#a great example off the top of my head is the adjudicator from john wick 3! they are canonically non binary but its never stated
jerseymuppet · 2 years
Honestly even though Gerard accepted the headcanon on twitter I don’t count nb party poison as canon bc I’m a firm believer in death of the author. If it wasn’t in the text itself it doesn’t count for me like all the shit jkr said about Harry Potter on twitter
That’s valid! I don’t really think I agree? Like, party poison is kind of an outlier in terms of death of the author because you can’t really separate the character from the creator, so the example you gave isnt really comparable. Party poison is a self insert character through and through, especially seeing as they were literally created with the intention of Gerard playing them. Personally, I find it really cool that he saw what fans were saying about party poison and got involved in the discussion and made it canon; a lot of creators get very defensive (which is valid too as long as it isn’t coming from a place of bigotry) when you head canon a self insert character like that. I also just think it’s really weird when people need something to be explicitly canon to take it seriously? Idk! This is a harmless ask and we can agree to disagree
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