#this is delilah when she was human btw
kriscentrics · 10 months
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it's not that complicated, no matter what they say you'll never meet another me it's not that difficult to get your head around you'll never meet another me
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
Do you have any monster OCs? or any OCs at all? :o
You are opening Pandora’s box with this question, my love. Goodness gracious, I’m gonna put it all under the cut because the answer is yes, I have many OCs both monster, cyborg, and otherwise!
Thank you so much for asking btw, it was super sweet of you <33
If anyone would like to send in any asks about these then I’d be more than happy to talk about them 👉🏼👈🏼
Tumblr OCs
So, starting off with on my blog, I have 2 OCs! I have Demon Prist, my special boy. His story is that he is a fallen angel who is desperately trying to get back into Heaven and God’s good graces when you come into his life. He’s convinced you’re a gift from God for his devotion all these millennia as you take his pain away.
I also have Ghost bf whose name is yet to be revealed although I do have one! His story (lore drop!) is that when moving to a new city, you’re looking for an apartment and you find him! The two of you talk for weeks before agreeing to a sort of trial run. But before you can get there, Ghost bf dies and you show up to an empty apartment and you expect him to be back soon. When he reveals himself to you the two of you contact each other in weird ways and fall in love along the way.
More to come too!
Book OCs
Then I also have Monster OCs that I would like to introduce here and later possibly turn into books! The first being Wren and Emery. Wren is a bigender Eldritch monster whose favorite show is a monster hunter show where they find monsters and study them. Not actual hunting. Emery was the host of this show with her bf Jonah when a bad werewolf accident happens and Jonah kind of takes over the show. Wren decides to invite the show to his manor to essentially… catch him. All in order to help Emery. It’s very rom-com vibes. Wren and Emery are the main couple (Jonah is bad)
I have Delilah and Augustine with their friends Ivory and Sivan. I want to write their story through an anthology. It’s basically flustered vampire x bimbo human. Delilah is insanely smart, she’s a mortician ironically. But she misses a lot of things right in front of her, hence the bimbo type personality. So it’s a collection of like Augustine constantly getting caught being a vampire bc he’s not smooth or sneaky (anymore) and it just doesn’t click for Delilah. Which makes Ivory, her best friend that’s also a secret vampire, insane. She’s a hypocrite but her and Auggie have a fun dynamic.
Thirdly, I also have Zella and Senén. Sen is a hybrid wolf who ran his own mafia when his men thinks he betrayed them and the cops are on his tail. So hides as a puppy hybrid in England with an American woman named Zella who’s there looking after her sick grandmother. He has to maintain his facade even as he finds it all super demeaning. But he falls for Zella and starts getting comfortable in this new life when trouble turns its head back around on him.
Next I also have this idea for a futuristic serial fiction that would span over at least 100 chapters. It’s sci-fi fantasy. Think Nimona-ish but darker. It’s ultimately kinda cyberpunk but from the opposite perspective of it for the most part. It follows Nora or Noor and she’s in the II (Iridium Imperium) also known as the eyes. It’s a guild that protects the city like law enforcement and they’re all cyborgs with special magical gifts. Their whole city runs on guilds it’s a requirement to be in one within city limits. Only those with magical gifts can join The II. The story covers the climatic and intense downfall of The II and ultimately Nora herself as everything she’s ever known is destroyed and she’s the last to accept it if she ever really does. She has at least 3 romantic partners over the course of the series but I’m unsure if I want her to end up Ren, her enemies to lovers man from outside the city limits who understands her far too well, her ex Gio who abandoned her in order to join the resistance but always comes back for her whenever she needs him, end up with them both in a throuple, or if she should end up alone! It’s a huge world and many OCs within this world.
The working title of this next one is called Grimoire Gargoyles! It features Giselle who’s a librarian working in France at a super old library. She finds herself in the restricted section and reads out loud from a book. Accidentally releasing two French Revolution Gargoyles from their prison stuck on top of the library. Now that Francois and Bastien are free they try and leave but find themselves drawn back to Giselle. Revealing themselves to her she isn’t afraid given that monsters are a normal sight in their world. Though Gargoyles have been extinct since the Revolution. Together they work together to try and finish the spell to release them from their curse and fall in love along the way.
More include a heist trilogy with a Dragon jeweler for the King and a thief, a dryad who accidentally performs a mating ritual with an ancient dragon at a festival celebrating his supposed vanquishing, a vampire stalker who stalks a human after tasting her blood for the first time but then stops and she starts stalking him bc she’s upset he stopped stalking her, a dragon hybrid and a griffin hybrid who exchange mating symbols as kids and basically betroth themselves to each other but he’s meant to marry her sister and years later they go through the marriage trials together not knowing it’s impossible for him to marry someone else.
Other Book OCs
My oldest OCs are from last November and it’s called Crafting Constellations. It’s an elf world and all high fantasy. The first book follows Soleil and Peracles. Peracles is the heir to a Kingdom that’s only ever had female rulers and Soleil is his general. They have a forbidden romance going on and have to work together to figure out the evil plot against the crown by an unknown force. See art of them here. Its sequel features Cane, Peracles’ royal advisor and Soleil’s ex, in his heartbreak when he saves Pera from being poisoned. He gets into an enemies to lovers with Pera’s assassin named Astraea. Then the third book features the antagonist as the main character Nova and she kidnaps Viyan, a co-worker of sorts with Astraea in order to get revenge. Then I have a secondary series featuring all 4 of Peracles’ brothers with love interests. Also a prequel that’s a sapphic tragedy with Peracles mother and her own general.
Then my second oldest OCs named Prudence and Narada. It’s another sci-fi fantasy series. Prudence is a part of a faction that has the power to get into another persons mind and read it and control it. A long time ago her faction was deemed too dangerous to stay alive so they made them extinct. And for over 100 years they’ve been living in secret and pulling the strings of their entire world Janeus. Her coven sees into the future and ensures fate stays on course. So they kill the emperor of one of the empires so that his son takes over: Narada. Prue goes there, hiding her eyes as their powers are revealed through eye color. And she successfully manipulates him but they fall for each other along the way and she ends up betraying her coven and revealing herself and their plan for the young emperor. Prue is convinced that she can fix things and manipulate fate all on her own but their world slowly begins to perish and she realizes her mistake. When she gets a “chosen one” prophecy with herself as the one to defeat, she learns to accept fate and that you can’t control it as she thought.
More include a fae hunter x fae lord that’s kinda similar to Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride lol, two demons and a human working at a casino and underground fighting ring that helps them hide from the world when their pasts catch up to them, and a biblical apocalypse where the world is split into the seven deadly sins and the Lord of Greed and a man working for the Lord of Lust inadvertently work to bring the second coming of Christ.
And I’m sure there’s even more that I’ve forgotten or that have slipped my mind!! I have so many plots in my head that it’s hard to focus on any of them lol.
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power-chords · 2 months
Some Miami Vice Thots*:
Big Screen, I Notice More Stuff: That club is called MANSION. Linkin Park (from Agoura Hills, or what seems to me to be the Westchester, NY of the San Fernando Valley — Californians please correct me if I'm wrong), mashed up with Jay-Z (a Black billionaire from the mean streets of Bed-Stuy, the New New Gatsby/Big Joe Turner). Relevant to bullet point immediately below.
According to Michael Mann Miami in the mid-aughts is Age of Discovery (Digital Edition) meets Crime Family Feudalism in recursive recurrence, multiple timelines and identities inhabiting the same geographic vectors (everyone is always forever in motion). The very first interaction Sonny has with someone who is not a team member is a bartender who says she is from Lisboa, to which Sonny replies, "But you got your tan in Miami." This is what I read: She's the "reformed" Portuguese equivalent of the character in this Butch Walker song. She came from money, she lost it perhaps, but she's been since... repossessed? There's a more sinister interpretation under the surface, since she is under the roof of a powerful (and possibly related) employer whose business operations require unwavering loyalty + utmost discretion in exchange for protection (which in this case is also exploitation). Tan, in other words, as a form of Midas touch. Sacrifice to a sun(/SON!!!) god (or is Sonny more of a defecting Samson figure, speaking to an inert "Neon" Delilah who will only feign at seduction/betrayal, moving through the moves?). So already these two characters are speaking in code to each other, which is an amazing storytelling device on Mann's behalf, and you can shake so much out of that.
Derived from the above: "My Mommy and Daddy know me," hilarious line btw, becomes double-doublespeak, quadruple-speak! Not only is he pretending to tell the truth under a fabricated fundamental, the statement itself is yet another subtextual lie. His parents don't really know him, they just thought they did, which is why he's run off to become what he's become. Rico is the partner who acts out of duty first, love secondarily; Sonny is the Byronic inverse. Diaspora southern gothic. I like to think this is the mythic re-interpretation/inspiration Mann wishes a certain American population would draw from, in lieu of... current political/pop cultural figureheads.
Gina tenderly comforting the injured Zito... this shot is seconds long and yet captures my heart every time! Where is the backstory fic for these two!
Once again, the Rico/Trudy sex scene is a definite contender for the most affectionate, respectful, and sensual one in Hollywood history
Oh, Isabella. My girl Isabella. I overheard someone in the lobby call this film "such a guy movie." I don't know what drugs these people are on. Especially when counterpart to the hypermasculine satirical camp is the sensitivity and sympathy with which Mann portrays the situation of women, how we are exploited either way/anyway, deprived of romantic trust/human partnership by being put at risk by men and also by them denied the agency of taking risks for ourselves. There's both heartbreak and hypocrisy in how she attacks Sonny at the end, screaming "Who are you!" (The audience's heartbreak is: We have an instinctive uneasy sense of the systems that force her, and the rest of us, to live as hypocrites. Who are any of us, anymore, really!)
I was like MICHAEL DO THE GARMENTO CRIME DRAMA W/ ME and he was like "I made Miami Vice already, dummy! Pay attention!" Me: "OK!!!" [Pays a visit to Auerbach's Keller in Grand Central Terminal and then stays up until 5 AM playtesting West Village: Walpurgisnacht/watching the Chicago & Miami Postmodern Pseudepigrapha about Non-Recourse Factoring]
The "color coding" in this film is bonkers. More on that eventually, I'm still chewing on it.
The duality of Man(n)ager: the tragic pathos imbued to Alonzo vs. the vaudevillian coercion of Nicholas. "Why is this happening to me?!" cracks me the fuck up. This most powerful, literally biblical quandary of them all, the whole of Mann's filmography boiled down to its most singular and direct (I.E., truthful) expression, in the form of a persecuted exclamation, and it's played for laughs. Because what can you do except laugh! It's Job(/lowercase job) as circus performance, as a cabaret act. Job's poetry parodied into factional slogans and Shandyan-American dick jokes. I can't believe people think this is a stupid movie, it's pretending to be stupid!!!
*The appropriate spelling for this film in particular
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gaygirldoodles · 2 months
Im gonna make a two posts about my original characters and then one thats about the world building. This one is about my characters that have their own world, the other will be about my pjo ocs. I'm gonna link both at the end of this as soon as I am done
I don't have too much in the way of epic backstories for most of my characters. Their lives are pretty chill before and after the plot besides maybe Delilah
Delilah is a mage. Mages are like a sub-species of human that are super closely related to Homo Sapiens except they have an organ that allows them to use magic (more abt them in the other post)
Delilah is born into the house of Ainsworth which basically means her family is old money and they have quite the reputation when it comes to teaching about magic and selling magic stuff
Delilah wasn't the most rebellious child, but it was clear that she did not want to inherit the family business, reputation, etc or want to have that burden placed on her from a young age. This was a problem since she was the only heir of the Ainsworth family since her mother nor anyone else in the family really had kids
Delilah's mother ends up deciding to put an illegal tracking spell on Delilah to help keep her in check and stuff
The reason the spell is illegal is partially because Delilah was around eight years old when it was placed on her and partially because it hurts like hell to be cast
The spell left a lichtenberg scar on her back that stemmed from the basr of her neck that only grew as she aged and her magic matured
She always wears long shirt and turtlenecks/scarves and stuff like that to hide her scar since her mom never wanted anyone to find out
Btw her dad died pretty early on
Anyways, eventually she figured out a way to counter the tracking spell so long as she refreshed it every so often and she fled to some city where she met some of the other ocs
Before she fled, she discussed her plan with Rose, her best friend, until it was absolutely perfect
Delilah started rooming with Taylor (and they were roommates!) and they even worked the same job at a local cafè
There, Taylor introduced her to Lily and Chloe and they would all become fast friends with one another
During this period, Delilah and Rose often caught up with eachother via letters. Although Rose was very happy about how her friend was able to leave her abusive mother, she still deeply missed her friend
Taylor and Delilah start catching feelings for eachother but Lily, Chloe, and even Rose, all figure out way faster than they do
They end up having their first kiss together under a mistletoe on Christmas while they were taking their break at their usual spot. This was entirely planned by Lily and Chloe and they watched as they continued on with their shift
Not too long after, I'd say about March, Delilah either forgets to refresh the counter-tracking spell, or it fails somehow or something like that, but either way, her mother finds her and makes her come back home so she can marry this guy to help the business (how homophobic)
The guy she's supposed to marry doesn't like the idea much either and helps her not have to go through with it
Taylor and co. crash the wedding, Tayor says I object, etc etc and Delilah doesn't have to get married since legal loopholes and it not being an actual arranged marriage more like a forced one (its complicated)
Before that however, Delilah's mom decides to be a dick and turn Lily into a crow which kinda really sets off Delilah. She's so angry in fact, that she makes all the silverware, plates, and cups float but before she can attack her mother, Rose who had been attending, stops her
She gets Lily turned back into a human, but after a few weeks of being back home, she starts being able to understand crows. Then she starts to collect more shiny things. Then she stars growing feathers which she tries to pull out every morning until she can't keep it secret anymore.
Shortly after getting back home, Delilah and Taylor start dating and so do Lily and Chloe
Eventually, Lily can turn into a crow on command. I don't have a name for them yet, but although it is uncommon, normal folk with a mage ancestor(s) can sometimes gain abilities if they are hexed by a mage, depending on how far back the ancestor(s) was and stuff
The more she does stuff like that with her newfound abilities, the more she turns more crow-like
Her eyes change, she starts growing more feathers, and one night after really testing her powers, her feet change to more bird like, her fingers grow a bit longer, and even some of her organs change a bit which btw kinda really super hurts (jane doe quote)
Rose ends up visiting more often and since she's way better at potions/alchemy stuff, she whips up an elixr that helps keep Lily more human
I have more but its more ending stuff and i dont really have that much for in between so yeah
Also heres just a bit abt their identities:
Delilah: She is a lesbian and goes by she/her pronouns. she would be a Hecate kid if she was in pjo and she would be a Ravenclaw. I don't have a voice claim for her yet
Taylor: she is bisexual and uses she/they pronouns. She has big codependency problems and really freaked out when Delilah went missing and blamed herself a lot. She would be a child of Nike if she were in pjo and she really likes working out. She would also be a Gryffindor
Lily: She is asexual, demiromantic, and panromantic. She uses she/it pronouns. She would be a child of Iris if she was in pjo and a Hufflepuff. While she is quite intelligent, she is incredibly loyal to her friends and is the mom of the whole group.
Chloe: She is bisexual and goes by she/her pronouns. She would be a child of Apollo if she was in pjo and she would be a Hufflepuff. She is the sunshine friend of the group, always using her humor to help lighten the mood, even at inappropriate times.
Rose: She is aroace and goes by she/they pronouns. She would also be a child of Hecate if she was in pjo and she would be a Ravenclaw. She hates feeling left out and desperately needs to feel included. She puts in a lot of effort for her friends and is always there for them when she can be. She doesn't live in the same city as them, but she visits quite often. Aside from Delilah, she is the closest to Lily, especially since their personalities are pretty similar and since she makes the elixr for her.
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ultrakontakt · 3 months
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recent dftm oc doodads feat 5, count em FIVE, new characters... Yay!
info under da cut
First is Delilah Annette Hartfield(She/they), who's a 14 y/o girl. One of the youngest hosts on the IT database, she takes her muse in stride(a lot like Wesley does!). Her endless optimism makes her a tough nut to crack for Jared's annoying ass heists to get her assimilated. Also... Her muse isn't very hostile either. She knows of most of the channels in the DFTM canon, though I think she wouldn't like Mark's bc of how negative he is :P She likes the spongebob theories though! Her and Arche watch them together.(though in dftm canon i don't think the story scenes show up in the vids, so they wouldn't suspect much).
Arche(She/It/That) is our second subject! Arche is Delilah's muse. Its fixation for muse-ing is scrapbooking. Which is not profitable at all, though not like Delilah cares. Arche isn't very concerned with assimilating her host, rather just, hanging out with her. Because Delilah's her friend. Delilah at least makes sure she's feeding her muse good food. Arche is very outgoing and has tried multiple times to talk to Delilah's dad, which Delilah immediately goes "My dad is gonna freak if he sees a giant tentacle creature in my closet"
Third up is Yvette Renee Hartfield(she/her)! Yvette was an original R&D department member and was very dedicated to her job whilst there. When she noticed a turn in the company, she wanted to quit, though the concern for her coworkers made her stay. She was very close to Ramona, as the two had similar life goals(make animals' lives better and humanely produce meat). When tasked with her muse(like all HMF employees, she got one), she didn't want to spread the spore due to the fact she KNEW it would cause others pain, but it got to the point where she nearly died from stress and ended up leaving it in her brother's(Delilah's father) garden, which Delilah ended up picking up. Yvette was later assimilated.
(i kinda ship yvette and ramona together IDK... yvette is 48 at the time of canon occurring)
Irina is Ramona's daughter in my Nonsenseverse story :P will copypaste her desc here
Name: Irina Diane Bynes
Age: 16
Gender: Female(She/her)
Orientation: Asexual Aromantic
Irina is the only child to Ramona. She inherited a lot of the messed up genes from when her mother got experimented on, Leaving her with kinda messed up looking limbs. Irina uses this to her advantage, being a star athlete for gymnastics. When not doing that, she helps around at the zoo her mom runs.
Irina was produced via Parthenogenesis, which I know humans can't do but since Ramona got experimented on I think she could probably do it.
aaaand finally we have Katherine(She/her)! She's Renard's younger sister. Her full name is Katherine Cecile Mayhew-Geist. She's a lot less human-y, taking on more muse traits than Renard does. She's nonverbal autistic and loves her older brother a lot, and loves to help with his various projects. She has a tendency to chew on her tentacle hand, and is very sweet and kind.
Katherine is 5 years younger than Renard(who's 16), so she's 11.
I like to think Carl would enjoy taking them places, like Universal or whatevs(they live in florida!!!!).
Btw Renard's middle name is Isaac.
plus general renard stupidness
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i just watched the faculty and it was so good but GODDDDDD i hate heteronormativity. like that ending blindsided me sooooo hard. ew ew ew!!!! stokely would not fucking wear that!!!! CASEY IS A TWINK HE WOULD NTO FUCKIGN GET TOGETHER WITH DELILAH ARE YOU SHITTIN GME. BE SO FOR FUCKIGN REAL. ugh.
anyways. headcanon time
zeke is a stone butch dyke <3 or, for a more canon compliant option…hes the token straight on thin ice (turns out to be aspec, the hypersexuality is an act, which he might realize after nearly sleeping with mrs drake and then going 'oh this feels very wrong and bad on multiple levels actually goodbye forever')
stokely is butch bisexual! cause ngl her and stan are very cute. i like to think she and marybeth had a mutual crush on each other before marybeth was infected. i could also see her having some genderfuckery going on (see: the butch part of butch bisexual. also fuck it, goth can be its own gender if you want it to be. im ignoring that ending outfit. i am not looking i do not see it. or maybe her parents forced her at gunpoint to wear it idfk.)
if i understand right, im pretty sure marybeth was just a host for the mother alien, and not like…a fully fake human..? so when we see her in the beginning, shes actually really her. but then again! maybe she isnt! either way, i like to think she had a crush on stokely, if not a specifically sexual/romantic one. shes obviously got a love for humanity, who says she cant get attached to a specific one?
stan is...hrm. okay actually it'd be really fun if stan was a trans egg, and quitting football was sort of the start to the journey of 'hmm, traditional masculinity isnt for me' to 'oh. im literally not a man. neat.' im thinking some flavor of femme leaning nonbinary/gnc/queer/sapphic. shoutout to girlfailure b student stan <3
i like to think caseys transmasc and delilah knew him pre transition which is why shes so eeeeughhh to him cause theyve got like. A History. (toxic homerotic teenage best friendship anyone?) i could also see him being some flavor of aspec. (more canon compliant option: hes a cis gay twink, the pornos under the mattress are a decoy for his weird nosey ass parents. FUCK them btw, omfg they sucked. also shoutout to the lil robot (??) he had sitting on his desk. oO HE COULD ALSO BE A TRANSFEMME EGG)
delilah is lesbian/sapphic, cause she was clearly not interested in stan, and i feel like her homophobia towards stokely was projection. i could see her having a history with casey. i also dont think theyre legitimately dating towards the end, i think its more for the cameras. (girl that kiss was soooo awkward LMAo. but like i cant deny they have chemistry, its just not,,,,That kind of chemistry) i feel like after the alien invasion shed finally start processing her internalized bigotry (and whatever was going on w her dead dad? hello? damn hope she gets a therapist)
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grokebaby · 9 months
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OFC!! You're charming and I like the way you engage with other people's content :) and... Kiitos <3 for thinking of me
I think m... Delilah would perhaps like Liquor confectionery. Ykno those little chocolates that have liquor flavored fillings and such. I think she'd like em. A mix of decadent and sweet and also something a little more firey. She prefers to not use any substances like drink or smoke so I think this could be her indulgence. In reality I feel that she likely doesn't eat anything fancy since she doesn't even need to eat as a High judgement, so she deserves something nice every once in a while. Let's say Lassi brings her treats sometimes. Liquor confections and maybe warm cinnamon buns.
And then speak of Lassi (and Siru), I think he likes blueberry pie, and there's history behind that! :) bc Nan used to bake blueberry pies for the chickies when they were little, among other things most likely. This is based on my mom who to this day makes blueberry pies every now and then. Finns gotta love blueberries. Hi fives Lassi and Siru. They both love that shit. Those two are whole ass blueberries themselves!! Nan probably called them that sometimes, especially bc the word for blueberry sounds really similar to a finnish word of affection which is like. Equivalent to Darling. :3 (Mustikka = blueberry) (Mussukka = honeyboo or darling, what you'd call someone you love. Doesn't have direct translation. Aimed at children in most cases)
As for traditional stuff I'm sure Siru and Lassi tried to learn like what plants are safe to eat and then snacked on those occasionally. I remember my older cousin showing me that wood sorrel(??) is edible to humans. I had to google that word btw hope it's accurate. We say Ketunleipä (literally "Fox's bread"). Since they're bird demons I'm sure they also ate rowan berries early in the autumn, before they started fermenting. The village's pub actually makes an alcoholic rowan drink out of the berries :) this is based on how waxwings(?? Another googled word) eat rowan berries when they ferment and act all silly bc of it. Drunk little birds.
Maybe Lassi and Siru were little teenage dirtbags and tried to sneak drinks of rowan juice when they got older.. But don't tell mom. That's not appropriate for a growing devil.
Last addition, I think either people around the village or Nan herself made tree bark/sap candies! Birch trees contain sorbitol which can be used as a sweetening agent. In Finland this is sort of a thing™ but not the most popular compared to other less traditional (or even equally traditional) stuff. But it is a Thing™! Tree sap is like a traditional finnish flavor/scent/ingredient in stuff like. Shampoos, I think? Drinks as well? I'd mention tar flavored candy and other products but I feel none of the Varpunens like those lol. But it's another traditional thing. Hashtag Finland stuff. Tar.
So yeah!! I really appreciate you asking about these folks, them being finnish (part Swedish on Nan's side) obviously is inspired by my own life and upbringing :) many of these things are common knowledge to me but I don't actually know how common of a thing they are.. Elsewhere? Or how widely known? So. Shrugs. Nonetheless I would still explain this stuff for the characters' sake :3 kiitos for the ask!! Buh bye!!
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saucedxlls · 3 months
what was MEANT to be a "quick sketch"
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okay so the context for this is i originally meant to make a quick drawing with colour but i lost ALL of my progress so i decided to just make a easy sketch w/ no colour, but then i thought the wall look empty and y'know what you do when i wall is empty, you fill it with an ungodly amount of painting and pictures that's what you do, also i was watching dead meat and film theory so i thought {insert matpat saying LOOOOOOOORE} was an absolute necessity so if you look at all the paintings (and how they interact with the characters below) you might notice somethings that stick out and some {insert matpat saying LOOOOOOOORE}, also in the biggest painting i used the oil painting called The Fallen Idol by John Collins and a dark academia room from pinterest and modified it a little bit
here's the room if you're wondering: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/358176976656603890/
also i added four new OCs, which means i need to include the ♪𝑶𝑪 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚♪ so
the small little thingy in Ome's arms: his name is jimythy (yes i tried to spell the name timothy but how it showed and combined with jimmy) and i didn't really think about his connection with Ome but what he lacks in friendship he makes up for in {insert matpat saying LOOOOOOOORE}, so originally he was actually a human man named Timothy Bloodhart, he was a greedy banker from the early 1930s (in Texas btw) but he flew to close to the sun once the townsfolk finally found out that he had been taking some of their money (he also had connections to the major btw, idk if this is important but just gonna mention this), so in short freddy kurger style while he was in his mansion the town gathered around his house following one man who had had the most stolen for him by Bloodhart, the man (Iglesias Abdero-Alfonso) was holding a bottle of alcohol with a ripped shirt on fire shoved into the bottle, he threw the bottle into his window through the room he was sleeping in (the living room) and he was passed out drunk so he didn't wake up when the bottle went through the window or once he started to catch fire, he died in the hospital. After he died he fell in this room that kinda looks like a room ENTIRELY covered in carpet, the floor, the walls, even the ceiling, there's nothing else there other than a pile of folders in the corner of the room, he goes over to read it only to find out that in the folder is all the people he stole from, their names, ages, gender, birthdate, things they liked and didn't like, the name of their closest relatives (like parents, siblings, 1st cousins, etc) and the amount of money he stole from them, all the folders had one sheet with all of that and the rest of the folder (around 50-60 pages) was the person's entire life, there's was over 100 of these folder, he, in guilt, throws the folders away before going over to the other side of the room, as he was leaning against the wall he felt the opening of a door, he opened it to find a seemingly endless hallway and once he got to the end of the hall everything went white, once he woke up he was the thing you see him as, a very small fox (i think but i want to base a character off of foxgloves soooo i guess the colour version gonna be cool).
the rabbit next to Teddison: her name is delilah (didn't want to name her bon because the too obvious but i thought "bon, bon, delilah bon, delilah!") and she's pretty much exactly like teddison (y'know because he's a break from the loredump that's the rest of the characters are, and thank GOD that tumblr doesn't have a word limit in descriptions) and if you saw my last post a.k.a the coloured one then you know that the star on his belly is actually his mouth, so those stars on her are multiple mouths, also L E A F.
the small creature in between teddison and delilah: his name is Abercio (totally not out of ideas for names) and he's kinda just there, i bases him off of flaky from HTF (happy tree friends) but as a man i guess idk, he's a teen btw (15) and teddison and delilah are like adopted parents to him, he doesn't remember anything before meeting the two, but you wanna know who's does, me :), his parents were both killed in a freak accident in the mall when he was 7, idk the details exactly but like those videos where an escalate opens up and kills someone, so he ran away from the foster home after getting relentlessly bullied and was homeless for the next 6 years before teddison and delilah found him.
the thing next to delilah: his name is snek, he's the comic relief of the group even though he's mute, he just snoots around eating random things and pushing vases off counter tops (kinda like a cat), he also really likes the duck song, tight pant/body rolls, grapes (the food), gamblecore and the 1st lego movie.
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novainthevoid · 3 years
I’ve decided to post part of my UTMV school band AU and I’m going to make it everyone’s problem.
Btw it’s human and genderbent, but mostly just because I really want to write women/femme characters and not in a gross stereotype way I promise
Also, the premise of the setting is that all the characters are in an all-girls high school, where they all are a part of the school’s band program which, because they’re so small, consists of a single concert band. If I get details wrong, I’m sorry. The basis is more a way for me to explain why the band is full of only girls (or at least afab people). Idea comes from my friend who made an AU for a different fandom a long time ago. Theirs was so much cooler and developed than this 😩 but still I was inspired so here you go.
I have a whole list of people who are meant to be a part of the AU but so far here’s the ones I have:
Name: Naomi
Instrument: piccolo (probably also plays piano and some string instrument like violin)
Physical Characteristics: small, almost dainty frame with tan skin, jet black hair that is always kept immaculately tied back in an intricate braid, stern features, and brown eyes; dresses very traditionally feminine and proper
Personality: very serious, no-nonsense, and competitive, especially when it comes to band; straight A student who’s been first chair for years and would murder to keep it that way; in general comes across as a very aloof and almost mean person but she can be much softer with the ones she cares about, although in these cases her insecurities tend to shine through a little more; she’s a mistrustful person by nature and despite being a model student always seems to be overshadowed by her sister, which has caused tensions in the past
Notes: has a small friend group that she tends to act as the “head” of due to her somewhat assertive nature but despite the way she seems to act towards them, they are easily her best friends; she’s know Ester for years and she’s probably the closest friend she has; loves Delilah and in spite of all the tension between them, she’s probably her favorite person; which sucks because she HATES Iris. Like seriously does not like her at all. Iris is everything that Naomi: loud, energetic, laidback, hell she rarely ever practices the actual music she’s supposed to and yet somehow she always seems to be second chair?? And she doesn’t even seem to care about being competitive! How obnoxious (speaking of which)
Name: Iris
Instrument: flute
Physical characteristics: short and a bit stocky, with bronze skin, freckles, hazel eyes, and short blonde hair that’s kept half up and half down; dresses in a very cutesy, childish fashion (I’m imagining lots of overalls and cutesy shirts and stuff sorry I’m bad at fashion)
Personality: outgoing, energetic, and LOUD; though she’s well known she doesn’t really have many close friends, likely because her eccentric and oddly aloof natural tends to throw people off; she tends to be incredibly careless and reckless, both in situations and relationships, but she’s trying; she also doesn’t like to be alone (may play with that more in a backstory)
Notes: is a gymnast (that’s how she met Delilah); has a strange idea of who she does and doesn’t want to hang out with. That is, she finds the people who dislike her such as Ester and Naomi far more interesting than those who attempt to be neutrally friendly or, worse, boringly two faced. She also doesn’t care much about reputation, which is how she befriended Heather. In other words, she isn’t really affected by the biases around her, more so just the actual intrigue of the person
Hearts (AKA Lust)
(Side note here: I used Hearts because I’ve seen it used more frequently as an alternative to Lust which tends to follow more negative connotations within the UTMV)
Name: Heather
Instrument: flute
Physical characteristics: average height and a bit chubby and curvy with olive skin, dark brown eyes, and black hair that’s usually tied in a high ponytail; in general just a very pretty person who dresses in a very modern feminine style and is also probably the most fashionable one in the group
Personality: very much an “older sister” friend; she’s outgoing, brutally honest, and generally very sweet in that sort of “I love you but someone has to say it” kind of way; absolutely loves interacting with overs and is especially a bit of a serial romantic as she loves getting to meet new people and go out on dates with them. Unfortunately, a mix of immaturity and inexperience (as well as some really crappy exes and very not understanding people) has cause he to garner a really poor representation in the school because society sucks; still, she’s a very genuine person and is trying to work through her loneliness and trying to mature more as a person
Notes: her closest friend rn is Iris, but she is also becoming close with Delilah and Blu
Name: Delilah
Instrument: bassoon (probably also plays piano)
Physical characteristics: average to above average height with the same tan skin tone as Naomi, blonde hair kept in a loose braid, and amber eyes; dresses somewhat femininely and properly, but more in a way very chic classical women in pants kind of way (again, very bad at fashion I’m so sorry)
Personality: pretty friendly but also very introverted; feels a lot of pressure to be a responsible “older sister” despite her and Naomi being twins, as she was always treated as the golden child; as such, she’s a bit of a mom friend and takes care of her little gang of misfits, generally with kind words or stern looks but she wouldn’t be afraid to kick someone’s ass (verbally or physically) if she absolutely had to for someone she loved; she’s working on how to say no to others and let herself relax
Notes: met Iris in their baby gymnastics class; despite knowing just about everyone, she only really considers Iris, Blu, and to some extent Heather to be close friends; has some tension between her an Naomi, which always saddens her because she really tries her best to be there for her sister but never really learned how, especially because she feels responsible for everyone and everything around her — she can’t just let someone be
I swear there’s a lot more than just those four but I’ve decided that the post is long enough as it is. If you’re wondering why there’s so little variety in the instruments, it’s because I was going in score order so it’s roughly just a the very top (high woodwinds) right now although I did skip around a little bc I haven’t finished the oboe character yet
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ace-apple · 4 years
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(chumlochcaight so since i recently made a new ref for her CHORAN MASTERPOST (aka infodumping on my fave oc)
ALL HER INFO UNDER THE CUT (its really fucking long!!)
Part 1: Lochainin
aight so first off ill need to explain lochainin
(the lochainin campaign is set in the year 1987 in michigan (well when they’re not in lochainin) btw!)
choran is actually a dnd character of mine in a campain called lochainin im doing with a couple friends
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and this is a group pic of all the player characters i made a while back! ill summarize them from left to right (pls remember that only choran is mine!!)
quinn- 11 yrs old, he/him, jewish, has an affinity for moss and pretty much lives in the woods. druid
hans- 10 years old, he/him, german, loves frogs and is all around baby. druid
emerson- 10 years old, she/her, german, hans’ twin sister. more levelheaded. barbarian (both hans and emerson are technically npcs now, since the person who played the two of them left the campaign) 
choran: 15 years old, she/her, caucasian, chaotic bastard. rogue
delilah- 15 years old, she/her, jersy-italian, her parents have ties to the mafia, choran’s girlfriend, jersey accent. monk
aight so here’s the story/lore
lochainin is an alternate dimension that humans sometimes fall into through puddles. the gang (shown above) jumps in a puddle and falls down into Lochainin. lochainin is a very swamp-like place, but also has other terrain such as forests and caverns. lochainin is inhabited by humanoid frogs and toads (called losgann and buaf/buof respectively), they have human intelligence, posture, and speech capabilities, but some things like modern medicine are foreign to them. 
now there’s this Empire we barely know jack shit about but it exists and most of the humans that fall down end up with the Empire. currently in this campaign all we know is that a lot of people dont like the empire. we just know the empire exists
aight here are the npcs (that i can remember lol) 
- Crecil (losgann, he/him, tavern worker, party found him in a sewer not long after falling into lochainin)
-Ugma (buof, she/her, captain of the local guard in one of the villages)
-Zax (buof, they/them, good at navigating, at the time of writing this we’re going with him to the north to look for dryads cause they might know the way back home)
-Iris (buof, witch in t’og swamp who gives quinn and hans a weird potion that essentially takes them on an acid trip where they both get their druid levels)
locations: T’og swamp- village the party comes across after finding Crecil, has a tavern, local guard (Ugma is the captain) that is pretty much all volunteer work (choran joins up with them for a day at one point), and a market.
Crystal path- cavern with lots of crystals. they have fiberglass like shards when you lick them (we know this because choran licked one of the rocks). has large crystal beetles who’s blood can be cooked for good nutrition.
Part 2: Story
this is just a summary of the stuff that has happened in the campaign so far (as of writing this) (might not be accurate since none of us took any fucking notes lol)
they fall into a puddle and end up in lochainin. choran finds a human skull in a sewer and decides to keep it. they fight a strange acid spitting monster that almost killed choran by getting acid on her arm (that’s where her arm scar is from!) they find crecil in a cage but had found a key earlier. choran takes an axe out of a block of wood they found in a dead end.
they show up at t’og swamp and stay at the tavern. at one point choran gets drunk off of a substance known as death cap ale (death cap being a type of mushroom). we still have no idea if that was poisonous or not. 
uhhh a lot of stuff i dont remember cause it was a while ago and i spaced out a bunch
eventually they come across some tower place i also dont remember why we were there. a couple of losgann were fighting each other, eventually they notice us after one of the party members failed a sneak roll, we fought them but choran killed one of them after getting stabbed in the ankle (she sliced their neck with an axe). since their death was completely unnecessary nobody is very happy with choran for doing this. delilah is especially unhappy with her girlfriend for commiting homicide.
 fasldkjfasolfjasdo;lf and now theyre in the crystal path with zax going to look for the dryads since they might know a way for the party to get out of the place.
Part 3: Choran
oh hey now we finally get to my girl!!! might as well start with the basics of a dnd character: stats and shit
Strength: 13 Dexterity: 17  Constitution: 13  Intelligence: 13  Wisdom: 13  Charisma: 17
(yeah my stat rolls were really crazy)
Alighment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human (all of the party is!)
Class: Rogue
unfortunately, i don’t have my character sheet and i dont have it listed elsewhere so i dont remember any of my proficiencies or most of my items, but i do know she has a human skull on her that she found in the sewer they found crecil in
she’s a bit of a wild child, rebellious teen phase is turned up to 11 with her. she got a tattoo that may or may not have been legally obtained (the warning symbol on her right shoulder). her and delilah have been banned from their local cvs pharmacy. 
now for backstory, and hoo boy.
alright so choran was born to two rich parents who were very strict about her life. textbook helicopter parenthood and then some, really. they didn’t let her make friends, enrolled her in a private school (the kind with uniforms and shit, not the kind too poor for a janitor like my private school). they often told her exactly how to behave, with their own words contradicting themselves! (aka one time theyll tell her to speak up and another time theyll tell her to be quiet). she felt like her parents could never make up their minds about what they wanted her to be.  Eventually in 5th grade they let her go to a public school, but still forced her to wear skirts and proper clothes and not really express herself. By the end of 6th grade her parents sent her to live with her aunt on the other side of town, despite having always called her a “bad influence”. turns out that bad influence was actually being a decent human being to choran, letting her actually have friends over, go to parks, choose her own clothes, etc. in middle school she met delilah and quinn, and eventually through delilah she met the german twins.  her original name wasnt actually choran by the way! her full legal name is Lalia Ouroban, but since she moved and got her own life away from her parents she decided to go by Choran. the only member of the party to know her real name is Delilah. and then in 8th grade choran and delilah started dating and then the lochainin events happened!
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d-pennants · 5 years
Spoilers for the Dragon Prince Season 4 and beyond.
My collated notes of all the hints about what is coming up in the Dragon Prince, from interviews, AMA, ComicCon panels. Updated with stuff from Through the Moon.
There will be 7 seasons of 9 episodes each total and possibly some side projects. The story will be in three arcs with a time skip between the arcs. Books 4 & 5 makes up the next arc, which may be called the Mystery of Aaravos. Book 4 is Earth.
Side projects have been confirmed to all be part of canon and include a video game set in Xadia, an tabletop RPG game called Tales of Xadia, a possible feature film of the Orphan Queen and a possible side story set during the reign of Sol Regem featuring Sir Phineas the Cursed and his travelling companion an elf professor Delilah Geel (Who wrote the Secrets of Xadia book).
The video game was in play testing in October 2020, and Wonderstorm was still hiring staff to work on it. After S3 came out they said there was going to be an announcement about the game in 2020, but things may have been delayed due to Corvid.
Through the Moon graphic novel is set between seasons 3 and 4. It feature’s Rayla, Callum and Ezran having returned to Katolis and receiving a request from Lujanne to go the Moon Nexus  for a ritual at new moon and bring Phoe-Phoe’s ghost feather. While there Rayla seizes the opportunity to use the lake’s power as a portal between life and death to try an answer the questions that have been plaguing her about the fate of her parents, Runaan and whether Viren is truly dead.
There will also be a second graphic novel set between seasons 4 & 5.
Reminder - stuff said in interviews, AMA & so forth is subject to the team changing their mind when it comes to actually putting stuff in the show or books. They’re still planning things out. So take things as “the current idea is this, but we’ll see how it pans out”
There’s no word on how long the time skip between season 3 and 4 will be, however, Through the Moon starts 3 days before new moon and S3 ended 2 days after full moon, which is only 11 days. About 17 days pass in TTM. The Tales of Xadia TRPG is also going to fit in between these season too. AE said a vague ‘lots of weeks.’
Season 4 will include the hero trio trying to address how to heal and start to change things in the world, however there are scars history has left that will impede them. Aaravos will bring those scars to bear, though the creator did say that Aaravos himself didn’t cause those scars, he ‘brought it out’ in the people who did.
There’s a big theme of understanding what’s happened in the past and how it affects what’s happening now. Questioning what their fore-bearers have done, admitting fault and forgiving mistakes. (BTW, this is on both human and Xadian sides).
“Ezran is the key to everything.” Ezran’s empathic ability will allow him to play a role in the world no other can as he can connect to non-human beings. Though the circumstances of S1-3, who his parents are and his strong compassion, Ezran is in a unique position to cause real change.
Callum will learn more Sky magic spells well as obsessing to work a connection to another arcanum - he is dedicated to being the best mage he can be. Callum will always have a conflict between what do you want to do with magic and what will you do for magic. One hint given is that Callum cannot perform healing with his Sky magic. On an Instragram Live AE admitted he was trolling a bit, but said a betting person would pick Callum being the first human archmage. On an AMA there was a hint that historically there may have been elves that learned a second arcanum. (However, interview stated Aaravos’ mastery of all the primals is just him - he’s special).
Callum’s ‘destiny’ is tied in with the Key of Aaravos Rune Cube. It will be very important coming up. The Key is being pulled towards a location in Xadia. The closer it is to the location, the stronger the pull. (Reminder - it previously belonged to Aaravos and unlocks a great power in Xadia). In Callum’s Spellbook it says that once Zym has been returned Callum intends to find out what the Key does and make Harrow proud.
Writers have been very cagey about whether Callum being able to learn an arcanum means other humans can. “Callum learning Primal magic means that Callum learned Primal Magic.”
They’ve referred to him as the first human to learn an arcanum. However, another interview indicates that humans may have been able to connect to the primal sources in the past - thus Callum relearned something that has been forgotten for over a thousand years
Are non-magical species able to evolve into one that can use magic?
JR: There have been humans long in the past that could have AE: Yeah, right JR: They’re like [waves hand], but modern day he’s a phenomena. Like nothing is done like this no longer. AE: Yeah, I mean if Callum is developing the ability to do Primal magic do you believe that Callum is special because he’s the only human who’s able to do it or do you believe that that Callum is special because he’s the first human in forever to realise it is possible for humans. You know that kind of a little bit the question - I mean he’s special either way and right, but is he special because he’s realising that that maybe those limitations weren’t true or is he an exception to to this limitation.
Cartoon Universe interview
Though they did point out there’s not been much incentive in the last 1000 years for humans to learn Primal magic, given that Dark magic is both easier to use and more powerful.
Rayla will have an inner conflict about her future as a Moonshadow elf that she needs to figure out. Including how being friends with humans and wanting to be a protector rather than the assassin she was raised to be will affect her relationships with her people. (Plus, the whole being ghosted and ghosted parents issue needs to be addressed). Update info from TTM: Rayla ends TTM by going on a quest by herself to locate Viren. Her clues are the Storm Spire, a cave and... a giant cocoon.
There is an unspecified but important storyline involving Runaan. But the coins will get addressed at some point.The coins would require very powerful magic to release the trapped elves and it may not be possible for Primal magic. However, Viren is capable of releasing people he has coined.  Also, Rayla knows something happened to her parents, but doesn’t specifically know about the coins. Viren showed Rayla a pouch and mentioned adding her to his collection. AMA answer suggests Callum didn’t see what Viren did in the history spell - he just know Viren did something to Rayla’s parents. TtM seems to confirm Callum’s spell didn’t show that part. Whether Gren saw Runaan in the coin seems up to debate - in the novel he knew Viren used magic on Runaan came out holding something small, like a button or coin.  (PS. They also confirmed Runaan slew Harrow, and Harrow is dead dead).
Soren has a complicated future ahead of him as he’s lost the only support system he’s known his whole life. He has a lot to learn and many places to go.
Claudia is going to get a lot worse and there’s a long way to go for her, though they did hint that there’s hope for her in the end. Her motivation is love and family, not power. However, she is willing to go to great sacrifices for her family... Also, her hair will get whiter. 
“When we get back to her in Season 4, there is some amazing stuff, just in the first few episodes, which by the way are also funny and quirky and all the things we’ve come to love about the character, but she becomes a very critically important driving force of the narrative in Season 4.”
Inverse interview.
It will be explained in S4 how Claudia was able to perform the resurrection spell. It hasn’t been used previously because she either a) didn’t know it - as in Aaravos taught her it - or b) didn’t have what was necessary to cast the spell.
The story about how Claudia managed to find a supposedly extinct for a 1000 years unicorn and capture it will be addressed in S6.
According to Claudia’s VA -  Racquel Belmonte - Claudia will likely have a protege dynamic with Aaravos. She will change her mind a bit on disliking all elves and open up a bit on seeing Viren’s connection to Aaravos.
They have a backstory about why Viren treats Soren so harshly compared to Claudia (though he’s manipulative of both), though it’s not indicated when this backstory will be shown. New info from the book said that Viren used dark magic to save Soren from dying of an illness. This ravished his appearance and whatever he did scared his wife, Lissa, into leaving him. Also Viren wanted a son who would carry on his path and is disappointed Soren isn’t like him. Viren feels some resentment towards Soren that he refuses to acknowledge.
AMA confirmed that Lissa will not be making an appearance in S4 or 5. There is a possibility she may be included in S6, but it’s just a potential idea. Early mage fam life involving Lissa will come up in the novels.  (BTW she currently lives in Del Bar and was in no danger from the smoky assassin as she has nothing to do with the leadership of Del Bar)
Viren became a bit of a card carrying villain in season 3, however in season 4 & 5 some of the complexities behind his actions will be revealed. (His VA said that Viren had understandable reasons in S1 & 2, but was a villain in S3, however, he’s happy with how S4 & 5 will develop Viren. Also he gave a strong hint that Viren will have a kind of “fresh start” thing going on, and “do a 180″, and his story is apparently kinda wild). 
Viren and Aaravos: Viren didn’t take Runaan’s warning that “you found something worse than death” seriously enough. Viren is ‘in hot water’ in his dealings with Aaravos. The question over time would be - “Wait, am I making my own choices or am I being led to choices you wanted me to make, Aaravos?”
This current era will be known as the Return of Aaravos. Apparently in S4 & 5 Aaravos is going to be very... mysterious. In fact the arc could be called The Mystery of Aaravos.
“The next two seasons are about understanding who Aaravos was, who they thought Aaravos was, how they realized what was happening, and imprisoned him.” 
This is tied into the Orphan Queen storyline, for more info see this post. Parts of this storyline will feature in flashbacks S4 onwards.
A lot of Aaravos’ motivation comes from a relationship he had with a character whose name is featured on the map from the novel. (Candidates are Skall’s Hook, Ruins of Elarion, Mount Kalik and Eboreus. They said on a Q&A that Elarion wasn’t referring to a person, just the city).
Aaravos has a speech coming up in S5 that explains about the history of magic and why he’s interested in humans. Summed up - Over 5000 years ago there was only one kind of magic, deep magic, and it was very difficult to wield, then something happened that split magic into the 6 Primals Source and gave every creature and plant a connection to one of the 6 Primal Sources, which were much more practical magics. Except humans. 
When asked what was coming out of the cocoon an interviewer gave “Aaravos’ physical form” and some jokes options. Ehasz replied, “I’m gonna say none of the… well, I’m not gonna say.” TtM update: In the world between life and death the cocoon held a corrupted version of Viren - a month after Viren was resurrected at the end of S3. Rayla says Viren is caught between life and death, but in the living world.
Janai is Queen Khessa’s heir, so she should be the next Sunfire Queen. Janai also has a brother. (Sunfire elves also have a Light Being form with healing powers that’s even rarer than the beserker Heat Being form. This fact has come up a couple of times so they’re likely going to introduce a character with this form - could be Janai’s brother). 
Janai will find out that Aaravos whispered something in Khessa’s ear before he killed her.
Also on Amaya and Janai:
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Also, they did a reveal page for Janai's mount, a Twin-Tailed Inferno-Toothed Tiger, with some interesting info. These flying firecats are believed to only tolerate those of pure-heart and aggressive to those of ill-intent. You can't give a factoid like that and not use it somewhere.
Tales of Xadia will feature storyline content that bridges the gap between Season 3 and the newly-announced Season 4 of The Dragon Prince,” according to Fandom’s press release. “Players can explore the ruins of Lux Aurea, try to restore the corrupted Sunforge, and fight to stop the spread of the evil monstrosities it radiates. This off-screen story will come alive in game supplements—as well as in organized play events—prior to Season 4’s release.
Sol Regem will be in season 4. (No character makes me think of “scars of the past” more than this character. He is not going to be interested in reconciliation between Xadia and humanity).
There will be a new elf character - Terry the Earthblood elf. Has similar powers to Toph from Avatar tLA and is said to be very funny. For reference this Earthblood elf is from Callum’s Spellbook;
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Also a new dragon in season 4 - Rex Igneous (Fire King) the Earth Archdragon, who lives underground but comes up every hundred years. He’s appeased by food he hasn’t tried before (looking at Ezran and his jelly tart habit here);
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They mentioned that both Earthblood and Tidebound elves will be introduced in seasons 4 & 5.
There’s another archdragon who has been mentioned at SDCC and in the novel, Luna Tenebris, who reigned between Sol Regem and Avizandum.. Ehasz said that the end of her reign is being explored in S4, but no current intentions to explore the beginning.
JR mentioned that the territory of the Skywing elves will be visited at some point, and how having a small portion of the population that has wings, and a even smaller population that can magically manifest wings, has an affect on their culture. (The three types apparently have different outlooks - with winged elves being known for moving on when they don’t care to deal with things).
They’ve mentioned a character that will be introduced in the video game will make it into the show. AE & JR were talking about how they were currently writing stuff for S5 and how this character just got their moment, so I think this character is due in S5.
Core novel Book 2: Sky will introduce a very important Dark Mage character not yet featured on the show.
Also, as a tidbit from AE - there’s a scene in S5 where someone makes a sacred promise to Bait.
Sarai will feature in the show again. AMA confirmed Callum’s father is “fully human.” His father may come up in the novels.
In the novel new lore about unicorns was introduced. This lore will be incorporated into the show at some point.
The reactions to elf/human romantic relationships will be a thing.
Aanya will be featured again. Ezran and Aanya will be friends. 
Queen Fareeda of Evenere actually survived the smokey assassin’s attack - she just went missing for a bit. Her story may come up later on.
Captain Villads and Berto are likely to be featured again, but not confirmed. 
They do have some stories about Callum’s father they want to tell, but it’s likely to be in books rather than making it into the show.
Crow Master has scenes coming up. The Crow Lord is real but that’s all they’re gonna say.
Some very epic beings will eat jelly tarts in the show.
And a finishing note to put the fear in you - possible major character death.
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PS. It has been confirmed that Rayla, Callum, Zym (and Bait) are the main characters for all seven seasons, so this leaves... Soren, Claudia, Viren and Amaya. 
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aviatrickss · 5 years
Vox Machina episode 34!
Did they beg Ashley to Skype in to keep everyone from dying lmaooo (I’m glad they did tho 💜💜💜)
Love that Percy is like “may I please have a health potion Grog :)” and Grog is like “alright” and then Vax is like “may I please have a health potion Grog” and Grog is like “fuck you I get to kick you in the nuts as hard as I want”
I love that Vax is like “omg you guys, you would yell at Scanlan if he kept almost dying from running into shit too fast too right??” and everyone is immediately like “Scanlan would never do that u fuckwit ur the only one with depression”
“~MEAT SHIIEEEELD~” grog im love you
“Hi Pike” agghhhhhhhhhh
Grog bulldozing Vax to hug Pike 💜💜💜💜 team big and small is back in business babyyy
Keyleth guiding Trinket around the traps and Vex being like “he listens to you :)” I’m crying that’s so fucking cute
Vax calling Trinket “my nephew”... the Trinket love this episode is unreal, 10/10
Taliesin saying like actual science things.... wtf.... don’t like that....
Also I can’t believe not one fucking person has had the thought “maybe we shouldn’t be trying to press the button in the middle of the room that’s obviously a trap”
“In the absence of good ideas, bad ideas are, I think, always reasonable.” God that explains so so so much of Percy’s character, always shdhdhe
Also ngl I’m super salty about everyone giving Vax shit for running into dangerous stuff but like.... no one else fuckin wants to be the first one into the Trap Room.
Silas is just like “hey 😏” and Vax is like “l8r heteros”
Oh God but Keyleth trying to talk him out if the charm hrghhhh
“BREAK THE OUTSIDE GEM” “I think Percy wants us to kiss Pike! He said the power of love will inspire him?!” “FUCK THE POWER OF LOVE!”
They are. So fucking stupid. God bless.
They JUST got back from break and Matt is like “btw, your demon gun now wants to kill your sister :) anyways...”
Okay like.... I know that they haven’t found out about Vax being Fate-Touched and stuff yet... but if the Briarwoods were going to sacrifice him to wake up Vecna or whatever..... God, I just really want to see Matt’s notes for this
“I’m on top of a thing. Everyone’s very attractive up here.” Vax you are so stupid and so bi and you deserve to get fuckin sacrificed
“Roses are red, violets are blue, we’re both gnomes, and you are soooo foxy.” Jfc
“The darkness demands your soul Silas.” PERCYYY
Poor charmed Vax is just like “why my sister shoot me :(“
Omg Delilah Briarwood coming face-to-face with Trinket who looks like a really obese Percy walking around on all fours..... bet she’s sorry she murdered his family now huh
Vax using himself as a human shield for Delilah is.... weirdly appropriate
God Silas Briarwood was already a foxy vampire and now he has a fuckin life-stealing sword??? Why are Matt’s NPCs all proficient in being as sexy as possible????
Flying Vex SLAPS yo
“Did you say you SOLD your SOUL to a HAG?” “LET’S DEAL WITH ONE PROBLEM AT A TIME.” Percy n Vax soulless buddies and Vex is gonna kick both their asses
“I’ve got this cool new character I’ve been working on.” Mr. Mollymauk????
Silas being afraid of Pike lmaooo
Percy absolutely DESTROYING Delilah..... boy’s working thru it
Keyleth getting Silas with the lamest line ever omg.... I love love love that she was like ‘i’ve seen Percy do lines so I just think that’s what badasses do’ we STAN best friends
Love that they’re just taking potshots at her and Delilah is just fuckin ignoring them to do her ritual ejfjdjxnw
Vax is so scared when Vex flies in :(
Oh my God Vex falling through the air with one fucking hit point nooo
TRUE 👏👏👏 LOVE’S 👏👏👏👏 CRIT 👏👏👏
Omg they’re all so scared Vax is having a fucking stroke
PERCY THROWING HIMSELF OFF THE ZIGGURAUT TO GET VEX OUT!!! (oh my god just like Vax almost died trying to save Cass I’m)
I really can’t deal with it, like I know that she’s fine but they’re all so scared hghhhh
Oh my god everything about this has such bad energy it’s giving me massive anxiety
I cannot believe they’re just fucking leaving a black hole beneath Whitestone what the shitttt
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poupeesdecirque · 5 years
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I might have accidently deleted my post, here is a rewrite TT
Let’s start with Samuel. Samuel is my oldest existing OC, he was formerly a part of weird and twisted fanfiction until he turned into an own character in 2003. His former name was Seiji, he still has this name, it’s the name his mother gave him. But as he doesn’t know his mother he doesn’t know this is his name. The story was set to be in a circus in 2011.
He is, as his step mother would call him, a “bastard”, her husband cheated on her and the result was Samuel being born. But ther husband even dared to bring the poor soul into the family; his wife was furious and she ended up murdering her husband. She spared the toddler’s life but took him with her instead of leaving him with her husband’s part of the family.
Samuel ends up in her traveling curiosity collection, which later involves into a circus. Elana is tasked to care for him as a foster mother and Samuel is raised by this loving woman with the help of a circus family. Over the years Samuel learns a lot of things and he is truly a circus child.
But everything changes as Elana vanishes (Samuel is about 8/9 years old when it happens) and Saramir is put in charge of being his foster parent. The circus has expanded a lot and the “family” has turned into a business. Katheryne, Samuel’s step mother (he doesn’t know that she isn’t his real mother btw), is tired of Samuel, she still sees him as a living symbol of her husbands betrayal. Saramir loves the boy dearly but he is forced to keep it down, is even punished when Katheryne notices he is nice to him.
Overall life goes pretty much downhill for Samuel, he is given a home in the most broken caravan at the end of the caravan city and has to try to survive on his own since he doesn’t get paid. The money that comes in when he is in the show goes to Katheryne’s pocket, she let him stay alive as long as she can earn money with him. But the show get’s more horrific and terrifying over the years and there is a time where Saramir begs Katheryne to stopp and giving Samuel a break, since he would literally die if he would try to survive another show.
Samuel works as garbage man from thereon. And has to do all the dirty work no one else would do. Things start to change as Delilah was invited into the circus and he tries to save her, it brings him nothing but trouble. (This is were the storyline begins).
About the world Samuel lives in: it’s a world of Fairytales, almost every being in the circus is a magical being. It is explained within the story that there wouldn’t be a way a circus would be that mystic and entertaining if the artists would be human and that the circus is a border of the two worlds. The “Otherworld” is still deeply connected with the “Normal World”, like a majority of beings in the Otherworld are the second half of humans in the Normal World. Samuel is the missing part to Vincent. When one parts suffers the other part does too. For Vincent it results in his mental health being bad (really really bad).
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elfyourmother · 6 years
So in the BishoDandy Verse, what headcanons or world building did you have the most fun with? Or if not any one single thing, what things come to mind :3
it’s hard to narrow it down to just one thing tbh. this is gonna be v. Horde-centric bc of my personal biases but Dandy has done a lot of really REALLY good things with the Alliance (she handles the blue team stuff in our verse)
my personal favorite by far is how heart of the phoenix reshaped the horde following the events in outland. (obviously spoilers but wevs). Kael rules as Sun King in Quel’Thalas with Illidan and Vashj as his consorts--Lor’themar has gone back to being Ranger-General and was tasked with rebuilding the Spellbreakers. Similar to how Furion was “neutral” even tho his partner is an Alliance faction leader, Illidan is “neutral” in the sense that he accepts night elf demon hunter initiates for training and their main HQ is not in Quel’Thalas, though he maintains a small academy in Southern Eversong (aka The Ghostlands).
Vashj herself broke away from Azshara with a small faction of renegade naga (survivors of SSC/BT and defectors from Nazjatar) and have a small city off the coast of the Isle of Quel’Danas called Vashj’aran. At first they were in a “client” type of relationship with the blood elves but following our version of the Vashj’ir events in the Cata part of the timeline, they’ve been fully accepted into the Horde. The Vashj’arani worship Neptulon, and similarly to the Eilistraeen Drow in Forgotten Realms, accept defectors fleeing Azshara’s tyranny.
the Forsaken are greatly expanded. Sylvanas’ literal first act after getting the val’kyr on her side was going to rez Lana’thel--they were gfs when they were both alive and Lana was actually 95% of why Sylvanas tried to infiltrate the Frozen Halls with Jaina (which also began the friendship-turned-romance they have in our ‘verse”). basically Sylvanas caught wind of the San’layn’s existence and that Lana was her queen and she hauled off to try and rescue her and got distracted by King Yeti and Jaina had to drag her away, lmao.
anyway Sylv and Lana had a big stupid wedding after Northrend. Anub’arak is their majordomo and amuses himself playing chess with Nathanos, who is Gay, tyvm. in addition to the val’kyr and surviving Nerubians we also have the rest of the San’layn in the Undercity as well. But Lana is Sylv’s right hand and basically her war leader.
the Bilgewater Cartel still ended up in the Horde, but after Gallywix had an unfortunate “accident” with a pool pony, Sassy Hardwrench became Trade Princess.
Theramore is definitely up there for me too. in our verse it was founded as a neutral safe haven after the battle of mt hyjal (jaina herself is strictly neutral in our verse and always has been) and although you do still have a lot of humans and high elves there (the ones that followed her in the exodus from EK), people of all different races live there, horde and alliance. in the years since, it’s become a massive trade hub and the gateway to kalimdor for the EK for both factions. Jaina still maintains close ties with both sides and is a voice of peace, though some human hardliners don’t trust her because of what I’m saying below. Kul Tiras is ruled by her 10000%  badass mother, Grand Admiral Delilah Proudmoore, whose family may or may not have made their fortunes through piracy.
Thrall still stepped down as Warchief to go help save the world during Cata, but Garry was Warchief for about 5 minutes and then Saurfang came back from Northrend, gave him the booterang, and took over before he really got nuts. Cairne retired bc Northrend took too much out of him but is very much still alive, just frail. Thrall ended up marrying Jaina (Aggra does not exist here; she has an expy named Rakka bc Dandy is fond of doing that with terrible canon characters, but She Gay and is gfs with Zaela). he splits his time between Theramore and Orgrimmar when he’s not off doing shamany things. he also has a Thing with Vol’jin, btw--Vol’jin and Varian both survived Legion btw because lol fuck canon with a rusty spoon.
dragons never got depowered ffs. Tyrigosa became the new Blue Aspect after Malygos’ demise (bc Powdered Toast Man does not exist in our verse), and Sabellian is the Black Aspect. Neltharion was defeated essentially by the power of friendship and is recuperating now that he has old god noodly appendages out of his skull. CHROMIE IS TRANS, GODDAMMIT.
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wallabywannabe · 2 years
btw I absolutely love my vet. The receptionist told me they had an appointment open at 1 pm today with a different doctor, and I said sure, thing is I have work so can I drop her off now? But I knew she wouldn't have to wait till 1. And when I dropped her off, the tech said ok we have a procedure this morning but then we'll take a look at her and I said that's absolutely fine.
But, turns out my regular vet swooped in immediately, got her hydrated and medicated and drew bloodwork before she did her surgery, and gave her an ultrasound for no cost. Which means a lot. I didn't get that kind of attention and treatment when I went to the human hospital. Which is fine, because I can understand why things might take time. But a cat can't understand that, amd some people wouldn't feel bad about making her wait a few more hours, but my vet started making her feel better right away.
(And I don't blame the rest of the staff for telling me differently. I do the same thing. Better to under promise to patients. Sometimes the provider will be able to do those things and sometimes they won't, because medicine is unpredictable.)
Side note, it's very hard to understand Delilah's brain, but for the last year, almost every time we've gone to the vet, she was feeling bad and they gave her something that made her start feeling better right away, so at this point I wonder if she has positive associations with being whisked away in the carrier, driving 20 minutes, and being put in a cage in that weird smelling place with digs, knowing that relief is coming soon.
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emsider · 7 years
A Sentinel of Shadows update:
So. It is with a somewhat heavy heart (but mostly a relieved one) that I can say my health is on a definite improvement of late. I hope it holds steady, even though I'm waiting for some more test results before I can kinda sorta be a little more confident. Fingers crossed those results end up being nothing.
Which brings me to A SENTINEL OF SHADOWS. I don't think I'll be able to finish it. I was afraid of this for a few months now, but I’ve realized that I really can't bring myself to write long fics anymore. I can do short snippets, a collection of drabbles, oneshots, but long, plotted out works are just too demanding. Quite frankly, I would rather take that time and energy and put it into my original fiction, which I can at least hope to be paid for, rather than fanfic.
I hope that doesn't make me sound too mercenary. There's other reasons why I'll have to shelve ASOS, a lack of precious energy being one of them (I need to heal and mend myself, and long fic writing just isn't conducive to that). But instead of outright abandoning the fic and washing my hands of it, I'm going to tell you all how it was going to go, how it will end, and hope that that makes up for a lack of prose.
I'm sorry to have the update be like this, especially when so many of you have been so tremendously kind, so wonderful, so insightful, so encouraging. You have all helped me so much, and I hate that I cannot give you what you deserve, but I have to think of myself here. Please do not think this is my last foray into Emsider writing. Perish the thought. I adore them and will write for them as long as I have the impulse to do so (and I can't see that changing anytime soon).
Without further ado, the details:
After Emily's arrival at Pandyssia, and the Vicereine's eerie hospitality, she will have the creeping suspicion that something is not Quite Right with the lady Eris. It becomes obvious that Eris has fashioned herself as a copy of Emily's life, down to her appearance, the way she's styled her own royal house, etc. This unhinged attachment to imitation has a deeper purpose, but Emily can't know that yet--all she knows is that it's deeply uncomfortable and she doesn't like it.
Unfortunately for her, Eris senses this, and she leads Emily to the guest chambers--and locks her in there. Now a prisoner, Emily tries in vain to use some of her gifts to escape, only to find that there are several magical defenses already in place around the chamber to prevent her from doing just that--she can, however, use the necklace the Outsider gave her to hear his voice and ask for his help.
The Outsider's voice is distorted and faint (think static on the radio), but what Emily hears isn't exactly comforting: Eris has been raised all her life to respect Dunwall and the Imperial families of the Isles for their might and the reach of their influence. This respect festered into a fascination, and then a flat out obsession: if Eris could become Empress Emily, then she could bring prestige, power, and prosperity to Pandyssia, despite its uncharted wilds and malicious beasties.
This is all well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that (1) Emily is a prisoner, and (2) Eris is now hellbent on becoming Emily at all costs--down to the Outsider's gifts.
When it becomes obvious that the Outsider will not visit Eris, she charges into Emily's room and plans to cut off her hand and stitch it onto her own missing stump. She and Emily fight, Eris snatches the whalebone necklace from Emily's neck, and Emily pushes back until they're both free of the room--and then she unleashes her full power on the Vicereine.
Breaking free, and now in that creepy crawly Shadow form that freaks everyone out in Dishonored 2, Emily runs as far as she can until she slips into a pocket of the Void for safe-keeping. But the Void in Pandyssia is different from the Isles: it's darker, deeper, more fierce.
Now, I had this planned before Death of the Outsider was released, so imagine my surprise to have the final stage of that game be really close to what I imagined. That's not an accusation of theft, btw--I'm not arrogant enough to think anyone from Arkane even knows I write Dishonored fanfic, much less READS it--it's more a comment about minds thinking alike.
While Emily travels this deeper, new darkness in the Void, she finds that she's at the very heart of the Outsider's isle in the Void. She hears whispers, sees snatches of his life, and learns how he was made. Just as she vows in her heart to find a way to free him, the Void drops out from beneath her--and she falls into endless darkness, right back into the Ebonwel, that Things Betwixt place where she reunited with Callista, and met the strange crone, Nadezdha Morev. Callista isn't there, but another familiar face is: Mephista.
Here Emily learns that Eris has the whalebone necklace the Outsider gave her, and with that, used it to complete a glamour that allows Eris to look like Emily. In the time Emily was in the Void and fell through it, Eris has returned to Dunwall in her place, wearing her face--much like Delilah once tried to do. The only way Emily can break the spell and use Eris' own tricks against her is by gaining the power of the Void equal to that of the Outsider--but to do that, she has to learn his name. Learning the name of a god is the sure way to gain that god's power, and command it for yourself.
Emily and Nadezdha hide under the strange cloak the latter gave her, and with it walk through the hidden seams of the Ebonwel, sifting through time and ancient memories. It is here that Emily learns Nadezdha is none other than the Outsider's mother, who abandoned him shortly after he was born because she couldn't take care of him. It is here, in the darkest, deepest, oldest memory that time forgot, that Emily finally learns the Outsider's name: Koschei.
With the power of his name booming in her mind, Emily returns topside to find her court in the middle of a masquerade fete to honor the ties between Pandyssia and Dunwall. Most of the Pandyssian delegate are there, except for Mephista (who never wanted to be a part of this scheme in the first place). Emily, wreathed in Void fog and wisps, marches across the room right up to her impostor, who is wearing both her face and the whalebone necklace. Emily only says one word: Koschei.
And the spell breaks. In a dramatic fashion full of earthquakes and ghastly howls, Eris' glamour falls and fails, and the Outsider is dragged from his place in the Void into the physical realm. When he was made the avatar of the Void, he wasn't given a choice--it was forced onto him unwilling. But he gives Emily a choice now, as he always gives his Marked a choice: she can refuse, and let him fade from memory as the last face of the Void.
She has another option: they share the Void together. The deal is sealed with a dramatic kiss of shadow and whispers, as they lock fingers and seal the deal.
This decision isn’t without consequences. One of Emily's eyes turns pale gray (but she isn't blind--she can see the seams of the world and the Void leaking through), and one of the Outsider's black eyes clears to a vivid, pale brown. They are alive and whole and equal, the Void made flesh.
In the epilogue, Emily sports a jaunty eyepatch (she has dozens of them made, all with different styles and brocades and patterns, and many fashionable people in the Isles emulate her style) to hide her gray eye. She is not so patiently listening to a courtier gush about her crazy masquerade and how dramatic it was. People seem to think it was all a ruse, something done to show that Emily's reign as Empress may be fractured and restless, but it is and will continue to be absolute.
Just then, Corvo arrives from Karnaca, and he's wearing a peculiar look on his face--a mix of a scowl and a smirk. He says he has a friend with him “from Tivia,” someone who wants to pay his respects to the Empress in person. It's the Outsider made human, and he kneels at Emily's feet, kisses her hand, and introduces himself by name for the first time in eons.
"I would know you anywhere," she says to Koschei, urging him to his feet. She's taller than him, but she couldn't care less: he's there, he's alive, and he's beautiful. "Like calls to like, and soul to soul."
They both repeat these words as part of their wedding vows, and so the reign of Emily the Just, Emily the Clever, and Koschei the Beguiled begins, bringing the Isles decades of prosperity and peace. The End.
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