#a new oc has struck the kris towers?!!
kriscentrics · 10 months
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it's not that complicated, no matter what they say you'll never meet another me it's not that difficult to get your head around you'll never meet another me
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biasedwriting · 7 years
Opera [EXO’s Xiumin, Suho, Kris, and Kyungsoo]
Characters : EXO’s Xiumin || Suho || Kris || Kyungsoo || OC
Regency Au
Rating : PG
Warnings : idk
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She had arrived in style as most critics do and was led to the box reserved for her. Young Lady Cho was one of the most renouned critics in the field of Opera with her cutting yet accurate criticism and rare praise. Her little box sat at the corner of the theatre facing the magnificent stage. Curtained off from the public in thick red velvet, Lady Cho became Cho Ahra, a young lady with a passion for the Opera.
Her box held a secret though. A little bit of magic she thought as she drew the curtains and settled down on the cushioned wrought iron chair, carefully trying not to tread on the gown that billowed over the floor. The wrought iron table held a kettle of hot water and a box of exotic teas to tickle the lady's fancy. A pretty porcelain tea cup sat on its saucer by the little bowl of sugar cubes.
Nobility had its perks. But what brought her back every single time was...
"You're here." His low voice caressed her ears as his pale skin glowed under the chandelier light. Ahra felt a little uncomfortable under his intense gaze as he took the seat in front of hers. There was not even a little formality in his movements as his eyes only focused on her. They were wide, a wild fire seemed to sprint through them engulfing her in the flames. He had made no movement towards her but she could feel the heat creeping up the back of her neck.
His passionate gaze devoured her every single time. Ahra steeled herself, before clearing her throat.
"Of course I'm here. This is my work sir." They both knew she was lying as the man's plush, heart-shaped lips quirked upwards to form a smirk. His smooth hands reached for the porcelain, running his thumb over its rim.
"Which would you prefer, my lady?" His voice drawled lazily as his other hand fiddled with the tea box almost like he was playing with Ahra herself. There was a strong purposeful sense to each of his moves. Ahra let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.
"Anything will do." She replied to the stranger who plagued her dreams with his devilish eyes and sinful voice.
He made quite a display of pouring her a tea into the cup, the spoon tinkled against its edges as he stirred,  his eyes not leaving her. Ahra was so wrapped up in each of his actions that she completely missed the lights going out and the soft lilting music begining to stream out of the pit.
"It has begun." He mused, snapping Ahra out of her trance as she turned towards the stage set up and ready for the performance.
The lead actress made her way onto the stage as per the many practices, her trained voice resonated through the theatre as the stranger circled around and positioned himself behind Ahra.
"Such passion." He whispered, making Ahra jolt and the tea cup rattle on the saucer as he ran his fingers through the locks of her hair, twirling one and holding it against his cheek.
"What on earth are you doing sir?" Ahra asked as he eyed the skin of her neck exposed by the gown with growing interest. Ahra held back a gasp as his lips caressed the skin. His voice replied, lower than usual.
"Ahra," he whispered hoarsely, " I'm giving into the passion."
Miya wiped off the remnants of the make up that had been plastered on her face. The perfomance had gone off well and she had finally spotted her patron and lover sitting in the audience. He had sent a note saying that he would await her after the show and she was rushing through her routine before hearing knocks on the window.
"Joonmyun!" She gasped, opening the door to see her lover smiling brightly at her  with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
"Beautiful,  simply beautiful!" He congratulated, pulling her into his arms and twirling her around. She gripped onto his coat as he lead her out, only to have the sky pour down on the two of them. Her umbrella blew out of her hands and rolled into another street. She picked up her soppy skirts to run behind it, but Joonmyun held her back and promised to buy her another one.
Like little children they splish splashed in the rain, their clothes clinging to their skins as Joonmyun finally caught hokd of Miya by the waist and pulled her closer. The two grinned at each other panting.
"How on earth do you have the energy to run after perfoming like that?!" Joonmyun exclaimed with wide eyes. His hair stuck to his forehead and his smile remained bright as ever. His pink lips were slightly parted as breathes came out unevenly, matching Miya's. His eager eyes drank in her beautiful face and half lidded eyes still smiling as he cupped her cheeks. The sound of the rain provided the two enough encouragement to seal their lips together in a heated kiss, grabbing onto each other as tongues tangled and bodies drew closer. It was as spontaneous as the rain.
When the two finally pulled apart, Miya gasped almost like she realized too late.
"We should change out of these clothes and get warm! Or well get sick!"
Joonmyun groaned as the loss of touch but brightened up as soon as an idea struck him.
"I know the perfect way to warm up." He smirked slyly, grabbing hold of her wrist and leading her back home where he closed the door with such finality, everyone knew not to disturb the two.
*** She looked rather entertained by the crowd leaving the theatre, not knowing that her star actress was dancing around in the rain. Qiuyue was the unquestioned head of everything at the theatre although Yifan was supposed to be the actual head.
But as they say, behind every successful man, is a real smart woman covering up his stupidity.
"Not a bad crowd tonight don't you think?" Yifan chuckled behind her, making her jump and shoot him a glare as he caught hold of her hands and grinned.
"You're welcome." She nodded as he pulled her into his sturdy chest.
"For my amazing ability in managing the theatre?" He smirked , earning a whack on the chest as he pressed a kiss on the top of her head. Yifan lead her back into the theatre where they resided in one of its many rooms. His eyes grew dark as he snuggled closer to her pressing another kiss on her temple.
"Yifan!" She laughed, as he hugged her from behind, waddling along with her as she walked down the stone floor, the sound of their feet echoed through the now empty theatre as she finally unlocked the door.
"We should be celebrating~" he nuzzled her ear, wrapping one arm around her waist while trailing kisses down the side of her neck, nibbling on the flesh. Qiuyue's head rolled back slightly as a quick breath left her lips in the form of a gasp. She quickly spun around in Yifan's arms only to have him tower over her and press her against the door frame. His eyes darkened with desire as Qiuyue balked ever so slightly.
Yifan may be a silly man, but whenever he gave Qiuyue this look, she knew he was serious. So when he caressed her face and captured her lips in a messy kiss, she simply melted into it.
Because celebrating is a serious business.
Dambi didn't expect it to start raining when she boarded the carriage with Minseok. The two sat in silence as she gulped internally. The horses hoofs were louder than she wished, but she was glad for it as it covered up her heartbreat. She was leaving for Paris by ship and wouldn't return for months. Minseok was rather upset with the news, knowing this was the last night he got to spend with her before she got shipped off to her auntie's.
"Do you have to go?" He whispered wondering if taking her to the opera as one final "special" day was a good idea. Dambi looked down and away as Minseok's fingers travelled over the seat to grab hold of her's.
The rain beat down on the carriage as it rolled its way down the street. The inhabitants remained silent even though their hands held each other's tightly.
"I have to."
"I don't want you to."
"I know you don't want me to go Minseok,  but there is no choice in this matter." Dambi looked at his sadded eyes.
"I'll miss you." He mumbled.
"Tell me something I don't know." Dambi grumbled as he chuckled.
"I'll miss your smart mouth," He said, running his thumb over her knuckles "I'll miss touching you like this," he continued,  running his fingers up her arms. "And I'll definitely miss doing this..."
"What?" Dambi blinked as Minseok's soft lips descended on hers, his hands trailing up to cup her cheeks as he tilted his head in an attempt to deepen it. He pressed further when he felt her grip at his overcoat, responding fervently as he pressed her up against the stained window, his hands trailing down her body, trying to commit everything to his memory as their tongues danced in fierce battle.
The windows fogged up and the rain seemed incessant. The carriage crunched over the gravelled roads closer towards its destination. It's inhabitants completely consumed in their desirous passion, knowing they will not feel each other for a long time.
The Opera House watched over everything and everybody as it always did.
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