetic smile. 
“Did they get to say goodbye at least? To their moms?” You asked. 
“Yeah, one cold hug and a ‘be good’ before those bitches finally left.” She admitted. 
“There are times I wonder what Bully ever saw in any of them.” She sighed before she poured you both a shot of whiskey while you both sat down at her table. 
“A chance to clean his balls out.” You answered candidly which got her to snicker a laugh before you joined her and laughed softly.
“You’re probably right.” She murmured. 
“Have you said your goodbyes to everyone?” She asked. 
“Yeah, I practically went door to door to do it too.” You nodded. 
“Well, then I can’t think of anything then.” She shrugged before you finished the shot in the small cup. 
“Thank you for listening and thanks for letting me make sure they were all ok.” You thanked her graciously as you got up and hugged her. 
“I love you, thank you for doing all you ever could to protect me and my family.” You thanked her.
“You’re welcome Sweetheart. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.” She smiled as she hugged you back and kissed your cheeks as you did the same.  
“I wish Bullard would have listened to you.” She offered. 
“Me too. But we can’t change the past. Only do what we can for the future. And I have no doubts that his kids are better off here than they would be with their own mothers, sadly.” You offered before you finally let go. 
“Well, I hope you always know that you’re more than welcome to come back and see them, and all of us of course.” She warmly invited. 
“Thank you. And I hope you know that you and every other member of your family are welcome to do the same. Especially those guys.” You nodded over to the bedrooms that Bullard’s kids took up. 
“I know they are. I have a feeling they might stay close to you as long as they have the chance to be.” Bula offered. 
“And I’ll always be happy to have them.” You smiled. 
“Good night.” You offered. 
“Good night.” She offered before you saw yourself out. But now that you were out. The nagging feeling returned, this time, much more pointedly. So you just decided to go where the feeling was leading you. 
“Bella? Are you ok? What are you doing?” Shuzug asked as you passed as he was rooming with Nar and his tent outside the village’s borders with everyone else.
“No, I’m not ok. But I don’t know what’s wrong either. I just…I have a feeling there’s a snake in the grass.” You answered 
“Where?” Nar asked as he looked down and brought the lantern down to the ground to inspect the grass around you. 
“No, not physically, metaphorically.” You tried to explain.
“Well, we should go with you.” Shuzug insisted. 
“No, I need to be alone. I feel like I won’t see it if there are too many people looking for it. I need to get to the right spot and then be still, be quiet, and wait and listen.” You excused as you waived them off.
You just kept walking until you found yourself at the very spot Bully took you to have a picnic at the night before he left and the moment you realized you were in the spot, you couldn’t bear to stand and just sunk down your knees and finally let a sob wrack through you. 
“Hey it’s ok, it’s ok.” Came a voice that you didn’t dare open your eyes to find the source of, because you didn’t want the source of the voice to vanish if your eyes opened before you felt them settle down next to you and wrap their arms around you as you- beyond belief, reached out to hold them back as they felt so real. You had done everything you could to avoid this spot in daylight for the last two years and you hadn’t gotten a chance to come here before you went to Thunder Herd. But it would figure that here, all along, was Bully’s spirit, just waiting for you to come back here because apparently, you two had some unfinished business.
“No it’s not.” You sobbed. 
“Yes it is. It’s been two whole years Bella. Even for you- it’s been long enough.” He reassured you as he kissed the crown of your head. 
“Bully, I wish you never left.” You cried as you buried your face into the crux of his neck and shoulder as he was somehow sitting on the ground, with you in his lap as you wrapped yourself around him. The same way you had done most of your life as the feel of his arms circled tightly around you was a sensation you had forgotten could feel so soothing and comforting. Here you had done all you could to soothe and comfort everyone else when it was you- you never really got soothed and comforted yourself. 
“Me too. You have no idea how frustrating it’s been watching everything go on from where I am and with me having no power to do anything about it.” He admitted as he held you and rocked you, the same way he had done your whole life. 
“I’m so sorry about your kids. Their mother’s…” You tried to excuse. 
“I know. I chose poorly. I went for the quick and easy fix of blue balls waiting for you and the quick and easy fix ended up costing me everything in the long run.” He admitted. 
“But, they are now at an age where they can start to see and really think for themselves. I have a feeling, that once you leave for Avlar, they’ll follow you home and try to claim you as their mother instead, because those bitches will be too busy leaching new blood from a new host to have new litters anyway.” He admitted. 
“Like the fleas they are.” You quipped as you and him both chuckled as it felt so divinely good to be held like this by him, even if it was one, last time. This was why you couldn’t find peace before leaving here. Because you had yet to say goodbye to the one person whose spirit remained here. 
“So have you been here this whole time?” You asked. 
“No, I’ve been with you this whole time. But when I saw Zorroku and his full brothers, I recognized their mother’s spirit in them. And knew who they were and why they were there and I knew it was time for you to finally get the freedom you’ve been owed your whole life.” He offered. 
“I feel like at any moment, I’m going to wake up and it will have all been a dream and you’ll be coming on the horizon with the freed slave girls you gave your life trying to rescue.” You admitted. 
“No, I’m sorry to always be disappointing, but where I have failed, obviously Zorroku has succeeded. And he will continue to succeed where I have failed.” He praised with a contented smile in the tone of his voice. 
“I wish you would have been given the chance to try to succeed yourself.” You offered before you simply opened your eyes and rubbed your cheek into the same shirt he had been wearing that night. 
“Me too. But hopefully, my own children will get to do so for me. I have a feeling you’ll still be that motherly aunt to them, if not the mother to them I always wished you could have been.” He offered hopefully. 
“A second mother if your bitches wouldn’t be so bitchy about it.” You offered which got him to bark a laugh. 
“Yeah, I agree. You’ve always been a far better mother to them than all of their birth mothers ever were combined. One of the many things I’ve always loved about you.” He admitted. 
“Have you shown yourself to them?” You asked. 
“I’ve shown myself to my children and given them the peace and closure and instruction they’ve needed and wanted. And I’ve just been waiting, just for this. Just for you, because it was the least I could do.” He offered. 
“The one time you wait, and you’re…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say the words. 
“I know. Ironic isn’t it? But the afterlife is just nothing but more waiting.” He smiled. 
“But what about Miles?” You asked. 
“Oh, he didn’t need to wait. He always had his affairs in order before he even had affairs to start with.” Bullard admitted. 
“True.” You had to admit. 
“I have missed you.” You admitted.
“I've missed you too. And while my children have always been a source of pride and joy, they would have been worth waiting for- if they had come from you- from the start. But sadly, we can’t go back and change anything about the past. Only do what we can in the present and do what we can in the future.” He admitted. 
“Speaking of the future, any advice you can give from the other side?” You asked. 
“Nope. You’ve already made your choice. And it’s the best one you could have ever made. You have another man, with the same heart condition I always wished I truly had, both in ideals and in practice. Your daughter is adorable and she may be small now, but man, is she mighty.” Bullard appraised. 
“So you’re not…” You began. 
“Nope. If anything, I’m proud and relieved. As is Medowne.” He admitted before a woman, in very clear Yellow River Clan clothing came and knelt next to you. 
“Medowne?” You asked as you looked at her. 
“Hi Bella. I’m here, I’ve been following you since Zorroku came and found you himself. Thank you very much for taking Orianna as your own. I hope you don’t mind, I’ve been steering her towards you since I died and met Bullard here. And he had nothing but the highest praise. I hope you don’t mind, but I was so desperate for Orianna to not join me, because I have enough of my little ones here as it is. But I helped steer Arob and him towards you.” 
“No, I don’t mind. She’s wonderful and I’m happy to have her. I’m just sorry that you’re not here to…” You began. 
“Don’t worry about that. Just focus on the here and now. That’s all I would ever want you to do. And Orianna is finally free, and happy and healthy now. It’s like she got a second rebirth the moment you came into her life. Where she was finally given a do over in every respect. And I’m so happy that she has you now. She’s been waiting all her life for you. And now that she has you. She won’t let go. And I’m happy and content with that. And I know Zorroku will do the same. And I’m happy that he will finally have everything he’s always needed and wanted. Which is a family, and peace in his house and love in his heart and faith in his spirit. All of which have been missing in his life before now too, which you have given him reason to have once again. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Now, I’ll leave you to say your last goodbyes, before he too can be fully free himself. As can I now.” She smiled as she came and kissed your cheeks and hugged you before she walked away, vanishing into the night before you finally looked over at Bullard, who looked like he hadn’t aged a day since you last saw him. 
“See? You were right to resist me. Because if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t be free to be with Ori and Zorroku.” He smiled. 
“I still feel like…” 
“Nope. You did the right thing. You did your best to talk some sense and reason into me. Even when I was senseless and unreasonable. And next time, I know I will listen and heed you. Next time, My Beautiful Belladonna. Next time around, I’m sure we’ll get it right next time. Because it’s you who I have missed the most, more than life itself.” He smiled before he reached up to cup your cheek as you leaned into his touch as you were reluctant to move, because you didn’t want this to end anytime soon before you reached out to hold his own face in your hands, tracing his features, committing his face to memory before finally kissing him the way he had tried to kiss you that night as the rest of the campsite he had pitched that night practically came to life as the kiss progressed and suddenly, you were in the hunting tent Bullard always used for hunting. You didn’t care if you were going to lose your virginity to Bullard’s ghost, you were going to enjoy every heartbeat of time you could get. He tasted the same, the felt the same where you could count and remember by heart every little detail about him. You found your sweet release as Bullard did the same before you simply held him over you because you didn’t want to let him go for anything. 
“That was definitely worth the wait.” Bullard smiled before he kissed you sweetly. 
“Can you show me the next time?” You asked before he kissed your forehead. And you got to see it, where you were part orc this time, but where Bullard had waited, and he waited and waited for you. And while he was no longer the Clan Chief’s son, he was still high ranking. And how the two of you started a clan all your own. And the house you built together was beautiful and colorful and how you were both the best cook and also one of the better artisans of the clan, working with pearls and seafood shells for jewelry and as decoration for other things. But how the clan you both would found would be just the kind of clan Bullard always wanted to have, with very high and fine honor. Where no being was ever mistreated. Where Miles and Lilly actually got to be together too and would actually sail out to sea on great big ships and even get to have cities in the mountains where you would do a majority of your business with. But your first born son would find a very beautiful wife too, who was fiery in spirit, yet heavenly in appearance and personality too and that their children would be a new kind of orc and that their grandchildren would be rulers in their own rights. But that both Bullard and yourself would be perfectly happy and content with each other and only each other and have so many kids, you needed a very long table to have them all sit around for dinner.
“Worth the wait?” Bullard asked once he pulled away.
“Worth the wait.” You agreed. 
“Goodbye Bella, I’ll see you on the other side.” He said before he kissed you one last time and when he pulled away, you opened your eyes to see that you were still kneeling in the spot you had been before as you looked around and while your tears had long since dried up. You felt Bullard’s presence leave one last embrace with you as you closed your eyes to see Bullard now kneeling in front of you and hugging you as you gave him one last hug goodbye.
“Goodbye Bullard. I love you.” You breathed out. 
“Goodbye Bella. I have always loved you too. And next time, I promise to prove it and show it to you by waiting.” Bullard promised before he and his touch finally departed.
You opened your eyes to see two huge seashells in each palm. A special tree starting to grow in each one as you smiled and tears came down your cheeks to see them before you looked down to see a third in front of you as you carefully cradled all three to your chest with one arm while your hand grabbed the lantern and walked back to your yurt as peace and ease came back to you, as you now, felt free to leave this place. Knowing that this place, and Bullard in particular, had given you- your own parting bridal gifts only to come back to see Zorroku asleep in a rocking chair with Ori on his chest before you put the shells down on your dresser and watered them before you got ready for bed and gently woke up Zorroku. 
“Hey, everything ok?” Zorroku asked. 
“Yeah, I was missing saying goodbye to Bullard, it was my unfinished business. I never got a chance to make my own peace with him when I left before. Now that I did, I feel much better. He even left me bridal gifts. And he couldn’t pass on before I got them from him.” You answered as you pointed to them. 
“Are those abalone shells?” He asked as he helped transfer Ori from his chest to yours. 
“I guess.” You shrugged. 
“I’ve only seen them on raids with clans who could get them from the other clans on the coasts. Huh.” He noted as he looked at them curiously.
“What’s growing in them?” He asked when he saw the saplings. 
“I don’t know. I have a feeling we’ll find out when I plant them back at home in Thunder Herd.” You shrugged. 
“Come on, let’s get into bed and get some sleep.” You urged him before he obediently followed you into bed and happily spooned you while you fell into a blissful sleep as dreams of the here and now treated you to a blissfully happy future with Zorroku and Orianna and your future family together. 
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Zorroku and Peaches Part 8
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And you may recognize this as the first part of the old part 4 which is now part 8.
Zorroku and Peaches
Part 8
But by the next morning, you were woken up by the sounds of Fang and Claw screaming as they circled above the village.
"What the hell?" You groused as you got up and opened your tent and glared at the sky before you groaned as you realized Shuzug was already here. You called Fang and Claw to you as you wrapped your arm in a blanket before they dove down to you and landed on your arm.
"Oof, good morning to you too," You greeted them sleepily before you heard Ori stir and put the pair on the stand with Razor and went and got your cloak on, even if it was a bit big, along with your shoes and your mother’s sling and put her sleeping and bundled form into it and put her under your cloak with you and invited the birds out and told them to find Shuzug before you followed them to the gate of the village where the guards had stopped Shuzug who was arguing with them to let him in as all three eagles came and landed on the mane of his horse.
"Hey! He's with me, let him in." You ordered them, still sleepy and a little irritated that your amazing dreams were interrupted. 
"You know him?" They asked you.
"Yes, that is Shuzug, youngest son of Clan Chief Khagra of the Black Wolf White Rock Clan, who is coincidentally also your Clan Chief's nephew. Clan Chieftess Yotul and Shuzug's mother Clan Chieftess Bula are sisters. And he's my friend. I'm sure the rest of the family is only a few hours away, let him through." You vetted before they let him through before his horse practically pranced through the gate as you could see a few something’s squirm in his large bag across his chest.
"Did you really ride all night to get here?" You asked him as he strode his horse over you before he got off.
"Yes. I couldn't wait. I left the moment the crows came back, the rest will be leaving right about now." Shuzug answered a bit bashfully before he noticed you were holding a baby under your cloak.
"So who's this?" He asked curiously as he peeked inside as he gave you a gentle hug so as not to squish her.
"Kinda sorta my daughter?" You giggled as you opened the cloak up more to show her to him.
"Aw, how did you manage that?" He asked curiously.
"Dude, how did you manage that?" You asked as you gestured to the bag before three wolf pup heads popped out, a white, a gray and a red wolf pup before it continued to squirm and two mountain lion cubs who were the same age poked their heads out too.
"Well hello there!" You cooed to them as you pet them as they sniffed you.
"It's a long story." He ducked his head as you noticed he also had some fresh wounds on his head and body that you knew Lilly must have just patched up.
"May the gods have mercy." You snickered. 
"Come on, my tent is this way." You nodded as you started walking back to your tent as he tied his horse next to the door and marveled at the tent and the little outdoor door mat in front of your tent’s door that you pulled the string to open the door for him. 
“Wipe your feet and close the door after you come in.” You reminded him. 
"Wow, this is really nice! You get this all to yourself? When the crows said 'big tent', I didn't think it would be this big." Shuzug praised as he got his things off of his horse and brought them in and he looked around after he put the pups and cubs down to explore your tent.
"Thanks and it is all mine. This little girl's father got it for me." You answered with a twinkle in your eye as you took your cloak off and hung it back up.
"Holy shit, what happened to your boobs?! Like when the crows said ‘big booms Bella’ I didn’t think they would be enormous! They’re bigger than your head!” Shuzug asked as he noticed the change in them before you smacked him upside the head.
"Really?" You deadpanned before you got back in bed just as Ori started to stir before you unceremoniously took out a breast and started nursing her.
"What the hell Bella?" Shuzug asked as he watched on in surprise.
"Dude, pull up a chair, do I have an epic tale for you." You began before you got comfortable and propped up by all the pillows on your bed and started telling him everything that happened from the moment you left his sight until that moment in time. All while the wolf pups and baby mountain lions explored your tent. Shuzug listened and watched you nurse Ori with awe as the pups and the cubs ate the already dead rabbit carcasses at the base of the eagle perch as Razor, Fang and Claw also ate rabbits too.
"So any idea of who you might want?" Shuzug asked you once you finished.
"Well, that's a tricky question to answer. Because clearly, I'm connected to Zorroku. And come to find out, he has no other wives right now. How does the first born, that handsome, his age not have like five by now?" You asked rhetorically.
"I mean yeah I see where you're coming from." Shuzug nodded.
"My only other viable option is the youngest Nar, not to be confused in any way, shape or form with Yar. He's 12, just now getting some whiskers and facial hair. He has no wives, no kids, and he's young enough that I might get him to myself for a little while at least and he's a lot like you and we get along pretty good. But I'm still getting little brother vibes, like I really gotta push myself to view him romantically." You shrugged.
"Well have you talked with any of them about what they want from you and what you want from them and see if you're compatible or can come to an agreement or an understanding?" Shuzug asked.
"Not yet, I've only been here for two days. And this will be my third day here. I'm hoping once everyone is together and once all your sisters and your mother especially get to meet all of them and get a feel for them, they'll give me some insights." You hoped.
"So are they really treating you well? Like really really?" Shuzug asked a little skeptically.
"Dude! I have more freedoms and rights here than I do at home. I am servant to no one. No one bosses me around and I basically get to do whatever I want which is actually cooking because I want to not because I'm expected to. Which is odd, but really nice. I'm cooking with joy instead of fear. And I'm finding myself wanting to make everything I make really good instead of feeling like I need to or else I'll face the consequences.” You firmly insisted. 
“Like if Yotul and Crowthu aren't calling me Peaches they're calling me daughter and they really mean it. Like they have completely adopted me and accepted me and it really is like one big happy family that I'm a full fledged member of. Like I'm on a first name or even nickname basis with everyone. The moment I came into the village, Crowthu introduced me as his new daughter. Before I even got to his tent and practically showed me off to the whole village who greeted me respectfully and just accepted me with open arms, and ease, and had no issues with me at all. And it's weird but really nice. They have all completely upheld their half of the oath. But it's not that they have to really try or work against themselves and their own nature to uphold it. It's like that oath and those conditions are just the way they are. And it was a given that they'd be good to me. Even the little kids call me Auntie Peaches and adore me just as much as I adore them. Which the 'Peaches' thing took a little to get used to but Zorroku made a really good point on how it's a fitting name ‘because I'm sweet when I want to be but I'll be a poisonous killer like the peach seed itself when I want to be too’. Because I've gotten to hunt and fish since I've been with them so that was actually a really nice compliment.” You explained with a bright smile.
"Wow, I mean, yeah that makes total sense and you kind of look like a Peaches too." Shuzug teased you and you playfully stuck your tongue out at him.
"So no creepy rape-y vibes then?" Shuzug asked.
"Well, there is still two of your cousins that give me the creeps, Silug and Winug. But as long as I stay away from them, I'm good. Otherwise, there's four that are trying really, really hard to woo me and it's...again, weird." Is all you could say with another giggle and a shrug.
"And which ones are those?" Shuzug asked.
"The twins, Grushnug and Murnag, Yalak and Nar. The twins, a middle and the baby. Zorroku is, in comparison, really reserved and discrete about his efforts. He is just trying to see if there is any natural chemistry or affection that grows on its own, rather than forcing it or pushing it. Which I find I like a lot better and surprisingly easy and rather effortless to grow closer to him outside of taking care of Ori but I still feel like we’re on the precipice of being good friends to potentially becoming more, but I’m still just really weary to let myself go for him for the aforementioned reasons." You specified.
"Is there any beyond Zorroku you like back?" Shuzug asked.
"Not really, no." You sighed with a subtle shake of your head as you looked down at Ori and her baby blue skin and when you looked back up Shuzug was just grinning ear to ear.
“So tell me more about Zorroku.” Shuzug asked. 
“Well it’s actually Zorroushku. His mother was none other than Sharnarrah the Magnificent of the Mountain Blizzard Clan.” You began. 
“Oh shit, your adopted aunt?” He asked as you nodded. 
“Yup. So he actually has three names, Zorroku is his name in the common tongue and Pregu, Zorroushku in Ragesh and he lets me call him Zushku for short, which is what the nickname for him would be if he was in that clan. Turns out Sharnarrah died giving birth to the twins, Grushnug and Murnag, or their Ragesh names are Grushnagah and Murnagah. And Yalak had been born like a day or two earlier. So Yotul, your mother’s sister, took the twins on and raised them and became Clan Chieftess because Sharnarrah had been Crowthu’s Clan Chieftess while she lived. So Zorroku, Glasha, which is short Glashnarah and Marnarrah, speak Ragesh the easiest. The twins not so much and Yotul never learned it. So any Ragesh the twins learned, they learned from Zorroku and his other siblings. Whereas Silug, Winug, Yalak and of course Nar know Yowl as well as they do Pregu- which is the Thunder Herd Clan native language. But Pregu is nothing like any other language I’ve ever heard, it’s like over a dozen of the common orc languages all got smashed together. And I can’t figure out how they got smashed together, only that they are. So I’m really only picking up one word out of every other sentence and I’m racking my brain trying to figure out the rest. It’s been really hard learning it because I haven’t gotten an alphabet yet.” You sighed in frustration. 
“But apparently the reason they came and got me, specifically, was because I was “family found” to them. And that ‘family found’, was in the sense that I am both a daughter of the Black Wolf White Rock Clan with your mother and her mother and you and your siblings. So to Yotul and her children by Crowthu, that’s how I’m family found to them. To Zorroku and his siblings, because my mother is the adopted daughter of Jaseeneh and adopted sister to Sharnarrah and I speak Ragesh, that’s how I’m the family found to them.” You explained. 
“Oh so it has nothing to do with…” Shuzug trailed off. 
“No, it has nothing to do with those blessings. I've talked about them- with Zorroku as he was telling me about Ori’s mother. And he calls them my “spite blessings”.” You rev\ealed with a laugh which got Shuzug to laugh with you. 
“Spite blessings, perfect.” Shuzug beamed happily. 
“So what happened with Ori’s mother?” Shuzug asked as he gestured to Ori still nursing but giving him a skeptical look as she did so. Which was actually super cute and adorable to Shuzug. 
“Ori’s mother was Medowne. I don’t know what clan she came from. But she was apparently very sickly. She had a very hard time conceiving. And had at least a few or maybe several miscarriages before she was pregnant with Ori. Ori was supposed to be born right about now. But she was born in the winter, in the mountains. Where the air is already super thin and hard on most. Ori was born so prematurely that she was covered in lagune. And Medowne died just as Ori barely got her head through. Ori had to be cut out of Medowne to keep from dying with her. So it was a super traumatic birth for everyone.” You revealed as Shuzug’s eyes got wide. 
“And at the time YakYak was the youngest baby in the family so Grat, Yalak’s wife started to nurse her. But Ori is allergic to onions and garlic which are coincidentally a huge part of the diet here and Grat’s favorite foods. So that’s why Ori is still so tiny and sick. Because she was not only born prematurely, she never got her first milk and has been nursing from a woman past the first milk stage and who has been eating practically nothing but all the foods she’s allergic to. So I immediately offered that if there was a way to nurse her, I would and refrain from onions and garlic and whatever other foods she’s allergic to for her sake. Because you know I don’t like onions unless they’re sweet onions. Which this clan only really seems to have the wild, really hot ones here. So Crowthu’s mother Arob gave me a special drink to get my breasts to grow to size to make enough milk satisfy Ori and to give her milk that wouldn’t hurt her but actually nourish her. Thus the big boobs, thus, I’m her mother.” You recounted. 
“Oh that’s sad for her but good for you.” Shuzug frowned as he looked Ori over again and really noticed just how tiny she really was. He had thought she was a halfling because of her small size. But she was way too small for a three month old. 
“Plus Ori- is short for Oriannaregina.” 
“Oh damn.” Shuzug’s eyes went wide. 
“And the reason she has that name is that’s the name Sharnarrah was calling out on her deathbed. And no one here knew who that was and apparently no one in the Mountain Blizzard Clan would tell them either. So Zorroku simply named her I’m guessing as a commemoration to his mother who died when he was only 6, so still an adolescent himself.” You speculated. 
“Yeah, so she’s literally named after my mom. But Sharnarrah never told anyone the truth about my mother. And neither did anyone from my grandma’s clan. And it wasn’t until Arob got a prophetic vision of me and it showed me on that mountain growing breadseed a few months ago. But all they saw was my back. My red hair and my red fox fur snowsuit with a peach in my pocket. Which is why they all yelled “Peaches!” when they saw the peach and why they call me Peaches. But in the vision that Arob got, I was in a Mountain Blizzard Clan hut. And come to find out- Crowthu’s sister, Cilanthe is the Clan Chieftess of the Mountain Blizzard Clan and they’re coming to meet me too. Which I hope at least one of my new outfits is done by today. Because I know Grandma Jaseeneh has always felt that your parents didn’t treat me or my family as well as she wanted them too. And with the past your parents have with the Mountain Blizzard Clan in general. I don’t know how things will go when they do meet. Because it’s going to very much be Crowthu, Cilanthe, Arob and Jaseeneh against your mom and your grandma. And poor Yotul will be stuck in the middle. And I hope it’s enough that my parents can finally get the freedom that your parents have denied them for twenty years.” You whispered to him after you gestured for him to come closer as he knelt next to the bed so you didn’t have to speak too loudly. 
“Me too. Is that why Yotul asked for your family to come too?” Shuzug asked as you nodded. 
“Well if this clan will treat your family the same way they’ve treated you so far, I hope they can finally be free. I mean, we will miss you. But heck, I just might consider moving here too.” Shuzug offered.
“Oh gods, I can’t imagine the shenanigans you and Nar would get into.” You playfully groaned and giggled as he laughed. 
"Well I'm happy for you, relieved mostly, but happy for you," Shuzug grinned.
"Thanks, well when everyone gets up I'd imagine at least five of them will want to be your new best friend. And honestly you and Nar would be like brothers, if not practically twins, but he’s blue and you’re green, but otherwise twins.  Like he may only be two years older than you but he's literally the same size as you and his personality is really similar. Did you get a chance to read my message about bringing the book of riddles?" You asked.
"Oh you mean this book?" Shuzug grinned as he reached into his other satchel and pulled it out.
"Yay!" You cheered.
"Peaches? You ok? Who's in there with you?" Glasha asked as she woke up and heard talking and didn't recognize the male voice coming from your tent.
"Yeah I'm ok, come over and meet your cousin," You invited. 
"Well kind of, she's not a blood cousin. She's the eldest daughter from Crowthu and Sharn so she’s of no blood relation to you, that I know of at least. Glasha is awesome. She's my best friend here." You murmured to Shuzug as Glasha came over.
"Be careful, don't let the pups or the cubs out." You urged as she carefully came in and noticed three wolf pups and two mountain lion cubs chewing on what was left of their individual rabbits as all three eagles stood regally on the perch.
"Good morning, sorry to wake you up." You offered as she came in and made sure the flap was closed so the pups and cubs wouldn't escape.
“It’s ok. I just heard his voice and didn’t recognize it and got worried.” She admitted. 
"Hi, I'm Shuzug, Yotul and my mom are sisters apparently." Shuzug introduced himself as he held out his hand for her to shake as she did.
"Hi, I'm Glasha," she smiled brightly as she shook it before she sat on the bed just as Ori got done lazily drinking her breakfast and finally woke up for the day and turned to fully stare at Shuzug as you put your breast back into your nightgown. 
"Well good morning Ori." Shuzug cooed to her as she gave him a look that clearly said 'I don't know you. Who are you? And why are you talking to me?' that cracked all of you up before she looked at you questioningly.
"This is...your uncle Shuzug." You cooed to her as Shuzug nodded in agreement to that before you sat her up so that she laid against your stomach with your thighs and breasts propped her up kept her sitting up as you made sure she was completely covered up so she wouldn't get cold as you still laid on your side, propped up yourself. Shuzug got down on his knees next to the bed to get closer to her again. 
"She's really small for being three months old, she’s smaller than most newborns. But she’s really cute. Almost like one of those super expensive porcelain dolls." Shuzug noticed as he reached out and gently let her reach out to take his hand before he got his face closer to hers and started playing with her and cooing to her and trying to make her laugh that she was not induced to do. She just stared at him with a speculative frown as she seemed to let go of him and wipe her hand on her blanket which made all of you laugh. 
"Well that's because her birth mother died giving birth to her and she didn't get her first milk and started nursing from my half brother's wife who already had a three month old of her own and the milk is different as babies grow." Glasha explained from her spot next to her niece on the bed as she sat by your feet as Ori looked from you to Shuzug and then to Glasha and then back to Shuzug. 
"And she's super sensitive to onions and garlic, and they eat those with every single meal here. And Grat, Yalak's wife- and the one who was nursing her, didn't want to give them up for Ori's sake. So Peaches told Mama Arob, who is a sorceress, that she would nurse her if she could. And that she was willing to give up eating those things for Ori's sake. And that's when Mama Arob made her that special drink." She explained.
“And that’s why I’m sort of her mom now.” You offered. 
"You're not kinda sorta her mom, you are her mom." Glasha affirmed and you found yourself grinning and nodding along with that.
"Yeah I guess I am, but she's so sensitive to them she's borderline allergic to them and would have been for life." You explained gravely.
"If you hadn't stepped in." Glasha realized. 
"Well thank you, very very much for stepping when you did. I know Zorroku especially is very thankful and grateful you did." Glasha thanked you graciously.
"You're welcome, I'm happy to help and she's a sweetheart, obviously." You gestured to her.
"Which before you came along all she did was fuss. Poor thing, now that she's drinking milk that's not making her sick and not hurting her, we finally get to see her for herself. She's never been so happy and content before." Glasha praised.
"Well Bella has always been great with kids, she's a natural mom and obviously a very good one." Shuzug praised, with a wink to you, which got you to smile appreciatively back. 
"I wonder if Mama Arob would have a special spell or something for Yar since she was able to do that to you." Shuzug wondered as he gestured to your bosom and you and Glasha both burst out laughing as he couldn't help but laugh a long too.
"You told them didn't you?" Shuzug laughed.
"I may have gotten a little drunk, tipsy at least and may have let a few family secrets loose and I swore them to secrecy." You playfully accused as you nudged Glasha's back with your foot.
"You did, I'm sorry," Glasha admitted.
"It's ok, I'm not mad, I was just hoping there was something out there because he's done nothing but mope and complain about how he's lost his chance of finding anyone to help him on his quest. Because 'you were the only one who understood him and sympathized with him and was his only friend and he'll never find that again'." Shuzug snickered, imitating his older brother.
"Oh gods." You groaned as you rubbed your eyes tiredly which got them to laugh more. 
"You mean I was the only one with enough patience to put up with him and his bullshit. I'm not going to ask Mama Arob for anything for him. It's ridiculous and not worth her time or energy. Like I don't even want him to know she's a sorceress just so that he'd leave her in peace. Not unless he learned to be more than his appearance and his muscles and be nice just for the sake of being a nice. And a good person and not because he's being a manipulative piece of shit. If he wants it so bad, he's grown, he can ask himself." You spat.
"Hey! Look at you speaking your mind so freely!" Shuzug congratulated you.
"This place must be good to you if you're being yourself so much." Shuzug smiled proudly.
"It is." You nodded with a grin as Glasha beamed so happily, she nearly became sunshine herself.
"Belladonna, are you ok?" Zorroku asked as he noticed a regular horse tied to a tent pole outside your tent and heard a male voice he didn't recognize and he instantly got worried. Especially when he had been unknowingly sharing such a wonderful dream with you only to be interrupted and then never coming back to it again. 
"Zushku, I’m fine. Come on in, just be careful not to let the pups or the cubs out. Come meet your cousin Shuzug, he rode all night to get here this morning." You invited him as Glasha raised her eyebrows and gave you a meaningful look which you could do nothing but smile happily back at her which made her sit up straighter and prouder to see that development. 
"Pups or Cubs?" Zorroku repeated in confusion before he came in and saw wolf pups and mountain lion cubs on the ground and stared in shock and a little bit of horror that they were so close to you and his daughter.
"It's ok. They're babies, they mean no harm. Close the tent flap please." You reassured him as he closed it and carefully came forward as Shuzug got up and turned to face him.
"Hi, I'm Shuzug, I came early ahead of the rest of my family." Shuzug offered as he shook Zorroku's hand.
"Oh, hi. Welcome." Zorroku greeted politely back before he sat down in the chair and noticed all three eagles before the wolf pups came over and sniffed his legs before he felt inclined to bend over and pet them as the mountain lion cubs climbed up the bedding that was spilling off your bed as he could have sworn he had seen these pups in his dreams. Especially this red one in his hands. 
"Well hello there, aren't you such pretty kitties!" You cooed to the mountain lion kittens. You kept them close to you and your face rather than going near Ori. You pet them like they were normal kittens and started purring to them and nuzzling them as they curled up with you happily as Zorroku picked up another wolf pup and held it and started petting it, marveling at how soft the fur was and how adorable the pup was. Before one of the others went over to Glasha as she picked it up as Shuzug still was cooing to Ori who still wasn’t sure about him as she looked questioningly from her father to him. 
You all continued to talk as Zorroku and Glasha got to know Shuzug more before there was another tap on the tent pole. 
"Peaches?" Nar asked curiously as he eyed the normal sized horse curiously.
"Come on in, it's a party in here." You laughed before he came in and saw everything.
"Meet your cousin Shuzug, Shuzug, meet your cousin Nar, again." You introduced as he came over and sat down next to Shuzug on the floor before you handed him and Shuzug the mountain lion cubs.
"Oh my gods they’re so cute! And so soft!" Nar gushed as he held it to his chest and neck as he nuzzled it and pet it. 
Shuzug told the story of how he stole these baby animals from their dens and you just shook your head at how positively foolhardy it all had been as Zorroku watched your reaction to Shuzug's story closely, greatly amused by your reactions.
"Ok so my question is why did you do this? What could have possibly possessed you to do this?" You asked him when he was done.
"Well I wanted to surprise you with gifts." Shuzug tried to smile charmingly as you just narrowed your eyes at him and gave him an unimpressed look. 
"No gift to me or anyone else is worth your life Shuzug. You, very easily, could have died. You didn't take my advice and actually run any of this by anyone did you?" You leveled and he ducked his head a little out of embarrassment as his cheeks darkened. 
“Did you?” You pressed again before he guiltily shook his head ‘no’. 
"No." Shuzug admitted and you clasped your hands together like you're praying as you squeezed your eyes shut as your face showed a very wide range of emotion.
"Are you actually praying?" Shuzug asked in a chuckle.
"Yes, for the gods to give me strength to not strangle you right now because of how short sighted you're being." You said through gritted teeth as Zorroku, Nar and Glasha snickered a laugh. You opened your eyes and fixed Shuzug with a look. 
"Shuzug, there are no cows here. Not even goats or sheep or even pigs, there is nothing to milk here, where would I get the milk to nurse them? They may be eating some meat now but they're still young enough they need milk still. And I sure as hell am not going to be nursing them. All my milk belongs to Ori and I am not going to be having her share it with anyone or anything. You're going to have to take them home with you and do what you can with them. Because you are trying to give me a gift I can not sustain." You pointed out as Zorroku blew out a breath of relief as he had worried about that.
"Oh," Shuzug realized. 
"Well my family should be bringing those with them." Shuzug said hopefully.
"Yeah and they're still, by my estimate, seven hours away. These babies should be needing milk right now. It's not like I can take a wheel of cheese and miraculously turn it back into milk." You argued.
"Well we could try to milk the horses." Nar offered as Shuzug lit up at that.
"Yeah!" Shuzug agreed.
"Ok fine, go try, just try not to get kicked to death. And mares have two teets. If it only has one, it's a stud and do not feed whatever comes from "milking" that to anyone." You teased as everyone laughed at that before Shuzug and Nar got up and left the baby animals with you.
“Great, now I'm a mother of six. I’m going to need at least a litter box.” You sighed tiredly before finally sat up against the headboard for the bed and put Ori against your bent legs as you played with her a little. 
"Your uncle is driving me so crazy, yes he is! Because he doesn't think things through. No he doesn't! He is so sense stupid, yes he is!" You cooed to Ori who cooed as you tickled her and laughed back at you. 
Zorroku and Glasha chuckled too as you felt around Ori's tummy to see if she still had any issues and was surprised when she didn't have any at all. But you'd still be feeding her more medicine today just in case just like you had done the day before and the day before that. 
"She looks so much better now that she's with you. Her cheeks and limbs are getting chubby now." Zorroku praised as he watched you softly as his heart swelled with so much pride and love and affection. His dreams and visions of you washing over his mind again as his instincts were to climb into bed with you and hold you and Ori.
"Well it pisses me off that once Grat found out Ori's sensitive to onions and garlic that she wouldn't give them up for Ori's sake. Like she flatly refused." Glasha admitted.
"Oh me too," you agreed as you played with Ori.
“Me three and Ori me four.” Zorroku readily agreed as Glasha was happy that you and he had at least talked about it since he seemed to already know about it. 
"Ori probably would have died because she was not wanting to eat at all because she couldn't stand the milk." Zorroku realized as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and ran his hands over his face before looking and catching your small nod of confirmation and he just felt like going on a rampage he was so angry. His sister in law had been so selfish and so opposed to being inconvenienced she would have killed his daughter.
"Hey, Zushku," you softly pulled him from his dark thoughts so that he looked at you instead of at the ground. 
"It's ok, the good news is, Ori's ok. Ori's fine. See? Sure she's small now, but she's doing better today than she was yesterday and leaps and bounds better than she was the day before that. Three days ago was the worst she'll hopefully ever be. And as long as I draw breath, I'll take care of her. I know you're angry at Grat, I am too. But I'm not going to dwell on the past or torture myself with thoughts of what would have happened to her if I hadn't intervened. Thank the gods I was able to come and help when I could. Your grandmother said that the gods and that the fates themselves wanted me here. And I believe her and it's because I believe I was brought here for Ori's sake and I'm perfectly happy and content with that.” You softly but calmly insisted. 
“Ori is obviously a wonderful baby. She's happy and she's getting healthier and healthier and better and better every day and with every meal she nurses from me. And I’m sure, once we get all of Grat’s milk out of her, she’ll be even better. Which should be by the end of today at the latest. I'm happy and grateful and thankful for the gods guiding your grandmother and your family to me. And I’m happy and relieved I came. Because I probably never would have forgiven myself if such a precious little one died just because I let my fears overwhelm me and cloud my judgement. And the gods have blessed me greatly with everything around me because I took a leap of faith and they and you and your whole family caught me. The very same gods whose sacred sculptures are on that table next to you. So don't think about Grat. Life has a way of giving selfish people what they deserve. I mean you'll be meeting the epitome of that in Yar later tonight. So let it go, it'll do you no good making a fuss about it now. Ori is happier and healthier right now and hopefully she’ll never stop from making progress.” You encouraged him. 
“Thanks to you.” Zorroku smiled appreciatively. 
“Thanks to us. Ori needs two parents doesn’t she? You’re still her father, nothing has changed that and hopefully nothing will ever change that either.” You insisted as Glasha nearly screamed in excitement that you practically proposed to her brother.  
“You’re right. It could be worse. We could be something similar to Iron Mammoth.” Zorroku answered as he was hoping he wasn’t reading too much into your statement because he was ready to propose. But he didn’t want to get his hopes too high because the way you were in his dream was one thing, who you were in real life seemed to be similar but still different. 
“Mammoth who?” Glasha repeated. 
“Iron Mammoth is one of probably too many clans that, according to my Aunt Fusha, that if any wife gives a son of the warchief or heaven forbid the Clan Chief - daughters, the daughters are immediately given to the other families in the clan. Usually the lowliest families of the clan and the mothers never even get the chance to give those daughters their first milk or get to hold them at all. And if they put up a fight and actually want to hold, let alone keep their daughters who they spent ten months carrying, they're instantly demoted and replaced within seconds. To the point their fathers fuck their new replacements in the very same room right next to the birthing bed, as their former wives are still birthing the afterbirth. Or if their husbands don't want to demote their wives for wanting to keep the baby, the fathers then smash their daughter's head in so that there is no daughter and it's announced that it was a son that was still born to "save" the family honor because daughters are seen as a dishonor. That is truly horrific." You informed them as Glasha and Zorroku looked so horrified they could throw up.
"What clans do that?" Glasha asked.
"The Infamous Hand Clan, The Beserker Clan, and the Iron Mammoth Clan, that I know of at least. And those three clans are actually run by a set of triplets and the Infamous Hand Clan was the original clan and the Clan Chief's other triplets formed their own clans. Especially when orcs who get thrown out of good and honorable clans can find shelter and a place there among those ranks.” You specified. 
“They’re the biggest three clans of the infamous twelve that we have nothing to do with. Where most of those who escape their clutches come to us.” Zorroku supplied. 
“Oooh.” Glasha realized. 
“To my knowledge, as of a year and a half ago, the top three, the ones I mentioned, none of them have Clan Chieftesses. All their kids are sons from slaves who are kept on literal chains. It's horrific. Even my Clan Chief Khagra will have nothing to do with them.” You revealed. 
“Why?” Glasha asked curiously. 
“Because the Nightmare Mammoth Clan’s Chief invited him and his eldest two sons there for an alliance a year and a half ago. Once Khagra and his eldest sons, Myles and Bullard saw the conditions there, they immediately backed out. And that's what started the last war that our clan barely survived. Khagra's eldest two sons died trying free those poor slave girls and save the baby girls. Because they had been invited to a birth and that's what happened because the slave could not be demoted any further and so when she weakly pleaded for mercy, the warchief killed her by smashing her own head in after he smashed his daughter's head." You revealed sadly.
"Oh I'm going to be sick." Glasha groaned as she held her stomach as Zorroku wiped his tears away discreetly. 
"Yeah, so I'm just eternally grateful you guys are nothing like that. I mean it's a pretty good sign if the Clan Chief himself is playing with his own granddaughters and treats even the bedroom servants of his sons with care and respect and dignity. Even when those same sons won’t marry them. And their children are recognized as his own grandkids. And obviously if Ori has over a hundred silk diapers, about a dozen fursuits and even jewelry. That’s a pretty good sign too that girls are blessings and sons are gifts. Which is how all children should be viewed, in my opinion at least. And if the children are wanted by their parents that is." You allowed as you kissed Ori's cheeks before pretending to eat her little neck as she squealed in delight and giggled.
"Is that what you thought we were like though? Before you came?" Glasha asked carefully.
"Honestly I didn't know. I just knew that Khagra didn’t want the past repeating itself like it had with Iron Mammoth. And granted I'm one of those 'hope for the best but prepare for the worst' kinds of people. And three days ago, all I knew, all anyone in the Black Wolf White Rock Clan knew of the Thunder Herd Clan was that you were especially fierce in battle and that you rode draft horses. That's all. No one knows your customs, your eating habits, your traditions, nothing. Not even my uncle Justineh and his wife Fusha or any of their kids ever told me or my family about any of you either. I don’t know who and why that was, but I’m sure we’ll figure that out when they come. Because I have every intention of asking.” You informed them. 
“Who knows, because they didn’t tell us too much about Black Wolf White Rock or you and your family either.” Zorroku shrugged.  
“Well, Khagra has an old book that he’s made and that his father started. It lists all the original orc clans from before the convergence. And he updates it every time there's a new alliance or we hear news of new clans forming or old clans getting decimated. But all that is in the book on you guys- is a list of your conquests. And then where all the other clans estimate your lands to be. But that's it. There's not even a list of warchief family lines in it. So I had no clue what I was walking into.” You revealed. 
“And come to find out, you're literally the best clan I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and actually extended family to me too. So hey, it's worked out great." You smiled brightly which got them to nod and smile in return as Glasha and her brother regained their composure. 
 You continued to love on Ori and got her to continue to coo and babble at you as she reached out and grabbed your face and tried to 'kiss' you back which was a very open mouthed slobbering kiss to your cheek. You laughed so hard as the feeling of her little tongue licking the apple of your cheek. Glasha and Zorroku watched on, their hearts warmed and their spirits lifted again as they took comfort in knowing how good they really had it and how downright lucky they were to have you.
Zorroku was making plans in his head, you were deserving of at least four horses for adopting his daughter as your own. He wanted to give you everything he owned, you deserved even more than what he could ever give you. You deserved to be completely and unreservedly and unconditionally loved and adored, And if you chose him, as his one and only wife, you would be- especially as his Warchieftess. You absolutely would be loved and adored by the whole clan before he realized what he should be giving you but it wasn't his to give, yet.
Then there was another knock on the door. 
“Yes?” You answered as you pulled up the blanket to cover more of yourself. 
“Hi, it’s just me, I have the first part of your wardrobe done.” Lazgar’s assistant, her own daughter Lazuli, greeted as she was carrying the trunk of Medowne’s clothes that had been quickly and easily taken in to suit your smaller size. 
“Oh my goodness. You guys work fast!” You marveled as she put it down and opened it and took out some of the better pieces and showed them to you. 
“Well these clothes were donated, and all they needed to be was taken in.” She answered as she looked to Zorroku who nodded his agreement to that that you still caught, especially from the scheming grin Glasha was wearing. 
“I’ll leave so you can get dressed.” Zorroku immediately excused himself. 
“Zushku.” You called after him as he stopped and turned around as gave him a meaningful look. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him. 
“For what?” He asked. 
“Everything.” You answered as he nodded and smiled and left, his head higher and his chest puffed out just a little more than usual which made your smile bigger and more fond. 
“Are these Medowne’s old clothes?” You asked Glasha and Lazuli who looked at each other. 
“It’s ok if they are, I’m not upset if they are. I just don’t want any of her family who may be here to think I’m fully replacing her and trying to erase all memory of her.” You offered. 
“No, no one would ever think that.” Glasha insisted. 
“And Medowne was the only one from her clan who came here. Her clothes from her old clan were buried with her. These were just the clothes that she got to feel more Thunder Herd in style.” Lazuli reassured you. 
“What clan was she from?” You asked. 
“Yellow River.” Glasha answered. 
“Ooh, I see. So when Yotul came into the Thunder Herd Clan, Medowne came too?” You asked. 
“Not at the same exact time, but several years later.” Glasha specified. 
“Did Yotul and Medowne get along?” You asked. 
“Not really.” Glasha answered. 
“Because Yotul is actually Great Typhoon Breaker and Medowne was a true Yellow River clan member?” You guessed as the two of them nodded. 
“But we didn’t know exactly where Yotul came from before you said something the other night. So Medowne made sure to distinct herself from Yotul, as a true Yellow  River Clanswomen vs. one that just got sold to them and then traded with another.” Glasha specified. 
“Ok. So I’m seeing lots of Mountain Blizzard touches here.” You began as you gestured to the details on the outfits. 
“Well that’s to show that you are of both Thunder Herd and Mountain Blizzard.” Lazuli offered. 
“Well I love it. I’m grateful Zorroku did that, so that I could have something else to wear that could be altered to fit me easily and quickly. Especially when we’re expecting the Black Wolf White Rock Clan tonight.” You realized. 
“And Mountain Blizzard should be here this afternoon.” Glasha supplied. 
“So soon?” You asked in shock. 
“Yeah, so we should probably go to the bathing tent after breakfast and get ready. And you should have plenty of jewelry to choose from in this dresser here, where the sacred sculptures are.” Glasha said as she pointed to the dresser in particular. 
“Actually it’s empty.” You revealed. 
“What? How can it be empty? Where did those boys place your new jewelry?” Glasha demanded. 
“They probably didn’t take it out of its chest from the horde.” Lazuli offered. 
“Stupid boys.” Glasha growled irritatedly as she got up and went looking for it before you got your undergarments and got dressed into those before you found an outfit that really appealed to you and put that on. 
“How do I look?” You asked them. 
“You look great.” They both smiled happily. 
“And you’ll look better when Ori wears this.” Lazuli offered as she held up the matching outfit for Ori. 
“Aww, she will.” You beamed happily before you changed Ori’s diaper to find that it no longer smelled like sulfur. 
“Oh good, the sulfur is out of her system.” You sighed in relief when her waste, which looked like cottage cheese, actually smelled faintly of sweet milk and peaches before you got her redressed in the matching outfit just as Glasha found your trunk of jewelry, all haphazardly thrown into the trunk. 
“Those boys just grabbed whatever and threw it in here. My mother would not have approved. My half brothers did this.” Glasha growled as she tried to untangle it all. 
“Well and that’s where Zorroku exceeded. Because here’s all of the jewelry in the chest that was with the clothes.” Lazuli said as she showed you the special little jewelry box with separate chains vs. individual pendants. 
“Aww, that’s so thoughtful.” You realized as you took something small and simple that matched your outfit and put it on along with a special bejeweled belt and put that on and had to put it on it’s smaller cinch to fit around you. 
“Girls, breakfast.” Yotul reminded you as she passed your tent on her way to the kitchen tent to oversee that they would have enough food for the day. 
“Glasha, leave it, I’ll deal with it later.” You urged her before the three of you left as you gave Lazuli an extra tip for getting the clothes to you so quickly before Glasha at least put the pieces she had untangled back before she closed it back up.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Zorroku and Peaches Part 11
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Sorry about the delay. But here's Part 11.
Zorroku and Peaches 
Part 11
“So? How did things with Cattle Baron Gronk go?” You asked Zorroku, Nar, Shuzug and Kakazi once you reappeared outside of your home as you all made your way to where the receiving tents were erected just inside the gate. You took Ori back who was keen on being held by you and growling at anyone other than Zorroku who tried walking too close to you. It cracked you and Zorroku up to see her so possessive.
Shuzug and Nar practically talked over each other, trying to tell you every little thing as Kakazi just laughed at how overeager they were to tell you everything. Nar was particularly proud to give you a copy of all the herds and their genetics that they had gotten as you gave it a thorough glance. You appreciated the fact that there were several lines of genetics that they had gotten which was what you wanted. You appreciated that it was in Shuzug’s handwriting, showing that he had recorded it all. Then you folded it and put it away as you continued to listen to Nar and Shuzug. 
“How’d it really go?” You muttered to Kakazi and Zorroku on the other side of you as Nar and Shuzug suddenly started arguing about exactly how much each cow was. 
“Silug and Winug thought paying for them was retarded, Yalak wanted to get the very best stock Gonk had and Grushnug and Murnug’s patience wore thin.” Kakazi answered. 
“And you?” You asked Zorroku. 
“I just tried to make sure Shuzug and Nar didn’t get gored by the bulls.” He answered. 
“So who negotiated?” You asked. 
“It was a joint effort.” Zorroku answered.
“By?” You prodded. 
“Shuzug insisted that we get at least a few from several lines so for future breeding purposes, the genetics would be varied which made the most sense, so we went with that.” Zorroku answered before you grinned and looked from him to Kakazi. 
“He negotiated didn’t he?” You asked him as you nodded to Zorroku. 
“Yup he and Shuzug did the majority of it. Silug and Winug didn’t even bother because they thought the prices for each cow was stupid. Yalak and Nar of course would have sold off the treasury trying to get a few of the really good ones and the twins just wanted to get a pen of cows and call it done.” Kakazi answered. 
“Well thank you very much for being patient and listening to the one person who already knew what I liked and wanted while not letting him indulge in any death wishes today.” You thanked Zorroku appreciatively. 
“Hey!” Shuzug complained. 
“If Zorroku hadn’t been there holding you back, how badly would you have gotten gored to death?” You asked. 
“I wouldn’t have gotten gored at all!” Shuzug contested as you raised a brow and fixed him with a look then looked from him to Nar. 
“Maybe just a little.” Nar admitted that got Shuzug to frown. 
“Thought so.” You nodded and grinned before you got to the reception tent. 
“Viszla Belladonna!” Everyone from Mountain Blizzard greeted you happily as you got to meet and get hugs from everyone as you handed Ori back to Zorroku so you could hug everyone fully as everyone got introduced to you and you got introduced to everyone else as you did your best to keep track of who was married or related to who. 
“How did you like your things so far?” Rhotan asked hopefully. 
“I loved them, every single little thing is beyond perfect. I’m so grateful to you for keeping track of it all for me all these years.” You thanked her graciously and gratefully.  
“It’s no trouble at all. I’m just so happy and relieved you get to enjoy it. Mama said that you were a bit overwhelmed so we have the second half still in the carts that can be unloaded whenever you’re ready.” She answered. 
“Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I don’t mean to be ungrateful for any of it, it’s just a lot to take in all at once.” You apologized. 
“Oh, like I said, it's no trouble at all. You’ve lived a simple life with humble means. We knew once you finally got reunited with your inheritance that you would most likely feel overwhelmed by it all. But the fact that you want to go slow so you can give yourself a chance to get acclimated to every little thing so you can appreciate it all - is really wonderful actually. It makes it all worth it for me.” Rhotan reassured you sweetly. 
“Thank you so much for understanding. You have no idea how much that means to me.” You thanked her and hugged her again. 
“Of course Honey. And if you can give us about a week, we can get all of your tops altered to fit your new size. Which won’t be much trouble at all. In fact a lot of your much nicer outfits are still unstitched just so that they can be fitted to you before they were fully finished, and those are with your second half of the inheritance. Your other clothes in the first half, the general half- I tried to get a general size that should have been able to adjust to fit you how you’ve needed it to.” Rhotan specified. 
“And it’s been perfect, thank you so much.” You thanked her again before your uncle Dastaneh came over to squeeze a hug in and steal you away from his sister Rhotan. 
“Gosh you look like your mother, and you have a twin? It’ll be like there’s three of her here. May the gods help us all.” Dastaneh happily teased as he hugged you next.
“Oh just wait till you see all of us together, it’s going to be a sea of red and soon you won’t be able to tell any of us apart.” You laughed.  
“True, now’s the time to really notice what you’re wearing so we can tell you apart from everyone else.” He chuckled before you got to meet Cilanthe too who welcomed you with equal warmth that her husband did. 
“Wow you grew up from the last time I saw you.” Drashaneh noted. 
“I think you were only this tall.” Drashaneh said as he put his hand closer to the ground, gesturing that you must have been very little, barely a little kid.  
“It’s ok, you’ve had an entire clan to run and you’ve been needed at home. So of course it would be hard for you to come out all the way to White Rock to see me and everyone else. I promise I won’t hold it against you.” You reassured him. 
“So I’m still trying to piece together how you never managed to get away from White Rock up until now.” Cilanthe asked curiously. 
“Just busy with day to day life. White Rock was just always home for me until the gods needed me here for Ori’s sake.” You readily excused as you readily got Ori back from Zorroku. Since Ori was trying to lean out of Zorroku's hold so she could be held by you again. Then you put her back into your mother’s sling across your chest before she settled down again. But only before Kakazi tried to inch closer before Ori turned her head and growled and grunted and kicked at him again. Which got everyone to laugh. 
“She’s a jealous one isn’t she?” Drashaneh noted. 
“Yes she is. See, watch. She’s happy with her dad.” You noted as you stole into Zorroku’s side which got Ori to coo and babble happily before you left him and tried to do the same thing with Kakazi and Ori did it again. She did that growling grunt and her face scrunched up angrily as she tried to reach out and hit him or push him away and off of you and kick at him too. 
“Ok, now let’s try Shuzug.” You suggested before Ori simply frowned up at him, she didn’t grunt or growl but she instead did her best to ignore him altogether before she had the same reaction to Nar too. But with Kann and Yalak, she had the same reaction she did to Kakazi. But she was ok with other women. 
“She’s just really selective about who she likes and doesn’t like.” You shrugged, even though you were secretly pleased with Ori’s reactions to the other guys and happy to use her as an excuse to not be close to them.  
“Well maybe she just instinctively knows who her parents are.” Cilanthe grinned. 
“Probably.” You smiled before you went back over by Zorroku, both to keep Ori happy and to keep yourself happy too. Then you sat down in the chair next to Jaseeneh between her and Zorroku as you talked with others and caught up with everyone. Like it was a family reunion that you got to come to for the first time. Jaseeneh and Zorroku both helped you keep track of who was who and remember everyone’s name as the cubs and the wolf pups walked around, getting picked up and petted by everyone. Cilanthe marveled at the wolf pups the most since they reminded her of the dire wolves they used alongside the mammoths. But these wolf pups were for common wolves, not the massive dire wolves they knew so for her, it was like holding newborn pups. 
Then the eagles signaled that the family was close as you found your feet to go to the door of the tent to see if you could see them with Shuzug and Yotul before you caught sight of them. 
“Bulabulabula!” Yotul uncharacteristically called out in a loud call when she caught sight of Bula on horseback when she and the others crested the hill. 
“Yolo-Yolo!” Bula called back before she kicked her horse into a dead run to get there as fast as she could, crossing the distance in only a few minutes as Yotul left the tent to run out to meet her.
Bula had to have her horse sit down practically stop in time for her to practically jump off the horse as they tackled each other and hugged each other as tight as they could as they were all instantly crying yet laughing at being reunited. You walked out with Silug and his full brothers and sisters to meet Khagra and his family. Then Yotul introduced her sons and daughters to her sister as Khagra and his sons and daughters and daughters in law dismounted and met everyone while you happily greeted everyone in your family, happy to be reunited with them. 
“So who’s this?” Your family asked as they looked at Ori who seemed happy to see them and had no problems at all with your brothers or your father as even your younger sisters were happy to smile and coo to Ori who happily cooed and squealed in delight back.  
“This is my daughter. She was failing to thrive because she has food allergies. Her mother died in childbirth. And the woman who had been nursing her, her favorite foods were the ones Ori was allergic to. So she is actually three months old but she’s still only the size of a newborn. So, Crowthu’s mother knows some magic and was able to bless me so I could nurse her and care for her the way she needed to be cared for.” You explained. 
“Aww, that’s so sad for her, but sweet of you to do.” Your family praised. 
“What’s her name?” Your mother asked.
“Well that’s a long story that I’ll tell you guys later, but I call her Ori for short.” You carefully answered. 
“Ok, hi Ori, aren’t you a dollbaby!” Your mother cooed to Ori who happily cooed and jabbered back before she reached for your mother. Then you took Ori out of her sling and gave her to your mother to hold, which Ori was very happy to be in her name’s sake’s arms as your mother happily held her first grandbaby, even if she was adopted. 
“There you are Bella. Oh bless you child for being so brave and coming here and finding Yotul.” Bula thanked you as she gathered you up into her arms. 
“You’re welcome. When I saw her and seeing the family resemblance, it was hard to miss. Especially when her sons spoke Yowl when it’s mixed with their Pregu. Only Typhoon Breaker, as far as I know, speaks Yowl.” You explained. 
“Well the fact that you found her and returned her to me, I can’t thank you enough.” Bula thanked you. 
“We should make her a Bronsha.” Shuzug suggested to his parents, remembering Bullard’s previous promise to you.  
“Oh absolutely.” Khagra and Bula readily agreed. 
“Only if each member of my family can be Bronsha’s with me.” You proposed. 
“Of course! Of course! For bringing my family back to me. Of course.” Bula readily agreed. 
“But what about all the salt?” Burquen asked in a low murmur to her mother in law.  
“What about it? None of that has mattered for the last decade. Besides, that was settled years ago. They can keep the salt as their own inheritance for all I care.” Bula rebutted Burquen. 
“But it’s eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds of salt!” Burquen and her sister wives exclaimed through thier gritted teeth. 
“If all you care about is salt, then you can trade your own belongings for it. All of that salt was never a real prospect anyway. My family is returned to me this day. How can you only care about some goddamn salt for a day like this?” Bula rebuffed her. 
“Which son is this one married to?” Yotul asked Bula with a frown. 
“She was married to my eldest son Bullard. But he died a couple of years ago when we had a war against Iron Mammoth.” Bula answered.
“Well I know of quite a few young men in Mountain Blizzard who would happily give you all the salt you want in exchange for your hand in marriage.” Yotul offered to Burquen. 
“You guys are in alliance with Mountain Blizzard?” Bula asked in surprise. 
“My husband, Crowthu- the father of all my children, his sister is married to the Clan Chief of Mountain Blizzard so we’re sister clans.” Yotul explained. 
“Oh, did they really lose the salt vien?” Bula asked. 
“They found another one. That’s how Thunder Herd got the salt for me to begin with.” You piped up as Yotul nodded in agreement with that explanation as Silug and his brothers and sisters gave each other a meaningful look when their mother didn’t contradict you. 
“Oh good.” Bula smiled in relief. 
“Actually it’s such a fortuitous thing that you’ve made them all Bronshas, I take it that’s Black Wolf White Rock’s version of Bellan?” Yotul asked. 
“Yes.” Bula nodded in confirmation. 
“Well most of Mountain Blizzard came just to meet Bella too and now that you’ve made them all Bronshas, they can all return to Mountain Blizzard now.” Yotul insisted before Bula and Khagra seemed to pause and hesitate. 
“Especially since Jaseeneh is here. As is the Clan Chief, Drashaneh and his wife, Cilanthe and their family and all of my mother’s adopted siblings and their families, they’re really happy to be reunited too.” You added. 
“Oh, she’s here?” Bula asked as you could see the worry etched on her features before you stepped closer to Bula and Khagra. 
“Sharn the Magnificent was Clan Chief Crowthu's first and very beloved wife and Clan Chieftess before Yotul was. And Sharn’s own sons and daughters are there in that receiving tent waiting to meet you. As far as I know, they will only know you as Yotul’s family ok? Don’t worry, my mother and I will still protect you, should things get uncomfortable. Especially now that we’re truly and completely free right?” You murmured in Kitch for them as they blew out a breath of relief and nodded in agreement and understanding. 
“Because if you bring up the salt to them, they will slaughter us all where we stand.” Bula threatened her family, in particular to her daughters in law in Kitch who seemed to accept that and nod in agreement. 
“Regina, as far as I’m concerned, you and every single member of your family have been free to leave ever since Sharnarrah was lost. All your years of service have been more than worth any weight in salt.” Bula insisted to your mother. 
“I know, thank you.” Your mother graciously smiled. 
“Come meet the rest of Yotul’s family.” You invited everyone who came into the tent as Crowthu greeted with grace and kindness as your mother was happy to see all of her adopted siblings and their families and her mother. 
“Mama!” Your mother greeted Jaseeneh as she had handed Ori back to you to hold so she could embrace her mother completely as you couldn’t help but cry tears of happiness to see your mother and your grandmother reunited after 20 years of being apart. 
“Please, let me introduce Sharnarrah’s children, this is her oldest son Zorroushku, then this is Glashnarrah, this is Marnaustah, then the twins, Grushnagah and Murnagah.” You introduced as your mother’s tears came back anew as she eagerly accepted and hugged them tightly, realizing the significance of their names. 
“Gosh how you two have grown in twelve years.” Your mother praised the twins with a bittersweet smile. 
“You look really familiar.” Crowthu noted when he met your mother. 
“We only saw each other from a distance in Avlar. You were preparing for my sister Sharn’s funeral. You came in to see me holding your twin boys and you thought I was one of the nursery maids and I didn't have the heart to correct you. The funeral was beautiful and Sharnarrah was so lucky to have you as her mate.” Your mother supplied.
“Wait, you’re Sharnarrah’s sister? The one who was captured and held as a prisoner?” He asked. 
“What? No. Never. I was never taken captive. And I was never held as a prisoner. I married my husband who was Clan Chief Khagra’s Master of Spirits and I have been Khagra’s Master Harvester for the last 20 years. I’ve been directing where the clan plants what crops to rotate them so that the ground never becomes depleted. And I’ve earned more than my fair share of wages for such work. Besides, I have a natural green thumb, I’ve always loved playing in the dirt.” Your mother readily excused. 
“But Sharn said you were a field slave.” Crowthu contested. 
“Oh, no. I was never a field slave. She never did like Micha. She never liked anyone I ever courted. Because to her, no man was ever good enough for me. She was always my big sister, looking out for me. That was clearly and obviously a huge over exaggeration. I mean for her to have such a high and prestigious honor of being a Clan Chieftess was amazing. But I was perfectly happy with my life where I was and who I was with. I was free to go whenever I wanted to. I just never did. I was happy and content to live a simple life with my family, without ever having to worry about a clan and it’s politics getting in the way of my marriage and my relationships with my children, as I’m sure you could appreciate that.” Your mother reassured him calmly and serenely. 
“Oh, but I…I wanted to come and rescue you.” Crowthu admitted. 
“I was never in any kind of situation I wanted to be rescued from. I came as soon as Sharnarrah sent for me, I’m just sorry I couldn’t make it in time. But at the same time, once I found out what she was dealing with, there was not much anyone could do.” Your mother readily and genuinely excused. 
“Oh, so why didn’t you accept your inheritance sooner?” Crowthu asked. 
“Becuase I didn’t want anyone in my family to be targets from any other who was stronger than us physically or had a higher status within the clan to feel that they were entitled to our belongings. So to keep any fights from ever breaking out in the first place, it was easier to live without and keep peace within the clan. We had everything we needed. Anything more- just would have been more problems. Surely as Clan Chief, peace within the clan is of utmost importance, is it not?” Your mother returned calmly. 
“You are very wise. It must be where Belladonna has learned her wisdom from.” Crowthu praised. 
“I only have the wisdom of my mother in turn to thank for that. Come, let us be friends and let’s celebrate this joyous occasion.” She encouraged him before everyone made their peace with that and went to the feasting tent. Then your mother’s family showed them their new homes and everyone in your family withdrew to get bathed and changed for the feast. 
“Yeah, I’m definitely moving to Mountain Blizzard after this.” Lilly insisted as she got changed into the nicest dress she had ever put on. Loving the sheening and shining silks and satins.
“You’re more than welcome to. I”m happy where I am.” You grinned as you sat down on the dressing couch and played with Ori as she got dressed. 
“What about you? Do you still have to marry one of Crowthu’s sons?” She asked. 
“I don’t know if I have to. I know which one I would pick if I did.” You answered. 
“Ori’s father?” She guessed as you beamed a smile back. 
“Good for you. I get a good feeling that he already adores you and obviously Ori is very partial.” She noted. 
“She is, thankfully.” You sighed in relief. 
“Yes you are. I’m so happy you don’t like anyone else. Because that gives me an excuse to stay away from them, yes it does.” You cooed to Ori who giggled and cooed back happily. 
“She is so cute. I’m mean she’s tiny, but she’s so cute.” Lilly said as she tightened the strings for her laced corset top. 
“Finally, I get some decent clothes.” Lilly appraised herself in the mirror, rather loving all the luxury and eager to be more decked out than all of Bula’s daughters and daughters in law combined. 
“I’m happy you’re happy.” You offered. 
“And I’m happy you’re happy. You were always the soft mother type anyway. Is that silk? Is that baby really wearing a silk diaper?” Lilly noted. 
“Yup. Ori was born premature, so her skin is super sensitive.” You readily excused. 
“Oof, she’s going to be an expensive kid.” Lilly noted. 
“I would happily clothe her in nothing but silk head to toe if it means she’s comfortable and happy. I can wear just plain cotton and be happy.” You shrugged. 
“I doubt Zorroushku would let that happen.” Lilly teased. 
“Well, actually, speaking of suitors. I have too many, would you mind taking a few of them off my hands?” You asked her. 
“Gladly.” Lilly smiled before she put on some really cute dancing shoes as you got an idea. 
“Hey do you know your way back? I have to take care of something real quick.” You remembered. 
“Sure thing.” She nodded as you excused yourself from her home and found Mama Arob. 
“Hey, I have another favor to ask of you.” You murmured to her as you pulled her aside. 
“Anything.” She readily offered. 
“You know how you looked at my probable future and I rejected it?” You asked. 
“Yeah…” She nodded. 
“Can you do the same for Lilly? Because if she will have a similar future, can you say that because we are twins, that our spirits are intertwined and that when you read for me the first time, you read for both of us combined? Like two drawings written on very thin- see through paper, overlapping on top of each other? But now that we are separated, you can see us individually a little clearer and it’s really her with the future of Clan Chieftess? Because I will not try to take another’s birthright from them. But she may be much more ambitious.” You pleaded. 
“Of course. I understand, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.” Arob readily agreed.
Then your ears couldn’t help but be drawn to the conversation that Khagra, Crowthu and Drashaneh were having about you as Zorroku, Kann and Grecko seemed to be sitting and listening closely as it sounded like Zorroku had already proposed something before all three Clan Chiefs seemed to agree on the matter.
Then Crowthu called you over as you seemed to weave through the others to come over as you looked to Zorroku queationingly. But the reassuring smile helped you feel a little more calm and at ease about it. Arob came up on one side of you while Yotul seemed to come and stand on the other side of you while Bula was on the other side of her with Cilanthe being on the other side of her mother. 
“Were you men really discussing this poor girl’s future as if she didn’t have a right to dictate it how she wanted?” Cilanthe asked her husband pointedly. 
“Not in the way you think.” Drashaneh clarified. 
“Zorroku has suggested because you have unified all three clans, and revealed all three clans to be sister clans. To reward you by releasing you from the previous alliance agreement. You are Marfu to Thunder Herd, Bronsha to White Rock and Vizsla to Mountain Blizzard and have a home in all three. That you are free to choose where you live and are not obligated to marry any of my sons or anyone else's unless it’s by your own free choice.” Crowthu specified. 
“Oh. Good. I thought that was a given?” Cilanthe questioned. 
“We just wanted to make it abundantly clear, so that there was no mistaking it.” Crowthu assured his sister. 
“Good.” Cilanthe smiled proudly. 
“May I make a suggestion?” You requested. 
“Of course.” All of them answered eagerly. 
“Since all three clans are officially sister clans, we should still continue with the plans for the celebratory feast in a few weeks. I’m sure if all three clans pooled resources and supplies, and we invite every clan that is in alliance with all three clans so that everyone’s alliances maybe shared together. It would bring peace to the area. And with peace, comes stability and if people know that through all three clans and all of their allies, they are free to travel from one territory to the other to do business. So that instead of relying on raiding for income, trade and commerce will not only be more assured but much less risky. Too many lives have been lost in raiding and war as it is. I do not wish to enter into any marriage only to be at risk of being just another widow soon after. And if more and more territories are connected through peace and alliance, our mutual enemies will at least think twice, knowing that if they wish to target any of us, they will be messing and engaging with everyone and that may be a risk too much even for them and what goods we have will be protected. And surely the might of the mammoths from Mountain Blizzard, coupled with the swiftness of the horses of Thunder Herd and the viciousness of the wolves of White Rock will be enough of a deterrent.” You professed, as you recalled what Arob had seen earlier for when Zorroku would grant you- your freedom from the alliance agreement. 
“And if need be, Arob can read the same future she saw for me, and read it for any other daughter or grand daughter of marriageable age. That way the widows that have already lost their husbands, can remarry if they so wish as well.” You proposed as all three Clan Chiefs smiled and looked to each other before all three of them eagerly agreed to such a grand plan. 
“It’ll be done as you say.” Drashaneh offered as Crowthu and Khagra eagerly nodded their agreement to such a plan. 
“We should use the clearing in the woods that is in the middle between the Thunder Herd Clan lands and White Rock and Mountain Blizzard. Technically it’s neutral land. But if all three of our clans claim it as our own, we can all use it together, especially during hunting and gathering trips.” Arob suggested. 
“Perfect.” All three Clan Chief’s readily agreed. 
“That’s my girl.” Yotul smiled happily as she wrapped her arm around you, as did Arob. And even Bula and Cilanthe smiled happily at the idea before the dinner feast was done and the cooking attendants had brought the roasted horses into the feasting tent just as your family reappeared , redressed in the splendor now befitting them.
Then everyone came and partook it as everyone sat and mingled together as you happily had Zorroku sit and eat with you as he made sure that not a single onion was within reaching distance for you as even he didn’t eat any. 
“I’m the one nursing her, you don’t need to stop eating them too.” You reminded Zorroku as you sat next to him at the feasting table. 
“If you can’t eat it, I won’t eat it either. It’s only fair.” Zorroku calmly insisted which made you grin wider. 
“But there are sweet onions here. Surely those will appeal to you.” You contested. 
“I will try them with you when Ori is no longer nursing.” Zorroku smiled smugly, still undeterred as all you could do was smile fondly at him back. 
“I love you too.” You murmured to him so softly, only he could hear you. He nearly choked on his piece of horse, because he had not expected for that to be your response. 
“But..I…you…” He stuttered and stammered once he recovered from nearly choking on his food as you pat his back through it, to make sure he didn’t actually choke to death. 
“Really? It’s pretty obvious the feelings are mutual and being returned. Case in point- you won’t eat onions because I can’t eat onions?” You questioned. 
“It’s not fair to you.” Zorroku defended. 
“And you give me the best tent in camp besides your own mothers? Which is only because it holds a very high sentimental value? And you fill it with just as much luxury in one night that my Mountain Blizzard family has accumulated in my entire lifetime?” You posed. 
“It’s what was available. Yet when you had little, you still shared what you had. Why shouldn’t such generosity be returned to you in turn?” Zorroku reasoned. 
“And you listen to the one person besides myself who knows me and my likes the best. And you negotiated for something that either half your brothers thought was worthless, and the other half would have been taken for a fool. All because I wanted it, you went out of the way to not only get what I wanted, and what will serve the clan best. But will also you listened to me and bought them instead of just stealing them. Which means in the future, we can continue to deal with Cattle Baron Gronk successfully and he will in turn want to do business with us. And you both had the patience for the negotiations and enough patience to keep peace both for the negotiations and for among your brothers. Which half of your brothers were content to put either the bare minimum effort into it. And the other half thought that what was important to me, was a waste of time, energy and expense, despite however you personally felt about it. Which says much more about you than you realize. As well as reflect on your brothers to show me exactly what kind of men they are. But more importantly, what kind of man you are too.” You noted appreciatively. 
“It made the most sense to listen to Shuzug who had the most experience besides yourself and your brothers. And Shuzug is your friend. I can’t have him going off and getting himself killed over something stupid and avoidable. I’m just happy that you’re happy and satisfied.” He explained. 
“And it also speaks very highly of your character that instead of grabbing for power and glory, you’re happy to be patient and wait until you’re given both when you’re ready and capable of wielding both responsibly.” You pointed out, not wanting him to downplay his own importance in his actions.
“My family needed me more than the clan did at the time.” He tried to defend as he grew more and more bashful with your praise. 
“Which shows that your priorities were right to be that way.” You smiled appreciatively. 
“Thank you.” He smiled bashfully. 
“You’re welcome. I also really appreciate the fact that when you were given that responsibility, you’re more concerned with making sure every warrior in your warband gets home safe and sound than you are about raiding actual goods. So that even if you and your warband don’t raid that much, at least all of you get to live to raid another day, which in turn, turns your warband into the most loyal and most highly prized among those with perspective, maturity and sense.” You grinned. 
“Thank you. There’s enough widows and fatherless children as it is. I don’t need to be adding to it.” Zorroku returned. 
“Which is very noble of you. I really appreciate it that you prize peace in your own house over a harem of wives and concubines for the chance to have many sons. And you prize children of both genders instead of just sons. You appreciate the fact that sons are a pride but daughters are a blessing.” 
“Because they are.” Zorroku readily agreed with a nod.  
“You are your mother’s son. And I mean that in the best way possible. You are content with little yet handle more with grace instead of lording your power over others and lead by example instead orders.” You praised as you grinned slightly more mischievously as Zorroku’s cheeks just got darker and darker as he got flustered yet pleased and was graciously taking your praise. 
“I try. I wish you could have met her.” Zorroku smiled bittersweetly at his mother’s memory. 
“I did. She left enough of herself behind in you and your siblings for me to do so. And she still wrote to me and left me many priceless gifts. The two most important ones are on my shoulder and beside me.” You smiled fondly as you kissed Ori’s head before you nodded to him. 
“You need to stop talking like this.” Zorroku warned in a soft murmur, that only you could have heard him. 
“Getting too flustered?” You guessed. 
“Among other things, yes.” Zorroku nodded. 
“Ok.” You nodded. 
“So I had ideas about the herds.” You noted as you wiped off your hands and got the paper out and discussed how you wanted to breed the next few few generations of the herds that you just got as Zorroku noted how you seemed to have a very good understanding about genetics in general and not wanting for any to be inbred, not even for future generations. 
Meanwhile Arob was talking in depth with Lilly and getting a feel for her and grinned when your previous idea seemed to be held true. She had the ambition and the hunger for both having fun but also out to get the most prestigious and wealthy match possible. 
“Here, let me read you child.” She offered as the two snuck away to her tent where Arob used her powers to peer into her future and could see that Lilly did indeed have the same future you did. But instead a mountain of food, it was a mountain of medicine with the riches and glory. And the idea that you had had earlier, Arob suggested it to Lilly who readily agreed to it. 
So when they returned Arob made a point to “quietly” inform Yotul, Crowthu, Cilanthe, Drushaneh. Khagra and Bula that when she had read for you- your spirit and your twin’s sister’s were so intertwined, that when she read for you, she really read for both you and her. And how because you had rejected the Clan Chieftess by unnatural birthright, that that destiny was actually that of your twin so that your rejection was natural because that was against your natural character while it was in character for your twin. And that it was really Lilly that had the grand prospects. But that your mind and heart had already been made up to not take anything away from anyone who had natural birth right. All with a pointed look down the table to see you and Zorroku going over herd lineages with Ori in Zorroku’s arms between you and him which made Crowthu happy to see as Lilly proudly struted down the line and once again took her place next to you which pulled your attention back to her. 
“So? What did you see?” You asked her curiously. 
“The same thing that apparently showed for you. A mountain of riches and glory with a mountain of medicine behind it and that I too have the future of being a Clan Chieftess if I want it.” She proudly preened. 
“Good for you. If that is something you want, take it with both hands.” You encouraged her. 
“Why would you ever not want such a thing for yourself?” She asked you. 
“Because I still remember what it used to cost Bullard. And that is not a price I am willing to pay. And I do not wish to put a price on the priceless.” You smiled as you subtly rocked and swayed with Ori as she was resting her head on your chest and still smiling at her dad before the desserts were brought out. 
“Everyone, I have an announcement to make.” Mama Arob began before everyone quieted down to look to her as she stood from her spot where she had been sitting. 
“Earlier, both Clan Chief’s agreed that Belladonna was free from the alliance agreement. However, when she first came here, I read for her. However, twins are always blessed to be closest to each other, both physically, mentally but especially spiritually. And when I read for Belladonna, I was actually reading her sister instead. And now that Lillyanna is here, I was able to distinguish one from the other more clearly." Arob began.
"Belladonna recognized her sister’s future as being her sister’s rather than hers. Which is why she respectfully declined it. So since Bullard’s widows, Burquen, Famire, and Crelle brought up that the Mountain Blizzard Clan had always offered Belladonna’s family's weight and the weight of her entire family’s weight in salt a hundred fold, meaning about eight hundred and fifty thousand pounds worth of salt. Which Bula and Khagra have already forgiven and conceded that such a price was too high for anyone to pay. Especially since Regina and her family have technically had their freedom for over a decade but chose to stay before now. And since Bula and Khagra have done so- so graciously, I have a choice for them to make.” Arob began before all eyes went to Bula and Khagra since all eyes had been on Burquen, Famire and Crelle before. But the three women had not been looked at very kindly. 
“Would you rather, have all that salt, or it’s equal in gold in riches?” 
“We are entitled to neither.. And such a figure was always ridiculous and only given in a time of desperate need and an overexaggeration. They have been Borgan for years, and are now Bronsha's such a figure should be their own inheritance, never a ransome.” Bula shook her head no with a pleasant smile for all the others while giving all those in her family a very pointed but meaningful look.
“Which is greatly appreciated, so it was decided that if that was your answer, you would have a share of both. I have been talking to Jaseeneh. If you will take instead, simply their full weight in salt ten over, of eight thousand, five hundred pounds. You can have a share of the future purse for the gamble that will be played for the unification celebration in a month’s time. Lilly has offered to let her hand go to whoever can give her the greatest bid for her hand in marriage in terms only she will accept. Each person will write down their terms and at the end of the feast, she will read out each offer. And whichever offer is most to her liking, she will accept. And for every offer, each person putting in a bid in writing, will also add a bid to her dowry in turn. And you will get her salt's value will be given back to the Mountain Blizzard Clan and to the Black Wolf White Rock Clan so that Bullard’s widows will be satisfied that what they had always banked on will in turn pay for them and the heirs they had born to Bullard and Myles. Since they are no longer here to help care for those that they have left behind. And any other woman who wishes to enter into the same arrangement is free to do so.” Arob invited. 
“I will too.” You found yourself volunteering. 
“The only reason The Great Thunder Herd Clan came to free me was because you saw my sister’s future as my own. But yet while my future and probabilities are very different from my sister’s, the Thunder Herd Clan has never let me feel I was a mistake or that because I was not what I first appeared to be, that I was a bad investment or at all unwelcome. I was just the first to uncover the connection between Black Wolf White Rock and Thunder Herd. But since The Great Thunder Herd still paid for my weight in 32 servants and their weight in salt. Which is a debt that was unnecessary. If Khagra and Bula will return the servants and swear to bring no harm to any other human within their clan, nor tolerate any harm to them in turn. Then they are free to keep the salt, but I too will offer the value of that salt from my own purse for my hand as well. But my own hand comes with the guarantee that the groom is in this tent with me now. So while it may appear to be a gamble to others, it can be a sure thing for my new home and family here." You explained.
"And especially since I have received unintended blessings, if Lilly were to go to the same people and either get the same blessings or something similar, it will add to her value and thus ensure that her desirability will be high and thus increase the value of her own purse. If need be, on the invitations, you can put that we are both Bronshas by White Rock, Marfu by Thunder Herd and Vizsla by Mountain Blizzard. That we have both been blessed. That we both have had grand and wonderful futures read for us. Even if mine was a mistake at first, it will add interest. And if we invite all those that blessed me and may bless Lilly in turn to the very feast, they too can read for others. And if we can hire them to only read the possibilities only. Just in case one may court our hearts completely before then, then it will appear perfectly fair for all who participate.” You encouraged as you reached under the table to grasp Zorroku’s hand reassuringly as Lilly beamed happily at the idea before you gave Zorroku a meaningful look which he returned when he squeezed your hand back. 
“And you can add that we’re both virgins too and will be virgins for the celebration. And of course if Bula and Borba can both certify that we’re virgins both now and before the celebration.” Lilly volunteered.
You immediately wanted to renege as Zorroku and yourself gave each other a meaningful look that subtly portrayed how disappointed you both were at the prospect of your earlier activities not being able to reach a finish anytime soon. 
“Perfect.” Arob readily agreed before the other Clan Chief’s and their Clan Chieftesses all readily agreed as well as it was agreed that the next day that there would be one big effort to write all clans formal invitations. 
“It’ll be worth the wait. A month isn’t gonna kill us.” Zorroku murmured to you. 
“How deft are your fingers? Or your tongue?” You questioned which brought a mischievous grin to his lips as it did to yours. 
“I guess we’ll see.” He grinned. 
“We will, hopefully later tonight.” You hoped which earned you a solemn nod from him and a reassuring smile. 
The rest of the feast was a flurry of excited ideas about how it was going to come together, what clans needed to be invited and how big the feast should be and what should be prepared for it as each clan gladly volunteered livestock and money to go back to Baron Gronk to get even more livestock just for this feast.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Zorroku and Peaches Part 9
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Where there is more than just Zorroku after Bella.
Zorroku and Peaches Part 9
Meanwhile Zorroku had left your tent wanting to give you space to get dressed as he went to the herds and went through all the horses he had. He noted how Shuzug and Nar were trying to milk a mare who was not happy about it.
Then he picked out four of his best horses along with his wife's two favorite horses. They were his gifts to her when she found she was finally halfway through a pregnancy, when she was halfway through Ori’s pregnancy specifically. Then he realized that one of them was actually a very fitting horse for you. Jasper. He was a black horse with a white mane and tail. And considering you were from the Black Wolf White Rock clan, he couldn't help but smile at the correlation.
He brought them over to your tent, just as you were leaving it to go about your day and wearing an outfit that finally looked perfectly befitting on you. He loved the way it had been altered to fit you and now had trim that was very Mountain Blizzard and while he could still remember how it had looked on Medowne, he adored the way this was now all yours and with the new trims and accessories, looked completely new and all your own.
"Hey Bella," Zorroku called out, which got you to turn around and then blink in surprise when he was carrying six lead ropes with six huge draft horses behind him.
"You know you almost make me nervous when you use my name like that." You tried to point out to him in a slightly teasing tone but smiled nonetheless.
"Well, you didn't ask to be called Peaches. You just went along with it because you didn't think you had a choice in the matter. And I want to make sure you know you have choices and that you shouldn't go along with things just because you think you should, or you feel you have to. You should have a say in everything. Especially about your own life, it’s yours to dictate and no one else’s. You need to make sure that your voice and your opinion is heard and understood and accepted just as much as mine is. So since you've chosen to adopt my daughter, and that she is now just as much yours as she is mine, you deserve the reward that comes with that. Now you don't have to accept any of these, but if you want them, they're yours. In particular this one, because you are from the Black Wolf White Rock Clan, I thought a black horse with a white mane would be fitting." Zorroku explained, having rehearsed that in his head so many times and muttered it to himself to make sure he emphasized the right words the right way as he gestured to that particular horse. 
You had to cover your quivering lips with your hand even as they spread into the widest smile as your eyes glazed with tears because of how moved you were by not just his gesture but especially his words before you closed the distance between you until you were looking up at him with so much adoration it bordered on love and you just wanted to kiss him.
"Ok, I'll be honest. I like the way you say 'Peaches' when you talk to me. I like the way you talk to me, period. And this horse is absolutely perfect, and it's a perfect fit. I can only hope he's as nice, gentle and tame as he is beautiful. And the rest of them are outstanding. I want all of them. But I don't want to take them if you feel you have to give them to me because I'm now the mother of our daughter. But I don't want to disrespect a tradition if that's what you're following when you give them to me either." You explained.
"Then consider them string free gifts, because I want them to be yours. They're the best that I have and I'll always want to give you my best, no matter what. Even if you don't end up choosing me because being Ori's mother means just that much to me." Zorroku returned and you just wanted to reassure him that when it came to options to marry, he was the only one in your heart and mind. The urge to kiss him was overwhelming because a part of you wanted them to have strings. And you wanted to tie those strings so that you were tied to him both literally and figuratively.
"Then I will happily accept all of them and I wouldn't say no to a few strings at least." You grinned mischievously as his heart soared with hope and joy. 
"Could I walk with you back to the herd?" You asked before he nodded and you walked side by side with all the horses following you.
"Can I ask you a question and could you please answer it as honestly as you could and not give me the kind of answer you think I want to hear?" You asked bravely.
"Anything." He invited.
“Why did you give me all of Medowne’s old clothes?” You asked him. 
“Because they were already made and resizing them- to your smaller size would be much easier than making new clothes from straight fabric.” He answered. 
“So when you look at me, do you just see me as a second Medowne?” You asked him. 
“No, I’m so sorry if I’m making you feel that way. When I look at the outfit you’re wearing, I just see you and that it’s your outfit, not anyone else's. And when I look at you period, I just see you, no one else.” He immediately apologized and reassured you. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him graciously as you did feel reassured by his clearly genuine profession. 
"So, how many wives do you want in total?" You asked and he nearly choked on his spit because you just went right for it.
"One." He answered once he recovered. 
"Why only one?" You furthered.
"Because Yotul and my mother fought all the time and were constantly in competition with each other for my dad's favor and attention. And they were constantly trying to one up each other. And when he favored one it embittered the other. And only after my own mother died after birthing the twins and Yotul became Clan Chieftess, and my dad didn't take on any more wives- did he finally know peace in his own house.” Zorroku began. 
“But I want a wife who likes me for me, not because I can make her a Warchieftess or any other station in the clan. I just want a wife who will look at me and just see me too. Not as a means to get what she really wants. Which if she’s anything like my step mother, is a place of prominence, wealth and power. My mother loved my father and saw him for him and he did the same for her. But once his eldest brother died and made him Clan Chief only a few months before my grandfather died, Yotul immediately switched her advances from my uncle to my father. In fact I don’t even know if Silug is even my half brother.” Zorroku muttered. 
“Do you think that I’m like that?” You asked him. 
“No, you’re the farthest thing from that. You found out about my Grandmother’s peering of your probability and you immediately rejected it. Or at least, that’s what Glasha and Arob told me. Which is honestly a huge relief for me, because it meant that you adopted Ori because you saw her and immediately grew affection for her. Not because she was my daughter, but because she was a baby that needed a mother. And it’s why I’ve rejected every advance from every other woman I’ve met when they found out I’m my father’s first born. Medowne didn’t even know I was my father’s first born until she came here to visit, after we were engaged. She honestly thought Silug was the first born and Winug was the second and I must have been the third by the way Silug and Winug acted when we were hunting together.” Zorroku admitted. 
“They are incredibly arrogant and very entitled.” You muttered in agreement which made Zorroku laugh. 
“Yeah they are.” He readily agreed. 
“I just want peace in my life and in my home and I have yet to meet a Warchief, or even a Clan Chief who has that. It's like our lives are destined to be plagued with war and we can't escape it, ever. There's always conflict wherever we go and I'm hoping that with the right woman, that's possible." Zorroku explained.
"Medowne, had a very, very hard time becoming pregnant. And she lost four babes before she could even get a third of the way through her pregnancies. The only reason why she tried so hard was to give me an heir because of who I was and to see Silug and Winug already have more sons than they know what to do with, she was scared they were going to usurp me. And for her sake, I would have let them just so that she could rest and wouldn’t feel she owed me a child just because she was my wife.” Zorroku began. 
“I never blamed her for any of it, instead I got after all of my sisters in law and Yotul for putting the idea that she needed to give me an heir in her head to begin with. And that was because I was terrified I was going to lose her with every miscarraige. I loved her so much, I didn’t want to lose her. It wasn't her fault that her body was like that. Even though she blamed herself for it, no matter how much I tried to convince her otherwise. She pushed me to get another wife or even two or three more. Ones that would give me more sons than I had fingers. But I didn't want that, I never wanted that. I never have and I never will and I staunchly refused and I will always refuse that in the future for the same reasons. I only ever wanted her and I just wanted her to be happy and healthy.” He recounted. 
“So if we were to get closer, that’s what I would want again. But only if you really liked me and really wanted me. Just because you’re Ori’s mother doesn’t mean you have to be my wife, if you don’t want to be. And just because I’m first born doesn’t mean I want to be more than I already am. In fact I never even wanted to be a Warchief. My father made me one without asking me about it. Because Silug was chomping at the bit so to speak about it. But I was still focused on Medowne and didn’t want her to fall into a deeper depression or for her to fear that when we would go on a raid, that she would have to be afraid that I wouldn’t come back to her." Zorroku revealed and your heart completely melted and you felt it wanting to leap out of your chest to go to him.
“I completely agree and understand where you’re coming from. Thank you for not thinking I’m being a coward for not wanting that life. Four days ago all I wanted was to live a quiet life and just be a man’s only beloved wife. I have never had delusions of grandeur or ambitions for wealth and power. I’m content with the basics, good, filling food for the belly, comfortable and sturdy clothes to work in and a roof over my head. That’s it. Because while money can buy you comfort and a lot of things, it doesn’t always necessarily buy you happiness or peace. Especially if you have a lot of it. There will always be someone who wants to take it from you more.” You explained. 
“That’s true.” Zorroku nodded in agreement. 
“So even though Khagra only has Bula, the business of running the clan and keeping everything together and running smoothly is a weight that he has had to carry and has worn him down quite a bit. Myles’ and Bullard’s wives have stayed and stayed close because they still have Myles and Bullard’s kids. And Khagra and Bula have always treated them with kindness and respect. And they care for their needs and wants and they are Bronshas, which is the same as Marfu for the Black Wolf White Rock Clan. And once Khagra lost Myles and Bullard, he felt like his bones became dust. He didn’t have a heart or stomach for raiding or war at the risk of losing any more sons. And he feels he has to wait out Myles’ sons to grow up to inherit the clan because none of his other sons were not only as highly educated, but have a willingness or the head or sense for it." You recounted.
"Which is why he pleaded with Mountain Blizzard for trading contacts because Mountain Blizzard has always traded pink salt for anything and everything else they have. Well, according to my adopted uncle Justineh and his wife Fusha and their kids. They’ve always traded salt for fruit and vegetables that don’t or can’t grow in the mountains. And I think Bula hasn’t traded us for our ransom is because I think Bula is scared that if we go, the Mountain Blizzard Clan won’t come back to do business with them.” You retold. 
“I still can’t believe that with the price of your weight a hundred times over, that that still wasn’t enough.” Zorroku recalled. 
“Fear can overwhelm sense. Hopefully when she comes later today, she’ll be induced to be reasonable and agree.” You hoped. 
"So if I chose you, how many kids would you want?" You asked next as you tried to keep your grin from becoming too scheming. Because you sensed he was really telling you the truth, and you realized that what he was offering you, was what you really always wanted and this was literally a dream come true.
"Well we already have one, I'm good and happy and perfectly content with just Ori. Besides, you may be strong but I know everyone has limits and I also feel that children are gifts from the gods themselves. But if your body can't handle carrying that gift, that's fine. Like you said, 'no gift is worth your life' and I would never ask you or want you to give up yours just to give me a gift you think I want, especially one I don’t need." Zorroku explained and you never thought in a million years that he would have used your own sentiment like that and part of you wanted to pin him down to grass itself and fuck him hard and fast yet slow and savoring and give him so many sons, he would run out of fingers and toes trying to count them all.
“Ok.” You smiled. 
You were about to kiss him before you heard Shuzug get kicked by a horse which got both of you to recoil and turn to see Shuzug on his back, trying to get the air back in his lungs.
"Hold her, I gotta make sure he doesn't die before his parents get the chance to kill him themselves." You sighed tiredly as you handed Ori to Zorroku and walked over to Shuzug before turning him over to his side to help him breathe again.
"And what did you learn?" You asked him as you crouched down next to him as he gasped and recovered as Zorroku and Nar both snickered a laugh.
"Not to milk that one?" Shuzug winced.
"Ok first of all, did you just pick a random mare and try to milk her or did you look for one with a nursing foal?" You asked before Shuzug and Nar gave each other a look that told you the answer to that was 'no' and it just made you groan again.
"Now you boys should know that only when a mother has a nursing child will she produce milk. Because otherwise, the milk dries up and she won't produce it anymore because her body doesn't have to. Or did you forget that detail?" You asked before they both looked away guiltily.
"Really? Ok, I'm going to have to just do this myself." You huffed before you marched back to the garden and got a bunch of apples in your tunic before you marched back to the herd and snatched the bucket from Shuzug and found a mare who was nursing her foal.
"Come on, you're gonna help, take the apples, you two are gonna feed the mare the apples as I milk her." You said as you gave Shuzug and Nar the apples from your tunic before the five of you went over to the mare. You greeted the mare first, cooing and petting her and making sure she felt at ease with at least your presence. Then you had Shuzug and Nar both kept feeding the mare apples. You gently stroked her sides as you made your way back to where the foal was still nursing. Then you started milking from the other teat as you prayed to all the gods you knew of to help you and once the foal was done the mare side stepped away from you and you didn't try to milk her anymore, instead you pet your side and back up her body while praising her and thanking her for her help.
"There, I think I got enough milk for either one kitten or one pup. Now you two know the process. Shuzug I know you know how to milk livestock, repeat the process until you have enough milk and then we’ll try to find a bottle." You ordered them before you handed the bucket back to Shuzug and took Ori back before you and Zorroku left the field together after he had untied his offering of horses but kept them in the same pen.
"You're amazing, you know that right?" Zorroku praised you as you passed his brothers that were carrying their saddles out to their horses in the fields.
"Aw, thank you, Zushku." You beamed happily.
"Where are you guys going?" Zorroku asked as his brothers approached the other horses in the pen.
"To get Peaches some livestock." Yalak beamed and your stomach dropped because they were dressed for raiding, they were going out to steal some livestock and that's not what you wanted as ou just shook your head.
"What's wrong? Why are you making that face?" Zorroku asked you, expecting you to be happy about that as were his brothers.
"I prefer bought or fairly traded livestock. And if you really wanted to please me, you see that idiot with Nar? That's Shuzug, your mother’s sister’s youngest son, he’s only ten but he’s your cousin. Ask him why he's trying to milk mares right now. And when he's done telling you that, he'll tell you where to go to get the best livestock on the continent that's even relatively close by. He knows who I’m talking about and I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to get there." You said as you pointed Shuzug out to his other cousins.
"Besides, people do better business and have better and long lasting relationships with clans who do that. And you won't lose your lives in the process. Because no gift to me is worth your lives. Your lives are worth more to me than livestock or anything else you can imagine giving me. So go talk to Shuzug, then take off your raiding armor because you won't need it. And then get proper funds from your treasury. You guys want to be known as The Great Thunder Herd Clan? That's how you earn The Great part of it by those around you. If you trust Mama Arob's words about me making this clan greater than it's ever been, then heed my words now. Now if you'll excuse me, I have breakfast to make. And you all should eat breakfast before you go. You can't do business on an empty stomach." You excused yourself as you marched through them with your head held high as they stared after you in awe as Ori looked back at her dad over your shoulder as she cooed to you and jabbered happily. Zorroku was proud that you were still using Arob’s probability peering to use it for the clan’s advantage. 
"Anyone else have any lingering doubts she won't make the best Warchieftess this clan has ever seen?" Zorroku asked with a beaming proud smile once you were out of earshot as his brothers nodded no.
"Ok let me get my saddle and I'll join you, we'll take Shuzug and Nar after they do what they gotta do and see what else we can learn about her from him." Zorroku ordered like the natural born leader he was. The other brothers went and put their saddles on their horses before they greeted Shuzug and got to talking with him before they walked back to their tents to take off their armor but still kept their battle axes and their swords just in case.
Shuzug knew exactly who you were talking about as he pulled out his maps and showed them Cattle Barron Zonk’s lands. He also helped advise them on how much money to take. But of course only after they met with Yotul and Crowthu and Mama Arob as everyone gathered around the table to have breakfast again. Shuzug was so happy they were being as welcoming and friendly as they were as Yotul especially was happy to meet him and ask him more questions about his mother and her family and what they liked and what they preferred so that when they would come, everything would be perfect for them.
After breakfast, the boys got ready to go again as Arob said she would help you get the cubs and pups situated in your tent with you so that you could keep and sustain your new gifts and the many more you were about to receive. 
"Can Shuzug ride one of my horses please? His poor horse has been through enough for one day already." You requested of Zorroku. 
“Absolutely, I can put him on Brusen.” Zorroku nodded. 
“And Shuzug can use my spare saddle since we’re the same size.” Nar volunteered. 
“Aww, thank you so much Nar.” You thanked Nar appreciatively, who beamed happily and got his spare saddle for Shuzug to ride the horse in question as Shuzug spent several moments getting to know Brusen and for Brusen to get to know Shuzug and become familiar with him. 
“Wow is this a comfortable saddle.” Shuzug marvelled when Nar came back with the saddle and helped Shuzug put it on Brusen since every saddle was made to fit draft horses and each saddle could fit just about any horse as the boys began to saddle up and get ready. 
Then you heard a Mammoth call out and you turned to see the Mountain Blizzard Clan Mammoths come into the field with huge carts behind them. 
“Peacock!” Kakazi bellowed as he pushed his bull mammoth, Brahma, to walk quickly over to you since mammoths, like elephants, couldn't run. 
“Kakazi?!” You asked when you recognized his voice and tried to recognize his body on his mammoth. 
"Peacock?" Zorroku and his brothers frowned as Shuzug hid his grimace.
“Yeah!” Kakazi boomed back happily. 
“What’s he doing here so fast?” Yalak scowled. 
“To come and say hi, I’m assuming.” You shrugged as you left them to go over to Kakazi. 
“Oh no.” Shuzug groaned when he saw Kakazi and his family and what he assumed was the other members of his family when you already out of earshot.
“What do you mean ‘oh no’?” Nar asked worriedly. 
“Kakazi, all of his brothers, cousins and other clan members have been after Bella and her sister Lilly for the last three years. But my mom has always refused their proposals for her. They call Bella "Peacock" because those are her favorite colors and they call Lilly "Emerald" because she loves all and every shade of green. I hope your dad was adamant about one of you marrying her because now, she’s about to have every guy in Mountain Blizzard try to propose now that she’s a Marfu.” Shuzug admitted as Zorroku and his brothers looked at each other worriedly before the hurriedly got their horses to follow you and go over to Kakazi. 
“Hey!” You greeted Kakazi as the two of you met in the middle. You kept your hand over Ori’s ear so she wouldn’t be woken up by the noise as his parents were on thier mammoths behind Kakazi, and in a short distance. 
“Hello Brahma, how are you?” You greeted his bull who lifted his trunk to inspect Ori and you and wrapped his trunk around your arm as you scratched the trunk. 
“Who do you have there?” Kakazi asked curiously when he saw a sleeping baby in your mother's sling. 
“Oh this is Zorroku’s daughter Orianna. He let me adopt her since she’s been having a hard time thriving under Grat’s care.” You answered as you turned so he could see her face. 
“Wow, she’s looking much better than when I saw her last.” He praised. 
“Come on up.” He invited.
“Are you sure?” You asked. 
“Yeah, come on. Brahma, help Bella up, gently though, very gently.” He urged before Brahma bent down and helped you get up into Kakazi’s saddle with him as Zorroku frowned and felt his possessiveness soar over you as he wanted to try to pull you down but to see you pet Brahma and climb so gracefully, he decided against voicing his contentions. 
“Thank you for not scaring me trying to say hi to me again. I could have hurt you with her on me.” You thanked him as you got up in the saddle behind him. 
“Never. I told you last time that that was the last time I was going to do that. Besides, I would never dream of disturbing Ori. Zorroku is already overprotective enough as it is. I’d have to have a death wish to try to cause her harm, even just a little scare.” He answered. 
“Well, since I came, Mama Arob blessed me to be able to nurse Ori and care for her as if she was my own. And I think that included instinctually protecting her and myself. And had you tried to scare me by grabbing me again, I could have hurt you really badly trying to defend us. And I know you’ve always done it as a joke. But I don’t think that will fly here.” You gently warned him. 
“Yeah, I know it. Especially with you being Crowthu’s Marfu? I knew it wouldn’t go well if I tried.” He chuckled. 
“So how much did it take for Bastard Rock to finally free you?” He asked as he walked his mammoth back over to the others so you could see everyone, ignoring Zorroku and his brothers who were riding over to him. 
“Thirty two slaves and their weight in salt and the unspoken threat of war, and a marraige proposal. And that says that by the end of the month, I have to marry one of Crowthu’s sons. Khagra almost didn’t budge. But it was the gods bringing me here for Ori’s sake that he finally caved. The poor thing has a very bad allergy to onions and garlic.” You answered. 
“Oof, and those are Grat’s favorite foods. It would make sense. Medowne, who was Ori’s mother, didn't like onions or garlic either. She was much more partial to mint and lemon balm.” He recalled. 
“So you knew Medowne?” You asked him hopefully. 
“Yeah, her and Zorroku made a cute couple. She was rather shy and introverted though. He had to pursue her, despite most of the women in his own clan pursing him. She was always really weak and tired all the time because the Yellow River Clan was small but women rarely left the settlement. So she wasn’t used to all the physical exercise they have here in Thunder Herd and had low stamina.” He answered. 
“Well Zorroku also gave me all of Medowne’s old clothes. Granted they all got altered so I would have more than the two and a half dresses I brought with me to wear. Before all the fabrics I was given could be made into clothes for me. And Zorroku insists that he doesn’t see me as a second Medowne, but it’s hard to not feel a little like I’m stepping into her shoes. Especially now that I have Ori. But it’s still better than why all his brothers want me.” You muttered lowly. 
“And why’s that?” He asked curiously. 
“You know that Arob is a sorceress right?” You asked him. 
“Yeah, let me guess, she saw you and thought you were their path to glory?” He guessed as you pressed your head to his back, between his shoulder blades. 
“Yes.” You confirmed with a tired sigh as he reached back and pat your thigh as he used his own legs to steer his mammoth. 
“According to her, I have a very high probability that any son I choose will be not just a Warchief, but the next Clan Chief. If I’m their Clan Chieftess.” You revealed as Kakazi’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped as he did his best to recover quickly and be nonchalant about such extraordinary news. 
“Now I don’t know if that’s because Zorroku doesn’t want that for himself or what. But it’s why all his brothers are trying to bend over backwards to court me. My tent is stuffed with gifts that I have yet to even go through myself. It’s only my third day here, and they were ready to raid just to get me livestock to try to please me, because all they have here are draft horses. And it’s overwhelming. So overwhelming.” You lamented as you just let your head rest on his back as your shoulders sagged. 
“You poor thing.” Kakazi offered as he reached back and pat your thigh again.  
“Please don’t repeat this, but I’ve spent my whole life being used as a babysitter and then a cook for Khagra and his family. And while Crowthu and Yotul- have been nothing but amazing to me, and welcoming me, and perfectly and completely genuine. I feel like all their sons, except for Zorroku, all want me just for that probable outcome of being a Clan Chief. Even when they already have wives they should be perfectly happy and content with to fill that position, and especially children from those unions and I have no desire to get between a husband and his wife. I never have. I don't want that complication and strife in my life. All I've ever wanted was to be a man's one and only beloved wife. That's it. No power or riches or glory or anything like that. I've only wanted pleasant simplicity.” You quietly complained.  
“Oh for sure. So what do you think of them?” Kakazi asked, hoping you had already decided against most of them. 
“Well, I can tell Yalak and Murnag especially are trying to pursue me just as a means to that particular end. Nar and Grushnug, I’m still trying to get a feel for. Silug and Winug, I feel like would rape me the second their father’s back is turned and thankfully the rest have kept me safe so far. But Silug and Winug only have human bed slaves and will not marry either of them and I think it’s the whole ‘humans are best as orc cock sleeves’ phenomenon. And it’s Crowthu who has recognized their bedroom slaves as daughters in law and thier children as his grandchildren that they’re as close to the family as they are. And I know Crowthu doesn’t approve but with them being Yotul’s oldest sons, I don’t think Crowthu has much of a choice about it.” You explained as Kakazi snickered a laugh at you using ‘cock sleeves’ idiom. 
“Because Silug and Winug are selfish honorless pigs.” Kakazi murmured to you over his shoulder. 
“Don’t I know it. Not unlike Yar.” You muttered back which made him snort another laugh. 
“I take it Yar’s even worse than the last time you talked about him?” Katazi urged you. 
“You have no idea. You’ll see tonight. Khagra’s whole family is coming because Yotul is Bula’s sister. Like Typhoon Breaker kind of sister. 
“Oh, wow. What a small world.” Katazi hummed in surprise. 
“Speaking of small worlds. Why am I holding my mother’s name sake? Why is Zorroku’s full name Zorroushku, after my maternal blood grandfather? And Glashnarrah is my mother’s blood mother’s name. Marnausta, Grushnagah, Murnagah? They’re my mother’s blood siblings. And yet Sharn named her own children after them but hid where my mother settled from my mother and me and the rest of my family? That doesn’t make any sense.” You pressed. 
“Sharnarrah never wanted her children to meet you and your siblings as servants. She wanted you to meet as free persons and equals. But because Bula has been unreasonable for 20 years, that wasn’t possible while Sharnarrah lived. And once she died 13 years ago, Mama Jaseeneh has upheld Sharnarrah’s wishes. And it wasn’t until Arob shared her vision with Mama Jaseeneh that Jaseeneh finally broke down and told them where to find you. But Mama Jaseeneh wouldn’t even give them your name or nickname or that you are her Visla. She only gave them a general description that you were cook, that Khagra wore like a gem in a crown of lies to lord over others in his clan.” He revealed. 
“Well, that’s true.” You sighed. 
“Thank you for coming though. I really appreciate the support. I’m gonna need your mom and your sister’s help to help me choose which son to marry. Maybe they'll be able to differentiate more than I have. Because it sounds like you have a lifetime of experience to know exactly what kind of people they all are.” You proposed. 
“What if you are free from the marriage alliance? What if we can somehow convince Crowthu to really treat you like a Marfu and not a bought servant and you’re free to choose who you want just like his own daughters are?” Kakazi offered. 
“I doubt you would succeed. Shuzug almost married me on the spot three days ago to keep me from going at all. Because they didn’t know anything about Thunder Herd and your clan, at least to my knowledge, never gave Khagra contact information to do business with them in the past or let on that you did business with them at all. And we all were scared that they were similar to Iron Mammoth.” You ventured. 
“Oh gods no!” Katazi reassured you as he reached back and patted your leg again, but this time a bit further up than you were used to as you stared at his back in suspicion as you worried now that he’d be like the rest of Crowthu’s sons and began to regret ever telling him about what Mama Arob saw in you. You thought he would still be the lighthearted fool he always seemed to be. 
“No. I would have come and gotten you and taken you and your family if that was the case.” He offered. 
“Well there are already too many in Black Wolf White Rock who are like that. And it’s only to keep Iron Mammoth or any other like them from getting stronger than they already are- that Khagra tolerates the ones without proper honor in his clan in the first place.” You fretted. 
“And I don’t know this clan that well. Are there any here who are like that? Does Crowthu follow the same thing? Especially when Silug and Winug are like that and according to Arob, their warbands are like them too.” You pressed anxiously.  
“Those are good points and you’re absolutely right about that. I know Zorroku is above such things and his warband only has the most honorable in his clan in it. But the others? I don’t know. My brother Kunn would know better, he’s Zorroku’s age. He’s right over there. I’ll let him know about your concerns. And I think he’d be impartial in his assessments.” Katazi offered. 
“And you’re not?” You asked. 
“Nope, you know me. I’m never impartial. In fact I’m extremely partial.” He admitted. 
“Yeah, I guess. So have you shaken off your foolish rogue reputation enough that you’ve found a serious girl to take you seriously?” You asked hopefully but kept a slightly teasing tone. 
“Nope. And honestly, I’m grateful for it. Which, while I have you all to myself. If I or anyone else can convince Crowthu to let you be a full Marfu, would you marry me?” He asked as your jaw dropped. 
“You, you’re kidding…” You tried to argue. 
“Nope. I’m completely serious. You’re the only one who has ever seen through the stupid fool facade anyway. And you know I’m not really like that. It’s not like every single one of Crowthyu’s sons doesn’t have an overabundance of options for marriage. And if all they want you for is to use you to advance their career in their clan. I can have Brahma squish ‘em.” He offered as you snorted a laugh at the thought of Brahma squishing Silug and Winug at least.
“Kakazi. I highly doubt Crowthu risked his life and his sons’ life to get me only to give me away again. Because the whole Bastard Rock clan threatened to kill them at the village gate for trying to take me with them. And with me, the whole ripe peach crop off the trees. Which is why they all call me ‘Peaches’. Which took a little to get used to. Honestly it'll be easier to know who is calling me. Peaches, Thunder Herd. Peacock, Mountain Blizzard. Bella, White Rock.” You admitted. 
“But you’re a Visla. You’re Jaseeneh’s Visla, And you’ve been that since birth, even when Bula wouldn’t let you enjoy it. You deserve to at least have the option to choose for yourself.” Kakazi insisted. 
“Well Zorroku did tell me the same thing. That he’d be content to just be friends, but still share Ori. And that just because I’m Ori’s mother, I don’t have to be his wife.” You offered even though you wanted to be Zorroku’s wife. Because he wanted you for the right reasons. And you wanted to be with him, for what you thought were the right reasons too. Or maybe those dreams were being over influential. They were just dreams. Not reality. On the other hand, if Zorroku would know that you’d choose him over even Kakazi or all of Crowthu’s children or the others in Mountain Blizzard, it would really impress upon him how much you would really genuinely want him and only him. 
“Good, so is that a yes?” Kakazi asked. 
“It’s a maybe and a perhaps but with a really big “I doubt it”. But only because of how the present circumstances look. I don’t have to decide anything now. Thankfully. Don’t go doing the same thing and overwhelm me too. The last thing I need is another overactive or imposing or pushy suitor. I mean Shuzug’s here and he brought with him three wild wolf pups and two mountain lion cubs. I don’t know how people won’t see that and see him as a suitor for me too even though we are only friends and will only ever be friends. But again, you’d have to convince Crowthu and Yotul and Mama Arob and Zorroku because of Ori’s account.” You specified. 
“That’s fair.” He nodded as he used his touch on your leg and squeezed your knee before he came up to his parents. 
“Look who I found!” He prompted his family who all came to be around you, making a circle around you, leaving Zorroku and his brothers to try to find a way in but the other mammoths had formed a barrier around you as you kept turning and waiving hi and greeting everyone by name as the other mammoths reached up their trunks to sniff and feel you and Ori as you took their trunks and kissed them affectionately before Ori woke up started to look around before you turned her over so she was facing out in the sling.
“Hi Aunt Fusha, Hi Uncle Justineh. How are you guys?” You asked. 
“Who do you have in a mother sling?” Fusha asked curiously. 
“Oriannaregina, Zorroku’s daughter. She’s…” You began as you explained why and how you were now her mother. 
“Aww, bless your heart and soul for taking care of her. She looks much better now than when we saw her last.” Fusha cooed. 
“How long ago was that?” You asked.
“A week ago.” They all answered. 
“How?” You asked. 
“Because Crowthu’s sister Cilanthe is my brother Drashaneh’s wife and Clan Chieftess. And ever since she married into the clan, she was able to get the whole Thunder Herd Clan to winter in the old Mountain Blizzard city after we built our new one. It’s in the mountains and their horses stay in one of the old mammoth caves that they light and keep all their hay in and because of special opals we’ve found- and put into the ceiling, it mimics sunlight so it makes the inside of the caves feel like the outside and we’re able to grow fresh grass in there for them and the mammoths. So they stay in the old city and we get horse meat in the winter in exchange.” Kakazi answered. 
“And you didn’t think to tell me when you saw me only a month ago?” You asked them. 
“Again, that was Mama Jaseeneh’s doing.” Kakazi excused. 
“You should have still told me about the Thunder Herd Clan and at least warned me that they were coming for me to liberate me, at least a little. More liberties than I enjoyed in White Rock anyway.” You murmured under your breath at Kakazi. 
“Well from now on, I promise, I’ll tell you everything.” Kakazi offered as he turned in his saddle to face you a little easier and smile at Ori who was not pleased he was so closed as she used her legs and kicked out at him to keep him as far away as her little legs could manage before you took the hint and scooted back away from Kakazi so Ori wouldn't hurt her still little and weak legs.  
“I hope so. Would you do me a favor?” You asked once you settled in again. 
“Anything.” He answered. 
“Go with Zorroku and his brothers and make sure they actually buy all these cattle that they’re after. I know Zorroku will buy them because I asked him to. But I don’t think his brothers can be trusted for such a simple thing and they have no idea how expensive cattle can really be. And I’m sending them to Cattle Baron Gronk in Black Angus.” You urged him. 
“Of course. Just let us set up camp and give you your gifts and you can go through them while we’re gone.” He offered. 
“Like Jaseeneh Visla gifts or courting gifts?” You asked a little suspiciously. 
“Jaseeneh Visla gifts. She’s coming later. She has to be in a special carriage by two mammoths. Because she’s pretty infirm now. And everyone else is going with her. But she gave us permission to come ahead early, and give you the first half of your gifts. Which include a proper Mountain Blizzard yurt. So you have a choice to either sleep in that or whatever tent they put you in here.” Katazi answered. 
“Aww, thank you. I’m excited to finally meet her. And everyone else.” You smiled happily. 
“Actually, Yotul has a space already cleared for you and your Clan that is closest to my tent.” You revealed. 
“Perfect, point the way.” He urged as you turned around and pointed to the tent.
“That’s Medowne’s old tent.” Katazi informed you with a frown when he recognized it. 
“Really?” You asked, kind of disheartened. Now that you were not just Medowne’s clothes. But her jewelry and her tent. How could Zorroku look at you and not see Medowne now?
“He had it specifically made for her the same way Crowthu had one made for Sharnarrah. But when she died giving birth to the twins, Zoku inherited it from her. And he was in the middle of refurbishing it and repairing it because it was in storage since her funeral and it got a bit of wear and tear both in use and in storage. But Medowne died before he could complete it.” Kakazi revealed as he got down and then helped you get down off of Brahma as Ori fussed every time he was too close as he tried to give you a hug and hand to settle for a side hug before Ori was grunting and growling at him and trying to push him away again.
“Was she always like this? She’ll smile at me and others in her family and clan but anyone else she won’t smile at at all. And she's never acted like this with anyone else since I've gotten her.” You asked him as you held her and swayed in place with her and put her on your opposite shoulder.
“Well, she usually screamed and cried at anyone who wasn’t Zoku.” Kakazi informed you.
"Why do you call him Zoku and not Zushku? Isn't Zushku the shortened form of Zorroushku in Ragesh?" You asked Kakazi.
"Yotul started to call him that when she adopted him and all of his brothers call him that so we call him that too." Kakazi shrugged as you frowned.
“But the fact that Ori isn't screaming and crying right now is a great improvement.” He praised as he tried to reach up to play with her but she just curled herself in on you to keep herself from being touched by anyone but you as she gave a you pleading look to not let anyone touch her which you seemed to instictively understand.
“She does look so much better. We worried she wouldn’t be alive to see us in the fall.” He recounted. 
“But now that she has you. I don’t think anyone will be worried about her. I know you’ll go full mama ice bear to protect her.” Kakazi reassured you. 
“Aww, thanks.” You beamed happily before you showed him and his family into your tent so they could see it for themselves before they picked up the part of the tent that was Ori’s Nursery wall and began putting up your Mountain Blizzard Visla yurt in conjunction with your tent as Zorroku and his brothers dismounted and at least helped set it up with Kakazi and his family. 
And suddenly they all realized why Kakazi and everyone called you Peacock because your yurt was in a peacock's colors and engraved with peacocks on the beams.
"Favorite animal?" Zorrku asked you.
"Yeah. I got to see a peacock feather once and when they showed me what a whole bird would look like in a book, I instantly loved it, The tip of a feather is one of the things I brought with me from White Rock. Although with the history Mountain Blizzard has with White Rock, they all call it Bastard Rock behind their backs." You smiled as Zorroku snickerd a laugh.
"Bastard Rock, that's a very fitting name." He grinned at you as you both appreciated all the intricate engraving and the fact that everything was either peacock green, turqoise, blue, purple and gold before you got several bouquets worth of peacock feathers just for decorating which made you squeal in delight Although with having three wolf pups and two mountain lion cubs in your care, you doubted you could keep peacocks now.
"Hey, so is Ori very picky about who she lets touch her or near her? Because she hates Kakazi something awful." You asked him.
"Yeah, sorry about that, yes she is very picky. Which is why her instantly liking you and loving you and being happy with you is a really big deal. There were others in the clan who tried to nurse her but she didn't like any of them and only tolerated Grat." Zorroku apologized.
"Oh. Well being picky can be a good thing. Besides kids have a sixth sense about people sometimes. I'll keep an eye out for who she doesn't like then." You assured him as Ori was happy that it was just you and her dad together as she seemed to want to be held by both of you at the same time before Zorroku excused himself to help set up the rest of your yurt with everyone else.
It was a very large, two story yurt frame made out of mountain cedar pine that smelled so amazing and fragrant. Each piece was intricately stained and painted beautifully. And then the multiple layers of ceiling and walls on top of and inside the frame. Then as the floor was installed, you got to pick from a whole pile of special silk rugs to serve as your floor and "walls" on the inside of the yurt as you picked all that appealed to you and knew exactly which ones each of your siblings would like when you were informed that their yurts were brought too.
In what felt like practically moments, a fully formed home was built. It even had a real wooden floor that came in special pieces that locked together. Then special woolen mats were unloaded and rolled out inside. The mats were made out of the Woolen Mammoth fur which was cultivated the same way sheep's wool was, was put down. It helped insulate the floors to help keep heat in and it provided extra cushioning under the rugs too. They were the perfect size to fit over the floors in both the bottom and top levels inside the house. Then once it was tucked and tied in place so it wouldn't move, then the rugs were put down. And once those were down and in place. Then the furnature could be moved in.
It got to be just as full of gifts for you- as your tent already was. But it came with clothes and jewelry that was made just for you- to fit your smaller human form. You could tell that some of the clothes were made to suit you when you were a few years younger and to what your size was as of a month ago. So it obviously was prepared to be given to you at least a few years ago, if not much sooner in general. It was a perfectly furnished home, if not quite full of even more wonderful things. That made you feel even more home now than you had before.
And the finishing touch was Zorroku putting Orianna's name that had already been carved in a plaque, right under your name at the door and you wanted to see Zorroku's full name in Ragesh right along side it. You could almost see the names of any and all future children engraved in plaques for the door before Kakazi handed you the key that was for the lock on the door. You had held gold and silver in your hands before. But this little iron key, might as well have been carved out of a diamond or a pearl, it was so precoius to you as you couldn't stop happily crying and thanking everyone for their work in setting it up before they turned to setting up the others to leave you to explore your new home with Ori who seemed just as enchanted with her new home as you were.
“Wow.” You whispered when you saw the huge armoire that was one huge jewelry box. It was stuffed to the brim with jewelry that was organized, granted a bit crowded, but organized. And perfectly beautiful. But you only slipped on a bracelet and earrings that matched the necklace and belt that you were already wearing. 
“So do you like it? Is there anything you're unhappy with?” Kakazi asked you as you were marveling at everything but had left your door open along with your windows and the skylights to let in as much light and air as possible.
"It's perfect. There is nothing that I don't love about it. I've never had a home of my own. It's been an honor having Medowne's old tent, it's been wonderful and everyone has tried so hard to make me feel welcome here. But I can feel all the love and care for me in everything in here. I can feel that everything was made just for me. And I can't believe that such an exquisite home is mine." You marveled.
Zorroku was leaning on the open door just outside and felt bad that you were in Medowne's old tent. But honestly it was the nicest tent available at the time. But often, tents were passed down, traded, taken apart, put back together because they were so versitile. And he hadn't thought about how you would feel knowing you were in Medowne's old tent, wearing her old clothes. You did deserve something completely yours and unique and one of a kind. And while he had wanted you to feel at home and at ease in your tent. He hoped you would feel at home and at ease, at least, on this land.
"Just wait till you see your home in Mountain Blizzard." Kakazi cooed.
"What are you talking about? This is my home from Mountain Blizzard." You frowned.
"This is one of your homes. As a Visla of the Mountain Blizzard Clan, you have two homes. This one is to dwell in when you're not at your home that's been carved out in the mountain city. Think of this as your summer home. Your winter home will put this one to shame it's in the heart of the Mountain Blizzard Clan City because you're Jaseeneh's Visla after all." Kakazi crooned as Zorroku dropped his head in defeat as he suddenly felt like there was nothing he could ever offer you that would ever be enough or stack up against this. So he left to try to help erect the other Yurts, including his maternal Grandmother's.
You were delightfully overwhelmed to see your parents’ yurt, and your brother’s yurts, and even your little sisters had their own yurts too. They were smaller because they were still little and attached to your parent’s yurts so that the yurts were still a home but their smaller yurts were like their own rooms. Their names, along with their titles of Visla were engraved in Ragesh special wood over the door frames as your name was on a wooden sign over the door to your yurt and you couldn’t wait to have your parents finally receive what was always owed to them. And Jaseeneh's yurt was extraordinary. It was the largest and nicest one out of them all and felt almost like a temple. And to see that the tents set up for Khagra and Bula on the other side of Crowthu’s family’s tents were just as nice. Making your parents Bula and Khagra’s equals but Jaseeneh, elevated above everyone. 
Once things were set up, Kakazi and the other boys and men from the Mountain Blizzard Clan helped Yotul prepare to host Black Wolf White Rock while also telling Yotul about her sister and the rest of her family as Yotul had the largest feasting tent erected just for this occasion. 
But when Yotul found out from the rest of the clansmen from Mountain Blizzard that your claim that Jaseeneh had been trying to buy your freedom and freedom of your family for the last 20 years, with your combined weight in salt a hundred times over, was in fact true. Yotul knew that Bula was not going to keep her hold over the rest of your family probably by the end of the night and felt bad for both wanting to see her sister and her nieces and nephews while also preparing her as far as personalities of her guests were. 
Meanwhile Arob had taken you to her tent to help you find a way to satisfy the hunger of your new pets. 
“Here, just take a breast and squeeze your milk into this cup and it will help anchor these little ones to you and help them think of you as their mother too. And it will help tame and domesticate them too.” Arob urged you as you did as she asked and squeezed a fair bit of milk out into the cup that she divided into the bottles for them and put the bottles inside a barrel they usually saved for nursing foals with more holes for them to nurse from as they all lined up and began to nurse from the bottles they had at your feet as you held Ori and helped her nurse her second breakfast. 
“I made a mistake.” You murmured to Arob. 
“Oh?” She asked. 
“I told Kakazi about what you saw in me and the Clan Chief, Clan Chieftess thing, hoping to get some sympathy because he’s usually very sympathetic person. And while he did show sympathy, he shocked me, he proposed on the spot.” You murmured sorrowfully. 
“Usually he’s this very playful, stupid but fun loving, lighthearted kind of guy. And he immediately turned so serious on me, the shock nearly threw me off Brahma.” You recalled. 
“Me and my big mouth are gonna get me into so much trouble. And who knows who he told about it. And what they’ll be doing. I really wish you hadn’t seen that about me. Because now it feels like any and every ambitious orc will try to court me just for that.” You sighed tiredly as you held Ori closely to you as she rested on the special nursing pillow around your waist to help hold nursing babies on. 
“And I keep having all these dreams about Zorroku and I don’t know if it’s just my overactive imagination. But it’s all overwhelming me so much.” You confessed. 
“The dreams are premonitions. Based on your current mindset, heart condition and choice in course. Give yourself a chance to wonder what your life could and would be like depending on who you choose and see what the premonitions show you about your options.” Arob revealed. 
“Really?” You asked her. 
“Do you want to see what your life would be like depending on who you choose?” She offered. 
“Yes. How much would…” You began. 
“Free, Honey. Don’t worry about it. I only want you to make the best decision for yourself and for Ori. It’s still all up to you. You are a Marfu. You have the same exact freedoms that Glasha has. Your future is yours to do with as you please. You have status and wealth to suit you for whichever course you take. Here, lay down on this bed here. And I’ll show you.” She offered before you got up and laid down as Ori was finally asleep herself and laid on your chest as Arob put you into a trance like sleep and showed you your various potential futures with every prospect both in the Thunder Herd Clan and Mountain Blizzard and far beyond.
It felt like you were living entire lifetimes and could see everything both as it happened and yet instantaneously before you seemed to have the same ending. After all these guys, except for Zorroku got what they wanted, they would abandon you only for Zorroku to come and pick you back up. No matter where you went, or who you chose, he would follow you, even if it meant leaving his family and his clan behind. He would use Ori as his excuse. But he would always stay with you, as close or as far as you were comfortable with. He was a loyal friend through and through and yet when you chose him from the very beginning, you were the happiest then. He would still only have you as his one and only wife and live up to all the vows he had already made towards you and then some. He could either choose to be his clan’s chief or not. Completely depending on your thoughts and feelings about it. He was always happy and content with just you and your family. Everything else didn’t matter to him. Only you and Ori and any other child you would give him. 
You openned your eyes with a sharp inhale and blinked away your happy and grateful tears. 
“How long was I out?” You asked. 
“Not even half an hour.” Arob answered you. 
“Oh good. So I have a really big favor to ask of you. My heart has chosen Zorroku already and after that, now it’s dead set on him. So I wanted to see if I could trade or purchase a special blessing from you." You began. 
"What kind of blessing?" Arob asked as she beamed with so much happiness at your decision.
"Is there a blessing that will allow me to have good, healthy pregnancies, good, non complicated births and for my body to be able to take in all of Zorroku's manhood comfortably? And if there is, I want you to go through my home and take whatever you want for it. Even before all this, I talked with Zorroku this morning about Medowne. And considering how she died, if I'm going to be with him, I don't want him to have to worry about me. At least physically and through childbearing. Because I've seen blended families and sometimes the human women can handle it and some can not and I want my body to be able to handle it and handle it very well." You proposed and Arob was so touched by your thoughtfulness and your noble heart and intentions and even your own sense of honor that she was near tears. You were such a treasure because of it.
"Of course, now I'm sensing you have some "medicine" that is in reality peach whiskey, give me one of the jugs of that and I'll make you a blessing that no other witch or sorcerer or sorceress will be able to top." Arob proposed.
You immediately left Ori there, asleep on that cot and bundled in her blanket and got the best one that had been aged longer than you had been alive. It was the best one you had and came back and eagerly gave it to her. Arob was touched even further that you'd gladly give up the best of what you had for Zorroku's sake, that was a very good sign.
"Ok, now, lay down again." Arob said as she put in what she needed into her other cauldron. Then she ran her fingers through your hair to catch the loose ones to throw those into it.
"Come and see." She invited you before you got up and turned over saw a vision of Zorroku granting you your freedom from the oath sworn by his father and yours and Khagra. And yet that would only make you more dead set on him. 
Then it showed yourself laying with Zorroku and how your womanhood would take his cock to the hilt and how you would always reach your satisfaction every time you laid together. How he would always be gentle and reverent when you wanted but give you the bone rattling, world shattering slightly rough sex you could crave without ever hurting you. How you would and could bear him child after child with ease and even a few sets of twins easily. How great of a mother you'd be and how he'd make the best father. He would never strike you or mistreat you in any way shape or form. 
Even your own parents and siblings would be there with you or in Mountain Blizzard and how they were taken into Crowthu’s family and into Jaseeneh’s family. And recognized as equal members of it as Marfu's and Vislas. 
You cried when you saw how Zorroku would never stray from you. How you'd always have all of him, his whole mind, heart and soul, his loyalty and fidelity, love and devotion. How happy you would be. How your children would be the most beautiful and handsome of their generation. How you would make the Thunder Herd Clan known as The Great Thunder Herd Clan. How you would be flocked to and your clan village would become a great city, and your garden would be famed. How your lands would prosper, and your village would become so advanced- because you embraced the new. It would become so fortified that it wouldn't be possible to be laid siege to. How you would make sure all its citizens were in good health and educated and happy and prosperous and peoples of all kids would stop calling you Warchieftess or Clan Chieftess but rather, The Queen in your old age. How you would help Zorroku retire from being Clan Chief at forty. His eldest sons would take over and you could get him to 78 years old, the oldest male orc in memory. He and you would both die together, holding each other tightly in your sleep, satisfied and happy. That neither his death or yours would hurt. And how all of your children and their spouses would share the same fate. Happy and satisfied with their lives. 
"Sold." You giggled through your happy tears before you rewind-ed it to the point where he gave you your freedom and you paused it and noticed a blue dot in the corner.
"What does that blue dot mean?" You asked as you pointed it out.
"It means you have an idea about it, press it and see your idea play out." Arob invited you so you did. You saw yourself telling Crowthu and Khagra and Jaseeneh and Dashaneh your idea that was just now springing into life in your head once Zorroku asked for your freedom and your family’s freedom that very night. 
Then you saw what would happen if they said yes. You and Arob gasped as you saw what would happen. You looked at each other excitedly as you saw just how the Thunder Herd Clan would have the means to become a very great fortified, advanced city and civilization. 
"OK, can we show this vision to everyone again when they all get here?" You asked hopefully.
"Oh yes. But I'll blur out Zorroku so that they still think all their sons have a shot and I'll say it's blurry because you haven't made up your mind and that it's open still." Arob grinned mischievously.
"Perfect." You mirrored her grin before you hugged her as tight as you could from where you were. 
Once you let go of each other you turned to Ori cooed to her sleeping form and promised her that you would be the best mother to her that you could be and that you would always love her forever. You both also noticed she really did start filling out nicely already as was starting to get some rolls on her limbs.
“Now lay down and close your eyes. It won’t take long.” Arob coached you. 
You awoke only what felt like a few moments later. And when you awoke, a very strong, lasting happiness came to you and refused to leave you. You had a smile you could not shake off the rest of the day. You just wanted to kiss Zorroku until your lips would fall off, it's because of him and his love for you and his support that you'd be able to do so much in the future. You'd do all you could to please him that very night if you could get away with it.  
“These premonitions that I’m getting about Zorroku, can you share them with him?” You asked hopefully.
“Yes.” Arob smiled and nodded before she handed you a huge bag of round balls of incense. 
“Everytime you find a suitor who is particularly forward, you give them one. And say that they’re premonition beads. And to use them, throw them in the fire tonight before bed. And they will see how while they get what they want, how devastated you usually are with them and how once you are devastated, the blessings reverse and they too become devastated. And that should be enough to deter most. But you will find one bead in there that is white on end and blue on the other. It is in its own little pocket. That one is for Zorroku. All the others are white and rather indistinguishable from each other. But once they are in the hands of yourself and then the other suitors themselves, they will take on the ambition of the host who holds them and change color. Your end still white- like a blank canvas. And the color will be indicative.” Arob instructed you as she handed it to you and you put it on your belt and then gave you a small piece of paper that had all the colors and their meanings that you quickly studied and then put it in the little bag on the belt with it. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her as you hugged her before you got Ori up off the mat and put her in your sling again before the two of you left and rejoined the others. You quickly went to where a horse was newly slaughtered and took the cocks and balls off the horses killed for the noon meal and the feast at dinner and started to prepare a special soup with them just for Yar, for when he would get there at dinner time because you knew he'd appreciate it. You told the others in the kitchen about the food tastes of their cousins and family as you made a special cake to celebrate this momentous occasion as you used your other peach whiskeys to pour over the cake and flavor the special honey glaze you put over it.
Then you were pulled back into the main feasting tent to make sure there was enough space and tables for everyone and everything as Fusha introduced you to the women who had come ahead early. As you recognized Kakazi’s sisters who then introduced you to their sisters in law as you worked who was related to who and how. All of them were really happy and excited to finally meet ‘Jaseeneh’s Visla Regina’s Bella’ that you spoke Ragesh so well and Arob had never had to repeat so many times over that yes, what she saw when she did her peering was true. But that it had scared you off to the idea and if they so much as hinted that it was that that your potential suitor was really after, you would immediately reject them because you didn’t want that for yourself and would automatically be put into a suspicious, weary and defensive attitude. Which seemed to be a good enough answer. 
“You sure that was a good idea?” Yotul asked Arob after she overheard the last set of mothers and sisters ask Arob about you since Kakazi had told his parent what you had told him as others overheard it and began asking and soon word seemed to spread behind your back so to speak but yet you could practically see the news travel among them. And suddenly you could see little disks above their heads to see what they were envisioning as you looked to them to Arob. 
“Why am I seeing the little pictures above everyone’s heads?” You asked her. 
“To show you who has ideas about you and what they’re thinking and their ambitions and intentions. It’s to help you decide who is genuine and who isn’t.” Arob answered before Lazuli came back to get you. 
“Your celebration dresses from the trunk have been finished. Where do you want them?” She asked as she had them wrapped in plain white cotton to keep them clean and private for you. 
“Oh, here, let me help.” You offered before you took two of the four bundles of clothes in her hands. 
“Dress in something sexy tonight Peaches! Make the boys’ jaws drop!” All the girls playfully incited you with rounds of laughter which made you smile but blush hard. Glasha and Brielan, Fusha’s daughter and her young kids left to join you to help you get dressed as Glasha took one from you and Brielan took the second from Lazuli as the four of you and Brielan’s kids followed you out of the main feasting tent and towards your home to help you get ready as the others ready left to do the same since the space was finally finished in time for everyone to get ready for dinner by the time the boys would get home. 
“Oh wow. Medowne never wore this, at least publicly.” Glasha noted as she looked over the different outfits that had been finished and she and Brielan and Lazuli immediately giggled licentiously so you threw caution to the wind and put it on and felt so sexy in this as your confidence was boosted almost immeasurably as they made sure your jewelry was perfect before you put on a piece of sheer but gorgeously embroidered shall over it since you were a bit self conscious about being so “exposed” since the outfit came with a midriff. 
Then you felt all of the mammoths began to make the deepest noise that you felt through your bones. 
“Mama Jaseeneh is here!” Brielan squealed before you exited your tent just as Zorroku and the rest of them had come back bringing in the livestock and were hot and sweaty and needed a bath but when he was about to come down the lane where his tents and his family’s tents were, you came out in one of the sexiest outfits Medowne owned and had was something she had commissioned in her skin tone to make it look like she was naked. 
“Medowne!” Zorroku blurted, half in alarm and half in surprise which made Glasha, Lazuli, Brielan and yourself and everyone around him freeze as Zorroku slapped his hand over his mouth in horror as you looked above Zorroku’s head to see Medowne wearing this and seducing him which cut you to the bone as your eyes dropped to the ground as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 
“I should change.” You immediately turned around and went back into the tent. 
“No! No! No, you looked fine! You don’t need to change!” Zorroku tried to call after you, as Glasha, Brilan and Lazuli frowned deeply at him. 
“What the fuck Zoku?” His brothers and cousins got after him. 
"I told you giving her Medowne's tent and her clothes was a bad idea, Just one of them is one thing but both is too much. I told you that she would only feel like you're trying to make her into Medowne." Nar reminded his eldest brother with a shake of his head as he was disappointed and heartbroken for you for Zorroku to outright call you by Medowne's name when he saw you in her clothes.
“I’m so sorry Belladonna!” Zorroku called into the tent as the other women came after you as he outright ignored his brothers and cousins and friends.
“You don’t have time to change, Jaseeneh is here. You need to go to her.” Brielan tried to stop you from ripping the outfit off of yourself as you tried to silently wrack a sob as even Ori was starting to cry because you were upset and crying too.
“Zorroushku, just get cleaned up and ready for dinner. I’ll see you later. I have to go meet my grandmother now. Everyone should go please.” You dismissed him and the others as you wiped the tears from your eyes. Then you left your tent through the yurt behind them as quietly as you and Brielan could as Glasha whispered that she would take care of Brielan’s kids as Brilan took your hand and ran with you as fast as you both could run carrying your babies as Glasha came back out of your tent with Brielan’s little ones and repeated that her brothers needed to get cleaned up and made sure they all passed your tent before she tied an extra big and extra hard knot in all the doors and tent flaps before she took Brielan’s kids back to the main feasting tent with Lazuli.
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