#a bit late but hey its still the 27th somewhere o7
abeinginsand · 11 months
The Locket - A Supernatural Lark/Terry AU
Bringing out a brand new au for Halloween week Day 3 Werewolves! Summary:
After his father is murdered by an elusive vampire, a young adult Terry--raised a wizard--jumps straight into the life of a monster hunter. He charges and stumbles through his quest for both vengeance and closure... And meets a brash, rather rude, and... ruggedly charming werewolf along the way. The two team up after several run-ins and a realization that their families seem to be connected to each other and that vampire. Connected by what? On the day of his dad's death, both he and his mother noticed Terry Sr's locket necklace had been stolen. Ripped from his neck.. A special engraved and enchanted locket that looks exactly like the one Lark wears around his neck! ---- This AU is still in progress but here's three sections of it so far (below the cut) :D
Beginnings Born to two wizards, a Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Terry Jr was living an average, pleasantly magical life and looking forward to helping out with his family's shop when he got older... Until tragedy struck a few months after his 20th birthday, leaving only his grieving mother, himself, and the all too quiet Terry Sr. resting in a coffin...not a drop of blood or life in him. A vampire had come for him while he was at the shop. One folks knew, but no one dare speak about. Even to a son that had just lost his dad. Instead of continuing his studies to prepare to take over the shop, Terry impulsively becomes a monster hunter instead. The kind of person he'd only read about in stories before. He dedicates much time traveling during the day, for supplies and info. But switching from scholar to hunter in search a short amount of time was no easy task. It was hard to keep up with every little detail on what being may be weak to what ingredient or material. And that's trouble leads him to his first encounter with a certain wolf in the nearby forest. ----
First Meeting Terry gets into an argument with his mother. She is worried but he feels like giving up the search would be giving up on his dad altogether. He rushes out at night to clear his head and has forgotten its a full moon. The young man accidently interrupts hunting time--and ends up being chased away. When only one wolf keeps up with him the further he goes, he tries to confront the beast. Coming to a full-stop and tossing a ball of garlic at its howling mouth-- Only for the werewolf to pause and then gulp the ingredient down. Shit, right, werewolf goes with silver not garlic. Terry expects the being to lunge, but instead the creature staring back at him somehow has this vibe that it's smirking at him, Laughing. He glares, ears flushed and runs off while the wolf is still in a good mood. ---
"Huh, you're shorter than I expected." Basically, the two keep running into each other but only when Lark's in wolf or the stronger/ferocious werewolf form. They've exchanged names via speech (Terry) and written (Lark). The two bicker at times and find a friend in each other other times. Lark's mostly stuck around due to amusement and that Terry...seems so knowledgeable and passionate. Just not about the monster hunter stuff that he seems to be so set on right now. (He sees a bit of himself in that same situation...) Anyways, Lark's family always hunts far from their home as a safety precaution. So, Terry's never been over in that town where Lark's living his daily life. Until this point in the au, where Terry Jr's come to town to get some ingredients for his mom from the Oak-Garcia farm. He meets Sparrow first--friendly, polite, an eerie glint in their eyes. The wolf ears do distract from that though. It seems the family were some kind of werewolves. As weary as he was, he trusted his mom's judgment. The purchasing goes well and right after he uses a transport spell to zap the stuff to his mom's front door... Another man is suddenly holding him up by the collar. With a near similar face to the polite person from earlier. Bright green eyes, furrowed eyebrows, and flared wolf ears. The features seemed familiar in away Sparrow's had not. "What are you--Did you follow me here? You've never done that before...should have never trusted a wizard." "...Lark, is that really you? " "Why are you acting like you don't know, Terry? How are you here if you don't--" "Huh, hm...h-huh, with you holding me up this high...I can see you're shorter than I expected?" Lark lets him down after that, probably saying 'yeah, bet I'm a lot stronger too' with a grumble and a tail wag which Terry would say is cute but he's not testing his luck further that day haha Both talk a little to reach an understanding that Terry's there by coincidence and not out of malice. This is hinted to have happened to this oak-garcia family before. With the scar on Lark's right cheek and one on Sparrow's left hand etc ...To be continued!
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