#a smutty mafia Jafar x Jasmine novel
captainswanapproved Β· 1 year
Desperate Measures by Katee Robert- Review
I can't believe there is a steamy Mafia AU featuring my favorite guilty pleasure/taboo Disney relationship, published by a New York Times best selling author.
I only read the sample, but I'm looking forward to reading Desparate Measures by Katee Robert.
I respect her for writing and publishing Disney Villain fanfiction.
Edited to add my thoughts.
Basically this was 50 Shades crossed with Mafia crossed with Disney Characters. Spoilers Below.
I found it more readable than 50 Shades (which I only read once for a college assignment that required us to read the worst book ever and then write a scathing review,) This is probably because I liked Jasmine and Jafar way better than Christian & Anna. Even so, the writing was cringeworthy in many places. And repetitive.
The smut was also cringeworthy in places.
I'll never be a fan of female characters calling their lovers "Daddy"
But what really stood out was the snippets of the story that went beyond the smut and cringe. Though there was a lot of those aforementioned aspects of the story, so the satisfying elements were very rushed.
I really enjoyed Jafar as a character. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a morally grey romantic lead who swears emotions won't cloud his ambitions, only to end up falling in love and changing for the better. Although he didn't change that much from where he started. It still worked.
I was less satisfied with Jasmine to be honest. I liked where she ended, but how she got there could have been better developed.
The Wicked Villain series is something like 6 or 7 books, each covering a different Disney Hero/Villain couple. I'm not inclined to read the rest. But if you ever enjoyed the Jasmine and Jafar dynamic, in any iteration of Aladdin, Desperate Measures is worth a read. The ebook is the price of a coffee.
Also please note that my criticism of the writing and style doesn't come from a bad place. I respect the heck out of Katee Robert for making part of her living on Disney Villain fanfiction. I just wish it had been done a bit better. Still, it was entertaining for what it was.
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