#a lot of people write lucifer as meek and it puts me off so much
blaackbiird · 7 months
personally I don't think people lean enough into the fact that Lucifer could fucking demolish Alastor without breaking a sweat. There's too many fics where Alastor's threats scare Lucifer and like what??
I love their antagonistic relationship. I love the idea of their rivalry, of them needling each other and pushing each other to break composure. I love the idea that Lucifer is emotional and easily annoyed/pissed off and Alastor loves playing off that.
But if Alastor ever genuinely threatened Lucifer? There's no way Lucifer would take that seriously, or lying down. Of course he'd put Alastor in his place if he ever actually needed to.
I need more fics of Alastor attempting to threaten Lucifer, or pushing Lucifer too far, and then learning exactly why he's the king of Hell.
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obeyme-darling · 4 years
[Diavolo x Shy!Fem!MC x Lucifer]
Summary: You’ve been having bad thoughts about Lucifer, and being a nice girlfriend, you bring this up to Diavolo.
Warnings: Voyeurism, spanking, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (If you want/need anything tagged, let me know!!)
Words: 3,600+
A/N: This is mostly Lucifer fucking you, while Diavolo watches. If you would like a part two lemme know! I haven’t written for Obey Me before, and I haven’t actually written anything in months. I feel a little rusty, but as I write that’ll go away. I really hope you all enjoy this! REQUESTS ARE OPEN! ~Admin Doe
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You clutched your bookbag close to your side as you made your way down the hall towards Diavolo’s office. You were more nervous than usual, a lot was on your mind and you weren’t sure you would be able to get it off your chest. You didn’t want Diavolo to expel you, or worse...
“MC,” A voice caught your attention. You turned to find Lucifer.
You hadn’t expected much less honestly, only the brothers really talked to you now. Most people found out about you and Diavolo through the grapevine and most of them decided to stay far, far away.
“Oh, um, yes?” You fumbled on your words, hands shaking and jittering.
“Are you going to see the Prince?” His voice, he sounded annoyed. And pissed.
“Uh, yes, but then I’m heading to class! I just need to talk-”
“I don’t really care. I just need you to give this to him. For his eyes only.”
He handed you some folder and turned to walk off. You nodded and began your long, horrible walk to Diavolo’s office. You held the folder close to your chest, arms wrapped around it, as to make sure you didn’t lose anything important.
You grew curious, thinking more about Lucifer than you had in awhile. Why would he trust you to give him something so important? He was more than capable of doing it himself. And would have probably preferred to do that.
You reached the office and gently knocked.
“Just a minute!” Diavolo’s voice soothed you.
While waiting you looked at the folder in your hands. You slowly opened it and found... Nothing. There was absolutely nothing in that damned folder that was so damn important for ‘his eyes only’.
“Oh! MC!” Diavolo looked at you with so much adoration, “I told you, you didn’t have to knock!”
“Oh, you know, I don’t wanna barge in on anything. That would be... not so good-”
“Don’t worry about, I don’t mind you barging in.” He winked at you and pulled you in his office. “What are you looking at by the way? Is that something secret? For your eyes only? Like, literally.”
“No? I don’t think so... Lu-” You stopped yourself, “I honestly don’t know.”
Diavolo did not ask any questions. He just pounced. The empty folder hit the floor and you were pinned against the door immediately. Your wrists were placed above your head and lips trailed hot kisses from your mouth, to your jawline, down to your neck. A soft moan escaped from your lips and you relaxed into Diavolo’s touch.
 “So, what brings you here?” Diavolo asked in between kisses.
Suddenly you remembered. Lucifer. You were having thoughts about Lucifer and you needed to bring it up to your almost boyfriend. You still would die for Diavolo, but Lucifer was slowly creeping into your head and after what he did earlier, you were very confused.
Diavolo’s fingers ran up your thigh, pulling up your skirt and playing with the waistband of your underwear. You were in a trance. You forgot about everything and just shook your head at Diavolo.
“C’mon, something was very important.”
He spoke to you as if he wasn’t pulling down your underwear. His fingers curled inside of you and his other hand held your wrists, still above your head. You swallowed hard and his lips pressed to your throat. Suddenly, you were imagining Lucifer dragging his teeth across your flesh, almost drawing blood.
Diavolo’s fingers picked up pace and you gasped, eyes screwed shut. You bit your tongue and bucked into Diavolo’s fingers.
“Baby, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. You were very stressed earlier, something is wrong.”
You wanted to say ‘not anymore’. But you couldn’t. That wasn’t right to Diavolo. Diavolo was looking at you now, but his fingers were still deep inside of you.
“Fuck,” you mumbled. “It’s about Lucifer.”
Diavolo immediately pulled his fingers from you and gave you a serious look. You let a surprised gasp and your wrists fell back to your sides.
“What about him?” Diavolo pouted, sure you were in trouble with the other demon.
“Uh,” Diavolo’s pout caused your stomach to twist. You didn't want to bring up your horrible thoughts, but something urged you to, “Maybe we should just forget about this and I should go to class?” You pushed beside Diavolo and grabbed your bookbag.
“No, no-” Diavolo gently grabbed your arm, “Something isn’t right, MC, I think you should tell me...”
“Okay...” You sucked in air, harshly, and decided to go with what your gut was telling you, “I’ve been having these... weird, lewd even, thoughts about Lucifer. I mean-” You put your hands up and your eyes widened, “I don’t love him like you! Wait, I mean, I don’t love- Fuck. Excuse me.”
You pulled your foot from your mouth and your hand away from Diavolo’s. You went to open the door of his office and he stopped you, again.
“Wait, I’m going to disregard whatever the fuck that last part was, and just focus on Lucifer.” Diavolo had caught your attention now, you turned around and saw him sitting on his desk with his D.D.D in hand. “I have been in that same boat, y’know, I adore you, but Lucifer... He has also caught my eye. I have no intention of losing you, but full intentions of... including Luci in on whatever this is.”
You narrowed your eyes, curious as to what he was about to do. You nodded, “Okay...” As soon as Diavolo began to punch in something on his phone you put your hands up, your eyes widening, “What?! Right now?”
“Uh, yea? I mean, if you want. He practically has to come when I call, I won’t tell him why over the phone. No one else has to know.” He reassured you. You nodded and hugged your arms close to yourself. You wanted to ask him questions anyway, so why not make him drag his ass to Diavolo’s office?
Diavolo called him and sternly told him to come to his office, that it was important. You could almost hear Lucifer roll his eyes at Diavolo. Now, you wait.
“So...” You trailed off. “What do we do now?”
Diavolo patted his lap and you eagerly approached him. He settled you on his thigh and bounced his leg slightly. You gasped and looked at him with confusion. Diavolo gave you a grin and bounced again, this time a little harsher.
“What are you doing?”
“I figure, if Lucifer really does wanna join, and which, trust me, we’re both very attractive who could say no? You’ll need to be dripping wet for the both of us.”
Your lips formed an ‘o’ and you nodded. Suddenly you were very nervous. Diavolo was, to put it lightly, very well hung. If Lucifer matched him at all, which you imagined he did, you were in for something pretty fucking rough. And that made you more excited.
That was if Lucifer even agreed to your ‘agreement’. Or whatever Diavolo had made up in his head. You tried to not think about Lucifer as you bounced and rocked on Diavolo’s thigh, but it was very hard.
“You’re imagining him now, aren’t you?” Diavolo whispered, biting your earlobe.
You gave a meek nod and continued to grind on his leg. How could you not? You adored Diavolo, but now there was a chance that your daydreams would be reality. You couldn’t help but keep thinking about that demon.
A knock echoed through the room and tried to get up, “Hold on,” Diavolo whispered to you. You stayed on his lap, and hid your face in his chest. “Come in.” Diavolo’s voice... Lucifer would know immediately he was up to something.
“What did you-” Lucifer stopped, his eyes hitting your back. You could feel him, almost, glaring. “Why did you call me?”
“We have a proposition for you.”
You turned to peek at Lucifer, his eyes moving from Diavolo’s devious stare and to your shy eyes. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. “What makes you think-”
“C’mon, Luci,” Diavolo interrupted the obviously angry demon, “she just wants you to fuck her.”
Lucifer stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. He cocked his head, suddenly intrigued by whatever Diavolo had in mind. It had not been obvious to you at all, but it seemed Lucifer had a thing for you. His eyes burned into yours and he narrowed his eyes.
“Is what he’s saying true, MC?”
Okay, now he’s fucking with me. You nodded. That did not suffice. Lucifer motioned for you to use yours words and you huffed. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?”
You looked at Diavolo and pouted. Diavolo looked at Lucifer with a grin. There was no chance in hell he was about to stand up for you. He liked what Lucifer was doing, just as much as Lucifer did.
“Yes...” Your face was burning and you were having trouble not absolutely using Diavolo as some sort of shield. “I want you to fuck me.” Your eyes were shut and your teeth were gritted. You still had no clue if he wanted to fuck you back. Was he just messing with you, did Diavolo have this planned?
Diavolo gently pushed you from his lap, keeping you steady as to not fall. Lucifer’s gloved hand raised slightly, his finger motioning you over. Diavolo gave you the okay and you walked towards Lucifer, almost in a trance, thinking about what his gloved fingers could do to you.
You bit the inside of your lip and inhaled sharply. “You did look awfully pretty in Diavolo’s lap... How could pass up an opportunity to fuck your brains out right in front of you boyfriend?”
Diavolo did not even seem mad at how Lucifer had worded that. He seemed excited about watching Lucifer fuck your brains out. That had intrigued you even more. You wrapped your arms around your torso and looked up to Lucifer with wide, doe like eyes.
“Can I ask a question, real quick?” You looked to Lucifer with curious eyes. He nodded, “Uh, you know that folder you gave me?” He nodded again. “What was that about? It had nothing in it! I mean, I hope nothing fell out... but that bitch was empty.”
He cocked his brow at you. “You opened it?”
“I mean... I have no clue what was in th-”
“No, no,” Lucifer stepped closer to you, causing you to step back. “You opened it.”
“I did.”
“Well, I had asked you to not do that-”
“You mean, you gave me an empty folder, to give to the prince, that I wasn’t supposed to open, cause you knew I would open it? Why?”
“Oh, dear MC,” Lucifer took another step closer, this stride longer than the last, leaving you bumping into Diavolo’s legs when you stepped back, “One, do not interrupt me. Two, your feelings for me were not a secret, at least not to me. I gave you that because I knew you’d open it, and I knew you’d get back to me somehow. I didn’t imagine this being the exact way... But, here we are, nonetheless.”
Lucifer was smart. You knew that. But, damn he was very smart. You nodded at him and gulped down air. Lucifer was making you very afraid, but very, very horny. You liked Diavolo, maybe even loved him, but Lucifer was a nice difference. Diavolo wasn’t very gentle, but Lucifer seemed to be completely rough. And you wanted to know just how rough.
You felt like you were going to vomit from excitement and a tiny but of worry. You were still a little nervous about this being some sort of sick prank. If Lucifer knew about your thoughts, then maybe Diavolo did too.
What if this is some set up? You ran your fingers over your scalp and glanced back at Diavolo. He seemed more than eager to have Lucifer have a go at you though. You sucked in air through your nose and looked to Lucifer.
“Now,” Lucifer placed his hands together and looked at Diavolo, “since MC decided to disobey me, I believe it’s only right to punish her.”
Diavolo nodded, “I think you’re right.”
Lucifer turned momentarily, locking the office door and then focused on you once again. He walked towards a chair that sat across from the desk and took a seat. He motioned for you to follow him, and to lay across his lap. You fought back a smirk. You knew what was coming now, and you had thought about it coming from Lucifer for a while now.
You sheepishly lied across his lap and waited for his next move.
“MC,” Diavolo spoke up, his voice soft, “if this does get too much, just say so.”
You nodded. Turning back to Lucifer, you watched as he ungloved his hand by grabbing the glove with his teeth, and slowly pulling it off. You could feel yourself growing more wet than before.
Lucifer pulled your skirt up, exposing your underwear. He hooked the waistband and yanked them down your legs. Your ass was placed in the air and your arms were slightly outstretched to the neighboring chair, holding on for dear life.
Suddenly, the sound of hand slapping against flesh echoed around the room and your ass stung. Badly. You bit your lip, knowing you needed to be quiet. A moan pushed past your pursed lips and you exhaled slowly.
“Do you understand, you have to follow my orders, MC.”
You nodded, “Yes sir.”
Another smack. His fingers quickly pushed inside of you and came out just as fast. You were about to get your shit rocked, that was the only thing you were currently certain about.
As you were getting spanked, you could hear moaning from beside you. Looking over, and spotting Diavolo rubbing himself through his pants, the excitement inside of you grew. Lucifer pushed his fingers inside of you again.
“Are you going to be a good girl?”
“Yes! I promise.” You nodded quickly.
“Good, good girls get rewarded.”
With that, his fingers picked up pace. He was pushing in and out of you and you were a blubbering mess. You gripped the chair next to you and bit back another loud moan.
“Lucifer, please!” You were begging already. Lucifer’s fingers curling inside of you let you know he enjoyed that. “Please, I’ll be so good”
Lucifer chuckled. His thumb pushed against your clit and began rubbing soft circles. Compared to the quickness of his fingers pushing in and out of you, it was euphoric. You were on edge already.
“Diavolo,” Lucifer’s fingers slowed, “does she deserve to cum?”
Diavolo, who had his cock in his hand now, groaned, “Let her cum. I wanna watch you fuck her already.”
“As you wish.”
Your orgasm hit hard and fast and you were in heaven, but only momentarily before you were brought back down to the devildom. Your fingers tensed around the arm of the chair, your jaw had gone slack, and you were arching into Lucifer’s lap.
“Lucifer,” your voice was low, soft, “fuck...”
“Fuck her against the wall.”
Diavolo spoke up, pumping his dick in his hand. Lucifer nodded and stood you up, leading you to the wall in front of the desk, right beside the door. Fingers were shoved into your mouth and you let out a muffled grunt.
Your eyes widened and you nodded. You sucked on Lucifer’s fingers, and watched as he unbuckled his belt with his free hand.Your underwear had been strewn across the room earlier, so now you stood in your skirt and ruffled shirt.
Before Lucifer finished removing his pants, he decided to undress you first, “We do want to give the Prince show, don’t we?” Lucifer questioned, causing you to nod. Lucifer pulled his fingers from your mouth and a loud pop rang through the room.
You stood naked in front of Lucifer now. You mustered up some courage and inhaled slowly before asking him, “It’s your turn now, isn’t it?”
Lucifer smirked at you, but he did not reply. Instead, he stood there. Okay, you thought, maybe I’ll just do this myself. You stepped forward and pressed your lips to his. You began to pull at his clothes and awkwardly his top.
“Don’t you two fuck?” Lucifer pulled away from you to ask
“Obviously! Why?” Offended, you crossed your arms.
“You’re not very well versed in taking some else’s clothes off.”
You restrained from rolling your eyes, “Diavolo gets so eager he normally strips for me! And then strips me! I haven’t had a lot of practice in undressing someone.”
Diavolo was growing agitated at this point, “I called you in here to fuck her. Either do so, or leave and I’ll take over. She’s with me for a reason, if you can’t please her, I very well can.”
Lucifer grew hot. Anger boiled inside of him. He narrowed his eyes at Diavolo, but said nothing to the demon prince. Instead, he looked to you with a fire in his eyes that you had not seen before. Ever. You were in for a ride, and you were more excited than ever.
Lucifer pulled his pants down and kicked them off. You looked down at his dick and swallowed hard. It was as you had imagined. Not as big as Diavolo’s but definitely larger than human dicks.
Lucifer grabbed your thigh and pulled your leg around his waist, harshly. You gasped and tensed momentarily. Lucifer pressed his lips to yours and trailed hot kisses down to your neck. He pushed inside of you and your nails dug into his biceps.
With Diavolo, he started off at a slow and steady pace, eventually getting a little sloppy and a lot faster. With Lucifer, he started at 100 and had no intentions of slowing down. Lucifer’s motions were swift and precise though. He pulled all the way out of you, warmth leaving you, and then pushed all the way back in. At a rapid pace.
“Lucifer!” You moaned out, not even caring if other students could hear you at this point.
“Fuck,” He groaned, hitting your gspot at a speed you weren’t used to, “you’re so tight, so wet.” He bit your neck, his teeth grabbing at the soft flesh, “All for me.”
Lucifer picked up your other leg, holding you up against the wall. He held one of your thighs tight around his waist, and his other arm rested against the wall, holding you both steady. You were moaning, eyes rolling back in your head, a heat building up inside of you. Your nails clawed at his back, and you let out a loud cry as Lucifer continued to pound into you. You bit at his skin, a scream muffling into his flesh. Tears pricked your eyes from the pleasure you were feeling.
“Look at me.”
You pulled back from his shoulder and looked him in his eyes. He placed his forehead against yours and your orgasm was coming, “Keep your eyes- on mine.” He grunted out.
You nodded and felt your whole body begin to tense. It was getting hard to keep your eyes open. But you didn’t want to disobey him, even though getting spanked was nice, you weren’t sure you could handle another round of that.
“I’m gonna-” You tried to keep your voice quiet, but it wasn’t happening. A loud moan echoed through the room as you hit your orgasm, “Fuck!”
You kept your eyes on Lucifer’s, he kept you and his thrusts steady. He did not slow down at all. You could tell he was coming close to cumming as well. His eyes were half lidded and his body was tensing.
“Where should I-”
Diavolo almost demanded from his desk. He was jerking off quiet fast at this point, close to the edge as well. Lucifer looked at you in confusion and you nodded. Lucifer picked up the pace one last time and you hit the wall pretty hard, your head lulling back into the hard surface.
Lucifer let out a groan as he came, filling you up. He thrusted a few more times, slowing down as he did so. Your head began to hurt as you came down from your high and you groaned, still very naked and against the wall.
“Fuck,” Diavolo groaned, cumming into his own hand, “You’re so beautiful with cum dripping down your thighs.”
Your face was hotter than it was before after hearing his praise. Lucifer set you down and you rubbed the back of your head. And just like that, both of the demons were immensely worried about you.
“Are you alright, my love?”
“You did bump your head pretty hard.”
You let out a nervous laugh, still naked. “Yes, I’m uh, I’m okay. It just stings a little.”
“I think we should go back to my room, MC,” Diavolo spoke up, “You obviously need attentive care, you do not need to go back to class with that headache.”
You were thankful he did not offer to take you to some nurse or something. ‘Yes, I slammed my had into the wall while getting my fucking back blown out in the Prince’s office.’ You almost laughed at that thought. Until Lucifer spoke up.
“I think we should go to my room.” We? “If we go to your room, we’ll be seen, and if we go to MC’s room, well, my brothers are bound to wander in.”
You gave Lucifer a questionable look, “You...”
“If you thought I was done with the two of you, you are absolutely mistaken.”
Diavolo was practically exuding excitement at that statement. As were you, but he seemed a little more... Enthusiastic.
“So... this could be a normal thing?”
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