#a lil anderperry wink wink ofc
intrstellarhearts · 2 years
✰ the dead poets society ice skating headcanons!
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a/n: i tried to find the least heartbreaking "dead poets society winter" image, so PLEASE DON'T BE SAD EVERYONE! THEY'RE ALL OK IN THIS HEADCANON SET I PROMISE :)
the idea came to neil in a dream.
swirling snow had cleared to show a frozen lake... THE lake he often spent his time at when it was nice outside, and he just knew.
he had to get the dead poet's society to go ice skating.
it would be tough; he wasn't completely sure how he would even get ice skates. and yet, neil perry was determined that this was what needed to happen.
it was a whole operation too!
meeks and pitts were the perfect men for the job of securing the ice skates.
the two of them were so in tune with each other that they could get in & get out of the storage closet near the gym.
plus pitts has really long arms (at least in my opinion) so he could reach in and grab the skates if they were in a super tight spot.
they were able to get in, take seven pairs of skates, and run out with no consequences.
mission one accomplished.
then there was the issue of figuring out if the lake was actually frozen or not.
though cameron said it was dangerous numerous times, he was dragged outside anyway to watch what was to unfold.
it was on this particularly frigid day that one charlie dalton put on his swim trunks and goggles underneath his heavy winter coat and ventured out onto the lake to see if it could hold his weight.
knox was supposedly ready to retrieve charlie if he fell, but that little shrimp probably couldn't even lift an apple off the ground.
anyways, cameron was ACTUALLY ready, despite him also being less than ripped.
but hey, it's the thought that counts.
lucky for our favorite boys, charlie didn't fall though the ice that day.
in fact, even when he slipped and fell onto the lake, the thick layer didn't so much as crack.
i think we can all visualize neil perry's woops and smile when he realized his plan was actually going to work.
after dinner that night, when the stars were just beginning to show themselves, a small yet steady bit of snow began to fall from the sky.
welton was so peaceful in the winter.
and that peace was interrupted by seven excitable boys jumping around and throwing snowballs at each other.
choruses of laughter followed by shushing repeated numerous times through the long walk to the lake.
they're all bundled up, hats and gloves illuminating red cheeks & noses.
but there is a sort of spotlight on our hero, todd anderson, who has chosen to wear not one, not two, not three, not four (bear with me here), not five, not six, but SEVEN layers of clothing.
there are two pairs of pants, an undershirt, two long sleeve shirts, a sweatshirt, and a jacket.
neil has to keep his arm around him, for he literally can't see where he's going.
charlie keeps running around behind him and smacking the back of his jacket as hard as he can; and todd can't feel a thing.
at least he's warm!
skating proves to be a bit of a challenge. it's not like an ice rink where you can hold on to the side walls.
they have to hold on to each other.
what's this? ah yes. stephen meeks and gerard pitts are strangely very talented at skating, and have already moved quite far from the others, who are having an... interesting time.
cameron is quite a good skater as well, though he occasionally stops with his hands out, moments from a faceplant.
charlie dalton skates like a penguin walks; unsteadily, yet it somehow works. he attempts to spin, and in a cruel twist from the icy winds, falls and slides a few feet before sticking his gloved hand up in a "thumbs up" gesture.
knox overstreet is trying to be elegant, and yet looks more like he is walking, jerkily trying to navigate the slippery surface.
and here is neil perry, our mastermind of this whole trip, trying to convince todd anderson to step onto the ice.
it's not that todd doesn't want to skate. of COURSE he does. he knows that neil wanted nothing more than to do this, and he wouldn't want to ruin it.
but for some reason, he just can't seem to get up the nerve to skate.
he is ambushed quickly by a fleeting memory of his brother jeffrey, gliding across the ice when they were both much younger. he thinks of how he wanted so badly to be like him.
and so, with neil perry's hand in his, todd anderson's skate makes contact with the ice.
it takes a moment, (it always does), and yet he knows that his friends are by his side, ready to catch him.
he looks over to see neil perry's ecstatic face, that smile brightening the darkness of the night. he then sees it change, neil's mouth is an "o" shape as he fumbles to reach for todd, but neil is too late, and he is falling.
but funnily enough, instead of the yelp he expected, he finds himself laughing.
his body lands on the ice, but his head in the snow. crisis averted.
and as he lifts himself, clinging to neil for support, our hero realizes he's not afraid of falling anymore.
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