#a more sad than angsty roth
xastarothx · 7 months
a starter for @hayliel, @sincreator, @bleedingwings note: this is not a 3 way thread just spare me okay
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Roth was laid back in that typical louche posture, feet kicked up as though there was nothing asunder in the world. The only tell tale was the way he clutched Hayliel's stupid Mickey Mouse ears that the Luxuria had gifted to all of them, arms crossed as though the Ira was clinging to a pillow. It wrought the tale of how they reacted to Adatiel's... death, this notion that she'd been reduced to nothing when perhaps she was the most influential of them all. Michael the First Blade, Uriel the Conquest, Atarniel the Discordia/Scribe; what was to show of what they'd been carved to be when Adatiel had cradled humanity and made the ultimate sacrifice for them when such care and devotion had no longer been enough? "I don't know where to go from here," a grimace was painted upon their face as he half-glared at their sibling who had practically forced their way into 4 the Record; the shop had been closed ever since time had lapsed backwards and set them free from their alternate routes.
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witheringvoice · 2 years
So... I've been writing... I think i have five I'm "consistently" writing on right now... three I tend to touch and add onto... and two I'm actually focused on. Don't get me wrong, I probably have other stories in the works (I know I do :')...), but I want to focus on the ones I have ideas for and, well the ones I'm most passionate about. BUT I CAN'T DO THAT.... When I start another one. I blame finally watching Jujutsu Kaisen, it gave me an idea for a writing prompt I have in my writing prompt book and...It's all gonna go downhill from here lol.
I'm kidding, BUT COME ON! I can't- this sucks.
How about I talk about some of the stories I've written (some fan fiction, some aren't fanfiction but I use people/characters for character bases because I don't struggle with anything BUT visualizing and creating characters... To make the process faster- yeah-), only one has been completed sadly.
Let me start with the ones I'm working on at the moment, of course, starting with the one I'm most passionate about.
Under The Oak Tree (UTOT for short, for future reference):
So I was inspired by Butterfly Reign by SilentTeyz on ao3, to write a royalty and fantasy type of story, if that makes sense. It's not meant to be a fanfiction itself, but since I can't quite come up with my own characters very well (hence why a lot of my stories never get further than five or so pages...), I did use DSMP character bases, which probably doesn't make the story feel unique and more fanfiction-esque, but in my eyes, it's not. It's just the most efficient way to write my story. There's nothing wrong with writing fanfiction of course, I just have a history of being bullied for anything I enjoy doing soooo- yeah. Alright, the two main places are obviously, Esempi and Cinder Kingdom. Cinder, is a misnomer, I think I used that word right? Because Cinder Kingdom is basically a version of the Antarctic Empire. Anyways, my plots are very complicated, and I love adding a random twist that affects everything A LOT, and that will cause a lot of drama/angst/chaos, or it's a twist ending that someone might cry over because it ends up being angsty to some point or something, ya know? That's the way I write, which is funny because most of the time I hate sad endings. Anyway! So basically, the main character's mother, is what this plot is kinda- I'm bad at descriptions let me get into it. So long before mc was born, her name is Arabella Rose, so, long before Lady Arabella was born, her mother Lady Annabeth of the prestigious Hallow Halls was supposed to marry the Duke of Esempi Kingdom. Hallow Halls, was a prestigious place run by the Hallow family line, and it was a place in the palace. That family is one of the oldest of the ancestors of the lands, all of them, not just Esempi, have a lot of knowledge, magic, and languages, that have been lost to time. They are sorcerers, they are enchanters, they, however, are human. Their abilities are some of the strongest, and their knowledge is some of both the most dangerous, and most sought out. Their refuge was in Esempi, but when Lady Annabeth was eighteen, she was to be married to the Duke of Esempi. She refused and had to run away, fleeing to Cinder Kingdom. Why? Because that Duke, is a tyrant, he get's what he wants and if not, he destroys it himself. His glowing eyes, are not to be messed with. So she ran, and the tragedy of Hallow Halls, everyone in Esempi knew, was caused by the Duke, but no one could prove it, so it was assumed that no one survived, everyone died. That is not the case, however, because "Ann Rose" became the wife of Isaac Roth aka the most renowned blacksmith of Cinder Kingdom. He let her seek refuge with him, and they fell in love. Arabella Roth was born, and only the queen of Esempi and the queen of Cinder knew what truly happened to Lady Annabeth. Ann fell sick, and she died when Arabella was young, leaving her to tend to the blacksmith with her father, because she wanted nothing else, but to be the next biggest blacksmith, but not just of Cinder, but of all the land. She didn't care that she was a woman, and it would likely be looked down upon, she wanted to use the knowledge, that only she knew now, to the highest extent. Sadly for her, she had to flee Cinder like her mother fled Esempi because the Duke tracked her and her father down, through the means of magic. In hopes of not causing a war, since her father was under the protection of the king of Cinder, she fled to Esempi, where she found a massive oak tree in the forest, a very old one, with a big burrow residing under it. She decided to seek refuge there, and with the help of a scholar she befriended in the capital of Esempi, found a lovely home. Anyone who meets Arabella, tends to care for her. There's something about her, most want to protect her and shield her from the world, they can see the innocence, yet not ignorance she holds in her eyes. They see the pain, but she doesn't need protecting. And oh my god I'm so excited to write this story. The main story, aka, solving the Duke issue, won't be the main priority for most of the story, because she stumbles into a lot...LIMIT FUCK
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to ROCKETEAR!
It's a long post, but when are these ever really short? xD Seeing Carapace first made me so excited. I've been sad we haven't had much of him in the show. And then I saw that it seemed like Ladynoir was doing pretty good as they only had Carapace helping them this time. More S2 & S3 like. So I was like cool, cool, this is great. But what the heck scientist WHY ARE YOU BRINGING TYRANNOSAURUS REX'S BACK! Obviously she's going to be something big later on, she's too nicely animated not to be back. Not to mention Bob Roth's plans. Anyone else both intrigued but also scared at what that could do later? Big upcoming plot point, I think.
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I screamed awwww because this is everything. I've wanted a LB/Carapace and Marinette/Nino friendship bond in this show since season 1. This scene made me incredibly happy! I'm a huge Nino fan, for those that don't know, so you can imagine how much I love this episode. Even though sad Nino.
"Alya, everyone has to believe that you will never use the Miraculous again!" End of episode: So anyway... So what I'm seeing here is, Alya's not fond of the idea of being just a spy, not being in on the action. Even though it's Ladybug's plan. Chat Noir isn't fond of what's going on right now either, where he thinks what's going on is all Ladybug's plans. Alya makes the decision to not do what Ladybug wants and tells Nino she's still Rena Rouge. So what's Chat Noir going to do to go against her? Because that's coming up on the horizon. Despite everything being easier for Marinette since everything's not just on her shoulders now, she's still been unable to play video games with her dad, and we know how much she loves doing that. :c That's really sad she doesn't even have time for her family anymore. DJWifi over here being all adorable. "You don't love me anymore!" Me: *Chat Blanc flashbacks* Alya suggests her new content could be Chat Noir edits and Marinette's like YES DO THOSE. Then those edits helped push Nino into thinking she was into Chat. Big oops. Not gonna lie, the rewind freaked me out for a moment. Last time I saw that was Chat Blanc so I thought something big was up. But nope, it's just like that scene in Puppeteer 2. Ugh poor Nino! He knows something's bothering Alya, but she won't say what it is and her behavior's too off from how she normally is. Poor guy. x.x Grumpy Nino that Carapace doesn't get attention and then they wrote his girlfriend with Chat Noir. I remember when Alya was grumpy for a bit about Rena Rouge not getting a party to celebrate her. Movie Ladybug telling Movie Chat Noir that he's better with Movie Rena Rouge. Is this a reference to the episode in Avatar, The Ember Island Players? Getting strong vibes when Play Aang and Play Katara were like, we're just friends nothing more and it's great! Play Katara was extremely into Play Zuko. I can see why Ladybug dismissed the movie (or was it the previous one since it's been awhile? Maybe?) because Rena Rouge and Chat Noir???? The writers (of the movie) just wanted to be different because everyone can see Ladynoir, unless they're blind. Alya and Nino are Andre's favorite couple. YES THANK YOU. I mean they're not my favorite because Love Square. BUT they're my second favorite next to them. Those kids are super adorable but definitely that kid playing Chat wasn't doing Nino any favors. First picture Alya shows. Chat with a heart tail. Yeah that's not doing her any favors lol. Nino: UGH CHAT NOIR'S COMING IN BETWEEN ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND. I KNOW, I'LL CALL MY BEST FRIEND TO VENT TO ABOUT IT. Best Friend Chat Noir: Best Friend Chat Noir: Welp maybe I should see what's up. Maybe I went a little to hard on the cat charm and she's fallen in love with me. Me: Oh oof here we go. Also can I ask, if anyone knows, who animated this episode? The fluidity is great and it looks really pretty. But it doesn't quite look like SAMG's work either. Whoever did it, I love it. S2 Chat Noir: You're not replacing me with a turtle, are you? :c S4 Nino: Who would want a reckless turtle as a partner? BOYS STOP. But yeah this whole scene had me laughing so hard XD Very dramatic and I love it. Nino's hilarious even when he's worried and sad! I would've absolutely loved to have heard this in English with the old English voice of Nino, but the new one worries me on whether or not he'll do a good job sounding like Nino and less high-pitched and whiny. :/ New York Nino was great but S4 Nino....x.x THE TRANSITION BETWEEN HIS INNER MONOLOGUE AND SPEAKING REGULARLY AGAIN 😂😂😂😂 Brilliant! It doesn't really feel like Miraculous Ladybug this episode, and I love it. Not that I don't love the show as usual but wow this is great. Okay, I want to point out that Chat Noir
probably was more worried about it than he would've been otherwise because of what happened with Marinette in Weredad. It probably made him more cautious about this sort of thing.
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LOL Chat's sulking because Alya's laughing at the idea of being interested in him. 😂😂 I know that's a blow to one's ego and all, and he's dealt with this kind of thing a lot so I do feel bad for him, but that is his best friend's girlfriend and he definitely doesn't want her to like him. Alya: With him it's not just ❤️it's *makes massive hand gesture indicating she loves him deeply* SO SO SO CUTE OKAY ALL THIS DJWIFI 😭 Alya: And I don't even know your secret identity! I would never fall in love with someone I don't know. Chat Noir, literally fell in love with Ladybug, whose identity he doesn't know. Well Alya, I wonder if you saying that matters for later somehow.... o.O Nino running away crying is honestly one of the things that hurts me most in the entire show. Ugh. Adrien over here being all, I'm having a good day. I'm happy and smiling and it's great. And then it wasn't. Adrien, if Nino let him and didn't interrupt, would've told him about how Alya really doesn't love Chat Noir, and that would've seriously led up to his identity being exposed since Nino was watching and filmed them. o.o Did you notice how he was going to tell him about it? S4, the basement is where it's at. Adrien: Uhh, when did you arrange all this? Nino: *pounds fist on desk* I ASK THE QUESTIONS! 😂 So like. Why is Nino interrogating Adrien when he's after Chat Noir? He doesn't know they're the same person. XD He's looking at him like Adrien has info he's keeping or something omg.
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Also again this animation is so nice. Adrien, feeling uncomfortable and so turns the music off. Nino, wanting his dramatic music on while he interrogates Adrien, turns it back on. Adrien, feeling even more irritated and uncomfortable, wants the music OFF and turns it off. Nino, turns the music back on. This may be a reference to something, I don't know, but lolol it's so funny. This episode is both super hilarious and super angsty! Honestly they've done such a good job in my opinion. Nino: I'm talking about something that I shouldn't tell you! ...but I'm going to tell you anyway! Alya's Rena Rouge and I'm Carapace! Okay but the way Adrien went from shock to utter anger, knocked his chair back and grabbed Nino's shoulders like "Tell me the truth. You two know about each other?" Aw man, my poor sunshine boy. A lot of the stuff bothering Adrien is all circumstantial, none of it is to purposefully keep him in the dark. And yet from his perspective, that's how it looks. "I thought secret identities must be protected at all times! If that was the truth, you would never tell me this!" Alright so three things. If he's referring to him saying that Nino and Alya know about each other, that was situational and important info for him to know now that this is out. It wasn't important to know before this. The time it happened was dire and was really no time to get around it. If he's talking about Nino telling him the secrets, well yeah that's not supposed to happen and Nino broke that trust. But also, I get the feeling pretty strongly at this point Adrien's going to be breaking some rules too and one of which is he's going to tell Nino who he is. Adrien's being too emotional in this scene to not be involved in it all, I'm wondering if that's going to be questioned later by Nino. He's acting like he knows too much to be a random viewer of the heroes like the rest of Paris. Also Adrien's best friend just totally dissed Chat Noir and went off about how he throws himself at Ladybug whenever he sees her with roses and love confessions. 😂😂😂 This is just too funny! "But he's always rejected because Ladybug finds him annoying! And she's completely right!" Omg Nino, that's not the reason anymore, shush! "And then Rena Rouge appears and he goes *tickles under Adrien's chin* hey pretty lady! You look elegant and you have great perfume." OMG does Chat Noir actually say and do stuff like that to Rena Rouge or is he just exaggerating here XD "If I could I would shut his mouth forever!" Yeah Nino, say what you really think about your best friend in the entire world. Yikes poor Adrien though. I never imagined he'd hear all these bad things about himself from his best friend directly like that. :/ That's a major misunderstanding of him. Which kind of pushes me more towards the "he's going to tell Nino" theory. Sad Adrien transformation DDDX Alya: *explained everything about why Chat Noir went over to her house in the middle of the night* Marinette *facepalm* Ugh that Chat Noir... Well at least there will be no misunderstandings there! xD "Chat Noir, you stole Alya from me! I will steal your life from you." Good lord man calm down. You can't just kill a man! Fanon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Marinette. Canon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Alya. Time to go back to the basement! lol Nino's music's still playing xD And the video is left with it paused on Chat Noir hugging Alya. Marinette looked a bit sad, but it was probably more about the situation being a mess rather than being sad he'd hug her. Meanwhile, Chat Noir's fighting Nino and would rather get beaten up by him than fight. x.x "I can't believe that I doubted you." "I can't believe I chose to do anything but be with you!" She wiped away akumatized Nino's tear just like how Ladybug wiped away akumatized Chat Noir's. ALL THE PARALLELS 😭😭😭 But that hug is so sweet!! Nino broke off the akumatization just like Alya did :o Dang, I wonder if that means something later too. "Love and secrets do not go well together, Ladybug. And I'm sure you have a lot of
them!" Secrets = from Chat Noir. Love = for Chat Noir. Yeah even Shadow Moth knows at this point. xP Thanks for that foreshadowing. Nino's charm is my favorite charm so far! It's my favorite shade of blue. Chat Noir: Everybody has doubts sometimes...even me." Ladybug: Is everything okay, Chat Noir? Chat: Oh yes...pound it!
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So um. The placemet of Adrien's poster in between Chat Noir, Ladybug, and just with this entire situation feels very strange. Very intentional. But no clue exactly what that could mean..... Nino and Alya are happy over there watching those two, like they're waiting for them to figure things out or something. But really, Adrien should've talked to Ladybug when he could still do so calmly and be reasonable. I doubt that's going to be the case later on. And honestly Ladybug doesn't even know what's going on. Every episode we've seen really either has them working together or she's unable to be Ladybug when he's unable to be Chat Noir most of the time. I've said it before but these two really need to communicate. Nino and Alya are like a less adorably romantic version of what they'd be. "But they're a couple and they know their secret identities, so why does that rule exist for us but they can know?" Very simple. Because they were temporary holders and the Miraculous they had, Hawk Moth hasn't made it his life's mission to obtain, unlike them, who are permanent holders and Hawk Moth's been after them fiercely to make a Wish that could destroy everything. But. The fact he's asking this, and Marinette's Chat Blanc nightmare, really points in the direction that he's going to eventually find out that while she's thought about telling him all along, Chat Blanc's kept her from doing so.
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Okay, so while it looks like he's staring up at the moon, if you notice, it really is just one of the pink bubbles.
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Now, they could be making it seem like it's the moon though to give it a double meaning. But poor Kitty, he's feeling so awful right now over in that dark corner Dx Nino felt bad for only two episodes? and it got resolved, so hopefully this all won't last too much longer for him! Marinette had a few shaky episodes so hopefully he'll have a few before it gets resolved. But somehow I think that may be wishful thinking. This episode was so amazing, honestly. Wonderful writing, made me laugh a lot, aw a lot, and hurt a lot. It focused on the core 4 characters which I've wanted more of for a long time. The animation was beautiful. And it just felt so different in such a good way. Chat Noir's having a hard time right now, and I know there's a lot of anger and hate about it going around. But please, think of this as him hitting a rough spot in the road to a much better and brighter future. He's going to end up okay, he'll understand it all someday. And that day's honestly not that far for him if you think about it.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Rocketear thoughts
Oh man this episode... Ngl, I know it was angsty but Nino's arc was also so over the top? I mean, I'm sorry but I found his whole detective thing to be hilarious, the "rain", the saxophone, the bubbles for Sherlock's pipe, his moustache, his office (I particularly loved the sequence with Adrien when they kept turning the music up or down, and also Adrien's confusion about when he got up to all this - valid question, I want the answer too, there's even a 21B on the wall!)... Dude went so hard XD You can tell he's an aspiring movie director!
I also loved the Jurassic Park reference, and you know what? I think Bob Roth should go and live on an island with dinosaurs. I'm sure he'd have a lot of fun 👀
Also DJWifi are such a power couple, and actually, Nino might actually be stronger, mentally, than Alya - Alya fought really hard to get rid of his influence, when Nino dissed Hawkmoth AS ROCKETEAR before renouncing his Akuma. What a boss. Slightly concerned about the implications of Alya coming clean to Nino about her being Rena Furtive though...
Talking about the elephant in the room now; Chat Noir. His discussion with Ladybug is long overdue, and I really hope they get it soon (I'm very afraid of how it will take place, though - the endcard is... ominous). I'm happy Nino told Adrien about him and Alya because I feel like that might accelerate the process - hopefully the next chronological episode will be it. I was HEARTBROKEN by his sad transformation - he's normally so smily when he gets to be Chat, and yet this time he's so gloomy... I get his mini freak out about secret identities and basically "wtf, how do you guys know??", it's absolutely valid. The "problem" this season is that yes, it's all about secrets and lies, etc. but even if Ladybug could and probably should communicate more with Chat about their feelings, he's also lying to her about his hurt about being left out, so nobody's entirely at fault. I understand that they couldn't address it this time, the episodes are too short to have everything that was in the episode + a Ladybug/Chat real talk. Episode 19 can't come quick enough!
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kitsunebi-uk · 5 years
@mandolinearts tagged me to post ten songs I cannot stop listening to and then tag ten more ppl, so here we go!
Honestly, I tried so, so hard, but there are 13 here, and trimming it down to just that was painful. Music means so much to me as a (YOI) writer and a person - memories, emotions, headspaces . . . And a heads-up to artists I love whose songs don’t even appear on my list - Led Zeppelin, Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors, Nightnoise, Jethro Tull, Rush, Pink Floyd, Queen, REM, Rolling Stones, Simon & Garfunkel, Styx, Tom Petty, The Who, Bob Marley and the Wailers, and many more.
In no particular order.
1.     Spring, from The Four Seasons – Vivaldi. Because it may be the most exuberant piece of music I’ve ever heard, and makes me think of bright sun shining through windows on a beautiful day.
2.     Requiem in D Minor, Confutatis and Lacrimosa – Mozart. Haunting and powerful on its own, it also features in a scene from the 1984 film Amadeus that still sends chills down my spine, where the dying Mozart is dictating this genius vision to the astounded Salieri, one of the few people of the time to appreciate just how talented he was. (It’s believed that Wolfgang’s older sister Nannerl might have been equally as talented – but gals in the 18th century, honestly, what chance did we stand.)
3.     I Get Around – The Beach Boys. I love their harmonies, and I have the silliest YOI headcanon based on this, where Yuuri and Phichit have put together a pairs skate in Detroit based on this song to do just for fun. So many 50s and 60s songs would lend themselves to skating. OK, so Yuuri probably would not be into that kind of thing. But it’s fun to imagine anyway.
4.     The Devil Went Down to Georgia – The Charlie Daniels Band. Why do I like this? I don’t know. Maybe because for me it blends the best of country and bluegrass with the ancient ballad tradition, doesn’t take itself seriously, and is rollicking fun. Of course Yuuri and Victor dance to it in 1393 in a castle in my WIP. If you’d like to know why and how, watch this space, because it won’t be long. 😀
5.     Land of the Livid Dead – Nowhere to Run (Rayman Origins Soundtrack) – Christophe Héral, Billy Martin. Totally obscure, total genius gaming soundtrack. This dude/bloke took a different musical genre for each land he created music for, and totally ripped it and owned it. It’s got big band, mariachi, metal, didgeridoo – and this, which sounds like a funked-up spaghetti western. Utterly unique and strange and wonderful.
6.     Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry. Quintessential 50s rock & roll, long before Marty McFly got his hands on it – though that was cool too.
7.     Fotheringhay – Fairport Convention. I love Sandy Denny’s lilting, haunting voice. This song (about the final days of Mary, Queen of Scots) has been in my mind a lot lately purely for the mood, because at the end of my WIP, this totally captures it – sad and angsty. And a castle.
8.     Who Do You Love? – George Thorogood and the Destroyers. I love rock & roll with a heavy blues base, and George Thorogood makes no apologies for borrowing from it. I have always envisioned this song as a sort of “opening titles” accompaniment to a film of my first fic, The Other Side of Sunset, where Yuuri and Victor are cowboys in the Old West.
9.     Wheel in the Sky – Journey. I love Steve Perry’s voice, and this has always been my favorite song of theirs – there’s something wistful about it.
10.  Solsbury Hill – Peter Gabriel. A beautiful song about leaving things behind that you’ve outgrown and finding the courage to reach for something new.
11.  Reckoner – Radiohead. I was introduced to this song in one of the late chapters of Proantagonist’s “Winter Song” – Victor choreographed his comeback skate to it. And I can totally imagine him doing this, so much so that I see it in my head every time I hear this winsome, gorgeous voice. And Yuuri jumping on his bed in excitement, cheering him on from Japan as he watches on the TV.
12.  Hold On; The Eyeball Kid – Tom Waits. While he has his clear influences, as every artist does (from the blues and rap to gin-soaked Las Vegas lounge-lizard nightclubs, always sprinkled with a good dose of the dark side of romantic Americana), he is completely and utterly a phenomenon unto himself, wildly creative and adventurous. These are two of my favorites of his that are less gargling-broken-glass than usual.
13.  Sharp Dressed Man – ZZ Top. Another YOI headcanon for an 80s child. This goes through my head every time I think about Victor in his knockout suit in Episode 5, and I got to write a similar moment in my fic “All That We See or Seem”, when he gets dressed up to go and meet his crush (who, to his consternation, skitters away – how could he not remember that banquet where they danced together?).
 I’m tagging @themayflynans @adrianners @sheepskeleton @pro-antagonist @amy-on-ice @kazul9 @uzaisozai @inlovewithyoi @nikiforoov @thatshamelessyaoishipper @mazarin221b @katzuyas
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shipcestuous · 6 years
More on DC incest ships
Thanks to all of you who chimed in to help give a more complete answer to the anon who asked about DC universe incestuous couples. It sounds like there’s really nothing that’s strictly canon and strictly incest but lots to ship.
Hawk and Dove have some strong undertones. Hawk always protecting Dove, the pacifist. Dove reminding Hawk it’s okay to be tender. They’re one of my faves.
Tara and her brother had some undertones in the comics as well if I remember correctly.
Beast boy and Elasta-girl have a pretty Shippy adopted mother/son relationship. Especially when you see BB talk to Mento,his adopted dad.
Morgaine le Fay and Mordred have a lasting one with undertones.
None of these are canon per say, but they’re about as Shippy as the maximoffs in 616 continuity.
Anon #1:
DC? ROBINS. When 5 stepsibs have donned the same cape to work same highrisk job for their Daddy, it's ship-central ;) Damian (Wayne, bloodson of Bruce/Batman) is the current 'Robin' and pairs with Batman or with previous 'Robins'. Commonly fans ship Damian with his predecessor Tim Drake/Red Robin, who almost dated another 'Robin' Stephanie Brown/Batgirl in canon. The two oldest 'Robins', Dick Grayson/Nightwing & Jason Todd/Red Hood are the eminent ship in fanon, but any combo works tbh.
(DC-cest anon) I forgot to add: people often ship Blackfire & Starfire, the alien princess sisters in Teen Titans (retconpunchdotcom.files.wordpress.com/ 2012/08/sisterfire-love.png) but sadly because they look like Amazonian females that ship is often used as fetish fodder for creepy straight guys. I'd love more respectful fanon and more canon for them. Also for anyone into angsty sad father x son or daughter, look into Slade/Deathstroke & his son Jericho or Trigon & Rachel Roth/Raven.
Anon #2:
Re: DC couples, I don't know of any canon ones that are consentual, however Doctor Thirteen canonly had an erotic seeming dream about his daughter Traci, and Swamp Thing love interest Abby Arcane's evil uncle Anton had sex with her while he was inhabiting the body of someone else (that she was more disposed to having sex with). And of course Superman telling his cousin the only reason they can't be together is that cousin marriage isn't legal on Krypton even tho it totally is on Earth.
Anon #3:
Not big on comics either, but the relationship between Penguin and his mother on Gotham was lifted from a recent iteration of the comics. In the first half of S2 of Gotham (Rise of the Villains: Battle of the Incest Ships), I was rooting for the Cobblepots because unlike the Galavans, they seemed to love each other. A rare instance where I preferred parent/child over siblings.
I debated mentioning Penguin and his mother. Definite vibes there, which we saw at least as much in 4B with Sofia Falcone “wooing” Penguin using his memories of his mother - her recipes and stuff like that. 
Anon #4:
Re: DCTV incest, don't forget about canon (married!) stepcest between Barry/Iris in The Flash, and the non-canon but reasonably popular ships between Oliver/Thea (halfcest) and Kara/Alex (stepcest).
Anon #5
Also not canon but I kinda ship Len/Lisa Snart aka Captain Cold/Golden Glider... both in the show (which kinda dropped the ball on them since Legends) and comics they're kind of the one pure thing in each other's lives, the one each knows they can count on completely.
I’m so disappointed that we didn’t get much more Len/Lisa after how good it was on The Flash at first. 
Anon #6
For the DCList: It's unhealthy but James Gordon Jr. has an intense fixation on his sister Barbara Gordon. James is quite bluntly-a psychopath. In The Black Mirror he abducts Babs (there's weirdly intimate stabbing involved) and obsesses about how she's the only one to really 'see' him despite how different they are. Their interactions are everywhere in Gail Simone's run on the Nu52Batgirl- culminating in him shooting Bab's husband on their wedding day for taking away 'the only person he loves'.
Wow, I don’t remember ever hearing about this before. Sounds very suggestive. Ngl, I’m kinda into it in a messed up way. (Without knowing anything more than what’s right here.)
Anon #7
In terms of DC, some of my old submissions were DC. Like the Marvels/Shazam family. And the Captain Atom stuff. Iris and Wally in the comics are aunt and nephew and he loves her a lot(it turned out she was his adopted aunt but that was a retcon and I doubt he knew ect). The Impulse and XS stuff. The Impulse and his Mom stuff. The Max Mercury and his daughter stuff. I'm surprised someone mentioned Nightwing and not his relationship with both Bruce and Damian.
Anon #8:
are you into dc comics at all? fox’s gotham has recently given us a dysfunctional closer-than-they-should-be set of twin brothers that i’m all 😍 over
I am going to talk about these two more once I catch up on Gotham. I’m about two episodes behind. I know who you’re talking about but I’ve only seen the first episode when the other twin was introduced and not anything since then.
Anon #9:
Adding to the DC ist. There's a story from the silverage that you can find on cracked. It's easy to make fun of. Basically cat woman has a brother, at this point she'd gotten out of crime and he's trying to pull her in. Batman spends the whole time thinking he's her bf. That's a standard plot. But cracked spent the time pointing out how insane the bro comes off and into catwoman. "six insane batman villains you won't see in movies". The King of Cats.
OMG. The king of cats. That’s hilarious.
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