#a shadowed throne for the protector { peter pan }
crimsonbathed · 2 years
there’s a certain allure to danger, isn’t there?
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Wings carried Carrion as she followed alongside Peter. It was one of the few times she felt truly safe. To be in his presence was to be protected from the rest of the island, to be temporarily immortal. Intoxicating. The power that was felt when near him. The island gave them a protector, and she was eternally grateful for him, for the island. Had she never taken the risk to seek out Neverland, she surely would have died within the next 30 years. The Other Place was cold, cruel. Mutilating one's will to live. Giants that would capture and 'experiment' on the small folk. Ripping them open and poking around at their internal organs. Seeing what makes them special, testing their guts to see what special qualities they could extract from it, as if the small folk were just resources for them. But here? Here they were protected. The island housed them and cradled their beings as if they were treasures to be coveted. Which Carrion believed they were. The gifts they had to offer the island in order to keep it alive, to hear its hum of energy continue on. Peter's question posed an intriguing thought. A brow quirked up curiously.
She had never been one to back away from a challenge, for they presented excitement. The kind that induces tunnel vision and sweaty palms. Rapid breaths and claws tearing into supple skin. Victims crying out for help that will never come. "It's like a game." She chirped, intertwining her own hands together behind her back. "What is that game some of boys used to play? The one where they would run right at each other with their weapons drawn? . . . Chicken! That was it! Oh it looked like such fun." The idea of danger was something she thought about more often than most. The thrill of it, how it makes her heart flutter against her chest and her fingers twitch in anticipation. The rush of adrenaline when she stares down an opponent, unwavering, unforgiving.
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"Danger is necessary to weed out those who allow their nerves to take charge. Like those merfolk! They call out and those of weak minds answer their calls, only to meet their watery fate!!" Hands came up from behind her as she clapped excitedly at the thought of foolish mortals walking right within the merfolks reaches. To see them get pulled beneath the oceans surface, and oh how delightful it was to watch the splashing sea foam that followed!! "Without it, one will get complacent and lazy."
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herrotofthis-blog · 6 years
Stories of description...
Land of Gross gross because of a Voldemort invasion people of misery Truly From no spot. A place once named Evan not Heaven with Saxons of incest named Sif Vudu Muggles Mongrels and Krouts.
Hunters of stars who speak in Notches and sing songs of Love are from The Valley of Shadows with Guardians of Tipan. Gangsters Crips and Bloods Carribeanie once stolen and some lost are fighting their path to Tibet again. Persians are not new and have the faith of Indians. Creed is Old Speedy Gunzalises sons of Zulu and sons of Indians where Siamese exist and Mongolians protect them. The true ring of fire tribal but not wild in their heads. Never forget Jack in a beanstalk a Giant in the Hill watching and killing from the Abyss. A Persian man with love in his heart only suffering because he is a family man. Where Ti Pan have no Control so they hit a wall. Where Samuri Meza give give give with Tiwan is. Where the jungle exist in a tropic land of guardians in the rainforest of love where Samuri protect Eden and the Oriental is a place of love art.
Land of Lost lost their souls to a sucker who punched them with wow man. Once named Aurora and speaks a tongue of Latin made themselves in the Valley of Shadows. Magic in a Forest where Woodlands Dwarfs Fairies Giants and Unicorns are Real Elves live with their family of Tinkers and Chim Chim aRhi with light of Sprites and Magical Trees exist. Where magic is real because they work to create a twinkle of light and fantasies are not real. A place our enemy says is not real to steal it. Whom are Fairy Tales of Horrors and the Book is of truth. Loved by Valkyries not shadow men who never see their home of Valhalla and land to protect with love The Witch.
The Fog gift of The Giver to Man Disease a place of healing with trees of leaves and cold mist. Love rest in the Valley of Shadows their first homeland. Built themselves from Cast of Iron a home with speed of Hebrew. Always killing it all in Attica. Siberian Borski Russian Austrian Norsemen German and French whom have good love of Vikings with a layer of Hobomen in them. Loved by Pathfinders whom all love them for their suffering by the Shadow Man. Loose themselves to a fear in their head. A cast of iron a laying of energy in which hard work creates a Storybook for Hiding Children of The Witch.
The Abyss not a continuum of everything that exist. Where our enemy creates havick with Shit urine and Human a mixing bowl to infect Eden. They could be our end if we do not clean wash and burn them. A gift of love from the Witch to Satan for he is bad where Allegiance fight with Archangels and Angels to enslave what should not have been made. Where Pathfinders and Szars live with children of Gone. Where Never Everland exist with BFG and the Lost Boys with a book in their hand. Where Giblee Tarbitha Digger Egore Precious live. Where Gremlins Creatins and Goonies share an essence. Where the Throne is a cave and Sorcers have a job to enslave them. Where Grimm Reapers Death Eators and Dementors erase them.
Forever ghost in the Darkness hiding from The Man not in their head but in their hearts. A home of Asgard destroyed by destroyers of mass and stars. A land of Celtics whom speak Gaelic. Whom love their home a safe land a Valley of Shadows protecting them. Guardians who suffer because of them but who are not them a Demon our family men. Ghost with a tricking hand but not Tricksters of Shadows who mirage being Irish Scottish English Welch Moorsman Icelanders guarded by Demons good bad what is the difference Forever ghost in the Darkness hiding from The Man not in their head but in their hearts. When they fight the fight of everything with no end.
Mordrid where there are Shadow Men who walk the path to The End because they loose themselves to enslaving them. Where Guardian Angels are never loved for protecting them from The End. A prison of MoreDread but where Evelyn creates a home with a Garden of Eve with pure love in it. Where love is taken and never given. A fool who created man with no soul to avoid feeling for what he believed could not love an enslaving man.
The Valley of Shadows a home for The Giver Of Solitude. Where Wagabonds are safe from infection a land of medicine. Where Highwaymen feel relief from never hearing sounds of words Sa feels like Love because they take higher ground...
A prison of Mordrid for those enslavers by Merlin in the shadows forever and ever fearing Grim Reapers above them. Michael the ArkAngel invaded the Abyss a place of nothing where the end exist with infections in them. Merlin creates Sores to her to weaken strong men. The Shadow Man An Angel whom hit an Arch or Ark and does not want revenge because he is a lazy man.
Attica a prison for poisoned demented men who fell for a mirage of beautiful and became infected. Infected changed them. Family fought to save them. The Devil Dracula Fin Satan Peter Pan are home healing from torture and energy stealing. Never be fooled because they caused their own prison.
Our enemy Legendary and Authurian Legends not Mordrid whom never become them not Attica whom never was them. Mordrid never fall for them pure pain with no release. Attica never be them hurt forever with no end. What is suffering is true them our enemy. Legendary Saving Grace and Arthur a Legend invaded the Abyss with a helping hand Sharrin. Not a gross but a Tibetan who gained laughter from using The Devils gift not to enslave them but to enslave us. Sharrin is a ruin of happiness and a creator of jealousy. Creates a Land of Bitterblue with an end. The true Ordering Man who never became The Abyss but truly likes them. Never once had love for us.
Some always made themselves and some where found with love. Those who live with love in their hearts among the enemy aBorski who makes you regret your Skis. A Kremlin a small but proud with aGforce within them of cast iron. A Fura High from long legs of a good person Stride with knowing that walking is a Gforce that truly turns the world.
Those we all found on our ways. They are good in their heart and welcome protection from our enemies Hermits who walk and walk create energy to keep us with protectors of aHobo and Mamee. Inuits who walk a walk of trials and learned to fight. Eskimos never owned or sold because they learned from Charlotte Elizabeth and Victoria how to keep safe oneself among the wrong in the world. Himalayian means aSia or I will see ya one day again my love because I am traveling to no end. A girl who is free gives love to traveling men.
What once fell to never work was tortured by the wrong in the world. Goonies fought even when they were tortured with rocks of 5 ton. Cretins fight even when they were tortured with boiling Tin. Gremlinsss were burned but not til death then boiled alive. All fight their way to a family to teach others that torture of children is real and real is not real until it is known to you. A family of rearranged children who protect those who are kidnapped by our enemy.
There are those whom fell to Wrong to never work but all they did was work work work. So they made themselves by cleaning themselves. They are Estevez Douglas and Sheen working hard to keep our home clean of infection our true enemy.
To love is family. Family is not blood and blood is among us. To between our gray is unknown to us. What is real flows like a river ever to strong and changing. aFamily is changing and we love ourselves. Faith is relentless in Revenant and Retribution.
A science to heal what sores destroy and Con are not very Deceptive but creators of what is wrong. Only one Zen exist because being Zen is more than hard. Zen is in his heart.
To gard what is good and bad with no love between us or among is a path few take. Take is what hurts them. Given is not among them. Animal is not a not see but taken with no need. They are not a sacrifice or a martyr but a purpose to be solid to all of you to be high on a road not taken by you to wagonaneer where you cannot go because of fear. What is misunderstood is animal.
aHerman is a man for her because he made himself a torture for those who cut her. A grand man and a bad father. A wealthy man in love for he surrounds himself in her art made with love. aHerman made a rock and Arthur gave him lava to heal his family up. His family fell to never work but worked all day in infection. For they are proud hard working Men with a Ger a real German. With walking a circle by those men the ocean is risen into the fog. A trapping for Goblins who made themselves from urine. An idea of Nickel a genius of a boy who creates what is needed and wanted. An artist for a man with a germ from working in urine all day to clean the rock of infection. aGerman is given a gift of clothing in art but protects them from pus. aKimmer was found for she was lost by a Nickel a tall French but not a man. Lost is a voice and hers was a fighting one. A rock made for a wealthy of wealth.
aStalin who made a cliff for himself. He Sta Lins to the gulf of a cliff where Frenchmen burn them all day and Stalin transforms their smog of shit to energy to heal himself. What is needed was made by Stalin a man not afraid to throw infection to a gulf where there was no escape. He found French who where men not afraid to burn fires of rage to make smog that Stalin transforms to energy that heals all day. aFrenchmans tree is not a maple but an Oak to clean smoggy.
What is a Ho a man who rapes a straight man to destroy his happiness. What is a Chi a man who is not afraid of a HoMo. What is a Min a man in Gangrene all day and is not afraid of illness. A purpose needed more than known. A man never afraid or paralyzed by men who rape. A torture of those wrong so they come to their end. Dawn who heals herself with blue soap was found washing the beach all by herself. aDawn is not afraid of rape. Where a Pickel comes from a Nickel and works all day to wash Gangrene away. A mixing bowl of Colera that rots our happiness away. What’s a HoChiMin aSamari for they are not WarToHer but have no fear of a man girl who rapes a straight man girl or child. Paralyzed is never them.
Fear what was transforms itself from Demented of Derangement what chills you to the bone. A family of shadows that remain their own Grim Reapers Dementors Death Eator for these are keepers of us in our home.
The Isle a home for the Peculiar who fell to The Mord and Mongruls are enemies in As Be Gone not to work because his slavery never looked like slavery at all. After endless torture they became fighters and through fighting they became Ficious not Deranged or Demented but Peculiar Death. They are family of Sorcers Sifs because The Mord no longer Sifs Storybook Rabbits MoreHouses of Cemetery Hollowgast Fairies Elves Lost Children Goonies Cretins Gremlins Corkies Nahooks and Crannees and a Grimm Child of a Shadow Grim Reapers Death Eaters and Dementors all family to The Witch a Lady in Black whom Mindsweeps call the Spiderwick a Play for the Mord. That’s how he sees his Fantasy Wife in Fantasy Island with his slaves Creatures Zombies Monsters Goblins Oreks and Hounds all miraged ugly but not themselves to be a laugh at and entrapment by the Mord and his Mongruls Borks.
The Mord made them but truly they earned themselves. They are themselves with no fear. For they are here with Giants in their mass for what was earned is their strength. They are loyal to The Witch for work and rest. Who loved what was made and was never them. They are her Legionaires for they only follow her to the death of infect. The NinThe is their war. aFight for their comtinum exist.
Dragons do exist for a Home needed to erase the Throne and delete the slaves of the Abyss. Valhalla a breath of life and stone for love. Goblins Hounds Orks see their end. Zombies of jealousy are in misery for their bloodlust.
What truly exist is Eden a safe home for slaves to be free with the protection of aValley of Shadows with Aurora in their Mist. With Northern Lights healing them with art and Legionaires fighting the most bloody fight. The Abyss is The End with Asgard and The Throne within. What is a lie is thyself made bad. A job for Valhalla to fix.
In a garden lives a man who proves he is family and work is love then rest. Never wants a name because names are on Here lies lies lies and is not aBeth makes slaughter list. In a place of lights live a MadeToHer who loves electricity made different. Love is their existence.
The Gardener is Constant to Cast Iron. What is good gives love in. Never a mute but very true to the truth. What is honest is quite not in his head but in his heart for his life stone is of cobble and cobble is not a noise. Love is truly work then rest.
Ink is blue and blue is not sad. Blue is good or bad but you cannot abuse blue or hate blue. Blue is a love for all whom give love. Love is an energy that make blue.
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crimsonbathed · 1 year
i like being out in the forests. it’s peaceful.
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"Peaceful? Here I thought your idea of peaceful was the sounds those children you surround yourself with, create." A playful jest, softened jab directed towards the Lost Boys who unwittingly provided Carrion with meals. Carrion sat atop a rather large rock near a small creek. Peter was right however. The forest provided a certain sense of comfort, of protection, or perhaps it was Pan's all seeing eye that kept her from looking thrice over her shoulders with each step. Neverland was unlike anything she had ever encountered though. Throughout her years of traveling the coast, and the little venture she made towards the inland, Carrion had never seen such a mixture of foliage coexisting in such harmony. A beautiful rainforest that is interlaced with the coniferous trees, she herself had grown so used to. The Other Place could never hold a candle to the beauty Neverland offered. That Peter coveted, allowing only the few hand picked giants, and mythical folk to indulge in. A secret the lot of them shared, seemingly the only thing that would connect any of them to each other. For if it wasn't for Pan, Carrion would make hasty work of the Lost Boys, making homes within the ribs of plump ones, until their bones are bare and can be repurposed to build her own beautiful shelter out of their remains. Not to mention how delicious their fear would taste once it had seeped deep within their skin as she chased. Hunting. Surrounding and trapping her prey without so much as a shred of mercy. The tears would only make it all the better.
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Still, Neverland had become her home, one that she was not keen on the idea of losing any time soon. "Have you been to many forests in The Other Place, Pan? I wouldn't mind if you spun a yarn, regaling tales of your adventures in such places. Or, perhaps if you have heard any juicy gossip from the birds!" There were very few times when Carrion offered a true smile. One that didn't mask malice and murderous intent. But upon her features was one such a smile. Peter was a rare few who didn't find their way upon her menu, for she owed him, and her word had been given that she would take care of the island as it took care of her. Carrion was not capable of going against her word, for it was quite literally, not in her blood. Her being would not allow such treachery to fill her.
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