#as a person neymar sucks tho
rebelwithoutabroom · 2 years
opinions on neymar's injury? 🎤
well... it does look serious, doesn't it? it's sad to see a player get injured like that and maybe have to miss what's possibly his last shot at winning a WC. it sucks this is the second time in a WC that's he's had to step away to deal with a game-inflicted injury and as a brazilian i would LOVE to see him actually deliver the football we know he can play. i hope the team can pull together and bring back the hexa without him tho, so fingers crossed
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
Yall I’m new to stanning football. I came here straight from the world cup and I’m not gonna lie this shit is beating my ass. Is it always in the mud like this? I chose psg because that seems like the best option because they got messi, neymar, and mbappe who are literally the three players that caught my attention during the tournament! Yall I really thought this was going to be fun. 😭 What’s going on? Why does everything feel so confused and chaotic (not in a good energetic way, more like headless chicken running kind of way) but also weirdly sluggish and slow? Yall I don’t understandddddddd. It’s like the team has four different personalities all at once? It’s so… unpleasing to watch yall it was not like this during the world cup. 😭
I hope they get better. But I’ve been reading the psg girlies on tumble and … it seems like nobody has hope it’s going to get better? I mean surely it will? Right? I feel like everybody has given up on the season and I’m scared. 😭 I hope Kylian feels better soon. I was thinking maybe we can do trades with other teams but apparently business hours is already closed and will next open in the summer? The fuck? But we dont got anyone? And almost everyone is dropping like flies? What happens if the big guy on the fishnet gets a flue or just gets sick in general? We just dont get anyone?
Also the coach looks like he should be in a martin scorsese film with robert de niro and joe pesci. The fuck is he doing on the pitch tho?
We need to bounce back QUICK! We need positive vibes! Energy! We need God to be honest but I feel like I’ve spent all my credit with him praying for Messi to win the world cup. My account with God is all maxed out. Yall. I cant sleep until I figure this shit out. Somebody do something!
Do we have a secret weapon? Like what is the plan here? What is plan b? Oh my goddddd. This parasocial relationship is with these players really do beating my ass. I’m out here worried for them!
hi anon! wow this is a doozy. ill try to break down my response but idk if it'll do ur rant justice LOL
1) Welcome newcomer! as u may have seen in the world cup, if there's one thing someone should tell u before u enter the football world is that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is guaranteed. you could have the strongest defense, the best goalie, gamemaster midfielders, and strikers w amazing finishes and you'll still lose to an underdog team who has better teamwork and chemistry. or just one player decides "uk what? imma earn my paycheck today" and demolishes the other team.
2) psg is a joke. ill tell u right now. lose any and all expectations. we clown on them bc even if they played shit before but at least they were winning. now they're playing shit and LOSING! and thats the problem we have. the 4 personalities at once thing is absolutely correct. you have 3 well seasoned forwards who are used to being the "it" strikers of their team. on top of that we have NO MIDFIELD AND A SHIT MANAGER WHO CANT GET A TACTIC OUT OF HIS ASS EVEN IF I SHOVED IT IN THERE MYSELF!!!... sorry i lost it a bit there lol.
3) as yes transfer window closing. see that's also Galtier and that fuckin toad incharge of players who DIDN'T MAKE A TRANSFER UNTIL LAST MINUTE AND LET CHELSEA FUCK THEM OVER. and sorry to burst ur bubble but there's a chance key players might leave/retire by that summer so lets hope they promise them to bring in an actual proper midfield by then.
4) So another thing to consider if one of the reasons u chose psg was for messi... i wouldnt. This isn't his club. this is his retirement club. ramos too actually. they've finished their careers. they actually have absolutely nothing to lose LOL. messi's heart will always be in barcelona. as in he literally knows nothing else except barça
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5) injuries suck. but they are a part of the game. if u play any contact sport u know the feeling. even non-contcact sports there r still big injuries. everyone is hoping kylian gets better soon. he needs all the rest he can get 🤲🏼.
6) Our secret weapon? BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! prayers i guess. nah im kidding. but there really isn't any secret weapon unless u count galtier deciding to pick up a tactic book? or leaving and getting replaced by pep or zidane. to use ur weapon analogy we have a dented shield that still works (defense) and a bunch of bullets (forwards) but no gun (midfield) to load them.
7) ik u were joking about that last part but the parasocial relationship?? do ur absolute best to minimize it. like as someone who's been watching the beautiful game since i was a kid its okay and fun to joke about it and worry/send love to ur faves but u have to remember: those are grown ass men getting payed hundreds of millions to kick a ball around while those in their cities that pay to watch them are in heating/housing crisis. so when we eat the rich ill be cutting them up w tears uk?
hope this helped LOL.
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troubleisfree · 5 years
You are a real Neymar fan since years and that's so amazing! Can you tell me who that lil girl Ariana is that met Ney today? What's the story behind?
Haha I call it my neymar hobby because it is both time consuming and costs money but it gives me such pleasure. I haven't followed him all the way back since his Santos days tho. My first awareness of neymar was during Spain v Brazil in 2013 (pique got a straight red for his tackle on ney). Then I really noticed him in the wc 2014. I saw that horrific moment when he got hurt. I started googling him after that for days to see if he'll be ok. Then, for personal reasons, I only followed football on and off, nowhere near the dedication I have now. But i came back full force during for 2016 Olympics, and got sucked in ney's life. I spent a ridiculous amount of time watching and reading literally everything neymar. And then that final, that penalty, the immence pressure on ney, the way he did it and then just crumbled in such a relatable human way...that was it for me!
And it's been like this since then. I'm not blind to his shortcomings but I love the guy and rejoice in his successes and happiness, I am sad when things are not going well for him, and I am angry and irritated when he does something stupid, so I am definitely emotionally invested.
The thing with being a neymar fan is that he is guaranteed to provide you with the full spectrum of feelings and just go on to take you on a wild emotional roller coaster.
Are you a fan? How did it start for you and what is it like?
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heartsoftruth · 8 years
lol it's funny that out of all ney's friends it's GUI and cris I can't stand that he is hanging out with lately 😩Cris because out of all his friends I think he lives off of Ney the most and brags about it on his SM,plus his racist post about an Arab guy..GUI I can't remember why but haven't been fond of him since ney's santos says.
Yeah I kinda have the same with Cris after that Snap of him… But he does work for GagaMilano (probably via Ney but at least he works). With Gui I personally have no problems at all. He looks like a very sweet guy with a great - humble - family. Not one to buy insanely expensive things or anything. __________
ANON: “ONLY pple who think there is nothing wrong/off about Jo,Gil,Gustavo,the others and even possibly Rafa not being at his big party are Brumars who are on cloud 9🙄 because any sane person will question their very OBVIOUS absence! If what it takes to make it work with her is distancing himself from friends&family, then boy needs to set his priorities straight bcause this same girl was mute when the whole of Brazil wanted his head on a stick during Olympics and only pple by his side were his family”
It’s indeed really weird to see them not spending NYE with Ney.
Let’s hope that now she will say something if he gets the same amount of critic he has received this season. I hope she does if it happens again.
ANON: “Bruna isn’t fooling Rafa at all lol. We got an official Brumar photo before any official pic of Bru and Rafa hanging out. I guess Rafa is sooo done trying to be friends with her. I’m sure they’re civil and polite with each other but u can tell that Rafa doesn’t want to be close friends with her. I just hope Ney doesn’t distance himself from his family and loyal friends just to be with his gf. This is not what an enduring relationship is about.”
Well we did saw her having lunch with Ney and Rafa when she was in Barca the first time.
ANON: “Wtf im i reading bruna got what she want got rid of Davi? Hahahha shes loves children why would she hate Davi?!! Plus as far as i remember ney never celebrated nye with davi since he was born lol. Nadine and ney pai were also there. I expected jo&gil to be there too tbh but Maybe they wanted to party hard bang Girls instead of to hang out ONLY with couples.”
True. Carol also said - years ago - Davi loves Bruna. Of course he’s older now but I’m sure the bound they had will come back within time.
I’m not sure if Nadine was at the party btw 🤔 And there weren’t ONLY couples at his party. Besides Jo doenst look like the person that bangs all day err day. (Remember those teasing Snaps from Ney a couple months ago towards Jo?)
ANON: “Ash amor can i ask you if u would have a boyfriend and he would spend so so much time with his friends wouldnt u get annoyed? Is it to much to ask for to Take time for ur girlfriend especially in a long distancerelationship? A man should put his woman First (of course After Davi )I dont understand ur anons i mean who is going to suck his dick at the end of the day i bet not one of his friends lol. Sry i had to let this out 😌”
I don’t really understand this message; maybe because it was a reaction about yesterday’s anons. I presume this is a reaction to the complaints of anons that certain close friends of Ney were not at the party? If it is then:
I still don’t understand the message. Of course you want to spend private time with your boyfriend. And I already said that if Ney has a gf he can’t have 9171717 friends over at his house 24/7 anymore. But during this holiday many of Neys friends have been with him for daaaaaays in Rio and also some of Bruna (I don’t know many of her friends but i know a few where there at least sooo probably more that I don’t even know the name of xD).
And many of Neys friends where there expect the ones he’s been hanging with since day one almost? (Besides Cris & Gui). He didn’t spend private time with Bruna during this holiday because he was constantly surrounded by his friends. Everyone expect Gil,Jo, Gustavo and Joao… THAT is what confusing people. That “everyone” was there expect for them.
(I hope you get what I mean because it’s kinda hard to explain for some reason)
ANON: “Has Neymar always hung out with these people or is he just doing it for Bruna? I don’t remember a time where we got this many videos of him during his down time unless he posted them himself. If these are his new "friends” he needs to bring his old ones back again because it’s creepy and really fucking annoying how many videos they record of him where he’s not paying attention like they’re paparazzi rather than his friends.“
He has hung out with many of them before and is friends with them. Not this long as far as I can remember haha. Most of them are celebrities themselves (at least the one he’s posing with on his snapchat/Instagram/stories.
That’s something he himself allows them to do. He could have also asked them not to film that much. Tho I have to say I was kinda surprised David Brazil didn’t Snap much. Maybe Ney did say to him he wasn’t a loud to snap 😂😂
But I don’t think many of the people like Thiaguinho, Bruninho, Gabriel Medina etc are people you should worry about. They’re ok. 😊
ANON: "I am not sure I like that Ney is hanging out with bruna’s publicist?? also, why does her publicist hang out with her even for private moments? Is her whole life one big PR stunt after the other..even the kardashians who live for fame and attention don’t hang around their publicist all the time…everyone knows there needs to be a boundary between publicist and client otherwise lines get blurred on what’s private and her publicist was sharing way too many videos/pics dropping hints bfore NYE”
I have no idea. I presume they are really REALLY close 😉 Maybe just like Ney and Alvaro have become really close they’re too. Only I think he also represents other clients; while Alvaro’s only focus is Ney.
But I just presume they’re really close friends. __________________
ANON: “Ney ddn’t even visit his NJR institute which he always does :( was hoping for a picture of him and the kids”
Oh yeah I didn’t even think about that. But he did play in 3 charity matches this time. So maybe that’s the reason.
ANON: “Nice to see Neyfinha together during training but are you sure that Gil and Jo didn’t travel with Ney? Jo is Neymar’s brother and they always travel together and spend NYE together since they’re family. This is so strange. Also, Rafaella didn’t really spend much time with her brother? They were at the same parties but she was with her own friends and they didn’t take many selfies this time around 😕😞”
Gil and Jo weren’t at his party. And Gil is still in Brasil. Jo I’m not 100% sure but he has been with Gil the whole time so I presume they will travel back to Barca together. We didn’t see them in the video. That’s for sure.
I don’t know if Rafa was at his NYE party tho…
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