The country watched on planes, in offices as Christine Blasey Ford testified
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As Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify today before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding Ford's accusation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school gathering in 1982, people across the country are gathering together to watch the hearing.
Many viewers have uploaded photos of groups of people gathering around television screens in offices, classrooms, and public spaces to hear Ford tell her story.
Here are a few of those amazing images:
Across the world, people are watching the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing. That includes passengers on planes cruising at 35,000 feet. Zette Emmons tells CNN this is her view aboard a JetBlue flight 415 from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport to San Francisco. pic.twitter.com/pvlXawcbJn
— Bridget Blake (@BridgetBlake1) September 27, 2018
An office deli full of women watching the Kavanaugh hearings pic.twitter.com/IoAJkVnMQN
— Julie Zeglen (@juliezeglen) September 27, 2018
Watching Ford’s testimony against Kavanaugh in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the newsroom screens with ENN pic.twitter.com/Hwa7ycpIQr
— Alex Roat (@alexandra_roat) September 27, 2018
Sound waves from NYSE trading post TVs resound in unison at higher than usual decibel levels as traders watched Christine Blasey Ford testify. Could decipher nearly every word of the hearing anywhere I walked, competing only with ringing phones at times. #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/6UREse8hjW
— Brad Smith (@thebradsmith) September 27, 2018
A “watch-in” in Senator Thom Tillis office; protesters watching the Kavanaugh hearing pic.twitter.com/UevKeyivlC
— Michael Shure (@michaelshure) September 27, 2018
  basically everyone on my flight is watching the Kavanaugh hearing pic.twitter.com/NK0FE25grJ
— Rebecca Rubin (@rebeccaarubin) September 27, 2018
.@pennlaw intently watching the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing as Dr. Blasey Ford testifies re: sexual assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/jdptzWDjEX
— Anita Oh (@anita_oh) September 27, 2018
Journalism One students are watching a live broadcast of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Head to https://t.co/QNdv6QZdu9 to read a full explainer of the Confirmation Hearing. pic.twitter.com/qKZvUHjUge
— Crimson Student Press (@theCSPN) September 27, 2018
Students and faculty watching and intently listening to the Brett Kavanaugh hearing @RutgersLaw @Rutgers_Camden pic.twitter.com/68T0CtsXoE
— Jeanne Leong (@JeanneLeong) September 27, 2018
Couple listening to the #KavanaughHearings on the uptown 1 train @wnyc pic.twitter.com/yNiBtGr5zO
— Amanda Aronczyk (@aronczyk) September 27, 2018
Kavanaugh is up for a vacant seat in the U.S. Supreme Court. The judge appeared to have cleared his earlier nomination hearing before the committee, with a vote in his favor likely, but news of Ford's allegations sent the nomination process into chaos. 
Other women have since come forward with their own allegations against Kavanaugh.
His future with the Supreme Court depends on whether or not Republican senators will decline to vote for him in light of the allegations against him.
Additional reporting by Marcus Gilmer
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