#a lil suggestive - a lil racy - but NOTHING'S SHOWING SO DON'T HURT ME MR MODERATOR
kwillow · 1 year
What are Ambroys' romantic preferences? I'm not asking for a friend, I'm asking for myself. I'm completely obsessed.
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Er... romantic. Yes. Such a romantic.
In his younger days, Ambroys was an incorrigible womanizer, an impulsive rake with a bad habit of sticking that long tongue of his in places where it didn't belong - like other men's wives. He's had a long string of flings as well as torrid love affairs over the course of his life, a source of endless frustration for everyone around him (including the ladies he's entangled himself with themselves). He's a sucker for love but he'll take what he can get for as long as he can until his dreadful personality inevitably ruins things and he has to throw himself at the next girl.
When Ambroys wants something, he wants a lot of it, and women are no exception to this rule. I haven't been making those jokes about unicorns and maidens for nothing!
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