#a bit Yalex centric
polarnacht1 · 9 months
First and Last Lines
Rules: Go through your last 5 completed works and share the first and last lines without context.
I was tagged by @myulalie thank you!
A dangerous Life - Yalex, E, 7.8k First: Alex’s day hadn’t started that bad.  Last: This was dangerous, just as they both were.  Like a Comet - Yalex, E, 3.6k First: Yassen forced his breathing to be completely even. Last: It was more than that.  Blood & Guns - Yalex, E, 44 K First: “And that’s all?” Alex asked, squinting suspiciously at Mrs. Jones. Last: “We’ll figure it out. All of it.” The Funeral - Yalex, G, 780 words First: The young man watched in silence as the small procession followed the coffin out of the cemetery’s chapel to its designated grave. Last: Sasha Payne, the assassin, was born. 
Bloodshed - Yalex, T, 3.7 k First: “Ready?” Yassen asked without looking at Alex. Last: They left the house together without looking back, their steps a little more in sync than they had been when they had entered. 
I tag everyone who wants to do this!
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