#they are silly little winter goofballs
intrstellarhearts · 2 years
✰ the dead poets society ice skating headcanons!
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a/n: i tried to find the least heartbreaking "dead poets society winter" image, so PLEASE DON'T BE SAD EVERYONE! THEY'RE ALL OK IN THIS HEADCANON SET I PROMISE :)
the idea came to neil in a dream.
swirling snow had cleared to show a frozen lake... THE lake he often spent his time at when it was nice outside, and he just knew.
he had to get the dead poet's society to go ice skating.
it would be tough; he wasn't completely sure how he would even get ice skates. and yet, neil perry was determined that this was what needed to happen.
it was a whole operation too!
meeks and pitts were the perfect men for the job of securing the ice skates.
the two of them were so in tune with each other that they could get in & get out of the storage closet near the gym.
plus pitts has really long arms (at least in my opinion) so he could reach in and grab the skates if they were in a super tight spot.
they were able to get in, take seven pairs of skates, and run out with no consequences.
mission one accomplished.
then there was the issue of figuring out if the lake was actually frozen or not.
though cameron said it was dangerous numerous times, he was dragged outside anyway to watch what was to unfold.
it was on this particularly frigid day that one charlie dalton put on his swim trunks and goggles underneath his heavy winter coat and ventured out onto the lake to see if it could hold his weight.
knox was supposedly ready to retrieve charlie if he fell, but that little shrimp probably couldn't even lift an apple off the ground.
anyways, cameron was ACTUALLY ready, despite him also being less than ripped.
but hey, it's the thought that counts.
lucky for our favorite boys, charlie didn't fall though the ice that day.
in fact, even when he slipped and fell onto the lake, the thick layer didn't so much as crack.
i think we can all visualize neil perry's woops and smile when he realized his plan was actually going to work.
after dinner that night, when the stars were just beginning to show themselves, a small yet steady bit of snow began to fall from the sky.
welton was so peaceful in the winter.
and that peace was interrupted by seven excitable boys jumping around and throwing snowballs at each other.
choruses of laughter followed by shushing repeated numerous times through the long walk to the lake.
they're all bundled up, hats and gloves illuminating red cheeks & noses.
but there is a sort of spotlight on our hero, todd anderson, who has chosen to wear not one, not two, not three, not four (bear with me here), not five, not six, but SEVEN layers of clothing.
there are two pairs of pants, an undershirt, two long sleeve shirts, a sweatshirt, and a jacket.
neil has to keep his arm around him, for he literally can't see where he's going.
charlie keeps running around behind him and smacking the back of his jacket as hard as he can; and todd can't feel a thing.
at least he's warm!
skating proves to be a bit of a challenge. it's not like an ice rink where you can hold on to the side walls.
they have to hold on to each other.
what's this? ah yes. stephen meeks and gerard pitts are strangely very talented at skating, and have already moved quite far from the others, who are having an... interesting time.
cameron is quite a good skater as well, though he occasionally stops with his hands out, moments from a faceplant.
charlie dalton skates like a penguin walks; unsteadily, yet it somehow works. he attempts to spin, and in a cruel twist from the icy winds, falls and slides a few feet before sticking his gloved hand up in a "thumbs up" gesture.
knox overstreet is trying to be elegant, and yet looks more like he is walking, jerkily trying to navigate the slippery surface.
and here is neil perry, our mastermind of this whole trip, trying to convince todd anderson to step onto the ice.
it's not that todd doesn't want to skate. of COURSE he does. he knows that neil wanted nothing more than to do this, and he wouldn't want to ruin it.
but for some reason, he just can't seem to get up the nerve to skate.
he is ambushed quickly by a fleeting memory of his brother jeffrey, gliding across the ice when they were both much younger. he thinks of how he wanted so badly to be like him.
and so, with neil perry's hand in his, todd anderson's skate makes contact with the ice.
it takes a moment, (it always does), and yet he knows that his friends are by his side, ready to catch him.
he looks over to see neil perry's ecstatic face, that smile brightening the darkness of the night. he then sees it change, neil's mouth is an "o" shape as he fumbles to reach for todd, but neil is too late, and he is falling.
but funnily enough, instead of the yelp he expected, he finds himself laughing.
his body lands on the ice, but his head in the snow. crisis averted.
and as he lifts himself, clinging to neil for support, our hero realizes he's not afraid of falling anymore.
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silly-honeybee · 9 months
What Blue Lock boys would get you for Christmas🎁
~🐝 Happy late Christmas my lovely sillies! I have been rlly busy lately so I haven’t had time to write💔 so I hope you enjoy this lil headconon on what the Blue Lock boys would get you for Christmas!
Characters: Bachira, Isagi, Chigiri, Nagi, Kunigami, Reo, Kaiser, Alexis, Hiori
Headcanon ~ Fluffy fluff ~ fem!reader ~ not proofread
Warning(?): mentions of bras and panties in Kunigami’s part. (don’t know if that makes anyone uncomfy or not so I’m putting this here)
Bachira Meguru
Silly things. He’d get you some silly and unnecessary things—
Like he’d probably get you a shirt saying “I love pizza” or something stupid😭
But he’d also get you some pretty cute things.
Anything matching, plushies, shirts, bracelets, etc..
He is indeed a goofball(we love him for that), but of course he knows how to give serious gifts(somewhat)..
The wrapping would be horrible, I gotta say that.. probably a bunch of holes basically revealing what the present was before you even opened it.. (he’s trying his best)
Oh well, whatever he gets you just know that he means it with a lot of love💕
Isagi Yoichi
He’d probably get you nice things for the winter, like a fuzzy sweater, scarf, boots..
Or he’d find a cute dress that he thinks would look nice on you, if you don’t like dresses then a cute pair of shorts or pants..
But, in general he would make sure to get you something he knew you liked, he thinks about you a lot, yk? ^^
(This is rlly short I’m sorry🙏)
Chigiri Hyoma
This man will spoil you.
You like Sanrio? Sanrio it is. You want makeup? Makeup it is. You want the full series of your favorite book? Books it is!
He never disappoints on Christmas, he knows what you like even if you haven’t told him—
Like he just noticed a certain detail of you having quite a few of this and that. He’d then proceed to Google about it and then find nice things from it🫶
Nagi Seishiro
He’d probably be a little clueless on knowing what you’d want.. (not in a rude way).
So what he does is probably look back on the comments you made on certain characters you two have played in a game or what not. And the ones you liked he’d find some merch of that character..
Kunigami Rensuke
He’d definitely be brave enough to casually walk into the woman’s section of Target and get you a brand new bra and panties.
Based on his sister’s at home, they always seem to complain about their bras becoming loose and slack after a year..
So he assumes that maybe that happens with you too? He wants you to be comfy at all times💕
(I love this man😭)
Reo Mikage
He’d also spoil you like Chigiri, but probably in a more *ehem* Reo way..
Like he’d get you tons of stuff, too much to count. This man has money💰🤑
Every. One. Of. Those. Gifts. Have been thoroughly thought through as he was buying them.
He wanted to make sure everything was perfect💝
Michael Kaiser
Probably getting you something fancy..
A fancy robe, shoes, dress, etc..
Would also treat you to a restaurant date, Egon or something idk 🤷‍♀️
Alexis Ness
He’d get you anything you want😭
He’s such a sweetheart about it too, he would wrap your gifts in cute wrapping paper.
Every one of the gifts having a little tag in the shape of a heart saying: “To my love, from Alexis💕”
He’s such a cutie istg😭🙏
Hiori Yo
You two probably played animal crossing at some point together, so he’d definitely get you a plushie of whichever one was your favorite character!
He probably would accidentally reveal the gift before you opened it.. oopsie💕
~~~🐝 end
~🐝 I’m so sorry if some of these were short😭 like idk how to write for Kaiser,I sagi or Nagi- and there is no Rin included here bc I have no idea how to write for him🧍‍♀️ anyway! I wish you sillies a lovely rest of 2023💕
See you guys next year😋🙏 (I’m so funny haha)
Also look at this Bachira plush I got for Christmas AAAAAAA MY BBY😭 MWA MWA💋💋💋
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emotional-squid · 1 year
Scooby Doo x KISS band crossover movie: what each band member thinks of the mystery gang
Just a silly little thing I churned out at 1am lol, also the KISS characters are semi-immortal aliens to me and at least a thousand years old (("Ace and Peter" are just shorthand here for the former Spaceman and Catman))
Star Child: Daphne is a gorgeous girl and what luck that he’s her favorite! ((I know they kissed, but I can see them becoming besties as her relationship with Fred solidifies and she matures.)) Fred is pretty cute too when he’s not trying to make Daphne jealous. Definitely had fun messing with him. He’s impressed with Velma for sure and thinks she’s the gang’s leader. And Shaggy and Scooby remind him a bit of Ace and Peter (affectionate).
Demon: Shaggy and Scooby reminded him a bit of Ace and Peter as well (derogatory), but they’re chill now. Fred is dumb but a good kid. ((*to Space and Cat* “these are my two sons” *to Shaggy, Scooby, and Fred* “these are my other two sons and the dog”)) He’s married and he’s seen his fair share of redheads so he doesn’t think much of Daphne besides that she could do better than Fred and go for Star if she wanted to. As for Velma? She’s the most competent one. She’d survive the winter. She could probably ditch the reliance on scientific explanations every once in a while, but overall, nothing bad to say.
Catman (Eric): Everyone except Velma is an unserious goofball, but he’s a goofball too so he doesn’t have much room to judge. ((I can see him being friends with Shaggy and Scooby.))
Spaceman (Tommy): Same as Catman, but he’d like to know how Scooby is able to talk. He said so himself, it’s wild that an Earthling dog can do that! And Velma is… really cool, actually. She’s a great mystery solver and good at her job, if a bit dubious of the supernatural — which is totally real! But he’s cool with that and he likes that she says what’s on her mind and isn’t afraid to be snarky towards the guys and he noticed her playing Demon's ax guitar and wonders where she learned how to play bass and he wishes he had the chance to ask before they parted ways and- ((*Star, Demon, and Cat stare at him* 🤨🤨🤨 “… what? 😶”)) I'm shipping Spaceman x Velma because I can and I will :)
((Ace would be happy that his little brother has finally met someone but not before dying over him not realizing that he’s crushing on Velma 🤣🐬(Leave him alone Ace, he doesn’t have your rizz) ))
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ya-bug-boy · 10 months
Pokemon character x reader fanfic for art trade?
Ayo. It's ya boy Honey. There's a lot of you's who like my writing. Get you feeling nice and buttered up with your favorite Pokemon Boys and reader insert. We're close to two hundred followers. Never thought or expected this much love and appreciation for a goofball writer like me but I'm happy that I can make part of your day, a little bit brighter even if what I write is silly stuff.
This blog started initially as self indulgent since well, the character x reader content is usually catered with a female audience in mind. Had no idea it'd get this many followers.
Just wanted to say that I appreciate you all for following and give back some of that love by doing an art trade with you's.
Not sure how many I can get to, but as a winter holiday present to the followers of this blog, let's do a little gift exchange. I'll write a story of Pokemon x OC (your specific OC).
The rules on my blog still apply to this, don't go asking for things I don't like but depending on what you're offering to trade, I'll write YOUR OC x character content. You give me a scenario, characters, and setting and I'll see what I come up with.
As a one time exception, I'll even bust the rules down to let our lady readers have their female OC represented here. But bear in mind that this is a TRADE. We're doing a little gift exchange.
I'll write something that I consider fair to the art trade. My request is pretty simple. Draw a picture of my boys: Guzma and Honey. Ref art is under the read more. Whatever your art skill is, I wanna see it, share it, and then eat it. (jk)
Feel free to DM if you're interested! Let's have a great December together.
the boy honey
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nekomancy813 · 3 months
Chapter 4
tׁׅꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻ݊ꫀׁׅܻ݊hׁׅ֮ᨵׁׅׅυׁׅׅ꯱ꫀׁׅܻ݊ ׁׅ᥎ׁׅꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅ֮ϐׁꪱׁׁׁׅׅׅ݊ꪀ’*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  
BMO sits outside on a rock over the pond next to the treehouse. Patiently waiting for Finn & Jake passing the time by visiting “Football”. (BMO's reflective self)
They casually banter and giggle amongst each other about their recent life experiences, play lots of fun games together, and share personal gossip sessions.
Yes, Football may be BMO's alternate reflection, but to BMO they’re more than that..!
“I can't wait to finally have my first girl roommate Football!”
“But BMO.. Aren't I your girl??”
Football looks at BMO feeling a little discouraged.
BMO glides their tiny hand across the water around Football in the shape of a heart.
“Of course you are Football I’d love only you silly! Forever and ever And ever! Our love is endless, we will never die! So Please.. Accept and see yourself the way I've seen you..!”
Football slowly stops crying, rubbing their monochromatic tears off of their small face monitor. Their 8-bit cheeks warm up feeling oh so embarrassed..
“I'm so sorry I overreacted BMO..
Sometimes I forget my value in this relationship we share together”
A gentle spring wind blows through the grass and oaken trees, having the delicate flower petals dance about in the air softly landing inside the pond around Football. BMO sweetly smiles as they pick up one big pink petal and kisses it.
“I give to you this big petal Football, to remind you that you're more beautiful than any other spring flower, and always unconditionally deserving of all my kisses! You're my girl Football..!”
BMO passes Football the pretty pink petal, as it floats beside her.
Football reached out her hand, lightly touching the pure petal from beyond their reflective realm
“I will cherish this gift forever my love..”
Football warmly smiles back at BMO as she fades away within the pond's water ripples.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
Meanwhile, Finn & Hisui sit together breathing in the fresh scent of pine sap. Enjoying the moving scenery as they ride ontop Jake’s fuzzy back.
Finn plucks a pinecone from a passerby branch, cutely showing it to Hisui.
“This is a pinecone! Every autumn they drop high off these green pine trees, then gets submerged into the cold winter snow, then grows into a new baby tree in spring!”
He gently placed the little pinecone into Hisui's hands.
“And there's more where that came from too! What surrounds us is a forest of all unique types of trees and animals!”
Hisui tries pronouncing the word.. But it didn't turn out quite right..
Finn couldn't help but chuckles sweetly at Hisui's cute determination.
“Yeah Arminalz..!”
Jake listens on as Finn teaches Hisui about the lively wonders of nature. Happily watching his beloved baby brother inspire the intergalactic, extraterrestrial girl.
Hisui holds the smol pinecone up to her chest, lightly sniffing it. Suddenly the pinecone begins to glow as it morphs, transforming into a beautiful glass enigmatic figure.
Hisui was startled! She immediately dropped the glass pinecone, but Finn quickly caught it before it fell to the ground.
“Hey! Be careful.. You wouldn't wanna lose your lucky pinecone do ya?
Trust me it's best to keep your new creation safe with you..!” Finn gave Hisui back the glass pinecone, gently cupping it in her hands not letting go; as he stared deeply in her semi-colored eyes.
“Besides, I think you made that pinecone..V-Very beautiful!”
Hisui's little lopey ears perked up slightly as her face brightened up a flustered hot pink.
“.. Okie!”
Hisui squeaks.
Finn warmly smiles back at Hisui tilting his head to her again just to be a goofball.
“Look who's being the weirdo now~”
Jake lifts an eyebrow to his brother Finn smugly and snorts. Finn firmly claps his hands together, inhales, then snaps back.
“Jake. The. Butternubbz. Dog. I will personally take away yo flipping viola and play it by myself, so help me!!”
“Hey! My name doesn't have Butternubbz in it!! And stay away from my viola!”
Jake whines and barks back embarrassed. Just then the two brothers quiet their petty bickering as they overhear Hisui quietly giggle to herself. Bubbly wagging her tail.
“Heheee.. Butternubbz bean!”
“Aw Man not you too Hisui! Dang it Finn!”
Jake huffs at him.
“Looks like I got the upper hand now dude!”
Finn returns the smugness back, feeling proud of himself. Waving his fists up high in victory until they all finally made it back to the treehouse!
“Alrighty kids, we're home!”Says Jake.
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spellbindinggg · 1 year
you're the first person to ask so ty 😊
💖: fav character??
- I say my favorite character would be lizzie hearts. Her personality differentiates her from the rest of the characters and I liked her design a lot 😍
🤮: least fav character??
- it's not that I hate him but I just don't like him: sparrow hood. He kinda just makes me annoyed and there really isn't much to his character, let alone personality. All I know about him is that he likes to yell, play his guitar and be annoying. But don't get me wrong; sometimes his annoying-ness could be funny.
❤: top 3 royals?? 👑
- faybelle, apple, and again, lizzie. I already said why for lizzie, faybelle because I just think she's pretty cool and underrated. I'm sad she doesn't appear in the show that much as like a semi main character (except in like, epic winter) or get more insight into what her character or life is like. We already know shes the daughter of the villain of briar's story, wants to be the "baddest faerie of 'em all" and wants/did help the evil queen with controlling the world (which in my opinion is pretty cute). An episode that focuses on her would be nice, but since the show got cancelled we will never really know much of her.
I feel like liking Apple is a bit controversial amongst the fandom. Like there's a bunch of Apple white haters, but there's a lot that think she's neat. I think she's neat. She might sound or act selfish towards Raven in terms of their destiny for example but she just acts like that because she wants the best for Raven (and she wants their destiny to play out perfectly), at least I think so. I mean they're really good friends in the show and care about each other, and she also cares about her other friends like ashlynn or briar and is a good person overall.
💜: top 3 rebels?? ❤️‍🔥
- darling, maddie, maybe cedar. Darling because she defies the fairytale norms. She's athletic, and wants to pursue her destiny as being the white knight of wonderland which is pretty badass. She's kinda like a "im not like other girl's" girl in the best way possible. She's supposed to be a damsel in distress but she really just doesn't want to and it's so fun to just see her change into her armor. I REALLY WISH they did something with the "I can slow down time whenever I flip my hair" idea. She's literally majestic and her voice is so pretty, it would be funny if for example she was brushing her hair in front of her locker and when she finally tossed her hair to the side everyone was suddenly staring at her in slow motion and she's just like "ugh not again 😠"
Maddie is probably self explanatory because everyone in the fandom likes her. I've never once encountered or even seen a person who doesn't like Maddie. She's a cute, energetic goofball and the silly friend of the friend group. I mean what could be better than that?
And finally cedar, I will protect her will my whole damn life 🥰 she's just so innocent and relatable and cute a maybe a bit underrated, not to mention she's friends with a lot of people. Just like faybelle, I wish I got to know more about her character because she's just so interesting to me. I mean she can't lie about anything, which literally makes her the most honest character in the show. Out of all people I'd figure she would be mean or rude since she's forced to tell the truth but that's not the case at all. She's a really sweet and shy, and generally a good natured person and I love that for her.
🃏: top 3 wonderlandians??
- lizzie, maddie and kitty. Again, already explained my reasons for the first two, but kitty just because she's really sly and mysterious. You never really know what's coming next when it comes to her. And i feel like in a way she would cause a little more trouble than faybelle tbh, or at least in the same path of mischievous-ness. She likes to follow her mother's footsteps and it's really cute to see that play out. Sometimes her pranks get annoying like in spring unsprung, but what I like about her is that she eventually recognizes what's fine and what's too far and genuinely cares about her friends. Despite this though I feel like she would be responsible for a huge ass car crash that ended up killing at least 2 people.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
hi P 🥺 i was wondering if you could write some soft sunday morning fluff for Frankie? like pure domesticity, waking up together and making breakfast together and eating it outside to enjoy the early sunlight, idk i just miss him sm. i love your fics so much
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AN | You can have whatever you like bb, we want some best boyfriend Frankie? You get some best boyfriend Frankie! 🥰
Pairing | Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 1.9k
Masterlist | Frankie, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You couldn’t have asked for a better morning. You were currently tucked under your big, warm duvet with your heater of a boyfriend next to you, his arm draped around your waist. You’d left the window open the night before, letting in the cool air which had turned into a light, early morning drizzle. It was the perfect contrast to the warmth you were enveloped in. 
It was getting later into the morning, but the sky was cloudy and gray. Fall was slowly turning into winter, and more and more days were filled with your favorite weather. Frankie insisted that you liked it because it was perfect cuddle weather and gave you an excuse to cuddle him even more than normal. You loved it for many reasons, but you couldn’t lie - that was definitely a compelling enough reason. 
You could feel his warm breath against your back as he snored lightly. It was nice to have him like this, able to rest and relax and not have to worry about anything. If it was possible, you would have stayed like this forever; there was no better place than in his arms. You took his hand in yours, slowly lacing your fingers together and held them against your chest. He made a small sound but didn’t move, which only caused you to smile. There was no need to get up just yet, no urgent or pressing matters that needed to be attended to, so you allowed yourself to drift back to sleep. Just a little bit longer in your lover’s arms sounded perfect. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You woke up to gentle, soft kisses behind pressed to your cheeks which made you smile from the tickleness from his stubble. You cracked an eye open and found him leaning over you with a gentle expression on his face. You reached up and touched his face, gently stroking over his cheek, “good morning, little honey bee.”
“Good morning, my love,” you shifted so you were sitting up, and slowly kissed him, causing him to lean into your touch and sigh wistfully, “how long have you been up?”
“Not long,” he admitted with a sheepish smile, “just watching you and couldn’t help myself.”
“Watching me?” you teased with an eyebrow raised, “I don’t think there’s anything even remotely appealing about watching me snore and drool.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” he insisted as you just giggled at his silliness. You were an absolute sucker for this silly, dopey, goofball of a sweetheart of a man, “you are incredibly sexy no matter what. Even if you sound like you’re sawing logs when you snore.”
“I’m kidding,” he laid back down as you gently pushed his chest before pulling you on top of him, “it’s not that bad. I can tune it out with ear plugs.”
“Frankie Morales, you’re the worst,” you took his hands in yours before tilting your head down so you could nudge your nose against his, “and I am so in love with you.”
“How funny,” he caught your eye and smiled softly, “I happen to be very in love with you.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Something smells delicious,” you padded into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear as you spotted Frankie in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as he watched something cooking while scrolling through something on his phone. He looked up and his expression faltered for a second before it softened. You’d just taken a shower, hair still damp, and you’d pulled on one of his shirts and a pair of boxers, “Frankie?”
“How do you manage to look a million times better in my clothes than I do?” he asked as you dramatically rolled your eyes before walking over to him. He set down his phone before wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the crown of your head, “hi.”
“Hi,” you replied softly, “just so you know, you always look super fuckin’ sexy to me."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you spied the bit of red creeping into his cheeks. You ghosted your fingers along his jaw, gently scratching at his patchy beard. His fingers wrapped around your wrist and he slowly brought your hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
"Flattery will get me everywhere," you winked before patting his cheek, "don't act like it suddenly won't."
"What can I help with?" you looked at the small stack of pancakes he'd made. He tutted lightly and put his hands on your waist as he gently maneuvered you out of his way, "Frankie!"
Without another word he easily set you on the counter, and you let out a small sound of surprise. You shook your head in amusement, "I can handle it. Besides, there's not much left to do."
"Which I can do-"
"Nope," he popped the p, but you could see the amusement on his face, "let me take care of my girl, huh?"
"When you put it like that, how could I possibly say no?" you swung your legs back and forth lightly before you tugged on his arm and pulled him back to your lips. You kissed him softly, which only caused him to blush harder, "I love you."
"I love you," he grinned, that boyish expression on his face, "how does my girl want her eggs?"
"Hmmm…surprise me?"
"One surprise coming right up!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I don't think I can move," you put down your fork after swallowing your last bite of pancakes. You leaned back and let out a long groan, "I ate way too much but it was all worth it."
"Me too," he agreed, catching your eye before the two of you shared a giggle, "I don't even want to think about cleaning up and doing the dishes."
"I don't think we should think about it all," you agreed, "that sounds like something that could wait until later. Like until we need the kitchen for dinner later."
"I like the way you think," he grinned, "I knew I fell in love with you for good reason. Beautiful and smart. But I'm going to suggest something even better."
"Oh? Do go on."
"How about we get a fire going and then just…lay on the couch and watch some Netflix?"
"Now that sounds like a perfect afternoon. But the real question is - will there be cuddles and kisses?” you batted your lashes at him and offered up the best doe eyes you could manage. You knew neither were necessary to get what you wanted, but you liked doing it nonetheless; you knew it was his weakness.
“There will be cuddles and kisses,” he crooked his finger at you as he leaned, and you followed suit, “there will even be some making out and inappropriate touching.”
“You really know how to win a girl over, Morales. I’d be a fool to turn you down,” you leaned in just a little and quickly pressed your lips to his. You could still taste the faint bits of syrup and fruity sweetness clinging to his plush lips, which just caused you to grin at him, “you’re a true romantic.”
“‘course I am,” he slowly stood up and wiped his hands before coming around to your side of the table and offering you his hand, “how else would I have gotten you to agree to go out with me?”
“Hmm,” you mused, “I mean…to be fair we met in a bar when we were drunk and had a one night stand. It just happened to work out for us, baby.”
“Because I’m a true romantic,” he insisted as you sighed in amusement, “come on, we have to get a start on our lazy afternoon of cuddles!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Just as you had opened the window the evening before, you likely cracked some of the windows in the living room while Frankie started the fire. It would just be enough to bring in some fresh air along with the cozy comfort of the crackling fire. After pulling some of the fluffiest and softest blankets on the couch you made yourself comfortable on the couch and motioned for Frankie to join you. He grabbed the remote before quickly getting into your little blanket cocoon, lying down and stretching across the couch, resting in between your legs with his head on your stomach. Out of habit, you reached down and started playing with his soft hair. His eyes instantly closed and he made a small, happy little sound in the back of his throat. 
“What do you want to watch?” he asked as he started flicking through netflix, scrolling through the saved list, “horror, comedy, drama, romance, a combination of all of the above?”
“Okay but what movies combine all of those?” you snorted in amusement; you could tell he was trying to think of something just so he could tease you.
“I mean technically, you could consider Star Wars to fit…it’d be a stretch on the drama but Darth Vader can be pretty intimidating,” you immediately dissolved into a fit of giggles, “don’t laugh! Do you remember the hallway scene at the end of Rogue One? Pure horror!”
“Fine, fine, fine Morales, I’ll give you this one,” he turned his head so he was looking up at you, “but perhaps not today. How about a comedy or something? That way in case we fall asleep-”
“Or end up getting a little too handsy!”
“In case we fall asleep or you lack any self control, my love,” you teased, “we won’t be missing too much if it’s comedy.”
“Smart girl,” he agreed, “let’s do that. I make no promises or guarantees on not falling asleep though. You are a very comfortable pillow.”
“I do take my job very seriously,” you promised, “I would do anything for the best boyfriend ever. Best boyfriend Frankie.”
“Best girlfriend Bee,” he whispered through a yawn, the large breakfast and cloudy weather already getting to him. You couldn’t help but yawn in response which caused him to shake in silent laughter, “umm…I think it’s naptime for me.”
“I’m absolutely going to be joining you,” you pulled the blanket tighter around the both of you, “I love you so much, Frankie.”
“I love you so much and more, Honey Bee.”
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J2 Main Panel Nashcon 2021
Jared once again shows off his shirt before starting the panel making sure people at the main panel know that it’s a gift from Jensen. It’s so cute how proud and happy he is with this shirt, he loves the thing so much 💕
I’m gonna tell y’all right off the bat, this panel was not as good as the Gold panel- it had it’s moments! But some of the questions…oof. Instance number one comes in the form of a fan asking about Gino. For those that don’t know that’s Jensen’s brother in law, the fan wanted to know where he was because she has a crush on him. Girl, I reluctantly respect the confidence you gotta have for this but shoot your shot in his DM’s, this is real life not Wattpad!
Anyway, here’s a timestamp to Jared being a goofball when trying to get back up on the stage cause he had gotten down to greet the fan (previous to the question). x
Who would they kill to work with purely to learn from them? Jared says Jensen 😭❤ He says he’s learned so much from working with him, that he’s hesitant to trust on set but he knows with Jensen everyday he works with him he’s a little better the next morning and he can’t wait to work with him again 🥺
Jensen echoes the sentiment, also says he would love the opportunity to work with Viggo Mortensen or Keanu Reeves because he has heard wonderful things about both of them; that both him and Jared both aspire to not just be able to play at that level but also be respected at that level. A movie with Jensen and Keanu would be a fucking dream just saying 😍
Jared very badly attempts to do a Chewbacca sound but I find it adorable so I’m leaving a timestamp 😂
They were asked who inspired them as artists when they were younger. Jared says he liked actors who were silent but deadly- now y’all know that made Jensen crack up! But basically what he means is actors that we would call scene/show stealers, they’re not the big name on the movie marquee but they are the ones who stand out and you remember most. Jensen says actors like Harrison Ford and Bruce Willis but he also grew up watching silly comedies with his dad so he also found inspiration from actors like Mel Brooks and Jerry Lewis. x
Asked what they miss most and least about working together, Jensen says he misses their shorthand the most, and Jared going into his trailer and leaving his gum on the counter the least 😂 Jared also he misses his and Jensen’s shorthand the most having that trust, that they know each other’s strengths- that he misses having somebody on set who he knows so well and who knows him so well that they can tell when he’s thinking about something else and bring him back to the scene. Jensen agrees, and adds that some actors don’t like that for several reasons including ego but that never existed between him and Jared because they knew they had each other’s best interest at heart. x
Someone decided to be unnecessarily rude, they told Jared that their roommate asked her to tell him that she’s rewatching Gilmore Girls and hates his character Dean. This was unnecessary, telling an actor at a convention with no prompting or reason whatsoever that you, or someone you know, hates the character they portrayed is rude. There’s really no reason to do that, you’re not gonna gain anything from it, they're the actor, they're not the character nor the writer. Their question was about how the fams were doing, they both said good the kids are excited for school to go on winter break.
Moving on, they were asked about holiday traditions! Jared mentions several including having pumpkin pie and turkey and stuffing, and watching the Cowboys game on Thanksgiving says it’s the same for Jensen, freaking husbands. Also mentions several movies he watches including Love Actually cause he loves that movie. Now…I’m gonna leave a timestamp to the full question but I’m also going to leave a timestamp to this specific moment so y’all can form your own opinion but when Jared mentions Love Actually Jensen remembers how one time he had forgotten that movie is not appropriate for children because of a side plot it has and the kids walked into the living room to play while the movie was on and he had to quickly change the channel. I listened to this part like 10 times with headphones at different volumes, I even slowed down the audio twice! I swear to God the way Jensen tells this story is as if he and Jared were watching the movie, left to do some things in the kitchen and then Jensen walked back and realized the kids had entered the living room, and the fact that Jared is just nodding and smiling as Jensen is telling this anecdote like he remembers that moment…..like I said I’mma leave y’all the timestamp but I know what I heard and I heard domestic husbands: x
Jensen mentions D’s mom makes Whiskey Balls, which Jared can’t resist making dirty jokes about. x
For those who may not be aware when news of the Walker prequel came out Hollywood Reporter mistakenly reported that Jared was an EP on Winchesters, this is not true and a retraction was made. But I guess this fan didn’t keep up with the story because they asked the boys directly about it. They let the fan know this was incorrect information caused by a mix up, but it lent Jensen the opportunity to get something off his chest; he talks about Rust and the media attention it has been getting, and how it’s been difficult for him to keep quiet, which he does for a multitude of reasons, when he reads and sees big, reputable new sources posting and headlining false information that it’s heartbreaking and angering for him to see them spread lies about what happened. x
Storyline they would change! Soulless!Sam for Jensen because it took away the relationship Dean had with his brother and that’s something he leaned into, it’s something that gave Dean a lot of direction and something that gave him a lot of direction on how to play Dean; that as a fan and audience member he enjoyed it and Jared knocked it out of the park but as an actor he hated it, it was very difficult for him. Jared says the Amelia storyline. Bless this boy, I loathed that storyline. He says the actress is wonderful but he wishes Sam and Amelia had never gotten together, that he wishes the first time Sam had decided to live a life after Dean was gone because Dean asked him to have been at the end. I agree, Jared, I agree. x
Someone asked if they could hitch a ride on someone, or something, or an animal to do something they otherwise wouldn’t be able to do who or what would be; Jensen says an Eagle, Jared says peregrine falcon they’re joking around and there’s a moment that I personally found really cute cause Jensen’s like ‘the point is to be a bird! A big bird!’ and Jared’s like ‘did you just say you wanna be a big bird?’ and Jensen goes “yes! And you can be my grouch” I found that so cute💕
Childhood Christmas memory that sticks out in their mind? Jared mentions when he got his first bicycle, he doesn’t remember how old he was but he remembers his dad taking him outside to the sidewalk and by the end of the day he knew how to ride a bicycle. For Jensen it’s more a tradition than a specific memory.
When he was growing up his and his siblings room where on the other end of the house and to get to them you had to go through the living room into a hallway. And his dad would cut black trash bags and tarp up the hallway entrance so they couldn’t get into the living room and see Santa, and Jensen would have to yell across the house to wake his parents up cause they couldn’t go wake them up - their room was on the other end - and him and his siblings had to wait till their parents woke up, had coffee and got the camera. So him and his siblings would be waiting on the other side and Jensen would be the most excited out of his siblings, getting all hyped up and then running right through the bags into the living room when his father gave the all clear. It's a cute and fun tradition.
Also I am 100% certain Jared has heard this story before, and probably seen the home videos. x
Last question! They were asked weirdest fan interaction and listen I know this is kind of a boring question by now but this time it was asked by a little kid so we’re gonna give it a pass, also because it led to a j2 date night mention. Jensen shared that him and Jared were headed out to dinner the night before, Jared was waiting for him in the lobby and when Jensen go out of the elevator he noticed Jared was finishing talking to a girl, she’s walking away but Jared calls her back when he notices Jensen so she can meet him cause she’s a fan of the show and her reaction was to go “OH GOD” which hilarious 😂 but most importantly the boys were out having dinner together on Saturday 🙌
And with that my friends we mark the final j2 panel, and convention, of 2021! 🎉 Hopefully next years will be just as good- or even better! 😉🙏
J2 Main Panel Nashcon 2021
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stayevildarling · 3 years
Headcanon: How the Sarah‘s comfort reader while it‘s thundering
Taglist: (if you wanna be added or taken off, send me a dm or an ask)
@lunaticwhittaker , @mrsdeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @twistedpoeticjustice , @billiebeanhoward , @minaslittleone , @vintagepaulson , @ninaahs , @whitelotus00 , @httpfiftyshadesofgay , @talulahmae , @commanderspeach , @lntlmate , @billiedeansgirl , @isle-of-earle
Cordelia Goode💛:
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-she notices you shifting in the bed and instantly wakes
-she uses a spell to quieten the sounds of thunder
-your girlfriend cups your cheeks and is right by your side, cooing to you
-„shh sweetheart, I have got you, you are safe“ she reassures
-she gently rocks you in order to calm you and you end up falling asleep in her arms
Ally Mayfair Richards: ❤️
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-she wakes when she notices you shivering in the bed
-Ally turns the lights on and tells you that she is right here with you
-she suggests a nice relaxing bath to help you calm down
-she offers to stay with you but notices you being a little clingy so she gets in with you and holds you
-your girlfriend will quietly hum to you, just like she usually would, which instantly calms you
Wilhemina Venable: 💜
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-the redhead is secretly scared of thunder herself, even though she would never admit it or show you
-as a result, she is awake, just quietly sitting in bed when she notices you waking up scared
-she doesn’t say much but she gives you a compassionate smile, before going to make some tea for you both
-Wilhemina ends up choosing a calming lavender tea to help get you back to sleep and relax
-when she returns, you notice that she had also been awake, her book still on the nightstand and you point at it and ask a little shyly whether she would read to you
-she gives you an adorable touched smile before nodding and you rest your head in her lap, before she gently strokes her fingers through your hair and starts reading to you
-„It‘s okay, I‘m here little one“
Audrey Tindall: 💚
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-the blonde is a giant goofball and tries everything to distract you
-she cracks a few terrible jokes to try and get your thoughts away from the thunder
-she pulls funny and silly faces as well, causing for you both to burst out laughing
-she walks over to the window, trying to contain the lightning but on the way back she trips and falls over being her usual clumpsy self which causes you both to burst out laughing again
Billie Dean Howard: 🖤
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-the medium is a deep sleeper so it takes a lot to wake her but she does end up waking when she feels you trying to hide in her arms
-she sleepily opens her eyes and realizes you are scared of the thunder, her blonde curls falling freely and her bed hair momentarily distracting you because of how cute she looks
-she feels bad for not waking earlier so she holds you tight to make up for it
-„how about we watch your favorite movie and get some ice cream babydoll?“ she suggests
-the both of you end up snuggled on the sofa and eventually you fall asleep back in the blondes arms but she stays awake a little longer to make sure you‘re okay
Sally McKenna: 💙
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-Sally is awake anyway, standing by the window and smoking a cigarette while watching the thunderstorm, as she loves them
-however, she realizes you almost jumping in the bed so she is by your side, discarding her cigarette in an ashtray
-she isn’t too sure what to do at first but then she has a conversation with you about thunder, trying to show you the pretty sides and the two of you end up looking at it from the window and taking some photos and videos, distracting you from how scared you felt in the first place
Lana Winters: 🧡
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-the brunette has always been scared of thunder, the loud noises and bright lights so one night you find her on the sofa, as she wasn’t able to sleep, knowing a storm was coming
-she doesn’t say much but you already know what this is about, often finding her in the past before when it was thundering so you know just what to do
-in the end, you walk to the kitchen and make a hot chocolate for the both of you, knowing it‘s her favorite
-she takes it with a shy and loving smile before thanking you and the two of you end up spending hours just talking together and you notice her relaxing a lot in your presence
TB Karen: 🤍
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-she notices you waking up and being scared and she isn’t too sure what to do at first
-after a moment she walks out the room, just to return seconds later with one of her paintings
-you notice it’s one she painted of a thunderstorm and she starts talking about the process of painting, the colors she used and how the light plays
-you end up so distracted by her amazing talent and how calm she makes storms sound and in response you don’t feel scared anymore in her presence
thank you very much @minaslittleone for your help 💕
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simssprout · 4 years
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sims 4 holiday legacy!
i wanted to make a fun legacy with some silly rules to shake up the traditional goal based legacies! hope you enjoy it!
general rules:
- must complete aspiration, get to level ten of career, and complete extra rules to complete gen
- can use money cheats (if you want it to be traditional legacy, start with 1800 simoleans, if not, download a nice house and have starting funds)
- physical style/dress sense are suggestions, as you can have your sims look however you want
- everyone in household must have an excellent holiday for the holiday that correlates with the gen. if the holiday didnt come with seasons, add it to the calender!
gen 1: new years
as the first holiday of the year, youre ready to get your life, body, and mind into shape!
- traits: active, dog lover, perfectionist
- aspiration: bodybuilder
- career: writer (author)
- must always be dressed “fancy”
- silvery/platinum blonde hair
- max out fitness and writing skill. reach level five of wellness
- if you have the packs, include vintage glamour or luxury party in multiple rooms of your house
- whenever you are tense, must do yoga to cool off
- have a dog with active trait, go for jogs with them often
- only eat foods that you deem as healthy
- visit every gym lot in game (could do just premade ones and/or can add your own)
- marry a sim you met a gym or spa
- only publish motivational books or fitness
- have three friends that you go out with occasionally and party
- get “juiced” every holiday
gen 2: love day
youve been obsessed with romcoms and romance novels since you were a kid. now that youre grown up, you want to fulfill your childhood romance dreams!
- traits: romantic, bookworm, art lover
- aspiration: soulmate
- career: social media, either branch
- pink/red hair
- dress “romantically” (if you have seasons, use heart dress/suit)
- max charisma and painting skill
- must go on weekly dates with significant other
- gush about partner whenever option is avliable
- paint multiple portraits of partner using paint from reference
- only read romance novels and watch romantic tv
- if you have pets, must dress them in cute dresses
- live in the city as a young adult, can move after if you want to
- always go to romance festival
- have a boy and a girl
gen 3: talk like a pirate day
youve always loved the pirate lifestyle, exploring, stealing, and meeting people all over the place. eventhough you cant have a career as a pirate, that dosent stop you!
- traits: kleptomaniac, non-commital, self-assured
- aspiration: jungle explorer
- career: mixologist
- must wear a pirate outfit/hat as an everyday outfit
- max mixology and archeology skill. reach at least level four mischief
- have at least two children with different partners
- marry someone young, divorce, and never marry again
- have multiple boyfriends/girlfriends at a time
- always sell your artifacts and any other “treasure” you find
- complete at least four “plumages” (temples)
- attempt to steal something from every lot you visit
- for extra fun, if you use mc command center, max woohoo skill
- accept any party invite
gen 4: bunny day
you love being outside! in any weather, your family can expect to find you exploring outside in the garden, fishing, or finding some frogs
- traits: loves outdoors, unflirty, clumsy
- aspiration: angling ace
- career: fisherman and have a business (selling flower arrangements and mounted fish) or gardener (floral arranger)
- one outfit should be overalls
- green/purple hair
- this sim really likes hats
- max fishing and flower arranging. reach level 5 gardening and baking
- always talk about the current weather in every conversation
- if raining, shower in the rain instead of your shower
- have a large garden, but only grow flowers
- complete frog collection
- have a full fish tank in your house
- live in a tiny house
- purchase storm chaser and water resistant aspiration traits
- have one child
- become BFF with flower bunny
gen 5: earth day
the love your parent had for nature passed onto you. you want to make sure youre enjoying outside, while also protecting it!
- traits: green fiend, maker, gloomy
- aspiration: outdoor enthusiast
- career: eco innovator
- have green hair
- have a boho style
- live in either storage container or tiny home
- max herbalism and fabrication
- when you visit - must pick plain lot and sleep in a tent
- live off the grid and/or have surplus of energy
- have a large garden full of just fruits/veggies
- gift your herbal recipes to friends and family
- have bees and bugs
- have dumpster dived furniture in every room (once you unlock smog vaccum)
- one day a week do not eat a meal, only eat harvestables
- vote for a community garden maker space if living in evergreen harbour
- optional: can become a plant sim
gen 6: simspendence day
the party lifestyle is the lifestyle for you! friends, drinking, and fun is how you live your life! but you also make time to solve and end crime in your wonderful world!
- traits: dance machine, bro, jealous
- aspiration: party animal or island life
- career: detective
- red/yellow hair
- wears sunglasses often, even in cold weather!
- live in oasis springs
- any cooking you do must be on a grill or over a fire
- max guitar, dancing, and dj skill. reach level 4 fitness
- sing karaoke whenever theres a karaoke machine present
- have gold on every event type
- get suntans often
- ride bikes and kick soccer balls often
- have a large backyard with hot tub, fire pit, and water slides
- have two kids, have a good relationship with both. no parenting interactions though.
- watch sports tv only
- have five good friends (not including family). give two of them your house key
gen 7: prank day
what can you say? pranking is fun! messing with people and rilling them up is your favorite passtime.
- traits: goofball, ambitious, mean
- aspiration: chief of mischief
- career: engineer
- max comedy, mischief, and robotics
- always do a funny introduction to people
- use voodoo doll everytime you see the person it is bound to
- go to all dance parties you are invited to after 8pm and prank people
- create a servo
- marry someone that you had a bad relationship with originally
- you really like bowling. take your dates/family bowling often
- have a sad clown painting in your house
- if theres a microphone present, perform a comedy routine
gen 8: spooky day
youve always been obsessed with the spooky season and occult sims. now that you have your own house, its always spooky season!
- traits: loner, genius, neat
- aspiration: nerd brain
- career: astronaut
- black hair
- this sim wears glasses
- max rocket science, handiness
- befriend one of every occult
- can have a spooky house or just always have it decorated spooky
- must have at least one everyday outfit that is a “costume”
- always have carved pumpkins outside your door
- complete geode collection
- visit sixam at least three times
- have a child from a one night stand. do not marry that sim. marry an occult sim
gen 9: harvestfest
cooking has been an outlet for you since your parents let you near the stove. you love creating recipes for your family, friends, and even pets to try!
- traits: glutton, lazy, cat lover
- aspiration: big happy family or successful lineage
- career: own a vet
- yellow/orange hair
- wears mostly warm (tan, brown, yellow, orange) clothes
- max gourment cooking and vet skill
- have all 8 slots full (can include pets)
- must cook homemade pet recipes weekly
- have a little veggie patch for fresh ingredients
- befriend patchy
- whenever eating food not made by you, complain about the meal
- if you cook something less than excellent quality, throw it away and make a new dish, no matter how hungry you are
- get married twice
- rake leaves and then woohoo in them
- have family move nights schedules on the calendar!
gen 10: winterfest
winter is the best! the good food, cold weather, and constant family time is what life is all about!
- traits: family oriented, cheerful, materialistic
- aspiration: lady of the knits
- career: education
- blue/silvery hair
- wear lots of sweaters and cozy clothing
- max cooking and knitting
- give presents to family members everytime you see them
- keep a christmas tree in house year round
- must declare “snow” as favorite weather
- every day there is snow on ground, you must interact with it (snowball fight, shovel, snowpal, snow angel etc)
- have at least three children
- befriend father winter (can marry if you want to)
- complete snowglobe collection
- get the cold acclimation reward trait
- have a dinner party once every two weeks and cook a grand meal everytime
- have lots of family pictures in your house
- get the polar plunge player achievement (can make a holiday)
- always have a fireplace lit
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
pedro boys + 🌨snow🌨 (part 1)
inspired by me seeing snow for the first time in seven years, enjoy this fluff. shout out to @bobaandthefetts for telling me how to do a “read more” on mobile, you’re an angel
boys featured in this part: din, maxwell, javi p, oberyn, frankie, & max
boys featured in part two: whiskey, marcus m, ezra, dave, marcus p, & pero
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din: he’s been everywhere, has seen all different kinds of climates and the creatures that inhabit them. snow isn’t new to him (and is honestly seen as a pest when it comes to how it effects the razor crest & his beskar). when he sees you playing with grogu in the white powder, he finds it in him to not completely hate the stuff. will be the one waiting onboard the crest w warm broth and extra blankets for the two of you to bundle up with once you’re done playing. if you catch din on a good day, he might join you for a few minutes. you conspire w the kid to pummel his dad w snowballs and wow is that kid a great aim w the force. when din’s splattered with stray bits of snow and the kid is tuckered out
maxwell: this man is a whole ass dork. when he sees how happy you and alistair are at seeing the snow, his first question is “who’s ready to go play in it?” makes sure you’re both bundled up perfectly “snug as a bug in a rug” (it makes alistair laugh when his dad is silly) before opening the door for you both, smiling to himself when he hears his son’s happy laughter at the first snowflakes falling on his face and stuck out tongue. runs up behind him and lifts him into the air, yours and his hearts growing several sizes at the joy found in such soft domesticity. there will be a snow family adorned in only the finest of spare winter clothes and so many silly photos of maxwell being himself instead of who the world expects him to be. he keeps a couple of said photos framed at his work office as well as his home office to remind him who he’s working hard to support.
javier p: as a texan, snow is a rarity. as a texan from laredo, it might as well be bigfoot. javi’s the type to admire snow from the comfort of your heated home. it’s the best time to find old recipes and fuzzy blankets to keep you both warm and cozy either on the couch or in bed. when you do convince him to join you outside for just a minute, it’s a sight to behold. javier peña, the most skin-showing walking-sex-appeal mf, is wearing layers. watching javi make his first snowman was far too entertaining, seeing as he kept getting frustrated when a stray leaf would get in it or when the shape is lumpy. when he had all but given up, you gave his snowman a little mustache to match his and it got a chuckle from him. after getting a few pictures of the two of you and the snow itself (and the snowman), he convinces you to come back inside and help him thaw back out however you both deem fit hehe.
oberyn: this man’s first experience with snow was filled with awe and wonder. he was but an awestruck child with little decorum (once in enough layers), but then he noticed the less fortunate — how people were freezing and unable to do anything but hold their children close and give them what little layers they had to spare. oberyn decided then to give his extra clothes he had right then to the families with children to protect the little ones from the biting snow. he was familiar with how such beautiful sights could be so terribly lethal and helped those he could. when you’re in the snow for the first time since being with him, you notice his protectiveness go thru the roof bc he can’t erase the memories of families not being able to stave off the cold and doesn’t want you to get sick. the slightest shiver will have him pulling you into his arms or into the nearest door and in front of a fire, being sure to make it up to you in every way he can.
frankie: this absolute goofball of a man is the kind of man to indulge in your every whim when it comes to snow. building your own snow people? of course! frankie’s snowman even gets to wear his hat for a picture, and you make them hold hands. snowball fights w him and the boys? you bet! they all get competitive and santi gets to play ref while you two go against the miller bros (the cold makes santi’s knees worse). snow will 100% be shoved down each other’s shirts with laughs and smiles that could thaw the snow around you with their warmth. when you’re both ready to go inside, it’s hot cocoa time and your favorite mugs are dressed to the nines — whipped cream, marshmallows, sprinkles, a generous splash of bailey’s. when a little bit of the whipped cream gets on his mustache, you take it upon yourself to kiss it away with a sly grin. the night ends w cuddles under your favorite quilts and joyous laughter abt the day you had with him and your friends.
max: he doesn’t like the cold bc his joints and muscles get stiff from the added cold on top of his vampire-natural body temp. he is very adamant on not going out in it bc of this and will work from home during severe snows. his trick to keep you from going out in it? cuddles and affection like no one’s business. it’s slightly selfish bc he wants you to stay w him and let him leech off your body warmth but you don’t have it in you to complain abt your doubly affectionate vampire. to max, fireplaces are a blessing during the winter and are even moreso when you’re laying down in front of it with him. a good movie or soft music will play as you keep his cold body warm the best way you can.
tagging a few friends & my taglist babes: @the-purity-pen @huliabitch @mudhornchronicles @thegildedquill @jangohshit @anakin-danvers @frannyzooey @filthybookworm @miraclemoreno @goldafterglow @blue-space-porgs @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @leias-left-hair-bun @obirain @olluea @themarcusmoreno @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @mackstrut @battletales @simping-for-fives @stardustsunrisekisses @darthadeline @artemis61003 @roseofalderaan @majorshiraharu @getdookuedon @capricornrabies @max--phillips @jedi-mando @bisexual-space-slut @morriganwarrioress @x-wing-77 (lmk what went wrong, loves)
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sandpumpkin · 4 years
Hello Pumpkin! I hope you are doing well! If any spots are still opened I would like to request for the Spring Faction event the prompt Flower Crowns with Shanks! If not no worries! I hope you have a lovely day!
Hallo! I do enjoy writing this goofball. I hope this is okay :) have a great day!!
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Spring Factions
Shanks: Flower Crowns
Having time off the ship was pleasant, you got to properly experience the seasons and when Shanks found an island he liked, he would stay a while. You couldn’t remember the last time you got to enjoy Spring. The flowers blooming, the crisp mornings and lighting nights. You had walked out of the little town and up towards the cliff you had seen from the ship. Heading through an arch of trees, you admired the blossoming flowers and the remnants of the winter flowers stubbornly trying to keep going. Someone calling your name brought you out of your thoughts. Raising to your full height, you turned around to see your foolish and lovable captain striding towards you. Greeting you with one of his bright grins. 
“This is where you got off too.” he hummed, “where are you going?” he questioned.
“Just up to the cliff, it looked nice from the ship.” you replied, Shanks tilted his head expectantly looking at you with big puppy eyes “would you like to come with me?” you asked in turned, earning another smile and Shank threw his arm over your shoulder. The smell of his cheap cologne filling your nose.
“I’d love to.” He hummed as the pair of you headed up the forest path until you reached the cliff. It overlooked the ocean, a little wooden fence stopped you getting too close and covering the cliff was a huge blanket of flowers. 
“How wonderful.” you gasped, leaving Shank’s side to walk through the flower field finding a good spot to kneel that wasn’t right on a bunch of flowers. Shanks followed and plopped down beside you, leaning and resting his head on your shoulders. 
“I remember being a right squirt and making them flower crown things..” he rambled reaching to pluck a nearby daisy. “Couldn’t make one anymore even if I remembered how.” he added twiddling the flower between his fingers.
“Well I could help.” you suggested, gather a few flowers you sat behind Shanks reaching around, resting your hand over his good one and the other grabbing a flower. “Helping hands.” you stated with a silly smile on your face. Shank’s laughed loudly, turning his head back slightly 
“Well then..guide me.” your plan seemed better in your head. It was surprisingly difficult to coordinate your hands from behind Shanks and to guide his properly too. “I don’t think this is working.” he said after another failed attempt of threading a flower through another. Shanks could not contain his laughter and his body shook with his boyish laughter as you cursed again from behind him. In the end you shuffled back in front of him and deftly made a flower crown.
“This is better.” you sighed in defeat, rising onto your knees you placed the crown carefully onto his crimson locks. “Beautiful” Shanks blinked and grinned goofily before flopping onto your lap looking up at you sleepily. 
“Ah. This is a nice change.” he said with a yawn “We have time before Benn comes looking for us.” 
“Then why don’t you rest a while?” you suggested, brushing a strand of hair from his. He shuffled to get comfortable and reached up to touch your cheek. 
“A kiss first?” he asked with a playful smile. How could you refuse, leaning down you kissed his lips softly. Shanks grinned before another yawn escaped his lips and he dozed off quickly. Most feared man on the Grandline was peacefully asleep on your lap with a garland of flowers around his head. 
“God I love him.” you said to yourself. 
“I love you too.” Shanks replied, you noticed him looking up at you with one eye open. 
“You were still awake?! You scoundrel!” you scolded tugging on his cheek. “What am I going to do with you?” you said, shaking your head. 
“Give me more kisses?” he asked, looking up at you with big puppy eyes “maybe play with my hair?” 
“We’ll see.” you said, cocking your eyebrow skeptically. Shanks chuckled and closed his eyes. You watched his chest rise and fall slowly in sleep. You ended up fulfilling one of his wishes, you braided flowers into his hair as he slept peacefully. By the time Benn came to find you, Shanks’ hair was almost a bouquet in itself. Benn opened his mouth and then shrugged ‘I’m not going to ask’ and nudged Shanks in the ribs until he woke up. 
“Okay, buttercup get up.” 
“5 more minutes.” Shanks yawned rolling over, putting his back to Benn. That was not an option to Benn who grabbed Shanks by the collar and his belt picking him up like a sack of potatoes.
“We have stuff to do.” 
You laughed and quickly gave chase with a spring in your step. No matter where you went, Shanks brought a warm sun with him.
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luxscape · 3 years
I require fluffy seasonal headcanons for my boy, might guy. I want to know how he is enjoying the lovely fall weather and if he is taking advantage of the atmosphere to woo whoever he is interested in. Lobe you honey!!! ❤❤🖕❤❤🤣
i lobe you too, so very very much, actually
since you didn't send a specific emoji, i will do all sorts of little seasonal headcanons for the one and only might guy!
he most enjoys the beginning of fall, when things are just starting to cool off from the summertime heat. it makes perfect training weather all day long. and yes--he does most certainly use the changing of the seasons to his advantage romantically! (see next bullet)
if you're dating might guy, it doesn't matter how long you've been together or how many times you've done it already--he's taking you on a hay ride each october. it is tradition. he has a fun time picking out pumpkins too, but nothing compares to the warmth of your body against his in the outdoors.
he's a giant goofball at home. he never lost that youthful spirit of his. he will tumble down into the leaves you've both been raking up, and drag you down with him for a silly yet romantic makeout session.
might guy, he loves a good cup of tea when it starts to get chilly out, and perhaps a little cocoa near the end of the year. he enjoys it when you try adding new flavors and spices, if you make something to drink for him.
scarf man. the man has many scarves, and he looks terribly handsome in every single one. even if some of them are maybe a little dorky. they don't make him any less attractive, i promise!!
not a good gift-giver. he is just not capable of going through the thought process, What would be an appropriate gift for Y/N? and instead lands on, I am going to give Y/N this thing that I love, because it's great, and I think Y/N will come to love it, too. which, is like, sweet. but definitely does not a good gift make--unless your metric for presents is strictly in the sentiment, of course!
winter came, and god smiled down upon you when she sent to you might guy--ultimate big spoon and space heater. you'll never be cold again.
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handsoffmyfriends · 4 years
bees with noya pls 🥰
— youve been dating nishinoya yuu for a year today but your hope for a romantic evening was dashed when your boss held you back for overtime.
PAIRING: Nishinoya Yuu x F!Reader WORD COUNT: 1,091 WARNINGS: tooth rotting fluff?
A/N: so this absolutely is not the first thought i had for this prompt. not a single aspect of this turned out originally how i had planned but i think its infinitely better this way i hope you like it sam! lets say this is my apology for making you do puffer jackets with noya
i put my trust into god and tried to post this mobile but tumblr ate like 3/4 of it so when i tried to repost as a draft it decided it was hungry anD ATE IT ALL SO MMM this is Take Two
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Bees with Nishinoya - Cutest thing they've done for their S/O
You were approaching your one year anniversary with Nishinoya. You weren't expecting anything for the day, since you were tied up with work and you'd already discussed it with Yuu and agreed to have a belated celebration on the weekend.
What you had hoped to do was finish work on time and spend the evening doing what you normally would do with Yuu, but your boss had other ideas and you ended up working overtime. By the time you had finally made it home, you were hungry, tired and in such a bad mood you barely noticed the note on the kitchen bench.
You didn't live with your boyfriend, but he visited your apartment enough times that he had a key. And he had definitely been here, since the note was in his very distinctive scrawl.
Hey babygirl ♡
I wanted to be here to surprise you, but I guess you got held back at work again?
I left you a little something in the fridge :)
I love you!
You smiled at his barely legible note, your heart warmed at the thought of him being here, waiting for you to knock off. Your phone was dead, so you couldn't even message him yet. You put it on charge before doing as instructed, checking the fridge for the little something.
It was your favourite winter dish, sitting nice and inviting in a container with a folded piece of paper perched on the lid. You quickly popped it into the microwave, suddenly much hungrier than before. and read the new note as you waited.
My babygirl ♡
First off, I didn't cook this, so you don't have to worry about food poisoning. Momma Suga helped me out!
It's probably really late now, but you should go and have a nice, hot bath after you eat this. Trust me ;)
You giggled at the thought of Suga trying to teach Yuu how to cook. It wasn't that he was inherently bad at it, Yuu was just really impatient and lacked the focus most meals required. The man could barely stand still for five seconds, so it was a longshot for him to stand around in the kitchen for half an hour.
You briefly wondered if he meant Suga had also visited and just cooked the whole meal himself, or if Yuu had called him and had Suga try and instruct him on what to do. Either way, you really owed it to your best friend for humouring Yuu.
The meal really hit the spot; it warmed your belly and you were already feeling much more relaxed as opposed to when you first came home. Yuu's cute little notes had definitely helped with that, too.
As per Yuu's instruction, your next task was to take a bath. Sitting in the middle of the tub was another note, accompanied by a new bottle of bath soak. It was your favourite scent and upon closer inspection, it was the exact soak you had raved to Yuu about several weeks ago, but lamented at the price of it. It wasn't that you couldn't afford it, but you could be frugal when it came to luxury items, and a bath soak definitely fell under something you couldn't quite justify spending more than you needed to on.
Babygirl ♡
I bet you had one hell of a day. Enjoy your new soak! It smells amazing ;)
After this, you should probably call it a night. I don't know what time it is, but you've had a big day and there's nothing like going to bed just after a relaxing bath
I'll see you later ♡
You couldn't stop yourself from shedding a few tears at the thoughtful and romantic gesture. Yuu usually fell short when it came to genuine romance because he was a silly goofball (not that it ever bothered you), but seeing all the sweet things he had just done for you filled you with overwhelming love. You would have to spoil him rotten on the weekend for this.
The soak was just what you needed. You nearly fell asleep in the tub a few times. When you dozed off and slipped below the water line, shocking yourself into sitting up coughing and spluttering, you decided that was enough bath time.
You were thoroughly relaxed despite the near death experience and it was definitely time to call it a night. You sleepily toweled yourself dry, shucking on a loose shirt that had once belonged to Yuu. You don't remember when you had claimed it, but it was yours and there was nothing he could do to reclaim it now.
When you entered your bedroom, you damn near burst into tears.
There were candles lit everywhere, some cherry blossom petals littered around, but the most shocking thing was Yuu, sitting cross legged on your bed with a lavender rose between his teeth.
Your tears spurred him to his feet, rushing over to you with concern. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
Your tears turned to laughter. You pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close for several moments before pulling away only to kiss him silly. You kissed his nose, his cheeks, his mouth, his lips, not an inch of his face was safe from your onslaught of kisses.
"You've been here this whole time?" you accused, though the smile in your voice was impossible to mask. "Why didn't you just come out and see me?"
He blushed furiously. "Well, I wanted it all to be a surprise, and what better surprise at the end than me?"
You laughed, pulling him in for another kiss. "We weren't supposed to do anything today!"
He shrugged with indifference, pulling you towards the bed. "We didn't," he emphasised. "I did. I wanted to treat you like royalty, because that's what you are to me."
He didn't give you a chance to respond. He sat you on the edge of your bed as he fell down to one knee. Your heart either spiked or stopped, you couldn't tell because all your attention was on Yuu and the little box he pulled out. "Y/N, I know it's only been a year, but I can't imagine my life without you. Will you—"
"Yes!" you blurted before he could even finish, falling down on him and crashing the both of you onto the floor.
"You didn't let me finish!" he protested through laughter.
"Answer is still yes," you countered, showering him with even more kisses than before.
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eternity-official · 4 years
🍓 + 🍉 for all :D
Also I loaf chu hehe
❀ — sunhee ;
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🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? At times Sunhee can be seen as stern or even uptight. Mostly because when she gets serious, she is definitely serious and there’s no mistaking it. She also appears really strong, even to the other members she’s a pillar. But the truth is she’s a lot softer than she lets on and she can actually be quite the goofball. She doesn’t mind being seen as the strong, tough love kind of figure, but I think part of her also just wishes people would see her more fun and childish side too. She’s also a really warm and gentle person.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why? I think spring definitely suits her best! A season for renewal and growth and nurturing. I think those vibes fit our kind and warm leader here uwu.
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❀ — flora ;
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🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? Opposite to Sunhee, people see Flora as more silly and childish even though she’s the second oldest. She’s actually a really mature and intelligent person, but sometimes her silly antics cause people to mostly only see that side of her. I think she likes being seen as someone fun and bright, but sometimes feels misunderstood or like people don’t always take her seriously.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?   I think summer for Flora! Summer being associated with hot weather and freedom and good times with your friends and family. I think that fits her and her charms well.
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❀ — miyoung ;
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🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? Miyoung sometimes gets misunderstood as mean or standoffish when really she’s just kind of quiet. Not necessarily shy either (though she can be quite closed off), she’s just often in her own head and sometimes gets a little off track. She’s really sweet but due to her quiet nature and the fact that when she does speak up it’s usually pretty funny or what other’s consider ‘savage’, people sometimes miss how soft and caring she is. It sometimes bothers her, because she mainly just has a hard time expressing herself.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?   I think winter fits her well! It’s quiet, the weather is cold, but it’s a time where you spend time with your loved ones. Bundling up and feeling warm inside in spite of the gloomy weather. I think that’s her energy.
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❀ — ruby ;
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🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them? Ruby is definitely seen as the typical savage maknae. Some people even misconstrue her as just straight up mean. But in reality, like Miyoung, she just has a hard time expressing herself (and her affections for the members.) Ruby is actually a really sensitive person, she just often keep her guard up and likes to seem strong and tough. She doesn’t mind the way people see her, but sometimes she does take things to heart.
🍉  :    which of the four seasons suits my muse best,  and why?   For Ruby, autumn seems to be a good fit. Kind of a transition season, lots of playful and fun energies. The chill is harsh, but you can’t help but go out, take a walk in the brisk air. I like that vibe for her.
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vivifrage · 4 years
11, 22, 31!
Hello!! Thanks for the ask! Let's see...
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
In general, platonic and familial relationships. Especially ones where some character struggled with their family before - Hollow Knight is pretty obvious, Warframe you have a bunch of biomechanical war suits/beings and their orphaned magic teenager, Aphelion had a bunch of bots who left their civilizations and watched every organic they may have cared about go extinct + a very angry sweary teenager bot whose creator always treated her as a failure, and now Merciful Steel which is everywhere from "I'm not sure I want to give my parents a second chance after how they took my queerness" to "My civilization is horribly fascist/controlling" to "I was a sleeper agent and had to destroy the family who accepted me as their own."
Idk why. I get along with my family, especially my immediate family. But there's a lot of familial stuff.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Yessss. It depends on what I am writing, I usually grab stuff that has the right mood. Or just pick whatever and my brain will make it the right mood.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
For Hollow Knight, there's Gov, Judge, Erlwyn, Lina, and Meilie.
Erlwyn is the center of the group. He's Lina and Meilie's son, and Judge's bio kid. He's a little sweetheart who errs on the side of caution with his peers (since he's much bigger than them) and loves to explore. Can usually be found covered in dirt and tugging your hand to show you something exciting he found. As he gets older, his Soul magic and unknown heritage (nobody around him knows his species) drives him to try and get some answers. For safety's sake with the Soul magic, and to understand why he is the way he is with his species.
Lina and Meilie are doing their best to parent their boy. They've fostered for a long time, but their attempts to adopt always fell through. Until Erlwyn, of course. Meilie's a cook for a mining company and Lina works at a pub; the latter used to bring Erlwyn to work with her when Meilie was out. Lina's stopped talking to her family, but Meilie's adores her and brought her into the fold with tons of love. Meilie's a bit more lighthearted and silly (and also butch? it's hard to make a bug butch) whereas Lina tends to be more of a planner and go-getter.
Judge gave up the runt of her clutch when he was teeny tiny; she knew he wouldn't make it if she didn't, but couldn't bring herself to give him to Gov. In part, that was because she'd agreed that he didn't have to co-raise them, and in part because she's already had one of her sons, her firstborn, kidnapped by a male wyrm and the idea terrifies her. Even though Gov lives in the same town and she knows he's not like that. She's a god of order, and strictly lawful neutral. Most of the time, she terrifies the shit out of everyone (being an apex predator squishing herself down a bit) and she remains without close connections besides her brother, children, and transient girlfriend, a deity of the transition from winter to spring. While she struggles with being anything but deadly serious and unnerving, she's very caring and protective, and rather thoughtful and honest about her emotions. Likes to sketch.
Gov is short for the Governor, but he only uses the full title in formal settings. He's the play to Judge's work; while he takes his job in politics seriously, he's much more of a goofball and far more charismatic than his dour sister. He's easy to trust, which nobility, royalty, other politicians, etc can find spooky when all is said and done. He prides himself on being the fun uncle to Judge's kids, and once she calms down a bit, often babysits them when she's overwhelmed or takes them out to festivals and fairs. He's rather submissive to Judge in general, in exchange for her being okay with his presence; wyrm dames are super territorial and the last thing Gov needs is to genuinely piss her off. If there's a decision both of them have to make, he may argue his point, but Judge's word is final. (God of kinship means he has a nice bit of leeway, though, if need be.) He understands bugs far better than wyrms or other Higher Beings in general, and has gotten himself in trouble that way.
(Also, Judge and Gov are PK's siblings, but they generally don't know he exists and vice versa. Which makes Erlwyn his nephew, and he's Hornet, Hollow, Ghost, etc's cousin! Gov and Judge are both older; not a big gap between Gov and PK, but Judge is old enough that her firstborn is older than PK and possibly Gov, too.)
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