#a tiny part of me hopes he doesn't come back only bc he promised his 1st goal to bolsonaro
rebelwithoutabroom · 2 years
opinions on neymar's injury? 🎤
well... it does look serious, doesn't it? it's sad to see a player get injured like that and maybe have to miss what's possibly his last shot at winning a WC. it sucks this is the second time in a WC that's he's had to step away to deal with a game-inflicted injury and as a brazilian i would LOVE to see him actually deliver the football we know he can play. i hope the team can pull together and bring back the hexa without him tho, so fingers crossed
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
If you dont want to do this request just ignore it. Could you write headcannons or a scenario where reader decides to surprise her husband posttimeskip!Ushijima (and, separately, maybe Suna) at an away game, so he doesn't know they're there. Before the game starts he looks out at the crowd & sees the reader in the front row holding their beautiful baby girl. The 6 month old has little ear muffs on so the loud stadium doesn't overwhelm them and a tiny version of their fathers jersey. I can just picture the baby making little grabby hands at Ushijima for the whole game 😭. (Sorry if this is confusing at all, you can message me if you have questions)
surprising him at a game
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post-timeskip!ushijima x reader (<700 words)
content (warnings): fluff, marriage and a kid, toshi is a little pouty in the beginning lol
a/n: askdjf this request is so sweet and good on it’s own omg so this is just me ~expanding~ HAHA but tysm for sending this in <33 and ushijima?? you get a gold star for loving that man. i only wrote for ushi this time around but i’d love to maybe do a part two with more characters and get to suna like you asked!! the end is super sappy bc i love this man.
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while wakatoshi is always game ready, he takes his craft very seriously, he does pout a little when he feels the plane’s wheels finally touch the airport’s runway. it’s his first away game that required a plane trip hundreds of miles away from you and your little infant. he remembers how you coaxed him to go.
“it’ll be alright toshi you’ve done away games before.”
“yeah, but those have just been day trips or weekends. this will be the longest, farthest, i’ll be away from you and her since she was born.”
you laughed because your husband was never one to complain like this but ever since he found out the game schedule he spoke about this particular game with a pout.
“we’ll all be okay, love, i promise. you go play and win and then come back home like you always do. and we’ll call and text everyday,” you comforted him, placing kisses on his cheek for good measure.
but that made him pout more. “you sound excited for me to go.”
a scowl finds its way to ushijima’s face as he walks through the airport with his teammates.
one of them nudges him and teases, “cheer up, wakatoshi, the locals might think you hate them with that look on ya!”
“i don’t hate them,” he quickly interjects, hoping he hasn’t offended anyone simply because his thoughts were somewhere else. somewhere miles away where right about now you were getting ready for the day while the baby slept after her morning milk. somewhere where his little family was.
his teammates chuckle and another adds, “don’t worry, ushijima, they’re just joking. but you know what, i’m pretty excited for this game! aren’t you?”
ushijima nods absentmindedly, missing the knowing looks his teammates give each other.
knowing looks because they know you’ll be there.
there, sitting in the front row in your game day gear with your baby girl in a new matching onesie of her own with her daddy’s name and number on the back. her eyes travel around the room taking it all in, her ears covered with ear muffs to protect her little ears from the roaring of the crowd as the teams enter.
you want to giggle when you see your husband. he looks as intimidating as ever as if just twenty minutes ago he didn’t call you so that his two favorite people in the world could give him ‘his good luck smooches’ over the phone.
but the look on his face is priceless when he catches sight of the two of you. his eyes practically sparkling and he has that big warm smile only ever worn in moments he shares with you, egged on by the whoops and hollers from his teammates and staff who were in on it all along.
that game became one of the best played in ushijima’s career.
at the end of the game when their victory is announced, ushijima, who should be tired and spent from the spikes he made, jogs over to where you have already gotten down from the stands. a beaming smile on his face.
you lift your little girl higher on your hip and point to where her dad was approaching. “baby, look it’s daddy, look,” and despite her ear muffs she’s at the age where she can follow your finger.
and you feel your heart just about to burst when she recognizes her daddy, reaching her arms up and babbling to get to him.
in a flash he’s sweeping her into his arms and giving her cute chunky cheeks little kisses, asking what his little girl was doing here.
when he pulls you, too, into his chest, you smile when he places a kiss on your cheek. “congratulations on your win, toshi.”
and his eyes are still shining. “you’re here. you’re both here.”
you laugh softly and push his postgame hair off his forehead, “did you like your surprise?”
he nods and his grip around your waist tightens, “i love you, so much, y/n. both of you.” because you bring so much light and love into his life.
“i love you, ushijima wakatoshi.” because he does the same for you.
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taglist 💛💛 @elianetsantana @love-oikawa @shoyotime @lyssaima @ahtsuwu @itachislut @arrogantsonofabiscuit @miss-minty-writes @livy384 @izhyperfixates @tsumooo @kenmaslov3r @tetsunormous @mystic-helena @oikawaandkuroostan
if you want to join my taglist the link is in my pinned post <33
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gutsfics · 2 years
so like. im kind of a sucker for Meeting Each Other Before You're Supposed To And Then Not Realizing It At First When You Meet Again type tropes & i was kind of zoned out thinking about it all day & ive kind of just added to my oph mc's canon bc of it?
this isnt a fic or anything just me rambling. idk if i can actually write a whole fic out rn so im just putting out what i can lmao lol better this than nothing
tw for Child With Mysterious Illness That May Kill Them (except its like. the mc. so obviously they dont die)
so. Baxter was always sick as a child. they had some genetic autoimmune disease that made it so every time they got sick, their body would sort of. shut down and attack itself? bc it couldnt tell The Sick apart from Their Body. so they were constantly in and out of hospitals because of it. unfortunatley though, bc of how immunocompromised they were it meant that while they were in the hospital they couldn't really leave their hospital room
also worth mentioning that their parents were The Original CEO Of Panacea Before Charlotte + His Administrative Assistant & they were kind of a little bit used as a guinea pig to find a cure for their autoimmune disease (good intentions only on their part, but they really fucking dropped the ball so hard there. didnt even come close to catching it. and by good intentions i mean they were doing this for their kid and their kid only- any cure to come out of it would cost millions)
Ethan, after blowing up his neighbor's garden shed in retaliation for them smashing his cello, ended up having to do community service hours to make up for it. he chose to volunteer time in the children's ward of a hospital. i'd say he's about 16, Baxter is 9 or 10
after a few weeks of spending time in the children's ward, he realizes that there's this one room that's always got a patient in it but he's never actually seen said patient. out of curiosity, he sneaks in when no one is paying attention & meets the kid. they're sweet, and very obviously haven't had any human contact outside of doctors and nurses and their own parents. they tell him that they've been in that room for some time, & they just want to go outside, just once
so. yknow. naturally.
Ethan breaks them out of the hospital.
not like breaks them out breaks them out, but he takes them to the park right across the street and they get to sit in the sunshine for a bit before he takes them back
he gets in huge trouble for it and is asked not to finish his community service hours in the hospital
Baxter does get sick from it, but them getting to be outside, even for just half an hour, meant everything to them. their world went from their tiny hospital room and what they could see of the hallway from their door + what was out the window to something so much bigger. and it kind of gave them hope? it gave them the energy to actually want to overcome their sickness, bc it might mean that they could go to that park again
they do, however, eventually end up assuming that it was a fever dream that they had due to being super sick & watching Peter Pan too much (guy w red hair + green shirt whisks them away on an adventure-- they did always want to be wendy darling) and they kind of forget the details (it doesn't help that their mom insists that they had a guardian angel who helped them recover)
Ethan just kind of assumes that they died-- they transferred hospitals shortly after & no one would tell him anything when he tried to visit
they almost meet again when Ethan punches Declan Nash- Baxter was there and they did see the punch happen, but they didn't get to interact with Ethan at all
neither of them realize this until Baxter is stuck in quarantine after the biological attack (Baxter didn't name themself Baxter until they were in college, their deadname was some normal boring biblical name so Ethan wouldn't recognize them from that). they're sick as hell and should be resting, but they refuse to lie down and get rest. they insist they made a promise to someone that if they ever ended up hospitalized again, they would never get so weak that they couldn't walk, but that they can't remember who it was, just that it was their "fever dream guardian angel"
when Ethan finally gets them to lie back down, they tell him about what happened when they were a kid, that they weren't sure if it actually happened or not, but that they had thought about it so often that they had eventually decided that if they ever met him again and he was a real person, they would kiss him about it as thanks for helping them
and then they both Realize.
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