#a vehicon chilling teaching the prime and no one being able to stop him
lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
one of the more random asks but I was thinking what your thoughts on flier oppy would be? like him being a triple changer (is that the term???) or smth
Triple changer? Sure why not. Not sure if you want a story or just some thoughts, so I will give you a random story idea since that seems more in line with your request.
Triple Changer Prime
Orion Pax was not a triple changer, he was solidly a grounder by any and all definitions. He was raised with wheels and did not have an interest in the skies beyond avoiding the seekers and other flight frames that found it to be great fun to dive and poke fun at land locked mecha.
But then the Matrix decided in its infinite wisdom that the mech who had never once taken to the skies needed to have wings. Thus during his ascension to become a Prime, Optimus was forged with a lovely set of wings to go with his wheels. That change ended about as well as one might have expected it to. Simply put, Optimus had no fragging clue what he was doing.
Flight was not something he took to handling with the ease and grace of the ancients. No, his first attempts were messy and reminiscent of a newspark. He had no teachers amongst the Autobots in no small part due to almost every flier having joined the Decepticons. This mean that he was nearly entirely on his own, leading to... interesting attempts to fly. Once he figured out how to transform he quickly found himself shooting off into the skies with force greater than expected. He will never admit it aloud, but he did in fact scream as he failed to find a way to control his flight path. He ended up transforming halfway and tumbling toward the ground trying desperately to slow his fall through the use of his wings and thrusters.
He crashed in spectacular fashion and needed to get several reconstructive repairs done to put everything back where it belonged. After that incident it became abundantly clear that Optimus needed to get an actual flier to teach him or stop flying altogether, a possibility that was largely out of the question for numerous reasons not limited to just the war effort. Optimus's very code demanded he fly at least once a stellar cycle, and thus he did his best to fumble his way through learning.
Without a proper teacher, he was limited in his learning options, and thus he spent a great deal of time watching vehicons and seekers fly and transform. He observed quietly and did his best to mimic them, but quite possibly due to his size, he never quite figured out how to do it properly. He could get into the air easily enough and flying as an armed combat aircraft was not too different from driving if there was nothing in his way. But of course the moment obstacles became an issue Optimus found himself losing control and hastily trying to transform and use his blades to catch himself on something and slow down that way. More than once he had to be retrieved from the top of some skyscraper that he landed on in an attempt to avoid falling to his death.
Optimus panicking and throwing himself into the skies after Megatron a handful of times certainly didn't help. He was not at all proficient in flying, much like fighting while in the air. Most of his close brushes with death came from those incidents. His lack of flight ability couldn't be fixed by the Matrix whose wielders had all but been entirely grounders. It got bad enough that in the end Jazz threw in the towel and went to get Optimus a teacher by the only means he knew. The entirety of Optimus's inner circle very nearly choked on their energon when Jazz turned up to a meeting with a Vehicon bound and dragging along behind him.
Jazz: I got you a teacher!
Ultra Magnus: JAZZ! We do NOT take Decepticons into base-!
Jazz: What? Its just one Vehicon! Besides Op needs someone competent to show him out to use those wings of his.
Prowl: It's still a Vehicon!
Jazz: So what? The little dude will be stuck with Op all cycle long. What's he gonna do? Stab the Prime with his itty bitty claws? I think Prime is strong enough to stop a clone from killing him.
Jazz: Besides, Op has almost died more because of being unable to fly than because of anything else. I think this is a risk worth takin.
Optimus: ... As much as I am loathe to admit it, I do require a teacher. If this Vehicon will suffice, then so be it.
It was not exactly the most friendly of meetings, and Optimus's new teacher was not pleased with his situation much. It was... tense to say the least. For a long while the Vehicon said nothing and gave no wisdom whatsoever. But as with almost all things, Optimus took his time and steadily managed to befriend his new 'teacher'.
While his inner circle were impatient for him to learn, Optimus was in no rush. He took his sweet time slowly getting used to his new teacher, even going so far as to urge the Vehicon to take on a designation as they spoke. Often it was nothing too big, but he would bring his teacher some energon, speak with him on almost every matter that he thought might intrigue the Vehicon, and was not at all opposed to asking for his opinion. With time his captured mentor opened up to him slowly upon finding himself treated like an actual Cybertronian instead of an expendable resource.
In response to his kindness, Optimus found himself receiving simple direction from the Vehicon. When he attempted to practice on his own, his 'teacher' gently offered advice on how to take off that was never repeated but always appreciated. Then he would sometimes find the Vehicon waiting with an energon cube after an attempted flight. Other times his teacher would even join him in the skies, gently nudging him along and easing Optimus's fears through dutiful direction. With time the Vehicon even started to teach Optimus how to work with his newfound codes rather than fight against then, even going so far as to teach the Prime songs to help him focus.
It was a slow development, but the Vehicon proved unwilling to kill Optimus and thus ended up losing the shock collar on his neck. His Decepticon insignia was scrubbed and his bindings removed and was allowed to roam as he pleased so long as he came when Optimus called. This was generally allowed to be since none wanted to touch what Optimus had interest in. The Vehicon took great joy in abusing his powers as the Prime's favored companion. Often he would strut around like he owned the place and make a show of not having to go off to fight. He was hated by most of the Autobots, but around Optimus he was perfectly reasonable and taught the Prime kindly.
Jazz grew to regret his decision to bring the former Decepticon back deeply when the Vehicon in question took Jazz's spot on Optimus's desk. There was not a fragging thing he could do about it and both Jazz and the Vehicon knew it. By the time Optimus was capable of flight and fighting while doing so, the Vehicon was no longer needed. But by that point he and Optimus were close enough that there was no getting rid of the former Decepticon, especially after he took to the skies to aid Optimus in a battle when he saw it getting dire. The Vehicon could have left during that battle, but he did not, and thus earned the begrudging acceptance of most of the Autobot troops.
Optimus learned to fly, and in return one Vehicon was forced to be amongst Autobots and isn't even upset about it. When Optimus left for Earth, the Vehicon even decided to come along. Thus out of a team of elite Autobots, one singular Vehicon hung around happily and never raised a digit for anyone except for Optimus.
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