#a malevolent fiend ~ mara
impish-happenings · 5 years
*gives Mara a Magic Bean™️*
Mara stares at it in confusion. “... the hell am I supposed to do with this?” 
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Mara ❄️
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
Mara stared at the anon. This was... not a question she’d expected. Did they really expect her to bare her soul to them? Raising a brow, she leaned against the alley wall. The demon let out a short chuckle. “Me? Being sad? Hwuf, now that’s a joke I haven’t heard before,” she snorted. “Nothing in my life could make me cry for that long. C’mon. I’m not a pansy.”
But you are a liar, a voice in her mind whispered. Her tail flicked uncomfortably. ... shut up. Fine. I’ll say something.
“... I might not cry all day, but I do worry,” Mara muttered, crossing her arms. She shrugged tensely. “Thinking about the trouble my brother gets himself into with all his ‘not eating because it hurts people’ business is stressful. Not to mention I can’t tell if he even wants me in his life anymore. I used to be his hero. Now I’m probably just a street thug that makes his life hard.” She glanced venomously down at the trash near her feet. She kicked it away viciously. “A good bit of violence or chaos usually puts me in a better mood. Whatever.”
“... I just wonder... does he ever get lonely thinkin he could live without me?”
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impish-happenings · 5 years
Excuse the tiny pink imp while she hands out mushrooms to all the demons. She just wants everybody to have a treat today, though she figures some people will appreciate it more than others. ~ Valerie
Sable takes the mushrooms with a smile. “Thank ya kindly!” she beams, looking it over. Now, to eat them, or to save them for potions...? A question for the ages. 
Mara raises a brow at the ‘shrooms, but takes them anyways. Guess I could do with a snack, she muses, popping a few in her mouth. Hmm... nice and poisonous... just how she likes em. 
Clancy might not be a fullblood demon, but he counts enough for mushrooms. He nods thankfully to the pink imp. All he needed now was to find a place to put them. Well, a place he could put them without worrying that kids would get into them... 
Berimont, of course, takes the shrooms with a relieved sigh. His hunger shows clearly from the sound. “Thank you,” he whispers, taking a few to eat immediately. “Really, th-thanks... I-I was running low again...” Hopefully these would tide him over for now. 
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impish-happenings · 5 years
*the anon raised a brow still with a causal smile* oh this ol'thing? *he said holding his guitar out so mara could get a better look it was black with neon violet pink detailing* its a guitar! its kinda like a violin but more epic'n cool'n junk! and mines a special one from my set of universes! able to play sounds like you've never heard before! *the anon placed their hand on their chin in a contemplative manner* would ya like one? got a couple of spares i ain't using!
Mara’s interest was definitely piqued. A new instrument? Well, why not? It looked wicked. And, as everyone knows, she was the queen of things in that department. Even if she might have to find out how to play first. Guitar hadn’t been on her radar before, but it sure as hell was now. She held out a hand expectantly. “Don’t mind if I do~” she purred. “I’m sure I’ll enjoy playing around a lot~”
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impish-happenings · 5 years
... close enough, I suppose :V
“I dunno what else you were expecting,” Mara called over her shoulder. Still just strolling away, it seems...
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impish-happenings · 5 years
Plant it :V
Mara held the bean out in front of her incredulously. Being a demon, she knew magic when she felt it. She wasn’t too keen on being close to a magic phenomenon. 
“... I’m just gonna drop it in the dirt. Mother nature can take care of it or whatever.” 
With that, the bean was dropped unceremoniously to the ground. The demon turned on her heel and started walking away. Weirdos, she thought, huffing. 
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impish-happenings · 5 years
*the anon gave a lazy and playful smirk before they strummed another set of notes* nah i meant like uh hanging out'n stuff! s'all but it's just our ways'n style of work'n fun are a bit different is all! wouldn't mix well ya dig?! s'no need to alarm yo self! *the anon winked a goofy smile plastered on their face* tho i got to say under the circumstances ya ain't s'bad ta hang with! your nice to those ya like'n that i can respect!
Mara snorted, dropping what was left of her defensive posture. They sounded harmless enough. Respectful, even. No need to get up in arms about it. “Fair enough. I don’t tend to get along with plenty of folks. Doesn’t bother me much,” she mused. “... that being said, being rude to the few people in this world that I actually like wouldn’t get me far, now would it?” 
She let her gaze travel lazily over the anon. She didn’t recognize the instrument they held, but something about it struck a chord in her. She knew she wanted one. “What’s that y’got there, anyways? Some kinda weird violin?” 
Mara, no. You don’t know instruments. 
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impish-happenings · 5 years
*a anon lounged behind mare strumming a few rock notes on a electric guitar* heh good looking hair ain't the only thing you rocking! ya got serious style mara! shame, ya seem like you would've been fun to work with!
The first note had mara whirling around to face the anon, tail lashing and fangs slightly bared. Seeing who it was didn’t inspire much desire to calm down. Though the intrigue at their words did. She cocked her head to the side, setting her hands on her hips. 
“’Would have?’” she echoed, “what’s that supposed ta mean? Compliments seem like cover when you phrase stuff like that. You implying I wouldn’t work for whatever hotshot business you got goin on?” She snorted, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “I probably wouldn’t, but hey, don’t dock it till ya try it.” 
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impish-happenings · 5 years
hey mara your hair is very pretty!
Mara stared at the anon for a second, tail flicking. She was trying to judge whether or not they were being sincere. It’d been awhile since she’d seen one of these anons... but. Eh. Why not take the compliment? She could teach them a lesson if it was sarcasm.
“Thanks, sugar~” she smiled, winking at them. “A full purple mane for a well fed demon, eh?”
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impish-happenings · 5 years
oh i never said you physically hurt him,that much is easy to obverse but i needn't to remind you there's more ways to hurt someone then bodily harm! after all with your line of work you've stared death in the face more times then you can count! you ever thought about how much that worries Berimont? i wonder how many times he's thought "what has mara done to possibly get herself killed today?" *the anon couldn't help but cackle as they faded into darkness* just thought you should know~!
Mara glowered at the anon, fangs bared and tail lashing as they spoke. Why were they bringing this up? Of course beri knew of her work. He’d tried scolding her enough times about it. But he knew she could handle herself. She’d raised him, for rosea’s sake. He knew.
Didn’t he?
Her snarl slipped a bit when the anon mentioned what her brother could be thinking.
Was he really that worried about her?
“... tch... that can’t be right,” she grumbled. The memory of a freshly sold shop and a bag full of mushrooms flirted through the demon’s mind. Crossing her arms, she glanced over where the anon had been. “He’s got enough to keep him busy. Why would his wayward sister be on his mind?”
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impish-happenings · 5 years
you can't seem to stop hurting Berimont CAN you Mara?
Mara stared at the anon, momentary confusion giving way to deep rooted suspicion. “I dunno what you heard,” she snarled softly, “but I’d never hut my brother. You hear me? Never.” 
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*Dimentio's eyes widened and his smile disappeared from his face as a look of pure horror replaced his usual happy one* Dimentio: look Mara if we were going to cause chaos on a bandit camp or some group guilty of truly horrible things then you could've counted me in but i've lost my taste for hurting mother,fathers,sons,daughters or someones lover doing that kind of stuff is what got me killed the first time and i was lucky someone divine took pity on me and revived me!
Mara gave dimentio a bit of a disappointed look as he explained himself. Ah, so he was one of the goody-two-shoes chaos makers. Not what she was hoping. But hey, they all had limits. Even if hers were pretty far out there.
“Mmm... fair enough...” she huffed, crossing her arms. “But it woulda been fun. You’re gonna miss out.” She sauntered over towards the mouth of the alley they were talking in. There were plenty of people out there. Perfect. Tossing a glance over her shoulder, she flicked her tail in dimentio’s direction. “You sure you don’t wanna go do something devious? Or at least a little mischievous?” She asked innocently. “C’mon~ you look like a guy who knows how to have a good time~”
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*Dimentio shrugged* Dimentio: Well considering i've died once before and with my line of work i'm threaten,beaten and insulted so much its lost its fear factor ya know? so now its just funny really!
Mara blinked. Honestly, she shouldn’t have been as surprised as she was by an anon saying they’d died. They were weird critters. Just like her. She gave an impressed whistle, nodding towards him. “Well well, you’ve certainly earned that right,” she chuckled. “Props to you for having fun with the gory stuff~”
A thought popped into her head. She raised a brow at him. Anons liked to have fun, right? And if this one thought those things were funny, then maybe...
“... you’re not the only one who enjoys a bit of... good gory fun.” A malicious grin appeared on her face. “Maybe we oughta see just how far fear factor has to reach for us, hm?” She snickered. “Whaddaya say we go have some fun out in town?~”
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*Dimentio retracted his hand back to the side of his body* Dimentio: ah sorry i'm not one for normal entrances~! and what warranted this visit? well i was in the area and saw ya! you looked like an interesting demon to meet! and may i saw you don't disappoint!
Mara raised a brow. Was that flattery? From an anon with a dramatic flair, no less. He was a plucky little guy. She could admire that. “You seem like quite the sweet talker,” she observed. “And a quite intriguing one no less.” She smirked, shaking her head. “If you get your thrills from near-mauling-experiences, you’ve certainly got a high thrill threshold. Maybe we’ll get along~”
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*a yellow and purple striped anon appeared behind Mara and well out of reach of her infamous venomous tail the very sound of him appearing should have alerted her of his presence* Dimentio: And so i have arrived the former Master of dimensions yet still a Pleaser of crowds i am Dimentio! a real pleasure to meet you! *he extends one of his hands in a hand shake gesture*
The last thing anyone wants on their hands is an angry or distressed demon. Especially when that demon is known to be… a little violent. But when someone unexpectedly pops up behind Mara; no matter how far back they are, that’s exactly what they’ll get. 
Mara practically snarled at the anon, claws raised and fangs bared before she registered what he was. Rosea, she was jumpy. It was just a weird anon. She dropped her hands to her sides with a huff. “Don’t do that. How many times do I have to tell you people not to startle me?” she scolded him.Her tail lashed in displeasure. She eyed his hand warily as she took him in. Purple and yellow… floating… a mask… a strange aura about him… was he some sort of magic circus performer? Wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve seen, she thought. At least it was just another anon. That put her more at ease. She leaned against the wall of a building next to her. “… dunno if it’s a pleasure, but uh… thanks? I guess?” she replied. “Not a fan of handshakes. But what’s warranted a visit from a magic circus performer?” 
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Alex eased up when Berimont decided to stand next to him, the familiar presence being rather comforting. He fidgeted with a hands a bit, offering a small, less strained smile to the blue demon. "So... uh..." He started, trying to remember how to be coherent. "W-what's on the agenda for today? We gonna read, exchange some interesting stories, or maybe just... chill...?" Judging by Alex's tone, it seemed like he was leaning towards the third option. ~ Alex
Berimont waited until Mara left the room before responding to Alex. He didn’t want her to bother them anymore. “I was thinking we’d just chill? Maybe a couple stories, but, uh, nothing crazy.” He plopped down on the couch. “i-I was just happy to hang out with you,” he added sheepishly, “so I didn’t, um, have anything planned.”
There was a noise in the kitchen like paper being shredded by an angry cat.
Seems Mara likes her snack.
... Mara...
Berimont heaved a sigh. He glanced at Alex apologetically. “I’m really sorry about her,” he mumbled. “She gets overbearing and just. Really doesn’t like humans. I didn’t think she’d bother you before I got home...” He paused. Looked Alex up and down. “She didn’t hurt you, did she?”
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