#a louper reunion fic
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This is friendship, lads
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insanitysbloomings · 7 years
Reyna Writes: Hello Again - A Louper Reunion Fic
(Two things: let it be known that I know nothing about hacking, and that this is canon divergent...but I’m a fanfic writer, so that should surprise no one. :P)
Okay, fiddle with a code here, enter a new algorithm there--whoa, seriously? Someone was trying to trace him? Really?
Louis snorted and ducked through another digital backdoor, leading the tracer astray with a false IP address. Once that was done, he continued on with his work, smirking all the while. This was way too easy at this point--either Louis had gotten way too good at what he does, or his targets just kept getting dumber and dumber. Either way, this was basically child’s play now.
There was a small tap to his arm, and Louis paused.
Speaking of children...
“Yes, my butterfly princess?” Louis asked, wrapping up his work to turn and smile at his adorable daughter, who might have her absent mother’s dark hair, but she had his face, and his eyes. She was clad in her fourth favorite fairy princess outfit today, her plastic crown sitting dutifully atop her brown locks as she patted the table with her hands, lower lip jutting out in a pout.
“I’m hungry,” she said softly, patting her stomach to be sure her meaning came across. Mariposa was a soft-spoken child; because she often had trouble hearing others without her hearing aids, she didn’t like to speak too much unless it was with someone she knew, and even then, she tended to be very hushed. But Louis was attuned to her enough by now that her soft voice was never an issue.
“I know, sweetie,” Louis assured her, lowering the top of his laptop for a moment to give his daughter his full attention. “Food will be coming soon; just wait a little longer. Oh, and Grandma and Auntie Emma are coming to eat breakfast with us! Isn’t that nice?”
Mariposa’s eyes lit up.
“I like Grandma and Auntie Emma,” she gushed with a heart-melting smile that made Louis’ heart soar and ache at the same time. He was so, so glad to have access to female role models for his daughter; everyone thought he was crazy for raising a child on his own at so young an age, but really, it wasn’t like he wasn’t without help when he needed it.
“I’m glad,” he said, kissing Mariposa’s forehead before nudging some crayons the restaurant had given her towards her. “They’ll be here soon. Right now, Daddy has to finish up some work, so can you wait for a couple minutes?”
“There’s my good girl.”
Louis lost himself in coding and hacking for a little longer, until a familiar pair of voices and laughter intruded upon his subconscious. He quickly shut his laptop and dropped it into his messenger bag under the table, hitching on a grin as Emma and their mother, Marinette, appeared, looking like they were laughing and joking about something as he waved them over.
“There’s my brother!” Emma enthused, leaning over to embrace him. “You know, you missed the last dinner party Lotte and I had...”
“Sorry, I had to work,” Louis replied with a cringe, getting up to kiss his mother’s cheek, who glanced around them in confusion.
“Louis, where’s my granddaughter? I thought you were bringing Mariposa to breakfast, too...”
“Oh, she’s right--”
When Louis turned around and saw his daughter’s empty chair, his good mood vanished immediately.
“Oh no...Mari? Mari, where are you? Mariposa!” Louis shouted, when crouching under the table did not reveal Mariposa’s location to him.
Emma’s eyes widened.
“You...didn’t lose her, did you...?”
“No! She was right here! Mariposa! MARIPOSA!”
“Calm down, Louis!” Marinette insisted, taking her son’s shoulders and squeezing them, a determined fire blazing in her bluebell eyes; not even age could stop her when one of her own was threatened. “We will find her. For now, let’s just split up and search the restaurant. I’ll speak to the manager, and you two ask if any of the staff or the other customers have seen Mari, all right?”
“Oh...okay,” Louis said, forcing himself to breathe, though it did little to loosen the anxious ball in his chest. He was a single father--this exact scenario was one of his worst recurring nightmares. Damn it! Why didn’t he pay more attention?! What if she had gotten kidnapped right from under his nose?! Oooh, when he found the bastard who dared to touch his daughter, he was going to doxx him so hard--
As the bus left the bus stop, Piper sighed, brushing a hand over her short hair. It felt weird to have it this length again, almost like she had regressed to her teenage years, but her red braids had stuck out a little too much, and therefore were impractical for the mission she had just completed at last, after four long years of being undercover, with no contact with her friends and family whatsoever...
Piper glanced around her, not surprised that she barely recognized anything; it was the city, after all. Things were always changing here.
Picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder, Piper idly patted her stomach as it rumbled uncomfortably. Right, she hadn’t eaten anything since last night...maybe she’d stop by a food kiosk and grab something to go on the way to her parents’ place. Piper smiled, thinking of the look on her mother’s face when Piper showed up unannounced, about all the things she had to tell her father (though some of the details were classified, unfortunately), and everything Dom would want to catch her up on...
Piper paused, frowning to herself. The noises of the city were just as she remembered them--loud. But the reason Piper was so good at a job not many others could do was because she had keen senses. And right now, though the ambience of San Myshuno threatened to overwhelm her, Piper was sure she could hear the snifflings of a child...a child nearby...?
Following her instincts, Piper stepped closer to the building nearest to her, side-stepping a harried looking man who appeared late for work, her eyes narrowing as she edged her way around what looked like a bagel shop, tilting her head to listen.
Yes, the crying was getting louder. She moved further into an alleyway, wrinkling her nose at the smell of the dumpster in front of her. For a moment, she stared at it, wondering if the crying was coming from there (and appropriately horrified if it was), but she peeked in and found nothing. Yet the crying still persisted...
Piper peeked around the edge of the dumpster, and it was there that she found the source of the crying: what looked to be a young girl, her head buried in her arms as her purple princess dress was ruffled up underneath her, her tiara slumping sideways on her head. Pity swelled within Piper, and she crouched down in front of the girl.
“Hello?” She called softly, “are you okay?”
The girl did not respond, and so Piper tried again.
“Hello? Miss? What’s the matter? Do you need help?”
Still, the child cried. Piper bit her lip, wondering if she should just mind her own business. But it wasn’t like she could just leave the girl to her own devices; someone was probably looking for her. And what kind of person would Piper be if she just left a lost child on her own...?
Resolving to try one more time, Piper carefully tapped the child’s arm.
The girl jolted; apparently, she hadn’t realized someone was there. Piper hastened to put on a friendly smile as she met the girl’s tear-filled eyes...huh. That...was strange. Piper rather felt...well, it was probably nothing, but those eyes...why were they familiar...?
Pushing past it, Piper spoke to the girl once again.
“Hello. Are you okay? Do you need help?”
The girl stared at her. Piper kept her smile, but her brows furrowed a little.
“Where are your mommy and daddy? Are you lost?”
Still, the girl stared. Her lips trembled, and a shaking hand touched her ear. This made Piper curious. Could the girl...not hear her?
Working on her hunch, Piper brought up her hands, gesturing first to the girl, and then bringing her hands in, twirling her index fingers around each other.
“Do you know sign language?”
The girl’s eyes widened, and she brought up a fist, gesturing as if she was knocking.
Oh thank god, common ground. Piper smiled and continued to sign, mouthing the words as she went, even though the girl was mainly watching her hands.
“Do you need help?”
“Yes!” The girl signed again, looking tearful once more. “I don’t know where I am! I lost my hearing aids!”
Ah. Well, naturally, that made things ten times scarier, didn’t it? Poor thing.
“I will help you,” Piper promised, smiling gently at the girl with strangely familiar eyes. “Do you know where your mommy is?”
The girl’s face fell, and she glanced down as she raised her index and middle finger twice, tapping them against her thumb.
Uh-oh. Why did Piper feel like she touched a nerve?
“How about your daddy?” She tried, hoping against hope that she wasn’t wedging her foot further into her mouth with this question. She watched as the child bit her lip, glancing around.
“I don’t know...I went outside to find my grandma, but then I got lost...”
“Do you remember where you were when you went outside?”
The girl’s face scrunched up in concentration, and Piper tried not to smile. But she was such a cute little girl, probably no older than five. Sitting here in her pretty purple princess dress and tiara, how could Piper not find her adorable?
But then the girl signed something strange. Piper raised an eyebrow, repeating the sign to verify that that was indeed what the girl meant, because if Piper’s sign language was correct (and it should be, since she studied religiously), the girl was talking about some kind of blue elephant. But that couldn’t be right...could it?
Curious now, Piper pulled out her phone, typing in ‘blue elephant’ in the search bar of her internet app. As she waited for it to load, she glanced up, smiling again at the girl, for she had taken to staring at her again.
“I’m Piper,” she told the girl, “nice to meet you.”
“My name is Mariposa,” the girl replied. Piper grinned.
“That’s a pretty name.”
Mariposa smiled, her cheeks dimpling, and Piper had to control the urge to squish the child’s cheeks. They were on a first name basis, sure, but that didn’t mean she could just casually touch her...
Her phone chimed, and Piper glanced down, raising her eyebrows at the results that popped up. Well, look at that--there was a fusion restaurant called “Aoi Zo” a couple blocks away. Piper had never heard of it...but then again, she had been gone for a few years...
“Let’s go find your dad,” Piper said, straightening up and offering her hand to Mariposa. She hesitated, and abruptly, Piper realized how sketchy this situation might look to an outsider. “Your daddy told you not to trust strangers, huh?”
Mariposa slowly nodded. Piper smiled, crouching down again to meet Mariposa’s eyes.
“I understand. Do you want to wait here so I can bring your daddy to you?”
Mariposa’s eyes widened, and she swiftly shook her head. Ooh, that wasn’t a good idea either, was it? She could totally get snatched the minute Piper’s back was turned...that would be a fun explanation to give to her father...
Piper sighed softly as she tried to think of a way to avoid making the kid uncomfortable while reuniting with her father, pushing her hair out of her face. She startled when Mariposa abruptly jumped to her feet, blinking as Mariposa, with wide eyes, grabbed her wrist and tugged it forward.
“What--oh,” Piper said, laughing a little as Mariposa stared, apparently entranced by the tiny fox tattoo on her forearm. “Yeah, that’s--”
“The fox!” Mariposa squeaked out loud, startling Piper again. Whoa, this kid was just full of surprises. “You’re the fox!”
“Uh?” Piper began, totally confused. Sure, she had a fox tattoo, but that didn’t mean she was a fox--well, not that she was unattractive, she was very attractive, and she knew it, but...okay, things were a bit off-track here. Why was she being likened to a fox again?
Whatever the reason, Mariposa was certainly excited now; she didn’t seem to be interested in signing anymore as she pulled on Piper’s wrist, heading down the alleyway.
“Come on, come on! You have to see my daddy!”
“Whoa--Kid, slow down!” Piper called after the girl, though she knew it was useless, since Mariposa had her back to Piper as she rushed forward, back onto the sidewalk and through a couple crosswalks that were (THANKFULLY) green. For someone so small, she sure had a lot of energy...
A blue elephant sign crossed Piper’s line of vision for a brief moment, and she was relieved that the place was so close--
“Excuse me! Ma’am, have you seen this girl? Look, this is her--she’s about this tall, and her name is--no? Okay, uh, sir! Sir, do you have a minute? Please, sir, my daughter is--”
That voice...
Mariposa pulled Piper through the crowded intersection in front of the restaurant, and it was finally here that Piper dug in her heels, pulling Mariposa to a stop with her...for right before her very eyes was--
“Excuse me, have you seen--!”
Familiar green eyes met hers. Piper stared, surprised into stillness as the blonde man before her lowered his phone, his mouth open.
“...Piper,” Louis breathed, and something Piper thought long buried and dead stuttered to life inside her, a tiny flame flickering--
She quickly snuffed it out and shut her expression down. No, she was not going to do this. It had been years since she last spoke to Louis, years since she last saw him. Things had changed, and she was different now. She had moved on, damn it!
In fact, she was ready to move on right here and now, ready to march away without looking back--
The little hand clutching hers let go, and before Piper could stop her, Mariposa flew at Louis, crying, “Daddy!”
“Mari!” Louis cried, kneeling down and clutching the girl to him tightly, relief flooding his features before he pulled back, his brows coming together as he said sternly, “I was worried sick! You should know better than to--wait, where are your hearing aids?”
...There was no way this was real life.
Piper must have stumbled into some alternate universe after she had come back from being undercover for so long. Things were different, but they couldn’t be that different! Because there was no way--no way in hell--that Louis was actually...
“...Did she just say...‘Daddy’?”
To be continued~ ;)
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Hey Reyna, I think you are great and your writing is awesome! I've already read btu and love your Louis / Piper story. It makes me so curious and fuzzy. Do you sometimes think of them both and do you intend to continue? Love, a fan
Thank you, sweet Nonny ;_;
Louper still owns my ass to this day. I definitely need to draw their story to a satisfactory conclusion, considering they’re already happy in the @miracusims universe. Just haven’t gotten around to it. I hope to fix that eventually. ^^;;
Thank you so much for reading! <3
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Hey Reyna! Just wondering, are u gonna continue Hello Again. I’m not even sure if u can respond to this because I don’t even have tumblr, but I’m a huge Back to Us fan. I’m not pushing u into anything because I don’t know what’s going on in ur personal life, so don’t take this the wrong way, because I’m just wondering. But uh yeah. Not even sure if ur see this, but if u do, thanks for bringing us the magic of Back to Us, and I hope u have a happy life!
Hello Nonny!
@miracusims has been relatively active lately, so I've been kiiiinda eyeballing the fics I need to finish, Hello Again included.
However, at the moment, all of my attention has been stolen by a novel I'm working on. 👀 Though I *may* revisit some of my fics when I need a break, that takes priority until it's done. So all I can say for now is that we'll see!
Thank you for reading!! 💜
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Reyna Writes: Hello Again [UPDATED - 12/25/17]
Here are some feels about Sims for you~
Enjoy! <3
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I’ve started uploading Hello Again (a Louper reunion fic) to my AO3, for those of you who are interested in reading it but keep missing the updates.
Here you go!
Enjoy! <3
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