#a cocktail of emotions at knowing lucy was getting drawn more toward the side of the dead than the living
alexiethymia · 1 year
a concept: Lockwood was as jealous of the Skull as Lucy was of Holly during The Hollow Boy
#lockwood and co#lockwood & co#locklyle#anthony lockwood#lucy carlyle#this is not actually a lockwood and co blog#I say as I rush to post something after once again deciding to reread#but anyway perhaps it's something a bit more complex than jealousy#a cocktail of emotions at knowing lucy was getting drawn more toward the side of the dead than the living#there's that added layer of the tv series in that in the first season lucy helps him with his recklessness#and now she's the one engaging in that sort of behavior in THB#but the thing is the nature of their recklessness if different in that#lockwood's is reckless because of his unresolved issues#while lucy becomes reckless because she wants to help the dead she can speak to#which again must complicate things for lockwood#because those that lucy sees as victims#lockwood just sees as evil causes of his sister's death#their talents play into this to#because lucy can hear them she can empathize with them#because lockwood doesn't hear them well or at and because of his exceptional sight#he only sees the ugliest of the Visitors and it's easy for him to forget they were once alive#so there's that 'jealousy' that lucy is spending more on more time on the entities who killed his sister#which causes her to put her own life in more danger as a result#resulting in lockwood getting angrier at her especially when he thinks she's missing the point by focusing on holly#and it's just a never ending cycle of them being angry at each other without fully understanding the other person's reasons#and irony of ironies#when (not if) we get a season 2#lockwood will feel the full force of what lucy felt this season because of his jump of a cliff tendencies#books#tv
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authoressskr · 6 years
Secret Santa (Part Two)
Prompt: Secret Santa who keeps getting me random shit, like why would I want this blender AU (I Tweaked It A Bit)  ++  Pairing: Castiel x Reader  ++  Warnings: Language  ++  Word Count: 1,706
Note: Do NOT repost, copy and paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION. -+- REBLOGGING is fine! -+-
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Two days later, Missouri rounded everyone up for an early morning meeting to go over the last exchange at the Christmas party that night. You nudge your elbow against Cas’s arm as you take a spot on the wall next to him, watching his mouth stretch into a small smile.
“Been busy with all the returns and checkouts this week? I haven’t seen you in a couple days.”
“Yeah - Dear Lord,” you sigh softly, pushing a piece of hair away from your face. “Just dealing with the handful of parents who refused to pay for their kids’ books was a nightmare. One book was missing a giant swath of paper and had gum stuck to the back inside cover. Then dealing with trying to loan out the books for the next classes...by the way, I booked your class for the second day back from break.”
“Thank you. I wasn’t expecting it that soon.” Your face falls a little.
“Oh. Well, I can switch it with someone else if that doesn’t work with you…”
“No. No! It’s fine. I just figured you would be busy after the break.” You’re kicking yourself at just assuming he would want to come that early, leaning against the wall as your good mood died. “I - I, uh, would love to come that day.”
“I’ll switch you with Mrs. Ferguson. Her time-block is on 15th. No big deal.” You force a smile as his fingers slip around your wrist.
“I’ll be coming the 9th, Y/N. And I’m sorry to have upset you.” Not realizing how much closer he was until you looked up into those big sapphire eyes. “You look lovely this morning.” You can feel the rumble of his voice from the hand you’d - apparently - placed on his chest, fighting the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Thank you, Castiel.”
“I didn’t mean to upset you. I simply wanted to let you relax and work before bringing in a horde of children just back from vacation.”
“Uh-huh.” His smile widens as his thumb begins rubbing along the inside of your wrist, making your mind stutter before kicking itself back into gear. “It’s okay. I tend to be more emotional than not.” You smile brightly up at Cas. “And I’m a terrible liar, so my emotions are pretty easy to read.”
“A soft heart is a gift.”
“IF WE AREN’T INTERRUPTING…” Artemis, the sixth-grade P.E teacher, calls loudly from the front. Both of you drop your gazes, a cute pink coloring Cas’s cheeks as you remove your hand from his chest, his fingers tightening on your wrist before letting it fall from his grasp.
“Well,” Missouri begins, shooting you and Cas a knowing smirk. “I’ll be keeping this short and sweet this morning...Today is a half-day, as you all know, and the Christmas party is tonight. We will be doing the last leg of the Secret Santa after cocktail hour, which is at 6 pm. Remember to control yourselves and hydrate. Alright, everyone have a good day and I’ll be seeing you tonight!”
As other people file past you and Castiel, openly winking or chuckling, he leans forward to whisper in your ear.
“I’ll see you tonight.” His deep voice is filled with promise and you watch without shame as he walks out of the Administration Building, his dark blue dress shirt and black dress pants fitting him to a tee.
“I hope he meant that in a sexual way. Whatever it was he said to you.”  Pamela mutters happily as she links her arm with yours.
“Really, Pamela?”
“Yes, really. Hit it. And hit it hard.”
“Jesus.” You mutter as you disentangle your arms, stopping in front of the library’s south side doors.
“Exactly. Make that boy see Jesus.”
“It frightens me sometimes that you used to teach children, Pam.”
“That’s why I moved to more of a supervisor role for the other teachers,” She leans in like she’s about to tell you a big secret. “Better for everyone. Plus, I get to scope out all the hot single dads.” You roll your eyes and enter the library after you watch Pamela sashay away. Your friends…
“Whatd’ya get her for the last present?” Dean calls loudly over his shoulder as he plonks down onto Cas’s couch with a beer.
“Two scarves and a necklace.”
“Jewelry? Same rules as the lingerie, man.” Cas sighs heavily, fumbling with his tie as he enters the living room.
“Perhaps you are single because you have so many rules regarding gift giving.” Dean snorted at his best friend’s words. “I just wish this was easier.”
“It’s a tie - not a lifelong commitment.”
“Not the tie, Dean.” Dean sets the half-drunk beer on the coffee table, rising to help Cas with his tie.
“You like this girl?”
“Very much.”
“Then stop listening to me. At least partially.” He straightens the backward mess of a tie and claps him on the shoulder. “From what you’ve been telling me, she digs you. She likes your nerdy little ass, so I’m sure whatever you’ve gotten her - she’ll love. Just be yourself, just, ya know, not the intense you that you get when you’re nervous. Okay?”
“You’re right. This will all be fine. I am just overthinking this.” He heads back towards the bedroom for his suit jacket. “Women are difficult, Dean. I don’t see why you do this on a regular basis.”
“Takin’ ‘em home for a night is a whole lot different than dating.” Cas nods as he slips his wallet into his jacket pocket, along with his cell phone, plucking the box from the coffee table to drop off with Missouri.
“Yeah, Cas. Let’s go nab your librarian. Oh - and remember to point out all the single ladies.”
“Yes, Dean.”
Cas entered the Chinese restaurant, the silky red walls look extra festive with the green and gold garland swayed along them. As he and Dean pass the two medium gold dragons just past the entryway, Cas can hear his co-workers now, the clamor of conversations and laughter echoing lightly down the hall.
He stops short when he sees you shuffle nervously, taking a big sip from your drink before laughing at something Pamela said. His chest tightens as your eyes meet, an easy smile stretching across his face in response to the bright one lighting up on yours.
Drawn to you, he crosses the room with purpose - ignoring Dean as he lags behind.
“Hi, Cas.”
“Hiya Castiel. Who’s your handsome friend?” Pamela flashes a promising smile to Dean, subtly playing with her long necklace as he gives her a heart-stopping grin in return.
“This is my best friend, Dean Winchester. He’s single, a mechanic and likes classic rock.”
“What a coincidence,” Y/N says with a bright smile. “My friend Pamela Barnes is single, into classic rock and wants to make you see Jesus. Have fun.” Cas’s eyebrows raise as Pamela laughs and loops her arm through Dean’s, leading him to the open bar. Upon seeing his semi-startled reaction, Y/N lays her free hand on his bicep with a laugh. “Pamela would’ve said something along those lines if she would have stayed, trust me. She has NO filter.”
“Yes, I am aware. She commented on my hair when I began working here. Sex hair, I believe she called it.”
“That’s what we all call it.” Y/N clarified with a bright grin, Missouri and Principal Donatello Redfield stepped up to the microphone, tapping a few times to get everyone’s attention.
“All?” Cas whispers by her ear, moving in closer as she just smiled and turned her attention to the little stage.
“All.” She confirms over her shoulder, Cas catching a corner of her smile before she turned back to face the stage.
“Welcome staff! With cocktail hour winding down, we want everyone to gear up to reveal their Secret Santa alter egos! We will then have a buffet dinner and a few raffle prizes. Alright, everyone, Happy Holidays and good luck!” Donatello hands the microphone to Missouri as applause rings out throughout the room.
“Alright, gird those loins, grab those last presents and give ‘em to your Secret Santa recipient!”
Cas swallowed hard before following Y/N to the table where all the presents had been set up, nerves fluttering in his stomach.
His box was smaller than most of the others, easily grabbed at the front of the pile. When he turned around, moving around the swarm of people trying to get to their presents. A few steps away, Cas scans the group for any sign of his librarian.
“Castiel.” He turns around, seeing a small red box grasped in her hands.
“I had hoped it was you,” Cas confesses, nervously returning her smile before holding out the dark blue sparkly box for her. She switches the red box for the blue, gently prying the lid from the box.
“Oh, Cas.” She murmurs as she takes the necklace from the top, before giggling at the two scarves tucked into the bottom of the box. “Favorite book quotes and my favorite animal!” Without thinking, she rose up and brushed her lips against his cheek. “Oh - uh, open your gift, Cas.” Cas nods, taking the lid from his box before smiling even wider.
“Wookie.” He says fondly, removing the Christmas Chewbacca Itty Bitty and giving him a wiggle. There are a scope and small booklet just under the Wookie, Cas removing them carefully.
“It’s a Stellarscope and star observer guide since I heard you speaking so passionately to your students abo-” Cas cuts her off as he crashes his lips eagerly against hers. She moves closer, their bodies touching as applause and whistles sound around the room, Pamela calling out “It’s about time!” a handful of feet away. “I’m glad it was you too, Cas.”
“I think I did pretty well,” Missouri said with pride to Pamela and Dean, nodding at the new couple. “Mama gonna get a wedding invitation before long.” She chuckled to herself as she wandered back to the small stage. “Dinner is ready to be served!” Cas’s fingers entwined with hers, leading her to a table - stupid, easy smiles lighting up their faces.
“So, about that blender...”
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Tagging: @lucis-unicorn @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @chelsea072498 @thewhiterabbit42 @nobodys-baby-now @unleashthemidnight @ourloveisforthelovely @sumara62
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artificialqueens · 7 years
We'll Show Them: Chapter Six- Luci
a/n: I’ve finally come home so I can write much faster now, so here’s chapter six! Big thanks to grandma for the beta-ing, and all the other Brits of course.
summary: Shea takes Sasha on her mystery date the day before her public meeting, which leads to confessions, even more emotions, and a problematic photographer.
In Sasha’s opinion, the best part of her workplace was the dress code. Blazers, pencil skirts and shirts were definitely to her fashion sense, and she loved the thrifting opportunities that a mandatory smart jacket provided.
Her endless supply of artsy blazers paired perfectly with her work. However, this presented one problem; there was a blurred line between her casual and work clothes, meaning she had little to wear for a date.
She’d picked out a number of contenders, including a red cocktail dress she’d reluctantly bought for a wedding, and a dark blue strapless dress from last year’s office Christmas party. However, she’d deemed them all unacceptable, and she’d collapsed on her bed. Her eyes shifted to her wardrobe and she spotted a dress hidden behind one of her jumpers. Sasha tried on the deep red collared wrap dress, spinning in front of the mirror once satisfied.
She didn’t know where she was going, and Shea had found immense delight in keeping it a secret from her.
Sasha had been fussing around for hours now, pacing around her bedroom since she’d gotten home from work. Shea was due any moment, and Sasha took a deep breath. She’d barely spent any time with Shea outside of work, especially not alone.
Her brain had only just begun to process the possible change in dynamic as the doorbell rang out, and she heard Shea shout a greeting. Sasha stared at the door for a moment, smiling as she saw Shea tapping her foot under the gap. Sasha wondered if she was just as nervous as she was.
Sasha’s hands shook as she reached over to open the door, and she couldn’t decide if it was from nerves or excitement. She decided, judging by the butterflies dancing in her stomach, that it was a bit of both.
Shea wore a tight white dress that cut off at her thigh, a flannel shirt the colour of butterscotch tied around her waist.
Her glossy ebony hair hung over her shoulders, framing her face. Shea’s makeup was more dramatic than Sasha was used to; thick eyeliner and dark red lips. She smiled widely as Sasha moved aside to let her in, mouth agape, blushing slightly. Sasha’s bewildered expression mirrored Shea’s as they looked each other up and down, taking in each other’s appearances.
“You look,” Shea cleared her throat, “amazing.” Sasha struggled to find the words to describe Shea, and settled with a soft, “you too.”
Shea was romantic. She was like a poet with her words, and it often left Sasha pathetically lost in wonder when she spoke. Shea was softer than she liked to show, she was gentle and careful, but now she stumbled through their greeting almost as clumsily as Sasha.
Sasha decided that Shea’s speechlessness was a compliment, and one she was easily able to return as she stared in Shea’s direction.
“You ready to tell me where we’re going yet?” Sasha asked as she picked up her bag from where she’d hung it over a dining chair, before walking back over to where Shea was waiting for her. Shea tapped the side of her nose teasingly, a playful gleam in her dark eyes. Sasha sighed, exasperated.
“God, you’re so impatient. It’s a short car ride, half an hour at most. Let’s go, or we’ll be late.” Shea gestured to the door, laughing when Sasha narrowed her eyes, trying to figure out clues from her words.
“So it’s something you have to book? Is it a show or a concert?” Sasha asked, weakly attempting to unravel Shea. The other woman just shook her head with a light laugh, walking out the door Sasha was holding open for her. Sasha locked it after she’d walked out, allowing Shea to lead the way down the building’s corridor.
Sasha was grateful that her apartment was on the ground floor. She didn’t appreciate the noise of the people walking past her window late in the evening, or howling cats sat on the brick walls surrounding her side of the building, but it meant she got to avoid all the painful stairs in the morning. Plus, it was easy to navigate after drunken mishaps in the dead of night.
A small staircase outside the building led to the car park where Shea had left her car. Sasha climbed into the passenger seat as she had many times before, leaning back into the comfortable faux leather seat. Shea hummed along to the radio as she drove out of the car park and onto the busy Brooklyn streets. Sasha laughed along to Shea’s loud rapping, messing up almost all of the lyrics.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this side of Brooklyn.” Sasha mused aloud as she glanced at the rows of shops lining each side of the street. She’d never heard of any of them before, aside from the odd popular clothes shop flooded with teenagers. Shea huffed with laughter.
“Jesus, have you ever even left your house?” She teased, taking one hand off the steering wheel to poke Sasha.
“Excuse me; I just need someone cool like you to show me the night life.” Sasha retorted with a huff, the subtle invitation hanging in the air. Shea smiled widely, turning the car suddenly into a narrow road. She parked the car smoothly in the only available gap, punching the air triumphantly as the car behind them cursed the lack of spaces.
“Are you ready?” Shea asked before they turned the corner. Sasha felt a warm feeling as she watched Shea, who seemed overly excited to show Sasha where they were.
“As I’ll ever be darling.” Sasha grinned, taking Shea’s hand in her own. Shea pulled Sasha around to the other side of the tall wall, into the big square ahead of them.
“Is there anywhere else I could’ve taken you?” Shea said fondly, watching in amusement as Sasha’s eyes lit up in excitement.
The building, the Brooklyn museum, looked like art itself, statues and gargoyles carved into the stone. Six great pillars stood guarding the front of the building, with flags hanging from each one, advertising the art on display.
Sasha glanced up from the steps they were stood on, eyes shooting from one window to the next, taking in the sight in front of her. Shea laughed as she tugged on Sasha’s arm to get her attention, pulling her from her trance.
Sasha skipped through the glass doors that separated her from the museum, her eyes instantly drawn to the tall, grand ceiling decorated by paintings and carvings. Shea nudged her away from the entrance of the door after people muttered complaints about her being in the way.
“Shea,” Sasha called to get her attention as she placed her finger on the leaflet in her hand to trace the words as she read them, “Black Radical Women 1965-85, feminist art on the 4th floor.”
“Oh god, feminism and art, it’s a Sasha Velour wet dream.” Shea teased, allowing herself to be led towards the stairs by Sasha. Of course, the inspiration of the date had been Sasha’s love for art. She’d talk wishfully about visiting the museum, and when Shea had asked, she’d simply said she’d never found the time nor the person to go with. Shea knew she could fix that.
But now, seeing how Sasha’s face lit up and how her eyes gleamed, she wondered why she’d never taken the woman to the museum before. Sasha’s hands reached out for Shea’s arm, and she linked with her, one hand placed gently on Shea’s arm.
They walked up the marble stairs, heels echoing around the large hall they had walked in. Sasha’s heels clicked against the marble, and they were already starting to hurt her feet. They were taller than the heels she normally wore to work, as she’d wanted to give the impression that her legs were as long as Shea’s.
Shea still had a slight height advantage, even though her own heels were small enough to barely affect her height. But Sasha forgot her pain when her eyes caught sight of the exhibit at the top of the stairs.
“That piece is Camille Billops,” Sasha exclaimed as she pointed to the first painting they walked past. It was black and white abstract shapes of women, trees and animals painted into the beige background. Shea’s attention was drawn to the next artist beside the one Sasha was viewing.
It contrasted with the previous art, people dancing and playing instruments painted in bold, bright colours. The background contained the same message in different colours: ‘black children keep your spirits free’. Sasha skipped up to Shea to see what caught her interest. “I know this one, it’s Carolyn Lawrence.” Shea pointed to it, laughing when Sasha beamed proudly.
“I knew you’d fall in love with art too. You can’t help it here.” Sasha grinned, squeezing Shea’s hand.
Shea rolled her eyes, muttering something about Sasha being a dork before she was dragged over to the next collection of art. Sasha described each piece she recognised, sparing Shea no detail about its origin or artist. Shea pretended that her heart didn’t speed up whenever she saw the enthusiastic sparkle in Sasha’s eyes, and she acted as if she didn’t want to kiss Sasha whenever she rambled on about her favourite part of each artwork.
They slowly made their way to the other side of the museum, spending hours at each exhibit along the way. Even Sasha was starting to slow down now, her shoulders slumping tiredly as she launched into another artistic ramble.
“Let’s go grab some coffee, you’ve nerded out enough for one day.” Shea encouraged Sasha to walk away from the exhibit ahead of her. Sasha looked through the large window longingly to the coffee shop across the park and allowed Shea to drag her out of the museum.
The coffee shop was narrow and warm, with brick walls inside and plants in glass pots. There were only two people remaining in the shop, both sipping coffees absentmindedly as they typed away on computers. Shea took Sasha over to a booth opposite them. There were small paintings hung inside the booth, which looked natural considering the art collection across the street. Sasha was glad to see the whole street seemed to share her love of art, not just the museum it was kept in.
Sasha swirled the chocolate powder into her mocha, complaining that it tasted bitter on its own. She watched Shea as she leaned forward to take her latte from the hands of the barista who had brought it to their table. The barista offered both women a smile, shyly complimenting them on their work as news anchors and their show. Sasha smiled to herself when she saw a rainbow badge pinned to the young girl’s apron, before she left them to wait another table.
“You know, today was actually perfect,” Sasha announced, the nervous feeling fleeting away as soon as conversation with Shea began.
“If I thought you were a dork at work, you sure outdid yourself today,” Shea teased, “seriously though; I loved spending time with you.”
“I wonder what Alexis would say if she saw us now.” Sasha laughed, hiding her smirk behind her mug as she took a sip of coffee.
“She’d smack me for what I’m about to say. But I like you,” Shea mumbled, “like, I-don’t-care-about-my-job like you.”
Sasha looked into Shea’s eyes and found a raw honesty there that frightened her.
“This job is everything to you Shea. You’ve worked so hard for this. Who the hell am I to take it away from you?” Sasha sighed, breaking the eye contact nervously.
“Everyone is fighting in your corner, now, tomorrow, and forever. I know you’re scared about tomorrow, I am too. But I don’t want a job if I’m not allowed to fall in love with you.” Shea’s jaw was set and her eyes showed determination.
“I like you Shea, but I’ll be damned if you lose your job before me,” Sasha smiled weakly.
“Come on, I’ll take you home. It’s getting pretty late and you’ve got a big day tomorrow.” Shea offered; placing her hand on the small of Sasha’s back as she guided her out of the coffee shop.
“Or, I could take you home?” Sasha countered, biting her lip nervously as she looked up.
Shea placed her free hand on Sasha’s cheek and tilted her face upwards. Shea moved her own face until her nose brushed Sasha’s, and she pulled her into a kiss. Sasha wound her body around Shea as she deepened the kiss. The pair managed to stumble over to where they’d left Shea’s car.
Leaning against her car, the two women only broke their kiss to breathe. Shea whined when Sasha opened the door to her side of the car, muttering to herself about blue balls. Sasha laughed loudly, leaning across to the driver’s seat to kiss Shea again, this time more passionate than before.
Neither woman heard the footsteps outside the car, or the fumble for a camera. They missed the click of a camera, and the footsteps as the body attached to them ran away excitedly.
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