#a softer version of this is pre-death and steve takes tony out to this space and teaches him how to close his eyes and just listen
starvels · 1 year
fic title ask game, 'the end of summer days'
the end of summer days. 1872. steve/tony. ~20k. rated M.
There's nothing like the sight of the end of a trail, reaching the mountain's summit and pulling your horse up short. Sliding down from the saddle and stepping forward to stare into the cacophony of wilderness, brush curling in the fading sun, fireflies dancing along the moss-heavy trunks.
There's nothing like two large, corn-yellow eyes blinking open, as the wilderness starts staring back.
Tony's a city man, but he's garnered an appreciation for this, ever since Steve's remains went missing and Tony tracked them here.
Ever since Steve came back from the dead as something oh so mightily inhuman.
TAGS: monster!steve, monsterfucking, alcoholism cw, unreliable narrator, grief, red wolf, natasha barton, bruce banner, carol danvers, post-canon, nature, character death fallout, horror
send me an ask with a fake title and i’ll tell you about the fic i would write to go with it!
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