#a simple girl with the vaguest of hopes ~ koharu
"I am very sorry for hitting you, I thought it meant something it did not." Paused, making sure to stay out of range. "If I come over there to give you this ice pack, am I going to get hit again?"
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Does she feel bad upon seeing Ryoka coming over with an ice pack? Maybe. Maybe slightly. But only because she's so damn weird. That's all. No other reason besides that.
None at all, dammit.
And besides, she'd had it coming! She'd gone and punched Koharu first, after all...!
"No, you're not gonna get hit," she finally answers with a sigh. "Fuckin' hell. Y'all think I'm gonna attack your dumb asses even if I so much as look at you. I'm not Tohomiko, for fuck's sake."
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does koharu want to get punched too? honestly her hand still hurts but ryoka's just gonna,,,, do so but on koharu's shoulder
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Oh, the clockmaker wants to throw down, doesn't she?! At the punch to her shoulder -- as solid as it was; she's impressed, honestly -- Koharu rounds on Ryoka, her temper already flaring.
"You call that a punch?" she demands instantly. Her fingers curl into a fist, and she swings at the other's side, intending to throw a full-on punch.
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❛  i was feeling very off today but then you turned me on.  ❜ to koharu listen just assume she has no idea what shes saying or what it means
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source: dirty pick-up lines
Well, she'd been trying to drink some tea... until Ryoka had come along and said that!
Tea suddenly attempted to become air as Koharu practically choked on it, it spewing all over the table in front of her as loud coughs emanated from her.
"Wh--What?!" she exclaimed once she'd -- mostly -- recovered. "Yoshida, the fuck...?! I haven't-- I-- what?!"
Is that a tinge of red she can feel on her cheeks? Oh, god...
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TOGETHER momo and koha uwu
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source: hand in hand starters ∆ TOGETHER ∆  -  sender entwines receiver’s hand in theirs as they are walking
Why Akamatsu constantly wants to hang out with her, Koharu can never figure out. No one has ever really wanted to hang out with her as Akamatsu has, much less at all, but Koharu knows why. After all, she has a history of being, well, a bitch, and that pushes people away. Which is good. She's not a huge fan of people.
For some reason, though, that doesn't work on Momiji Akamatsu.
In fact, it only seems to make her stick even more closely to her.
Never mind the fact that Akamatsu's presence is enough to cause some stir within her, one that isn't bad, but definitely... weird.
Even now, as they're walking to wherever Akamatsu wants to go, Koharu's heart is racing with a strange sort of anxiety, but it's not a bad sort. It feels almost good instead, like she'll be sent soaring or something if she holds onto it for too long.
But then she feels Akamatsu's hand grasp onto her own, fingers entwining with hers, and that sends butterflies storming through her stomach. What...? Why? She has to admit that she's cute, but...????
"So, uh..." She's stuttering a little bit, slightly hesitant, and it's entirely because Akamatsu has grabbed her hand as such. "Where, uh... where're we going? You completely forgot to mention that."
She can talk it off, right?
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does your muse prefer receiving more practical or fun gifts? RE: Koharu
source: headcanons based on the five love languages
koha definitely prefers more practical gifts. she's not really much of the fun type, sadly. she likes stuff she'll be able to use, and use more than once. partially because she hasn't gotten any fun gifts in eons, so she has no idea what she'd actually want in that sense.
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@purgatorychxsm​ // continued from here
At Enoshima’s denial, Koharu couldn’t help but let out a humorless, skeptical laugh. “The fuck you mean it wasn’t you? It had you written all over it!” What was the point of denying it so hard? Anyone with a semblance of a brain could figure out that Enoshima was the culprit, and was doing a piss-poor job of hiding it, too.
“What’re you gonna do?” she taunted, looking up at her. “Gonna beat the shit outta me? Good fuckin’ luck with that; you look like you can’t punch a goddamn pillow without completely breaking in half.” As if Enoshima’s skinny ass could throw a punch. Koharu knew she was a better fighter than she was, at least.
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embrace momo @ koharu uwu
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source: affectionate action prompts
She... was not expecting Akamatsu to do that. And now... she's entirely not sure how to react.
"...The fuck are you doing, Akamatsu?"
Her embrace is so warm, though... She's never been hugged like this. In fact, she can't recall ever being hugged by someone that wasn't directly related to her. She'd always pushed everyone away in the past.
So why isn't she doing that now?
What the hell do you even do in this situation?!
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“ your touch does not need to be soft. i will not break. “ kokohaharu
source: a collection of my own writings sentence starters
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Upon the sentence being spoken, Koharu sighs, her thumb absently tracing over the K on the clock again. She's kept it with her since she was given it, and funnily enough, not out of obligation. She just likes it, damn.
"Why are you so fuckin' convinced I'm gonna beat the shit outta you?" she demands. "I only beat the shit outta people who give me shit, and last I checked --" she pulled the watch out of her pocket -- "this isn't shit. You don't need to be so deer-in-the-headlights all the goddamn time, Yoshida."
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“The fuck do you mean what, I-- you have no fuckin’ idea what that means, do you?!”
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"Bitch." A 'light' tap on Koharu's shoulder- who else? Momiji has arrived. She brought all her attitude... and a gift. A cutely wrapped box, with a green bow taped to the top.
"What, you're avoiding me now too?" This is definitely how a healthy relationship works.
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Koharu very nearly snaps at the surprise tap, whirling around, ready to deck whoever's here -- but instantly stops when she sees Akamatsu. "Fucking hell, you scared me, you asshole," she spits, though it's with significantly less venom than usual.
She glances down at the box in Akamatsu's hands, and she can actively feel her face reddening, and she takes it with the smallest, embarrassed huff. "I'm not avoiding anyone," she says. "No one's bothered to come in, so the fuck am I gonna chase anyone down for?"
She's... going to busy herself with opening said box just so that Akamatsu doesn't have to see her stupid blushing face.
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It’s Koharu’s birthday, and she’s finally come down from the roof. Those thoughts from the morning are still swimming around in her head, but instead of acting on them, she’s shut up in her garage again, working on the car that she has yet to finish. Just an old, broken-down car that she’s... borrowed from the ultimate building, that’s all it is.
Just like her, it isn’t good enough for them.
And just like her, it’s up to her to fix it up, because no one else will, or even can.
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it’s koharu’s birthday!!
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She’s awake way too early.
Really, it was the pain in her shoulder that had woken her up -- Yoshida had an arm on her, damn -- and after she hadn’t been able to get back to sleep, her traveling feet had lead her up here, back onto the roof of the reserve course building.
She likes it up here, especially when the whole campus is quiet. It’s silent, away from people, away from all the sources of her anger, away from everything.
Instead, when she’s up here, the company she has is her own mind, her own thoughts. Sometimes they’re fine, but other times, they’re... dark.
Like now.
As she sits on the edge of the roof, her gaze travels downward, all the way down to the ground, and a thought occurs to her.
Why not?
She knows what that’s implying, even if she didn’t ask for it. Why not? Why shouldn’t she? She’s nothing, and she knows that. Nothing but a friendless, failed reserve course student, never being good enough to be worth anything. Not like those in the school’s preferred program.
Who would even notice?
Nobody, that’s who. Or, if someone did, they would be happy about it, she knows. She does nothing but cause problems, after all.
Nobody actually cares about you. You’re in the wrong side for that. You’re not important to anyone, and never will be.
So why not?
She runs a hand through her hair as she continues to stare at the ground far below. She could, but... she would probably find a way to fuck that up too, somehow.
So, instead, she doesn’t move, doesn’t stand. Instead, she sighs, bracing her arms and her chin on her knee and remains staring.
It’s cold.
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picks up koharu bridal style and places on lap c: u started this
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She's scooped up... what the fuck? Nobody's picked her up since she was a little kid; what the hell is this bitch on?
Never mind the fact that she's warm, and she seems to be holding her with no problem, something she'd never thought would happen, and--
No no no no no no, she can't admit that she's enjoying it...
"...The fuck are you doing?"
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I'm sorry, did Koharu just take a swing at his platonic soulmate?? Absolutely the fuck not. Never mind that Ryoka started it and it's sort of a little bit his fault. He's still gonna full-on body tackle Koharu
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Next thing she knows, Tozen of all people is practically flying at her. Now he wants to throw down, too?! Oh, she'll show this boy he's met his match...
She lets his attack make contact, and as they tumble to the floor together, she's momentarily very aware of just how much larger he is than her. That doesn't occupy her mind very long, though, and as long as he's above her, she takes the opportunity to drive her knee upward into his crotch, attempting to throw him off of her to gain the upper hand.
"Tohomiko, you fucker--" she growls, adrenaline already flooding through her. Damn, these guys really know how to get her going...
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“If any of those fuckin’ ultimates want to come down and rub their success in my fuckin’ face tomorrow, they’re gonna wish they were halfway across the world from me.”
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