#a good chance to be like 'well there's a good reason 😏' or something haha
icantalk710 · 2 years
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Office yesterday 😤 || WFH vibe today 🥱
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
TLDR I unlocked (and actually tested) a new kink - pillow humping 🎀 👑 nsfw/tmi incoming:
okay so the last like two weeks I have been Really Riled Up All The Time for no specific reason my fave blogs are currently in super horny mode and I was just really needing something diff…i don’t have any toys but i DO love a good bit of d/s & feminisation in a fic and then i discovered ✨ pillow humping ✨ in a couple fics and THEN i saw a tiktok about all the diff things fem-presenting people had as their “thing” when they were kids (pillows, couches, rocking chairs, side of the sofa, bed poles, stair railings all kinds of shit) and i was just like “holy shit i have to try this”
ANYWAY this morning i woke up to a completely empty house for the first time in about four months (i still live at home and it’s been lockdown + school holidays) and read a couple fics (were any of them yours? you’ll never know 😏 🤐) and they helped but i really needed sound, like a voice like I NEEDED someone belittling me and telling me how much of a slut I was for wanting this (the idea of being caught by my SO/dom and then having them say “oh no, you were doing just fine without me” and basically commentating, gassing me up but also humiliating me FUCK) so i put some p0rn for the first time in like a year and half maybe two and…..lemme just say 🥵🥵🥵
the girls(/gays/theys) that get it? ✨ G E T IT ✨
(anyway I just wanted to share & you’ve made this such a safe space & also my fucked up brain afterwards thought “I wonder what S would’ve done if they’d found you” SORRY I really hope that doesn’t make you uncomfy AND, since we all know just how hot you are & that you’re a massive flirt- on the off chance you EVER felt compelled to do any voice work or the like… well, you know where to find me 😵‍💫😵‍💫)
- 🥺 xx
Oooh I am very excited for you to have experimented with your kinks! That's fun and exciting!
Especially when the kink is pillow humping. Yes yes yes. Pillow humping is so good. V hot for sure.
Damn damn damn I'm glad you had your alone time and had a damn good time with said time! It definitely sounds like a success story for this new kink. Or new kinks it sounds like- you've got pillow humping, exhibitionism, humiliation, and feminization all wrapped up in there along with dom/sub power dynamics.
👏 Good 👏 for 👏 you 👏 baby 👏
You go! Get that good solo-session in!
Also porn and erotic 15/10, sounds like you got really into it (and hey, sweetheart, maybe it's time to look into some toys... could be fun 😏)
Haha I love that for you, I'm not uncomfortable about that I'm more flattered than anything 😘 also, I love that this does feel like a safe space! That's how I want it to be! AND I will tell you... I have thought about doing voice work. I just don't have the time/space to do that right now. I've definitely also thought about turning parts of my fics into podfics but it just hasn't happened lol.
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