#a firm believer in that some love triangles are just easily solved by polyamory and this is one such case!!!!!
grave-the-demon · 7 months
okay sorry my dear mutuals for this out of left field post but i have a burning NEED to talk about how utterly insane the first three episodes of our flag means death season two have left me...
and look i enjoy gentlebeard/blackbonnet as much as the next gal but you knOOOWWWWW ed and izzy are the ones that make me start clawing at the walls, pacing my enclosure, chewing apart the furniture
the absolute insanity of israel basilica hands saying "What are we?" followed by "I have... love for you, Edward." LIKE??? absolutely insane insane insane. he HAS love. like its a disease. like its a virus that he can't get rid of.
and then ed has a dream that izzy killed him and he treats it like a revelation, like a fantasy. izzy does everything he asks, surely he'll do this. but this is the one thing izzy can't do. but ed leaves the gun with him because he knows izzy can't live with him like this anymore.
and then ed's "I loved you. Best I could." and he really thinks izzy's dead. and if he finally pushed izzy away enough, then there's no one else that loves him anymore. cause ed believes he's unlovable sure, but how can he when izzy is there everyday, letting him do whatever he wants to him. and he never says its too much. but then hes dead. and then ed finds the courage to do something about it. and then izzy isn't dead, but he is shooting him and standing by while someone kills him and "Finally." finally he's pushed everyone away. even his first mate, who HAS love for him, like it's something he can't part from.
and izzy loves edward so much. he loves him so much he can't stand it (haha get it, cause of his leg...) and he tries preserving ed's image for stede, a man he hated, because ed loved him and oeugh oeugh oeugh
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh you CANNOT talk about blackbonnet without taking into account the Izzy™ of it all....
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