#a really oh yikes moment for me was when rory said 'i love... the car'
buffyspeak · 2 years
i won’t act like dean’s initial reaction to rory not saying i love you back wasn’t immature and unncessarily meanspiriited because it was. but what i will ALSO say, IN ADDITION to that, is that saying you love someone always feels like a big deal, but when you’re a teenager especially. you’re so young, making it particularly hard to put yourself out there. i’m not saying that rory owed him an immediate response or that he didn’t act like a jerk - only that i understand why a teenage boy who just told his girlfriend that he loves her for the first time is feeling particularly overwhelmed, vulnerable, and hurt when he thinks he just put himself out there and that she doesn’t feel the same way.
on the other hand, i’m genuinely interested in what dean’s reaction says about how men are taught to react with acting out when expressing their vulnerable sides doesn’t go to plan and how that plays into toxic masculinity but i doubt the writers were thinking about it that deeply honestly.
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Ask meme? Hell yes!
I was tagged by @zmediaoutlet to do this meme, which, honestly, surprised me because, unlike on my main blog (I say that like this is a sideblog, and it isn’t, anyway...), I’ve interacted with like a whole four people? Anyway, here goes:
Relationship Status: Single As Fuck
Favorite Colors: Cobalt blue and Black and this other color that I don’t know the name of, but it’s the same color as the Ballet Slippers shade of Essie Nail Polish, alright. 
Top Three Ships: Yikes. The top two are really easy to pick: Sam/Dean and Remus Lupin/Sirius Black from Harry Potter (Which, by the way, if that’s your jam I write a lot about them on my main, and, what’s this? Shameless self-promotion? Yes, yes it is). The third was a bit of a toss up because so many to choose from and so many fandoms, but I guess it’ll be Rory/Jess from Gilmore Girls, you know, for variety and what have you. 
Lipstick/Chapstick: I guess Lipstick, not that I use either very often, but I’ve got some cute dark reds and a black tube of lipstick and it’s pretty great and I don’t even own any chapstick so....
About reading fanfiction: When? Where? How often? And what’s the current story you’re reading?: Oh boy, I read fics everywhere and all the time (well not in like the car because it gives me a headache but nowhere else is safe). How often, you say? Probably assume that if I’m awake I have a fanfiction (or several) open on my phone just waiting for a moment for me to be able to read it, even if it’s only a few sentences.  Currently, for Sam/Dean, I’m re-reading Sure Got A Dirty Mouth by JustineDelarge, even though I’ve read it like, what is it now, four or five times? It’s very good. Also I need more recommendations for Sam/Dean stuff, especially longer works like this one (it’s nearly 400k words). For my other main ship, Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black), I read The Witching Hour recently.
Last Song: Yikes, I’m listening to the New Alternative Radio on Pandora right now, so let’s see what it is that I’m listening to shall we? It’s Growing Pains by Coin (who I’ve recently started to get into, wow, 10/10). 
Last Movie: Well, I started watching Heathers the other day, but I only watched the first 45 minutes or something, so does that count? I say no, since I didn’t actually watch the whole thing. Before that it was Jenny’s Wedding (for god knows what time, I’ve seen that movie so so many times). 
Top 3 Shows: Supernatural (Except I haven’t finished Season 12 and I’ve seen Seasons 1 and 2 approximately 6 times, each, because they’re my favorite seasons), Gilmore Girls (Alexis Bledel is a hell of an actress and the first, like, four and a half seasons also have a baby faced Jared Padalecki, so how could you not? I’ve seen the entire series 6.5 times and I’ve watched the revival twice), and Handmaid’s Tale (It’s based on one of my favorite books by my favorite author and it also has Alexis Beldel, and, now that I think about it, Jenny’s Wedding also has her in it and I’m sensing a theme...).
Top 3 Bands/Artists: This changes a lot, but, currently, we have Coin, Dodie, and Khalid. 
Currently reading: As far as fanfiction, it’s like I said earlier, Sure Got A Dirty Mouth by JustineDelarge for Sam/Dean. As for not fanfiction, I’m currently reading Simon vs. The Homo Sapien’s Agenda by Becky Albertalli, which I just bought this morning and I’m already a few chapters in and it’s so so so good (also it’s the book that the movie Love, Simon is based on, if anyone is, you know, curious or whatever). 
So, the rules say, tag nine people, and me, on my tiny brand new baby blog, do not have nine followers, let alone nine mutuals, so I’m gonna tag some people that I’ve seen around (and my mutuals, all two of them).
@67obsessions @rei-74 @jenneel-jarevieve @fuck-supernatural-its-2k18 @wxncesters @boykingsqueen @doctor--idiot 
I didn’t even get to nine, oh my god. 
Oh well. This is it, then. 
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