#orc period drama
thecandywrites · 1 year
The Switch Chapter 14
The Order of Radiance
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Woo, it's been a hot minute since my last update, took me 6 months to do Monster March. But I got through it and now it's back to my regularly scheduled stuff. Enjoy.
The Switch 
Chapter 14
The next morning, you awoke with a start, right at dawn and immediately reached for your pen and latest journal to write as fast your hand could move across the page as your new pen barely kept the ink flowing freely enough to keep up with you. 
Because while you had tried to shrug off the “altercation” with your former King and Queen. It had still bugged you and you felt like you were missing an obvious solution to the problem and after sleeping on it and even dreaming about it, you awoke with a solution. 
You barely had it written down before you got out of bed to quickly relieve yourself and keep writing as you did so and barely had the lights dimly lit so you could go to your desk and keep expounding on the idea and before you knew it, you were using up all the ink in this pen. You tried to use your second and spare pen to trade out while the other hand refilled the ink reservoir as the other hand just kept writing- like a woman possessed, trying to get it all out and all down as it was like the most beautiful flower blooming in your mind as suddenly everything came together and with just a quick look at the bank note from Solowards- and the sale of the land that Saffiro had left behind, you beamed when you did some quick math and calculations right there in your notebook and then- like finally placing the last pieces of a puzzle together. Suddenly with only a new page, using your now- refilled pen, you drafted the first The Order of Radiance Lease Agreement and when you had finished the contract you took a few shaky breaths but stared at it and your face suddenly bloomed in a smile of relieved victory. 
This was it. 
This was how you were going to deal with them, this was the perfect solution. And how you were going to practically own them and every other unsavory royal you had ever encountered and ever would encounter. And this was how you were going to protect yourself, the Contessina Order, which from now on would be known as The Order of Radiance- using your official Dorierran given honorific title, so that future generations wouldn’t have to worry about distinguishing themselves from you on an individual level. And this would protect Salgria Shipping and every other person in the D.A. who would ever even think of landing on Solowardian Soil or even airspace for that matter. 
And then like magic, once the flower seemed to fully bloom in your mind, another seemed to come into view and suddenly you were reaching for a stack of papers and suddenly you were writing as fast as you could, trying to get it all down and write with one hand and draft with the other, without really looking at what the other hand was drawing as you kept closing your eyes and seeing it in your mind and trying to write it all down. You were going to make each skyport a flower. A perfect- daisy like flower. A single, beautiful divinely simple, stately stem, but with a disk like face with each petal making up the face when it would need to bloom and show off it’s pretty petals. 
And no sooner had you done that before suddenly you were using up every flower you knew of to create more versions of what you could clearly now see in your mind as your imagination created it as fast as you could write it down as you were creating stacks and stacks of papers from both hands as you were so infinitely grateful you were ambidextrous to allow this feat as you were putting each stack of notes with each drawing into one big, rather messy pile in front of you, trying to criss cross them so that you could keep them all separate. 
You had drained two whole bottles of ink and were on your third just as Kragan woke up a couple of hours later as you were so far down the rabbit hole, your eyes were traveling back and forth between the two stacks of paper to make sure that each thing you were working on with two separate hands doing two separate things were- somehow perfectly in sync.  You didn’t care if your fingers were going to permanently turn midnight blue from the ever precious indigo ink. This was pure genius. And it was like you were on some kind of super drug where time was no longer a concept your brain was accustomed to. You barely registered the sun rising, only that the room was getting lighter from the greater increase of light coming into the room through the windows helped you work. 
“Tess?” Kragan murmured once he woke up and reached for you, only to find the blankets pulled back and you were no longer beside him. And even the bed itself was now cold from your absence as his eyes soon snapped open to see you no longer in the bed and he felt panicked to no longer see or even hear you. 
“Tess?!” Kragan called out a little louder and it caused you to finally pull you out of your hyperfocus and jumped in your skin and caused both hands to jerk the ink on the pages. 
“I’m here. I’m here. I…I am having the best and most genius idea ever and I’m writing it down.” You answered as you finally seemed to come up for air for the first time you woke up before you seemed to take a nose dive right back into it. 
“Ok… wanna tell me or if you do, you’ll lose momentum?” Kragan asked as his body relaxed as he looked from the bed, to where you now resided in the middle of the room where your desk was- to feel like a fool for not realizing that if you were not in bed- of course you would be at your desk. 
“I’ll lose momentum. I can’t stop. I’m not done yet. I mean, I’m almost done but I can’t stop now. If I stop now, it’ll stop blooming and I can’t cut the flowers off before they bloom.” You cryptically answered him back. 
“Flowers?” He repeated in confusion. 
“Yeah, flowers. So many flowers, all blooming, all at the same time. Like late spring, when the whole garden starts to bud and then bloom all at the same time. But I have to get to all the blooms. I can’t miss any of them or else they’ll wilt before I get them all. I can’t miss them.” You implored desperately. 
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Kragan asked. 
“Yes! I got the best sleep of my life! It’s where the first buds of the first buds of blooms started to appear and when I woke up the buds bloomed.” You answered manically as you continued to go at a hectic pace. 
“Are you…are you on drugs? You’re…you’re manic. Why are you manic?” Kragan asked worriedly when he recognized your tone and got up and came over to the desk to see you working like some kind of supercharged machine. 
“No! I’m not on drugs. Well, not any of the ones that any mortal can make. My brain is giving me my own drugs. My own fireworks of flowers. It’s like divine inspiration, when the gods inspired the holy books to be written by the prophets. Same thing but just..less holy but if this is what divine inspiration feels like- I get it. I’m almost done, I’m almost done, I only have a few more flowers to get to.” You repeated as you wrote so fast, the writing was near illegible and you were writing in shorthand too! And your hand and wrist and forearm from the other hand were already stained and you didn’t care if you were smudging your own drawings, they were still there enough for Kragan to look at and redraft officially if he needed to. 
“If you must look, start with the bottom section of the stack in front of me, but, very, very carefully, don’t disturb the rest of the stack.” You urged him as you kept moving your head and your eyes back and forth as you drew and wrote as fast as your fingers would let you. 
“...okay…” Kragan frowned but did as you asked and oh so carefully pulled the section at the bottom of the stack out and left the rest as undisturbed as possible before he looked at the drawing and then to the pages as you had put the lease agreement first and then the first flower, the daisy plans with that. 
“Oh-ho-ho-ho! Yes! Oh Babe, this is genius!” Kragan cheered when he read it. 
“Thank you, Now look at the flower! Look at the flower!” You urged him as you continued at your near frantic pace. 
“What the…oh, wait, wait, what? What did you…Did you seriously design a ship with no sails but…but that could move in the twelve winds because you…you redesigned the propulsion engine motor?!” Kragan gasped when he saw the “flower” and all of it’s beautiful, glorious petals. 
“Oh, oh this is giving me an idea. Have you tackled the sunflower yet?” He asked. 
“That’s the third one.” You answered as he then took the next two out from under the stack, and got the “sunflower” one out and laughed in delight. 
“Oh! This changes everything! This changes everything! Oh my gods, this, this completely changes everything! This is perfect! I love you so much! You’re the smartest being in the universe! You’re divine!” He announced as he kissed your cheek emphatically before he took it and went to his desk that was on the other side of you and did a freehand drawing first, using your sketch and your writing as a guide and just as you were finished with the current flower and changing putting it all together and simply made a second stack, he was just diving into these first ones. 
Kragan practically giggled as he drew out the basic design and then gave it bones and flesh and then skin, like creating a new life from scratch. And because he knew the real world applications and know-how and even used your inspiration to spark his own imagination and his own spark of creativity as he then redesigned how it would all work and how it would all be built and what the dimensions needed to be. What everything needed to be- in order to work. And work like the dream came to life that it was. 
“So it’s possible?” You asked as you took a moment after finishing your last set to look over at him and watched fondly as he worked. 
“Yes. Very much so. I never would have thought to do anything like this without your divine inspiration.” He beamed happily back at you as he looked at you with absolute delight and giddy excitement.
“I don’t know if it’s divine…” You allowed. 
“Oh, it is, trust me. This is how you’re going to catapult us into the future. And if you’re doing these based on flowers, each country and each place has it’s favorite flowers, you could totally tailor these to more suit the aesthetics of each place. And they will be perfect works of art and wonders of the world and will be its own destination. Plus I love the change to the Order. It’ll make the privilege of knowing you personally that much more precious and intimate in a way.” He began. 
“That and it’ll be easier for the future generations to not constantly feel like they’re in my shadow and have to constantly differentiate them from me.” You explained. 
“Yes, I agree. It would be confusing in a lot of ways, like it has with the ships themselves.” He agreed with a nod. 
“I’m happy you agree, I have another idea but I wanted to run it by you.” You began. 
“I’m all ears Dearest.” He invited. 
“I want to give Millie a job.” You began and it caused him to frown slightly in confusion for a moment.  
“Doing what?” He asked, trying to keep his tone light and not betray how much he was against Millie ever tearing down anything you had built up. 
“My mother has always insisted that Millie was always a princess and future queen in the making. And with this wedding, she is loving all of the attention and the favors and the royal treatment and everyone kissing her ass so to speak. And she couldn’t be happier with that. And it’s a spectacle where she’s the star of the show.” You began as you saved your best “flower” for last as you slowed down and really took your time with it. 
“Ok…” Kragan slowly nodded in agreement as his frown deepened. 
“But Millie is dreading her life as Countess Lavine in Solowards. Because here I am, practically empress of my own empire and she’s being looked at and expected to repeat what I’ve done and she…she has no idea how to do that and wouldn’t even know where to start. Because all she knows is the performance. She doesn’t know anything else. And that’s only because she’s had it practically beat into her since she was a child to be nothing like me, to be the exact opposite of me, all flash but nothing of real substance. Because if anything of real weight is a burden and no one wants to be a burden. To not be too educated, to not be too intelligent, to not be anything other than a little doll to be dressed up. Or a jewel in a jewelry case, to be worn and to be an accessory to Ron but not be her own person. And now that others are expecting her to be her own person, she’s having a hard time figuring who and what that person is without being told by someone else. And even now, Gwendolyn is terrified to even leave the house. She hates all the pressure that I’ve unknowingly and unintentionally put on her and Millie. And she’s incredibly introverted and very shy and she hates the spotlight of any kind. And she is dreading the thought of even following in either my or Millie’s footsteps. But I have an idea for her, but I want to go over it with my parents. But before I do that, I want Millie to have a chance to stay in the spotlight so that Gwendolyn never has to even get on the stage, not until she really wants to.” You explained. 
“So..this is more, how to save your sister Gwendolyn from being a spectacle, while making it so that Millie stays the spectacle?” Kragan concluded. 
“Yes.” You confirmed. 
“Ok. What did you have in mind?” He asked curiously as his knitted brow relaxed.  
“When people will no doubt get their ships and are eager to set sail on the twelve winds and see the world, the rich and powerful and most likely royal ones- will need something of a guide. I want to promote Millie to be a Radiant Diamond. Which is really, only a fancy title that will make her feel important. But it’ll be so that she can go around to all of these capitals first, go to all the opulent opera houses and go to all the courts and palaces that- for those who want to pay the price of staying a night in a castle and live like a royal guest for a day, she could create a guide and her own diamond system. I’m thinking of giving her- her own rating system of diamonds. Specifically five. So if she will go to these eating establishments or will go to these other palaces to stay and live like the princess she’s always wanted to be and has been trained, since birth to have the super fine, opulent and super luxurious tastes. And she can rank and rate everything the world over, starting with Wakanear first since she will be there on her honeymoon. And after the honeymoon, simply either transition or keep it going and sail around and the moment a skyport is opened up, she will be there, trying out everything first to see which places are worth the time to get to. And the fuss that everyone will have when they see her ship, followed by it’s fleet of huge cargo ships behind her and surrounded by other guard ships, as if she is the most precious new bride in the world, more precious than even the Dorrierran ones. Not only would and could she do such a thing, gleefully and joyfully, it would be something she could and would take very seriously. Because it puts her as the seat of judging everyone else and everything else instead of herself being judged and she would have her chance to have her nearly impossibly high standards to be met. And she wouldn’t have to worry about the Solowardian court or really trimming down from Princess to Countess, if anything she can keep herself as she is if she wants to be. She would amass her own empire of all things luxurious and refined sophistication. Since, one, she has the training, two she has the desire and the patience and the skill for that arena that I simply don’t want to have. Hell I was going to go and ask High Councilor Langashi for that biggest and most grandiose crown and present it to her as a wedding present and “anoint” her as such after the wedding. Because then it would be seen as I would only ever trust her super refined luxurious tastes to suit The Order of Radiance Luxury Guide Book.” You relayed. 
“That..that would be perfect for her.” Kragan blinked in surprise as his eyebrows lifted for a moment but a smile soon bloomed on his features. 
“So what about Gwen?” He asked. 
“Well, she’s always been more intellectual like me. But because she is so private and likes the comfort of home but doesn’t want to be a home body all the time and is only currently that because she has a fear of being judged and picked apart if she were to leave the house. She even moved into my old suite of rooms at home, eager to have a private space of solitude, but at the same time, confinement is better than being thrust into the spectacle with Millie. But at the same time, I think she will do better at finding the super secret gems. Like the opposite of Millie, where Millie will be quick to be drawn like a magnet to the really popular and pave the way to the best time of your life at any point in your travels around the world. Gwendolyn will be anti-popular, but for those who want the real, authentic experience, she’ll be the super secret guide. The places where you can’t make reservations. The places that don’t cater to tourists but where you can find the real truth and real soul and real authentic experiences at various places instead of falling for the tourist traps. I want her to find the opposite of that and her guide will be for the precious few intellectuals, artists, those who are more genuinely interested in not going along with Millie’s extravagant luxury guide, but are happy and content to be much more discrete and where no one gives a shit about who you are and what you do and how much money you make or that you’re wearing the latest and greatest. If anything, it will be the opposite, where you can just be and be comfortable. Like when you were just a sailor on your ships before you met me. All of those places that you knew you could and would be accepted just the way you were. But places that might not break out in brawls because these will still need to be safe for others to travel to without getting into trouble or come to any kind of harm. But that you’re not just a tourist, that you’re taken as you are without any kind of pretense, you’re just passing through like any other person. I want her to find the kind of places that will be happy to welcome you in, you can clap along to the music, drink the beer and enjoy really good music and your evenings after doing art or music or reading or appreciating architecture or meet authors and artists and musicians and enjoy their company and either join in or appreciate them as they are. Places like Souja Tavern. The places that make you feel like you’re a local. That you’re no better or no worse than anyone else and where everyone is equal and as long as you have some coin, and good manners, you can still have a good time. The artist circles, cafes, the little eateries, places like that. For the people who march to the beat of their own drum, but can do so safely.” You expounded. 
“And then I want you and your brothers and even your dad- to make your own list of places that- if you want rowdy, if you want rough and tumble and dangerous and thrilling, these are the places for you. You either can or can not use your own name of course. But it would be a very much- travelers beware- danger can lurk here- kind of thing.” You carefully expounded.  
“Yes, I believe I can do that.” Kragan laughed with a nod. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him. 
“But otherwise? That five diamond thing? I think Millie would take to that job like a fish to water. And I think your parents would love that for Gwendolyn to feel involved and feel included but not have to be part of the production like Millie is. I think that’s brilliant. And it’s your empire, you do with it what you want and of course I would be happy to help you and support however I can. But yes, I think those are excellent ideas and I think Millie especially will be ecstatic.” 
“Also I want to give Millie- plaques that her super famous, super luxurious places she will undoubtedly find- can proudly display. But I want Gwendolyn to have her own marker. But I want it gold with black laquer. Like a super secret code. Or like a password to get into the secret but exclusive places that only those in the know and those in the intellectual, musical and theological, and artisanal spaces would be happy to have those like minded and be beacons where those of likemindedness can come and be themselves without judgment or without too much dangerous exposure, does that make sense?” You asked. 
“Yes, perfect sense.” Kragan nodded with a proud smile. 
“Thank you.” You smiled. 
“Also, I want to hire a police and security force and especially a lawyer team and an investigative branch as well. Like I want The Order of Radiance to be taken seriously and have it’s presence felt and understood with crystal clear clarity.” You added. 
“Oh yeah, of course.” Kragan nodded in agreement before Mildred knocked on the door. 
“Yes?” You and Kragan answered before Mildred came in with a small tray of tea. 
“Oh my goodness, up and doing business already and not even dressed?” She teased. 
“Tessa woke up quite inspired, it couldn’t wait.” Kragan readily excused with a proud smile. 
“Oh?” Mildred asked as she set the teapot down and poured a cup of tea for each of you before she got you a little plate and passed it to you. 
“Oh my goodness, Lady Tessa! Your hands! And your arms?! Are you tattooing yourself in your ink again? You and your ambidextrousness, both hands are like this.” Mildress teased before she tried to grab a rag to try to clean it up. 
“But look at what she was making.” Kragan said as he handed her the finished sketch he just then finished up. 
“It’s beautiful. I have no idea what it is. But whatever it is, looks beautiful.” Mildred praised. 
“Mildred, when you watch a daisy bloom and atop a stately stem, suddenly a table like bloom rests serenely atop it’s stem?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Mildred nodded. 
“Now you know how a leaved table, with a simple pull on the outer fram and a few adjustments, suddenly a table that once only could seat four, could now seat six or even eight, depending on how many leaves you put into it?’ You continued. 
“Yes…” Mildred slowly nodded as she still tried to see how the two things would be related. 
“Now, imagine, instead of pulling the frame apart with the table to set the leaves inside. Imagine adding the leaves to the table on the outside. And you can add as many leaves or in this case- petals, as you want. And you can interlock them to the center stem. And, if the petals are supported, not all the stress of bearing the weight is on the stem, suddenly, you can make that flower as large as you want.” You explained as you showed her your original sketch before Kragan showed her his and how it would work and how you could make a “flower” out of the skyport. And potentially make it to be as big as the city itself if you needed it to. 
“But what about those under it? Wouldn’t that block out the sun from them?” Mildred asked. 
“It would only be up for a few days for special occasions. Otherwise the petals can be like little additional meeting rooms on the skyport. But with each having it’s own engine, they can be flown and arranged anywhere on the skyport that they’re needed and with retractable walls. They can either make a larger enclosed space or even be open to allow a good breeze to come through.” You expounded. 
“Oh, well that would be lovely. Like little additions to any of the skyports or even the ships themselves.” Mildred noted before you and Kragan and yourself immediately seemed to light up excitedly. 
“Oh Dear. I’ve done it again. Ok, let me get you both your breakfast and most likely lunch and dinner delivered to your rooms. And I’ll send for more paper. Large drafting paper especially. And I’ll even get more inks if I have to.” Mildred sighed in defeat before she saw herself out and had another cart brought in, covered in various dishes from the kitchens before she went ahead and got at least a dressing robe on you both, should anyone actually call you on the messengerari and not still see Kragan shirtless and you in nothing more than a nightgown and opened the windows to let the fair breeze into the rooms. 
“Happy Anniversary by the way My Lord and Lady.” Mildred said as she brought in fresh floral arrangements into the room and set it by the window so that the breezes would waft the scents into the room. . 
“Anniversary?” You questioned as you looked up at her and looked at the date. 
“Yes, it’s been a whole six months already. And you’re still halfway through your pregnancy. But with your sister’s wedding still a good three months off. It will be a wonder what will happen first, your sister becoming Countess Lavine or you becoming a mother because they should be happening at about the same time. But my midwifing instincts say they won’t. Your sister should walk down that aisle before you walk into motherhood with his Lordship walking beside you in fatherhood.” Mildred cooed happily as she replaced the floral arrangement on the table you were eating from too, making sure the fragrance of the blooms would be appreciated as much as it’s beauty without getting in the line of sight between yourself and Kragan since the small table was really only big for two people and their dishes for breakfast. 
“Oh gods, please don’t come before the wedding or even the day of. The day after? Go for it my Darling.” You worriedly told your belly as you rubbed at the babe inside as they seemed to still be sleeping. 
“Oh don’t even speak such things My Lady. Don’t be tempting Fate like that, lest they make it somehow ten times worse.” Mildred urged you. 
“Seriously, don’t.” Kragan shook his head no. 
“But yes, happy 6 month anniversary My Love.” He added when he kissed you sweetly.
“Happy Anniversary Beloved.” You mirrored happily. 
“And if my midwifin instincts are still as sharp as they ever were, I would actually wager your sister being done with her honeymoon by the time the babe comes.” Mildred wagered. 
“Then I trust your word for it.” You offered before a thought came to your mind once you took a bite of breakfast and chewed it thoughtfully. 
“Mmm! We should call the notaries, the bankers and others to come to the house for the lease agreement as well as make the changes to The Order.” You reminded both Kragan and yourself. 
“Perhaps you should get dressed in something other than a nightgown and a robe if you are to entertain guests of any kind, My Lady.” Mildred urged. 
“Yes, after breakfast though.” You nodded before you quickly jotted down a list and handed it to Mildred. 
“While I finish up eating breakfast, could you please call those people and tell them that I will need to speak with them at their earliest convenience?” You asked Mildred sweetly. 
“Of course My Lady.” She smiled as she took the list before she put it into her portable “phonebook” she kept in a notebook of her own that had all the messenerari numbers on it of all the people you liked to keep in contact with. 
Once you had eaten your fill, then you let the other servants come in and help you dress in your new dresses that had been delivered the day before to suit your growing belly and bosom and support you while still keeping you in surprising stylish comfort. You chose something much more discreet and much more demure for today- than what you had gotten yesterday. 
And once you were dressed, then you called your parents, who thankfully informed you that the King and Queen both refused court today because they were still reeling from the call yesterday. As you told them about the plan you had hatched that morning and showed them the lease agreement and the countermeasures you had already drawn up. They were ecstatic for it and thought the plan was ingenious.
And when Langashi called you, at Mildred’s request, you showed it to her and even she thought it was ingenious and was quite impressed and agreed that this was the best honey trap imaginable and that if they did not go into the honey trap, she would the iron fist to back you and The Order up. Which you were eternally grateful for. 
Within the hour, you had teams of notaries, bankers, and even Langashi came with Dorierran Judiciaries to your palace, and in particular to your “official reception room” where you were content to put on a simple diadem instead of a full crown in your head as you sat at the head of the long business table with Langashi at your right as others took seats along the table as they drafted up official paperwork to do as you wanted and needed them to. 
You had the Masters use their special paper, their special inks, and their special magic tools to make the lease agreement or the purchase agreement, whichever their Majesties would prefer as you wrote out your official offer to them, making it the best sales pitch you could, full of ass kissing flattery and strokes to their egos and instead of giving them a choice where they felt they were within a rock and a hard place and instead of challenging the norm. Offer them the option to keep it a cost they would happily pay, while also releasing others from it if they wished to leave it. 
And it seemed it all came to be done all at the same time because the ink had no sooner dried on the official document and the seal already stamped in place before your messengerari had rung from your parents and the Lavines. 
“Well, it is all done. All that needs to happen is for the exchange of money and land holdings to go into your name.” Your father proudly informed you. 
“Perfect. Then let’s get our business done first, and then from there, we can negotiate with their Majesties.” You nodded before you took the special messengerari pen and signed the documents your father had prepared as well as Count Lavine before a Banker processed the large transfers of wealth to their D.A. accounts and made ready for the influx of wealth to the King and Queen of Solowards. 
“Pahpah, I now grant you the office of my Official Ambassador of the former Contessina Order, which has just been changed to The Order of Radiance- simply for my own simplicity sake- as well as the title of Supreme Chancellor of Commerce for The Order of Radiance as well. And as Ambassador, your estate, land holdings are now property of The Order and I am granting it to your ownership and stewardship. And those in your household and tenants are now all officially citizens of The Order of Radiance. Please note that The Order holds every man, woman and child as individual citizens. Every man, woman and child of the commonwealth will now receive a yearly stipend which is to be used as a base income in The Order of Radiance within the Dorierran Alliance of a thousand gold denari and 500 silver denari in addition to any good or service they may provide to supplement such an income in union with their support of The Order. They shall receive this as a living starting at the age of 1 and shall go into immediate effect. They are all protected under The Order of Radiance Charter. As well as enjoy the rights and freedoms as stated within The Order’s Bill of Rights. Do you, as landholder and renter to The Order of Radiance tenants- agree to these terms on their behalf and under penalty of The Order of Radiance Law- swear to uphold the Law of the Order as it coincides with the Dorierran Alliance Law and Order?” You offered. 
“It is my pleasure to uphold such an honor.” Your father agreed before he signed the papers of Nobility under the Order as well as relinquished his former title as Duke for the King and Queen of Solowards, with one stroke of the pen- freeing himself, his family and those he cared for as landowner- of Solowardian Law and fully into the D.A. and The Order of Radiance. 
“Excellent. Congratulations Ambassador.” You smiled. 
“Now, for the details. It is decreed under The Order of Radiance that, as Ambassador to The Order- you will only ever owe the nominal fee to the D.A. as a citizen of the D.A. As well as to The Order of a thousand gold Dorierran danari a year. Otherwise there will be no other taxes collected by The Order. Only those by the D.A. which we are all international citizens of. But otherwise, you will now have an income from The Order- and that salary is this amount. Is this agreeable?” You officially informed him once you wrote that number down for him to quickly see. 
“I do.” He smiled as you could tell he was already thinking of ways to turn that sum of a hundred thousand gold denari into millions. 
“And my beautiful Mamah. You are my Prime Radiance of The Order of Radiance Official Court. Where you can choose any court site of your liking to hold your court. You may hold your court in conjunction with The Order’s Court of Commerce. Or, if you wish to keep your court separate and have it be any other kind of court you see fit- you are empowered to make this court how you see fit and I now empower you to accept or decline anyone whom you deem worthy into your court, if I or any other Lady of the Order do not accept them into the court previously. And that, as also my Ambassador to any and all other courts within the Dorierran Alliance, that you will be the Order’s eyes, ears and mouthpiece should you see fit.” You informed your mother proudly. 
“It is my pleasure to hold this honor.” She gleefully agreed. 
“Excellent. Also your income for this office, both as Ambassador and as Prime Radiance- to be used how you see fit and engage in any business you so desire both in and out of The Order’s Court of Commerce.” You grinned before your mother gasped when she saw the same number for her. 
“Are…are you sure?” She couldn’t help but blurt out. 
“Yes. Both of you are heads of your courts. I couldn’t have one- make more than the other. I need to empower and fully realize both courts.” You nodded. 
“I’m…humbled by your generosity.” Your mother offered as her lips wavered while her eyes grew glassy with tears but she signed it before you pulled the papers back. 
“Excellent. Now I will need all of my siblings to please enter the room, if they are not already present.” You offered. 
“We’re here!” Your other sisters and brothers giddily announced as they came around to be with your parents on the Messengerari. 
“Now, Toulouse, I know you want to be a lawyer, I’m going to count on you to help me with The Order’s interests in navigating Solowardian Law, I’ll be sending you law books and a team from Dorierra to bring you up to speed on the D.A. side of things, and I’ll need your help drafting more than just the Bill of Rights ok?” You requested. 
“Yes, on it.” He readily reassured you. 
“Saffiro, you’re already my Chief Financial Officer for The Order. So that’s already taken care of. Bellamy, I know you’re really good at sneaking. I’m sending you a team of investigators. I’m gonna need you as my Chief Investigator for The Order, you think you might be up to learning to be that? I know you’re only 15 but you’re pretty good at it as it is.” You urged him. 
“Yes!” He beamed. 
“Gwendolyn, I need you to help me find the best musicians to provide music for various functions The Order will no doubt have. Because you’re a natural talent for it. I’m counting on you helping me find the best talent- even if it’s in unexpected places and I’ll send you the finer details later, but for now I need you to sign here.” You worded with a meaningful look as Gwen blinked in surprise to hear that but did as you asked and signed it before a packet came to her own private messengerari in her room. 
“So what do I get to do?” Millie asked expectantly. 
“I have saved the best for last, my Dear Millicent.” You grinned. 
“Yes!” She cheered. 
“Since you will be getting your ship first and you will be the first to use it to sail around the world with Ron and his family. I’m making you Premiere Diamond DeCuisine- which I want you to take the special plaques that- are still being finished as we speak, because this was going to be a wedding present, but there’s no time like the present- but I want you and Ron to go around the world and make a Premiere Diamond DeCuisine Guide Book for The Order of Radiance. Every royal and every noble with the pocketbooks of a royal will need to know where they can go in any given location at any given time of year and receive the best banquet their money can buy. You will give a rating system of five diamonds. If you find a place that has the food, service and atmosphere worthy of those five, perfect, flawless diamonds in the rating, then all those who have a Radiance Ship, will happily follow where you will lead them in the culinary arts and your word, your nod will be as good as gold and diamonds. But, you can’t let anyone try to beguile you or find a way to bribe you into giving them that five diamond rating if they are not worthy and are not capable of giving everyone who would follow you there- the same five diamond experience. Because others will trust your word in that guide as if it’s the gospel truth. Do you think you and Ron could do that?” You urged her. 
“Yes!” Ron immediately agreed. 
“Yes! Wait, won’t I get fat?” Millie asked as an afterthought. 
“Not if you judge them based on a single bite.” You answered. 
“Then yes! I would happily and proudly do such a thing. Do I get my own crown?” She asked. 
“Yes. You will get your own crown. I will crown you as your wedding present. How’s that?” You proposed. 
“As long as it’s that really big one you had the option of getting.” She answered. 
“You mean this one?” Langashi asked as she seemed to have brought that with her and practically pulled it out from a bag she had brought with her. 
“Yes! That one!” Millie squealed in delight. 
“I won’t have to wear a crown will I?” Gwen asked fearfully. 
“Nope, not at all. I know how much you don’t like them and how discrete you like to keep yourself, I’m hoping you will conduct yourself and your task with as much anonymity as you wish to keep.” You reassured her as she blew out a breath of relief. 
“So how much will the income be?” Millie asked you. 
“This much.” You offered as you wrote down 25,000 a year. Which you were sure her food as going to be comped anyway. 
“Yes! Can’t wait!” She beamed. 
“Awesome, now Count Lavine, I’m hereby anointing you as my Prime Vizier of Commerce to assist the Chancellor in the Court of Commerce for The Order of Radiance. And if you will sell The Order of Radiance- all the lands to which you own within the Kingdom of Solowards, so that The Order will pay the one time sales tax to the King of Solowards- so that such properties will be under the same embassy protections of The Order. And I will in turn- grant you said lands and estates as Prime Vizier of Commerce your estate, land holdings are now property of The Order. And those in your household and tenants are now all officially citizens of The Order of Radiance. Please note that The Order holds every man, woman and child as individual citizens. Every man, woman and child of the commonwealth will now receive a yearly stipend which is to be used as a base income in The Order of Radiance within the Dorierran Alliance of a thousand gold denari and 500 silver denari in addition to any good or service they may provide to supplement such an income in union with their support of The Order. They shall receive this as a living starting at the age of 1 and shall go into immediate effect. They are all protected under The Order of Radiance Charter. As well as enjoy the rights and freedoms as stated within The Order’s Bill of Rights. Do you, as landholder and renter to The Order of Radiance tenants- agree to these terms on their behalf and under penalty of The Order of Radiance Law- swear to uphold the Law of the Order as it coincides with the Dorierran Alliance Law and Order?” You questioned. 
“It is my pleasure to hold such an honor.” Count Lavine smiled happily. 
“And is this income sufficient for such an office?” You asked as you showed him an offer of 50,000 gold denari a year. 
“Yes, more than generous.” He smiled. 
“And Countess Lavine, I would like to anoint you as Premiere Vogue. You will assist Her Prime Radiance with The Order of Radiance Official Court.” 
“It would be my pleasure to accept such an honor.” Kathryn happily squealed in delight and readily signed as you had to quickly write down her income, also 50,000 denari a year to which she practically had diamonds floating in her eyes to see. 
“However, I urge you to help Her Prime Radiance to keep the styling and fashion of the court of The Order, comfortable for all and simple, timeless elegance so that none of us have to worry about investing in huge wardrobes that will be in fashion one year and out the next, or colors that will be in fashion one day and out the next. I wish for every woman to embrace the stylings she is most comfortable in. And simply have something simple- like a sash, to be worn over her desired clothes to signify that she too is a Lady of The Order of Radiance Court and is an a court of equals and I wish for the matters of the day to take precedence over what anyone else just happen to choose to wear that day to court. And gentlemen, I urge you to do the same. Find a style that is timelessly elegant, but perhaps a bit more discrete in it’s lavishness, because I wish for the Court of Commerce to care more about the business of the day rather than what everyone else is choosing to comfortably wear. Please take His Royal Radiance Supreme as a great example of what fashions should be. The Order has the whole of the Supersphere within it. And being a part of the Dorierran Alliance, we should be embracing other people from other countries and other locations. We should be welcoming towards all, not excluding anyone else- also welcomed into the Order. No matter their country of origin, race, ethnicity, creed, tribe, kind or tongue of language. We are a worldwide organization. We should embody that and keep that in mind always. For we are always stronger together than apart. Agreed?” You urged them all. 
“Agreed.” Everyone echoed. 
“Excellent, now Young Count Lavine, I would like to anoint you as Golden Radiance. Because as we are all aware, that no jewel is safe unless it is in a setting most befitting the jewel. So your job is to secure Her Diamond Radiance so that together, you may find the best places to see and be seen in. Opera houses, theaters, restaurants, casinos, and any other venue of entertainment. And that the masses that will soon follow and join you on your flights around the world may enjoy such diversions with you- in safety, style and comfort. Do you accept this anointing?” You asked him. 
“I do. I never thought in a million years I would ever say ‘I do’ to you for any reason, but I’m happy to be wrong and I wholeheartedly do pledge ‘I do’ to that anointing.” Ron couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of his choice of words. 
“Then please sign and agree to the income.” You urged him as you wrote down an income of 25,000 gold denari a year. Knowing he would most likely get everything he would ever want to spend on food and entertainment comped anyway. But it would protect them from Solowards, just in case the King decided to strip away anything else that wasn’t listed in these documents. 
“So that should be everything? If I missed anything, we can work it out later, because I feel it’s time we face the King and Queen of Solowards, don’t you think?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Everyone grinned before you punched in the code to call them. 
“Your Radiance. We were not expecting to hear from you so soon.” Queen Phelicity offered a bit nervously. 
“I came to offer an apology.” You offered as you kept your family and the Lavines on a separate screen so that it looked like it was a private call between just you and her.  
“Oh.” She blinked in surprise. 
“Please call for the King.” Queen Phelicity urged her attendants. 
“Thank you so much Your Radiance, really, we meant no disrespect yesterday.” She tried to soothe over as you simply gave her a polite but serene smile. 
“I know you didn’t. Which is why I’m calling.” You answered as she looked so incredibly relieved. 
“My King, Her Radiance has called to apologize.” She informed her husband when he came into the room. 
“Oh, good.” He seemed to breathe in relief as he came and looked at you expectantly and you could thankfully had Kragan just out of sight as you squeezed his hand when you heard him huff. But hopefully Kragan wouldn’t make any other noise or really be seen either. 
“King Grenevere and Queen Phelicity. I called to apologize for being rude to you yesterday. I have been incredibly busy with my business as of late and I fear that has not been good for me, it’s been exhausting in all honesty. And that exhaustion has made me incredibly irritable. And I unfortunately let that irritation to vent on you yesterday. And I called to offer my apologies for not receiving you with the respect and graciousness that your Majesties deserve.” You began as you could see them both relax and actually smile and even preen to hear the words. But for this to work, you needed to make a show of being humble to their faces and give them the lip service they felt they were entitled to, whether they deserved it or not. 
“I was appointed the owner of a business. And while that business has been promoted to the station of it’s own kingdom, I must keep in mind that you both were anointed and enthroned into your thrones by the priests from the very gods we both worship. And have been appointed by the gods we both believe in to rule over your kingdom. And I need to first- show respect and reverence for that. For- to do otherwise is to laugh in the god’s faces and court disaster, which I do not wish upon anyone, lest myself.” You continued. 
“Yes, thank you so much for recognizing that.” King Grenevere offered as you could see that such a thing had not even occurred to him. But the fact that you brought it up you could see that he was delighted to realize that he had that angle to work from.
“Our interaction yesterday did not sit well with me and I didn’t sleep as well as I wished I could have. But when I awoke early this morning. I think divine inspiration has moved me to try to make things right and amend this breach so that we may both come to an understanding and a solution that we both will be happy with. So, as it stands. I have bought some lands for future development in Solowards and I wish to send you the correct tax on those sales. This is the receipt of the sales so that you may see and make sure that the calculations were done correctly.” You began as the bankers sent the documents through, as a simple total was the title page. 
“Oh my goodness. Yes. That is more than acceptable. I do happily accept such a sum as sales tax from your Order for property bought.” King Grenevere smiled happily as he was happy and content with the total page and didn’t even bother looking at what you had actually bought. Which you were hoping for anyway. 
“Good. Because I do realize that taxes are how the Crown sustains itself and I must respect that first and foremost.” You placated. 
“Of course.” They both readily agreed. 
“Next, I would also like to offer your Majesties the dignity of a good choice. I do realize that it would be in bad taste to unveil the Radiance Ships at my sister’s wedding and it would be the right thing to it that a ship to your Majesties was also given. However, there was a promise made that the highest bid would win the ship. And I myself can not go back on my word, neither I, nor The Order as a whole. And unfortunately, the Radiant Contessina Magnifica- the bid is currently at 499.9 million gold denari, which- each gold bouillon is equal to the gold denari. And The Order must be an organization and business of it’s word. And there is nothing I can do to stop the bidding from continuing. However, all I can do is either accept new bids and then stop the bidding once it’s done. But I do not wish to bankrupt the Solowardian Crown either. So, if you want to enter into the bidding of The Magnifica, only a bid of 500 million gold denari or higher will be accepted. But the entire amount would not be demanded all up front and not all at once. If needed, I could break that down into much smaller and much easier to manage payments if you wanted to buy it outright. And as it stands, with taxes and fees demanded for such a purchase, if I spread out the sum over say a 20 year period and do monthly payments, is still a payment of 2.6 million gold denari a month. Is this what you want? Or I have other options if your Majesties would permit me to explain them.” You offered as they seemed to sharply inhale from “price shock” you were sure. 
“What are our other options?” King Grenevere. 
“What you could do- is simply lease the Radiance Contessina Magnifica while your own custom one is being built. You have to remember, that if you choose to do this, not only will you get sailing rights on the largest, grandest skyship to ever sail the twelve winds. You’d be the first royals to set sail on the skies. I’m commissioning a master cuisine magnifique to go to every single Radiance Skyport’s location and find the best restaurants and other amusements. And you’d be the first royal tourists. You’d have the first of the greatest experiences the supersphere can offer. You can even sail this ship past the outer layer to the middle world and get to see everything within that since the Order is building skyports even there. And even sail to the core if you so desired.” You tempted. 
“You’d be in the skies to see events, such as the great moura migrations that happen only twice a year. Where they fly through the entirety of the supersphere in one single flight. You could sail with them in the skies as they fly in the northern and southern lights in the winter, following the moon and lighting up like diamonds scattered across the velvety sky. Or follow the golden sun around the equator in the summer. You would be the first in the world to do so. And every single king and queen, czar and czarina, cesar and cesaress, emperor and empress and every other kind of ruler you can think of, will all be coming to you- to learn where to go when to get the best experience. You’d be the greatest royal travelers in the superspheres and you’d do so from the greatest ship in the fleet. Protected by the best Dorierran and The Order’s security detail. So that not a single thing goes missing and that not once, are either of you, nor any member of your family and household would ever be in any kind of danger. You would have the best staff if you didn’t want to bring the staff from your own castle. I would personally see to it that the best staff in Dorierra would be staffing your ship for the duration of the lease. And when your ship is done. You simply get to move from- what will by then- be a five year old ship- into a brand new one. And one that will have five years worth of enhancements, upgrades and the very best of the best materials and components will be there, waiting for you to continue the journey if you so desire.” You detailed, going down a quick list you had made up that morning to really “sell” them on such an idea. 
“How much would leasing the ship be?” King Grenevere asked. 
“Well, unfortunately, this too has been up for bidding. Currently, a bid of 50 million denari a year is the lowest bid I can take to close out the bid. But again, this would only be for a few years. At the very longest- five years. And in that five years, again you’d only be paying a fraction of what you would be- should you buy it outright. And what you’re getting is the experience of getting the best- first. And have bragging rights for life for having the opportunity to do what no one else in the world can and could do. And while I can only pay purchase taxes from my business, because I never was a full Solowardian citizen. Because if women were given full citizenship rights, then they could be taxed as such as well. But Solowards and it’s laws and societies have been its way for generations and for such a strong tradition to change only for you to collect more taxes, I do not know or think would honor the Solowardian Tradition- do you?” You offered. 
“Well, that is a good point.” King Grenevere had to nod in agreement. 
“And Solowards wouldn't be Solowards if you changed too much too quickly. All I wish to do is to bring Solowards into the Dorierran Alliance and bring it into the world stage- in style.” You professed with a nod as you noticed, they were nodding with you, which was exactly what you wanted. 
“Now, if you choose to lease the Magnifica for that 50 million denari a year, for anywhere from one to five years, depending on how long it would take to build your Royal Solowardian Magnifica Radiance Ship, which you can name any name you wish. You can have it simply be the Royal Radiant Magnifica if you wanted, and keep my name off of it completely if you so desired. Because your custom ship, which I will see to it’s building personally to make sure it is the best of the best for you- and that while we will do our best to keep the wait as short as possible, we would not do so at the cost of the quality of the workmanship being anything less than perfect. And we would never cut corners or take cheap shortcuts, which so far- only seems to make ten more new problems when you try to take them, but that has only led to ingenious solutions to such problems being discovered that don’t create any additional problems whatsoever. So if it only ends up taking two years to build your perfect ship. Then that means, you will have gotten an 80% discount on the best ship of the supersphere and at end of that time, get the best ship in the world- yet again!” You implored. 
“And by then, the first Magnifica will still be the first Magnifica but by then, that’s when the new ships will take to the skies and by then there would be so many more royals to sail with from all over the world and in the D.A. And that’s where you can boast that I, the namesake of The Contessina Magnifica was born on Solowardian soil. That my ancestors lived and served yours for the last fifteen generations and that I was the highest station outside of royalty when I was there. That once upon, not such a long time ago- I was your Duchess Contessina DeBaringer before I ever became Her Radiance, Contessina Salgria. We could even commission paintings of when I was presented to Your Majesties in your court at the height of fashion. And your ship will always be the gold standard, to which all others are measured, right from the start.” You flourished, appealing to their vanity and ego and you could see it was working perfectly. 
“The only thing is, is that with such a sum, on a yearly basis, means that your monthly payment will be a bit higher than if you paid for ten times the price but over twenty times the length. A monthly payment of 5.2 million denari a month would need to be paid for all taxes and fees from the Dorierran Alliance. But there is no additional tax from The Order of Radiance. For you are King and Queen of my homeland, I would never dream of charging you of all people a tax. But there is, unfortunately, nothing I can do to negate the Dorrierran tax, which we all must partake in. I myself the most of all, because they charge a flat rate. So it doesn’t matter what I buy or spend, they get theirs one way or another, I assure you. But that also helps the realm, which, Solowards is also a part of. And it would trickle down to you one way or another.” You reassured them. 
“And, because you would be getting your own custom ship in the end, its price tag would still never be as high as the first Magnifica ship would be. And instead of paying 50 million denari for a ship a year, your ship could end up only costing you 50 million total. And that broken down into monthly payments for a twenty year loan would only end up being- a measly 434,000 deneri a month. And with all the income Solowards would receive from other royal tourists, such a sum would be a piece of cake to make and be one that you would never have to raise taxes on the people to make. That you would make it off of the other tourists instead. But keep your true Solowardian Soul and Spirit unchanged and keep it as grand in it’s traditions as it is.” You added. 
“Surely our treasury could afford such a thing. The pride of Solowards is resting on this.” Queen Phelicity urged her husband. 
“Yes, absolutely.” He agreed as you smiled happily while Kragan couldn’t help but grin victoriously and give your hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“I’m so happy we could come to such a beautiful and mutually beneficial understanding and arrangement. Now, I have three contracts for you to sign. The first- is that all those who come to tour Solowards can expect to pay fair market value on resupplying supplies, such as food and water, the necessities of life. However, on more luxury goods, that are not necessities. Like high Solowardian Society garments. Or jewelry, or wine or other spirits. You can always charge a luxury tax on such goods when being sold to other royalty and nobility who would come to tour Solowards. All of whom would be coming with their heavy pocketbooks-, eager to fill any other pocket for any memento of their wonderful travels to our magnificent homeland. You could even commission special gift shops making things in Solowards with even the Solowardian royal seal and coat of arms on them to sell as souvenirs. And you would not have to charge such a tax on your own native Solowardian citizens either.” You began as you put that one down first before you got their signatures on that first. And in the fine print of course, was the rights and freedoms of The Order’s citizens too. 
“Next is the lease agreement for the very first Radiant Contessina Magnifica and that you will have that model of ship exclusively for the first year. So that whenever anyone will see it, they will know that it has to be no other than the Magnificent King Grenevere and his beautiful Queen Phelicity and any and all other members of your royal family- there sailing in their skies and gracing them with your magnificent presence.” You flattered as you put the lease agreement down and they both eagerly signed it and were more than happy to put their royal seals into it and have that notarized as well. 
“And the moment the ship is unveiled at my sister Millicent’s wedding, you and any other you wish to invite on board are more than welcome to tour the greatest ship in the supersphere. You could even charge a small fee to offer personal tours so that all those in attendants will practically turn green with envy if they are not already naturally green.” You giggled with a wave of your hand which got them to chuckle laughter with you. 
“And lastly, is the building agreement for your own future Magnifica Ship. And here are the plans I’ve drawn up and we can always make changes to the little details as the building progresses and as new improvements come to light over the next two to five years. And should there be a difference in price between now and then, we can always work that out at another suitable time.” You offered as they were practically drooling to sign that as well. 
“And these plans are yours to keep and pour over- for as long as you want to and physical copies will also be presented at my sister’s Wedding in just a few short months. And that way you can compare your plans to the first Magnifica and if you find anything about the first Magnifica that you wish was different or that you wish you could change for your own future ship, by all means, do so in the plans- so that when you do get your dream ship in a few years time- it will be perfect for you and only you.” You encouraged them. 
“Oh, such a thing sounds absolutely divine.” Phelicity sighed dreamily.
“Well, like I said, I woke up early because this is what struck me. And if you feel it is divine, then I can not help but to agree. And this way, no other damage was done than a simple misunderstanding. But if anything, our bond and relationship can only improve and grow even more fruitful than it already has been.” You flattered. 
“Yes of course, it is as it always should be.” King Grenevere happily praised. 
“Well then, thank you so much for your time and should you have any other lands or properties for sale to The Order become available- so that more amusements and attractions might be built and made so that for years and decades and even generations to come, Solowards will be the first port of call on anyone’s itinerary, you have my number. And even if I should pay the luxury tax on such things, I will be happy to. For even the Solowardian Crown was put into place by the gods.” You reminded them. 
“Oh no, you are a daughter of Solowards. And I hereby decree that you always were a full citizen under the Solowardian Crown. You have every right that any other citizen under the crown has. And I shall put such things into writing today, both you and the family you were born from and the one you married into. I shall promote you all to the nobility of Grand Dukes and Duchesses in our court. And the native nobility will always be saved from paying the luxury tax, because we need to keep the nobility class noble don’t we?” King Grenevere offered. 
“Many countless thanks King Grenevere, you are ever wise and gracious.” You offered sweetly. 
“Now if Your Majesties will please excuse me, I have much work to get started on.” You offered sweetly. 
“Yes, until we meet again Your Radiance.” They offered. 
“Your Majesties.” You smiled sweetly and shut off the call to their Majesties as everyone else in your family and the Lavines and even those in the room with you all began to cheer and applaud you before Kragan leaned over and wrapped his arms around you to hug you from the large double seat the two of you liked to sit in and kissed your cheek sweetly before you kissed him back happily. 
“You played them like fiddle.” He praised. 
“Did I come off as too sweet that it could be seen as insincere?” You asked him.
“Nope, from where I sat, you made it sound like the gospel truth. Hell you had me going for a second.” Kragan teased as he kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders and nuzzled his face with yours before he used his other hand to pick up a pen and make notes to start looking and training guards for The Order’s guardian ships. Which would honestly just be Salgria Shipping ships armored and armed to the teeth with an even darker shade of gray in the uniforms. 
“I tried.” You offered as you relaxed into his side while making more notes with your hand as well. 
“You succeeded.” He cooed. 
“Very well done Dearest. You should win an award for that. Now Ladies? That’s how it’s done. That’s how you kiss someone’s ass without getting your nose brown.” Your mother gestured to you with each of your sister’s under her arms and squeezing them both as they both couldn’t help but roll their eyes slightly. 
“Seriously, I am over here taking notes!” Samantha even chimed in proudly as she literally was taking notes about this interaction. 
“If I had a hundred more of you in the bride system, ugh, there would never be another war, ever.” Langashi appraised. 
“Please have this crown, with it’s suite of jewels prepared as gifts for her Diamond Radiance and a masculine set to suit his Golden Radiance.” She offered to one of her servants who came and took the crown, it’s case from her and left to do just that. 
“And you did it so beautifully, and while you had to put on a little show of humility, the line of reasoning you used was flawless. And perfectly executed. You really are a wonder. Kragan, do well to cherish such a treasure. For there will be nothing that the two of you together can not do.” Langashi praised you and him. 
“Also, I hope you will forgive me, but I did have some laws drawn up for your approval for The Order of Radiance.” She offered before she made a gesture and showed you a set of manuscripts as you sat there and felt like you grinned like an idiot for every page you turned over and read as your eyes got almost impossibly wide but your smile got to be so bright and in awed wonder while your eyes glazed with tears as Kragan wasn’t able to keep up with you and simply rubbed circles into your back and let you speed read your way through them as you also took your pen and were marking which laws you didn’t care for as you went. 
“It’s like she’s a machine.” Langashi murmured in a gentle teasing tone. 
“She’s brilliant.” Kragan praised. 
“She’s a wonder.” Langashi praised. 
“Well this should do it for now. Should you ever need an iron fist wielding an iron hammer, you know where and how to reach me.” Langashi offered. 
“Thank you, for everything.” You paused and looked up at her as she began to stand up as you stood up with her to offer a more intimate goodbye with your newest best mother figure. 
“You’re welcome. It’s young ladies like yourself that are the reason I have become what I am today. And if by smashing the patriarchy, one kingdom and crown at a time is what I have to do it- to give young ladies like yourself every opportunity to make the world a better place, then so be it.” She smiled as she came over and kissed the crown of your head and hugged you as you got up to hug her back, like she was another mother or perhaps even a young grandmother to you.  
“Oh, this little one, she’s going to be trailblazer, just like her mother.” She said as she palmed your belly as she withdrew from the hug. 
“She?!” You and Kragan both excitedly gasped, as did everyone else present.  
“Yes. She. Mouras, can tell with their lira light touch- at conception, what their little ones will be. Other kinds, we have to wait until midpoint in the pregnancy to be able to tell if the little one will be a girl or a boy when the sex develops in the developing fetus. And in feeling her now, she is a girl. A lovely, strong and very intelligent girl, just like her mother. Although, she does turn slightly whenever her father talks.” She noted. 
“We’re having a girl! Oh my goodness it’s a girl! I get to have an Empress and a Princess!” Kragan cheered happily and practically bounced out of the chair to pull you into another tight hug. 
“Now that reaction right there, what I would give for every father to have that reaction when they are finding that their wives are pregnant with daughters, oh the world would be such a better place.” Langashi laughed as you immediately flung yourself into Kragan’s arms before your parents and the lavines all cheered their congratulations and immediately of course, started to throw out baby names. 
“Enough, enough, Kragan and I will decide for ourselves what to name our daughter, we will let you know when we have a name picked out. I’ll see you all again soon.” You urged before you said your goodbyes and asked for copies of baby name books be brought your personal, private quarters along with these volumes of manuscripts. 
“Of course.” Langashi readily agreed. 
“It’s a girl! It’s a girl! It’s a girl! Yes! That’s what I’ve been hoping for!” Kragan cheered as he literally jumped up and down in the room once you retreated back to your own private rooms as you laughed and hugged your belly happily as you laughed at his antics. 
“What are we going to name her? Victoria? Like Victory? Or Celestra? Because she’s the star of our life. Ooh! Or Lunesta? Or Lunabella? Because she’ll be the beautiful moon and stars in our lives?” Kragan asked. 
“Those…those are very Solowardian names Kragan. Are you sure you want to name her a Solowardian name? I thought you’d want to name her something from your culture because she’s just as much from you and yours as she is from me and mine, she’s ours. We can name her whatever we want or we can wait until she’s born to see what she will be when we see her?” You offered. 
“Yeah but, as much as Solowards is stupid, it kind of went off with the names. Solowards does have some really pretty names.” He excused.
“Doesn’t mean that Forestrong names are any less beautiful.” You tried to gently argue. 
“Darling, I love you, you’re brilliant and beautiful, but come on, she should have an amazing name that means something amazing.” He urged you. 
“But what if she’s like Gwen and hates having super auspicious name and that pressure for her to be equally impressive and remarkable has her running for the hills?” You tried to reason. 
“I mean my name means royalty. Because before Ron was born, my dad was trying to marry me off into the royal family. And that would have been as equally devastating as marrying Ron would have been. Do I want her to have a pretty name? Yes. But I also don’t want her to have such as extravagant name that she feels like she has to use two pages of paper to write it all out. I want to give her the choice and the chance to either taken the stage or shy away from it if she so desires. I mean, I’m happy to work at my desk, sitting in that double chair with you all the days of my life. She may want something similar or she may hate paperwork all together and never be stuck behind the back of a desk and sail the twelve winds just like you- with the sun and wind in her face and hair and a belt on her trousers and a ropes in her hands instead of a pen or gold for that matter. She may be our little adventurer where the only paper she wants to touch is the parchment of maps.” You tried to contend. 
“...true.” He had to admit. 
“...but that being said, I do like the name Glorianna and or Victoria or even Fortunata- for a middle name perhaps. Or even Adorabella, or Serephena or even simplified into Serena, or even Madelluna, or Magdellaina or whatever.” You clarified. 
“Adorabella Seraphina Magdelainluna. We can call her Adora or Bella or Serena or Maggie or Maddie or Del, or Luna for short.” Kragan offered as he listed off the several nicknames to be had from just those names.
“OK, that does sound quite beautiful and with enough variability she could do any number of things with her own name. That’s perfectly beautiful Kragan- Adorabella Seraphina Magdelainluna Salgria, there, a proper - but probably over complicated name for her Little Radiance.” You offered just as the baby name books got delivered which got you both to chuckle. 
“Do you want to see if we can find a prettier name or find other names for future children?” You suggested.  
“Ooh, the latter. I think we have Little Serena’s name pretty well settled.” He offered as he giddily palmed your belly. 
“Yes, Serena, I like it. Simple and if anything, she has filled me with a sense of serenity.” You offered. 
“Me too.” Kragan smiled before he kissed you and thankfully, lunch was delivered before you could eat again before you filled your hunger from each other again before you sat down to a wonderful lunch and baby name books.
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firawren · 2 months
Do you like hot monsters?
For the ease of my fellow monster fuckers, here are links to all of the polls, so far, in the Medieval and Fantasy Men hotness tourney that include a non-human character:
60: Geralt z Rivii (The Witcher 2002) — witcher*
57: Bilbo Baggins (Hobbit) — hobbit
56: Vlad III Dracula (Dracula Untold) — vampire
50: Rilk (JourneyQuest) — orc
44: Thranduil (Hobbit) — elf
25. Thorin Oakenshield (Hobbit) — dwarf
22: Bofur (Hobbit) — dwarf
21. Frodo Baggins (LOTR) — hobbit
20: Lurtz (LOTR) — orc
17. Simon Aumar (DnD 2023) — half elf
15: Darkness (Legend) — demon
10: Mr. Tumnus (Narnia) — faun
9: Old Elrond vs Young Elrond (LOTR) — elf
8: Gimli (LOTR) — dwarf
3: Arman (I Am Dragon) — dragon shifter
* Debatable whether a witcher is human or not, but I'm including him just in case
Let's not debate which of these are "monsters." The point is, they're all not human.
I'm personally not voting for all of the non-humans, but likely you'll find a few who you find hot!
I'll make another master post like this after the remaining qualifying round polls are posted.
I highly recommend following @medievalandfantasymelee! It's a fun tournament!
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sleepyorc · 1 year
I think there should be more Orcs in pop culture media, like your new fav show, regardless of genre, inexplicably has an Orc in it (and he’s the best character objectively, for obvious reasons)
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eighthdoctor · 8 months
Same anon who sent in the ask about kink culture on Azeroth wayyy back in November, back at it like 2 months later (uh oops lol) with a follow-up question: in the answer to my previous ask you went a bit into how in certain cultures on Azeroth there are aspects of BDSM that are considered more normalized (the main example you gave was orcs being into heavy S/M stuff), and I was hoping you would be willing to go into that whole idea a bit more *but* revolving around the Quel’dorei specifically. Part of what I’m trying to get at here is that in the answer to my second question you went into how Jaina’s cultural upbringing influences her views on kink, so now I’m curious about where Sylvanas is coming from in all this.
Yo! Two links for context for everyone else:
Kink culture on Azeroth
Sylvanas's approach to relationships (...NSFW)
So here's two things about the quel'dorei: They're very long lived, and they have a complicated, hierarchical society.
Obviously you can take this in a number of directions but here's my proposal: The quel'dorei predominantly self assort into either sequential monogamy (a series of partners but only one at a time) or monogamy with extra-pair mating (long term relationship with one person and periodic, less intense flings on the side).
Why not more typical polyamory? Because of that hierarchy/formality. We're all super aware that any polycule is going to involve copious amounts of drama over who takes precedence and it ends up looking like you dropped a ball of string. Not that there aren't quel'dorei in polycules and throuples, but standard is you have a primary partner and then may have additional flings.
In these relationships someone is Assigned Dom By Society. Someone is in charge. It is common for this to be kinky and sexual but that's not essential; on the other hand someone does pay when they go out to eat. A certain amount of dictating your partner's choices is typical.
Sylvanas being a Windrunner, the expectation is that of course she's going to be the dom. The only family she could date where that would be questionable would be the Sunstriders and, well, political nonsense. This would be more problematic if she weren't who she is, but Sylvanas has had control issues from day one so the ability to dictate the relationship from the get-go is incredibly appealing to her.
It is perfectly normal and unsurprising then that Sylvanas has a revolving door of girlfriends. It's a little odd that they're so time-bound (only when she's in Silvermoon, never when she's on duty) and that she shows no signs of slowing down on this, but absolutely no one cares that she has a new girlfriend every year or that she openly flaunts them as a new possession.
(Similarly, the only thing gossip-worthy about Kael'thas's revolving door of partners is that so many of them are human. Again the expectation is that he'll eventually pick one--a quel'dorei, please--to sire an heir on but otherwise, of course he keeps coming home with another Kirin Tor student on his arm, paying their way, buying them clothing and other gifts, introducing them to all the biggest names, then dumping them and moving on. Some combo of sugar daddy, mentor, and 24/7 dominant.)
(This isn't intrinsically an abuse of power, in a society where this is normal and there are other forms of social support if your partner does turn out to be a dickwad, HOWEVER one, he's the prince and two, in no way does he communicate the expectations here to Jaina so like. Still a dick.)
The stereotypical traditional quel'dorei relationship--equivalent to a 50s marriage, aka very few people now OR then actually lived this but it exists in cultural consciousness--veeery very closely resembles a 24/7 D/s relationship.
It's not that the dom is necessarily making major life choices without other input, but like, if they go out to eat, one person is ordering the food for both of them. It's a little gesture, an easy way to signal rank, I'm taking care of you, I'm protecting you--it helps that the higher ranked individual is also presumed to be more socially adept, I am literally making sure you don't make any social faux pas, I will provide a buffer against other people being assholes.
Does Sylvanas expect this in a relationship with Jaina? No. Lmao. This is Jaina.
Buuuuut as alluded to early on (very, very alluded to, Sylvanas is not acknowledging she's doing this), she does have a drive to care and provide for her partner, she wants to feed Jaina, give her things, watch over her, these are all very hard-coded (biologically and culturally) quel'dorei things that put her in the role of the dominant, which somewhat scans but not totally.
Now the sex: Total high protocol bullshit, as Jo summarized it.
There are named positions. There are orders and punishments. There's a reasonable amount of degradation and objectification. Branding/tattoos/piercing are fairly common in long-term relationships. Lots of D/s obviously, lots of discipline, with S&M and bondage as less common but still present trends.
Not that you'll see someone on a leash on the streets of Silvermoon (any more than you would in, say, LA) but you will see someone walking a half step to the side and behind their partners and holding that position, checking in before talking to others, etc.
Anyway this plays out in fic for Sylvaina so I'm not going to go too into details but. Yeah. I'll probably reblog this closer to fic-end when it gets REAL funky.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 7 months
Top 10 Choices books
This time, I actually managed to rank my favorite books. But don't expect this to happen again 😅
1. The Crown & The Flame: fierce female MC who's not only a queen but also a warrior, male MC that turns into a dragon, intricate adventure with lots of action, great characters (including LIs, side characters and villains) and didn't even need CG art to make the story compelling. Oh, how I miss PB's early years...
2. Ride or Die: I expected the worst from a book which MC is a nerdy teen getting involved with illegal car dealers and car races, but PB went there and made me eat my words. The outstanding plot, the amazing LIs and side characters, actual character development for MC and a beautiful open ending. All of that in one single book? Damn, PB ❤️
3. Hero: I'm not of big fan of super heroes stories, but this one has my heart with its interesting LIs and friends to MC, engaging plot and a villain that looks like he stepped out of Spiderman universe to enter Choicesverse.
4. Bloodbound: even though the two last chapters were absolutely traumatizing (and I will NEVER forgive what the writing team did to Jax and Lily), Bloodbound lore is really engaging, has some great action scenes, most likely the best NSFW scenes and wonderful LIs.
5. Perfect Match: I genuinely thought it was just a romance book. I was so wrong! PM has adventure, sci-fi, drama, comedy and gorgeous LIs. I love it!
6. The Heist Monaco: Smart and cunning MC, interesting and gorgeous LIs, awesome adventure/action/comedy plot and great side characters with some of the best group scenes.
7. It Lives Beneath: best horror book PB has ever written with choices that can drastically affect the ending. Plus, Tom is romanceable 😍
8. A Courtesan of Rome: because it's based on Ancient Roman History (and I love History), the storyline has some inconsistencies that bugged me sometimes, but MC is so awesome, and the LIs were so good that it was hard to choose and I nearly forgot Cassius wasn't this sweet, intellectual and idealistic guy the book makes him look like lol.
9. Mother of The Year: another book PB made me eat my words. I love a book with a fierce MC, wonderful LIs and a daughter so adorable and smart that even this millennial terrified of having kids was all heart eyes in the very first chapter;
10. High School Story: did I expect to be so invested in a story about a teenager having cheesy teenager problems during high school? No. But I was so freaking invested on this drama-free teen trilogy I was pissed when I found out the fourth book was actually a new story without my beloved MC and their hilarious dad and the original HSS LIs had very little relevance to the plot (But I forgive the writing team because of Skye ❤️)
Honorable mentions:
- Distant Shores: Pirate book, time travel and a heartbreaking ending. What's not to like?
- Blades of Light and Shadow: I have to admit I like the plot more than its characters, but also like playing with as an orc (even though the storyline didn't do justice to Orc MC on book one)
- Crimes of Passion: even tho I haven't finished playing it, I looooove a good mystery/thriller/horror book, it's great to play as an adult MC who's actually good at what they do and it's the only single LI book I played in which the LI is worth all the hype;
- Guinevere: also haven't finished playing it, but I love a good period book with a good dose of fantasy. Plus, Arthur is the sweetest;
- Desire & Decorum: NGL after book one, there were so many filler scenes on books two and three, but I was* too madly in love with my Ottoman Prince and liked 90% of the characters to give up on the story ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
*"was..." I said, as if Hamid doesn't live in my mind rent free since 2018... 😏
Tagging @choicesfandomappreciation
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theladyregret · 1 year
I've seen you make commets concerning Drow skin color here and also in the authors notes of your fics. Could you go into it more? I find it a lot more interesting then what a lot of people insist on doing. Also how do you balance it with in game racial lore or do you just dismiss it completely?
God, I love asks like these.
I'm pretty sure I've already gone into it somewhere on my blog but it was in response to an angry ask so likely something people would skip over because...drama. Which is of course totally valid but I'm glad I get to go into it again in response to a nice ask instead.
I'll start with the lore question which honestly isn't very complicated in it's solution. You can choose whatever lore you like for your preference and you really don't have to change anything. All you have to do is sweep it into the nice neat corner of "creationist myth" or "religious propaganda". That is to say that these things are not meant to be historically accurate or factual retellings. Hell, they could just be outright lies depending. Even goodly folk and religions with goodly deities can have these things and followers who take it as fact and it doesn't make them bad people necessarily. Ignorant maybe? Bad...it depends on how they go about it once being faced with the truth.
So when lore says "Drow have dark skin to show everyone else that they are evil and they were banished to the depths of the Underdark as a punishment" that is just something someone decided was true...but really isn't, but people certainly may believe it is. Just as the Drow are taught that they were forced underground by the evil surface races and that Lloth is their sole protector and they are the only goodly people in the world. It's not true...but some of them certainly believe that it is.
The key is to remove the idea of black and white in terms of what is good and what is evil and whether both can exist within every race regardless of stereotyping. No race is inherently one thing or the other regardless of cultural norms or upbringing. Every race is capable of evil and good. Period. Anything that says otherwise is a myth people may have been taught and may believe is true even though it isn't.
As for the skin tone thing. I have always been a big promoter of the fact that magic existing in a world does not mean science does not. So...even if it is a fantasy world with magic...genetics still exist. Evolution and adaptation still exists. Not everything is just magic. I'm also completely against the idea of locking races that aren't human into set ethnicities. Every race should be capable of having varied ethnic features based on where they are native to and I don't mean subraces either. So...if humans in a certain area have certain ethnic features like darker skin and hair, hair texture, certain facial features...that should equally apply to all other races that also come from that area in addition to their racial features. So a gold elf can have dark skin, darker hair, broader or narrower facial features because they come from a warmer region...and still be gold elves. Same for a wood elf, or an orc, or a halfling, or a gnome etc
Applying this to Drow is a bit different only because the Underdark is a fantasy construction but largely they can have the same differing in ethnic features but also...it's always been my belief that their dark skin tone (which tends to be more purple or blue toned rather then orange) is the result of an adaptation to the Faerzress radiation. This also explains why other Underdark races also have this adaptation...even the goodly races. And why do they have white or extremely pale hair in contrast to their skin? Because the adaptation that makes their skin dark is not the same as melanin and is not designed to protect against UV light but a completely different type of energy. As a result their hair doesn't have melanin and likely their skin would be sensitive to sunlight similarly to how people with low or no melanin would despite being so dark. If a Drow has darker colored hair...or red hair, this could either be a left over recessive gene or a gene mutation. Still possible just not common.
This can also explain why red eyes are so common as well because low or no melanin levels can make eyes appear pale blue, pink, red, or pale purple as well as not being able to filter glare from light well (among other things but I'm not going into all of that here). Humans don't typically have red eyes with albinism but you can bend those rules for the fact they're elves and not humans. Just like with the hair color it's also just as possible for some of them to inherit a recessive gene that puts more melanin in their eyes giving them an unexpected color or higher tolerance to light. (this could explain Drizzt's eye color certainly but I actually think that's a whole different thing which I have also talked about before in another post and won't go into here)
So yeah, this is generally how I feel about the whole thing and have for a very long time...and honestly...solves a lot of recent issues people have with it all, I think anyway.
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emarasmoak · 2 years
Rollacoaster catches up with face of Halbrand and The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power, Charlie Vickers
Shedding the mystery of his character, The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power's Charlie Vickers talks on playing Halbrand, the pressures of his craft and what can we expect next from the Middle Earth star.
Nice interview with some great photos 🔥😍
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This year’s hotly-anticipated return to Middle Earth saw a staggering quarter of a million viewers settle in for an Orc-infested ride into all things mythical, with 30-year-old actor, Charlie Vickers, leading the foray. Introducing Hollywood’s newest name, assuming the role of Halbrand, the lost king of the fictional Southlands.
After several auditions – seven, to be exact – and months perfecting the Middle Earth common tongue, the Australian actor wasted no time in syphoning the armour of the cunning character. Vickers might be worlds apart from Halbrand’s machiavellian self (spoiler alert: later to be revealed as Sauron), it’s not Vickers’ first rodeo fabricated a character far from his day-to-day life, playing Guglielmo Pazzi in Medici: Masters of Florence as well as Dan in Palm Beach. Sizing up a plentiful roster, the rising star reflects on the pressure that came with signing onto the major movie franchise and setting his heights high for what comes next.
CATY PENZA: Before we start talking about all things Lord of the Rings, can you tell us a little bit about how you got into acting? What has your journey been like?
CHARLIE VICKERS: I never really considered acting as a possibility at first because I didn’t believe it would be a successful career for me. It wasn't until a couple of years into me studying at university that I realised maybe I could have a go at acting because I didn’t feel any passion towards what I was doing. So I flew to Sydney and auditioned for a drama school and got selected. That’s kind of where everything started unfolding.
CP: Growing up, were there any actors you looked up to?
CV: I was in Melbourne and I went to see a production of Richard III and the leading actor was Ewen Leslie. I definitely look up to him, even though I’ve never actually met him, but his performance was a real catalyst for my career. I’d love to tell him that one day.
CP: Hopefully he reads this interview and finds out!
CV: Yes! That would be incredible.
CP: You play Halbrand in The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power, how did you come about getting cast for the role?
CV: It was a long audition process for me. I auditioned maybe six or seven times over a period of six months. I originally auditioned for another character three times, and then got moved to audition for Halbrand. It was a long process, I even flew to Spain to test shoot with J.A. Bayona, who directs the first two episodes. It was a pretty amazing day and it was the last piece of the puzzle to getting the role.
CP: What was it like switching into the Halbrand persona? Did you have to do or think about anything in particular?
CV: I spent a lot of time researching source material. Because he’s an original character, I wanted Halbrand to fit into that world and make sure he had all the talking elements. Halbrand is also very different to me, so I had to tap into things that I wasn’t necessarily used to tapping into. It was so interesting watching the show and seeing that difference.
CP: What was your reaction like when you saw the show for the first time?
CV: It was pretty amazing. We saw it for the first time as a cast in Los Angeles, with a screening of the first three episodes. It was so overwhelming and incredible to see the scope of the show and all my friends performing.
CP: Given The Lord Of The Rings’ hugely loyal fandom, were you at any point nervous about taking on a role in this spinoff show?
CV: Obviously there is a huge amount of pressure and expectations that come with being a part of a world that is so important to so many people, but that’s almost a good thing. Signing onto the show though, there was no hesitation. I didn’t know the full ins and outs of what I was signing onto, but there was still no doubt I wanted to be a part of it.
CP: And how has your life changed since the show’s release?
CV: I don’t go out into very busy settings that much, but, the few times I have been, I have been recognised and everyone has been very kind so I guess in that sense it has changed. But besides that, I tend to lead a quiet life so it hasn’t changed that much.
CP: Speaking of which, what does an average day in the life of Charlie Vickers look like?
CV: My work days and my days off are very different. On a work day, I’ll be picked up very early in the morning and I’ll film all day. But on a day off, I need sleep. Minimum nine hours. I do some exercise when I get up, have lunch and then just sit at my laptop and do some work. I also spend some time with friends and family and if I’m by the coast I’ll also go for a surf, but if I’m in London then I just try and do something fun for the day.
CP: You definitely cannot surf in London.
CV: There is a wave pool I think! But right now it’s limited, yeah.
CP: Where do you envision yourself as an actor in 10 years time?
CV: Working on a project of this magnitude has been amazing, but it’s also given me the desire to work on things completely different in the future. Smaller projects, like independent films or mini-series. I always look for new adventures in my work and I’m open to them in whatever form they may come.
CP: Finally, is anything else currently in the works?
CV: I filmed a mini-series in Australia based on the novel by Holly Ringland titled The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart. It’s a story about female resilience and generational trauma. I play the father. It’s a spectacular story and it will hopefully come out next year.
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enby-blorbo · 11 months
Hey hey! My name's Emy, 25 NB, ey/em/any pronouns, in desparate need of more Tolkien content with a partner that is 21+, writing charas that are also 21+. On my hands and knees begging 🙏 I have two specific ships in mind, one MxM and the other MxF, but I am absolutely okay with non-romance plots as well as I think they would be a lot of fun!
Here are the characters I play:
Tar-Miriel (Silmarillion), AKA Witch-King of Angmar (LOTR). - Very AU/Headcanon based, but Witchking!Miriel has my heart
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit)
Here are the ships I'm looking for. Bolded has current interest:
Tar-Miriel/Elendil - very much friends to lovers to enemies vibes here. Also good with unrequited/onesided feels on Miriel's part as that could be v juicy to play out, or this can be played platonically too.
Tar-Miriel/OFC - would love some WLW drama.
Thorin/Bilbo - It's a classic, but my love for the ship has been reignited after 10ish years, would love to play it again.
Thorin/OMC - down for MLM drama.
Non-romance plots:
Thorin - Anything with the dwarves pre-Quest for Erebor, especially during The War of the Dwarves and Orcs, or the building of Ered Luin. Imo that is an extremely interesting period of time that is hardly ever covered and I am endlessly thirsty for it needless to say.
Tar-Miriel - Evil plottages with the Witch-King are yes. Or, better yet, could play out a political intrigue setting pre-fall of Numenor. Tbh it'd be quite fun.
Bilbo - Someone come bother this kooky old man post-Quest for Erebor I feel like he'd just be an absolute riot to be around. Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pippin are a plus here. That & threads with members of the Company, like Balin or Ori, or even his old pal Elrond, would be fun as well!
Alternate Universes
If so desired, I am absolutely A-OK with plotting out an AU verse, feel free to discuss with me via DMs.
If interested, add me on discord @ thewhisperingwood !
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allpartofthejob · 2 years
The hobbit 2 - the desolation of Smaug: I continue my first watching of the hobbit. For reasons... (I watch all sorts of movies nowadays... Spy movies, robin hood movies, fantasy stuff... 🤷 Although I would prefer more period drama!)
To begin with: the movie warns me about: smoking (??? A hobbits pipe probably?), Drinking (??? Ah, that's what's in their mugs) and NUDITY (??? Where? Naked dwarfs? OMG!) What about orcs/ wolfs/ spiders/ vertigo???
(00:02) ooh, we start with some backstory of Thorin. (I'm intrigued). Seems a dangerous life in these pubs... (Oh, there're others!). Ok, lots of backstory, names... I shell try to remember... Gandalf, Gandalf,.. you sly old dog, stirring up the dwarf king!
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One single bear is that dangerous? Ah, a special bear. Nice house though! But is that wise to sleep in the pantry?
'We must tread very carefully' all right Gandalf, no problem! Tread carefully is Thorin's middle name... I like the wer-bear, it IS stupid to go near the goblins... Uuuh, Thorin does make some impression on the wer-bear.
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What a cheerful forest! iihhh, *tension grows* I don't like gloomy forests! No, I don't.
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Gandalf, you can't leave the dwarfs?!? Who is going to count them when you've left? That's some google maps advice there... If you leave the path you will go astray! Path?!
Oops that bridge is no more. (Built by goblins perhaps). That was so mean, Thorin! Sending Bilbo first.
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Guys, that happens if you have too many mushrooms... Yuck, I spot something. That IS a nasty forest. And now I'm going to skip some parts.. bye bye... see you soon (in some peaceful little town perhaps) 00:50.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 3 years
Any period piece can be made funnier if you replace all horses with bicycles and carriages with bike trailers
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thecandywrites · 2 years
The Switch Chapter 13
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Why do I always seem to get stuck on the thirteenth of my stories? Why? I don't know. But here is the long awaited chapter that due to road blocks and 11, soon to be 13 deaths of my close friends and family circle. Here we are. Hopefully it was worth the wait.
The Switch
Chapter 13
You woke up only moments before Audrey and Lukher, Sarah and Daon, Yana and Brock and an older healer came with them as you were happy you had at least gotten dressed before you answered the door before everyone all hugged you tightly as they were so happy and relieved to be reunited with you and Kragan and had been quite worried about you. They were so happy and relieved to hear that you were cancer free and expecting.
“Tessa, this is Councilor Avalise’s granddaughter Livashi. She came to help heal you.” Audrey introduced. 
“Oh, thank you so much for coming.” You thanked her before Kragan got everyone else out, except Audrey, Sarah and Yana who were going to be taking this as a healing lesson while Yana was considered a healer in her own right but was helping Audrey and Sarah come to better terms with their moura powers of healing. 
“Ok, now, the key to healing is making sure you have a hand over a good portion of skin. Preferably right over where the injury is. So hands on the belly.” Livashi instructed as you had changed into a shirt and bottoms to reveal your stomach as you laid there as Yana and Livashi were one one side with Audrey and Sarah on the other. 
“Ok, now we feel the baby down here correct?” Livashi urged. 
“Yes.” Audrey and Sarah both nodded while Yana was simply happy to nod. 
“Ok, now focus on the areas around it. Really focus and identify each major and vital organ. Sarah, you’re over the liver, what does it feel like?” She asked. 
“Clean, like it got rinsed off and rinsed out.” She noted. 
“Yup, that’s correct. Ok now, instead of having it on cleaning out mode, lets focus on returning it to normal.” She urged. 
“And Audery, what do you feel?” Livashi asked. 
“The kidneys, they feel the same way.” She said. 
“Good, focus on making sure they’re fully cleaned out and then dial them back to work regularly.” She urged her. 
“And I feel her gallbladder. Where stones once were but have been removed.” Yana volunteered. 
“Ok, now she’s missing her appendix so this is how you get something to regrow, feel where it once was, now really focus on imagining what it should look like, using your own appendix inside yourselves as your clue on how an appendix is supposed to be like.” She urged them since all three of them also had one hand on your belly and one hand on their own. 
“Done.” Sarah and Audrey both said at the same time once they all worked together to get the appendix to regrow and regrow back healthy and fully functioning. 
“Ok, now, Yanna has already tackled the gallbladder, do we feel where she’s healed the incisions where the stones once were.” Livashi urged as the girls had to close their eyes and use their own moura magic’s sense of healing touch to “see” and “feel” inside. 
“Yes.” Audrey and Sarah nodded in agreement. 
“Ok, now, last but certainly not least, all this inflammation of the intestines. Do you feel the blisters inside? The polyps? Like pimples of the skin but they’re on the inside?” She asked. 
“Yes.” Yanna, Audrey and Sarah all agreed as Yana was already working on your stomach and up your esophagus. 
“Good, now, heal them, go on.” She urged them as Audrey worked from the back of the colon in, while Sarah worked from the stomach down the small intestine while Livashi focused on adding more good bacteria to the gut so that you could eat whatever you wanted to eat but be able to process and digest it all before they all met in the middle so to speak. 
“And?” Livashi asked. 
“Everything feels normal. Nothing is in the way of her gut working properly, nothing is in the way of her digesting all of her food correctly and her body is now healed, healthy and in balance.” Sarah realized. 
“And no growths or cancers. Just a healthy layer of fat around the intestines which is normal.” Audrey smiled happily and in relief before you reached down to grasp her hand as she moved the hand that had been on her own belly to hold your hand. 
“And a good, healthy and stable pregnancy.” Yana smiled happily. 
“Agreed. Congratulations Mrs. Salgria, you now have a full and clean bill of health and you are now cleared to do anything you want to do, except drinking alcohol because you’re with child. But otherwise, your body will tell you what to eat and what not to eat.” She urged you. 
“Thank you so much for coming.” You thanked her before they helped you get dressed as you hugged them all tightly before you all went downstairs to the family’s dining room to eat as Audrey and Sarah especially were so happy to be here just as friends and not in any real royal capacity and enjoyed ‘dressing down’ so to speak and blending in here while you were happy to introduce the Souja family members you had made and your brother Saffiro while Mildred was happy to simply sit back and enjoy her meal with you. 
“Oh my gods, I see why you love this place.” Lukher praised Kragan as he was devouring his platter of food while he and Audrey were happy to simply be a couple with their kid while Sarah did the same with her food as even Livashi was happy to eat and meet people as you were just happy that Mildred sat at the table with you to eat and that Saffiro was happily eating with Samantha.
“So? What are your plans now?” Audrey asked. 
“Well, we should actually catch up with the people who are dying the wool for the uniforms, to make sure that process is still underway. We bought so much wool it was ridiculous, but it should be enough to dye and then cut into the uniforms. The seamstresses already made a mock up of the uniform and the cobbler gave us another mock up of the boots too.” You answered. 
“But beyond that, now I need to deal with Dorierra, get us registered, copyrighted, recognized in the D.A. and apply for official, verified and authentic providers. And get the plans and the mock ups and the first wave of ships there as models to show off not only what it would look and feel like to be in.” 
“So we need to bait those hooks well for those particular fish to bite.” Sarah concluded. 
“Yeah, basically.” You nodded. 
“Girl, I got you. It’s amazing what can be done with some plaster and paint. And get veneers thin enough to give off an appearance of luxury without actually having to use that much.” Sarah reassured you. 
“And I’ll happily help you fill out all the necessary paperwork. It can get a bit tedious but you need to be as specific and thorough as you can be. Nothing can be vague.” Audrey urged you. 
“I agree. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings or any gray areas, I want it all up to regulations and inspections and pass those criteria with flying colors.” You nodded in agreement. 
“Which I’m sure won’t be that big of a hurdle for you guys. I’m just happy that now that you’re back to full health, I don’t have to deal with Milli anymore.” Audrey muttered which got you to laugh. 
“Yeah, she’s wishy- washy. But don’t worry. I have a plan about how to deal with her.” You grinned. 
“Well do tell.” Audrey and Sarah eagerly invited. 
“I’ll need her ship to be fitted out to be lots of white and lots of gold. Everything else is an accent color to color the space. If the ceilings are muraled, but the walls are just plain white, and the floors are white marble with gold leaf pressed into the crown moldings and trims. That means that quickly and easily she can have her staff change out the curtains, change out the rugs, change out the other furniture and have the furniture either bolted through the rugs that can have removable patches for the legs of the furniture to be secured through. We could even put silken wall coverings already pressed and glued to panels to put on the walls if she wants to, on thin but flat and straight pannels of either wood or other flat but light board. That way, she can change it however she wants it- according the whims and moods of the court and herself. We just need to make it versatile enough that she and her staff can do so quickly, like within a day or several hours. Granted she will need practically a second ship, like the largest cargo ship ever to serve as a storage space to store all of that nonsense when not in use. But as long as it’s all easily accessed and kept in a clean, dry, safe storage space, all she’ll need to do is say the world and her staff can change it to suit her. Now granted her bathrooms and other areas that are always going to be wet- those need to be fixed, as in tiles and grout and such but if we do that in classic styles that shouldn’t come in or go out of fashion easily. Like how temples are usually always decorated. No one looks at a temple and thinks it’s outdated, simply classic and traditional right? Same thing. Classic, traditional stylings that represent Solowardian styles. Or the styles of anyone else who may be like her and want an easily versatile ship too. Granted, they will be paying through the nose to have a ship that can be two dozen ships in one, but the more accents and details we can make into design variables, that means that she will, in theory have limitless options for how she could mix and match it all. As long as we get at least one, I’m thinking probably three shades per color, a light, a medium and a dark hue, along with neutrals like tan, gray, black, taupe, that kind of thing. She’ll be all set. Like I said, huge cargo ship full of all the other options, possibly two or three ships as storage, so she will, in theory need a fleet. But with her having the purse strings of the Lavine’s, they can afford to do so and the Lavines, are, if anything, the only other family besides the royal family who sets the standards of fashion in society. And as long as the royal family is given the bigger, better, best version of that, I think that would take care of it. Like giving a doll to a little girl and a huge trunk of dresses and other clothes and accessories. Just give the doll over, and let them dress it how they want it.” You explained. 
“Kragan kiss your wife for me cause I can’t get to her.” Audrey urged him from her space directly across from you. 
“Happily.” He laughed before he kissed you soundly right there at the table which got you to giggle and blush bashfully before Saffiro kissed your cheek sweetly. 
“See? Only you could have found the best solution for the most temperamental, tempestuous, spoiled brat in the world.” Saffiro praised as you laughed even harder as your cheeks got almost impossibly red. 
“Although, might I suggest getting either gray or black carpets around the fireplaces in the rooms to soak up the soot and ash and stuff, so they’re not constantly cleaning that from any little speck.” Samantha added. 
“See? That is a great idea. That way it won’t show how dirty it could be because a white one would show everything and black and silver or gray are excellent accent colors too. I love that I have a great mind like yours to help me with this too, especially when it would come to practical applications.” You praised with a bright and happy smile. 
“Well then it looks like we have our work cut out for us.” Samantha praised.
“We do.” You nodded happily. 
It was only a month later and you found yourself at your desk that had been moved to the guest suite at the High Councilor’s palace and compiled all the receipts from all the shopping Kragan and yourself had done the day before as well as give the stacks and stacks of orders that you had gotten just from the High Councilors of Dorierra an appreciative but weary look all the same while your paperwork was still being considered and reviewed. And with Audrey and the other High Councilors all but assuring you that your business would be accepted and agreed upon, you kept your busy with your business, and there was just more and more and more of it every day. From the moment you got up to the moment you fell asleep. To the point you even dreamed about it. Because all the stacks of orders were just…more work, each one more intricate and custom than the last as your ‘doll with many clothes’ idea had taken off like a fucking canon. 
Kragan and yourself had barely touched down in Dorierra in the very first ship that had been completed- The Contessina Originalle which was a true middle of the road as far as the various designs were concerned. It was the one that Kragan had first designed and you were desperate to see it from start to finish and fully realizied, even if it wasn’t perfect. It was still structurally sound, still in good working order and while it had more basic and plain finishes, that actually lended it to being a perfect blank canvas for everyone else’s imaginations. It was a bit rushed and you still had a few kinks to iron out. But it was something physical that all these High Councilors who ruled all of Dorierra to use as a benchmark to imagine what The Contessina Cruise Ships were really capable of being. Each room was built to showcase all the variables and all the various possibilities. And a whole set of the fleet would be debuting at your younger sister’s wedding in just 4 more months and you were sure your pregnant belly would be so big, you’d be ready to pop and you just prayed that your own baby wouldn’t come in the middle of your sister’s wedding and ‘pull any spotlight from her on her big day’. 
You were just grateful to be welcomed and received into the greatest, wealthiest and most powerful country in the world and since you got here, trade within that D.A. was open and stable and fortunes could be made if you knew where to go, who to talk to and what to offer. And so far, you had done that, several times over. The High Councilors of Dorierra were practically overjoyed to have you, Kragan and Salgria Shipping and especially The Contessina Cruise Ship Company here to practically debut the ships. Kragan had gotten his own fleet of the new Salgria Shipping Company Ships, complete with all the upgrades, uniforms, logos in the sails, soaps, and every other little detail possible and imaginable. Everything was ready to show off and to get the D.A. both literal and figurative stamp of approval on the shipping company. The application and approval process to it was actually painless and practically immediately approved. So to have it recognized in the D.A. was huge. In one fell swoop, you practically replaced Dorierra’s own shipping fleets, which was a relief to them, because they would rather pay Salgria Shipping to do such work for them than actually do it themselves.
And the Dorierran danari, was practically international currency. But the Nadasi adani gold drakar was worth- ounce for ounce- 100 times it’s weight in Dorierran danari because it had adani in its gold. Which made the gold itself worth that much more than any other blend or kind of gold. Even platinum paled in comparison. 
And thanks to Queen Audravienne of Yekmeni and her sister Princess Maisarra of Wakanear, they were making sure that you were going to be getting a fair price for what you came here to buy as well as get paid a “fair” price for what you were selling as they and Samantha were happy to explain and show off each thing in the ship and how beautifully crafted and elegant they could be. It was going to give anyone in the world enough capitol and means and ability to sail the twelve winds and travel both in and out of the Dorrierran Alliance, which was a huge boon to the land locked countries that didn’t really have a navy or access to the sea naturally and all these other countries needed was enough space to build a skyport on. And countries were literally lining up to receive one, a skyport in every capital city of each country with their secondary cities getting on the waiting lists to receive a second one or more, depending on how vast the country was. 
But while a dozen ships were barely bare bones as far as framing and fewer still had any kind of “meat” on those bones as far as stone timbers were done. At least you had the Originalle, that rested just outside of your window on a special “dock” at the High Councilor’s palace to use as a frame of reference. 
And of course- every High Councilor ordered their own Contessina Magnifica- which were the largest and most lavish of all the ships Kragan and yourself had designed and these ships would be- in a word- massive. Each one would be styled according to the culture and preferred color scheme and aesthetic of all the various cultures these High Councilors hailed from. While others were happy to stick with the versatile doll in some aspects too, especially when it came down to the hosting suites on the ships where they could host anyone and everyone of great importance in the world and maybe- get that last 19% that remained. 
Every day, you took ten High Councilors on the ship at a time, because any group any bigger than that would not let “the tour” go smoothly. And of course after the tour- then the blueprints were shown and then they were able to make their orders and of course add or change rooms as they needed to for their various purposes. Mostly for hosting or for touring the Supersphere in style. And you were only a few days away from finishing off the entire High Council as you were wondering if they were waiting for you to finish with the whole Council before giving their decision on The Contessina Cruise Ship Company. 
But while you waited, that didn’t stop Kragan from taking full advantage of the decision of the D.A. High Council. Because you had both encouraged the other that ‘while the sun shines, make hay’, concept. Meaning if it all possible, make as much money as you could, while you could. And the price to “rent” the High Councilor’s own staff to train other staff for all the other ships you’d be providing for all the other rulers of all the other nations inside of the D.A. Was way less than you thought it would be. It was all underway so that by the time the ships would be done, these trainers and managers would then be able to train more teams of staff to staff these luxury sky ship cruise liners while the ships themselves were still being built so that by the time the ship would be done, the staff would be ready to be united with their ship and sail the 12 winds over the whole supersphere. And that way the High Councilors could have their own staff both in their gigantic palace and on their own ships and the staff could serve well on both. And you’d get the best service staff in all of the supersphere, trained by the very best that Dorierra- as a country- had- to do so. 
And so far- you had used the “down payment” that the high councilors paid you in- and loaded it up on a lightning rider and fly it back to Yekmeni as Saffiro was getting better and better at managing the flight himself and made the trip almost on a daily basis. Fly out in the morning after breakfast to leave Samantha, yourself and Kragan to do business during the day, with all the money the lightning rider could carry and fly it to Yekmeni- straight to the foundry to get the Dorierran denari melted down to it’s base gold, have adani added to the gold and minted into adani gold drakars and could be flown back before sunset and right back to you to “re-spend” there in Dorierra for a simple “fee” that you paid Audrey just for the plain mineral that her kingdom was sitting on several mines for. And with the exchange rate- it was worth doing, especially when she and her sister were doing it too, a secret you were happy to keep between you and your husbands as you excused Saffiro’s flights as him making deposits for you in various countries accounts across the world, but he’d already done that by now. A couple times over too. To the point that the accounts, thanks to the rates of interest, were practically self sustaining, no matter how much was used to build the Contessina Skyports as Kragan especially was keen to make sure at least every single one of those was built with care and would be built correctly so that they would last for at least a century with good upkeep and servicing. 
But you just felt like you needed to crunch these numbers before you could find rest and respite for the day. 
“Tessa, come on, the numbers will be here tomorrow. You need rest. Your brain can’t calculate accurately and correctly if you’re exhausted.” Kragan urged you as he had already gotten ready for bed only to see you in nothing more than a night gown and a robe still at your desk, the only sounds of your pen’s nib writing along the papers. 
“I just need to finish this, and I’ll be to bed.” You answered him as you had arabacus’ and other calculating tools all around you to double and triple check your numbers. 
“How many pages is that though?” He asked. 
“Not that many.” You tried to waive off. 
“Tess…”: Kragan said in that gentle but firm tone as your shoulders sagged because that tone always seemed to be able pull out of the deepest of rabbit holes you could find yourself in, at least metaphorically speaking. 
“Fine, fine, just let me finish this one page then. I’m halfway through.” You brokered. 
“Mmhmm.” He hummed before he used his secret weapon. His hands, rubbing your neck and shoulders as your hand slowed down while your eyes closed serenely as a pleasured sigh finally left you. 
“You have knots the size of drakars back here.” Kragan noted. 
“But they’re each worth a hundred gold danari.” You teased. 
“Mmm.” Kragan hummed before he leaned down and captured your ear lobe in his mouth before pressing sweet but salacious kisses down your neck. 
“Oh come on, that’s not fair.” You whined as your head naturally held back and lolled to the side to give him more access. 
“I don’t care. I will use. Every. Means. Necessary. To get you to bed so you can rest.” Kragan punctuated between kisses. 
“Resting will not be the first thing I do if you keep that up.” You warned as you turned your head to give him a meaningful look. 
“Good. You need a due release for all this hard work too.” Kragan murmured into your skin at the crux of your neck and shoulder before he bit down ever so amazingly. 
“Of fuck me.” You groaned as your hands abandoned the pen and the papers and everything else to reach up to thread your fingers into his soft hair and grab a good fist full to keep his mouth right where it was. 
“Oh I plan to.” Kragan chuckled rather schemingly. 
“Damn you and your amazing mouth, come here.” You used your hold on his head to move his mouth to yours so you could kiss him while you let him pick you up out of your chair and lead you over to the bed, his mouth and hands not leaving you for a moment as your nightgown fell from around you as did your robe from across the room, and while the delightful chill in the air was an exhilarating sensation, Kragan’s warm skin against your own was even more so. Especially when his body was pushed flush with yours. 
“Did you lose weight again? Your upper weight feels smaller.” Kragan asked as his hands roamed your form lovingly with soft but needy caresses. 
“What my upper waist and belly loses, the lower picks up.” You excused as you were happy to be laid down reverently as his mouth moved down from yours to your neck and chest again. 
“These do too apparently.” Kragan smiled as he grasped and kneaded your breasts that has seemed to grow too the more the pregnancy progressed before he started to suckle on them as your eyes closed serenely to enjoy the sensation, especially as your legs had parted to make room for his knees into the bed you were laid out on. Then his mouth traveled further south, as his mouth and his kissed and nuzzled your oh so precious belly that had indeed started to grow into more of a baby bump in just the last month. 
Then his mouth went even further down to kiss, and suck at your womanhood, and that’s when your body fully both relaxed yet began to coil in other ways as pleasure coursed through your body like your very blood did as your fingers were happy to comb his hair and find purchase anew as you didn’t even both to hold back your voice from revealing how much pleasure his ministrations were giving you. And you were so relieved to find your release easily and quickly since Kragan seemed to have your path to pleasure more and more dialed in every time you got to have sex. 
“You’re right, I did…I did need that.” You sighed as you basked in the afterglow. 
“I’m happy I could help you realize that.” He smiled as he kissed you deeply as his hips rolled to seat himself fully into you as you sighed happily to be rejoined with him as you were happy to just enjoy this, every breath, every touch, every bat of his gorgeous golden yellow eyes as they gazed so lovingly into your own. You were so happy that you could be with him now and still enjoy this with him as every day with him was like another blessing for you to enjoy as you continued to find new things to love and adore and appreciate about him. From the cool head on his shoulders, to the very well muscled shoulders that carried so much weight of responsibility so well. To that broad chest with that heart of gold inside. And while his hands had thankfully gotten softer lately, which your pussy for one was quite relieved to have. But the rest of you rather loved the rough calluses on his hands when he could touch you so lovingly and tenderly yet lustfully all the same. And you really loved how easily you could get lost in each other, where the whole world fell away and constricted to just one where the two of you and the babe in your belly were the only beings to reside blissfully happy within it. 
You welcomed the second orgasm as much as your womanhood welcomed more of Kragan’s seed as the warmth of him and it soon radiated throughout your entire being as Kragan finally stilled, his hips grinding out the last of the stroke into you before finally stilling completely as he took several large breaths to try to catch his breath from the exertion while he nuzzled his head with yours, the sweat of his brow mingling with yours as he tried to rest over you in such a way that he wasn’t pressing too much weight onto your belly, but you welcomed it over your chest, where it was such a grounding force, like an anchor, keeping you safe and secure, always. 
You started to scratch his back as you came out of your afterglow, as a way to bring you back from that small eternity of bliss. To feel the hills, valleys, lines and scars of his back was something you always loved to feel. And to hear his moan of delight as he relaxed further onto you was also a point of happiness and pride. It was something you too had learned about him, just the right touches and depth of your scratches and where his itchy spots were, where to trace around moles or to watch for scars that could either be tender or numb depending on the severity of the original wound. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” Kragan mumbled as he moved his forehead to rest his head next to yours as he pressed kisses into your neck and shoulder as he squeezed around you as tight as he dared. 
“I love you too, too, too.” You hummed as you couldn’t help but smile. 
“You look really sexy pregnant by the way.” Kragan praised. 
“Yeah, bigger breasts will do that to the male gaze.” You teased. 
“Ugn, no, not like that.” Kragan humphed as he playfully bit your earlobe in retaliation. 
“No, you’re glowing, your belly’s getting bigger and yes, while I do appreciate the fact that our babe has the potential to be very, very well fed.” He began as he reached over and honked your breast for emphasis. 
“Really?” You deadpanned as you stopped scratching to simply lay your hands flat where they had once been. 
“Yes really, before they come and you use them to nurse the baby with them, because that is what breasts are for, they will always be fun to play with before and after though.” He insisted as he lifted his head to look at you and plant his elbows beside your head if only to pet your head and hair with his hands. 
“I feel like they grow more udder-like by the day.” You noted. 
“So? They’re real breasts, they were literally created just for that purpose. It’ll come in handy when it’s time to feed the baby, your arms will thank you, trust me.” He insisted. 
“Well I guess I will just have to wait and see then.” You placated. 
“You will. But beyond that, something about that baby bump and these amazing hips and this ass that I want to smother me. You do it for me. You’re perfect for me in every way possible.” Kragan praised and kissed you to keep you from arguing with him. 
“This isn’t fair, you’re not letting me talk.” You mock complained against his lips. 
“Not if what you’re going to say is a counter argument.” Kragan insisted. 
“It’s not.” You turned your head to keep him from silencing you any further. 
“So what is it?” Kragan asked. 
“Thank you for feeling that way about me, because I feel the same way about you.” You insisted. 
“Oh, good.” Kragan beamed happily before he kissed you again. 
“You just really love kissing me.” You giggled. 
“Mmmhmm.” He hummed as he kissed you some more. 
“I feel like if you keep this up any more you’re going to kiss my lips off.” You teased. 
“No, never.” He pulled away only to leave more kisses up your jaw and onto your neck as you simply sighed. You did love this lovey dovey side of him before he finally slipped from you and began to clean up the mess he made both in and out of you, leaving you there to simply lay there as sleep began to lay claim to more and more of her head before he finished and you moved further up into the bed before he spooned you. 
“Sleep, rest, you and the baby need it.” He urged you. 
“Mmmhmm.” You hummed as you couldn’t even fight hard enough to keep your eyes open as you were happy to let sleep pull you down into it’s depths with Kragan cuddling into your back and his arm as your pillow while his other hand palmed your belly both protectively yet possessively all the same. 
Then, you felt the flutter. Which got you to snap your eyes open and gasp softly. 
“What?” Kragan asked worriedly. 
“The baby, I think I just..I think I just felt them kick.” You answered as you moved your hand and his hand where you had felt it as you waited for it to happen again as you rolled onto your back to give the both of you better access to your womb. 
“They kicked!” You cheered happily as you could feel internally before you moved Kragan’s hand over to where it was and had him slowly and carefully probe deeper before, just faintly, he felt the little flutter too. 
“They did! Well hello there! Daddy’s here. I’m right here.” Kragan began to cry happily as he pushed in just a little more just to feel it better before you pulled his hand out so that the baby could freely move back before he felt the flutter against his palm. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful, wonderful miracle.” Kragan thanked you as he leaned over you to kiss you deeply. 
“Thank you. You put it there.” You smiled through your own happy tears. 
“But you’re the one nurturing it. I love you. You’re amazing.” Kragan praised as his happy tears fell from his eyes and landed on your own face and joined yours. 
“So are you, I’m so happy I get to have this. You, the baby, everything.” You cried happily as you reached up to palm his jaw to keep his face as close as possible. 
“Me too.” Kragan nodded. 
“Now, all of us- should get some sleep.” Kragan insisted as you were happy to roll into his chest as you held him while he was happy to hold you into his arms as the last thing you felt before going to sleep was Kragan’s lips pressed to the crown of your head, while you were wrapped up safe and sound in his embrace. 
The next day, everything came through and you got the surprise of a lifetime. A summons the High Council Court. 
You could not be more anxious or stressed about it though. You wore your best dress, your best jewelry, even that horribly gaudy ring Kragan got you and you felt like you probably applied an inch layer thick of cosmetics. Being presented to the Queen in Solowards wracked your nerves this badly.
“Hey, it’s going to be ok. I’m sure it’s just a matter of formality. I’m sure it’s going to be just fine. I sincerely doubt Audrey and Sarah would ever let it revoked or denied or refused. Not without threatening to torch this place down to the ground.” Kragan reassured you as he helped wipe the majority of makeup off that you were sweating through anyway. 
“You don’t need to apply this much spackling though. You’re perfectly beautiful without it.” Kragan insisted before you just washed it all off to start anew anyway. 
“Hey, hey, less is more. Flattering colors if you absolutely must. You are not Millie. They are not there to judge you. Just to approve your business, that’s all. It’s not personal, it’s just business.”
“If I had a shilling for every time I’ve heard that one.” You sighed. 
“Well now it’s time to live it.” Kragan encouraged you. 
“My Lady, it’s almost time.” Mildred reminded you. 
“Thank you.” You thanked her gratefully as you only had time now to just put a touch of eyeshadow and blush on, with only a few flicks of mascara before you rushed out of there, with your hand tightly in Kragan’s as you pulled him along before you met Audraviene and Lukher, Sarah and Daon and Yana and Brock even. Then you saw all of Kragan’s family also waiting, dressed resplendedly too. Then you saw your family and even Roncharles and his family were there. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked your parents with wide fearful eyes. 
“Nothing’s wrong. We’re here to support you, that’s all.” Your mother reassured you. 
“Because things are about to go very right.” Audrey encouraged. 
“So, I’ve been told this is your family. Saffiro introduced us.” Audrey said. 
“So…you’re here for the answer to my submission to the D.A.?” You questioned. 
“Well, don’t worry. I heard it got approved, we just wanted to see it officially for ourselves.” Audrey reassured you. 
“You’re sure?” You asked. 
“Yes. I’m sure. That’s why Langashi called me personally to tell me to come here to see it for myself. She invited your family here for it. Because she knew they would not want to miss it, but...” Audrey began before her smile vanished to that of disappointment. 
“But what?” You asked as your heart sank. 
“Your King and Queen were even invited. They refused to come, they didn’t feel it warranted the trip, at least, according to Langashi.” Audrey murmured quietly. 
“To Solowards, no woman ever amounts to anything more than breeding stock. They most likely didn’t think it was worth the trouble.” You murmured. 
“Well you will be one of the first to prove them wrong. I have no doubt about that.” Kragan reassured you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. 
“Well, it upset Langashi. And she is, if anything, spiteful when it comes to views like that. So chances are, she upgraded your approval. Which, thus, everyone else got the invitation to come here to see this with their own eyes to bear witness.” Audrey offered. 
“Oh, upgraded?” You asked. 
“When Langashi asked me about it, and I told her what you had told me Solowards was like, she sent an undercover into the country. And when she looked into it, she was not pleased with her findings. And she wants you to have an upper hand when dealing with them from now on.” Audrey explained.��
“Like the way you do with Dorierra?” You breathed. 
“Better.” Audrey grinned schemingly which got you to raise your eyebrows higher in surprise. 
“Come on. Let’s see what she could come up with.” Audrey invited before she led you to the High Councilor’s court while the attendants showed where you and your other family members should go before you and Kragan were shown the middle of the court with the stained glass showering color all around you. 
“This High Council of Dorierra has come to the agreement that your application to become citizens of Dorierra is approved. You are henceforth given the title of Radiance Supreme. Come forward and select your crown.” Langashi announced as she approached you before several others came forward, all of them carrying matching crowns of various styles as you heard Audrey and Sarah gasp loudly as their jaws were on the floor while their eyes were wide but alight with delight as Sarah was the first to practically bounce in place. 
“Please, forgive me, why do I need a crown?” You asked in confusion. 
“Because Radiance Supreme is a title Dorierra has when it recognizes a world power in the making. Sangria Shipping is an empire recognized as such by the Dorierran Alliance. And The Contessina Order, which you are Radiance Supreme over, like an empress over her empire and the two together are now considered a dual empire. And with this status, you now are free of paying any taxes on any other lands and earnings held outside of Dorierra. You now have a palace and a space that should suit the building of the greatest Contessina Order Skyport in the Supersphere and you only need to pay a small, nominal due to the Alliance itself. But you, as Radiance Supreme of the Contessina Order, now have diplomatic immunity and all protections and guardianship, loyalty, rights and citizens as any other natural born Dorierran. Any lands you hold in your possession the whole supersphere over are now considered that of an ambassador’s. You do not owe any tax, nor fee, nor payment to any other leader or realm other than the D.A. And any who dare come against you or anyone in your family, both immediate and extended will have the weight of the entire Dorierran Alliance backing you. From here you can elect Radiances Intermediaries, since each Contessina Order Skyport, is it’s own district, or province or embassy, depending on how you wish for it to be known as but each one has the rights of an embassy in every sense. So please, select the crown that our High Council of Dorierra will recognize as the symbol of your reign over your empire of The Contessina Order, So therefore you are Her Royal Radiance Supreme Contessinaessa Vessezin Salgria the Great. And your husband of course is His Royal Radiance Supreme Kragan Salgria the First. Please, pick the crown in which your own daughters and sons of your own choosing will someday inherit from you that the High Council of Dorierra will count as the symbol of your rulership and reign over your empire that I’m sure the sun will never set on soon enough.” She explained proudly. 
“Yes!!” Saffiro cheered so loudly it echoed in the whole of the room as you turned over to look at him before he sheepishly shrunk back but his smile was just as beaming as Audrey’s and Sarah’s was as you looked just plain shocked, pleased but shocked as he was mirroring your look of shock and awe as you then looked from him to the crowns as you kept your grip firmly on his hand. 
“Thank you?” You finally answered High Councilor Langashi.
“You’re welcome. Now please, pick out your favorite crowns to symbolize your rulership over your dual empire.” Langashi repeated as she had all the crowns displayed down a row that Kragan and yourself walked down. 
“Get the biggest one!” Millie called out from where she was as you couldn’t help but snicker a laugh. 
“Get the most regal Dearest.” Your mother encouraged. 
“Unless none of these are catching your fancy.” Langashi said as she watched you and Kragan walk down the line of sets of crowns, a “masculine” version and a “feminine” version in each set before you were drawn to one and looked down at the ring on your finger and realized it matched and the style was…somehow perfectly you. 
“This one.” You breathed when you saw it. 
“Perfect.” Kragan grinned before Langashi dismissed the others. 
“Then I, High Councilor Langashi do hereby anoint you as Her Royal Radiance Supreme Contessina The Great of The Contessina Order.” Langashi said before she picked up the crown and put it on your head as you curtsied low for her to do so. 
“And I anoint you, His Royal Radiance Supreme Kragan The First.” She said as she did the same to Kragan.
“It is now my privilege and honor to introduce Their Royal Radiance Supreme’s, Contessina and Kragan Salgria, rulers of their dual empires. And these are the crowns of which you may anoint other as your own Royal Radiance Intermediaries.” She said before she showed you a stack of other boxes. 
“Actually I would like to anoint one right now.”
“Please do, it would be my honor and privilege to see it with my own eyes and witness it.” She smiled.
“Samantha?” You called before it was Samantha’s turn to look like a rabbit caught surprised in a trap. But Saffiro practically walked her over to you before you put the first lesser crown that matched your own. 
“Samantha, as my first act as Radiance Supreme, I hereby anoint you in turn as my first and greatest of Royal Radiance Intermediaries, you may serve the Contessa Order in whatever capacity and from whatever location you feel most comfortable in.” You happily said before you put the crown on her own head before she gathered you into her arms and hugged you tightly and you both started crying happily. 
“I love you too.” She said. 
“Oh my gods, I never thought in a million years that I…that you would…thank you.” She said as she tried to wipe away her tears as they flowed from her eyes before Saffiro happily and proudly pulled her back into his own embrace. 
“You’re welcome.” You offered before Kragan took the stack of others. 
“There is now a banquet that you and those with you are now invited to enjoy.” She offered before you were practically swarmed with your family and Kragan’s family and Roncharles and his family too as even he and his parents and Millie were crying because of how happy they were for you and how proud they were of you too. 
After the feast, you were all shown your new palace. And the area for where the greatest of the Contessina Order Skyports would be built right into it. It was right on Dorierra’s main square and the adjacent but smaller and less spectacular palace was being torn down to build a skyport so tall it would probably scrape the skies and would be almost high enough to get hit by the skyland that traveled over the supersphere. 
All while you held the precious declaration of Kragan’s and your own Royalty as you couldn’t stop staring at the golden foiled words embossed on it. 
Radiance Supreme. 
Radiance Supreme. You were an Empress in your own right. Because Dorierra viewed Salgria Shipping, and specifically The Contessina Order, as a dual empire and that if you wanted the one, you had to recognize the other as supreme. Radiance was in reference of The Contessina Order and that the Supreme was in reference to Salgria Shipping. It came complete with a certificate, a crown of it’s own, a coronation and everything. Your palace and the very ground every skyport inhabited were considered foreign embassies. And you now had diplomatic immunity and only the High Council of Dorierra were above you and were considered your rulers and you were freed of any other and could accept or decline any offer of anything from anyone else in the world. You were considered a ruler in your own right. And The Contessina Ships were considered just as highly prized as an “export” that the Dorierran brides were. And every employee was considered a “subject” under your own rule. 
Because while you were Radiance Supreme Regent of The Contessina Order, Kragan was considered your consort, while Kragan, yourself and everyone in his family were considered regents in Salgria Shipping because as a family- the business was run. To the point you “paid back”. All the money Salgria Shipping had “invested” into The Contessina Project, with interest. And your promise of them making their money back a hundredfold proved true. 
Then you showed Millie her ship, she was head over heels in love with her own Contessina Superiore`. And even requested that it be fitted out in practically pure diamond white and gold when it was unveiled at her wedding. 
But you also took the opportunity to present the blue prints to a Contessina Ethereal to your parents since they were the first on your list of non royalty of ships that would be completed. Since the Ethereal was only one grade lower than the Magnifica which were the grandest of all. 
And this was the break, and what you never realized you had been waiting for because suddenly, everything fell into place. 
In the following weeks, you felt like you could practically taste ink through your fingers, no matter how much you washed your hands. From calculations to orders, to plans to everything in between, you practically went through a bottle of ink a day and your writing calluses were especially thick from writing orders, to signing off on so many things it was hard to keep track of it all. But thanks to Mildred, Saffiro, Samantha and Kragan, all of you were able to keep it all organized. And you could not have been more happy to have the capable help. And by the end of the month, you, Audrey, Sarah and Samantha had your new system down pat as the first fleet started to really come together while the Lavines and your family agreed to be your eyes and ears in Solowards. 
And while you were happy to let the High Councilors get their orders in first, you soon had a waiting list of people who were anxious to see the ships unveiled at your sister’s wedding. And practically frothing at the mouth to the point of bribery in the forms of titles, land holdings, estates, favorable banking terms with high rates of interest earned in accounts while also not charging any taxes on any business you would do in their countries because the money the would rake in from those using your skyports in their capital cities while also courting the D.A’s elite was worth more than any kind of income tax they would ever charge you because the D.A. simply had a flat fee for the operation of your businesses in their Alliance since you were given titles and estates and land holdings in Dorierra itself where there was a massive skyport being built. As you were sure you could hear the banging of hammers even in your sleep. But the skyport would be attached to your own palace there which was getting upgrades and expansions of all kinds. And with Audrey continuing to multiply your money by adding adani. You were practically your own bank. 
And all of these rulers, with all the major cities begging for one and eager to get the new official D.A. backed, authenticated, certified and endorsed Salgria Shipping ships in their ports and in their skies as Salgria Shipping Skyports were being built with equal fervor and enthusiasm as the Contessina Order ones were. And then slowly then all at once, Salgria Shipping ships soon took up the skies and seas in numbers no other navy in the world could boast of. And you were finding it almost difficult to figure out how to structure your now massive wealth to keep it safe and to keep anyone from taking advantage of you or your family or your husband and his family either. Because overnight, Salgria Shipping was a multi million gold denari business that was now it’s own empire with Kragan and his father being the spearheads of it. And the Contessina Order was it’s own empire too and you barely had a full fleet built. 
And it seemed overnight, Salgria Shipping was the single most profitable business in the whole of the Supersphere. Because of your insistence of a trademark. That trademark, together with the special sails and the uniforms of both the sailors and the ships- was a name said in awe and wonder and reverence in the whole of the Supersphere. To the point that Astrin had to hire a massive team of accountants to run all the books because even she couldn’t keep up with the D.A. side of things. And thankfully could at least handle the non-D.A. side of the business herself. 
Meanwhile, you had hired and “bought” Dorierran brides. And these ladies were a lot like you. Extremely intelligent, very capable of discernment, charm, capability of not only juggling leaders and rulers of their various quarters, but also taking in orders, setting up their various “provinces” of your Contessina Order Skyports up. They weren’t really that “prime” as far as the Dorierran bride system was concerned, but to you, they were the best of the best. They were all a little older, so they could be considered “past” their prime as far as marriage was, but as far as individuality was concerned, they were fully realized and extraordinary. And if anything, they had aged like fine wine and had only grown into their own. They had the capacity, desire and drive to spearhead this project with you. They had the high ethics you did, and who wouldn’t even let a handsome bribe corrupt them because by that point, you had gotten at least three offers from every ruler in the D.A. You were literally given the highest rank of nobility outside of the royal families- possible. With many kingdoms making new titles to accommodate you and appease you. With many trying to gain your approval by any means necessary. Which for Kragan was easy to answer. To give women universal rights as equal citizens as their male counterparts enjoyed and equal shares and heirs. While your name was then celebrated by women all over. Except in Solowards as your mother told you that word of your success and triumph was being downplayed and all contributed to your father’s greatness instead for raising such an exquisite wife that she assured the success of her husband, as foreign as he was, so well. As speculations of what you could have done had you stayed in Solowards was wildly rumored. And as much as that infuriated Kragan, you could do nothing but shake your head, because you knew it was take probably the threat of war and the King and Queen losing their heads and crowns to change anything there. So you were anxious and eager to get your friends and families out of that place as soon as possible. Because even Roncharles was starting to see the true nature of his own country and it’s harsh truths, especially when Millie began to feel the pressure for her to repeat your success with him and his family and his own family’s fortunes and businesses. 
But it was the other bride’s insights on what to do and how to present these ships to rulers that their own districts catered to. They were all multilingual. And were the perfect managers to hire. And while they were essentially married to the job- with you “buying” them only to hand over their own freedom from the bride system over to them, they were free to pursue any other romantic relationship with anyone else they wanted to and would deem worthy, which in turn made them ecstatically happy. And it worked out so well, especially since their loyalty came to you and the business before their loyalty to Dorierra and were soon more than just employees and employer, and much more than ruler and subject, but actually really good friends too, and ones that you felt happy to have and their friendship and loyalty was just as precious to you as your friendship and loyalty to Audrey and Sarah and Yana as you were seen as their equals in all things. 
And in the process of selling custom ships in the various districts, because you got to be hosted by every quarter, each ruler was eager to give you gifts of super fine quality, as were the High Councilors. So when it came time for you to design and decorate your own ship, you had an over abundance of gifts to choose from to decorate it so that it looked like you had already traveled around the world to pick up such precious treasures while everything else could go into your own palace at Dorierra. You were so happy to do a lot of the decorating with Kragan so that he was just as happy and pleased with it as you were while the excess could go to your “suite” at Souja Tavern and in Wakanear, Yekmeni, Drauch and even Forestrong. Of course, with your ship, it came with extra protection measures and fitted with the fastest engines possible as the catalog had to become a massive volume set and a cypher the size of a novella.
But that was only the precursor, because the real gambit was going to be Millie’s wedding. Because just about every royal family within the D.A. and even outside of it was practically begging for an invitation, which Millie was overjoyed to send out. Because that meant that her wedding was a damn theatrical spectacle on a world wide stage and the “wedding gifts” just to get the invitation to go were sizable and as much as your family and Ron’s family were paying to throw a wedding to end all weddings well worth it and they were actually making money off such a production.
Finally though, you finally got the call you had been waiting for ever since you left Solowards. A call from the entire Royal Family. But this call, which had Audrey and Lukher along with Sarah and Daon and even Ashurah and Irelu on the call and you only got a heads up about it only an hour before they called which put you into a near panic to hurry up and put on the best piece of clothing you could get your hands on along with your better jewelry while you took that ring on and even the crown. 
“Tessa, why are you so upset?” Kragan asked as he tried to help you get dressed. 
“Because it’s the King and Queen and every encounter I’ve ever had with them has been a disaster and I can’t fuck this up, not for Saffiro especially, him and Samantha are so in love and inseparable and I don’t feel like I have the full leverage to get Samantha an equal footing in Solowards yet, even now, it’s clear my family and Ron and his are on less and less even and sure ground ever since my elevation and it’s a delicate balance and with Millie’s wedding so close, I don’t want to jeapordize anything for her either. I still feel like The Contessina project is still in a little model ship and drawings on paper but otherwise an empty box. We’re still dumping as much money into it as we’re getting just in pre-orders from the High Councilors and other Councilors of the quarters and the waiting list is already 5 years long. I don’t feel ready to battle them yet.” You explained as you fought to keep yourself from crying. 
“Hey, you are not their subject anymore. There is nothing they can do to you or your family that Dorierra or even you yourself can’t undo and then out-trump. Not to mention, you have the rest of the world eating out of your hands and you have a fucking stack of stupid titles from all over the world. Solowards is not the only country in the world. And you said you wanted them to beg for mercy for giving me a baron status right? Well now’s the time. Make them beg. Make them plead. And if you don’t feel you have the nerve or the heart then let me do so for you. Otherwise, you got this. You have the backing of the D.A. as a whole. Who are they to intimidate you? If you have the most powerful people in the world eager to be your new best friend to get their fancy little row boats. You do not need their stamp of approval, you don’t even need to have anything to do with them. They are coming to you. They are seeking you out. Grace them with a few minutes of your time and if you don’t like what they have to say, excuse that you’re meeting with some other rich and powerful person. Take that stack of stupid papers and line the whole messengerari with them if you want to or need to ok? Besides, I’m pretty sure your crown is bigger and greater than theirs.” Kragan said as he held your flushed face in his hands to smile reassuringly at you while your hands naturally went to his wrists, eager to have more of his touch. 
“And it’s not like you’ll be facing them all alone. I’ll be right there, as will Saffiro and Samantha. And Samantha isn’t afraid of anyone. Let Samantha tell them off if you want.” Kragan offered which got you to finally snicker a laugh despite your nerves. 
“True.” You nodded.
“That’s my girl.” Kragan praised before he kissed you and held you as long as you needed him to before he got the stack and put them next to you as you got your ledger about how much money was being invested into the project while Kragan got the latest totals of Salgria shipping, just in case he needed to have a battle of good ol fashioned hard numbers. 
“You got this.” He reminded you as he reached over to grasp your hand and squeeze it tightly before Saffiro and Samantha came into the room as Saffiro was in a similar state as you, anxious but trying to remain calm while Samantha was doing what she could to keep him calm too. 
“Prepared I see.” Saffiro noted as he nodded to the stack as he had also brought his own stack, as had Samantha. 
“I’m trying to be. I don’t know what they want or what this is about. Do you?” You asked him. 
“Nope. Which is why I threw up when I found out.” Saffiro admitted. 
“Saf, relax. They’re just people with fancy little hats that lets them feel entitled. There is nothing they can do that can’t be undone and then outmatched by anyone else, we don’t need them, they need us.” Samantha reminded him. 
“Except those people rule over our family and their home country.” Saffiro reminded her. 
“For now, it would take two seconds to call up any or all of the High Councilors and have them and everyone else you want- pulled out of there, especially since Langashi was rebuffed by her last meeting with them. Right now, practically give her a reason to torpedo the place to smithereens.” Samantha reminded you. 
“I don’t want it blown to smithereens. I just..I just want it to change.” You confessed.
“You have a crown higher and greater than theirs. Depending on what they want, you have the power and authority to make that happen. So now’s the time. Make it happen. Remember, they’re coming to us. They are seeking us out.” Kragan reminded you and Saffiro. 
“Exactly.” Samantha smiled.
“Nervous Nellies.” Samantha teased which got you and Saffiro to look at each other meaningfully.
“You’re right.” Saffiro readily offered but that didn’t stop him from reaching to hold your hand just as tightly as he was holding Samantha’s before the call came in. 
“Wait. Let them wait, give it two or three rings.” Samantha encouraged. 
“Three rings.” Kragan nodded in agreement as you counted them before you answered the call. 
“Your Majesties.” You greeted cordially as you nodded to them from your seat as it was clear they were sitting on their own thrones before you noticed that your own parents and Millie and Ron and his parents were on this call too. Before you noticed Langashi was secretly peeking in on this call too. 
“Your Radiance Supreme. How truly radiant you are.” King Grenver greeted you as pleasantly and charmingly as he could in that same sickeningly honeyed sweet tone possible which put you on guard. 
“Really, I see that a change of scenery has done you so well.” Queen Phelisity praised as you could see that they were dressed in royal garb as were Audravienne, Lukher and Maisarra and Daon as well as they were peeking in this call too. 
“Thank you.” You thanked them. 
“It’s the pregnancy.” Kragan grinned triumphantly. 
“Oh! Congratulations!” The Queen managed to say as you could tell they both had to be measured with their responses to that. 
“Yes, well then this is only that much more reason to celebrate then.” King Grenver offered. 
“Celebrate what exactly?” Kragan asked. 
“Your immense success the world over.” King Grenver offered. 
“Which we understand has been a smashing success ever since the wedding.” Queen Phelicity offered sweetly. 
“It has been. Thanks to the truly remarkable insights, ideas and inventions of my brilliant wife.” Kragan praised. 
“Oh of course, of course.” King Grenevere readily agreed. 
“Well if your congratulations is all that you wished to communicate, really a letter would have sufficed, you didn’t need to trouble yourselves to call us. But we appreciate you reaching out, now if you’ll excuse us, we have our own business to attend to, unless you had other business that you were calling in relation to?” You offered as you reached for the off button because you were irritated they were dancing around the subject because something about them and the way they looked and were acting. 
“Oh, no please your Radiance, please, we actually called to ask when we might be able to get a Contessina ship of our own?” King Grenevere requested hopefully.
“Well currently the waiting list is 5 and a half years. But we could certainly get you on the list.” You answered. 
“Oh but wouldn’t it be better if we were to get a ship at about the same time as your sister does? Shouldn’t your King and Queen get the same graces from you- your Radiance?” Queen Phelicity asked in her sweetest tone possible. 
“Well, as it stands, you are actually the very last ones in the entirety of the D.A. to call and ask about it and we are on a first come first served unless previously promised kind of business and the only one I had previously promised a ship to is my sister Millicent and to her alone. But you will see that there will be a full fleet available for display at Millicent’s wedding. Now if- after the wedding and all the guests have had a chance to look them over to finalize their own orders on that waiting list, if you wanted to buy one of the display models, that will be your choice, but please know that the display models will only have the best decorations, finishes, etcetera. But such a ship will not be cheap. But it will be the immediate result you so desire.” You charmingly offered. 
“Name your price your Radiance.” King Grenevere requested. 
“Ok, well here are the plans for the ships that will be there. Is there one that is standing out to you?” You asked as you electronically sent them the general sketches and layouts but nothing that could ever be copied and replicated and duplicated with any real success. 
“Oh the Magnifica.” She readily insisted as she went straight to the greatest. 
“Well for the Magnifica, at my sister’s wedding, we are looking at a price point of 50 million gold bouillon.” You answered before it was their turn to balk. 
“That…that would bankrupt the country.” King Grenevere practically blanched. 
“Well if you’re not interested I have 107 other rulers waiting in line for that particular one. And all of them have the cash in hand as we speak, if you would like perhaps a smaller model or if you wanted to get on the royal waitlist. We could do that too, because otherwise, the waitlist is closer to 15 years for non royals.” You offered. 
“Fifty Million gold bullion? That’s a real figure?” King Grenevere asked. 
“Actually that’s with the discount that Her Radiance is giving you because that’s with the deference she is deciding to show you because you were once her own rulers. But since we have a Dorierran recognized double Empire of our own. That ship is actually closer to 80 million.” Kragan insisted from beside you as you grinned. 
“Actually, even that is lowballing it Your Radience, I believe that currently the highest bid for the Magnifica at your sister’s wedding has already surpassed 100 million.” Samantha offered. 
“Surely the taxes we would get would…” Queen Phelicity urged her husband. 
“What taxes?” You asked her pointedly. 
“The taxes that your husband, as a baron, owes our crown.” Phelicity answered.
“Do you have such a thing in writing? Is it legally binding in the D.A.?” You asked her. 
“Do we?” Phelicity asked her husband. 
“You shouldn’t because my father and I never signed anything. And with us gaining the status of Radiance Supreme by the High Councilors of Dorierra and it’s Alliance. That supercedes all others, even if such a thing were to exist.” Kragan insisted. 
“But, surely we…” King Grenevere asked his scribes who were off to the side before the scribes shook their hands no. 
“Well we can draw something up.” King Grenevere. 
“You’re more than welcome to draw something up but unless you have a Dorierran Alliance recognized notary there to notarize my signature, it would never be legally binding.” Kragan pointed out. 
“And women are second class citizens in Solowards. And are not even granted full rights or liberties as citizens. So surely you can not come back to me with anything, because like my excellent husband stated, our own anointing as Radiance Supremes within the Dorierran Alliance Sphere supercedes any and all others.” You reminded them. 
“But what about those 20 acres?” Phelicity asked. 
“Oh you mean that 20 acre parcel of woodland that my husband signed over my brother at fair market value only for him to then sell back to their original owners?” You asked. 
“I have the point of sale right here.” Saffiro offered as he held up the receipt up to the messengerari’s surface. 
“But what about Salgria Shipping?” Queen Phelicity asked her husband. 
“Oh you mean the Salgria Shipping Charter that states every single member of my family as co owner and co-ruler of, that’s registered with the D.A. In both name, seal, logo and copyright?” Kragan asked. 
“But what about The Contessina Skyport that they’re building?” Phelicity asked. 
“Oh that was signed over to me on my wedding day? And since by Solowardian law, everything I have belongs to my husband? Who is not even a registered member of your society, who doesn’t even have papers of citizenship, much less nobility since you never gave him actual papers in court, simply announced that he was a baron in court, where something can be true one moment and false the moment after- based on your own whim, nod of your head or word from your mouth. Meaning that our status as Radiant Supremes with the Dorierran Alliance still outranks and supersedes anything and everything Solowards would have? That deed? That by Solowardian Law now belongs to me and has full embassy status and is protected and sanctioned by the D.A. and is of course- tax exempt?” You asked as you held up that deed for them to see for themselves. 
“But what about the accounts?” King Grenevere asked desperately. 
“Oh you mean the accounts that were charging me interest instead of giving me interest? Oh I closed those the day before we left Solowardian soil.” Kragan answered before he held up that receipt too that was signed off by the heads and managers of the bank and was in fact notarized by not only their own notaries but noted and cataloged in the D.A. too. 
“Surely we could come to some kind of arrangement and understanding. Think of your sister and your family and your sister’s fiance and his family.” King Grenevere placated. 
“Are you threatening my family King Grenevere?” Saffiro asked. 
“Well, no, no.” King Grenevere shook his head as he looked at the faces of the Dorierran High Councilors who were sitting in on this call. 
“Actually, that did sound quite threatening to me.” High Councilor Langashi murmured.
“Please, you misheard, we meant no such thing.” King Grenevere insisted before Langashi played it back before she made this call available to any and all other parties who were interested. 
“So what I’m hearing is, if I don’t give you what you want, then you’ll do what exactly to my family who remains on Solowardian soil?” Saffiro questioned in a tone that you had heard way too many times from your father when he was dangerously close to gutting his prey in the court. 
“Nothing, we wouldn’t dream of doing anything to them.” Phelicity insisted with a jab to her husband’s side as the number of full pages of those who were on this call kept growing. 
“Now it seems to me that if you wanted to enter any kind of negotiations with us, you should be considering what favorable terms you can provide for us in exchange. But in the meantime. We really should get back to business with other more amiable and reasonable clients.” You began as you reached for the button to end the call again. 
“Anything! Name them! Name the terms!” Queen Phelicity implored desperately as she moved her hands to cover the buttons of her own messengerari- as if that could keep you from ending the call on your end. 
“Laws for starters. And not just theoretically but in practice and upheld in any and every court. As it is, Solowards- by law- is very harsh towards women and especially entrepreneurs, and- extra especially towards those who are not of human origins and laws on the books, upheld both in theory and practice and upheld in court. From there, I would think lands of considerable size and wealth and self sufficiency would be in order as well. If not very high titles. Because as it stands, our own title and status of Radiant Supreme is actually higher than that of your own as King Regent and Queen Consort. And then I think if you were to have a meeting with your banks about those rates of interest to put them in our favor. And if you want any taxes from us, you better have quite the deal, in writing of course, upheld by any Dorierran recognized court, because we are subjects and citizens of that first and foremost. And as it is, we already have 163 offers of very high nobility from the other rulers in the world that come with no other strings other than we get to enjoy lavish estates with very handsome land holdings and rates of interest in our favor for any and all accounts we hold with the national banks there so that tourists might enjoy their stay while they are there to restock and refuel and of course shop in the various cities for anything and everything that would strike their fancy. And right now, they ask for no taxes whatsoever since our empire is purely business and held with the D.A. itself. And that the only thing we would pay for would be supplies to restock our own private ship when traveling at their various skyports. Otherwise, they pay us to have the privilege to have a skyport on their lands. Really the Contessina Skyport is really just a formality, a place where my family might use as a point of origin on their own travels.” You specified. 
“And really, since you brought up our family. I believe I will ask her Radiance to withdraw the discount and deference.” Saffiro urged you. 
“Consider it rescinded.” You smiled at him as you made a note of it in your book. 
“Wise decision My Love.” Kragan praised. 
“Now if you will please excuse me, I’m getting a lot of new bids on that ship, and currently the price is over a hundred and fifty million. And the ship isn’t even fully built yet! Oh duty of business calls. Until we meet again- Your Majesties.” You offered before you really did turn off the call as Kragan, Saffiro and Samantha all cheered and applauded you before Kragan pulled you over to kiss you and hug you. 
“And you weren’t ready for battle.” Kragan teased. 
“Apparently I was.” You laughed. 
“Time to celebrate. Because Frangellica is currently handling the bidding war while sending out the blueprints for the ship to all the bidders.” Samantha reported. 
“Do remember how you told me, when we first met, how you would do what you just did?” Kragan asked.
“Yes.” You nodded. 
“Well consider it a job well done. I’m so proud of you for sticking to your guns. If they call back, the lowest price you’ll receive from them is 200 million gold bullion if the bidding war isn’t higher than that itself. And if it is, make them pay an additional fifty million gold bullion on top of whatever the highest bid is.” Kragan insisted. 
“Deal. Ugh, such a sum doesn’t even feel real.” You admitted. 
“Oh it’s real. It’s very, very real.” Samantha praised. 
“Congratulations, next time, I dare you to tell them to ‘go fuck themselves’.” Samantha encouraged before all of you started erupting in laughter as you held your belly from laughing so hard. 
“Oh gods, I could. I was half tempted to.” You admitted as you wiped the tears from your eyes as you struggled to get this damn jewelry off. 
“Damn you swelling fingers.” You cursed as you tried to get this god awful ridiculously gaudy ring off of your hand. 
“Then you should, and if you don’t, I will. Mom and Dad are messaging of how proud they are of us for standing up to them.” Saffiro smiled. 
“Oh good, so they’re not dying of embarrassment for having rude and impertinent children?” You asked. 
“Nope. If anything they praise our good business sense.” Saffiro smiled before he leaned over to kiss your cheek.
“Gods you’re amazing. I’m so proud of you. Still my favorite sister.” Saffiro encouraged.
“And you’re still my favorite brother. Favorite sibling period.” You insisted as you nuzzled your forehead to his before you both gently knocked your foreheads together only to erupt in more laugher.
“That’s right. Don’t you forget it.” Saffiro teased before he got up as he and Samantha retreated to relax in their own suite of rooms in your palace as you were eager and anxious to get all of this gaudy and ridiculous jewelry off of yourself as Kragan was eager to help you do so as well. 
“Better?” Kragan asked once you were free of it all before he helped you put it back into your “royal” jewelry box tha you kept the “royal regalia” jewelry in. 
“So much. A relief honestly.” You smiled as you sank down into your vanity and put every piece into it. Because after you got your crown, Kragan and everyone else agreed that you needed a full royal regalia jewelry set, which was thankfully a place you could keep that ring that Kragan had first gotten you as you paused to trace the jewel’s shape as you wondered if it was perhaps foreshadowing that while you had never really wanted enormous wealth. Your prince charming led you to make it yourself. And how, with just a simple switch, your life was vastly different. And nothing like you could have ever thought to want or expect. 
“Everything ok?” Kragan asked.
“I’m just thinking.” You murmured quietly. 
“About what?” He asked as he came to kneel next to you to watch you curiously as he offered his hand as you took it with your other one but kept your index finger on the main stone of the ring.  
“How, if I hadn’t switched, how different things would be. And how…miserable I would have been, or how dead I would have been. Because before you, the only things I had to live for was my family. And how helpless we all were because two doctors, who didn’t know jack shit about medically treating women, misdiagnosed me. And were giving me poison and medicine alike. And how much I would have missed out on. Only you could have been my knight in shining armor, whisking me away to your castle in the clouds that was not of stone, but of wood and sail. And how, neither of us wanted anything to do with royalty or nobility or any of it. We just…we just wanted to sail around the world and be together. Even if the ship was no bigger than a lightning rider. But because we switched, you saved me, you literally gave me the world. And you’re giving me a family of my own. And because you loved me to the point of invention, now the whole world can know what it is to be as free as a bird, flying on the winds, going wherever they would take you. With only a roost of your own making to call home.” You murmured as you just stared into the ring. 
“And how, you got this ring for me, when you didn’t even know me, fearing that it would only be something this grand, complete with all of this to make me happy. And here I am, locking it away in a case, rarely to see the light of day. But the moment you did meet me and found out I was nothing like you had feared, but everything you wanted, you gave it to me anyway, because even just knowing me for a few hours, you grew to like me and love me enough to take care of me. Even when you had no obligation to. Just…because that is the kind of man you are. And I’m so happy and grateful that you are that way. I don’t want or need fabulous jewels to go with every fine dress in every closet in every house in the supersphere. I just need you, our baby, a roof over our head and food in our stomach, Everything else is extra. And while most would argue that the rest is the most important part because it’s everything else that makes the former possible. I feel like, even if The Contessina Order fails spectacularly, and Dorierra takes back it’s crown and it’s title and prestige and it’s palace and everything else. It wouldn’t matter. Because we would still have each other and that’s all we would ever want or need because we are both content to live in simple anonymity. And we are both easily contented with each other. Because we love each other, without question, without reserve. And even with all of this…” You gestured to everything else around you. 
“But this is still the most precious thing I possess and only you could have given it to me.” You said as you put his hand on your belly before the baby kicked at his palm as Kragan smiled as tears glazed his eyes before he moved himself to kneel between your legs to kiss you as soundly and deeply as he could as he clung to you and held you. 
“I couldn’t agree more. You and them are the most important things to me too. Because I love you and them without measure. And I will do whatever it takes to provide you with whatever you want and need and whatever they would want and need. Because without you, I’m a ship without an anchor, or sail or current, adrift in life with no purpose or meaning. You fill me with the same love and warmth that makes the fire of passion to turn the heat of a hearth into a home. And that home solely rests wherever you reside.” Kragan vowed as he moved both of his hands to your pregnant belly. 
“Likewise.” You smiled.
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initiumseries · 2 years
Do you have any top tier scenes in movies or television solely because of the music in the background? I sort of do, but for me, it’s more so that the music improves upon the scene which I already find to be good, haha.
Tumblr is annoying so I have to break this up. ^^ this is how it started, and I'll continue here: The Dark Knight This was pretty damn epic.
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My Hero Academia So, I find that the score for good anime is usually pretty sick, and MHA doesn't disappoint. All Might's last battle and Endeavour's fight against the Nomu had FANTASTIC score that elevated the animation and really hit the emotionality of the scenes. I've watched them more than once for sure.
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Lord of the Rings The battle at Helm's Deep is once of my favourites ever, but this moment, when they're riding to a glorious death in battle, and then Gandalf shows up on the horizon, the music swells and the riders of rohan just absolutely merk the SHIT out of the orcs, with the cinematography, the editing, the score...just *chef's kiss*, honestly one the best scenes in movies period imo.
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Story of Yanxi Palace This drama is SO high drama, SO soapy, I love every fucking second of it, but THIS moment was *peak*. Wei Yinglou and Fuca Fuheng were in love and the emperor refused to let them marry and planned to kill Yinglou, and Fuheng, in a bid to save her life, accepts the original marriage bestowed on him to someone else, and in order to be pardoned so she can go back to serving the empress, the emperor makes her go out in the first snow fall begging for forgiveness every 10 steps and she meets them outside the gates, and it's BRUTAL. Fuheng is miserable, Yinglou is heartbroken...and the music is GOING IN. It's so hard to watch, but it's also beautifully shot.
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Touch Your Heart So honestly, I think this moment is a FANTASTIC moment in cinema/tv. Basically Jung Rok broke up with Oh Jin Shim and stops driving so he can see her on a billboard every day at the bus stop. Then he has a particularly difficult day and finds out Oh Jin Shim left notes cheering him on and goes to the bus stop and breaks DOWN. And I LOVE this because the music is PERFECT, and then at THIS exact moment the music stops, and all you hear is him breaking down and crying before the music starts up again. I will stop WHATEVER I'm doing EVERY time to watch this. TOP of the toppest tier.
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Goblin This moment was when I knew the drama was gonna get LIT. This lightning, the vfx, the implications AND the score? And that's the end of the ep? Whew.
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Arcane So this was just beautifully animated from beginning to end, and I've talked about it extensively. But this moment, among a few others, I especially liked, because the music underscores this moment for Jinx where she's confused and vulnerable and just wants her big sister back, and I love it.
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Hi Bye Mama This drama WRECKED me. The whole thing is basically a woman gets hit by a car and has to choose to save herself or her baby and she chooses her baby and her husband is a COMPLETE disaster because he operates on her and couldn't save her, so now he can't perform surgeries. And so she's a ghost and has the opportunity to try to come back permanently if she can resume her role in her family, but her husband has remarried and she knows its best for her daughter if she just passes on, and you see the sadness of other ghosts around her, and just... Korea is SO GOOD at abject grief. Like I believe the shit out of them. They MISSED this woman. And the score at every step was just...so intense. It's I think the only drama that actually made me cry.
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gone-series-orchid · 3 years
Do you think the FAYZ lasted for long enough?? Or do you think mg did himself a disservice by making it only a year and a half??
good question! while i don't think the fayz was necessarily too short to be emotionally impactful--a year and a half is still a long and horrible time for kids to be stuck under a dome, and mg describes the time passed under there effectively--i, personally, would have loved it if the fayz was extended long enough for the kids to turn 17/18, mainly because the idea of the kids literally as well as metaphorically growing up under the dome is so compelling and tragic to me. they would emotionally and physically transform from sheltered young teenagers to jaded and battle-weary young adults; the fayz could really gain a sense of culture (shoutout to @mattiebluebird and their awesome fic on the subject!) and give the protagonists enough time to really create a real society. i mean, i think of when astrid is inwardly lamenting her short-lived time as leader of the fayz and she's thinking about how much she wanted to implement institutions again and have kids attend school and church, etc., and it makes me so sad because she had such ambitious ideas (that sam never had) that was never utilized because mg decided her arc ended after having sex with sam in fear. anyway, maybe those ideas could be implemented somehow if the fayz lasted longer!
also it gets me so emotional thinking of the kids reuniting with their families, and the parents barely recognize them because they look so much older and taller, yet at the same time they do because maybe astrid starts to resemble her mother or sam starts to look like taegan smith as they grow older! maybe quinn or caine or edilio start growing facial hair and they have to learn to shave, brianna starts her period and panics because she's killed coyotes and sliced up drake but she's never gone through something like this and dekka has to help her through it, astrid reflects on how maybe her parents had this whole plan for her last two years of high school that will forever go unfulfilled, and sam and quinn feel sad upon seeing each other one day after a year or two of living separate lives and realizing how much they've changed, diana would have time to really settle into living with sam and co. at lake tramonto and grow a friendship with them....
i also like the idea of little vignettes happening throughout the years...like maybe in book 1 or 2 we see a little snippet of sinder and jessie beginning their friendship and then in book 3 they've got their garden growing in earnest and it's become a huge food source for all of the fayz, and sinder and jessie have grown up together tending it, from age 12 to 16, spending their adolescences feeding their community...howard and orc's friendship really develops from them just having a mutually beneficial but uneasy relationship to them having a borderline codependent friendship...astrid and orc bond in the last couple years of the fayz and become real friends instead of just weirdly intimate acquaintances...maybe astrid and sam break up for a year and sam dates aged-up taylor or something for a little bit?? idk i want more slice of life stuff among all the ya dystopia sci-fi drama!
idk! maybe it's just me, but i would've found the idea of prolonging the fayz's lifespan to be really impactful! i sort of wish mg had taken that opportunity, though i don't think the series is flawed for not taking it, you know? i just think it would've been cool.
thank you so much for the ask! feel free to send more! :)
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
So here I am just scrolling along and I noticed that ask requesting "fluff period w/ orcs" and my first thought was menstruation but my second thought was "the past". And idk it just had me thinking that I had no idea if that Anon was actually asking for menstruation-centric writing or not, and that had me thinking that "period" is a really crappy word for it anyway. English sucks is what I'm getting at.
That’s perfectly true!
Normally I only associate the word ‘period’ with (specifically) ‘period dramas’ in a historical context, otherwise, menstruation. It’s also super weird to me when speakers of American English use it instead of ‘full stop’.
Original Anon, if you were asking about historical fantasy, a lot of my stories have a historical/medieval fantasy setting, and many of them orc ones.
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goneseriesanalysis · 3 years
your caine art is so gorgeous!! kind of a silly question but what movie genres do you think the “gone” kids would watch?
Aa thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you like it
This is such a great question and is perfect timing as I've just got back from my film class. Here are my ideas:
Sam: I don't think Sam is really a movie person so, this is a bit of a cop-out, but I don't think there's any particular genre that he likes. He spends most of his time surfing. The only reason I'm willing to admit he has at least seen A film is because he took Anna to the cinema for their date. (Also the film was definitely Surf's Up, 2007. And no I will not take any criticism on this)
Astrid: Astrid is definitely one for documentaries. And this girl will watch documentaries on EVERYTHING (even open-heart surgery). She also has a secret soft spot for kids films as she watches them so much with Little Pete. She likes how easy everything is. There is a right and a wrong and its clear and obvious what it is. If you ask her though she'll never admit to it.
Quinn: Comedy. I love this boy but I just know he spends his evenings watching Adam Sandler films. That being said, he is open to a wide range of comedy including rom-coms and chick-flicks. He likes to dip into different genres, but really comedy is his thing.
Edilio: Edilio would mostly stick to Spanish-speaking films. Probably comforting family-friendly films that he can watch with his family. But I also think he would have an interest in old cartoons (think thundercats or trap door). They're easy to watch, family-friendly and can be useful for learning English. (I know that Trap Door is an English cartoon but shhhh I'm projecting)
Little Pete: Little Pete doesn't really watch the films that Astrid puts on for him. I think he just likes the experience. Being near her without her talking to him or touching him. He can experience the safety he feels around her without the sensory issues that can sometimes come with it. That being said, I think he would prefer the cartoons with muted colour schemes and softer soundtracks. Maybe Tim Burton?? As opposed to the more colourful Disney films she puts on.
Caine: Did somebody say crime films?? The Wolf of Wall Street, The Godfather, Nightcrawler. He likes to imagine himself as the leading man and he genuinely believes that he could do it better than the actual character. He also watched The Great Gatsby once and thought it was a good romance.
Drake: I think it's mentioned that one of Drake's favourite films is Saw ll?? And I definitely think he'd be into horror, but he would have no respect for the genre. He likes cringey, gory horror (which in of itself isn't a bad thing) but with particular love for any horror that involves the unnecessarily graphic assault of a woman. I also think he would really like Michael Bay and Joss Whedon films. Now that I think about it, he probably likes Tarantino as well.
Diana: OK so this one was tricky but I feel like Diana is, very secretly, a dark fantasy fan. She likes Guillermo del Torro and one of her favourite films is The Witches. It's the perfect blend of cynicism and escapism that just really hits the spot for her.
Jack: Jack is a sci-fi and high fantasy fan. Does it have magic?? He'll love it. Space tech?? He'll love it. He is definitely a fan of the big ones like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings. But, and this may be controversial, I don't see his liking superhero films. He finds them too cliche and simplistic.
Orc: Orc doesn't get to choose what he watches a lot. He usually just has to watch the crime shows that his father puts on. But when he does get the TV, he's a big action fan. Think Terminator style films. He has also seen Die Hard upwards of 10 times.
Howard: Howard likes cult films. And a good Zombie movie never goes amiss. He hasn't gone a single Christmas without watching Gremlins and David Bowie in Labyrinth was his sexual awakening.
Dekka: Dekka likes a wide range of genres with no particular favourite. She leans more towards foreign films, indie films and experimental just because that's where she finds the most lgbt representation. After the FAYZ, she would be introduced to Ava Duvernay's work and would fall in love. If she's looking for an easy watch though, a good slasher never goes amiss
Brianna: Brianna has never, in her LIFE, been able to sit through a full film. However, if her parents order her to sit down for 5 minutes and just be quiet, adventure will always be her choice.
Mary: Mary likes chick-flicks. They're feel good films that don't require much thinking. They make her feel good about herself and give her some much needed entertainment. Also John loves musicals. I have no reason for this, it's just true.
Lana: Dark Comedy all the way. It just fits her personality so well. She enjoys the humour. She enjoys the aesthetic. And she kinda feels like she's rebelling against her parents in a minor way. What she will not tell you is that she is also a sucker for a well-written romance film.
Dahra: Hear me out here. Historical films and period dramas. Not sure why. I just get The Vibe. She loves Pride and Prejudice (as she should) and just finds historical films incredibly interesting and entertaining.
Albert: Albert is another one who likes documentaries. Definitely after the FAYZ he would focus more on business documentaries. But I think before, he would mostly just watch whatever his mother was watching. Which would include a wide range of interesting topics.
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feanope · 3 years
…somehow I completely didn’t realize you wrote “You’ve Seen My Descent, Now Watch My Rising”
I apologize if this is random but no exaggeration that is one of the absolute best Maedhros in Angband/Post Angband stories I’ve ever read and DEFINITELY the one I’ve thought about most over the longest period of time. It’s also one of the only ones to have me crying, just tears running down my face. As you can probably guess I have a very high threshold for this stuff but that fic just…I can’t put it into words and I can’t believe I didn’t realize it was by you when I’ve read some of your other stories multiple times
Reading that story actually predates outofangband and when I couldn’t stop thinking about that story I wrote a thing on the notes app of my phone about Morgoth realizing why exactly his orcs fear the former high king…(never published obviously)
Anyways I apologize for the random ask and for my rambling but I was looking through a collection, saw that story and realized who it was by and I just had to say something!!
Oh well...
It might be that it was tucked away in an anon collection on AO3 at the time you read it. It was there together with a couple of other fic for quite a while thanks to fandom drama. Alas, I de-anoned it a while ago, so that might be the cause that you just realized now :)
However, I am glad you enjoyed (well... it's probably the wrong word, but you know what I mean) it so much despite the heavy topic; or because of it. It's one of my lesser loved stories for obvious reasons, but it's one of those I am incredibly proud of, because well... it wasn't the easiest one to write, and it wasn't one of those that wrote themselves, but I love how it turned out; i still do, after all those years...
Whilst writing it and together with some fic I read in the past (those you probably have also read) it's probably what shaped the thoughts I have about Maedhros post-Angbang - and no, those aren't happy thoughts at all... They occasionally appear as glimpses in other works of mine, but most of the time rather alluded to because they are nasty. All of them.
I am flattered that you wrote something based on it, and I'd be delighted being able to read that snippet of yours if you ever want to share it <3 and please: don't apologize for an ask. Ever. I might not be around all too often these days thx to drowning in work, and it usually takes me a while to respond to asks because i don't have the spoons to log in after work, but I read everything I receive and it does make me happy :)
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