#a bitch (me) makes one kpop commentary video and now i suddenly have more opinions
starlightkun · 4 years
thank you for saying that ik this isnt rlly a welcomed opinion here but the whole thing with nct dream + the r slur the possibility that they were laughing at that word, not the mistake, it still upsets me my brother has aspergers but the way ppl are so quick to be over what happened and chalk it up to a mistranslation? we dont know what they were thinking/laughing about + I wish ppl would hold their favs accountable they're adults but do you mind me asking what happen w/ yukhei I havent heard
ik there's more examples than that but thats just the first one that comes to my mind a lot. tysm♡
fatphobia tw, body shaming tw, r-slur tw, ableism tw
so there is now a pattern emerging in yukhei being fatphobic to/body shaming his friends/members. his old nickname for kun was “fat kun” (which kun very clearly did not like) and now he said blatantly that baekhyun weighs as much as a pig (according to exols, baekhyun has had body image issues/worried abt his weight in the past) (and since most people underestimate how big pigs are: they weigh between 300lbs/136kg and 700lbs/317kg, not to mention that being compare to a pig in any way is generally seen as insulting). what really pisses me (someone who is overweight, and has dealt with fatphobia and body image issues for most of my life that i can remember) off is that he does this to his own friends/members but also tells fans (people that, in his job description, he is supposed to get money from) not to diet and that theyre beautiful how they are....... it just doesnt add up and honestly begins to paint a worrying picture to me
i unfortunately wasn’t vocal about the dreamie/r-slur situation when it happened and for that i apologize. there’s no excuse for that. i should have been critical of them back then as i’m being critical of yukhei now. it was handled poorly by them and their company and they should absolutely be held accountable for it still because its a very real issue, and fans (who didn’t speak korean) again were trying to say that it was actually a mistranslation or whatever
fans baby and coddle their idols way too much and are so quick to jump onto anything to excuse their behavior instead of actually being critical of their behavior and actions. don’t blindly stand up for your idols bc you’ve tied your entire identity and self-worth to them, their success, and their reputation. fans need to hold idols accountable for their words and actions because if they really are as good a person that you believe they are, they’ll take the criticism in stride and work to educate and better themselves. and if they don’t, they’re not actually that good of a person. but if nobody criticizes them, and they aren’t made aware of these things, they never have the opportunity to actually prove if they’re a good person or not, and i think fans are scared of that. scared that their idols aren’t good people, and now they’ve tethered their identity and sense of self-worth to a shitty person, so instead they try to suppress criticism under the guise of concern for mental health or a mistranslation or whatever bullshit they can pull out of their ass so that their idol never has the chance to show their true colors
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