#a lot of tamino songs reminds me of him actually
pomegratea · 5 months
so it goes by tamino it's a very aro volturi song, but i won't elaborate on that. just listen.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
ALSO ALSO ALSO… assuming this is like, a modern world where all the artists that exist in our world exist in theirs, what are Chrysi and Jacks favorite artists? What genre do they usually listen to? Is there a song that makes them irrationally angry? Actually tied into that… if they were ever in a Groundhog Day situation what song that plays every day when they wake up would drive them insane? What’s a song they listen to that reminds them of the other person? :33
OHHHHH, NOW THIS… THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION. okay, okay—so chrysi’s a little hard to answer for, on account of the fact that her music taste is all over the place. her road trip playlist is frequently described as her “russian roulette” playlist by her friends. BUT, if i had to say favorites artists: danny elfman (she likes some oingo boingo songs in relation to danny elfman, but she can’t say she adores the band—it’s jst her loyalty to weird goths <3), they might be giants, the crane wives, billy joel (this came out of nowhere for jacks tbh), and tamino (bc OBVIOUSLY. i have to be loyal, even for chrysi). OH, SHE ALSO LIKES UPSAHL + REOL.
jacks’s favorite artists are probably saint motel, caravan palace, the dear hunter, and lola blanc!!! at least, those are the artists that show up most on the playlists i have for him. he tries to act as if he’s above music preferences, but my god… when chrysi puts on that russian roulette playlist, he’s just barely holding himself back from leaping forward and grabbing the aux cord.
chrysi listens to a lot of musicals, indie rock, k-pop (yes, this is a thing, and yes, jacks pretends that he hates it, but that’s all a lie and we know it), piano music (!!!!), and soundtracks from movies. jacks listens to indie pop, musicals (chrysi’s introduced them to him and now he also loves it), and orchestral music (and secretly k-pop, but he’s not going to admit it. no thank you.)
jacks cannot STAND yakety sax…. if he has to hear that goddamn song one more time, he’s going to murder the woman he loves (the one that plays it every single time he goes to chase after one of the cats. by the saints, just fucking help him). also, chrysi has made him listen to a remix of the cantina band for so long that he thinks he hears it in his nightmares. please, for the love of GOD. this man is in HELL.
chrysi does NOT like the song temporary secretary by paul mccartney…………… emery put it on her russian roulette playlist (“now it’s ACTUALLY russian roulette” “….what did you put on there… what have you done???”), nor, obviously, sticker by nct127 (YES, this is also on the russian roulette playlist). OH GOD, ALSO THE SONG BARBRA STREISAND BY DUCK SAUCE. INSTANT HOMICIDE.
I HAVE THE PERFECT CHRYSI TIME LOOP SONG. I HAVE TWO, ACTUALLY: 1) follow me by dream valley music and 2) cheer up by the make believes :) cheer up is actually jst a “chrysi going through a mental breakdown” song in general sldkjfslkdfjslk
for jacks, i think a good time loop song mr. lonely by bobby vinton :) i think it would drive him up the fucking WALL.
the song attention seeker by felix hagan & the family makes chrysi think of jacks <3 that, and maniac by phoebe green!
the songs metaphor and take me to war by the crane wives makes jacks think of chrysi! that, and the horror and the wild by the amazing devil !!!! OH, ALSO FAIRYTALE BY ALEXANDER RYBAK, BC OFC. OF COURSE IT’S THEM.
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