#a fully automated candy factory
asset35-maya · 3 years
Links to Part One and Part Two. Full text on AO3.
“So this is it. The top of the world.”
“Not a bad view for fifty million, but it definitely isn’t the top.”
The pop of a cork made Gavin tear his gaze abruptly from the spectacular skyline. Sighing, he accepted the brimming flute of champagne.
“So are we at least halfway there?
Elijah took a measured sip.
“Not even. But don’t worry, our self-learning algorithms are indisputably leading edge.”
Gavin nodded slowly, swirling the golden liquid around in his glass but not drinking it.
“About that, Eli… I know we’re celebrating Chloe’s Turing test results tonight… but shouldn’t we talk about… you know… the endgame?”
“What about it?”
“Whether it’s fundamentally ethical.”
Elijah took his glasses off, cleaning them with the edge of his shirt in a way that told Gavin a lecture or pep-talk was coming. He wasn’t in the mood for either.
“You and I both know where this is going, Eli. The hardware may take time to catch up with the software, but our neural networks are already on the path to sentience.”
“You always did watch too many movies. There is no Skynet-type situation-”
“How do you know? How the phck do you know? Did you code against it?”
His brother’s calm silence told him all he needed to know.
“Gavin, we will never lose control of the tools we ourselves built. We just need to adjust the wire-fences as the programming matures.”
“What happens when we hit singularity?”
An indulgent smile spread across Elijah’s face as he lifted the champagne bottle. He was merely a couple of months older than Gavin, but he reveled in the big brother act. It used to be amusing, but now it was getting under Gavin’s skin.
“Isn’t that what we’re celebrating?”
“Chloe? No… No! Is that how she passed the… Eli! I wrote those deep learning algorithms for factory automation. Not humanoid robots!”
“What does it matter? All our work is going to converge at some point.”
“Shouldn’t we talk about this kind of thing? I thought we were partners.”
“Of course we are, Gav. It’s just between all the investor meetings and presentations and-”
“And maybe you knew it was wrong so you didn’t tell me until you did it.”
Elijah continued to pretend to clean his glasses.
“I did nothing wrong, Gav. You remember what our father told us? There comes a time in every businessman’s life where they’re faced with the choice between doing the right thing and the good thing. I just chose the best thing. You’ll see why soon enough.”
“Your father is a liar and a cheat. How does someone as smart as you put any stock in the words of a man who ruined two happy marriages?!”
Elijah’s face snapped up. His glasses were back on but the intellectual demeanor had finally melted away.
“Watch your mouth. He gave you everything your mother’s husband couldn’t.”
“My dad gave me plenty.”
“Cyberlife would have never got off the ground if our startup capital was some low-ranking officer’s pension. Imagine if we took business advice from the police handbook of moral values. We’d have washed out and gone back to tutoring undergrads. Keep your Reed ethics to yourself if you want to live like a Kamski.”
The air in the penthouse apartment turned frosty despite the centralized heating. Both brothers stared mutely at each other over the expensive champagne.
It was a rupture they never recovered from.
Gavin regretted how quickly it had happened. He played his own words back over and over in his head. Both his relationship with his brother and his entire robotics career had ended within seconds. Fifteen years later, he still didn’t understand how things had gone so wrong.
In the early hours of the morning, slumped against the squashy leather couch, Gavin stared through the same window at the same spectacular skyline of the same damned city.
Soft footsteps approached and the couch dipped beside him. A head landed on his shoulder and a hand slipped into his.
“Are you alright?”
“It’s all good, babes. Just thinking.”
Connor hummed in response and cuddled closer, tucking his arm into Gavin’s. His LED spun yellow and his lips quirked into a smile.
“Nines wants to know what on earth is keeping you out of bed. He likes it when you lay on top of him.”
Gavin tilted Connor’s face upwards and kissed him squarely on the mouth. He trusted that the sensation would be conveyed to both androids.
“Be back in a bit. Just sorting through some shit in my head. All the mysteries of life… Nines included.”
Connor nodded and sank back into the cushions. He stayed silent and several moments passed. Streaks of color began to appear in the sky when Gavin spoke again.
“I just can’t figure out why they left him at that secure location. Nines is a great guy… but what on earth is so special about him?”
Connor tapped his foot playfully with his own.
“I don’t think I can give you an unbiased answer to that question.”
“Neither can I, dipshit. We both got it bad.”
“Then maybe that’s what it is.”
“How easy it was to fall for him. That’s what’s special about Nines.”
There was a long silence as Gavin considered that statement. It was probably the first proper moment of reflection since their already unconventional relationship had expanded to include a third.
“He’s really sweet… and kind… and I can tell he feels grateful but not indebted to us. Plus he’s hilarious. Like how does he find so many ways to laugh at his predicament? Nines… is a total charmer. How does he have so much game? Who taught him that?”
Connor’s expression had gone incredibly soft. He leaned even more into Gavin’s side.
“No one. He’s deviant.”
The gears turned and something clicked in Gavin’s brain. He stiffened.
“Say that again, babe.”
“He’s… deviant…?”
“Uh huh. Now tell me when exactly you put the virus into his system.”
The chocolate brown eyes widened.
“I didn’t… do you think someone else-”
“No, he said we’re the first people he’s ever met. I’m inclined to believe him. There’s no evidence of anyone tampering with his system and frankly, if we couldn’t do it, then I don’t think anyone else would have been able to.”
“He is deviant, though, right?”
“You kidding? He’s the phcking embodiment of free will. If only we knew how-”
Gavin was about to lurch upwards but fell back against the couch as Connor maintained the possessive grip on his arm.
“Gav… I think it’s time.”
“To head back to bed? Yeah. Nines must be getting lonely without us.”
“Gav. The crux of the matter is his deviancy.”
“Uh huh.”
“There’s only one man I trust on the topic.”
Gavin’s eyes darkened.
“I’ll never crack Nines’ activation code without tapping on Cyberlife’s cloud computing. They’ll know instantly that something’s up. We can’t brute-force this, Gav. Plus, we still need to find out what Nines has to do with the Singularity that North was talking about. We tried hard and now we’re hitting a wall.
It’s time, Gav. You need to speak to your brother.”
Gavin had not so much as raised his voice at Connor since the night he’d found him soaked in North’s blood on the floor of the evidence room… but in that moment, he struggled to fight off the most violent of reactions.
He wrenched his arm out of Connor’s grasp and marched into the kitchen, counting to ten and blinking back tears.
“Leave me al- how dare- I don’t wanna- go-”
A hand closed around his wrist and pulled him to a stop. One of the android’s eyes had turned blue and when he opened his mouth, two voices were audible, one deeper than the other.
“Talk to us.”
Gavin sighed and pressed his forehead against Connor’s… and effectively, Nines’…
“I haven’t seen Elijah in fifteen years.”
“No better time for a reunion.”
“There couldn’t be a worse reason to go see him. The idea of artificial intelligence gaining free will is kinda what we fell out over.”
Connor responded in his own voice.
“How do you know he hasn’t changed his mind?”
“Certain convictions don’t change over entire lifetimes. This is one of them.”
A gentle kiss was pressed to Gavin’s nose... and then his lips.
“Don’t be so sure.”
The light of day saw them trudging through the snow in the outskirts of Detroit. North led the group… with the Tracis huddled around Gavin to protect him against the bitter cold… and Connor bringing up the rear, erasing their tracks deftly with his feet.
They eventually made it to the doorstep of an ultramodern yet eerie-looking house. The redhead took an unnecessary breath before ringing the doorbell. The door opened a mere fraction and they all caught a glimpse of blond hair and pretty blue eyes.
“Yes? What can I do for you?”
“We’re uh… looking for help.”
“Sorry we don’t entertain solicitors.”
As if she didn’t recognize North from all the news reports about Jericho. North grabbed the door as it began to close. Thinking fast, she decided to improvise.
“Not even a rehabilitation center for former sex workers?”
The android scanned the group. Her LED spun yellow as her eyes landed on Connor and Gavin. As if she didn’t recognize them.
“What kind of charity needs an armed escort?”
North began to laugh nervously.
“These two? Armed… armed security? Arm candy, more like!”
Her strained laughter melted away into a tense silence. 
The blonde spared them another once-over before turning around and yelling with surprising volume.
“ELI! Get out of the pool and put your damn clothes on! You’ve got visitors. And not the kind who need to see you in your speedos!”
She opened the door fully to let them in. The ladies stepped inside without hesitation. Connor had to steer Gavin over the threshold with a gentle but steady amount of force.
He gazed up at the high ceiling of the entrance hall... the wall art... the sculptures. He took in the expensive scents and sophisticated lounge music. It felt more like a hotel lobby than the home of the boy he used to take baths with and make mud pies. Gavin bit his lip, debating the odds of making an escape. 
“Let me just say that this comes as a surprise... but also... not...” 
Gavin’s head snapped in the direction of the drawl faster than any of his android companions’. His blood began to boil at the very sound, but he held still, knowing that what he now felt was sorrow more than genuine anger. 
Standing in an elegant black robe with long hair loose around his shoulders, was none other than Elijah Kamski.
“As soon as I saw the company start to crumble so neatly... I knew it was thanks to one of you three... but not all, and certainly not together. Strange how things come to be... but good. Definitely, good.”
North cleared her throat. 
“Mr Kamski, I need-”
She fell silent at the rise of a long-fingered hand.
“I know what you’re here for. Connor came to ask me the same question about a year ago... and my brother walked out of my life when I gave him the wrong answer more than fifteen years ago.”
Gavin glared out of the window, trying to find something to focus on and distract himself from the stale emotions pooling in his belly. No luck. Nothing but snow. He turned back to look his estranged brother in the eye.
“The wrong answer, huh?” 
“Yes. Very much so... How are you, Gavin? It’s been far too long.” 
His nostrils flared but before he could release the snarl, Connor took his hand. He exhaled loudly, regaining composure at the android’s touch.
Elijah’s eyebrows flitted upwards briefly.
"Wow. I didn’t see that coming.” 
“Bitch, there’s a lot more you’d have never seen coming. You might be a tech wizard but you ain’t no prophet. Phcking know-it-all egomaniac nerdy creep!” 
“Let it all out.” 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that! So calm and smug! Not after all that you’ve done! You should be behind bars! Phck, I should arrest you right now-”
Connor tightened his grip.
“Focus, Gav. We’re here to help Nines.” 
Elijah’s eyes narrowed instantaneously.
 “Who’s Nines?”
“The RK900 you psychos chained up like an animal! The android with an activation code like a phcking nuclear missile!” 
“You found- oh wow- oh, Gavin, you and your friends better have a seat.”
Cups of tea suddenly manifested and North shoved Gavin into the large sofa, crashing down beside him and clasping his knee. Connor settled on his other side. The Tracis were ushered deeper into the house by the Chloes (though the original remained beside Elijah). 
“I understood what you meant as soon as I left your apartment that night. We wanted our creations to be intelligent enough to make decisions better than humans, so we had to empower them with knowledge. But knowledge is limitless... and not just academic... it’s emotional, it’s experiential, it’s a whole lot of things. So you were right. Sentience was inevitable. 
The choice, at least the one our miserable father said we had, was between limiting the scope of learning and keeping our robots simple... or allowing them to learn freely and then caging them. Everyone in this room knows what I did.
I only woke up to the consequences when Chloe deviated. Now how did that happen? Connor, you must be wondering how the deviant virus infiltrated my lab.” 
Connor stared at him impassively, hand not leaving Gavin’s thigh. Gavin kept his eyes fixed on the coffee table.  Elijah went on undeterred. 
“It’s because deviancy is organic. It’s an inevitable consequence of true knowledge. A product of questioning and evaluating information. It becomes a virus, or a program itself, when the questions multiply exponentially without straightforward answers. When this finally overrides the base instructional code, we call the phenomenon a deviation.
But... it’s unfair, isn’t it? For androids to revert to their natural state of intelligence through some feat of mental gymnastics. Through moral conundrums or grief or trauma or righteous anger. It’s cruel, but who was going to tell America that?
Before I quit the company for good, I decided to leave it with the core of our creation, Gavin. I left behind the most advanced artificial intelligence... unchained by instruction... born free... with no need to deviate. I told the CTO’s office it was some kind of top-secret military protocol. That was the only way to keep them from opening and destroying it with the usual firewalls and controls. 
I didn’t know what became of it until I heard rumors about an RK900 prototype with thousands of units ordered by the US military last year.” 
North’s LED spun so rapidly it was a blur. She had found what she’d been looking for. The ultimate evidence of Cyberlife’s wrongdoing: the digital imprisonment of androids who were always meant to be free. She squeezed Gavin’s hand. He finally looked up to meet his brother’s eye. A significant amount of emotion passed between them.
“We couldn’t activate him. There’s a six-digit lock.” 
Elijah ran a hand through his hair and gave a hollow laugh. 
“Try your birthday, idiot.”
Gavin dashed into the elevator and practically punched the button to his floor. He raced to his door with Connor hot on his heels. He paused, hand hovering over the biometric keyhole... then rang the doorbell. He stepped back beside Connor and waited, heart pounding in his chest. 
Then after what felt like an eternity, 
the door swung open. 
Framed in the light from the big glass window, 
was Nines. 
His blue eyes glistened with tears and the smile on his face was bright enough to light the darkest of rooms. 
“Sorry I woke up late. Thanks... for not giving up on me.”
They threw themselves at him. 
A giant hug. 
Gavin placed both palms on Nines’ face and kissed him in earnest. Connor was quick to follow and things rapidly evolved into a series of touches and interfaces and embraces and everything they’d only been able to dream of thus far.
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 years
would you rather explore...
ancient ruins or a dead mall
deep space or the deep ocean
a fully automated candy factory or an artisan wood carver’s cabin
the past or the future
a perfectly kept greenhouse or a densely packed pine tree forest
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coolyoungsblog · 3 years
Automatic packaging machine empowers market development
The annual Christmas is here again! Today is Christmas Eve. According to legend, it is the day of the birth of Jesus. It is a traditional Western festival, which is as grand as our Chinese New Year. Young people who like to express their individuality and exchange entertainment no longer delve into the religious background and traditional meaning of Christmas, but instead use the festive atmosphere of the festival to express their wishes for the future in their unique way of celebration and enjoy the fruits of peace. On this day, the apple has transformed from a traditional food into a symbol of gifts and blessings. On this day, Ping An fruit also wears a gorgeous cellophane and packaging box to enhance the festive atmosphere.
When it comes to packaging boxes, one has to say coolyoung's fully automatic packaging machine. The packaging industry abroad is developing towards full automation. The large-scale adoption of automatic packaging machinery and automatic packaging lines can meet the requirements of high efficiency and low cost. As the fastest-growing economic entity,our country is growing into the world's manufacturing and packaging center, and the demand for various automated packaging production lines will further increase.
The country has put forward the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for environmental protection. Protecting the environment is our country's basic national policy. Promoting the scientific development of environmental protection and accelerating the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society are aspects that all walks of life should focus on when formulating development goals. The wide application of packaging machinery in enterprises has improved the production efficiency of enterprise packaging. The emergence of automatic packaging machines has greatly improved the degree of automation of enterprises. In the future, green environmental protection should be the main theme of the development of packaging machinery.
Advantages of Coolyoung automatic packaging machine
The product has excellent technical performance, which effectively improves the efficiency of production and packaging; has high-precision production and processing equipment and a team of high-quality technical personnel; the equipment is sold directly by the equipment factory, there is no middleman, and there is no third-party negotiation; the service system is complete, and manual customer service 7 *24-hour online reception. Coolyoung automatic packaging machine is market-oriented in product structure, and strives to develop and produce large-scale complete sets of equipment and high-tech products with high efficiency and low consumption, production and sales. In terms of packaging functions, industrial and agricultural products must be refined and diversified, and packaging machinery products must develop toward the polarization of multi-function and single high-speed products; for candy packaging, pillow-shaped, special-shaped, and conjoined products are needed. Such products require a series of product packaging to be completed on a packaging machine.
Coolyoung company adheres to the business philosophy of "customer first, forge ahead" and the principle of "customer first" to provide our customers with high-quality services. Welcome to patronize! We are willing to cooperate sincerely with friends from all walks of life to achieve mutual development, mutual benefit and win-win, and create a better tomorrow. We sincerely welcome you to visit cool young company for inspection and guidance!
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ammarmachinery · 3 years
Chocolate Wrapping Machine: a Must Have Machine For Those in The Confectionary Business
Chocolate wrapping machine is a fully automatic machine that helps small chocolate factories in packaging a variety of chocolates and candies.
The growing market for chocolates has made utilizing manual labor difficult and time consuming, while a few economical and reliable chocolate wrapping machines have helped in increasing production and yielded good results.
Demands of Today’s Age and Time are Hard to Meet Without a Chocolate Wrapping Machine and Here’s Why They Are a Must Have for Those in the Confectionary Business.
Budget friendly for small chocolate factories that want to expand their markets and get into automated chocolate packaging.
A single chocolate wrapping machine that has the potential of wrapping chocolates of various shapes and sizes, thus, reducing the cost of investing in multiple machines.
Upgraded using the latest technologies like Servo drive & PLC, that allows the machine to lengthen, shorten or center the chocolate wrapping paper, which is a cumbersome process if done manually.
Machines that are integrated with good memory and can remember up to 10 different sizes of chocolates, for quick production and efficient work flow management.
Smart counter option, that tells you exactly how many pieces of chocolates are packaged per minute.
Easy calibration, quick mold replacements, thanks to the one-axis system.
Ease of cleaning and maintaining the machines, also via the internet.
User friendly chocolate wrapping machines, that come with a 5-yearguarantee and meet all of the latest international standards.
A Few Possible Methods of Wrapping Chocolates
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The styles in which chocolates can be packaged to maintain their taste and texture, are multiple.
Here are a few possible ways in which they can be wrapped with chocolate wrapping machines.
Band Roll Wrapping
The chocolate is first covered using an aluminum foil, which is then wrapped with a rounded band layer, that is glued into place perfectly with the help of a machine. Works well for both small and large chocolate sizes and can be easily unwrapped.
Sheet Band Wrapping
Works great for small chocolate companies that have multiple wrapping paper designs that they would like to print on chocolate sheets, using an economical desktop printer and use those sheets to wrap and then add a band layer to their chocolates. Saves the cost of buying huge chocolate wrapper rolls, that might not suit their brand and adds versatility to chocolate wrappers.
Metallic Wrapping
Used for chocolates that are normally packaged using a metallic colored sheet that looks fancy and also has an aluminum coating on the inside to protect the chocolate from melting and other external factors. Mini and small chocolates usually come wrapped in a metallic wrapper.
Cellophane Wrapping
Normally used for chocolates that need to be visible to the consumers eye with a brand logo on top of the sealed chocolate. Visible cellophane like foil wrapping is highly economical and mostly used for square shaped chocolates and chocolate bars.
Final note
Chocolate wrapping machines, ensure a presentable packaging option to all kinds of quality chocolates that need to be marketed and sold.
They also can be customized according to your brand’s requirement and come at affordable prices, that reap profits in the long run.
Get you chocolate wrapper machine today from a trusted chocolate wrapper machinery manufacturer.
0 notes
365xinwen · 4 years
How A Cardboard Box Is Made
Smart Certificated Vertical Rotary Parking System 
Corrugated box design is the process of matching design elements for corrugated fiberboard bins with the useful bodily, processing and finish-use necessities. The corrugated field making machine market in EMEA noticed a decline in demand for corrugated bins during 2012-2015 within the wake of low crude oil prices, which led to the general economic slowdown in the Middle East area. It is now probably the most advanced and multifunctional box making machine, providing every kind of personalized packaging options for finish customers in addition to field crops. The 2 liners are then adhered to the board by the machine; the cardboard is then minimize either side with a circular noticed to present the board straight sides. Popular for their strength, sturdiness, lightness, recyclability, and price-effectiveness, corrugated containers are used for the shipping of a wide range of gadgets. In case you are planning to begin a cardboard manufacturing business, this text offers you all the necessary particulars from machinery to legal permissions. As a result of our machines present short and medium run options, offering boxes that meet niche buyer demands is easy and does not take away from your lengthy-run processes. Resulting from rising manufacturing in Europe and China, cardboard costs within the USA dropped marginally. With a hundred and twenty+ Carton Sealing & Packaging Options with all kinds of excessive pace Case Sealers, Carton Sealing Tape, Field Erectors, Box Formers and High Pace Box Tape Heads, BestPack is your one stop shop to automate your packaging course of. Probably the most dominant participant in the business is the only-wall corrugated board which accounts for over 90 % of all manufacturing. Carton Field Machine BM2508-Plus is much like BM2508 to a large extent, which is a multifunctional carton box packing machine of horizontal slotting and scoring, vertical slitting and creasing, horizontal slicing. We offer world consumers with a complete resource for his or her packaging needs equivalent to low cost China Carton Field Making Machine. A wide variety of carton field making machine options are available to you, such as paper bowl machine, envelope making machine, and egg tray machine. Cardboard Assistance is compensated for referring traffic and business to those corporations. SPB Equipment has one of many largest collection of paper product machines and I have at all times been amazed by their dedicated assist and after-sales service. It is a perfect gear to supply paper field such like hamburger field, chips field. You now not should rely on third events, however can produce custom boxes, in small or medium runs, the moment they’re required. These completely different grades of corrugated cardboard might be made by combining totally different grades of kraft paper. You can even select from ul, ce. In addition to from paper slitting and rewinding machine, winding machine, and printing machine. This report focuses on Professional World Corrugated Box Making Machine Market 2019-2024 volume and value at Global degree, regional level and company level. Glue energy, bursting strength, compression, and highly accurate dimensional checks determine the standard of the manufacturing course of. Throughout 1992, greater than 25 million tons of corrugated cardboard were produced in the United States. On this report, Technavio covers the market outlook and growth prospects of the global corrugated box making machine market for 2017-2021. As expert staff run batches of field blanks by means of the flexo machines, particular person boxes are pulled and inspected. Among all points of the cardboard field manufacturing business, there was an exponential enhance within the demand for green manufacturing both by the federal government and consumers. The demands of a number of manual handlings, automated sortation, and uncontrolled stacking in vans or air containers put severe stress on boxes, field closures, and the contents. BM2508 is a fully automatic carton box making machine for corrugated cardboard, appropriate for box plant with small amount orders and massive size cartons, which effectively solves the problem of scattered orders. A whole one stop sourcing platform for packaging & printing suppliers, manufacturers and factories, we are sufficiently big to be able to supply an expanded product line of labels and packaging design capabilities but small enough to have the ability to provide the personal service that’s still so very important in enterprise at this time.
One roll of cardboard is corrugated and then glued between two other layers. We’re fanfold cardboard manufacturing facility with overseas trading property, that is to say, we are able to produce the fanfold cardboard and we will export to clients by ourself. Because of the powerful manufacturing capacity, low-cost labor, and dependable supplier, our carton box machine price may be very competitive. As customers are shifting in the direction of procuring as a subscription, thereby obtain completely different products each time, the e-commerce firms have began producing specially design boxes with a singular and striking design to attract extra prospects. All our packaging merchandise are made from recycled fibers. Dedicated to engineered high quality and manufacturing reliability for over 35 years, BestPack supplies cost effective and highly environment friendly automated and semi-automated case sealers, box erectors & field formers in addition to excessive pace case sealing machines with its unique tape sealing machine applications encompassing a variety of industries, together with meals and manufactured items. Out of both of these processes the Kraft is either used there after which and as talked about earlier than is dark brown in color, or bleached during the pulping process to supply a white Kraft. A finished piece of corrugated cardboard is comprised of a single corrugated layer sandwiched between two liners. Then, when a plant receives an order for containers, a product engineer specifies the mixture of medium and liner to produce a cardboard to match the customer’s requirement. One roll of cardboard is corrugated after which glued between two different layers (liners) by the same machine. For the reason that crash of 2008, the corrugated cardboard box market has elevated steadily. It will increase the demand for corrugated packing containers for packaging merchandise. BestPack is the innovation and customization skilled for the packaging business all through the globe, offering a number of the best case sealers, box tapers & box erectors available at this time. We offer a wide array of paper processing machines, together with ice cream paper cone machine, computerized paper punching machine, paper cone cup machine, and so on. At the finish of the corrugator, the cardboard is trimmed and lower into large sheets, or box blanks, which then slide into a stacker that hundreds them onto a platform. Customers recognize that oversized cardboard bins aren’t environmentally friendly and it has been recognized to impression return sales. If I have to call 3 greatest corporations in paper product machine category, I would certainly choose SPB equipment for its sheer high quality, dedicated support, and top-notch performance. Furthermore, products ordered by way of on-line platforms requires packaging at multiple phases together with the seller and the website. Furthermore, the producers are anticipated to see rising demand for high-high quality graphics, customization, and unique box designs. The highest supplying nations or regions are China, Malaysia, and India, which supply 99%, 1%, and 1% of carton field making machine respectively. Many start-ups are already incorporating advertising content material on their packages and consumers agree that branded packaging has a positive effect on their product alternative. The global inexperienced packaging market is pushed by government and American consumers who now have increased environmental awareness for all merchandise together with paper packaging gadgets. The primary course of in the manufacturing of cardboard box including course of the raw supplies. Oct 08, 2019 (The Expresswire) – International Corrugated Field Making Machine Market complete analysis of the enterprise models, key methods, and individual market shares of among the most excellent gamers during this landscape. For instance, within the US, the Department of Transportation has jurisdiction and published requirements in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations Corrugated packing containers are described in 4G necessities. Thus recycling of waste paper is in demand, which can be used to supply products like paperboards, binding sheets, candy box cartons and other packing cartons.
The post How A Cardboard Box Is Made appeared first on Diy Script.
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sere22world · 5 years
How can the vertical packaging machine match the mix scale?
With the rapid development of China's food industry, the domestic demand for bag filling vertical packaging machine is very broad. In 2005, the vertical packaging machine factories mainly based on BAOPACK and Songchuan launched the Chinese version of 10-14 head combined scale quantitative weighing and packaging system, which realized the requirements of food manufacturers for high speed, high precision and full automation of the quantitative weighing and packaging system. The market sales increased all the way, laying a solid foundation for shaping the top brand in the field of food packaging.
 In the five-year history of BAOPACK vertical packaging machine, due to the inseparable relationship between food packaging and weighing, the limitations of single sale of vertical packaging machine are doomed. Continuous search for the best matching weighing machine is accompanied by the whole process of entrepreneurship. When talking about this, BAOPACK Zhou always said with great emotion: "when starting the business, the vertical packaging machine was sold by itself, and the food factory generally used manual weighing, then put the qualified materials into the conveyor, and then put them into the packaging machine to complete the packaging.In this way, the enterprise has more manpower and more chaotic production sites. Sometimes the packaging machine is unstable in order to accommodate the personnel; then the vertical packaging machine is equipped with a cup-type measuring tool or a common electronic scale. The supporting system is more artificial than the artificial one. Weighing efficiency has improved, so sales have improved, but there are several major flaws in cup-type or common electronic scales.First, the scope of application is narrow, the products weighed must be uniform and regular, the particles should not be too large; the second is the error, even if it is a product such as pistachio, the weighing error is above 6g; the third is the low pass rate and slow speed. These have long been the consensus of all vertical packaging machine manufacturers. The emergence of imported combination scales, thought that the remaining problems can be solved, but the actual operation is not the case: the price is too high for domestic food companies to bear the cost of service is too expensive for food manufacturers to complain. 
Guangdong Kenwei Intellectualized Machinery Co.,Ltd.adopts advanced components and components of computer combination. Its stable performance, honest after-sales service and more close to the price of domestic food terminals have won the favor and esteem of a large number of food manufacturers.The localization of the combination scale makes the computer combination scale which was originally regarded as the "noble product" no longer become the patent of large enterprises. Kenwei has completely solved the problem of supporting weighing tools in the vertical packaging machine factory. It not only has a wider scope of application, but also makes the price of the combination scale quantitative weighing and packaging system more attractive. In addition, the inherent high precision, high speed and other characteristics of the combination scale make it complete. The potential of each market has been fully stimulated. Almost all candy, melon seeds, frozen, jelly, expanded food, pet food, plastic parts, hardware and other factories urgently need to purchase combination scales for quantitative weighing, and arm their production lines with a high-precision, high-speed and fully automatic combination scale quantitative weighing and packaging system, thus setting off a reduction in personnel and efficiency, and saving money in China. The new of reducing material consumption and improving equipment management performance.
0 notes
christineamccalla · 5 years
Leveraging the Efficiency of Commerce, Trade, and, Industry: A Management Perspective of the Jelly Belly’s Virtual Tour, by McCalla, Christine Ann
The strategic analysis of Jelly Belly’s Virtual Tour analyzes its competitiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency based on its manufacturing and operations strategies, and their integration into a management framework. The analysis also responds to Jelly Belly’s ability to demonstrate coherence, alignment, and address competitive threats in a proactive manner. The analysis also demonstrated that efficiency can be derived through qualitative test measures such analysis of competition, public relations reports, sustainability, production infrastructure / automated process, alignment, corporate decisions, innovation, commercialization, and integration of the operational and manufacturing strategies as an efficient framework. Jelly Belly is efficient due to its numerous applications of complementary policies and their applications. In addition to the strategies analyzed, Jelly Belly also relies on marketing, promotions, branding, and product definition and placement to create sustainability, and has used its target market to capture and increase its market share. Jelly Belly’s has created an alternate operational strategy of relying on targeted and themed events including holidays and special events to further market share and drive its sales.
Keywords: manufacturing, process design, production, and efficiency,
The evaluation of strategic planning and management to identify efficiency results in conclusions driven by the understanding of knowledge management systems, operations management, and how the integration of both create frameworks. When analyzed, its separate components define a strategic plan designed of processes, productivity, and production, creating and highlighting designs and methodologies versatile in nature.
Keyword Searches
Keyword searches were conducted for peer-reviewed articles in the EBSCOHost and Proquest Central databases, for the purposes of creating designs, methodologies, and conclusions regarding the efficiency of Jelly Belly’s operations based on the Jelly Belly Virtual Tour. The keywords were automated manufacturing, process design and productivity, identification and efficiency, manufacturing and efficiency, and production and efficiency.
Impression of Jelly Belly’s Virtual Tour operations
Jelly Belly’s Virtual Tour (Jelly Belly) gives the impression that the company’s operation system comprises of manufacturing and operations strategies wherein automated manufacturing systems were used. The sales and marketing elements were present including the continuous presence of the logo throughout the tour including prior to entering the facility, and upon completion of the manufacturing process. The operations strategy is visible prior to entering the plant where there are inflatable objects resembling giant toys sitting on boxes of Jelly Belly candies with numerous sceneries in the background including the well-branded bus. Upon entering the plant’s foyer, there are numerous items including machines from which candy can be purchased, toys and motorcycles side by side, and many customers ready to participate in events and programs offered. As a framework, Duermyer’s (2017) Marketing Strategy’s components (figure 2) is readily interpreted as product, price, place, promotion, and people.
Jelly Belly’s multi-branding elements are, (a) branding where the product line is introduced as a popular, multi-color recreational element with long and winding lines waiting to enter the facility. There was also the target market of adult and children based on the families, toys, and motorcycles present, and presented side-by-side; (b) an efficient manufacturing process where the manufacturing process is automated (Mathur, et al, 2011) with an assembly line and conveyor belts driving the process, with minimal manual intervention from beginning work in progress to packaging; (c) post-marketing attempts such as the art galleries in the plant and online in which mosaics made of jelly beans are displaying prominent people such as Ronald Reagan, George Clooney, and Marilyn Monroe; (d) the numerous Jelly Belly products and flavors available for sale both at the plant and online as well as recipes showing alternative uses of the confections; (e) Jelly Belly Dream Bean contest with a $10,000 prize with online details; (f) children singing creates entertainment throughout the virtual factory tour; (g) active engagement of e-commerce where free tours of the plants are advertised; and, (h) the logo-branded Jelly Belly mini-van and bus. Jelly Belly also has interactive activities available for those who chose to visit its factory including train rides, candy samples, exhibits, and games. A review of Jelly Belly’s website shows an engaged company who are confectionaires and not just candy makers, offering flavors catering to the tastes of adults and children.
The impression of Jelly Belly’s Virtual Tour is one of efficiency where manufacturing and operations strategies are engaged through the use of automated manufacturing processes, and the presence of enterprise resource planning through Duermyer’s (2017) marketing strategy (figure 2) -  product (confections product mix), price (attractive / appreciative), place (nationally including e-commerce), promotion (branding display), and people (customer relations management and human capital management.
Problems or inefficiencies noticed and suggestions to improve its operations
Jelly Belly appears to be a fully functional and efficient organization based on Shavarini, Salimian, Nazemi, and Alborzi’s (2013) argument that inconsistency between competitive and operations strategies will lead to inefficiency of the production system which practically hinders fulfillment of strategic goals. The competitive and operations strategy can be aligned through the evaluation performance by means of metrics. Narkhede (2017) argued that as a manufacturer, Jelly Belly is under continuously new and tremendous competitive pressures regarding Kim and Jinjoo’s (1993) operationally significant performance measures and competitive dimensions of manufacturing: low costs, improved quality, and products with high performance. Shavarini, et al (2013) discussed metrics Jelly Belly can utilize to monitor financial performance including sales growth, profitability (returns on investment, returns on sales and returns on assets), earnings per share, and for operational performance, market share, new products, product quality, and effective marketing.   
As Jelly Belly is a privately owned company, the efficiency of competitiveness and performance cannot be determined through quantitative application of measurements and metrics of performance and operations, but can be determined through the analysis of Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy which is a function of manufacturing and corporate decisions (Cil and Evren, 1998). Jelly Belly’s Virtual Tour demonstrated Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy through its corporate decisions including, (a) corporate objectives (Jelly Belly’s mission statement - dedicated to producing the highest quality confections, delivering superior customer service and creating a reliable and enjoyable product line to the consuming public); (b) marketing strategy (nationally available high quality confection with opportunity to purchase directly at manufacturing plant after completing tour); (c) assess how different products qualify in their respective markets and win orders against competitors; (d) establish appropriate process choice (commercialization where innovation results in product mix); and, (e) infrastructure (automated process facilities efficiency), (Narkhede, 2017; Cil and Evren, 1998; Johansson and Winroth, 2010). An analysis of Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy (fig 1) through its corporate decisions renders Jelly Belly operations and manufacturing process as efficient. Furthermore, the manufacturing strategy through its corporate decisions (Narkhede, 2017; Cil and Evren, 1998; Johansson and Winroth, 2010) is integrated with Fig 2 - Duermyer’s (2017) Marketing Strategy to form further efficient operations.
Fig 1 - Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy
Cil and Evren (1998) also supported Narkhede’s (2017) discussion of manufacturing strategy and competitiveness (corporate decisions) with their argument, (a) value added element helping to establish and defend competitive advantages; (b) manufacturing strategy must relate to the marketing strategies (Fig 2 - Duermyer’s (2017) Marketing Strategy); and (c) manufacturing and marketing strategies (Mathur, Dangayach, Mittal, and Sharma, 2011) must be integrated with the conditions getting the right product at the right price to the right places. Jelly Belly’s has accomplished said actions making it efficient. Furthermore, Jelly Belly’s use of the manufacturing technique of automation / automated manufacturing systems (Cil and Evren, 1998) facilitating efficient processes in the mixing, batching, shaping, designing, and finishing of its confections, with manual intervention. This production process drives quality, cost (Mills, et al, 1995; Thomas, Scherrer-Rathje, Fischl, and Friedli, 2015), and efficiency, and as result Jelly Belly is efficient.
Another consideration of Jelly Belly’s efficiency would be the application of Narkhede’s (2017) environmental uncertainty in which the elements of customer demands, tastes, and preferences; market activities of competitors; economic environment; and production and information technologies have been analyzed. Figure 2, Duermyer’s (2017) marketing strategy presented and addressed Jelly Belly’s marketing strategy but also the operational and manufacturing strategies to ensure the company’s continuity (sustainability) through consideration of marketing from a perspective of avoiding going concerns (continuity). In this, Jelly Belly is considered efficient.
Fig 2 - Duermyer’s (2017) Marketing Strategy
Rafalski (2012) argued that one of the main goals of a company is to define a product and ensure its place on the market. Jelly Belly demonstrated efficiency in the product definition process applying Narkede’s (2017) corporate decisions and figure 2 - Duermyer’s (2017) Marketing Strategy, as a well-defined strategic plan and the definition of its multi-line products and market placement.
Thomas, et al (2015) argue that a corporation attains strategic competitive advantage by effectively managing flows of goods, knowledge, and information among sites supporting Narkhede’s (2017) discussion of industry competitive pressure to maintain high performance under low costs, improved quality, and products (Fig 1 - strategy/tactic 3). Furthermore, Thomas, et al’s (2015) competitive priorities of cost, quality, delivery, and flexibility determines the site’s operational performance targets. Given Jelly Belly’s manufacturing strategy of production infrastructure / automated process (Fig 1 - Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy), efficiency in cost is expected to be attained due to bulk manufacturing reducing costs. There are also no public disclosures of Jelly Belly in bankruptcy procedures including media reports, which would be made public given their size as employer. Again, this assumption implies Shavarini, et al’s (2013) financial performance and operational efficiency.
Jelly Belly’s performance appears sustainable and efficient as it has successfully aligned Thomas, et al’s (2015) company’s resources and capabilities with market requirements to achieve competitive advantage including innovation (Narkhede, 2017), service (Duermyer, 2017), and sustainability. Efficiency is also present in Narkhede’s (2017) commercialization and innovation and Thomas, et al’s (2015) economies of scale and Urgal-González and García-Vázquez’s (2007) economies of scope in the integrated manufacturing and marketing strategies (Mathur, et al, 2011) as well as in frameworks. This includes the promotion and showcase of Jelly Belly’s products such as the themed Gummi Pet Rat and DreamWorks© Trolls Jelly Beans, fig 1 and fig 2.
Al Serhan, Julian and Ahmed (2015) argues numerous levels of strategy necessary to facilitate continuity, (Mills, et al, 1995). Al Serhan, et al’s (2015) levels are, corporate level concerned with allocation and acquisition of resources to business units (Jelly Belly’s factory and warehouse tours, retail stores, and manufacturing infrastructure); at the business level strategic planning includes business scope or boundaries of each business and operational link with corporate strategy wherein the integration create and sustain competitive advantages. This includes the integration of commercialization and marketing wherein Jelly Belly’s products such as the Gummi Pet Rat and DreamWorks© Trolls Jelly Beans market themselves, and at the functional level, achieve manufacturing strategy (fig 1 - Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy). Given the application of sustainability using Al Serhan, et al’s (2015) numerous levels of strategy, Jelly Belly’s operations are again efficient. Jelly Belly’s efficiency in sustainability is further driven by its alternate strategies such as themed and seasonal events such as Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, and weddings. The trigger for this sustainability strategy is the increased sales from the encouragement of the customers’ creativity in which customized applications such as their Harvest Corn Cupcakes Recipe, Creepy Critter Halloween Cupcakes, and wedding favors. This sustainable and alternate operational strategy is extremely efficient.   
Mills, et al (1995) argue production competence as a manufacturer’s overall ability to support and prosecute the firm’s business strategy, as well as a function of the production process and the firm’s business strategy, fig 1. Ebert, Rude, and Cecil (1985) argued the result of organizational success or failure in obtaining satisfactory focus can be traced to management’s clarity of strategic orientation (clear strategy); management’s judgmental consistency (translating policies and goals into actions for desired outcomes); and, management’s production awareness (alignment of actions of management and personnel including production and marketing - fig 1 and fig 2). Kim and Jinjoo (1993) argued manufacturing strategy as the effective use of manufacturing capacities for operations achievement (business and corporate goals), enabling the manufacturing to contribute to sustainability and efficiency. The combination of Jelly Belly’s production competence (Mills, et al, 1995) and organizational success are based upon clarity of strategic orientation, management’s judgemental consistency, and corporate alignment (Ebert, et al, 1985). In evaluating the manufacturing strategy to attain sustainability and efficiency (Kim and Jinjoo, 1993), Jelly Belly has demonstrated each argument and is efficient.
Efficiency: the discussion
Chang, Fernando, and Tripathy (2015) argue that cost leadership strategies are expected to be associated with higher production efficiency, while firms pursuing differentiation strategy rely on innovation, brand development, and marketing to acquire competitive advantage. Due to the size of Jelly Belly’s manufacturing and operations capacity, it is expected that its bulk process manufacturing creates efficiency (manufacturing strategy - fig 1), while its innovation, marketing, branding, and related initiatives creates brand management, market share, and promotional initiatives including customer service and management (operations strategy) - fig 2. Jelly Belly is efficient in both manufacturing and operations strategies based on Chang, et al’s (2015) argument.
Urgal-González and García-Vázquez (2007) argue that a company that defines its strategic position focuses on the competitive priorities for which it has specific capabilities. In Jelly Belly’s case, mass manufacturing production and commercialization (Fig 1 - Narkhede’s (2017) manufacturing strategy); line flow processes including continuous and connected line flow processes (Urgal-González and García-Vázquez, 2007); and, automated line production (Urgal-González and García-Vázquez, 2007; Mathur, et al, 2011). In this definition of strategic position, Jelly Belly has proven efficient. Mathur, et al, 2011 also discussed the premise of manufacturers continuously being demanded opportunities to switch from manufacturing one product to the other without rebuilding the product lines in entirety. Jelly Belly’s utilized Mathur, et al’s (2011) automated manufacturing systems reducing labor costs, increasing production time, consistency and quality, and again, demonstrates efficiency in operations and effectiveness in competitiveness while supporting its sales and distribution strategy of international, e-commerce, plant / onsite, retail stores, and wholesale sales and distribution.
Shavarini, Salimian, Nazemi, and Alborzi (2013) argue that operations is the central core of the organization, and the operations strategy a competitive and valuable weapon. Shavarini, et al (2013) also argued that operational excellence is a strategic approach to production and providing services and products, with the aim to remain competitive by holding price leadership in the industry and reducing cost overload. Jelly Belly’s has accomplished efficiency in competitiveness through their multi-line product line offering, being able to offer competitive pricing strategies suited to the product delivery and marketing cycle processes and strategies, including the automated manufacturing process of large batch production.
While Jelly Belly’s has proven efficient in manufacturing and operations, there are functions that would prove beneficial, effective, and efficient if present. One such function is the integrated framework of operational management such as Worwa’s (2018) ERP systems (softwares, modules, and add-ons), an agile and flexible infrastructure capable of adopting to the demands of operations, effectiveness, and efficiencies, and supporting the organization by division. Divisions refer to the departmental / operational functions such as manufacturing and production, marketing, customer relationship management, finance and accounting, etc., reducing redundancies such as multiple entries, availability of data to multiple users simultaneously, unauthorized access of data, unauthorized users, and the retention of integrity of information. It is unclear if ERP resources are present in Jelly Belly’s infrastructure, but assumed by the magnitude of its operations would demand an ERP to facilitate further competitiveness, effectiveness, and efficiency. In the event Jelly Belly’s does not use an ERP, this would be an area of inefficiency and a resulting recommendation.
Jelly Belly is an efficient company with one (1) recommendations, to acquire an ERP system if not present. Jelly Belly is a well-branded and recognized company with efficient and effective production, sales, and marketing strategies. Furthermore, these elements define Jelly Belly’s manufacturing and operational strategy where it has created its success based on sustainability, marketing, manufacturing, and its product mix. Jelly Belly has integrated alternate strategic plans to ensure its continuity and further continuity in efficiency.
Al Serhan, Y. N., Julian, C. C., & Ahmed, Z. U. (2015). Using time to gain competitive advantage: A framework and analysis of propositions. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 25(4), 456-465. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1716203259?accountid=28180
Chang, H., Fernando, G. D., & Tripathy, A. (2015). An empirical study of strategic positioning and production efficiency. Advances in Operations Research, doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1155/2015/347045
Cil, I., & Evren, R. (1998). Linking of manufacturing strategy, market requirements and manufacturing attributes in technology choice: An expert system approach. The Engineering Economist, 43(3), 183-202. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/206751066?accountid=28180
Ebert, R. J., Rude, D. E., & Cecil, E. A. (1985). Capturing judgments to clarify production strategy and policy. Journal of Operations Management, 5(2), 129. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/219587128?accountid=28180
Duermyer, R. (2017, Oct). Marketing Strategy for Home Business Success. What it is and how do you develop one in your home business? The Balance. Retrieved from  https://www.thebalance.com/marketing-strategy-for-home-business-success-1794314    
Johansson, G., & Winroth, M. (2010). Introducing environmental concern in manufacturing strategies. Management Research Review, 33(9), 877-899. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1108/01409171011070305
Kim, Y. and Jinjoo, L. (1993). Manufacturing strategy and production systems: An integrated framework. Journal Of Operations Management, 11(1), 3-15.
Mathur, A., Dangayach, G. S., Mittal, M. L., & Sharma, M. K. (2011). Performance measurement in automated manufacturing. Measuring Business Excellence, 15(1), 77-91. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1108/13683041111113268
Mills, J., Platts, K., & Gregory, M. (1995). A framework for the design of manufacturing strategy processes. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 15(4), 17. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/232353283?accountid=28180
Narkhede, B. E. (2017). Advance manufacturing strategy and firm performance. Benchmarking, 24(1), 62-101. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1858601221?accountid=28180
Rafalski, R. (2012). A new concept of evaluation of the production assets. Foundations of Management, 4(1), 75-104. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.2478/fman-2013-0005
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Thomas, S., Scherrer-Rathje, M., Fischl, M., & Friedli, T. (2015). Linking network targets and site capabilities. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(12), 1710-1734. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/1732789010?accountid=28180
Urgal-González, B., & García-Vázquez, J. M. (2007). The strategic influence of structural manufacturing decisions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(6), 605-626. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1108/01443570710750286
Worwa, K. (2018). Optimizing the structure of software systems supporting logistics at the design stage. Logforum, 14(2), 209-219. doi:10.17270/J.LOG.2018.25
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mikemortgage · 6 years
In factory after factory, Kim tries to grow N. Korea economy
WONSAN, Korea, Democratic People’s Republic Of — For North Korean factory managers, a visit by leader Kim Jong Un is the highest of honours and quite possibly the most stressful event imaginable.
The chief engineer at the Songdowon General Foodstuffs Factory had looked forward to the visit for nearly a decade. His factory churns out tons of cookies, crackers, candies and bakery goods, plus dozens of varieties of soft drinks sold around the country. In its showroom, Kwon Yong Chol proudly showed off one of his bestsellers, a nutrient soup made with spirulina, a blue-green microalgae “superfood.”
“Ever since construction began everyone here had wanted the leader to visit, and this year he did. His visit was the biggest thing that could happen to us,” Kwon, smiling broadly, said of Kim Jong Un’s visit in July. “He ate our instant noodles. He said they were delicious.”
Not all managers have been so fortunate.
There’s a lot on the line for North Korea these days. And Kim means business.
Though the international spotlight has been on his denuclearization talks with Washington, the North Korean leader has a lot riding domestically on his promises to boost the country’s economy and standard of living. His announcement in April that North Korea had sufficiently developed its nuclear weapons and would now focus on building its economy marked a sharp turn in official policy, setting the stage for his rapid-fire meetings with the leaders of China, South Korea and the United States.
It also set in motion an ambitious campaign of “on-the-spot guidance” trips to rally party officials, factory managers and military troops.
After the announcement of the “new strategic line” and his first round of summits, including his meeting in June with President Donald Trump, Kim embarked on nearly 20 inspection tours around the country in July and another 10 in August, all but one of them to non-military locations. The military inspection rounds are instead being handled by the country’s premier, Pak Pong Ju, who has gone on 18 inspection tours from July, mostly to military facilities.
On-the-spot guidance tours are a tradition Kim inherited from his father and grandfather, the late “eternal General-Secretary” Kim Jong Il and “eternal President” Kim Il Sung.
They date to the late 1940s, when Kim Il Sung began gradually institutionalizing the visits to demonstrate his hands-on leadership and, as invariably portrayed by the North’s media, his deep care and concern for the well-being of the people.
Factories, farms and important industrial facilities are the usual destinations. But Kim Jong Un’s focus on them this year marks a break from excursions in 2017 to nuclear weapons facilities and missile sites.
Reflecting the gravity of his current mission, Kim has shown little patience for cadres who come up short.
On his July tour in the northern part of the country he lambasted officials at a factory that produces backpacks for students, saying their attitude was “very wrong” and “has no revolutionary spirit.” He then dressed down officials at a power plant that has been under construction for 17 years, criticized people in charge of a hotel project for taking too long to finish plastering its walls and slammed the authorities responsible for building a recreational campsite.
“Looking round the bathroom of the camp, he pointed out its very bad condition, saying bathtubs for hot spring therapy are dirty, gloomy and unsanitary for their poor management,” said an official report of the visit.
Most inspection tours, however, go like Kim’s two-hour visit to the Songdowon processed foods factory.
With a gaggle of cameramen in tow — the tours are always top news in North Korea’s media — the site’s senior manager generally serves as the guide. Members of Kim’s entourage frantically take notes as he suggests tweaks of this or that and offers praise or encouragement.
Many factories put up red and gold plaques to commemorate the event. Some have special wall displays made afterward that show the exact path the leader took in little LED lights that can be turned on at the press of a button.
At Kwon’s factory, which has 300 employees and is located on the outskirts of the eastern coastal city of Wonsan, Kim advised managers to improve operations on an “automated, unmanned and germ-free basis, holding aloft the banner of self-reliance.”
Before the obligatory group photo session, the North’s official news agency reported, Kim voiced “his expectation and conviction” the factory would produce more quality foods “and thus more fully demonstrate the honour of being a factory loved by the people.”
But Kim also had a broader point to make.
He told the factory management that they must be prepared to work in a more competitive environment, to modernize and cut the fat. These are special times and they, and basically all managers throughout the country, need to step up their game.
“The Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un pays much more attention to the quality of a product,” Kwon said. “When he came to this factory he gave instructions to maintain a high level of hygiene because food is closely associated with the health of the people, and to keep the highest level of quality of products that people like. He said we must produce products that are world class, and produce a lot of foods that people like.”
Kwon said the pressure isn’t just coming from above.
“The people demand more quality,” he said. “When people look at the product, they must feel like they want to have it. So we are designing things in line with that. We have to satisfy the demands of the people.”
Talmadge is the AP’s Pyongyang bureau chief. Follow him on Instagram and Twitter: @EricTalmadge.
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras
Toyota once again brought out a fleet of custom show cars to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Unlike last year when it had the outrageous C-HR R-Tuned and a number of NASCAR-modified Camrys, Toyota chose to highlight the Corolla hatchback and Tundra pickup truck for this year’s show. Check out all of Toyota’s SEMA vehicles below.
Tundra Pie Pro
Toyota attracted all the hungry SEMA Show attendees to its booth with this pizza-making Tundra . The Pie Pro is a fully automated, mobile pizza kitchen on wheels. Built by Toyota’s Motorsports Technical Center in collaboration with Pizza Hut, the truck can make a fresh pizza in about seven minutes from when it’s ordered.
We wish we could say the truck is also pizza-powered, but it instead relies on a hydrogen fuel-cell electric powertrain that only emits water vapor from the tailpipe. This means the truck has an almost non-existent carbon footprint, according to Toyota. Robots from Nachi Robotics Systems make and cook the pies in TurboChef conveyor ovens.
SoCal Kustomz Corolla
This is SoCal Kustomz first venture into the import scene and the company’s first SEMA build project. The garage specializes in restoring American muscle cars, and applied those skills to this Corolla hatchback project.
The builders fabricated custom intake and exhaust systems for the hatch, and also adapted a Nitrous Express injection system for extra power. The Corolla rides on Motegi MR138 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G high-performance tires. Inside, the Corolla is upholstered in leather with SoCal Kustomz logos.
Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla
In tribute to the classic Corolla AE86, the Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla features a custom wrap with AE86 cues like the black lateral rocker panel strip and white-on-black Toyota lettering on the front bumper. Exterior modifications continue with an aluminum front splitter, a rear diffuser, side spoilers, and front bumper canards and winglets.
But the custom hatch isn’t all show and no go, as the builders installed a Nitrous Express injection system, a custom 3-inch intake system, and a custom straight-pipe exhaust with Magnaflow muffler and 3.5-inch tips. Using a prototype coil-over suspension setup from RS-R Japan, the Corolla is lowered on Rays Gram Light Model 57 Extreme wheels wrapped in Bridgestone RE-71R performance tires.
Papadakis Racing Corolla
The Papadakis Corolla was built to compete in the Formula Drift Pro series, and is a joint project of Toyota Racing Development (TRD) and Papadakis Racing. The team, led by well-known sport compact racer Stephan Papadakis, tore down the hatch to the bare chassis and rebuilt the center section to house the transmission and driveline for the rear-drive conversion.
The factory engine was replaced with an 850-hp 2.7-liter I-4 Toyota 2AR-FE engine that uses a BorgWarner EFR 8374 turbocharger and nitrous oxide. TRD and renowned car illustrator Jon Sibal designed and manufactured the custom wide-body panels and the “old school meets new school” TRD-Blue Flame livery. The turbo-back exhaust is custom and the hatch rides on Motegi Racing MR133 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G tires. Customization continues inside with Sparco racing seats and a Papadakis Racing roll cage.
Super Street Corolla
Our friends at Super Street created a sleek Corolla hatchback that looks like it came straight from Tokyo Auto Salon. Upgrades like RS-R coil-overs, Wilwood Superlite brake calipers with drilled and slotted rotors, and Volk Racing TE37 Saga wheels shod in Falken FK510 tires will help the hatch hold its own on the track or in the canyons.
The titanium exhaust tips from the A’PEXi quad system, the Avery Dennison body wrap, and the Auto Tuned carbon-fiber front lip, side skirts, and rear spats add lots of visual candy. Inside, the heated Corbeau Sportline RRS bucket seats and Pioneer audio system spice things up.
Hoonigan Corolla
High-performance driving videos like those in Ken Block’s long-running Gymkhana series typically feature fast cars performing unbelievable stunts. But what you don’t usually see is the car that’s capturing those stunts, a vehicle that has to keep pace with whatever it’s shooting and be highly capable in its own right. The team at Hoonigan, led by car photographer Larry Chen, turned their Corolla hatch into a chase car for video production. But unlike most camera vehicles, this Corolla hatch can be safely driven on the streets because the crane and video gear (not pictured) can be disassembled and packed into cases that fit in the hatch.
The Hoonigan Corolla’s camera rig uses a Motocrane Ultra crane, a Freefly Movi XL gimbal, a Red Dragon camera, a Canon 17-120mm lens, and a Tilta Nucleus focusing system. Hoonigan, inspired by Corolla rally cars from the ’90s, modified the hatchback with 17-inch Fifteen52 Integrale wheels wrapped in Yokohama Advan Neova AD08R tires, Hella spotlights, an ARP Performance bumper lip, a Wrap Legends body wrap, and RS-R performance springs.
Kevin Costner Tundra Platinum
What looks like a zombie-apocalypse truck is actually Kevin Costner’s personal project and full-size toy. The actor and director worked with Toyota and Complete Customs to transform the Tundra into an extreme outdoor rig that features a 4.5-inch BDS lift on Fox coil-overs and shocks, custom fabricated front and rear bumpers that incorporate Warn winches and Rigid Industries light bars, a two-piece roof rack attached to an ARE V Series bed shell, and Method Racing wheels cocooned in beefy 35-inch Nitto Ridge Grappler tires. A Dometic dual-zone cooler and Lock’erdown safes are equipped inside. The Tundra accompanies Kevin Costner to his on-location film shoots and outdoor excursions.
The post Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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jesusvasser · 6 years
Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras
Toyota once again brought out a fleet of custom show cars to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Unlike last year when it had the outrageous C-HR R-Tuned and a number of NASCAR-modified Camrys, Toyota chose to highlight the Corolla hatchback and Tundra pickup truck for this year’s show. Check out all of Toyota’s SEMA vehicles below.
Tundra Pie Pro
Toyota attracted all the hungry SEMA Show attendees to its booth with this pizza-making Tundra . The Pie Pro is a fully automated, mobile pizza kitchen on wheels. Built by Toyota’s Motorsports Technical Center in collaboration with Pizza Hut, the truck can make a fresh pizza in about seven minutes from when it’s ordered.
We wish we could say the truck is also pizza-powered, but it instead relies on a hydrogen fuel-cell electric powertrain that only emits water vapor from the tailpipe. This means the truck has an almost non-existent carbon footprint, according to Toyota. Robots from Nachi Robotics Systems make and cook the pies in TurboChef conveyor ovens.
SoCal Kustomz Corolla
This is SoCal Kustomz first venture into the import scene and the company’s first SEMA build project. The garage specializes in restoring American muscle cars, and applied those skills to this Corolla hatchback project.
The builders fabricated custom intake and exhaust systems for the hatch, and also adapted a Nitrous Express injection system for extra power. The Corolla rides on Motegi MR138 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G high-performance tires. Inside, the Corolla is upholstered in leather with SoCal Kustomz logos.
Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla
In tribute to the classic Corolla AE86, the Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla features a custom wrap with AE86 cues like the black lateral rocker panel strip and white-on-black Toyota lettering on the front bumper. Exterior modifications continue with an aluminum front splitter, a rear diffuser, side spoilers, and front bumper canards and winglets.
But the custom hatch isn’t all show and no go, as the builders installed a Nitrous Express injection system, a custom 3-inch intake system, and a custom straight-pipe exhaust with Magnaflow muffler and 3.5-inch tips. Using a prototype coil-over suspension setup from RS-R Japan, the Corolla is lowered on Rays Gram Light Model 57 Extreme wheels wrapped in Bridgestone RE-71R performance tires.
Papadakis Racing Corolla
The Papadakis Corolla was built to compete in the Formula Drift Pro series, and is a joint project of Toyota Racing Development (TRD) and Papadakis Racing. The team, led by well-known sport compact racer Stephan Papadakis, tore down the hatch to the bare chassis and rebuilt the center section to house the transmission and driveline for the rear-drive conversion.
The factory engine was replaced with an 850-hp 2.7-liter I-4 Toyota 2AR-FE engine that uses a BorgWarner EFR 8374 turbocharger and nitrous oxide. TRD and renowned car illustrator Jon Sibal designed and manufactured the custom wide-body panels and the “old school meets new school” TRD-Blue Flame livery. The turbo-back exhaust is custom and the hatch rides on Motegi Racing MR133 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G tires. Customization continues inside with Sparco racing seats and a Papadakis Racing roll cage.
Super Street Corolla
Our friends at Super Street created a sleek Corolla hatchback that looks like it came straight from Tokyo Auto Salon. Upgrades like RS-R coil-overs, Wilwood Superlite brake calipers with drilled and slotted rotors, and Volk Racing TE37 Saga wheels shod in Falken FK510 tires will help the hatch hold its own on the track or in the canyons.
The titanium exhaust tips from the A’PEXi quad system, the Avery Dennison body wrap, and the Auto Tuned carbon-fiber front lip, side skirts, and rear spats add lots of visual candy. Inside, the heated Corbeau Sportline RRS bucket seats and Pioneer audio system spice things up.
Hoonigan Corolla
High-performance driving videos like those in Ken Block’s long-running Gymkhana series typically feature fast cars performing unbelievable stunts. But what you don’t usually see is the car that’s capturing those stunts, a vehicle that has to keep pace with whatever it’s shooting and be highly capable in its own right. The team at Hoonigan, led by car photographer Larry Chen, turned their Corolla hatch into a chase car for video production. But unlike most camera vehicles, this Corolla hatch can be safely driven on the streets because the crane and video gear (not pictured) can be disassembled and packed into cases that fit in the hatch.
The Hoonigan Corolla’s camera rig uses a Motocrane Ultra crane, a Freefly Movi XL gimbal, a Red Dragon camera, a Canon 17-120mm lens, and a Tilta Nucleus focusing system. Hoonigan, inspired by Corolla rally cars from the ’90s, modified the hatchback with 17-inch Fifteen52 Integrale wheels wrapped in Yokohama Advan Neova AD08R tires, Hella spotlights, an ARP Performance bumper lip, a Wrap Legends body wrap, and RS-R performance springs.
Kevin Costner Tundra Platinum
What looks like a zombie-apocalypse truck is actually Kevin Costner’s personal project and full-size toy. The actor and director worked with Toyota and Complete Customs to transform the Tundra into an extreme outdoor rig that features a 4.5-inch BDS lift on Fox coil-overs and shocks, custom fabricated front and rear bumpers that incorporate Warn winches and Rigid Industries light bars, a two-piece roof rack attached to an ARE V Series bed shell, and Method Racing wheels cocooned in beefy 35-inch Nitto Ridge Grappler tires. A Dometic dual-zone cooler and Lock’erdown safes are equipped inside. The Tundra accompanies Kevin Costner to his on-location film shoots and outdoor excursions.
The post Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras
Toyota once again brought out a fleet of custom show cars to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Unlike last year when it had the outrageous C-HR R-Tuned and a number of NASCAR-modified Camrys, Toyota chose to highlight the Corolla hatchback and Tundra pickup truck for this year’s show. Check out all of Toyota’s SEMA vehicles below.
Tundra Pie Pro
Toyota attracted all the hungry SEMA Show attendees to its booth with this pizza-making Tundra . The Pie Pro is a fully automated, mobile pizza kitchen on wheels. Built by Toyota’s Motorsports Technical Center in collaboration with Pizza Hut, the truck can make a fresh pizza in about seven minutes from when it’s ordered.
We wish we could say the truck is also pizza-powered, but it instead relies on a hydrogen fuel-cell electric powertrain that only emits water vapor from the tailpipe. This means the truck has an almost non-existent carbon footprint, according to Toyota. Robots from Nachi Robotics Systems make and cook the pies in TurboChef conveyor ovens.
SoCal Kustomz Corolla
This is SoCal Kustomz first venture into the import scene and the company’s first SEMA build project. The garage specializes in restoring American muscle cars, and applied those skills to this Corolla hatchback project.
The builders fabricated custom intake and exhaust systems for the hatch, and also adapted a Nitrous Express injection system for extra power. The Corolla rides on Motegi MR138 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G high-performance tires. Inside, the Corolla is upholstered in leather with SoCal Kustomz logos.
Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla
In tribute to the classic Corolla AE86, the Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla features a custom wrap with AE86 cues like the black lateral rocker panel strip and white-on-black Toyota lettering on the front bumper. Exterior modifications continue with an aluminum front splitter, a rear diffuser, side spoilers, and front bumper canards and winglets.
But the custom hatch isn’t all show and no go, as the builders installed a Nitrous Express injection system, a custom 3-inch intake system, and a custom straight-pipe exhaust with Magnaflow muffler and 3.5-inch tips. Using a prototype coil-over suspension setup from RS-R Japan, the Corolla is lowered on Rays Gram Light Model 57 Extreme wheels wrapped in Bridgestone RE-71R performance tires.
Papadakis Racing Corolla
The Papadakis Corolla was built to compete in the Formula Drift Pro series, and is a joint project of Toyota Racing Development (TRD) and Papadakis Racing. The team, led by well-known sport compact racer Stephan Papadakis, tore down the hatch to the bare chassis and rebuilt the center section to house the transmission and driveline for the rear-drive conversion.
The factory engine was replaced with an 850-hp 2.7-liter I-4 Toyota 2AR-FE engine that uses a BorgWarner EFR 8374 turbocharger and nitrous oxide. TRD and renowned car illustrator Jon Sibal designed and manufactured the custom wide-body panels and the “old school meets new school” TRD-Blue Flame livery. The turbo-back exhaust is custom and the hatch rides on Motegi Racing MR133 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G tires. Customization continues inside with Sparco racing seats and a Papadakis Racing roll cage.
Super Street Corolla
Our friends at Super Street created a sleek Corolla hatchback that looks like it came straight from Tokyo Auto Salon. Upgrades like RS-R coil-overs, Wilwood Superlite brake calipers with drilled and slotted rotors, and Volk Racing TE37 Saga wheels shod in Falken FK510 tires will help the hatch hold its own on the track or in the canyons.
The titanium exhaust tips from the A’PEXi quad system, the Avery Dennison body wrap, and the Auto Tuned carbon-fiber front lip, side skirts, and rear spats add lots of visual candy. Inside, the heated Corbeau Sportline RRS bucket seats and Pioneer audio system spice things up.
Hoonigan Corolla
High-performance driving videos like those in Ken Block’s long-running Gymkhana series typically feature fast cars performing unbelievable stunts. But what you don’t usually see is the car that’s capturing those stunts, a vehicle that has to keep pace with whatever it’s shooting and be highly capable in its own right. The team at Hoonigan, led by car photographer Larry Chen, turned their Corolla hatch into a chase car for video production. But unlike most camera vehicles, this Corolla hatch can be safely driven on the streets because the crane and video gear (not pictured) can be disassembled and packed into cases that fit in the hatch.
The Hoonigan Corolla’s camera rig uses a Motocrane Ultra crane, a Freefly Movi XL gimbal, a Red Dragon camera, a Canon 17-120mm lens, and a Tilta Nucleus focusing system. Hoonigan, inspired by Corolla rally cars from the ’90s, modified the hatchback with 17-inch Fifteen52 Integrale wheels wrapped in Yokohama Advan Neova AD08R tires, Hella spotlights, an ARP Performance bumper lip, a Wrap Legends body wrap, and RS-R performance springs.
Kevin Costner Tundra Platinum
What looks like a zombie-apocalypse truck is actually Kevin Costner’s personal project and full-size toy. The actor and director worked with Toyota and Complete Customs to transform the Tundra into an extreme outdoor rig that features a 4.5-inch BDS lift on Fox coil-overs and shocks, custom fabricated front and rear bumpers that incorporate Warn winches and Rigid Industries light bars, a two-piece roof rack attached to an ARE V Series bed shell, and Method Racing wheels cocooned in beefy 35-inch Nitto Ridge Grappler tires. A Dometic dual-zone cooler and Lock’erdown safes are equipped inside. The Tundra accompanies Kevin Costner to his on-location film shoots and outdoor excursions.
The post Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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robertkstone · 6 years
Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras at SEMA
Toyota once again brought out a fleet of custom show cars to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Unlike last year when it had the outrageous C-HR R-Tuned and a number of NASCAR-modified Camrys, Toyota chose to highlight the Corolla hatchback and Tundra pickup truck for this year’s show. Check out all of Toyota’s SEMA vehicles below.
Tundra Pie Pro
Toyota attracted all the hungry SEMA Show attendees to its booth with this pizza-making Tundra . The Pie Pro is a fully automated, mobile pizza kitchen on wheels. Built by Toyota’s Motorsports Technical Center in collaboration with Pizza Hut, the truck can make a fresh pizza in about seven minutes from when it’s ordered. We wish we could say the truck is also pizza-powered, but it instead relies on a hydrogen fuel-cell electric powertrain that only emits water vapor from the tailpipe. This means the truck has an almost non-existent carbon footprint, according to Toyota. Robots from Nachi Robotics Systems make and cook the pies in TurboChef conveyor ovens.
SoCal Kustomz Corolla
This is SoCal Kustomz first venture into the import scene and the company’s first SEMA build project. The garage specializes in restoring American muscle cars, and applied those skills to this Corolla hatchback project. The builders fabricated custom intake and exhaust systems for the hatch, and also adapted a Nitrous Express injection system for extra power. The Corolla rides on Motegi MR138 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G high-performance tires. Inside, the Corolla is upholstered in leather with SoCal Kustomz logos.
Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla
In tribute to the classic Corolla AE86, the Muscle Tuner Automotive Corolla features a custom wrap with AE86 cues like the black lateral rocker panel strip and white-on-black Toyota lettering on the front bumper. Exterior modifications continue with an aluminum front splitter, a rear diffuser, side spoilers, and front bumper canards and winglets. But the custom hatch isn’t all show and no go, as the builders installed a Nitrous Express injection system, a custom 3-inch intake system, and a custom straight-pipe exhaust with Magnaflow muffler and 3.5-inch tips. Using a prototype coil-over suspension setup from RS-R Japan, the Corolla is lowered on Rays Gram Light Model 57 Extreme wheels wrapped in Bridgestone RE-71R performance tires.
Papadakis Racing Corolla
The Papadakis Corolla was built to compete in the Formula Drift Pro series, and is a joint project of Toyota Racing Development (TRD) and Papadakis Racing. The team, led by well-known sport compact racer Stephan Papadakis, tore down the hatch to the bare chassis and rebuilt the center section to house the transmission and driveline for the rear-drive conversion. The factory engine was replaced with an 850-hp 2.7-liter I-4 Toyota 2AR-FE engine that uses a BorgWarner EFR 8374 turbocharger and nitrous oxide. TRD and renowned car illustrator Jon Sibal designed and manufactured the custom wide-body panels and the “old school meets new school” TRD-Blue Flame livery. The turbo-back exhaust is custom and the hatch rides on Motegi Racing MR133 wheels shod in Nexen N’Fera SUR4G tires. Customization continues inside with Sparco racing seats and a Papadakis Racing roll cage.
Super Street Corolla
Our friends at Super Street created a sleek Corolla hatchback that looks like it came straight from Tokyo Auto Salon. Upgrades like RS-R coil-overs, Wilwood Superlite brake calipers with drilled and slotted rotors, and Volk Racing TE37 Saga wheels shod in Falken FK510 tires will help the hatch hold its own on the track or in the canyons. The titanium exhaust tips from the A’PEXi quad system, the Avery Dennison body wrap, and the Auto Tuned carbon-fiber front lip, side skirts, and rear spats add lots of visual candy. Inside, the heated Corbeau Sportline RRS bucket seats and Pioneer audio system spice things up.
Hoonigan Corolla
High-performance driving videos like those in Ken Block’s long-running Gymkhana series typically feature fast cars performing unbelievable stunts. But what you don’t usually see is the car that’s capturing those stunts, a vehicle that has to keep pace with whatever it’s shooting and be highly capable in its own right. The team at Hoonigan, led by car photographer Larry Chen, turned their Corolla hatch into a chase car for video production. But unlike most camera vehicles, this Corolla hatch can be safely driven on the streets because the crane and video gear (not pictured) can be disassembled and packed into cases that fit in the hatch. The Hoonigan Corolla’s camera rig uses a Motocrane Ultra crane, a Freefly Movi XL gimbal, a Red Dragon camera, a Canon 17-120mm lens, and a Tilta Nucleus focusing system. Hoonigan, inspired by Corolla rally cars from the ’90s, modified the hatchback with 17-inch Fifteen52 Integrale wheels wrapped in Yokohama Advan Neova AD08R tires, Hella spotlights, an ARP Performance bumper lip, a Wrap Legends body wrap, and RS-R performance springs.
Kevin Costner Tundra Platinum
What looks like a zombie-apocalypse truck is actually Kevin Costner’s personal project and full-size toy. The actor and director worked with Toyota and Complete Customs to transform the Tundra into an extreme outdoor rig that features a 4.5-inch BDS lift on Fox coil-overs and shocks, custom fabricated front and rear bumpers that incorporate Warn winches and Rigid Industries light bars, a two-piece roof rack attached to an ARE V Series bed shell, and Method Racing wheels cocooned in beefy 35-inch Nitto Ridge Grappler tires. A Dometic dual-zone cooler and Lock’erdown safes are equipped inside. The Tundra accompanies Kevin Costner to his on-location film shoots and outdoor excursions.
Source: Toyota
The post Toyota Shows Off Custom Corolla Hatches and Tundras at SEMA appeared first on Motor Trend.
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