#a cutie πŸ₯ΊπŸ€²πŸ»πŸ’ž
sparfloxacin Β· 7 months
Aleksi spam!! πŸ₯°βœ¨
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(sorry idk who to credit for the last picture but I love it and have been obsessed with it for days πŸ₯΅)
loook at him! what a cutie πŸ₯ΊπŸ’— but also 😳😳 uhh especially the last one is making me feel totally normal ha ha
thank you for the Aleksi spam! much appreciated, what a versatile (😏) man 😌
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theflyingfeeling Β· 7 months
Hi hellooo apparently still no stream tonight πŸ˜” but please look at these cuties I found 🀲🏻πŸ₯ΊπŸ’ž
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hiiiiiiiiii yes, no stream as of yet (and it's getting kinda late) and I'm disappointed although not surprised πŸ˜” so yeah, I guess old pictures it is tonight as well 😩
Olli could not be standing closer to Aleksi in the first pic without practically climing on his back 🀭 and isn't that polaroid the one Olli is holding on the Bad Idea music video? πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­ that's one of the many things I will forever feel soft about, I mean he could've been holding literally any other polaroid they had taken but of course it had to be the one of the two of them πŸ’ž aaahh they look so good together it makes me weak πŸ˜­πŸ’•
thank you for these!! πŸ’– I'll spend the rest of the evening staring at these fondly as to comfort myself for the lack of a new stream 🀧
(today I've been entertaining myself with an AU in which they've both recently become single and decide to do a spontaneous (=red wine induced) twitch stream in honour of Singles Day and spend the entire stream just flirting with each other because they're crushing on each other soooooo bad but haven't yet had the chance to confess their feelings because both their break-ups are still too fresh (maybe they've had many deep talks about them over glasses of wine during the whole week Aleksi's been in Oulu and grown closer than they've ever been before πŸ’•))
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maryonacross-mp3 Β· 2 years
Good morning Eda and happy Lost Society Monday πŸ’žπŸ’ž
I'm very tired because I might have spent too long yesterday staring at johnny's adorable face but it was worth it :D
Here's another cutie with a puppy face :') ngl this one made me feel πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž a lot ;-; he's so insanely adorable ;-;
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Mirko in orange red lighting <3 a really cool pic
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The tiniest baby kitten πŸ₯ΊπŸ€²πŸ–€
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and some bonus ossi because I barely have photos of him with an excited samy :')
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Hope you're having a lovely day and feel bear hugged and nose-kissed πŸ–€ love ya! πŸ–€πŸ–€
hiiiii julia and happy lost society monday!!!πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€ oh yea it sure was worth itπŸ₯Ί and actually i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing some johnny to my dash last night because ahhhh i love him
anyways. back to business. what i am seeing is more kittens! soft and dumb and dramatic🀲🏻 and samy in the first one?!?!????? how dare he be so smol and adorable >:( oh and that photo of mirko is still one of my absolute favouritesπŸ₯Ί
okay so, i think i did tell you that i saved a lot of ls pics right :) well, brace yourself, here's a little taste...
first of all, you refuse to be cutiefied? well, too bad :) here's samy pointing right at one of most adorable humans i have ever met in my lifeπŸ–€
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then we have some mirko appreciation. although i think the first one belongs with the arttu one, for the collection of dumb boys who don't know how to use their instruments <3 AND!! a soft mirko with a soft little monkey?? because i know you loved the one with the shiba the other dayπŸ₯Ί
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and julia. pls look at this. they share clothes ;-; that's mirko's doge shirt but what i gather is that maybe they diy'd the vampire fangs and the eyebrows on it?? idk??? well this is what i have decided anyways and i won't accept criticism✌🏻
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and as a bonus, this one which i think was specifically meant for me to cry on and that i did cry on for like. several minutes, ask karla if you don't believe me (hiiiii henkka, my little emo heart belongs to you :()
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rizamahmud Β· 2 years
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Day 44 Assalamualaikum mak @makwahindun Genap 44 hari mak tinggalkan kami dan sudah 11 hari Kza berniaga di @gvrgardencafe Genting Highlands. Rindu mak setiap saat. Terbayang senyuman dan terngiang suara keceriaan mak setiap waktu menggembirakan kami walau dlm kesakitan yg disembunyikan. Sehingga saat akhir, mak tetap bertahan dgn hanya sedikit kerutan di dahi andai terlalu menahan kesakitan...πŸ˜” Alhamdulillah mak dah tenang & happy di sisi-Nya, InsyaAllah... Amin 🀲🏻 Mak, selalunya mak akan call bertanyakan khabar. Setiap perkembangan positif atau negatif, Kza akn mengadu panjang kpd mak. Ianya berlaku sejak azali. Mak tak pnh gagal memberikan kata2 semangat. Sewaktu Kza di asrama dulu, Kza demand mak kirim surat setiap hari sebab sehari tak terima surat mak, Kza akan bersedih, hilang semangat. Kza akan berlari ke bilik warden setiap pulang sekolah & merenung jauh ke luar tingkap sehinggalah posmen muncul di pintu pagar asrama menghantar surat mak ke asrama. Dah macam org bercinta 😁 tapi waktu tu tak pernah bercinta dgn org luar, cuma bercinta dgn mak saja πŸ’žπŸ€—. Mak, Kini semuanya tinggal kenangan manis yg memeritkan utk diletak ketepi πŸ₯Ί. Kza dah takde sesiapa seperti mak yg menerima segala baik buruk Kza dgn penuh kesabaran & doa yg tak putus dlm setiap solat mak πŸ₯Ί. Mak tak pernah tinggikan suara, mak TAK PERNAH marah2 mcm watak mak2 yg Kza lakonkan dlm drama2 tv mahupun pentas. You are not even close to those character 😁. Kza membebel ni asalnya nak ngadu ngan mak tentang 11 hari di sini...☺️ Walaupun cuti sekolah, walaupun tempat pelancongan tapi 10 hari bertarung, terasa perit juga utk teruskan. Byk dugaan namun setiap kali down, Kza pancarkan wajah mak di depan screen minda Kza, maka Kza akan kuat kembali ☺️. Alhamdulillah πŸ€—. Semalam, hari ke 10 adalah hari yg terbaik sepanjang berada di sini. Kalau tidak, nak bayar sewa tapak pun paras hidung πŸ˜‚. Semalam Kza & abg @iamsaddiqraffali happy sgt. Kalau mak masih di sini, Kza pasti akn terus call mak! πŸ₯Ί Takpe lah...kat sini pun boleh cerita ngan mak. Kwn2 Kza pun boleh dengar sama 😍. Nanti Kza sambung lagi na, dah penuh ruang taip posting ni 😁. LOVE YOU, MAK 😘 #KakZa #RizaMahmud (at GVR Garden Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CayOJnQvp9o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sparfloxacin Β· 7 months
helloooooooo!!! πŸ’—πŸ’˜πŸ’–πŸ’˜ thoughts on this cutie wearing glasses? 🎀
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hope you're already feeling a lot better πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’–
Hellooo πŸ’— definitely feeling better now when I saw this 🀧
look at him!! 🀲🏻πŸ₯ΊπŸ’– the glasses suit him so well, now this is a thing οΏΌI didn’t know I needed but now can’t stop thinking about πŸ€§πŸ’ž
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maryonacross-mp3 Β· 2 years
good morning Eda πŸ–€
It's a samy day because the feelings hit hard again since yesterday ;-; Look at his stupid cute face. the hairband. the glasses he's not wearing (ily <3), just,,,, he πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­πŸ’ž
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this one looks like he's wearing a baby napkin. what is this 'shirt' supposed to cover? where's the purpose?? πŸ™„πŸ™„
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(why wear anything at all? just ditch the tank dude I for sure don't mind πŸ™„)
Eda dearest I hope you are doing alright friend ;-; sending big hugs from me and my djungelskog πŸ–€πŸ–€ love uuu πŸ–€
BABY NAPKIN😭😭😭😭😭 julia you really chose violence today huh :') sorry i had to start from that because i almost choked on my grapefruit juice reading it😭😭😭 but anyways, me thinks the purpose of that "shirt" is to show off the boobies and you know what, we should grateful for that...
and about the first pic, nothing to add to your already perfect caption, just that i REALLY need to gently hold🀲🏻
in exchange, here's a smiling cutie with a beanie and a guitar (aka the recipe for the softest vibes one could ask for :()
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and as a bonus, a little bitch with holes for pants with his favourite bro, i would die for both of them🀲🏻
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