#a nother thing that is well known in the family that everyone got checked for at a young age except for me
jess-the-vampire · 4 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 43
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Sky had never seen her wand...crack, before, in fact she'd never seen any wand crack before.
What kinda force had that thing used against her to cause THAT?
Sky was left with a pit in her stomach, her wand had acted broken before, but this was on a whole nother level. Would it even still work? Could it even be fixed? Why would they break the wand they needed? Granted, with the panic they were in it was probably unintent6ional for them to actually break the wand at all, but now that it was broken, sky was at a loss for words.
All around them people were yelling and talking, the entire castle was being searched top to bottom, and everyone was contemplating everything that occurred. some people seemed injured, most were dirty, some were shouting for the criminal to be executed for this. There was so much going on it was kinda hard to even focus, how could anyone focus?
The castle wasn't too badly hurt, but it still had been wrecked quite a bit.
Not to mention the kidnapping and wand situation.
What a mess.
Judas could hear his father speaking to his grandfather nearby, remembering sunny, mason, and galexia were with him. How was he going to explain this mess to them? What was it like from their angle? God how was he supposed to explain all the damage that happened? Hopefully none of their bedrooms were super damaged, or their safe room for that matter.
Judas felt tired.
So did Sky.
This day had been a hell of a ride, everything went by too fast .
They'd be lucky if they didn't have nightmares from this.
Everything for awhile felt like a blur of people, too tired to focus on everyone around them sky felt herself start to pass out. Falling to the ground with a thud, scaring those around her as they cuddled up, making sure she wasn't sick or injured. She was asleep, her body tired and finally letting go, unable to gather enough strength for the time being.
She was drained, emotionally and physically.
And she drifted off to sleep.
Sky awoke later, finding herself in her castle's hospital wing, she couldn't tell how long she was asleep but there had been a plate of cookies set out for her, alongside some milk. She had to guess it was from either her mother or judas, but judas also appeared to be asleep in the bed next to her, though he was tossing and turning in his sleep, clearly not in the best shape.
In fact everyone was here.
Angel, Celeste, Landon, Bernard...
And on closer inspection, she saw their parents, all resting nearby.
They all looked dirty, like they'd probably been going through a damaged castle in fact. Though it seemed between whispers in the dark she could hear them talking about the repairs that were quickly going down. They couldn't live in a run down castle and they needed to get it fully operational for judas's coronation and for protection purposes, though sky couldn't hear much else.
They worked fast, though it probably wouldn't be fully together till the end of the week.
She felt achy still, feeling around for her wand, only to find it wasn't on her person. It wasn't on the bed next to her and it wasn't on the table nearby either. In fact it wasn't anywhere in sight. She sat up in the darkness, had it been taken when she was sleeping? It had been a bit cracked last time she saw it, so maybe it wasn't stolen. But what would-?
"Your mother confiscated your wand".
Sky turned to find angel was still awake, turned to face her, though he was whispering to avoid the adults listening in.
"She what?", sky whispered back.
"She saw what happened to it".
Well at least it wasn't stolen but at the same time, they didn't wand that wand confiscated, especially if it might help in returning the girls. Could they even go home now it it was cracked? Was her mom tasking it to repair it?
Sky wasn't that great with magic without her wand.
"What happened? I think I-".
"You passed out...and they escorted us here to check us for injuries and rest, sunny and the others are supposed to come back soon...but we aren't allowed to leave until they can be sure everything is ok.".
Sky fell back on the bed, "I guess you couldn't rest could you?".
"I'm too scared to rest...", she whispered back, shifting in his sheets.
Yeah, she couldn't blame him there at all, that would scare anyone, he'd come close to a panic attack back there.
"Are the others-?".
"I think they're ok, at least I hope so...nora was a bit scratched up though...mostly by rubble.".
Sky paused for a moment at the mention of nora being hurt, "It wasn't too bad...right?".
"I think so.".
Poor nora, that whole thing probably freaked her the heck out, especially since it was so unexpected for her. She couldn't even fight back like how most of them could, she could've been seriously hurt if she had been directly targeted. But at least no one had been too badly hurt, at least not like how angel had been hurt like the last encounter they had.
Guess the wand was better then any of them being badly damaged, she just wished she knew for sure everything would even be ok. Judas was a mess, her wand was damaged, luna was gone, Landon seemed to have unlocked new powers, how much longer could this whole thing even last at this point? Either they broke or that thing did at this point.
Though angel seemed...happy? He was tired, but there did seem to be a smile on his face.
Sky didn't even have to question it before he nodded to his sleeping mother, who was breathing better then the last time she had seen her. "While this was going down...they were working on her...she's making progress...". He almost seemed on the brink of crying, "I-I know today was crazy...a lot of days have been, but it...i can't thank you and your family enough for helping her".
Sky suddenly felt choked up, guess through all this mess, there really was some glimmers of hope out there.
"It's ok angel, I didn't play that massive of a role anyway-".
Only for angel to quickly pull her in a tight hug, sitting up in his bed and wrapping his spider legs around her, some attention drawn to them from the adults who were awake nearby. "I don't care sky, she never would've had a chance without your family or you in general. Not even nora would've had the courage to help without you, it just means...so much to me".
Sky was caught off guard at first, but she gave in, patting his back.
"Hey...I'm glad if i did anything to help her".
"I can't wait for her to wake up and see us like this, well I mean uh...last time she was...herself, we didn't get along".
"And you didn't have much friends", sky continued, the two ending their hug.
"Yeah...I think, I think she'll be really happy...".
"Yeah, i think so too".
"Kids, i'm happy you both are doing alright but maybe keep it down a little more and get some more rest, ok?", Queen lucitor called from where they were sitting, nodding towards judas, landon, nora, and well...mostly everyone. Sky rubbed at her head and apologized, but marco shrugged, "I'm happy to see you up and yourself again, but maybe you outta lie down some more after what happened...there will be time to talk about everything tomorrow".
Fair enough.
Angel laid back down on his back, knowing he needed to get a lot of rest after the events of today ,"We'll talk later.". He did seem sad he and sky couldn't talk longer about everything but he couldn't deny he was achy, turning on his side and folding his long legs together. Wrapping his covers over himself as the room was once again mostly silent.
But she could still spot the smile on his face.
At least someone came out of this in some kind of good mood, and if it had to be anyone, sky at least was happy it was the one most affected by what happened during their last encounter. Angel probably felt a little more...brave, for going in despite how terrified he was, like he really did something amazing. He wasn't wrong, he did do pretty great out there, sky could admit to that.
She just wished...well she wished this all hadn't had happened.
They couldn't keep this up much longer, otherwise they might not be so lucky to make it out like they have. Someone got kidnapped after all, no one was safe, not even those in other dimensions. Were their earth families going to move in too? Was there anywhere that was safe anymore? Were they going to have to move dimensions or something? There was no way they could continue like this.
Could she even go back to sleep after that?
Sky wasn't sure she actually could.
For all she knew they were around the corner, waiting for her, or waiting for everyone to fall asleep so they could strike. No one could claim that wasn't a possible reality at this point, no one could trust anyone and they couldn't trust their own homes. There was no way anyone could even go alone anywhere at this point, how was anyone supposed to relax?
And her wand...
"Can't rest?".
Sky turned her head towards the noise, seeing landon sitting against the wall and keeping an eye on his parents so they didn't listen in, "I can't either...". Guess that was expected, a lot kinda just happened today, she had the feeling he was probably growing a massive headache just from processing everything that had happened. Though he also just seemed rather sad, though sky had a feeling why.
"It's not your-".
"They kidnapped him because of me...you know that..."., he interrupted crudely, "There's no reason for them to even bother going after him if they hadn't known about us being friends, it was intentional to get to me.".
"They went after your grandparents first", after said those words she knew it wouldn't work as an argument, but it was all she could think about.
"That doesn't change anything, they knew he was a target because we're close...only reason they didn't go after your weird friend mel instead was because she was further away, bernard was right across the street. They knew about him because of the sleepover and everything, he was only in danger because we're friends and he could've gotten hurt and-".
"It's not your fault.".
"I can't believe i was so stupid to try and confess, what was i thinking, under these circumstances? Probably one of the last things he wants to hear is something like that.", this was really tearing him up inside. He was mostly staying quiet, he didn't want a lot of people to hear after all, bernard especially. "And these stupid marks...all this time i was so frustrated about judas and mason being special and i just had these dumb things on me for how long? And i can barely use them?".
"You only found out you had them today kinda...", sky mumbled, "C'mon, i mean, you'll get used to them, and you can confess later...when he's feeling better. Like it's not over or anything like that...you'll have other opportunities where he isn't in danger to do it.". Landon was silent about it, he might of just been in a bit of a mood swing right now, but at least talking to him seemed to help a little.
"How...how do you handle it?".
"Y'know...all these pressures and everything, you seem to not freak out so much about it...like me".
She gritted her teeth, hugging her legs, "Simple, i don't...i just kinda deal with it really.". Landon just stared at the floor, pressing his body further against the wall, "You ever think we'll actually catch them? Finally put this all to rest?". Honestly she had no idea anymore, even if they caught them, the damage had been done, no one would ever forget what had happened here.
But at the same time.
"We'll try...but i think maybe we can catch them, we just need to be one step ahead for once.".
"How can we be a step ahead if we don't know what they'll do and where they'll strike!?"
Sky tapped her fingers, "Well, i thought about this today and well...so maybe we can't guess what they'll do...but i mean, maybe we don't need to guess. Maybe we need to make them come to us instead of us figuring out them, like y'know, a trap? Then we wouldn't have to guess, we would be prepared, like i mean, then we wouldn't be caught off guard?".
Landon blinked at her, actually, that was a good idea.
"Honestly, i kinda personally don't think they intended to divert us, i think after bernard got found they just kinda y'know...took advantage of it? So maybe we're thinking too hard about this...maybe they're not as crazy smart as we think.". Granted, she could be completely wrong, but no mastermind would've forgotten about jude's grandmother or left all their stuff behind.
"If they aren't how do they keep getting away from us?".
"I didn't say they weren't smart enough to think on their feet".
She could hear angel shuffling next to them, he was probably still listening in on everything. She outta be careful not to say anything that might trigger him for now, perhaps save this conversation for when everyone wasn't tired. She looked over to landon and nodded her head to angel, "We'll talk later...with the others...but...i think...the only way we're going to get this done is if we outsmart them for once.".
"You're not going use him as...bait right?", landon said, whispering, his eyes glancing at the spider prince.
"Uh...no, but they want a wand...right?, and they'd probably freak if we tried to reveal them or something...so..."., she twiddled her fingers together, "Look, we'll figure it out later...but...i think i might have an idea".
Landon softly mumbled something under his breath before heading to his resting place, and sky had the feeling he simply told her "Alright". It would have to do for now, but at least having an idea of a plan was better then no plan at all. She laid back on the bed, tired and worn, the loss of her wand currently reeling her. But for now that would have to wait.
Sky awoke still in the wing, but the people around her were a lot more lively this time around. Some were still resting of course, but some were talking, debating, and checking on others. Sky took one of the cookies left for her and took a bite, she was hungry all right, and she needed some energy if she was going to handle whatever they were in for today.
She expected anything by this point.
Even the worst outcomes.
But the reaction around her seemed more mixed rather then sad and depressed, everyone passing information between each other rapidly. Some were stating their theories and others were trying to come up with plans and it seemed overall everyone was quick to get into the action after what had just happened. Not wanting something like this to ever happen again if they could help it.
Sunny was the first to come over to her, the small girl excited to see her up and well.
And with her was-
Sure enough, the human was there with her, accompanied by two guards and looking like she might burst with excitement.
"SKY! Your parents sad it was cool for me to come and see you! Well i mean, at first they said no, but when i saw them leaving with bernie's parents and grabbed onto their carriage thingy they couldn't say no! Though these guys haven't left me since.". Though personally she didn't seem to mind that one bit if it meant she got to see more magical stuff.
"Did...did they tell you-?"
"About bernie...yeah...but you saved him right?! That's great!" she looked excited, like this was one of those things that played out in her fantasy books. She could do with being a bit more concerned about her friend who got kidnapped and held for ransom, but i guess if you were from the outside perspective of this whole thing hearing your friend getting magically saved from a villian would seem fantastical.
"Well, yeah, we did...you're right about that.".
But melaine could tell sky wasn't exactly...happy about that either, despite her wide smile, her eyes staring at sky as if expecting her to say more. Sky coughing into her fist and eating more of her cookie, "Yeah but um...we didn't catch the guy again, they wrecked the underworld castle and my wand got kinda...broken. So...yeah, not as great as it could be...".
"I'm sorry i missed your texts.", she clutched at her hands, "Some stuff went down with my mom and I-".
"It's ok, i know you get busy sometimes...".
Sky offered mel a cookie only for the girl to turn her down, "Nah nah, no sweets for now, mostly because mom says they'll spoil my food later. But hey, talk to me later, i got some cool stuff to share with you!". That seemed to make sky a little more upbeat, new stuff? Did melaine find out more information about the individual they were after? That could easily help with setting up a trap.
"Um...sure ok! Uh how long are you staying?", melaine's arrival had been so unexpected sky had to wonder, especially at a time like this.
"Just another hour, mom doesn't want me here long, and neither does your family".
Guess if they could avoid another child getting kidnapped due to being close with their kids, they were going to take it. But at least she got to see melaine in person, if even it was on bad timing of all things. "Yeah, i can't say i blame them too much, but um...thanks for coming all this way to see me, i know we can't always talk like crazy with everything happening but-".
"Nah sky, i'm always happy to have you as my pal".
Sky smiled softy at that.
"To be honest, the more i'm here the more i wish my family lived on earth, the place seems far less chaotic.", she was mostly joking of course, but frankly earth seemed tame compared to all this. Melaine seemed to be in the opposite direction, where earth was tame in comparison to the excitement of the alternate world of mewni, with it's fantastical beings and lands.
Maybe they outta trade places sometime.
"So where's your wand?".
Sky gulped.
"Yeah, my mom has it...actually, i have no idea where she or it is now.".
"I think i saw them earlier!", sunny leapt up on the bed next to sky, "But i think she went into her office, so i can't be sure if she's doing anything more with it for now. I am sorry to hear it cracked...". She placed a hand on sky's shoulder, "The wand is pretty important to y'know...butterfly history, but hey, y'know, maybe they'll fix it! It's been broken worse before!".
Right, when her mom split the gem in half.
"But for how long though?".
Sunny could only give her a shrug on that, there was no way to be sure, but only time would tell. "Hey, cheer up, maybe for now you can work on well...wandless magic and stuff, till it gets back. Even if it's not from eclipsa, i'm sure others could help you out with that so you can keep defending yourself". Melaine seemed excited at that idea, "Oh ! YES YES YES!".
Wandless magic eh? But she was barely good at magic with a wand!
Though angel never needed a wand to do his magic, or judas for that matter, but it came a bit easier for them to learn when they never needed a wand in the first place. But angel was about as powerful if not less so before and he had gotten better, so maybe, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. Maybe she keep up with the others and manage without a wand.
Or fall flat on her face, that too.
"I-I'm not sure honestly...i'm not that great..."., not to mention she did feel naked without her wand, despite it not always working right, it still was a apart of her. She wasn't exactly much of a sword fighter like Luna or a merciless stabber like sunny, i mean, unless you counted tasing people and maybe on occasion headbutting them. Which wasn't gonna do much unless she snuck up on the enemy and zapped them.
Actually, that wasn't an awful idea...
"C'mon sky, you're better then that, but hey, we'll figure this out, we're not dead yet."
Way to be morbid Sunny.
"Sky! You're awake!", and soon enough angel approached, though for a second sky thought it was judas, but maybe it was just the fact angel was still wearing his clothes. Actually, judas didn't seem to be anywhere in sight, angel just noticing melaine standing there and pausing, melaine only ogling at seeing him in person. "Spider- Angel!", she corrected herself quickly, squealing.
"Mel...um, hi?".
Well at least she got his name right this time around.
But Sky didn't have time to worry about all of this right now, and she had questions, "Hey...where's judas? I saw him when he was sleeping last night but...I don't see him around here today for some reason. He's not hurt right?". Judas of course didn't have to be here but he usually would wait for his best friend to wake up and stay by her side then leave like this.
"Judas? He kinda got called off elsewhere...".
"The underworld, he's helping with fixing things up and getting looked at by his parents, he wanted me to stay here for him instead. He wasn't given much of a choice on the matter frankly". Though if sky had been awake she probably would've ushered him to go and get any kind of help he could really get while his arm was acting...how it was for now.
Trying to use that necklace like that and all that magic seemed to have had a weird affect on it, or maybe that was just the pain it caused that had seemed to trigger it so strangely. Having someone look at it might just do it some good, if they could come up with any theories about what happened, like was that magic supposed to do stuff like this?
If it was pure dark magic it would've been purged...wouldn't it?
But it wasn't.
The arm was very much still there and still thriving inside of the demon prince, coming and going. It had been affected but...it was hard to describe exactly what it did, and sky sure had no answers. The sooner judas got the whole thing looked at the better probably, lest it only gets worse and they feel the affects of it. There was no way he could do much like this.
"Well, I hope he's ok...y'know...considering everything.".
Angel seemed to agree just as much, sky offering him one of her cookies, which he took carefully, "I-I'm really sorry about your wand, it's a prized heirloom, it must be hard seeing it well...like that". She nodded, folding her arms together, "At least maybe it's possible to fix, it's been broken before and way worse then this but...I do feel rather naked without it".
"I can imagine".
"You could go back to using your earth wand!", The human suggested, sky suddenly feeling embarrassed having her taser brought up right next to angel of all people. "It's not magic but it can do the job if you need it to alright, give them a piece of your mind". Angel, realizing what she meant, only let out a sheepish smile, "Oh yeah, that wand uh...does hurt alright".
At least he seemed nearly amused by it rather then mad or upset.
"Is everyone else ok? Seems like most of everyone left already...nothing happened right?".
Angel looked over to the group behind him, "Nora was mostly shook up actually besides the scratches, she insisted to have a little break in the garden, eclipsa is with her actually. I think she wanted fresh air, which, all things considered sounds really good by now. I'm kinda personally feeling well...a bit stuffy surrounded by all these people...it's...maybe a mental break would be nice.".
"Maybe we all outta join you?", the demon said, smiling, and pointing to melaine as well, "I mean, with supervision of course, but...looking at pretty flowers actually sounds pretty good right about now." That actually did sound like a good idea, especially since sunny had yet to tell them what happened on her end since everything went crazy and they had yet to go into everything with them either.
Maybe some fresh air would help sky feel less...however she was feeling, away from all the mess and with some fun and happy company for a little bit. There was a little too much anxiety just staying here, hearing everyone discuss their next plans and form of action, some more aggressive then others, really wasn't reassuring her. At this point she just wasn't in the mood to hear about what they'd do about the guards or spies or anything.
She needed to get out of here.
Angel happily helped sky up, the girl shoving another cookie into her mouth, letting sunny and angel eat the rest as the four passed through the mess of people, guards still following behind them. There was people coming to and fro all over the halls, no matter where you looked there was a servant or guard running around. Some were interrogating others, some were comforting others.
There seemed to be a lot of underworld people here actually, probably till the castle was back to normal.
But even so, she'd be too terrified to even go back, who knows what backlash the Lucitors were getting from this whole thing by having a break-in twice by the same person, and having said person still get away with a partially destroyed castle. Doesn't say a lot of promise when your own royals couldn't even protect themsleves all that much, much less the poor people who felt the blunt of it.
Sky could even hear protesting going on outside in fact, even if she was mostly ignoring it.
Not that she could blame everyone who was mad, she'd be pretty mad too, but her family had been trying as hard as possible to just keep everyone safe. She knew how hard they'd been working to help everyone and keep them safe. They couldn't be blamed for all of what just happened, they all got dooped. Though sky could agree maybe they should have at least had one of them stay behind at home.
But on the other hand, a child had been in danger.
Sky was happy to leave the noises of the protests to be led to the much more relaxing garden instead, nora was right in finding this place calming and nice to just rest at. It had so many pretty flowers and sky could hear the sound of birds all around. Even though she wasn't all together, it gave her a much better feeling then the headache she'd been growing inside of the castle.
Angel seemed pretty happy to be able to stretch his legs as well, able to outstretch them to his heart's content without hitting anyone out here. Melaine of course just wanted to see more of the castle in general so she was happy no matter where she was going, looking at the plants to see if they'd attack her or do anything out of the ordinary from what they did on earth.
A Happy Mel was a good Mel.
Sunny looked tired herself, if the guards weren't right there she probably had a lot to spill to sky, but it seems they'd have to wait for more on that. However, she was qucik to point out that they were not alone. As expected, Nora was already there, Eclipsa nearby, looking at roses herself, nora drawing in her smaller notebook and speaking to her on occasion.
They both seemed too busy to have noticed them yet.
But that didn't last long as Melaine was quick to call out to them and wave, startling nora and making eclipsa turn and smile at the sight of having more guests. Sky wasn't even mad anymore, she was too tired to be mad, did eclipsa already know about the state of her wand? She probably did at this point, no reason at least one of their parents wouldn't have said something about it.
Not that eclipsa would be mad about that but-
"Sky! Sunny! Angel! It's good to see you as well!".
Eclipsa also seemed tired in fact, like she hadn't slept at all last night. Though she did seem pleased to have seen the kids, despite all that. Nora seemed to brighten a little at the sight of seeing her friends, looking up from her work. It seemed someone had given her fresh clothes after last night, and she got to clean up really well. Though she also looked very tired and they could spot Band-Aids on her legs and arms.
"Hey Eclipsa...hi Nora...".
Nora put down her book and walked over to her friends, hugging sky and angelus together as tightly as possible. She hadn't gotten to have a proper moment with them when everything went down and seeing them sparked something in her. The two hugging her back gently, sky patting her back and letting her hug them as tight as she could right now.
They all needed a hug.
"Judas still gone?".
"Yeah...", Angel said, sadly, "We'll see him soon, I think".
Nora left the circle of hugs, tugging on her slimy hair, "I guess after last night we might not be able to stay in our homes anymore...". Her parents were already scared stayed here to begin with after the first break in, no where seemed safe anymore at this rate. If the most powerful kingdoms were made fools through this, then was anywhere safe?
Maybe the safest place was far away from these families as possible.
"Well, maybe not...maybe", angel was trying to be optimistic but who really knew honestly.
They couldn't deny it being a real possibility, it was a real one all things considered. How could anything be trusted anymore? How could anyone live knowing no one was safe? There was a real genuine fear here and no doubt their parents had all been arguing about what they should do to keep everyone safe at this point. Maybe separation really was the best way to save everyone?
Though the thought of that seemed to build something in sky.
Made her angry.
This one person, one person, ruined so many people's lives, caused so much panic and anxiety throughout mewni, and nearly got her friends killed or in prison.
She worked so hard to be better this year, to make friends, to actually do things she never did before.
And now her wand was broken and she might lose everyone.
Was this how angry landon felt last night?
She felt her fists clutch, and sunny quickly put a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.
"I'm not letting them hurt anyone else...never again".
And she meant that too, more then ever.
"I'm so sorry about your wand sky...", nora mumbled, "I mean it, i know that it scares me sometimes, but i know it means a lot to you, i wish there was more i could do for you there.". Sky appreciated the kindness. from her and everyone today. They didn't need to be so nice, but they were anyway and didn't seem mad or ill willed towards her for the mess.
"I'm glad you guys aren't uh..."., she started, well to be honest, there were MANY things she was glad they weren't after that situation.
"Hey, that's because of you, you helped keep us safe!"
Sunny seemed to squeal a little about that last bit, "You went in to save your friends, like a hero! That's super duper cool! And you got them out without a scratch on you! That's not something most people can do!". Sunny was a master of pep talk, and sky had to appreciate the compliment, even if she knew far and away if sunny had been in her place she would've done way better.
Granted, maybe comparing her and the others wasn't a good idea at all after her already obvious mommy issues.
"I have to agree", eclipsa coming forward to the small group, brushing her dress off, "Not an amazing day by any stretch but you handled yourself rather well all things considered, going back for your friends was noble even if dangerous". Sky didn't seem to amused by her compliment, considering it was coming from the same woman who before felt it was too dangerous for her to go after the same person not that freakishly long ago.
Eclipsa seemed to recognize the hypocrisy, coughing into her hand.
"I...know what happened still bothers you, but with your mothers being absent, well...going back for them, sky i...I want to tell you i thought what you did was brave. Dangerous, but brave, even if it meant losing your wand". Sky didn't want to admit she was happy to hear her compliment, but in her mind she did appreciate it, even if it was coming from eclipsa.
"Look, I just...I wasn't going to abandon them...ok?".
"And I wouldn't expect you to, frankly".
Sky continued to glare and eclipsa sighed, "I don't regret telling your parents, the situation could've more dangerous, especially since no one knew what they were dealing with out there, but here...you knew what you were up against, you had help, and you handled yourself well sky. You're really starting to turn into your own queen, even if through baby steps.".
"I didn't get to fight them...".
"Saving your friends and not getting yourself hurt is just as good if not better, trust me".
She rubbed at her face, trying to rub the sleep out, "Spent all last night taking the watch, though it was hard to sleep with everything that went down, the Musty Mountains are just rioting for the commotion that happened and not to mention we have people there investigating the secret hideout. We're going over everything for evidence, i think we'll have their identity soon enough".
"You mean like...dna?".
The word seemed to leave eclipsa a little confused, even with humans around seems mewni still had some stuff to kinda learn.
"Uh...i'm not sure what that is...is that a fancy human word?", she was playing it off funny but the others didn't seem to be as amused as she was, sky shaking her head.
"Eclipsa, me and judas wouldn't exist without the stuff", her hands on her hips, "Anyway, like you know what they mean, hair or skin or blood...unless this person never took off their clothes one we outta find SOMETHING. Maybe then we can figure out why they have powers and know all this secret stuff and y'know...are the way they are, it could make things easier".
"You're not wrong, but i admit i'm nervous to find out whose behind this".
"I think everyone is secretly...whether it's someone we know or something we knew back for revenge or something, they're not some random mewman...they have to be someone we're aware of to know so much information, to frame me...I wish i knew who'd have this much of a grudge though, but the people who hate me are idiots and aren't even royalty...".
"Well, we'll hopefully sleep easier knowing who it is...", she fixed up her hair and looked to the crowd, melaine about a second away from bursting, "So...what brings you out here anyway? Getting away from all the drama perhaps? I know the feeling". She motioned to the roses, the flowers looking rather well taken care of, "Being out here is preferable to all the arguing in there...especially with Moon on the way".
"Granny's coming?", Sky asked, surprised.
"She wanted to come for a bit but your mom kept saying she'd take care of it, i guess she finally had enough and she's coming here to uh...help i guess? She said she'd never come back from her retirement unless it was an emergency, seems like this was more then enough to bring her back out. But um...considering what happened to your...you know, maybe this time around you might want to stay out of this".
Oh, right.
"Your mom's trying to convince her not to get involved, since she knows she'd freak, but, that's moon for you, can't be shocked.", she actually seemed to be amused by this all, judging by the smile on her face. Though this was no laughing matter to sky, who did not need another adult coming in to make things more stressful for her, her fists clutching as she spat out her next words rapidly.
"I have a plan to catch them!"
She didn't know why she said it how she did, as if the universe would stop just because she might have an idea.
But it got everyone's attention.
"You...do?",Eclipsa asked.
"Well, sorta...we should still stake out and stuff before we even do it, besides planning, but...it's an idea, for a trap.".
"What kind of trap?".
"Well, i haven't figured it out completely yet, it's just...y'know, lure them into the castle , make them think they're smart and then we catch them i think...", it didn't sound that great when she said it like that frankly, but it seemed to spark sunny's attention. "Wait, i'll ask lexi! She's super smart and creative with these kinds of things, i bet she can help!".
"I heard about this last night", angel said, "You spoke about it with landon".
Right, he did hear all of that.
"Yeah, i mean, i was thinking, a gathering? Lure her in and capture her there...and well...ok It's a bad idea but i thought that maybe, the least suspicious way we could do it is through...judas's coronation. I know that's a selfish idea cause that's important to him but i just thought that...if we did anything else it'd come off a on more suspicious then something planned in advance".
"Sky, a coronation is an important step in any new ruler's life, i can see where you're coming from, it's a special day and using it for a trap sounds like a rather good way to sour the mood of a wonderful night...", Eclipsa sighed, her eyes running off elsewhere, "But, you're not wrong in the fact that something like that would be something perfect to lure them in...but that's jude's choice.".
"I'd throw a party or something but c'mon, it'd look stupid considering how clearly panicked we all are", sure, her family could be a little party crazy sometimes but when everyone was going through what was an obvious crisis , something like a celebration would look funny to anyone, any trap they wanted to pull had to actually not look like a trap.
"Well ok, so you have an idea...but...what would make them WANT to go?".
"Well, we're all there, wands are there...and it's crowded, they could hide in plain sight", she tried to explain, "I just think, we need to be smarter, if they keep dodging us...we'll never catch them, but if we're one step ahead...well...maybe they can fall into our trap then the other way around...like we need to make them think we're dumb while also being super smart.".
Sunny seemed to be nodding along, tapping her foot, "You're right, but what if they do figure out it's a trap? I mean at this point they have to be expecting us to y'know? Be planning something to get them, unless you really think a coronation is inconspicuous ?". But sky did, if she was behind the mask, she'd think the royals would completely avoid making a day of celebration a trap for a serious matter.
If only because they'd want to protect every serious moment of happiness they could in a situation like this.
It's be more believable they'd still do a coronation then most things at least.
And her words seemed to make the others really consider this idea, hiding a trap beneath a royal event could actually work.
"We'll all need to think about it, but mostly judas...", angel rubbed at the shirt he was wearing, one of jude's obviously, only drawing more attention to the purple half demon who wasn't in the room. "His coronation is important to him, but...he seems to not want to draw too much attention to himself, with how others treated him and all, i'm not sure if this would make him better or worse".
"Yeah, me neither...jude was kinda afraid to make an impression others didn't like"., she had to agree, a trap at said party would definitely draw more attention then he had wanted.
"Also...", Sunny popped in, "The thief might not go anyway, they always wear their mask and well...they'll stand out pretty well if they go in with one when no one else is wearing one, it might not be worth it to them". Leave it to sunny to notice some of the flaws in this idea, but it was basically a rough draft anyway, so it wasn't going to be perfect without more ideas in the pot.
"We'll talk about this with your parents more later...maybe we can make something from this".
Sky could agree with that, for now, in fact she felt happy someone actually liked her ideas and supported them at all. It was nice despite all the problems going on, the girl heading away from the group to rest with the flowers, wanting to clear her mind. Sunny following her example and taking a seat in the grass, eclipsa watching as only angel stayed by her side.
Nora returned to her work.
Melaine and the guards went off to look at the plants and strange insects so melaine could squeal to her heat's content.
They were all ready for a breather.
Angel looking off into the distance, the queen smiling at him.
"I'm proud of you too y'know, for going back in there, no one could have blamed you for backing out, but i think it's lovely you went in to help sky save her sister". Angel rubbing at his head and nodding, "Thanks...but i was still pretty scared...i couldn't help it...sky told me to go back but i couldn't, so i helped her...and we worked together...I...I didn't want to abandon her.".
"That's pretty brave of you, doing all that for a friend".
"She went back to save me and make sure i was ok, I'd do it again if i could".
She patted his shoulder, " I miss teaching you both for the record, haven't had that much fun with some goofy teenagers since my own daughter, at least I'm glad it worked out for the two of you". He nodded, "Yeah, thanks a lot, for...teaching me and everything, well i mean, some of the lessons weren't great. But i well, i appreciate all of it...at the very least...if it wasn't for you...well...".
He looked to sky.
Eclipsa smirked, "Hey, if you wanna tell all of mewni about how i helped bring two kingdoms closer as friends and stopped a feud between their kids, feel free." She was partially kidding but she wasn't wrong either about any of that. Angel crossing his arms and snorting, "You think this plan of hers might work? I'm just worried about it going...well...like the last few plans".
It was a fair worry all things considered.
"Well think of it this way, the last few times no one had time to plan, they were in a rush to save people, they had no time to think when lives were on the line...", she explained, "Now, we have time to think about this, less chance for us to be fooled if we have more control and time to think about what to do and how to do it. Star was a master of "Winging it", but this just isn't like that".
"What is it more like?".
"It's more like try try and try again till at some point we do it, while getting better along the way, star got lucky...not to say she was never talented, but she never would've gotten through everything without luck and help, we're going to have to work through it". But she seemed rather confident all things considered, ruffling the prince's hair, "But...with all our heads together, i think we can do it...eventually".
"You went out there...to save them".
She nodded, "Yeah, i did...if i had known they were coming here i might've let globgor handle it, but...it is how it is...but i had no idea what we were in for when i went down there. The best thing i can say is because i went there, they were able to come back before anything got worse, so i can't say i regret it, i'm going to be in charge of investigating her lair.".
"Wait, why you?".
"Well, the queens and king are busy and it was a place me and globgor know a bit about, so they insisted we be the ones to go over it for any other evidence...such as well..dna i guess. Give us a few days and we might have a culprit...thankfully they weren't given any time to burn any of this stuff before we got our hands on it...i think nora's book might be in there".
Angel sighed in relief, "Well at least she'll have her book back".
"Well with her book, maybe she might finally be able to figure out what's wrong with poor judas...", she was right, nora had been doing a lot of research in that book, with it back maybe she could finally help judas properly, though maybe with him worse then he was before unfortunately. "Was anything else in there that had been stolen, or was it just from us?", eclipsa's head shaking.
"There seemed to be minor thefts, in fact mostly everything in there seemed to be stolen, so i guess when we hadn't seen them they had kept themselves rather busy, if to just steal old bottles and potion materials...but...once things are sorted through we might officially know their plan. If we know their plan, well that outta make things so much easier for everyone".
Angel's body felt heavy, tired, like he could barely keep himself standing right now. He outta join the others frankly, get a break, take a moment for himself for a little bit, though he didn't, and eclipsa could guess why. Her lips quivered and she let out a sigh, her fingers twisting together and her voice letting out a breath as she got it out of her system.
"Sky's grandmother isn't the only one showing up soon".
Angel's curiosity peaking, who else could possibly be coming? The high commission? The ghost of queen solaria? Glossiryck?
But eclipsa put on her best comforting expression, trying to be careful of her words.
"Your father is coming here, tomorrow, he heard about your mother and you being in trouble and he's coming, globgor is actually going to be watching over your kingdom in the meantime, i don't know for how long this will be going on...but it is how it is.".Eclipsa said it knowing angel's emotions were bound to be mixed on the matter, bracing for either impact to be possible with his feelings.
And Angel seemed speechless, his father was finally coming to see him? What would he think since the last time?
Especially with how his kingdom felt after finding out, they had been furious, and who knew how that would affect his own dad after he had to deal with the worst of it.
Angel wanted to see him, there was no doubt about it, missed how much he got frustrated with him, how much he wanted him to be a better prince, even if he wasn't the best dad he still cared and angel missed that. No wonder eclipsa was nervous to tell him, angel was nervous about it himself. He didn't even know what was going on in his own kingdom.
"I'm sorry if you're worried, but I know you miss him...and we wanted to make sure you saw him...so globgor offered to take over shorty. I know...if i was in your position, i'd wish i had my mother there to comfort me". She was right and he knew it, he wanted a hug from his father, he needed something more then just his friends, he missed his dad.
"Thank you...", he let out, eclipsa patting his back, "it's no problem, but you outta get some rest before this point, you need it...we have curfews and many other new rules to attend to for safety, so better enjoy all of this while you can, your friends are waiting for you". She motioned to the others, angel lugging his way over and sitting next to sky on the grass.
Proper rest at last.
"You know can't give this back to you...right?".
Star held the family wand in her hands, currently transformed into her old one, red horns, purple shell, star gem-
with a crack in the middle.
Sky shrugged, "I mean, kinda...I was expecting it".
What else could she say? She totally thought her mother would given her back a wand she had broken? Not when they knew she wanted the wand, to steal it, no way sky could have it with that happening. Granted, even her mom kept the wand when monsters tried to steal it, but the monsters who did were not as dangerous by the sounds of it.
Sky wished she was back in the garden already, she had a few hours of break and all of a sudden she had to get called into her mother's office? She knew it was important but still, this had to be the 20th time today someone talked to her about the wand thing and she already felt bad enough about it without everyone else talking to her about it.
"Will i ever get it back...at any point?", probably a dumb question to even ask in the first place but considering how important it was for her to have a wand, it was something she'd have to ask". Star gritting her teeth, "Well, yeah, but not until we catch the guy, on and uh...the girls? We might have to take their wands too...y'know...better not to have any wands that can be grabbed out there?".
Not so fair.
"But...they're not our wands to take...technically...and luna-".
"Isn't here, i know, but still".
"But they need them too! Without them they can't...mom their wands are important". She wanted to argue but how could she, what was even there to argue? Sky had lost this battle before it had even begun. He mouth gaping but no words coming from it, the girl standing there awkwardly as her mother smiled at her, knowing she did her best but her best wasn't enough this time.
In fact her best only seemed to have caused more problems then anything, as much as sky didn't want to admit it.
But if she stayed out of it, who knew if things would have gotten significantly better either.
"Look, i'm sure their wands are important, but so is making sure no one gets ahold of any of them, sending them home with a missing or broken wand isn't going to do much good either". She wasn't wrong about that, but sky wasn't sure any of the girls would be willing to give up their wands at all, especially since they were their biggest line of protection.
Well Sunny and Luna might be fine but the others...
Celeste would probably rather spend a week with luna then give up her wand, and that was saying a lot right now.
"I'm not sure the girls would give them up...", her tone was deflated, downer, "It's one of the last things they have from their home right now, this whole thing is kinda already stressful enough...". She knew it wouldn't make much of a difference, but at the same time she didn't want to just say nothing either, her sisters had been roughed up enough.
Taking away their safety, even if it was for the best, it just made her worry for them.
"I know sky...", Star tapped her fingers on her desk, sticking her tongue out in thought, "I...I know i haven't been like...an amazing mom, i should've trained you to fight without a wand more and helped you use magic better. I guess when you're put in the front for monster relations and dealing with the consequences of past queens sometimes you forget to focus on the stuff in front of you".
Sky said nothing, eyes glancing to the floor.
She hadn't been expecting her mom to get into this, not right now, it kinda caught sky entirely off guard. Her mom admitting she felt bad about her actions and taking responsibility, even saying she hadn't been a good mom, it's something sky always wanted to hear and yet...it felt weird now.
Her mother then bit her lip, tapping her fingers again, "When this is all over...I'm...I'm going to do better...train you better, help you more, not put so much on you...honestly i should've known better considering what i went through at your age". She seemed to actually be honest about all of this, her eyes tired and stressed, "Mom always put pressure on me and i guess i ended up doing the same thing...and then sorta shoved it on eclipsa quickly as a bandaid fix".
Well, that wasn't ALL her fault, stuff had gone down after all.
But, it was still nice to hear.
But Star almost seemed nearly defeated, the queen's head on her desk, moping, "You didn't even want me to know about...this entire situation, and i'm your mother, i'm supposed to be someone you can trust and i failed at that. Eclipsa's taken so much good care of meteora and made her a fine young woman and here i can't even help my own daughter properly".
Sky couldn't remember the last time she saw her mom so...like this.
How long had her mom been holding all this in exactly? Had to have been a few weeks at least, years at most, and sky barely knew how to react. She couldn't deny she hadn't trusted her mother, and she couldn't lie and say she had no issues with her all her life. But she didn't like seeing her mother feel so miserable either for everything that had happened.
But then her mom sat up, fixing her hair, "This is kinda partially my fault and i'm going to have to work on fixing it, well, when you're ready for my help that is. But...you're never going to fully be a good queen without me and i need to start helping with that...better then when my mom helped me...". She stood up, stressed still, but smiling this time around.
"I'm going to help all you girls in fact, we'll all be a team directly".
Sky seemed utterly speechless about this, she was not expecting this to be the result of being sent to her mother's office, far from it. Sure she was technically their mom but also at the same time, not really, she wasn't ever going to be like the ones they knew. And with all the warnings judas gave about thinking too hard about the other universes...maybe her mom wasn't thinking this through enough.
"Uh...mom, maybe that's not-".
But Star wasn't done, raining her finger, "I have another thing we need to talk about before you go...i know you already know because of your little spying but...we found that mask when it was broken awhile back and well...you may want to know this...it's remarkably similar to the one your other mom owns...the transformative one...in her collection? Janna loved using it to play halloween pranks on us since it could be anything she wanted". Sky was at first annoyed by her mom stopping her but the information hit her like a bullet.
That mask?
That mask was only special enough for her other mom to keep because it could change appearances, it could look like a clown, a bear, anything the wearer wanted it to be. Not that that was important but those things were so rare and having a magic under who knew butterfly stuff and who wore a mask owned by the butterflies left butterflies in sky's stomach, and not the good kind.
Her mom weakly laughed at sky's anxious face, back to her usual mom once again.
"Yeah...i've been meaning to talk about that, i mean, janna's isn't stolen but well...if word got out...well...rumors might put you back on the list unfortunately."
Gee, thanks for the warning mom.
It made the gears twist and turn in the young girl's head, she couldn't help it. Left wondering just how much further this could go, granted it wasn't unreasonable the dangerous magic person had a magic mask but the coincidences kept piling up. Regardless her mom knew she'd have to let sky go anyways so she could get back to work and take care of everything.
Not to say she was happy about that but sky had enough going on today.
"We'll talk later...at dinner, we want to hear your input, so...if you have any ideas...we'll be all ears.".
Wait, was her mom saying she wanted sky's help? Because that's exactly what it sounded like. It sounded like her mom needed sky's help if they were to get further in this, something sky didn't expect at all. She looked kinda puzzled considering everything that happened, like her mom would've wanted her even further away after all of this, but she wanted her help more?
She couldn't help but ask.
"Well, my mom learned how to trust me before we were able to stop our foes, i should probably learn to trust my own kid too when i can...i mean, i still care for your safety, but... maybe i need to stop being my mother for once...". Her blue eyes met sky's, "We're finishing this, this kingdom has been through enough, we catch them or die trying at this point".
Die trying?
Let's hope not.
Star sighed before planting a kiss on sky's forehead, "I can't give you back the wand, not now, but i promise i'll make it up to you...it's time for a new course of action...time to think outside the box". Thinking outside the box was something her mother always tended to do but it seemed this time around even that had become predictable, especially for this person.
"How outside the box...exactly?".
"So outside the box, we'll be on another dimension!", she responded, clapping her hands together, 'Wand or no wand, we got work to do and they messed with the wrong family". Sky got up and off her chair, her mother pushing her to the door, "I'll see you soon, make sure everyone attends dinner, we all need to get to work and we'll start there".
Her mom actually seemed kinda excited almost for dinner, leaving sky a bit confused as the door closed behind her. Outside the doors she saw a friendly face who had already been standing there, the one of her best friend to be exact, judas standing here and waving to her. He still seemed to be rather tired but tired in a different way, as using magic to help with your castle was bound to cause stress and exhaustion.
How long was he out there? Had he been waiting for her? There's no way he had known she was here right? Or had angel told him when her mother called for her?
It probably didn't matter, she was just so happy to see her best friend right now.
"Jude...you're here...".
"Yeah, after i finished helping i wanted to talk to you...and i heard you were here so...", he shrugged, smile on his face and overall just looked like he could use a big hug right about now . Something sky could absolutely agree with, even if it meant being completely crushed by judas's amazing half demon strength, the more hugs the merrier right now.
Judas quickly pulled her into a hug, nearly pushing them both over from being so tired, not to mention his weight. Sky let him hug her as long as he needed, noticing his cursed arm was swelling a bit. She looked at it, concerned before looking back to judas, "Is it...is it painful?". It looked painful,. she couldn't imagine an arm swelling like that to be anything but painful.
But to her surprise, judas shook his head.
"Honestly, no more painful then how it usually transformed, it was the pure magic that made it act up...because that stung, but honestly...it's not that bad. I feel like...it feels like it's fading...i'm not sure what it did to it but ...I have ideas maybe.". Sky wanted to ask what he meant but just then landon came around the corner, the boy clearly still tired from lack of sleep.
"There you are jude...", he said, not as enthusiastic as the words out of his mouth would pertain. His feelings about what had happened to his crush and to him were still lingering in his mind and he looked a mess, had he even really eaten at all today? The demon clearing his throat to talk to his brother, "Mom says they're ready for you at the med wing to check your arm and whatever...".
"Oh? Thanks, i'll get to that...but first i wanted to talk to sky...about well...the you know what".
"You mean the wand?", sky blurted out, "You don't need to get so secretive with me lucitor, i know...everyone's talked to me about it it seems, my grandma's arriving and everything because of it...not to mention at this rate jackie might even come back from her luna mission". She huffed, "Honestly i feel rather naked without it, like i'm missing something about myself".
"I guess that's why you were in your mom's office?".
She nodded.
"But well, mom actually wants to work with us properly, over dinner, and uh...", seeing her friend made her remember her plan idea from earlier, stopping for a moment and eyeing landon before spitting out the question she was just going to have to get off her chest. "Look, i might have an idea of a plan and i was thinking...maybe we could set a trap and um...", she hated to ask, she already owed judas enough for his actions before, but she had to.
But judas sighed much to her surprise, like none of this surprised him whatsoever, smiling knowingly.
"My coronation, right? You want to do it there?", he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
Sky gritted her teeth, feeling like an idiot, "How did you know?".
"I mean, you wouldn't have to ask permission for any other reason, it had to be because of something like this. If we were setting up a trap any other way you'd be like Judas, i have an idea and we should do it here and there , But you had to ask my permission, and the only reason you'd do that...is if it was something to do with me, i'm no fool". But judas didn't seem mad or anything, which sky of course was expecting but even so she was expecting a bit more resentment. Even Judas could tell everyone was surprised, looking to explain himself.
He clutched at his arm, and looked to his brother, "Look, i spent awhile wanting a boring party...because i didn't want to be judged anymore, i wanted it because everyone else wanted it". He was looking for the right words concerning this, hoping it was coming out right, "I'll admit, i never REALLY wanted to have a party like that...i didn't...but i just thought...if i kept myself normal...i could manage better, less stress...no pressure to be this great uncursed king."
"This whole mess though...I...I'm not going to be able to escape it, i know i'm not, i'm not a normal prince and i'm not a normal demon...no matter how much i want to be so and try, everything i've done won't let that happen, luna was right...i can't please them...especially not through force."
Even landon was left standing there, wordless.
"But...I helped save bernard and nora and angel and...no stupid coronation is going to remove all the insane things i did, it's not easy for me to fully deal with but...i...cursed or not...i'm...". He seemed to be having a hard time getting the words out but landon finished for him instead, "You're a hero...you mean, you're saying that despite being cursed...that never stopped you from being a hero...you saved people, not hurt people".
Judas snorted, "I'm not going to pretend i'm not still hurt...about everything, but the curse...it doesn't define me...or who everyone thinks i am, i...saved people...i went in and saved them...curse or not...and people were proud of me...for just being...me...and i held myself back because i was scared of myself...but if i could do all that, maybe...maybe i can really overcome all this, like for real ".
He actually did sound hopeful, and surprisingly happy despite all the stuff going on around him right now. He did seem to look a bit like a mess and there was clear evidence he had been crying earlier. Which he couldn't deny he had, helping out earlier had gotten him a bit upset, being left to think to himself and everything that had happened on his own till further notice.
Maybe he was acting a little crazy, but he had thought heavily about this.
"Judas...are you-?", she was a little concerned, reaching out to her friend just in case he was mind controlled or something.
"I'm ok, I just...with everything happening i stopped focusing on being judged and all i cared about was keeping everyone safe...because that's what matters to me", he looked like he had been crying on closer inspection, "Sky i...i might never fully get over all the stuff i went through...and the feelings or um...well...anxiety...but if it means saving you all, then i'm happy to help in any way possible".
"You sure?".
"Sky, let's be honest here, knowing us...my coronation was bound to take a wild turn anyway, might as well be because of us instead of something else much worse". She had to agree with that, his coronation was bound to be a target no matter what at the end of the day, better it had a good result then a bad one. Sky might still have been worried, but if judas was ok with it, then she wasn't going to protest too much.
The girl nodded, landon simple still standing and watching, rubbing at his currently normal cheeks. Judas pulling himself together to face his brother, "Hey landon...for the record...even if i think some of it was dangerous and stupid...i'm proud of how brave you were throughout the whole thing. You really clearly care about your friend and i think it's great how you stood up for yourself...even if i still think it was partially dumb".
Landon didn't say anything, but they could tell he appreciated it, even if he still wished judas had allowed him to go.
"What's...what's the plan now?".
"We'll talk about it over dinner...but...we'll figure it out", the princess then hesitated, before asking carefully, "Um...is bernard allowed to come?". She didn't want to come off as intrusive or anything, she just knew bernard should be included if he could and landon was the best one to get that information from. The demon's shoulders sagging in response to her question.
"I-I don't know...".
But there was no time for the demon to elaborate on what was going on, because soon enough some of the knights were running through the halls, getting the attention of the young royals, as if something had just happened that got their attention. And Star burst out of her office, startling the kids before catching her breath, a panicked look in her eye that at first made sky worry.
Only for the woman to turn to her daughter in disbelief more then anything, her eyes glistening.
"They caught her...they have her in custody".
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goodnightkisseu · 6 years
Park Jihoon - Study Date
Requested By: @nothingwithoutwannaone (“ I wanted to request a(nother) Ji Hoon fic because wow I haven't read much of those lately. Time to fan my bias wrecker flames xD Thanks for opening up requests and I can't wait to see what you'll produce. Love you lots! ”)
Genre: Fluff
Note: This was a request from my very lovely Kim for her bias wrecker, Jihoon. This one was particularly fluffy and that made it really enjoyable to write. I had a lot of fun with it! I hope that everyone has been enjoying all of the fics and drabbles this week. It’s exciting to finally share them with everyone! As always, feel free to let me know what you think!
Because of the situation with tumblr links, please check my bio for links to my masterlist~
- goodnightkisseu’s admin / ashley <3
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Spring was always the busiest quarter for most universities. It was the time when most students were trying to shove in a couple of extra classes either to graduate or to ensure they didn’t have to take the summer quarter. It was the time of year when prospective students and their families started touring campuses, trying to figure out if a particular university suited them and their future plans. It was also the time of year when the cherry blossoms bloomed, and the campus was flooded with locals that wanted to see the beautiful baby pink flowers. Around exam time the campus seemed even busier, every space seemingly filled with people.
However, you and Jihoon were no different. Much like the rest of the student body, you were also on campus, looking for a place to study. You weaved in and out of the massive crowds of people, slipping right through a tour group filled with high school seniors and their parents. The two of you had already visited two of the libraries on campus, and much to your luck, every study room was full. There weren’t even one of those little singular desks available. Ah, exam time.
Having literally no luck with any central libraries, the pair of you decided to head further out, in particular, to the engineering library. On normal days, students didn’t usually like coming here unless the needed to. It was really out of the way, and students usually weren’t there unless they were engineering graduate students that needed certain books. So, not only was it usually the quietest library, but it was also usually the one with available study rooms.
After weaving through more large groups and overall traffic, the pair of you walked hand in hand through the large doors of the engineering library, instantly welcomed by the smell of books. You gave a small smile to the person working near the door, who recognized you from when you were here, cramming for back to back exams a couple of months ago. When you were finally at the elevator, the two of you took it up to the fourth floor, which was usually the emptiest. You checked the study rooms as you passed them, peeking over Jihoon’s shoulder as he took the lead, walking around the perimeter of the rows and rows of books to look through the room windows.
“Is this one being used too?” you whispered gently from behind him.
He gave you a small nod. “Yeah, I guess a lot of people are here because they couldn’t get a study room at the other libraries…” he said, gently biting his lip. Honestly, your search for a study room was taking longer than he had originally thought it would. Part of him wondered if the two of you should have just stayed in your dorm room to study, as your roommate was out with her study group. Thing was, the reason you had both decided it would be better to go out was that you always got distracted by something there… and truthfully, he really needed to use his time wisely today. A study room was definitely ideal.
“Maybe we could try the fifth floor? People usually go up there for the natural light, but maybe there will be rooms because it’s a little warm today,” you suggested, and Jihoon gave you a small nod in response. You knew that he was a bit disheartened at this point. The two of you had left your dorm room almost an hour ago, and you still hadn’t found a place to settle down and study. He had a lot to do, and walking around for an hour was definitely not on his to-do list. Still, you remained hopeful that you would find a quiet place for the two of you… at least, you hoped it was soon.
You headed up the nearby stairs together, eyes scanning the first couple of rooms when you got to the top landing. You felt a bit discouraged when you saw that they were already full. However, when the two of you rounded the corner, your eyes lit up, seeing the door to one of the rooms was left open and that there were no occupants within. You gently tugged on Jihoon’s hand, who was still looking at some of the study rooms in the opposite direction. He got the hint when he realized how excited you were and followed you, a small smile gracing his lips as you entered the empty room.
“Talk about lucky,” Jihoon said with a chuckle, closing the door behind him and placing his bag on the table across from you. “I thought we would never be able to find one.”
“Heh, I lost hope for a bit there too. We probably got lucky and the people that were here before just left. Guess we came up here at the right time,” you replied as you grabbed your laptop, notes, and notebook from your bag, setting up your things in your usual study arrangement.
If you were honest, lately it felt like the only time you got to see Jihoon alone was when the two of you decided to go on these study dates. You were busy with your classes, taking more than the recommended amount this quarter, as well as working a part-time job. These things took up a good chunk of your day. Jihoon… well, he was spread far thinner than you were. Classes, his frat, his part-time job, and even the gaming club that he ran. Sometimes you wondered how the two of you even met up given your schedules. Still, here you were, glued to his side whenever he wasn’t extremely busy.
“Jihoon, how are you feeling about your tests? I remember you telling me that one of them is a pretty big one…” you asked gently, your brow furrowing slightly. You worried about Jihoon a lot. It always felt like he took too much on himself. If he was asked to do something, his usual answer was that he would get to it. Normally, it would sound like he was blowing that person off, but he really meant it. He got to everything that was on his plate, whether he should have been working that hard or not. Even with exams around the corner people were still asking him for things. You had the option to lock yourself in a study room or in your dorm room, completely secluded from the world. Jihoon… well, it was harder to do that when you lived in a frat.  
Your boyfriend gave you a sheepish smile, his head shifting ever so slightly. Though you hadn’t known each other for very long, you knew that reaction well. It meant he was uncertain. “Well, I don’t think that I’ll flat-out fail the test. I don’t feel that bad about it, but I also feel like I could do better? That I could have put more time into learning the areas I’m unfamiliar with, you know?”
“Jihoon, you’d have more time if you stopped taking so much on yourself,” you chided gently, and he only smiles gently in return. The two of you have talked about it before. He knew you worried, but he tried to ease that worry.
“I know, but they need me. It’ll be okay, I promise. Plus, they’ve been trying to help? A lot of the guys in the frat have been telling me to look at their test bank. I think they just don’t realize that I can’t quite bring myself to do it. I’m just going to do what I can with the information that I can cram in, you know?”
You gave him a small nod in understanding. “Well, I think you can do it even without a test bank. You’re smart and you’ll pick it up quickly,” you urged, watching that smile of his to broaden.
“What about you? How is preparation for your exams going? I know you’ve been pulling a lot of extra shifts at the job because a lot of people have been flaking because of exams. Do you think you’ll do okay? I know you’ve been pushing yourself pretty hard…” The two of you may not have spent a lot of time in the same physical space, but you had been messaging each other a lot. There had been a handful of nights when Jihoon had expected you to be studying at home, but you were instead at work. You hadn’t told him that you were picking up extra shifts, and he was honestly a bit worried. You told him that you didn’t have much of a choice and as much as you worried about his inability to say ‘no,’ he worried of the same for you. You were both working on it.
“Hmm… well, it’s definitely not fun, but I don’t think it’s as bad as yours. It might be worth about a third of the grade, but it is curved. So, basically, as long as I can be at least average or better, I’ll be fine,” you joked, getting a chuckle out of Jihoon.
“You are definitely not average,” he reassured you.
It was your turn to giggle at the sudden comment. Sometimes, Jihoon would say things that you didn’t fully expect… but it didn’t mean that you didn’t appreciate them. Even if it did make you a little shy. “But really, I think  I’ll be alright. I’m comfortable with the material for that class. I think if I can make it to the exam review tomorrow, as well as hammer through some of these practice problems, I should be fine,” you told him honestly, Jihoon nodding with that smile on his face. Your conversation naturally died down from there as the two of you buried yourselves into your course material.
It had been about an hour of just studying amongst yourselves and you really wanted to say something to Jihoon. As the two of you didn’t get to spend much time together, you really just wanted to talk to him, to feel close. Yet you refrained from doing so. Given how busy he had been with school, work, his frat, and the gaming club, you were pretty sure that this was the first bit of quiet that he had gotten in weeks. Exams were important and you didn’t want to distract him. You had, in the past, tried to help Jihoon in any way you could. If you both took a class together, you would try to fill in the gaps in his understanding with what you knew, but this was the first quarter where this wasn’t the case and you felt a bit helpless. Truly, just because you wanted a bit of attention, you felt like you didn’t feel it right to ask at the moment. So, pulling your eyes away from your boyfriend, you went back to your notes.
It wasn’t long before you got lost in a series of formulas, only to be pulled out of memorizing them when a scrap of paper landed squarely in your view. You were quick to look for the perpetrator – even if it could only be one person – your eyes meeting with Jihoon’s from across the table.
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked, wondering if maybe one of your unconscious habits was driving him up the wall.  You knew that when you were concentrating hard on a task that you became oblivious to what was going on around you, and you couldn’t help but wonder if your pen clicking, or maybe your light tongue clicking had gotten to Jihoon.  
But instead of hearing about which obnoxious habit had driven Jihoon batty, all you got was a pout. “It’s not that…” he said slowly, seemingly having a hard time coming up with the right words. “It’s just… you’re… you’re really quiet today,” he pointed out, watching as your eyes rapidly blinked in confusion.
“I-I am?” you stuttered, a bit surprised that he had even realized that you hadn’t said a word. He seemed so focused that you never would have known.
“Yeah…” he admitted, gently biting his lip. “Usually by now you would have started up about something that a friend of yours did, or about a trip that they want to go on. Yet, you haven’t said a thing. Earlier I noticed that it seemed like you wanted to say something… but then you didn’t. Is… is anything wrong?” he asked. Truthfully, he had been waiting for you to say something for a while now. Though he needed to study, he also really enjoyed your conversations while the two of you work. The dead silence was too much for him. It didn’t feel right.
Jihoon had caught on fast. You were a bit surprised. You did want to say something. You wanted this to be like your usual dates together, where half of it would be hanging out and the other half of it was actually getting stuff done.  But you also didn’t want to push Jihoon to feel like he had to entertain you… because you knew he would. His exams were difficult and you were not going to be the reason he failed.
“I know that you’ve had a lot on your plate lately, so I thought you could use some quiet study time. I didn’t want to bother you…” you admitted with a nervous laugh, watched as Jihoon’s lips curled into a smile.
You were both still at a stage in your relationship where it was a little awkward to express yourselves, but even so, Jihoon really admired how considerate you were. You didn’t often make big displays of grandeur when you did something for him. Rather, it was all of your smaller actions, like now, when you busied yourself so that he could study. Or, even when you dropped him off a small snack before his class, or sent him an encouraging message. It was these small things that Jihoon realized really cemented how he felt about you. And right now, it really warmed his heart.
“That’s really sweet, but you don’t have to be so quiet. We can still talk like we usually do. This date is just like any of our other study dates,” he pointed out.
You shook your head and pouted. “It’s no the same with exams basically next week, Jihoon. They’re important and it’ll affect whether you get into your major. I don’t want to be the cause of your failure…” you mumbled.
Jihoon couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re silly, you know that? If I fail, then it’s because I didn’t study hard enough. It’s not because of you. I go on these study dates with you because I like seeing you, I want to talk to you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be around you so much,” he explained, being sincere with his words.
Your cheeks tinted at his sweet words, and now you felt silly for being so quiet. He really… he really was something else. “Alright,” you conceded. “If that’s the case then… I have something to tell you…”  you added slowly, Jihoon’s expectant eyes scanning yours. He was hanging onto your every word and you were sure he was going to be disappointed. It was still cute though. “Your math for that problem you’re working on has been wrong since about step three.”
His eyes widened at your words, obviously not expecting you to point out a math error. He thought you were going to say something sweet, not point out that his math skills were questionable. He had Woojin to do that. “Wait, what?” he asked as he scanned over his work, and sure enough, he had messed up his math. Well, better here than on the test. “Yah, why didn’t you tell me about it sooner? I’ve been working on this multi-step problem or like fifteen minutes, and I’ve been wrong for about ten of those!”
“Jihoon, the best way to learn is to mess it up first. That way, when you get to the test, you’ll remember what to do. If I told you that you got it wrong, you would have just forgotten,” you reasoned, watching that pout form on his lips again.
“But it was such a waste of time,” he whined before an idea struck him. “Hey… wait a minute. If you know how to do these problems properly, do you think you could tutor your boyfriend how to set them up properly?” he asked sweetly, making you giggle.
“I’ll show you, but I won’t give you the answers,” you told him, Jihoon nodded eagerly.
He scooted over and gestured for you to move your chair over, and you couldn’t help but obliged. As soon as you were situated, you gently pulled his work towards you so that you could help him with his calculations. Your study dates could often be unpredictable, but the one thing that was for sure was that you were always excited to spend time with Jihoon…
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kannemeinelauthor · 5 years
As I started to write this, I began to think back over the many years I’ve been on Earth and this blog began to take too serious a tone.  I want and need positivity in my life, although, sometimes when I’m writing, I use realistic and sometimes sad things to write the stories.  That can be depressing and I don’t want to bum you out.  I love laughter and want to entertain my readers, but leave them wanting more.  I rethought writing anything negative as I want something positive to end the year with.
Something I do when there is a lot of bad happening in the world, is I hunker down, hibernate, and write like crazy to avoid the news, the barrage of it, and, of course, popping on and off social media.
This year I was able to crank out twelve books.  Let me correct that, that is, three complete books, and nine novellas.  No, I am not bragging, I have no life when I’m writing voraciously, it’s like a mania that I can’t control.  I definitely get aches in my joints from sitting too long, my shoulders and elbows too!  My fingers have been known to actually tingle from the intensity of my typing and, I apparently clench my jaw when I write.  This means my teeth hurt!
The first that I came out with was Inn the Dog House.
I often wonder if every lesbian loves dogs and cats and secretly wishes to have a day-care center for them?  Nah, just like everyone doesn’t like human kids, not everyone loves fur-kids.  That’s okay.  Diversity is what I like about our community.  Besides, who would have this kind of money to indulge like my character did?  It helped that I was in the Pet Industry for 30 years and had a bit of inside-knowledge…oh, and Pininterest helped a lot!  Check out the page on my website because I put the designs for the doggie daycare on there that I myself cobbled together.  Was pretty proud of that too!
The second book I came out with was Flight.
Now, THIS one was to be only a novella.  I finished it, and then, my girlfriend said, no, I think this should be a novel.  But, I was DONE with it! <insert whine here> (rolling my eyes at her influence).  And yet, that niggling doubt created a whole ‘nother tangent that I went off on.  It also added a year to the release!  Now, my editor (who does not help me with these blogs, punctuation and other errors are my own), does not like this cover.  Apparently those with phobia’s about flying have reason not to like this cover.  However, that shouldn’t keep you from reading this awesome mystery.  Maybe you shouldn’t read it when flying or waiting for a flight?  I’m imagining the expressions of other passengers as you read this and they see the cover?
My third novel this year was An Island Between Us.
I loved the idea of doing it all yourself and these women, after WW2, were discriminated against enough that they decided, let’s make our own world.  That would be so scary, their families had reason to become alarmed, and, what an amazing story they became.
I did actually ‘write’ another story that is not available to the public.  It was for my mother’s family and I’m very proud of it.  However, since it was only for family, it is not available for sale.  Still, at the family reunion and to those generations of cousins and their kids, it will prove to be an invaluable resource of dates, pictures (I did it in color), and stories that we shared.
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That’s my mother in the middle of her parents, the youngest of four.  The stories that came out in the completion of this book were amazing.  Sharing the pictures in this manner made me nostalgic for a time that no longer exists.  All of these people pictured here are gone now, the gentleman on the far left of the front cover, my Uncle Eugene was the last to go at 92!  That was in 2018.  My mother has been gone 19 years now and I wish I had written down every single story she told of her family, youth, as well as wisdom.  If you have the opportunity to do so, do it!  I am now working, of course, on the Meinel side of the family.
After my three (four) books I had some time ‘off’ as my main editor was back at school and unavailable.   I was in a creative mood and my back up editors were working on other things for me.  So, I decided to come out with a series…in fact, these stories had been in my head for YEARS and YEARS and I decided to do a creative spin from the various points of view of the women I so wanted to write about.  Some of it worked, other’s didn’t like it, but overall, I enjoyed writing them.  I released FOUR at once!  Then one a week for a while a month or so later.  I have more planned, but I was pleased to use these terrific pieces of art that I found and manipulated to my needs.  I think these covers are so eye-catching, you would never know what they looked like originally.  I think I’m getting better, not only at my writings but at my illustrating.
Welcome to A Woman Down Under series:
There is nothing like a strong woman!  I’ve got several heroines in these books and wait, there is more to come!
Lastly, I must not forget my faithful Alice.  She’s still whispering in my ear as I came out with her latest antics.  Don’t worry, I have more of her planned too.
She’s an insatiable bitch for a lesbian serial killer, but she’s the kind of woman who keeps on giving…and killing, and more…
Well, in this year of reflection, I must NOT forget that my wonderful book Pioneering, won for Best Historical Lesbian Romance!  YAY!
and Cavalcade was an Honorable Mention!
In researching and setting up various pages on my website to showcase these honorable mentions, finalists, wins, etc, I found several that I had ‘forgotten’ or been unaware of.  Check out all this here.  I’ve had at least (that I could find) TEN honorable mentions/finalists in the past years, many that I didn’t even know about!
So, overall, I’d say I had a pretty good year!  You should see what I have planned for 2020!  Thank you to all who follow me, read my works, and send me emails, inboxes, and reviews. 
I hope that it all makes your life a little better for having me and my works in it, because I know I appreciate you!
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Year of reflection As I started to write this, I began to think back over the many years I've been on Earth and this blog began to take too serious a tone. 
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m-herra · 5 years
🖊+Helex and Elsinaire?
Omg i forgot about these
Edit: I stg tumblr doesn't post right.
Helex Duilenus
A guard from Cyrodiil training under Commander Maro to guard the Emperor Titus Mede II
Tries very hard to be a good imperial soldier and guard but maybe a bit too hard, he's soon sent to stay with Whiterun Guards Elsinaire and Lovionl Adus to learn how to actually be a likeable guard
Tbh he's pretty young so its a bit understandable why he's trying to be "by the book" but also he's a bit of a bitch about it
Has had multiple run ins with criminal factions and since this is his first time meeting them he has no fucking clue that they were criminals. Example: he's good friends with S'agh, a known Vampire Lord with ties to both Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. It's known and quite obvious because no one tries to do anything but Helex is that dense
Used to crush on a Bosmer named Applewind but was informed that A) he's not interested and B) Old enough to be his great grandfather
He's also a bit of a ditz/gets lost in the clouds a lot, Commander Maro gave him a task to find a prisoner and he still hasn't realized that it was to get him out of Dragon Bridge
To give an idea of his age, he's about 18-19, no one's really sure which but he's an adult at least? Here's a sword go stab something you little disaster
Has no idea what gender he is but leans towards masculine for now
He legit thought Applewind was a girl (and that apparently happened often to the bosmer) and was left shut inside until he got his head together and realized it really didn't matter the gender he just has a type. (And that is anyone who could probably pick him up so that's... more than half of Skyrim)
Has a cream coloured horse named Mara, and another brown horse named Dibella. He adores both. (Old picture but eh)
Can and will die for a doggo, if his death would benefit them in anyway then it might happen
Doesn't have a lot of restraint yet but is working on via Inigo and his braincell (where Inigo got it is unclear, investigation is underway)
Would die for Kharjo bc Kharjo is a good pal.
Despite being shunned and punished for using Magic when he was younger, he has a talent for it.
May or may not be a dragonborn but not like the others. Instead of a Dragon Soul, he has Dragon Blood, and we can thank Sanguine's shenanigans and a Priest for that.
No seriously he's fucking tiny but not like, that tiny, he's more or less a twig so Skyrim Citizens could accidently snap him in half if they aren't careful be gentle with the baby
Elsinaire Adus
He's a vampire thanks to his Grandfather (who died shortly before the events of tes4) and thankfully didn't have to be diseased or deal with Moldy Bitch Balls (he still hates him for what he did to Lamae and his Grandfather he will not hesitate)
Somehow, and I stress the sheer luck of this, evaded being found out by: his superiors back in Cyrodiil, Several Vigilants of Stendarr, the fucking Dawnguard, at least two of the Dovahkiin (tbf, Milonee thought it was an elf thing and Daro'suna is just straight up a dumbass sometimes), and for a short period of time he somehow convinced a fellow Whiterun guard that he wasn't, while he was caught feeding. He's either using vampire powers unknowingly or he's that convincing (or everyone failed several spot checks but his brother helped too)
Joined the Volkihar Vampires to see if he could control his Vampirism but later found out that not only did he have to deal with M*lag B*l, he was lied to and later hypnotised by Harkon to turn on his family and friends. Thankfully S'agh, Lovionl, and Daro'suna literally knocked sense into him (via Lovionl and his love of Warhammers and Vibe Checks)
He's taller than most but is small for an altmer, although this is a family thing, as his Grandmother is actually shorter than him and always has been. It should be noted that there has been no other races involved in his lineage that would be able to affect his height.
Dating a Companion named Metsine Wild-Blade and by the nine he's in love. They get along well but needed some outside assistance (read: counseling) after the Volkihar thing. She can also carry him and the Werewolf brothers so he's very much happy that she can handle herself should something bad happens (also werewolf cuddles are best cuddles you cam fight me on this)
Is in a poly with Metsine (Werewolf GF), Joshabhi (Magic Werecat BF), Mikaer (Musical Himbo BF), and Caysion (Argonian GF) and they get along swell.
Is the sole brunette in a family of Platinum Blondes (his brother used to be brunette but it lightened ever since Cyrodiil)
Got chewed out (along with his brother) by his mom and dad for entering an Oblivion Gate during that crisis, they also were praised because they managed to not only locate the hok (or at least local anime boy Farin Phirois) but save his life and provide some damn good backup while they climbed the tower. It was still idiotic and they deserved the scolding because they were told not to by multiple people but also was told by Farin himself to skedaddle before he realized the brothers were stubborn and lethally stupid but also dangerously brave.
Was trained by his father on combat while his mother taught magic
Hates the Thalmor with a passion and has stolen their clothes before from corpese. Admittedly, it comes in handy when they have to fool them because Thalmor share a braincell and half the time it's stolen by Ji'athra for shits and giggles
He prefers his elven armor over normal guard armor, and wears the thalmor robes underneath for the benefits and quick switch for trickery. Also because he travels a lot and seeing a guard in uniform will draw trouble.
Uses a Sword and Shield gifted to him by his Father but also cannot use a bow to save his life, thankfully, his teammates usually can or have it covered otherwise
Befriended a pair of Nord brothers in Solitude, but when Elsinaire and Lovionl Adus and Hildggr and Sorpr Arrow-Sword get together chaos can and will ensue. That's usually what happens when you pair the sons of a Daedric Prince of Madness (their mother) and two Sheogorath worshippers. Sheo would be proud.
Is training Helex on how to fucking chill and maybe learn to not be so tense.
Was assisted by a young Ji'athra on the way to Windhelm after he found the brothers on the run from Thalmor Agents, a very determined Vigilant of Stendarr who isn't an idiot, and a Werewolf. And this is after they found out their house was on fire. Big Oof
Has been hit by Lovionl's Warhammer many times and somehow has yet to show any ill effects
Carries a few bottles of blood (courtesy of fellow vamps Serana and S'agh) so he doesnt have to feed on people.
Cannot be cured of his Vampirism due to the nature of it. It should also be noted that Lovionl isn't affected by this (but he's about as pale) but then again, he has a whole nother set of issues that we don't have time to unpack.
Outside of Vampirism, he's pale as fuck and even if he wasnt a vampire the sun would be his worse enemy.
According to an obviously lying Lovionl, he's allergic to clouds and cloud magic. (How this managed to work is incredible)
He is actually allergic to fish, which is disappointing because it smells delicious but he doesnt want to be lethally stupid and eat it.
After a set of events involving badass parents, a lost dunmer lady (aka Auntie Gabelie), and several Daedric Princes of Madness and their Artifacts, he now has custody of the main villain of that mess who he intends to raise right and so they don't try to kidnap people from their parents because of what happened during the Oblivion crisis (long story short his mom and some other elf ladies found the khajiit child, cared for them, and were forced to watch as Mehrunes Dagon outright stole the kid, they didn't understand why they didnt save them so they were angry. They didn't age in Oblivion and they're still kitten aged.)
Wants a dog but tbh Metsine and Joshabhi leave enough hair from shedding so maybe not. (Also, not a lot of dogs are available rn)
"Supports" the Empire because the alternative is Windhelm's Polite Citizens And Welcoming Aura. Given the chance, he would fucking deck Tullius and doesn't even need to be prompted to throw down with Mr. Stormcloak and Galmar. None at all. It's on sight really.
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cheapshoesggdb-blog · 5 years
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