#a secret for everyone the only character i have a full collection of is faust actually
valkavavaart · 1 year
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thephoenixmagician · 4 years
Rhea Orasa || Character Survey
@cela-astral-projection - who presented a really awesome survey I couldn’t help but steal. 
This is going to be long, so it’ll all be under the cut!
Basic Questions
First name?:  Rheanna
Surname?:  Orasa
Middle Names?:  Elizeàn
Nicknames?:  Rhea (her preferred name), Elize (by Mazelinka only)
Date of Birth?:  March 28th
Age?:  During the time of the Game, about 24.
Physical Appearance
Height?:  5’ 9”
Weight?:  In the 160s
Build?:  Hourglass.
Hair Color?:  Vivid pink.
Hairstyle?:  Usually leaves it down and curly, but might put in the effort to style it with braids or clips on occasion. Only straightens it on the rarest of occasions. 
Eye Color?:  Left eye is royal sapphire blue, the other is emerald green.
Glasses or contact lenses?:  She doesn’t need them, or so she’ll insist. She might squint if something is just a little too far. She should wear them to read books or whatnot, but won’t.
Distinguishing facial features?:  Her eyes, obviously. They just aren’t common, even where she’s from.
Which facial feature is most prominent?:  Plump-ish lips, they’re a… favorite among the people she’s been with.
Which bodily feature is most prominent?:  Her posture. She can’t quite get rid of the habitual sitting up straight and walking with her shoulders squared.
Other distinguishing features?:  Stretchmarks on her hips, shoulders, thighs -she loves them. 
Skin?:  On the pale side. Has freckles, but more so on her cheeks and shoulders.
Hands?:  Slender, with soft callouses from the years of grinding herbs and stripping bark. Always keeps her nails relatively short and neat.
Makeup?:  She doesn’t mind on occasion. Eyeliner especially really makes her eyes pop. Won’t say no to eye shadow every now and then either.
Scars?:  Plenty all over. The most notable of them are the long, thin ones zigzagging across her back from lashings and a branded sigil on her left hip.
Birthmarks?:  Has one near her navel, very faint and looks like a heart to her.
Tattoos?:  She’s got a few. One is a simple amaryllis flower that she’d gotten to honor her mother. And another in the center of her back is a replica of a magic circle used in rather powerful spells.
Physical Handicaps?:  Occasionally has issues with her shoulder, a result from taking an arrow.
Type of clothes?:  She’ll wear whatever, honestly, regardless of who it’s meant for. She’d rather be comfortable over everything though.
What are their feet like?:  Kinda small, but soft. She’s got a scar on the bottom of one from stepping on glass once.
Race / Ethnicity?:  They’re based of Danish or Norwegian for the most part. I haven’t put too much thought into it, really.
Are they in good health?:  For the most part. Her mental health isn’t always in the best shape, but otherwise she’s alright.
Do they have any disabilities?:  No.
What words or phrases do they overuse?:  She uses the word “fuck” a lot. The girl can make even Julian blush with her swearing, but she keeps it in check for the most part. Otherwise, she’ll overuse 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?:  She’s learned to be more optimistic.
Are they introverted or extroverted?:  Introverted, but she’ll whip out an extroverted persona when needed.
Do they ever put on airs?:  No. She’s too blunt. You get exactly as expected with her.
What bad habits do they have?:  Sitting very ‘chaotically’ everywhere, no matter if its in a chair, on the table, atop a fence, or wherever she happens to find herself.
What makes them laugh out loud?:  She’ll burst into laughter if Faust whispers a suggestion for crime to her. They’re truly partners in crime.
How do they display affection?:  She loves to be affectionate physically. Will trail her fingers up your arms and through your hair if you let her. Uses a lot of Latin pet names and presses her forehead to yours, a sign of love and deep vulnerability. Or, she’ll get gifts. Honestly, she’s fluent in whatever ‘love’ language you speak.
How do they want to be seen by others?:  Normal.
Strongest character trait?:  Loyal as hell.
Weakest character trait?:  No self preservation at all. She’s very reckless.
How competitive are they?:  She’s very competitive, but she’ll deny it.
How do they react to praise?:  If it’s genuine, she’ll melt. On a rare occasion, she might even blush. But she’ll quickly recover and whip out that top energy to give her own in return.
How do they react to criticism?:  She’s indifferent, really. She’ll listen to them, say thank you, and move on with how she sees fit. She might heed to it if it’s constructive to her.
What is their greatest fear?:  Losing her memories again ties with being buried alive.
What are their biggest secrets?:  Her heritage and status as next in line for a throne. Nadia had always known. Lucio figured it out later, but never spoke about it (surprisingly). But for everyone else Rhea left that part out every time when she talked about her past. 
What is their philosophy of life?:  “Commitment, resilience and perseverance will take you far.”
What haunts them?:  The fact she blinded her sister. She’ll never get over that. And her mother’s execution.
What will they stand up for?:  Whoever needs it. And she’ll always fight for the people.
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?:  Outdoors. 
What is their sinful little habit?:  Will indulge in certain herbs... It helps her relax.
What sense do they most rely on?:  Sight
How do they treat people better than them?:  Equals.
How do they treat people worse than them?:  Equals.
What do they consider an overrated virtue?:  Obedience.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?:  Her heritage and the fact she’s supposed to lead an entire country.
What is their obsession?:  Books and pretty things.
What are their pet peeves?:  Arrogance. Loud chewing. Leaving shoes out in the middle of the walkway.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small?:  Relatively small. It was just her mother, father, little sister, and herself. She had never met or heard of any other blood family members from either side.
What is their perception of a family?:  It doesn’t have to be blood. She considers her friends family. She considers Salasi the Baker her family. It’s whoever she cares about and would do anything for.
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?:  Just Adara, who is 2 years younger. 
Describe their best friend.:  Which one? 
Ideal best friend?:  Someone she can be wholly comfortable with.
Do they have any pets?:  Do the neighborhood strays she feeds count?
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?:  As a baby, she was super clingy to her mom. She did not like being held by anyone else, not even her dad until she was almost a toddler. As a child, she was very wild. She was a rowdy little thing that some people would call a ‘tom boy.’ Her parents would call it ‘free spirited.’
Did they grow up rich or poor?:  Rich until she moved to Vesuvia.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?:  Nurtured.
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?:  When Asra asked her to go away with him during the plague, she had to break his heart to get him to leave without her. She’d already known she was sick and wouldn’t let him see her wither. She also told him she didn’t love him when he’d confessed, which was a lie.
What are their ambitions?:  Be happy and live a full life.
What smells remind them of their childhood?:  Lilacs, teak wood, burning sage, pine.
What was their childhood ambition?:  Become a battle magician -like her dad was. Or travel the world like Auntie Zira.
What is their best childhood memory?:  Before she lost control of her magic the first time, she’d shown her sister an illusion of the constellations in their bedroom. She made them dance and told stories. It’s a bit melancholic for her though… 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend?:  No need.
Do they believe in love at first sight?:  No.
How do they behave in a relationship?:  Respectfully. She’s always aware of boundaries and never pushes them. She’s wholly committed and they receive every piece of her love.
What sort of sex do they have?:  She’s down for anything. And will try almost anything at least twice. She’s a perfect switch and versatile, too.
Has your character ever been in love?:  A few times.
Have they ever had their heart broken?:  Maybe a few.
How do they respond to a threat?:  She’s very quick to act. She’ll try to subdue first, but if that’s off the table… she’ll do as required.
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or tongue?:  Both, at the same time.
What is your character’s kryptonite?:  The people she loves.
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?:  Assuming no soul is left inside, she’ll save a grimoire of her mom’s.
How do they perceive strangers?:  As people, with their own lives.
What are their phobias?:  Taphophobia, being buried alive. Claustrophobia, fear of confined spaces.
What is their choice of weapon?:  Magic or a blade. Has no issue using fists though.
What living person do they most despise?:  Despise is a strong word, but it’d probably be Valerius. She can’t tolerate him for long.
Have they ever been bullied or teased?:  Plenty of times as a kid, but had no qualms about knocking someone in the teeth.
Where do they go when they’re angry?:  A walk or run. Or, she’ll climb something, preferably a very tall cliff or palace wall. Any physical activity really.
Work, Education, and Hobbies
What is their current job?:  Court Magician of Vesuvia, shop keeper, and [redacted cause spoilers]
What do they think about their current job?:  It’s necessary.
What are some of their past jobs?:  Court Magician, combat medic, shopkeeper, and personal guard to the Count
What are their hobbies?:  She collects rocks, pressed flowers, odd trinkets, shiny shiny stuff.
Educational background?:  Was trained in various forms of magic by her parents as soon as she could walk, as well as other combat styles with traditional weapons. She was taught other lessons in history, politics, and more to train her to become Queen, too. She learned most of her medical knowledge from Nazali and Julian.
Intelligence level?:  She’s wicked sharp. 
Do they have any specialist training?:  Magic is her main focus.
Do they play a sport? Are they any good?:  She’ll try any sport for fun; but, again, she’s competitive so don’t be surprised if she tries to kick your ass at it.
What is their socioeconomic status?:  Upper-middle, maybe?
What is their favorite animal?:  All, especially if she can pet it.
Which animal do they dislike the most?:  Birds kinda freak her out, just a little.
What place would they most like to visit?:  Zadith or Nevivon. But she’s down to go anywhere at any time.
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve seen?:  The sunrise from the highest cliff in Moonsea. She could see everything painted in orange, reds, and violets.
What is their favorite song?:  Song of the Sea - Ashley Serena
Music, art, reading preferred?:  Don’t make her pick. Please, don’t make her pick. Her head might explode.
What is their favorite color?:  Black and purple.
Favorite food?:  Seared scallops.
What is in their fridge?:  Fruit, certain herbs, beer, and more fruit.
What is on their bedside table?:  A book (that’s cycled out after she’s finished obviously), sleeping draught, and the emerald necklace.
What is in their pockets?:  Herb pouch, warding charms, stones, small pocket knife, that kind of stuff.
What is their most treasured possession?:  A broken necklace. She can’t remember why it’s so important, but she never leaves without it tucked safely somewhere on her person.
Do they believe in the afterlife?:  She believes there has to be something after all this.
What are their religious views?:  Spiritual.
Are they superstitious?:  Not in the “black cats are bad luck” way.
What would they like to be reincarnated as?:  A bear!
How would they like to die?:  Doesn’t care. It won’t matter afterwards.
What is your character’s spirit guide?:  A bear.
What is their zodiac sign?:  Aries
Daily Life
What are their eating habits?:  She either eats non-stop, or goes without because she forgets. She’ll make sure it’s at least a balanced meal, for the most part.
Do they have any allergies?:  She’s allergic to hazelnuts and bananas. Will still eat them and get calmly lectured for it by Asra or Julian, too.
Describe their home.:  Organized, mostly. Everything is in a specific place. She cleans regularly, especially since ‘someone’ doesn’t remember to.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder?:  Organized clutter.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?:  Morning tea to wake her up and make her less grumpy. Then maybe breakfast of apple and rice pudding.
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon?:  Nap, read, nap again, sex, nap, snack… 
What do they do on a Friday night?:  Either go out with Julian, pull an ‘all nighter’ with Asra, or whatever. She’s done to go out or stay in.
What is the soft drink of choice?:  She wouldn’t drink soda often, actually. So she’d have no preference.
What is their alcoholic drink of choice?:  Anything but tequila.
What is their character archetype?: From this list: The Creator seems the most fitting. Let me know if you think I’m wrong.
Who is their hero?:  Her mother.
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween?:  She’d have a different costume every year. So a witch, a mermaid, an android (in Modern AU)… She’d never do the same one twice.
Are they comfortable with technology?:  In a Modern AU, she’d like to use it quite a lot. It’d be useful to her.
If they could save one person who would it be?:  That’s… a hard question.
If they could call one person for help, who would it be?:  Asra, for sure. 
What is their greatest extravagance?:  Herbs, books, and stones.
Do they believe in happy endings?:  She’d like to.
What would they ask a fortune-teller?:  About what deck they use.
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