#a very merry ChrisMas 2022
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✨ AO3 collection ✨
day 1: snow / cold / ice skating ❄️ Chris the snowman - a collage by @just-barrow​ Thomas is Sick-mas - a fic by @angryessays​
day 2: decorations / mistletoe / lights 🎄 handmade - a fic by @just-barrow​ Chris Kringle - a fic by @ficklefernweh​
day 3: baking / dinner / hot cocoa ☕ two tragedies  - a fic by @greenandhazy​ fast food - a fic by @just-barrow​​
day 4: dancing / carols / party 🕺 A Very Merry Chris-Moose - a collage by @academia4me​ be the end of heartache - a fic by @reinikainen​​
day 5: gift wrapping / cards / giving 🎁 put a bow on it - a fic by @just-barrow​ forty years - a fic by @just-barrow​
day 6: cozy / warmth / sweaters 🌟 Cozy Chrismas - a collage by @just-barrow​ Pass the Time with Me - a fic by @greenandhazy​​
day 7: free space! 🎅 Chrismas Wrapping - a fic by @angryessays​ Christmas in the Village - a fic by @angryessays​​
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myrnadalgleish · 1 year
for @averymerrychrismas2022 day four's prompt 🎄✨️❄️
Three dances.
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just-barrow · 1 year
✨️ A Very Merry Chrismas day 3: dinner ✨️
fast food Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Chris Webster  Rating: E Words: 1338
Chris crowded him against the sink and nosed along his jaw. “There's no one here.” He raised an eyebrow. His expression was dangerously mischievous. 
Thomas knew that look. “No. Absolutely not.”
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ficklefernweh · 1 year
Chris Kringle
They had very little to clean after the party as their friends insisted on helping with the dishes and putting the flat to rights. However, Thomas noticed that the floor surrounding their Christmas tree, which was more similar in appearance to a bush, was predictably covered in green needles. Thomas had been resistant to the idea of a Christmas tree in their home, but when Chris had a notion stuck in his head, it was nearly impossible to dislodge it. On principle, Thomas refused to admit that he enjoyed the small, popcorn-strung fir. He made sure to moan about the needles on the floor if he saw them before Chris had a chance to sweep them up. Regardless, Thomas grabbed a broom from the closet and swept the needles into a tidy pile, enjoying the fresh smell, as well as the sight of the baubles they had made.
“I thought that was my job?” Chris was leaning against the bathroom door frame.
“It is, but I thought I would pitch in since you’re sliding down chimneys tonight.”
“I’ll be a disappointment to the little children, running late as I am. My Santa suit will need to soak a while longer.”
Thomas glowered at their friend, Frank, who had fallen into a drunken slumber on the sofa and decorated the red suit with his own sick earlier in the evening. A theater connection had loaned the costume out to Chris after extracting a solemn oath that it would return to the rack unchanged.
Chris thoughtfully stroked his Santa beard. “The stains seem to be lifting, so poor old Frankie should be allowed to leave with his life.”
“We’ll see,” Thomas replied aloofly, swiping his eyes up and down his lover’s scantily clad form. He was down to his undershirt, pants, socks, sock garters, Santa hat, and the white beard. Chris strolled over to the sturdy armchair next to the tree and looked at Thomas with clear invitation.
Thomas raised an eyebrow, “I’ve already sat on Santa’s lap.”
“Come on, Thomas, you’ve been such a good boy.”
Thomas looked over at Frank, who was snoring softly on the couch. He grinned and settled himself into Chris’s lap. Chris loosely placed his arms around Thomas’s waist and rested his red “velvet” clad head on Thomas’s shoulder.
“I have been, haven’t I?” Thomas replied, as he gently took hold of the downy beard.
“You have. I thought it was good of you to not strike Frankie when he couldn’t guess ‘The Invisible Man’.”
Thomas scoffed, “You’d think he’d never played charades before.”
“He did well for himself until he had his second ‘dolly Thomas’.”
Thomas continued to stroke Chris’s beard, “I don’t know whether to be pleased or insulted that you named that after me.”
“Why be insulted? It’s strong, dark, memorable, drives men to madness…” he said against Thomas’s ear.
Thomas chuckled lightly as the beard tickled his face. He had grown more accustomed to the complements, but some of them still made his face heat. After Chris’s release, it had taken Thomas time to adjust and accept open admiration.
The two men had a lot of adjusting to do. In the past year, Chris had filled out again and lost the hungry, hollow-eyed gaze. Thomas lost the ever-present tension in his shoulders. In a way, they both had spent the year re-learning to be their own masters.
Thomas reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a sprig of mistletoe tied with a red ribbon. He held the mistletoe above their heads and slowly pulled down the man’s beard. Chris’s eyes were heavy-lidded as their lips met. Their kiss was sweet, slow, and tasted faintly of dolly Thomas.
Chris smiled as the kiss broke, “I knew you’d get me under the mistletoe tonight.”
“An’ if you want more where that came from, you’ll have to follow me…” Thomas disentangled himself from Chris and sauntered to the bedroom with mistletoe in hand. Chris hurried after him, his interest evident in the thin cotton pants. 
Thomas’s braces were already hanging loose against his thighs when Chris entered the room. He quietly closed the door and gazed intently at Thomas slowly unbuttoning  his shirt. Thomas' heart was beating quickly but his hands remained steady. He only ceased when Chris finally drew close. Thomas held back an inelegant noise as the other man opened his trousers and pants with precise but jerky movements. His hardening cock sprung free. Thomas was glad he had decided against long underwear, despite the weather.
Chris breathed in, “I am a lucky man.”
Thomas unbuttoned Chris and tugged his pants down, revealing Chris’s own leaking prick. “Not as lucky as I am.”
Chris laughed, “Happy Christmas, love.”
Thomas kissed him again, stepping backwards until his calves hit the bed. He pulled Chris down on top of him. While the mistletoe lay trampled on the rug, they still managed to make the yuletide gay.
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academia4me · 1 year
A Very Merry Chris-Moose
Inspired by ‘One Man’s Trash’ by @greenandhazy, one of my all time favourite ChrisMas fics.
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I always picture this version of Thomas as ‘Love Life’ era RJC. And the Chris is of course from Hullraisers (no moustache though!).
They’ve been together a few years by this point. Chris’s rainbow pinboard is now crammed full of their favourite photos (including the cat!). Two new editions this year - an invite to Evie’s Christmas party, and a card Thomas HAD to get Chris.
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The event is now CLOSED!
A big thank you to everyone who created works, read, reblogged, and commented. You've all helped put a spotlight on the good ship Chrismas this week, as it deserves! #justiceforChrisWebster
All works can be found on this blog and the fics are collected here. A masterlist will be posted once your mod has recovered from the Christmas festivities ;)
We wish you gentle and joyful holidays, and a wonderful 2023 ✨️
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thomas Barrow/Chris Webster Characters: Thomas Barrow, Chris Webster Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Knitting, Domestic Fluff, Christmas, Gift Giving Summary:
Thomas and Chris start a new life running a lodging house in York, and Thomas has to make adjustments.
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just-barrow · 1 year
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✨️ A Very Merry Chrismas day 6: cozy/warmth/sweaters ✨️
Wishing you all a very cozy Chrismas!
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just-barrow · 1 year
✨️ A Very Merry Chrismas day 5: cards ✨️
forty years Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Chris Webster  Rating: G  Words: 719
It was the summer of 1967.
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just-barrow · 1 year
✨️ A Very Merry Chrismas day 5: gift wrapping/giving ✨️
put a bow on it Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Chris Webster  Rating: T  Words:  356
“Alright, Burt Reynolds, how long have you been lying there?”
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thomas Barrow/Chris Webster Characters: Thomas Barrow, Chris Webster, Original Characters Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Trust Issues, Crying After Sex, Cooking, Slow Dancing Series: Part 2 of The Importance of Being Summary:
Chris Webster is free from York Prison. He has a job at Downton Abbey, and a cottage, and a man he loves desperately—but months after their initial rift, Thomas is still holding him at arm's length.
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just-barrow · 1 year
✨️ A Very Merry Chrismas day 2: decorations ✨️
handmade Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Chris Webster  Rating: G  Words: 328
“Do you like it?” Chris asked hopefully.
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just-barrow · 1 year
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✨️ A Very Merry Chrismas day 1: snow ✨️
a modern AU where Thomas is bummed because he has to work during the holidays, so Chris shows up dressed in a very shoddy homemade snowman costume to try and make him laugh (it works)
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We officially declare the event OPEN!
The AO3 collection (AVeryMerryChrismas2022) can be found here.
Please don't forget to tag us in your tumblr posts and use #A Very Merry Chrismas 2022 so we can share!
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Less than a week to go now...
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