#a story about wanting to commit suicide but it's scary so i find a yandere girlfriend to kill me but it doesn't work
yuricides · 3 years
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anime-to-the-t · 5 years
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moonofiron · 3 years
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A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, But It's Scary So I Find A Yandere Girl to Kill Me, But It Doesn't Work, Chapter 33
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littlesugarbuns · 4 years
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mangasnips · 4 years
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"A story about wanting to commit suicide but it's scary so I find a Yandere girl to kill me but it doesn't work" profiles.
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lilallama · 3 years
TW: mentioning of hate, death threats, tandere behaviour and opinions on that subject, proceed with caution.
I've been seeing a few yandere bts writers getting hate, because they write about bts as yanderes. I thankfully haven't been one of the people who got any hate, but I still disagree with these people getting hate. Especially when the hate is something like; "kill yourself", "slit your wrists and bleed out" or any form of insults thrown at them. Encouraging someone to commit suicide is absolutely disgusting. Especially when you're too cowardly and comment such things as an anon. I understand that the yandere genre is very controversial because of it's brutal and psychotic nature. However, I thought I would explain why I chose to write about yandere bts. This is not something everyone else agrees with, but it's my personal reasoning. Perhaps it'll move some to view this community with less hate.
First of all, something you always hear, I do not condone any actions of my yandere characters in real life. I am also not trying to romanticise stalker-, obsessive- or abusive behaviour. The appeal of many yandere characters is how far in their own twisted understanding of love they are trapped, to the point of not realising how toxic, creepy and downright insane their actions are. The appeal of yanderes is their psychotic behaviour, because it's so absurd that they do not realise the affect their actions have, or misinterpret that affect. Killing, torture or stalking is another way of pushing that detachment from morality and common sense. This is not something I wish upon anyone and purely a fictional scenario. Just like any villian in any story, these traits and actions are used to make them stand out, seem heartless, insane and/or interesting. It's part of the fictional story people are telling. Just because you yourself don't like their story, doesn't mean you get to send them such brutal hate messages.
Another thing many people criticise, is the use of real people in these stories (specifically in × reader stories). I feel that I am speaking for most writers when I say, that we do not view bts or any other celebrity, youtuber etc. as such psychopaths. The changing if the character is due to that exact reasoning. I do not want to make them act like their usual self if I'm also going to have them kill, torture, stalk, threaten or commit any crimes. I personally respect bts, as well as any other celebrity out there, a lot and do not wish to portray them in a bad light. In case you have criticism about a certain behaviour of one of them, I am always open for constructive criticism and advice. However, if I respond that their behaviour has a reason, then I will not change that character. But any criticism will flow into a writers writing and way of portraying the characters, so it's not completely fruitless.
The personal reasoning of mine, as to why I use kpop groups and write about them as yanderes, might not relate with everyone. So take the following bit with a grain of salt. As I've mentioned earlier, I find the stories you can create with yandere characters fascinating. While the usual sweet romance that many fanfiction writers tend to write about is very nice and sweet, it can sometimes be uninteresting to me. This has nothing to do with the quality of the writing or the writer themselves, but just because I've seen it so much already. While yandere fanfictions aren't totally unique as well, each writer somehow has a different way of portraying their characters. Some go for a darker approach (example: @chinkbihh) and others prefer to involve humor in their stories (example: @babeejk). Both are very good writers with many pieces that I've adored. The characters don't have to always portrayed as perfect and morally good, they can have severe flaws that make them unappealing as a partner. When we take axlook at my characters, Yoongi is a pushover, Seokjin is arrogant, Taehyung doesn't have a mind of his own and Jeongguk has anger issues. All have flaws that make their character interesting in sone sort of way.
I myself prefer to write the yanderes as more obsessive and obedient to the reader (Y/n). The reason for that is, that I want my readers to feel appreciated while reading. Yandere behaviour in reality is dark, scary and absolutely terrifying, but within the realms of fiction it can turn into something flattering or comforting. The idea of a person loving you so much that they would do literally everything for you, is compelling to many (including myself). Especially people like me, who grew up without much attention, friends and felt left alone, reading such stories can be comforting. The fact that it's a familiar person, someone you admire and love, adds unto the feeling. No, this does not mean I (or anyone else) would ever like someone to treat us like that in real life. But the idea of a yandere, a person who adores you more than we can fathom, is compelling for people who feel lonely. Yandere stories can be a way of comfort, they can help people motivate themselves and make them happy. For that reason alone, I believe it is totally valid to both write and read yandere stories.
And to all those who think writing hate comments, death threats or suicide encouragement to writers is reasonable, you are such a disgusting person! No one is forcing you to read these stories, if you don't like them, block their account or ignore their posts. But don't ever send hate! Especially those who hate on × reader stories specifically. × reader stories don't just entertain delusional fangirls, that is an overused stereotype.
Please stay respectful towards everyone. You are allowed to agree and disagree with people, but hating on someone goes too far.
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“A Story About Wanting To Commit Suicide, But It's Scary So I Find A Yandere Girl To Kill Me, But It Doesn't Work” (2019)
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momorabu · 4 years
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Ibara Hime - Playthrough Compilation + Review
Part I - Main Story + Ending 1
Part II - Ending 2 + Ending 4 (Itoh’s Ending)
Part III - Ending 3 + Ending 5 (Mizuki’s Ending)
Read the cut below for my review / final thoughts about the game. (Contains Spoilers. R18 Story.)
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This took quite a while, but I feel very accomplished that I’ve got to finish playing and writing the playthrough for this game, seeing that I’m interested to know the story for this game since quite a long time ago. The illustrations were pretty good, and incest was still a taboo topic not really touched on much in otome games. 
Though this game still features a yandere brother similar to how some other otome games introduced incest, the way it’s written makes me feel scared, disgusted yet pitiful for Mizuki. Some of the endings really depict his struggles quite well, even if I wasn’t fond of him anyway. I really like Ririko’s character though, even if she struggled badly with confidence. I could see myself in her in some of the scenarios, especially the horrifying dread feeling when realising that most people around her aren’t normal at all D: (Especially her disses and rebuttals even if she’s the weaker one in those scenarios, I’ll lash out too if I were her. What is wrong with everyone here?!) Sadly, Ririko seems like one of the most normal characters around here.
I’ll continue to touch on / rant some of my thoughts upon reaching the various endings below, in the order of how I’ve played them (which is different from the order of the playthrough that I’ve written).
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Ending 1 ( 鋏 Ending)
I don’t really like this ending since it came too suddenly for me, and I kind of get scared a little as Mizuki just suddenly went and commit suicide which also scarred poor Ririko. I also get a literally “oh well... that’s it?” when the game went back to the main menu, so this ending is abit substandard. Little did I know this was just the beginning as this was the most normal ending in the game.
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Ending 5 (姉弟 Ending)
Decided to go for this ending first since from the name of endings I’ve seen from the guide I’ll be using for the rest of the game (I got ending 1 on my blind playthrough so you know how badly I can be in otome games =w=“), this seems one of the best ones. The ending was indeed quite sweet and touching when the siblings decided to love each other, though I find Ririko’s transition kind of abrupt. Mizuki’s confession that he’s glad he wasn’t siblings with Ririko touched me really badly, the guy just wants to love Ririko and didn’t want to think of himself as weird too. (This was the moment I realised Mizuki probably struggled with his own issues alot.) 
Too bad that their father was a bastard who raped his own sister, had a child and kept everything undercover for so many years. I was like “Dad, how could you!!!” and “This family except the mum is abnormal now” at the last scene. Even Ririko decided that she’s not going to be the logical person anymore. At least Mizuki is alive in this ending and might continue to live blissfully, unknowing of the actual truth of his birth. Seriously, what is wrong with the Dad and his brother, and to think their aunt still continues to live and communicate with them normally just feel buzzard to me. This family is indeed very very weird. D:
Seeing that this was actually the best ending and how it turned out to make me feel abit worried for the other endings... I decided to take a break for the day after this ending seriously and continued to finish the game on the next day.
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Ending 3 ( 落下 Ending)
Since this ending and Itoh’s ending just differ by 1 (or 2?) options, I decided to go for this first then Itoh’s ending next. This ending... literally gave me goosebumps and it landed such a huge impression on me that I was all about this ending when I was talking about this game to my friend. 
For me, it’s scary when Mizuki becomes stalkerish. The way he kept forcing Ririko and wanted her to love him scares me since it is extremely stressful that someone tries all means to want you to look at him romantically, but you just feel disgusted and dislike. It’s really a very unhealthy feeling so even though I was like “Wow, Ririko really did ask him to jump and die”, I kind of actually agreed/relate to her saying that. At that moment you just want that person to be gone so that you can go back to your daily life. (I’m heartless in that I said “Bye-bye Mizuki” when he jumped =w=“)
For Ririko though, it’s really not easy, seeing that Mizuki was her brother and she was even pregnant with his child. In the ending, she doesn’t even treat him as her brother anymore and just a disgusting guy, yet feels guilt that she ended up “killing” him (more towards killing a human as opposed to killing her brother, though she also feels bad for erasing his life). 
The future initially made me felt quite hopeful, and even a little touched seeing that Ririko’s child was quite good, and their family was still holding it together even when Mizuki had passed on. (I was holding abit of hope that Itoh and Ririko might patch up seeing that he still texted her.) But... the game just likes to trash my hopes that it would be a bitter-sweet ending by making the child a cursed devilish child in the end. Yuki speaking as Mizuki is terrifying... Imagine that your stalker has never given you up after all those years and coming back to haunt you again. That’s what makes this ending scary for me, I’ll rather be not loved by anybody than being pursued so fiercely like this seriously D:
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Ending 4 ( 伊藤 Ending)
Decided to go for Itoh’s ending to calm my heart after this ending... The part where they reveal the reason of Ririko’s slow growth was kind of heartwarming (though it’s still a scary past event), seeing that Mizuki was really worried sick at that time and blamed himself up to the present. I like how the siblings managed to put aside all their hate and romantic feelings aside and become close siblings once again. For Ririko, this all seems like a wonderful ending to the episode, being in a good relationship with her brother again, and having a wonderful boyfriend Itoh who helped and accompany them.
However, the future started off with a 3P and led me to think that something is terribly wrong. (I don’t like forced NTR, especially when the heroine isn’t willing all the way till the end. Ririko didn’t have any romantic feelings for Mizuki so... D:) Realising that Itoh was also in love with Mizuki, perhaps even more than Ririko just made me so mad seriously. (I already have a weird tingling feeling when Itoh said he valued Mizuki very much from the beginning, guess it’s true that he’s gay for Mizuki TWT) It’s not that I dislike gays but ugh... seeing this in an otome game really destroys the feeling of playing an otome game ><” Poor Ririko is so crushed seeing that she was always in love with Itoh all along, but turned out that he loves her brother more instead, as even though he keeps telling Ririko he treasured and loves her, he wants her to have her own brother’s child. What the... I seriously cannot understand Itoh even after seeing this ending, maybe he really loves Mizuki so much that he wants to grant everything he wants and give him the best life, but making Ririko do the very thing she detests (having sex with her brother and even planning her to have her brother’s child) is not telling me that he loves her actually. Ririko is just something for him to make use of so he can have the excuse to be with Mizuki for as long as he likes. Please spare poor Ririko from all the heartbreak, that feeling of being betrayed after so many years.... ugh! (I’m still pissed from this ending even while writing this.)
Guess I’m correct for being suspicious about Itoh from the beginning. Itoh literally broke all my otome heart, and suddenly Mizuki seems just a bit better...?
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Ending 2 (包丁 Ending)
Haha, just when I was thinking Mizuki is better, this last ending I’ve played kind of just wants to prove me the opposite. Ririko is abit crazy in this ending, seeing that she’s ready to give up her everything to kill her own brother. But the circumstances changed very quickly and before I knew it, Mizuki was the one having the upper hand, and I was worried, thinking “is he really going to stab her in the vagina?”, “Is this going to end up being a gore R18 otome game?” (I... really don’t like gore so I’m abit scared.) 
Thank goodness, Ririko blacked out just as I was getting scared and the ending just came abruptly again, with Mizuki committing suicide. But this time it came with a suicide letter, which revealed some of his struggles he had about his feelings with Ririko. This ending was abit touching for me, even though I already understood what their mother was talking about regarding the “what ifs”. Ririko doesn’t seem too sad about Mizuki’s loss, though in a good way she’s just relieved that her nightmare was over.
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That’s it for all the rant about the endings. This is going to be one game that I’ll remember for a very very long time. I loved how the story was written since every detail in the game can be used for a certain ending so it doesn’t feel like any part of the story was redundant. The music helps in the atmosphere quite alot, seeing that it’s a pity that this game wasn’t voiced.
Even though this game doesn’t show alot of sexual assault or physical damage like how... erm... other R18 otome games would have done, there’s quite a few of emotional manipulation, which makes it scary since this can be realistic in real life, and it shows that emotional damage can be the same or even worse than physical damage in a way. There are sex scenes in the game, but they’re not depicted in a way that they’re the main topic like in nukige, but instead, as a catalyst to show the highlight of this game, the struggle and reveal of forbidden romantic feelings towards a sibling.
Greatly recommended for those who love diving into psychological analyzation and dark storyline/feelings. For those who like incest though, be prepared to be disappointed if you want those heart fluffy romantic incest, this game is totally the opposite of that. 
Art:  ★ ★ ★ ★
Story:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Voice Acting:  -
Music:  ★ ★ ★ ★
Overall Enjoyment:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
PS: CG Collection of the entire game can be found on the game collection page of the blog.
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02nd · 2 years
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source: 自殺したいけどそれはちょっと怖いからヤンデレ彼女を作って彼女に殺してもらおうとするけどなかなかうまくいかない話 / a story about wanting to commit suicide, but it's scary so i find a yandere girl to kill me, but it doesn't work.
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boooxyh · 3 years
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Yandere pout [ A Story About Wanting To Commit Suicide, But It's Scary So I Find A Yandere Girl To Kill Me, But It Doesn't Work ]
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yuricides · 4 years
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anime-to-the-t · 4 years
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moonofiron · 3 years
Mangas I have capped
💦-NSFW | 💥- One-shot
A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, But It’s Scary So I Find A Yandere Girl to Kill Me, But It Doesn’t Work
Akatsuki No Yona
Aku No Hana
Anata Janai to Ikenai Unmei Gobusata Omega Daikiraina Alpha to Ban Ttemashita 💦
Black Torch
Blue Exorcist
Chainsaw Man
Changes of Heart
Chi No Wadachi
Coffee Moon
Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo
Gokurakugai Sanbandori no Ken
Hell's Paradise (Jigokuraku)
Is My Reality a Love Game? I Thought it Was a Life Like Game (Ore No Genjitsu Wa Ren'ai Game? Ka To Omottara Inochigake No Game Datta)
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kiss in the Hell 💦💥
Kyosei Tensei
Mononobe Koshoten Kaikitan
Ojou to Banken-kun
Painter of the Night 💦
Psycho Pass
Rooster Fighter
Solo Leveling
Time Paradox Ghostwriter
Tokyo Ghoul
Tougen Anki
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
#emberplays: doki doki literature club
AKA. Why Doki Doki Literature Club is So Freaking Good The First Time You Play It and It’ll Blow Your Goddamn Mind (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
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When I first posted this on my other tumblr it was way before any youtuber did a letsplay of it, so I’m gonna have to rewrite parts of it and readdress some things. Thats not at all saying I dislike them, I actually found a majority entertaining. But now everyone pretty much knows what happens in DDLC, the jig is up and we all are #triggered with two infamous words.
So, listen. I know what you’re thinking. Why am I recommending a totally moe looking VN? I’m not moe, I don’t go gaga for animu girls. But I do love me some visual novels, and I love me some meta-level fuckery. Doki Doki Literature Club is a ren’py VN that just (now somewhat) recently came out that looks completely harmless. What could possibly go wrong? And It’s COMPLETELY FREE, yes you heard me, free. So fucking play it (unless it's going to trigger you, in which case pls don’t). And it’s… really interesting.
Spoilers and heavy triggers for DDLC under the cut (I didn’t want to spoil that but I think it's only fair to let you know what you’re clicking on)
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To really talk about why I enjoy DDLC so much, unfortunately, we need to talk about when this cute moe dating sim turns into a glitchy acid horrorshow. The game starts with you choosing your name and being introduced, and then the game introducing your next door neighbor and close friend Sayori who looks like a bubbly ray of sunshine. She convinces you to join her (*surprise*) literature club at school, and you meet three other girls: Nasuki, Yuri and Monika. They seem like pretty nice girls. Nasuki is the typical young tsundere, Yuri the quiet passionate type, and Monika, who seems, well… pretty normal. You join their club and immediately get wrangled into things and this is when it starts taking a weird turn. Monika breaks the fourth wall. Yuri drops she’s into some weird shit. Nasuki has troubles at home. And Sayori might have a little bit of a crush on you. 
Then you have to write a poem.
This process repeats but the game starts forcing you (or at least in my playthrough) into decisions, which in my experience with VNs is a telltale sign of an Oncoming Bad End (see mysme, amnesia, etc.) Monika becomes an ominous figure of knowledge (at first I thought maybe she was a yandere stalker… oh, was I wrong). Yuri goes batshit crazy yandere obsessed with you. Natsuki keeps a somewhat level head, surprisingly enough. 
Sayori though, poor Sayori has it pretty rough. You find out she’s dealing with a surprisingly accurate depiction of MDD (major depressive disorder) at least by cutesy video game standards.
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Shit gets real when the day of the festival when Sayori ends up being missing and Monika heavily lampshades something bad. You race home and the game starts glitching out as you find Sayori has committed suicide. Having seen a fair amount of bad endings in VNs, I was like “wow this is over the top, but ok” and the music gets lowkey terrifying. I was expecting to see the BAD END screen as most otomes go and for the title screen to show up and it does, but YOUR SAVE FILES ARE MISSING. (nice page out of cheritz book y’all, good shit ;) )
This is refered to as ACT 2 of the game and the demarcation line of when we realize we are playing a horror game not an otome. The title screen is glitchy and corrupted over where Sayori was. And then the game starts bugging the fuck out and shit gets real. Shadow selves with darkened text, crazy yandere eyes and Monika handwaving everything away. The poetry gets to a level of insanity that’s unreal as Yuri basically goes cuil theory on your ass at one point.
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Anyway, JUST MONIKA, amirite?
Let’s skip ahead then backtrack. What I think makes this game so great is the level of awareness we must assume Monika has. She’s completely aware she’s in a video game and is forced to watch her friends around her be romance options and fall in love, but she’s been relegated to the role of side character and thinks she has no agency in the story. And this takes a toll on her sanity. She tells you in The Final Room that she started messing with the character data to make you dislike the others, but since it backfired and it only drew you closer to each of the other girls she had to take more drastic measures.
Completely frustrated after all the corruption of their data doesn’t work, she resorts to pushing Sayori’s depression to suicide. Letting Yuri’s cutting finish in a finale of garbled text and stabbing herself to death only to let you stay with her as she rots over the weekend at school. Nasuki gets outright deleted from the game on a whim by Monika, and then she goes so far as to delete everything so it’s just the two of you sitting in a room. The assumption is that it’s a pretty permanent situation. Try turning the game on and off at this point. Yeah.
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Anyway, Monika is without a doubt, one of the best versions of how a yandere knowing the meta of the situation can make a situation horrifying. Think like Yuno Gasai from Mirrai Nikki. If you know the plot and have god-levels of information, you can fuck around mercilessly with the viewer/player. And Monika does. The slow descent into madness the game takes because of her corruption of the game is probably my favorite part. The blink-and-you’ll-miss-it changes of the characters, music, and surroundings. And the railroading you into choices giving you such a sense of helplessness as you play. I really felt like I was on a train off the tracks by Act 2 and it was great.
You really think you have choices (at least at the end), but the more and more I think about this and go in for another playthrough I don’t think you ever truly have ANY choices and Monika’s holding all the cards. It begs the question what is Monica supposed to be? A sentient AI? What actually is Doki Doki Literature Club? Some weird form of a reverse turing test once you get to the Monica Room? It’s bizarre and oddly novel in its take on the VN horror genre by stripping you of any power to do anything and sit back terrified as it gets meta on you. No matter what you do the culmination of the game is essentially the same and there’s no real happy end in sight or resolution once you realize that even the game is aware it’s not real. At that point you are finishing it to finish it, to come to an ending. 
And that's simultaneously the best and worst part about it, but man I can’t complain, that was a wild 5 hours of my life....
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Oh, by the way, hope you’re familiar with deleting files out of your game library, because Monika isn’t going anywhere until you do... still she has like tons of unique conversation if you wanna stay and chat for a while.
I did enjoy her anguish when I got rid of her even though I ended up really liking her later. I’m excited to see what happens because she’s rumored to be the protagonist in the next team salvato game. Yeah.
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My only complaint of this game is once you know the premise it really doens’t hold replayability value, quite the same as anything from the horror genre is never really as scary as the first time around. It does what it does so well its not the same and is basically only worth playing again to fuck with your unassuming friends.
Which I, of course, did.
What did you guys think of DDLC? Was it over the top? Did you know what was going to happen? Or have it spoiled? Have you tried deleting other character files and playing the game or decoded any of the secret info files? 
Send your thoughts to my inbox and stay tuned for the next time #emberplays otomes!
NEXT TIME: #Emberplays: Keisuke Sanan (Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds)  LAST TIME:  #Emberplays: Toma Time (Amnesia: Memories)
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mangasnips · 4 years
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C'mon! You have to test it right away!
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themangaguide · 3 years
The certifications does have a touch
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A peaceful life in the countryside
a story about wanting to commit suicide but its scary so i find a yandere girl to kill me but it doesnt work manga is a superb series. The manga is virtually seems like swimming in an ocean of aggravation and fury for a lot of factors. For a love story established show, a story about wanting to commit suicide but its scary so i find a yandere girl to kill me but it doesnt work manga absolutely suches as to play around with the idea but spins it in a variety of angles. These angles do not connect nicely in practically any type of manner but rather winds up making a shape out of portions that are inaccurate. As a follower of the very first manga that started to ran before the intro of the anime program, I'm certainly not satisfied from what I see.
So it's his time to step up it and also come up with a charming funny for people to value. Sadly, it appears like the program doesn't tip itself upwards however rather falls even further behind.
These concepts consists of the clear, his future, along with schoolwork: girls. Will get the nerve to ask her out? If he gets declined, what takes place? Will Haruto come to be a person? These could be a few inquiries for suggestion for potential anime just audiences in the beginning. Nevertheless, this is not' just what you could prepare for.
For some reason, go right into an arc that's covered on from the a story about wanting to commit suicide but its scary so i find a yandere girl to kill me but it doesnt work manga manga as well as the anime determines to jump about. It's unsatisfactory provided the tested reality that growth in the beginning between Haruto and one more key women protagonist as well as significant variables are made greatly in undiscovered land. The show does take out the old trick in the unique as in the sort of flashbacks. But seriously this doesn't operate perfectly in terms of a romance reveal that is developing. Eba Yuzuki, for our key women lead character, this really is certainly a lot more aggravating to observe given that the shortage personality driven theory. Additionally, it does not aid by the truth that Haruto himself isn't simply among these characters where we get to recognize from the start.
As for Haruto, the boy definitely has eyes established on a special a person however not just whom you might anticipate. As stated in the past, this program leaves out parts from the manga that absolutely quickens its storyline as well as leaps around. As for Haruto, the male aims to lack a character as well as normally acts permitted around others. While locating from the backdrops he's caring on the outside but normally makes rash options. It's not up until he sees fact that is actually sees which he determines to act. Nevertheless, Haruto follows him through and does bear tasks. He's hardworking and also appreciates the health and wellbeing of others so some regard might be handed out to him. Out of the girls that Haruto meets with the whole program, Eba is a destination for obligation to be provided.
The pair of Eba and also Haruto is, in addition, tough to observe as they don't look quite compatible. Haruto is evidently a male that routinely maintains ideas to himself. On the other side, Eba is a lady with a sociable personality that speaks her head out and regularly not frightened to act upon her tasks. These leaves marks that are cheerful and agonizing and bring about mixed impacts comparable to Haruto's situation.
It's also absurd to discover that she's virtually absolutely nothing like her sibling. At lots of situations, she uses guidance to others but is a little insecure to herself sometimes. Other ladies in the program and their bit parts also play yet generally continues to be in the background. For Haruto however, his eyes simply focuses on what he believes remains in front of him.
yonakano reijini haremu wo One noteworthy feature of the story in the show additionally includes a key supporting male personality that plays with an even more of a part that is unfortunate. The truth is, he's more of the guide variable to Eba Haruto's in addition to's selection. Completion result of that guide leads to some hope for Haruto; an ill-fated sensation for hope yet likewise sadness yet still. Nevertheless, as for that goes, the show provides it in fashion to virtually beyond repair as well as figures out to twist around with the aspect of love affair. If a show is labeled as love affair with comedy and also drama, it must adhere to an easy storyline. No, rather it sheds focus to the phase where target markets might not be certain that Haruto needs to be as well as determines to jump throughout the location with. Combined with the lackluster of a disposition that is friendly, Haruto is a man that's both tough to be empathetic with or take commiseration for; emphasis on either.
On the even more play side, the show likewise attempts to make target markets pity its personalities. Nevertheless, it gets challenging to take pity on them because the choices they make. It does not aid by the fact that its key storyline runs so there's little focus on character or history development. On the contrary, it focuses on his day-to-day live and Haruto with other girls. The male is responsible however he absolutely doesn't choose such too as several of his connections. This actually is particularly real later on with a different lady that some can see as a gold egg. Regrettably, it is a just one more egg wasted by Haruto.
The funny variable of a story about wanting to commit suicide but its scary so i find a yandere girl to kill me but it doesnt work manga ranked. It frequently tries to blend in precisely the very same time in funny with play however this does not exercise. At other times, it attempts the cliched as well as normal errors with variables of follower solution. As a follower however, I do not really feel satisfied or serviced. Rin is possibly among the extra fascinating children that routinely treats Haruto's life as a game so her dialogues will certainly include a little interest. For the continuing to be part of the actors however, the words regularly a loophole of uninteresting sayings.
For a more slice of life design reveal nonetheless, there are a number of assumptions. Likewise, there's some awareness of realism when it pertains to partnerships. Examples of this consists of the effects of a long-term connection, getting yourself back up later on from it, and also coping with calamities. It is currently in one or might be relatable extremely in a sort of fashion specifically if target market have remained in a link prior to. I just count on that you just will not as a number of the personalities do in this string make some horrible options.
When it involves graphics, a story about wanting to commit suicide but its scary so i find a yandere girl to kill me but it doesnt work manga accommodates a simple fashion with its personalities showing up all-natural however at exactly the exact same time doing not have any characteristics that are visible. There's noticing special standing apart with a few of the personalities. Haruto seems ordinary and Eba is shown as the traditional woman making use of a factor of naiveness. Given the fact that Seo Kouji is included with the work, there's furthermore likeness in his other job, Suzuka and personality designs in between this collection. The certifications does have a touch of naturalism to it with souring winds, the dance leaves, and seasonal weather condition.
There's virtually absolutely nothing to applaud about some of the VA's performances. The main male protagonist Haruto (Yoshimasa Hosoya) appears to obtain tone of a mature personality but his tasks opposes this. With possibly Eba being one of the most noticeable with her refined tone of voice, a lot of the girls' voices are regular. Songs wise, the show does reveal some sorrowful particularly with recommendation to its recall scenes. Its two comparing ED tunes produces a sense of nostalgia that shows up to stroll down the memory lane.
Its irritating to see is made by its not successful creating combined by its very own lack of representation. If this was Eba as well as Haruto isn't just what I would certainly call the best of couple. If there clearly was one in any kind of respect, the message it tries to get across never ever appears to reach. Maybe it's something of 'the fact damages' on the line, 'encounter the reality', or 'enjoy bites'. Whatever it's does not work right out. Simply be alert to what in the event you figure out to select the path to see this anime nevertheless. If you similar to this evaluation, why do not you most likely to read manga initially then pertain to the anime. I extremely advise it. To get additional details, view here: https://bookreadingblog.site123.me/blog/that-so-called-selflessness
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