#a collection of drunk han ye for your viewing pleasure
wirwerdensiegen · 1 year
Gong Jun Studio Weibo Update 2023/07/15.
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monusagi · 7 years
Would You Know? Chapter Two
Pairing: Wonho x Reader
Word Count: 4296 
Type: Smut, Fluff, Angst - Series - 2/?
Summary: Sometimes you are blessed with encounters that you could only dream of. Encounters that feel like you’ve been waiting a lifetime to have. But all of that can’t be perfect or as simple as you would hope, right? No, sometimes what you crave for becomes the very thing you fear and try to run from. When acts of sinful lust become something more than you handle, what path do you take?
Would you know?
The driver pulled you from your thoughts as he informed you that you were nearing your destination. You smiled at him and rummaged through your bag to grab your mirror and lipstick to do some touch ups. Your makeup was light and simple while your hair was in tumbling loose waves. You nodded at yourself in the small mirror before putting everything away. The driver stopped in front of the building and you gave him a small thanks and the time to return to pick you up. When Kat had told you that she arranged a driver for you during your stay you were grateful and flustered at the same time. You never had a personal driver so the change was exciting but you didn’t want him waiting for you constantly. So you only promised to use his services during your work hours anything after that he could spend how he pleased. You eased yourself from the car and your smoothed out your black pencil skirt and brushed out you black mesh sleeved blazer that covered your black top. Color really wasn’t your thing but you always kept your fashion chic and trendy. Even with your line of work you always made yourself look well dressed and fashionable.  
You walked confidently into the building your head held high as people stopped and whispered here and there. Not letting the attention bother you arrived to the frontdesk, you spoke sweetly to the desk clerk as you told her who you were and you had an important meeting. She smiled brightly at you and directed you to the floor you needed to go to all the while handing you a temporary badge to get around the massive building. You gave a happy thanks and made your way to the meeting room, heels making your presence known as you reached the elevator. Entering the elevator with a sigh you leaned back against the wall your purse dangling from your left forearm. You wanted this meeting to be over with quickly as possible so you could rush back to your cozy apartment and pounce on your bed and sleep for the rest of the day. But you knew these types of meetings lead to lunches, which lead to late night drinks, which lead to you getting home drunk and waking up with a horrible hangover and rushing to do it all over again. The doors slid open and you cleared your throat and put on your stone face and walked towards the meeting room, hips swaying back and forth as you walked with determination. Your eyes landed on a tall handsome and well built man. You remembered him clearly from the skype meetings you had been having with the company and gave him a flash of a sweet smile. He smiled in return and showed you into the room.
The meeting was quick and to the point as Starship was already wanting your company to be in control of the group’s next tour. All you needed to do was smile and finish up the paperwork with them. The only reason you were here was because Kat was preoccupied with another group so she would be too busy to focus on Monsta X but you could. So you did, you quickly agreed to helping them with the tour in the states since they usually only lasted a week but you should have waited. As soon as you agreed Kat giggled and said you would be in charge of the preparations for both the tour in the states and the tour in Asia & Europe. Which is why you were sent to Korea to work from your company’s office there to give you more personal time to work with Starship. Hopefully this arrangement went well without any troubles.
Since the meeting had went over well ,Han-bin the man you had the meeting with, wished to treat you to some coffee down stairs and you graciously accepted. Coffee being one of your guilty pleasures and you had a feeling you were going to need all the energy you could get today. You were sitting silently as you waited for his return, ignoring why all the others in the small cafe had started whispering and looking around. One of the idols must be running about downstairs causing an uproar. Even though the people who worked here probably saw them everyday they still seemed to be in awe with them.
“Sorry to make you wait Y/N. The line was a bit longer than usual today. I got a you small iced americano like you asked.” he sounded so apologetic and you smiled at him sweetly. Han-bin was too sweet for his own good you thought.
“Thank you and it’s fine. I didn’t mind the wait.” you took a sip of your coffee and closed your eyes contently. The bitter sweet liquid coating your mouth and cooling you down.
“How have you been? We’ve only been talking to each other through Skype calls and e-mails. I’ve never been able to ask you how you are on a friendlier level.” he spoke with a sweetness that made you wiggle in your seat a bit. Why was he being so friendly?
“I’ve been well. Throwing myself into my work and focusing on my goals.” you really didn’t want him knowing anything else about you personally. You were known to be cold when it came to business by keeping it just that.
Han-bin went to speak when you two heard a voice calling out to him and the sound of feet rushing towards your table. The one behind the distraction suddenly clung onto Han-bin and began to whine and pout to the older man.
“Hyung! Why haven’t you answered my messages! You promised to go work out with me earlier and you ignored me!”
“What? Oh Hoseok I’m so sorry I forgot that was today, I had a very important meeting–Hoseok please let go you’re being rude to others.” Han-bin grumbled peeling the younger man’s muscular arms from his body.
Sipping your coffee in silence you watched Han-bin try to fight off the much stronger man in front of you. Hoseok gave a confused face as he was pushed away. He froze when his eyes made contact with yours his body instantly becoming tense beneath your gaze. You placed your drink down and stood bowing politely and giving him a soft smile. Wonho blinked and bowed back and cleared his throat as he looked around awkwardly. You instantly became twenty times more nervous than you were before. You already were scared to death to see him again but now to see him so soon and to see him be so awkward only made you feel worse.
Quickly giving a nod to Han-bin you began to gather your things.
“I’m sorry to have kept you from your previous arrangements. But since the meeting is complete it’s time for me to get back to my office.” Your voice was sweet as you turned to walk away only to feel a hand stop you. Your body froze afraid to turn around to see who it was.
“Is it alright if have your number so we can make other arrangements to start working on the preparations?” Han-bin asked in a shockingly desperate tone. You didn’t mind giving him your number since he was the one helping you with the work.
“Sure. I think that would be quite alright since I will be spending most of my time here with you Han-bin.” your tone was soft and gentle which cause Han-bin to blush. He cleared his throat and chuckled nervously as he handed his phone over to you. With swift fingers you added your contact information into his phone and handed it back with a smile.
“Keep in touch please but only for work. Okay?”
“Oh yes of course for work.” his chuckle was still pretty awkward as he put his phone back into his pocket.
“Well I’ll see you later for drinks with the rest of the team.” with that you quickly made you way out of the building and back into the comfort the vehicle that was waiting.
Wonho watched you interact from the corner of his eye as he pretended not to be interested. He couldn’t help but be distracted by your figure especially that tight skirt of yours. He couldn’t believe that he was able to see you again after all the time. For the last two years he would smile to himself and think of you anytime he was in a hotel hallway. While wrapped in his admiration of you and thoughts he almost didn’t catch Han-bin reach for you with desperation. This quickly made Wonho give his full attention. Why was Han-bin acting so strange? The event planner usually was more well collected than this but Wonho noticed Han-bin was flustered around you.
‘Is it alright if have your number’
Wonho nearly fell over when he heard Han-bin ask for your number like some high schooler. 
What the hell was going on was his hyung flirting with you? His jaw clenched tightly with how sweetly you agreed to give him your number. What the hell were you doing? Were you interested too?
‘Keep in touch please but only for work. Okay?’
A bit of his worry faded when you made it clear for Han-bin to keep it just about work. Yes, good girl he thought keep it just business. He would be the only man you’d be mixing business and pleasure with. Wonho watched as you left, his body finally relaxing a bit. He smiled, you still had complete control over his body even after all this time. With the smile still on his face Wonho slipped next to the older man and clung onto his arm.
“Eh, hyung what drinks later? Can I come it’s my break this weekend. Please hyung please?” Wonho used his cute tactics without shame. Wanting and needing every excuse to see you again. Han-bin wiggled in his grip before agreeing to Wonho’s wishes just to keep him from whining any longer.
You walked into the intimate bar, the lights low and the decor sleek and luxurious. You had arrived on time, being big on punctuality when it came to work. Which you always found funny because for anything else you’d be late to your own damn funeral. Han-bin had texted you informing you that they would be in the back further away from the view of prying eyes. Making your way to the back you spotted Han-bin waiting for you, his handsome features brightening up at the sight of you. You watched as his eyes skimmed over you as his cheeks flushed again.
“Y/N you look amazing. I thought you looked amazing before but you pull off the work look and the evening look so well.” You smiled at his compliment. Happy to hear your outfit was pleasing to the eye even though you knew it was. You wore a black dress that reached mid thigh and had a cut out pattern over your left thigh giving off a makeshift thigh garter look. The dress was complimented with a pair of black heels and thin silver choker as your jewelry piece. Han-bin motioned towards the table and you walked forward you black and silver clutch held tightly in your hands. You were met with a few familiar faces that you remembered from over the many video meetings and a face that made your breath hitch. Why was Wonho here!?
“Ahh, Hoseok is also joining us this evening. He said he wanted to spend time with me since our earlier plans fell through. I hope you don’t mind.” Han-bin informed you as if he had read your mind.
“Oh no not at all.” taking a seat you greeted everyone and the night began.
You had only been at the bar for twenty minutes but you were already had ten shots of Grand Marnier and your head was getting a bit light. But surprisingly you were one of the more sober ones, well just you and Wonho that is. Everyone else was already a loud and drunken mess.
“Y/N! Here have another drink!” Han-bin spoke your name way louder than he should in his drunken state as he leaned closer to you. You smiled sheepishly and nodded taking the shot. The liquid was sweet and coated your tongue while letting a sting spread down your throat.
“Hoseok you too! You’ve been too quiet that’s not like you.” Han-bin reached over and poured the younger man across the table a drink. Wonho smiled and took the shot back.
“Thanks hyung. I guess I’m not use to having nights off” He said as he looked over at you his eyes glowing with something you were all too familiar with.
“Y/N how long are you staying in Korea? We haven’t spoken in a long time.” Wonho spoke his eyes never looking away from you.
“Oh, Y/N you know Hoseok?” Han-bin questioned looking back and forth between you two.
“Oh yeah, I meet Hoseok two years ago on their first tour in the states.” you took another shot. Twelve shots into the night now. “Umm, around six months or so. It all depends on how long the tour take. I’m glad to see you’re well.” you turned to continue your conversation with Wonho trying your best to ignore Han-bin.
“It’s nice to actually be in the same space as you. I’ve only been able to keep up with you through your vlogs on Youtube.”
‘My Youtube!? Oh my, how did he even. Holyfuck he watches my vlogs.’ Your mind was in disarray from the information Wonho so confidently spilled to you.
“Oh wow, you watch my vlogs. That’s a bit embarrassing.” you nervously giggled quickly pouring another shot and tossing it back. The action causing Wonho to laugh, the sound so warming and cute.
“No don’t be your vlogs are great. I really enjoy them because you’re so cute.” Wonho said with his beautiful grin on his face before Han-bin spit his water out from Wonho calling your cute.
“Oh, Han-bin are you alright?” You asked concerned for the drunken man passing him some napkins. He took them and started cleaning himself up his cheeks burning from the giggles of others at the table.
“Oh thanks Y/N” Han-bin smiled at you nervously. You smiled in return and turned to your left to answer a question one of your colleges was asking you. In this moment you didn’t notice as  Han-bin looked across the table and glared at Wonho who raised an eyebrow at the older man before sipping at his drink.
The night went smoothly with more shots than you could remember and a lot of Wonho flirting with you in front of everyone. Everyone was leaving one by one and you excused yourself to the bathroom to splash some water on yourself to wake up. You returned with only Wonho at the table who was taking selfies and making some of the cutest faces. You sat back down and put your chin in your hand as you watched him.
“Did your selfie taking run everyone off?” you voice came out low and raspy. ‘What the…why does my voice sound like that?’
Wonho turned and shook his head cutely, flashing a toothy grin.
“Never. Everyone was beyond drunk and needed to get home. Han-bin hyung went to see them off. Which worries me a bit since he is a drunker than usual…”
“Oh really? He doesn’t normally drink like this?”
Wonho shook his head. “I guess you’re making him nervous. I can’t blame him though…”
“Hmmm? Me?” You asked your eyes glazed from all the alcohol as you watched Wonho through your lashes.
“Y/N let’s take a selfie okay?” Wonho asked suddenly his eyes looking at something over your shoulder but you ignored the gesture.
“What Hoseok no, I probably look a mess right now.” You said as your hands patted your cheeks trying to wake up as Wonho came around the table to sit next to you.
“You look great Y/N. You’re so cute right now.” He laughed while wiggling close to you. You blushed and shook your head at him before leaning in to take the selfie with him. Wonho took several selfies back to back pouting each time you didn’t smile in the photos.
“Noona smile right…” he whined at you.
“What I am smiling. How do you smile right?” you glared at him scooting away annoyed by his critiques. Wonho quickly put his arm around your waist to pull you across the bench seat to bring you back to him.
“No you don’t, we aren’t done until I get a real smile out of you.” with that he tickled your side causing you to turn into a giggling wiggling mess.
“Okay okay okay!” you laughed squirming under his grip. He grinned at you triumphantly as he kept his arm around your waist leaning his head on top of yours as you both smiled happily in the photo. You two took a few more making funny faces and poses at each other before you heard Han-bin calling your name causing you and Wonho to jump apart.
“Y/N let me get you home.” Han-bin stumbled over his words as he wobbled back towards the table.
“Thanks for the offer but I can get home on my own.” You stood up and that was a huge mistake. Everything seemed to rush forward and hit you at once causing you to stumble back.
“Are you okay noona?” with a confused pout on your face you turned your head to look up to see Wonho holding you close to keep you from being a stumbling mess.
“Oh Hoseok. Yes I’m alright I think I stood up too quickly.” pushing away from him you stabled yourself and grabbed your clutch. Your eyes catching sight of Han-bin clenching his fist at how close Wonho had been holding you. Walking towards the door your hips swaying more seductively than usual due to the alcohol in your system the motion had Han-bin drunkenly rushing after you still asking if he could help get you home. You shot him a glare a pout still on your lips.
“Hey Han-bin you’re the drunk one here. I can get home just fine. You need someone to get you home. Don’t worry about me.” You said matter a factly before doing an extravagant turn to start waving down a taxi.
“You both need help getting home. I’ve already called a driver they should be here shortly. I’ll see to getting you both in safely.” Wonho said as he walked towards you and Han-bin.
“No no Hoseok, I have this under control…” Han-bin started slurring his words more as he put his arm around Wonho’s shoulder his drunk body making Wonho lose balance somewhat.
“Hyung you’re drunk. I’ll take care of you and Y/N. Look the driver is here get in please.” Wonho spoke as he opened the car door and shoved Han-bin in before looking over to motion you over.
“Come on Y/N-noona I’ll see to getting you home.”
“Hoseok it’s fine I can get home all by myself…” You whined you’re drunk mind letting all your cold mannerism melt away.
“Noona, I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.” Wonho smiled warmly at you even though his tone was far from it.
“Fine, but don’t sass me anymore.” you fussed as you walked towards him and the car ducking inside with Wonho getting in after you.
You stared out the window that was on Han-bin’s side who was drifting in and out of sleep as you felt a brush against your leg. You head instantly snapped to turn around and glare at Wonho who had his hand on your thigh.
“What the are you doing” you hissed in a low whisper not wanting the driver or Han-bin to hear over the music in the car. Wonho didn’t respond as he watched the scenery go by, his hand only traveled higher stopping just at the hem of your dress.
“Hoseok!” he slipped his hand further up your leg underneath your dress brushing against your core.
“Shhh noona, they’ll get suspicious.” his voice was deep and low as he turned his head to face yours. Your voice suddenly caught in your throat and he brushed his fingers roughly against you.
“It’s been so long Y/N. Did you think about me?” you didn’t respond as you bit your lip swallowing a whimper your hand reaching down to wrap your fingers around his wrist trying to still his movements.
“Come on Y/N talk to me. We have so much to catch up on” his lips brushed against your ear as his fingers pushed your panties to the side as he stroked his fingers over your folds earning a deep groan from him as he closed his eyes to your wetness. He was struggling to keep control after seeing how quickly he got you excited. “Is this all for me Y/N?”
You whimpered nodding your head, lip held tightly between your teeth. He smiled his lips against your neck as he nipped at the flesh. He pulled back to stare down at you enjoying the mess he was making you turn into. “Did you think about me?”
“Of course I did Hoseok. How could I not think about you after what happened…” your voice was barely audible as your lids fluttered and your eyes rolled back as Wonho slipped two fingers inside. Your walls clenching tightly around his digits.
“You’ve been on my mind ever since that night Hoseok. But we can’t it’s even more dangerous no–” you stopped mid sentence to bite your lip as Wonho began to pump his fingers inside of you as he watched the pleasure flash across your face.
“I thought about you too. I wanted to see you again before leaving but my manager wouldn’t allow it. He said I was going to start a scandal.” He pouted at you as if he wasn’t fingering you in the back seat of a car with other people present.
“He is right Hoseok, we shouldn’t be near each other. You make me…” You trailed off your grip tightening on his wrist as you felt the heat pooling in your stomach.
“I make you what Y/N? Tell me what I do to you?” Wonho increased his ministrations on you as he felt your walls grip around him tighter letting him know you were close.
“Come on tell me noona” he whined his fingers curling up to hit your spot more directly.
“Fuck fuck….Hoseok. You make me weak Hoseok, I don’t think logically with you. I just submit. I..” you stopped talking moans slipping from your lips as the pleasure became more intenste your orgasam teatering close to the edge.
“Fuck you sound so sexy baby but you need to be more quiet for me okay?” Wonho whispered his eyes staring into yours. Your heart fluttered from his gaze, the look sending you over the edge as you came around his fingers. Walls holding onto his digits for dear life as the breath left your lungs and your mouth hung open. Wonho grinned successfully as he slowed down letting you ride out your pleasure.
“Y/N you look so beautiful like this…” he leaned down and captured your mouth, kissing you hungrily before pulling away to taste you on his fingers. A groan rumbled from his chest as he leaned back into the seat his eyes hooded as he watched you. You whimpered softly at the sight which stirred a drunk Han-bin whose head dropped on your shoulder causing you to jump nearly into Wonho’s lap who couldn’t help but laugh.
“Mmmm did my Y/N forget our friend was with us?” his smile shining in the darkness of the backseat.
“Fuck my heart. I just lost years off my life.” your hand was over your heart your body still pressed close to Wonho. Who didn’t say anything as he stared down at you his mind wondering how such a silly creature could have so much power over him and not even know it.
Author Note: Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, life is finally calming down enough to were I can balance my spare time properly. Sorry again if there are mistakes and errors. Thank you
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