#a very very rare event today: Nick recommended a song to me!
ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: May 11
"Natalie” by Bruno Mars
4 notes · View notes
31 May 2019
Have I Got Views For You
Alongside three Peston Geek of the Week badges we can now add an appearance on Have I Got News For You for IfG charts. Ian Hislop seemed surprised by the appearance of  'A graph on a comedy show' - he should check out the open (data) mic night vibe of a Whitehall Monitor launch or a Data Bites event...
The most up-to-date version of that chart, and our other resignation charts, is here - and thanks too to BBC News for including a number of our charts in their summary of Theresa May's premiership, the beginning of the end of which began as this newsletter went out last week.
The end of May is likely by the end of July, once the Tory party leadership contest is complete. Having overtaken Gordon Brown this week in terms of time served, May will boot the Duke of Wellington out of the way shortly, followed by Neville Chamberlain, before falling short of Jim Callaghan.
Her resignation speech highlighted two data-based initiatives as successes: the race disparity audit (which we welcomed at the time, and which the women and equalities select committee applauded while demanding better data) and the publication of gender pay gap data. There have been a few other open/data initiatives of note, such as the Home Office crime map, which Paul reminded me of during this event. But May's premiership - if it is remembered for anything other than Brexit - will be remembered as an object lesson in opacity and secrecy, hindered by her closed style of governing and decision-making, on everything from Brexit to the disastrous dementia tax announcement. Ben Worthy's 2017 piece and 2018 piece on these issues are still well worth reading. It should prompt politicians to consider a more open style of leadership in the 21st century, as an opportunity as well as an obligation. But it probably won't.
Political support for the open government agenda has undoubtedly weakened, to a concerning degree. The UK finally published its Open Government Partnership National Action Plan this week, many, many months late. (Full disclosure: I'm a member of the Open Government Network steering group in the UK.) Thanks are due to the civil servants who got it over the line. But Tim's take on the 'lamentable' state of open government and his disappointment with the Plan is required reading (see also Mor's pre-publication pessimism). We can rightly blame the political situation and political disinterest for a lot of the problems; we *can* find positives in the plan (the contracting commitments are in line with our recommendations, amongst others). But there is a need for some civil society soul-searching. What are we trying to achieve from and through open government? Are we trying to bring together too many disparate areas, interests and groups under one heading? Are we after big, headline-grabbing initiatives or smaller, more practical business-as-usual steps (and did we get either)? Where do we go next?
This is a more optimistic development. Though the less said about Justin Trudeau's session at the Open Government Summit in Ottawa, the better, by the sound of it...
This side of the Atlantic, we've had the European elections to contend with. Putting the politics to one side (*knowing look to camera*) it's a great opportunity to compare how different outlets treat the same data - see the many, many links below. The fact the elections were somewhat unexpected in the UK may have been a blessing - rather than money wasted on thoughtless 3D graphics we got simple, succinct storytelling. (Though I do wonder whether we could think even more deeply, and, well...) There may be some more to come from us on this, too - keep an eye on our explainer, Aron and Lee.
I've rambled on far too long. In part, that's compensation for what will be a very short W:GC next week, if it appears at all: after hosting our third Data Bites on Tuesday night (come! or livestream! and put Wednesday 3 July in your diary for the next one!), I'm heading to Berlin for a conference and then preparing for the Orwell Foundation's Barbican residency.
And if you've not had enough of me, you can keep track of the IfG's future technology in government project here, and you might even hear me if you tune into Radio 5 Live this morning...
Today's links:
Graphic content
D'Hondt you want me baby?
European Election 2019: UK results in maps and charts (BBC News - includes this one)
European election latest results 2019: across the UK (The Guardian)
GB - final results (Europe Elects)
Thread: change in leave/remain areas (Will Jennings)
My Euro-election post-vote poll: most Tory switchers say they will stay with their new party (Lord Ashcroft)
2016 referendum vs 2019 election (Ross Atkin, via Lee)
UK’s European election results: four key findings* (FT - more here from John Burn-Murdoch, via Lee)
If the results were translated into GE constituencies... (Peston, by Chris Hanretty - more here)
Two-party share (Aron for IfG)
Context (Johnny for IfG)
D'Hondt you want me? Oh
EU election results 2019: across Europe (The Guardian)
European elections 2019: Live results (FT)
European Elections (Politico)
European Parliament Elections 2019 (Bloomberg)
European Election 2019: Results in maps and charts (BBC News)
Europa von links nach rechts (Zeit Online)
So hat Europa gewählt (WAZ)
Elections européennes 2019 : les résultats en sièges, pays par pays, et la future composition du Parlement (Le Monde)
Elections européennes 2019 : les résultats par département rapportés à la population (Le Monde)
Flow of votes: Italy (via Leonardo Carella)
Centrist liberals gained the most power in the EU Parliament* (The Economist)
Don't you want me baby? Don't you want me? (No)
Charting Theresa May's premiership (IfG)
May overtakes Brown (me for IfG)
Theresa May: Premiership in six charts (BBC News)
May and Corbyn are now the most unpopular PM and opposition leader duo of all time* (Telegraph)
How the competition to succeed Theresa May has played out over the past year, based on the implied probabilities of betting odds (Alasdair)
Liberal Democrat leadership contests – how do they work? (IfG)
Westminster needs to pay attention to the European election results – in Northern Ireland (IfG)
India general election 2019: What happened? (BBC News)
Are Blowout Presidential Elections A Thing Of The Past? (FiveThirtyEight)
The power switch: tracking Britain's record coal-free run (The Guardian)
Temperature change visualized in 10 different ways (Antti Lipponen)
Migration flows in the European Union (via Alberto Cairo)
Neighborhood Disparities in Investment Flows in Chicago (Urban Institute)
Help us name your neighbourhood (UK Parliament)
Child mortality is an everyday tragedy of enormous scale that rarely makes the headlines (Our World in Data)
Today at @TheEconomist we published a new data-driven IG Story with a lot of data and a bit of gamification (Francesco Zaffarano)
Sport and leisure
Six? The ICC Cricket World Cup (Simon Beaumont)
Monaco Grand Prix 2019: 60-Second Animated Recap* (The Upshot)
SCALING EVEREST* (Washington Post)
How English clubs re-conquered European football* (The Economist)
WHAT CHARTS SAY (Elijah Meeks - reminds me of a chart I use in our dataviz training, alternative take here)
Examining Implicit Discretization in Spectral Schemes (or, whether rainbow colour schemes are bad - Visualization Design Lab)
Meta data
UK National Action Plan for Open Government 2019-2021 (UK Government)
Statement by UK Open Government Network at #OGPCanada (UK Open Government Network)
The lamentable State of Open Government in the UK (Tim Davies)
From Enthusiasm to Stagnation: The Tale of Two Countries Ahead of the OGP19 Summit (Mor Rubinstein)
The sum of our parts: Open Organisations
Tech Billionaires Think SimCity Is Real Life (Jacobin)
The ‘Smart City’ is as much a political challenge as it is a technology challenge (bytherye)
London’s TfL and Toronto’s Google Sidewalk Lab both show that cities need better ways of managing data (CityMetric)
JOB: Communications Manager (360Giving)
JOB: Band B2 - Analyst / Data Scientist - Civil Service People Survey, Analysis and Insight (Cabinet Office)
The team I work for at @TheEconomist is looking for a new data visualisation designer. Let me tell you why you should apply (Marie Segger)
GDPR One Year On (BBC Click)
Taking Next Steps to Harness the Value of Health and Care Data (Future Care Capital, via Nick)
What can the NHS learn from learning health systems? (Nuffield Trust)
Related (Harry Evans)
How could new metrics help to end homelessness? (ONS)
Everything else
Parent trap: WhatsApp groups are feeding our fears* (The Spectator)
DIGITAL SOCIALISM? (Evgeny Morozov, New Left Review)
ANTHOLOGY: TECH AND INNOVATION (Delayed Gratification, via Pritesh)
The FOI request related to @GDSTeam's Submit #GaaP service (stopped after discovery) has come in... (via David)
Translating Principles into Practices of Digital Ethics: Five Risks of Being Unethical (Luciano Floridi in Philosophy and Technology)
And finally...
D'Hondt leave me this way
Lib Dems, bar chart, but... (Stephen Tall)
When you crash the chart they prepared. (Terry Reintke MEP)
Fun framing of Shetland (Matt Smith)
Honestly my take away from this chart is that donuts are healthier than I thought (Dr Glaucomflecken, via Pritesh)
National Biscuit Day... (NCVO)
Everything else
Less words in Game of Thrones (Joanna Robinson - and yes, I know, that's the joke)
Eurovision Song Contest: a market basket analysis of voting patterns and international relations (Gwilym Lockwood)
#AI (Florian Roth)
A People Map of the US, where city names are replaced by their most Wikipedia’ed resident (The Pudding)
Remember the 3D map I did of the local election results? Well... (Jamie Whyte)
0 notes
podcastdx · 5 years
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
Jean: [00:00:16] Hello and welcome to PodcastDX. The show that brings you interviews with people just like you whose lives were forever changed by a diagnosis. [00:00:24][8.7]
Lita: [00:00:26] I'm Lita. [00:00:26][0.2]
Ron: [00:00:27] I'm Ron. [00:00:27][0.2]
Jean: [00:00:28] And I'm Jean Marie. [00:00:28][0.5]
Lita: [00:00:29] Collectively we are the hosts of podcast dx. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment. Always ask the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking any new health care regimen never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. [00:01:03][33.6]
Lita: [00:01:05] On Today's podcast We are going to be talking about the human papilloma virus. And the FDA approved. HPV. Vaccines HPV. [00:01:14][8.9]
Jean: [00:01:18] (sing-song-rap) Are you down on HPV? [00:01:18][-0.1]
Lita: [00:01:19] (sing-song-rap) Yeah! You know me! [00:01:19][0.1]
Ron: [00:01:19] (clears throat) Ok Then. I've heard this a lot but. Please tell me what. Does HPV stand for? [00:01:24][5.2]
Jean: [00:01:25] HPV stands for human papilloma virus. And there are over actually 200 viruses that are considered to be HPV. Viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control. About a quarter of the population currently have HPV infection and nine out of 10 individuals will get an HPV infection at some point in their life. [00:01:46][21.2]
Lita: [00:01:47] And most cases of the infection are taken care of by the body's own immune system, right? [00:01:51][4.4]
Jean: [00:01:51] That's right. Some HPV infections though can lead to cancer later in life. [00:01:57][6.0]
Ron: [00:01:58] Well how does somebody get an HPV infection? [00:02:00][2.3]
Jean: [00:02:00] Typically through skin to skin contact. According to research. Some studies actually suggest that HPV could. Even be spread through something as simple as a French kiss. But it's the skin to skin contact. [00:02:13][12.3]
Ron: [00:02:14] Well. Why is that such a concern? [00:02:16][2.0]
Jean: [00:02:17] Studies have shown that it. In HPV infection and can lead to cancer. Including cancer of the throat tongue. Tonsils. Cervix the bulldog vagina. Anus. And. An HPV infection can also lead to warts. On the body. And non cancerous tumors. Of the respiratory tract which can interfere with breathing. [00:02:37][20.0]
Ron: [00:02:38] Well is there anything we can do to reduce our chances of getting an infection. [00:02:42][3.7]
Lita: [00:02:43] Absolutely. There are three preventative vaccines currently. Gardasil, Gardasil 9, And. Server. They're all approved by the CDC. The vaccine can actually help prevent future HPV related illnesses and cancer. [00:03:01][18.4]
Jean: [00:03:02] And right now in the U.S. Gardasil 9 is the vaccine that's being given. [00:03:07][5.2]
Lita: [00:03:08] OK. Well, it just surprised me that according to the Mayo Clinic the vaccines can actually protect against cervical cancer. [00:03:16][7.6]
Jean: [00:03:17] That's right. [00:03:17][0.2]
Lita: [00:03:18] And then, I don't know is there a link between HPV and breast cancer. [00:03:21][3.3]
Jean: [00:03:22] There's still research that's being done on that. But we've seen a possible link between HPV and breast cancer. [00:03:26][4.4]
Ron: [00:03:29] Well who should get the HPV Vaccination. [00:03:31][1.7]
Jean: [00:03:32] Right now. The CDC recommends that males and females between the ages of 9 and 14 years of age should receive two vaccinations. So they receive one vaccination and then receive the second vaccination approximately six months later. Those between the ages of 15 and 26. Will actually receive. Three vaccination doses. So they'll receive one. Vaccination. Two months later something one in six months after that they'll receive the third vaccination. But you should always consult. Your health care provider to see which that the definition schedule. Would work best for you. [00:04:06][34.1]
Ron: [00:04:07] OK then. Is there anyone that shouldn't get the vaccine? [00:04:11][3.5]
Lita: [00:04:12] You should probably discuss your concerns and any concerns that you have. Regarding the HPV vaccine with a qualified physician. The CDC warns that some individuals with a severe life threatening allergic reaction to any of the components in an HPV vaccine should not get vaccinated for HPV. [00:04:32][19.6]
Jean: [00:04:33] Just like when you're going to get a flu vaccine they ask you if you have any allergies for that kind of thing, that flu vaccination. And if you are pregnant, Allergic to yeast, are suffering from any serious illnesses. You should always consult your physician before getting vaccinated. They don't recommend pregnant women, or people with severe allergies to yeast, get vaccinated with a HPV vaccine. Or if you had a reaction in the past to another vaccine or to any HPV vaccine. [00:05:01][27.7]
Lita: [00:05:01] Right. Well that's often how they say always consult your physician before getting vaccinated for where they think they're going to get their getting vaccinated. Where do they think they're going to get them? They are getting vaccinated at the physician. they've got to consultant them!. [00:05:12][11.1]
Jean: [00:05:13] Over the past 11 years there's actually been a hundred million doses of the HPV vaccine distributed in the U.S. alone! [00:05:21][7.2]
Ron: [00:05:22] What are some of the possible side effects of the HPV vaccine. [00:05:25][3.6]
Jean: [00:05:26] Well I'm glad you asked according to the vaccine. Adverse Event Reporting System which is where. Any side effects for a vaccination are reported the most frequently reported side effects are those that you would expect with any injection. So. These would include but not limited to fainting, headaches, Dizziness, nausea, feve, and pain and possible discoloration or inflamation at the injection site. So if whenever possible you should be seated before you get vaccinated. And if you feel dizzy. Then you want to remain seated. [00:05:58][31.9]
Lita: [00:06:00] But those arent really bad side effects. I mean, when you think that you're preventing a certain type of cancer. [00:06:05][5.5]
Jean: [00:06:06] Well, you're you're helping to prevent it. [00:06:08][2.1]
Lita: [00:06:08] Right. [00:06:08][0.0]
Jean: [00:06:09] Right. [00:06:09][0.0]
Lita: [00:06:09] I mean that's certainly worth it. [00:06:11][1.6]
Jean: [00:06:11] Right. In the time that we're reporting this the only HPV vaccination like we said that's administered in the U.S. right now is Gardasil nine. It covers more of the human papilloma virus. And as of December. 2017 . Of the twenty nine million doses of Gardasil nine. There were only seven thousand or just over seven thousand reported adverse events. And about three percent of those. Seven thousand events were actually considered serious in nature. [00:06:42][30.7]
Lita: [00:06:43] No not really a bad statistic. [00:06:45][1.5]
Jean: [00:06:46] No and if you can help prevent. Future incidents of cancer then I think it's well worth asking your physician about a human papilloma virus for you. Or your kid. [00:06:55][9.4]
Ron: [00:06:57] I do have a question though. Where it is about 3 percent were considered serious. What is considered serious? [00:07:02][5.1]
Jean: [00:07:03] Anything that. Requires. Sustained. Medical intervention or has sustaining effects. On your medical condition. So having a slight fever that goes away without being serious. Having a slight dizzy spell at the time of the vaccination I did not consider it serious. But if there is a serious reaction to what actually. Of those. Vaccinations. Of the. Millions and millions of vaccinations that were distributed. There were. Some concerns about a. Link between that and the Guillean Barr syndrome. But it's a very rare disease that damages. Your immune system starts to damage from nerve cells having muscle weakness and perhaps paralysis. But. Out of the. Millions of vaccinations. Only four. There only four reports of GBS. So I think that's still a rather low. Statistic. Or Statistics. [00:07:59][56.6]
Lita: [00:08:01] Yes kind of heard you when you're trying to cover so many different people. Somebody different people are going to have different infection. You can't cover everything that they're doing your best. [00:08:11][10.5]
Jean: [00:08:12] Right. And they said too that. A number of the. Incidents may have been the result of. An error where the vaccine was not stored properly or vaccination was given to someone who should not have received the vaccination. [00:08:24][12.5]
Lita: [00:08:25] So they might have been allergic to use. Like you were saying it was and didnt to the vaccine right. [00:08:30][4.5]
Ron: [00:08:30] So all in all it sounds like the benefits far outweigh. Any any of the adverse effects we could get from the vaccine. [00:08:37][6.2]
Jean: [00:08:37] I know. I was. In that age bracket or if I had children of that age I would certainly recommend that they receive a human papillomavirus vaccine. [00:08:46][8.5]
Lita: [00:08:46] Is this something that pediatricians are recommending to do. [00:08:49][2.5]
Jean: [00:08:49] Yes. The CDC has recommended as well. [00:08:51][1.8]
Lita: [00:08:52] I mean I haven't really heard too much about it. So you were kind of surprised by whether you brought it up and we were able to talk about it today. Thank you very much Jean. [00:09:01][8.9]
Jean: [00:09:01] No problem. I think most of the advertising been directed at the younger generation. [00:09:07][5.4]
Lita: [00:09:08] OK. Well that explains it. I dont listen to that. [00:09:10][2.3]
Jean: [00:09:13] M and M, And Nick at night. [00:09:14][0.8]
Lita: [00:09:14] No, Im on a different channel completly. [00:09:16][2.1]
Ron: [00:09:16] . Well that was definitely a very interesting. Conversation. I think I learned quite a bit myself. [00:09:25][8.7]
Lita: [00:09:26] I did too. Good topic Thank you. [00:09:27][1.3]
Jean: [00:09:28] Thank you. [00:09:28][0.3]
Lita: [00:09:28] Continuing with today's topic we will be interviewing Courtney Miller who is an integrative nutrition health coach. Courtney believes strongly in empowering women who have HPV to work on their diet to boost their immune systems which in turn helps fight HPV naturally. Courtney's book HPV free will be released on April 22nd on Amazon. There are approximately 15 million new cases of HPV every year in the US. As we discussed earlier there are many different types of HPV subtypes can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers. [00:10:11][42.7]
Lita: [00:10:13] Hello Courtney and thank you for joining us today. [00:10:15][1.2]
Coutrney: [00:10:16] Thank you so much for having me, it's My pleasure. [00:10:18][1.6]
Lita: [00:10:21] I understand that you have been diagnosed with HPV and found the strength and determination to assist others in fighting it through the holistic medicine approach including diet? [00:10:30][9.7]
Coutrney: [00:10:30] Yeah that's correct. I've actually had a long journey with HPV. My journey started back in 2010 when I was originally diagnosed with HPV and at the time I didn't know much about the disease or the virus at all. [00:10:49][18.5]
Lita: [00:10:50] Sure,. [00:10:50][0.0]
[00:10:51] And so I went off of you know what my doctor said which was just to wait and see. So I went ahead and went home and passed by a year and went back and from that point on it had changed into cervical dysplasia. And so I went on you know kind of long journey with trying to figure out what to do with that. A doctor would recommend a Leep the Leep is just a laser that kind of cuts in the narrow edges of the cervix to remove any of the mutated cells. I did go ahead and get a Leep and after that experience I went back and got tested and the dysplasia had returned actually worse than before and the doctors offered me another Leep. [00:11:33][42.6]
Lita: [00:11:34] Oh. [00:11:34][0.0]
Coutrney: [00:11:35] And when it was about that point when they were just offering me a second sleep and I just knew something else could be done here. So I started doing a bit of my own research and really started to learn how the body's immune system has the ability to heal this virus and what we can do to help boost our immune system so that the body has a better chance of clearing the virus and mutated cells of the cervix. [00:12:01][25.6]
Lita: [00:12:02] And thats how you got into the Integrative Nutrition portion of your career. [00:12:09][7.0]
Coutrney: [00:12:10] Correct, Yeah. So it was at that point that I started doing research and I really realized how important our diet is and how our body works and how our body is able to heal itself oftentimes when you go to the doctor they just tell you to wait and see which doesn't feel very empowering at all. [00:12:26][16.3]
Lita: [00:12:27] Right. [00:12:27][0.0]
Coutrney: [00:12:27] Really it's kind of more or more like the wait and worry approach you go home and you freak out and you're stressed out and you think of all the worst case scenarios. And when we do that we actually put our body into a state of stress and when we're in that state of stress our immune system is actually weakened. So I really want to reach out to other women to help empower them that they can do something to you know you can take that six months and you can make some changes to your diet you can improve your lifestyle and improve your chances of clearing the virus. So it's you know it was four years after that point after I refused that second Leep, that I did research I read every book I could find. I scoured the internet for articles and kind of put together my own prescription of what I was going to do to take care of myself. And a big part of that was my diet. It was mostly a whole food plant based diet. I didn't go strictly vegetarian or strictly paleo I don't really like to fit into one box. But I tried to eat healthy and listen to my body and I think that's the most important part you know using your body as a guide to know what you should be eating. You know for me I still included small amounts of meat and dairy for other people dairy doesn't work well with their system and it's better if they you know cut it out completely. [00:13:52][85.0]
Jean: [00:13:54] IWho knows you better than you. [00:13:55][0.9]
Coutrney: [00:13:55] Exactly exactly. So there was a lot of experimenting along the way. You know I would keep changing it up keep reading more trying new things but also trying to keep it simple. You know I think a lot of times we get caught up on looking for one pill or one supplement or you know one quick fix. And to me I knew if I was going to heal that I had to do an overhaul of my entire lifestyle and really look at not only diet but also the way I was living my life you know the way I was spending my time how I interacted with, you know, the people around me how I interacted in stressful situations all of those I think, play an important role in the healing process. [00:14:40][44.8]
Jean: [00:14:41] Sure it sounds like a very holistic approach and actually it gave you some control in this situation as well. [00:14:48][7.0]
Lita: [00:14:48] Don't you wish the doctors had the same insight. I mean it seems like what you're saying makes perfect sense. [00:14:55][6.1]
Jean: [00:14:55] Well I think integrative health and that whole approach maybe, you know, that's coming more into, I don't want to say, into fashion, . But yeah the whole integrative health approach is definitely in line with what you're saying Courtney. And it sounds like. [00:15:10][15.3]
Coutrney: [00:15:11] Right. [00:15:11][0.0]
Jean: [00:15:11] An amazing amount of work on this. [00:15:13][1.4]
Lita: [00:15:14] Yes. And you're staying so positive and and now besides helping yourself get through this you're also helping others by being a. coach. so do you actually work one on one with these people in the studio or gym or is the training done remotely. Tell us a little bit about the career that you chose. [00:15:33][19.6]
Coutrney: [00:15:35] Yes I've done most of my training remotely. I find actually women feel a little more comfortable to open up about such a delicate situation when we're on the phone. You know it's a little easier rather than face to face. Just talk to someone openly though. Often oftentimes I find remotely worked really well. And then that way it's fading you know both me and the client time from having to meet at a certain location. You can meet with me wherever you are. You can meet with me in your pajamas if you'd like. [00:16:05][30.0]
Lita: [00:16:05] (laughter) [00:16:05][0.0]
Coutrney: [00:16:06] You know I just want to make sure you know you're comfortable and so usually do one on ones. And as I started doing that more health coaching I realized that doing just one on one was really limiting my reach. I started seeing there's only so many clients you can work with one on one you know in any given amount of time. [00:16:26][19.4]
Jean: [00:16:27] Exactly. You're only one person. [00:16:29][2.0]
Lita: [00:16:30] Maybe clone yourself. [00:16:30][0.1]
Coutrney: [00:16:30] So yeah. Exactly. [00:16:31][0.6]
Coutrney: [00:16:32] But until then I tried to look at how I could expand my reach. So what I've shifted to doing is writing this book and spending more time on getting the knowledge out there to more women. And I'm still operating like one hour empowerment sessions to help boost and jumpstart your healing journey. But other than that I'm really looking at ways that I can connect with more women and really get the information out there to more women. So I'm trying to do more with the book now and looking to actually next year release some E courses online that women can work through at their own pace. [00:17:11][39.1]
Lita: [00:17:12] That sounds great. [00:17:13][0.6]
Jean: [00:17:13] Yeah you can definitely reach the masses. [00:17:15][1.7]
Lita: [00:17:16] Right now I know that you've done a lot of research since you were diagnosed with HPV but you can remember back to when the doctors first inform you. Did you know what to expect back then. [00:17:27][10.8]
Coutrney: [00:17:27] Absolutely not. Like many other women I think I was confused scared overwhelmed. I had a lot of questions and not a lot of answers no to a lot of the doctors HPV is so common that I was just another woman with HPV. But to me it you know it was affecting my whole life and my whole world and I had a lot of questions even if I didn't know what those questions were or what to even ask at first. So I didn't know what to think. And I had seen a couple different doctors and kind of got some differing differing opinions. You know one doctor told me that the virus would stay in my body forever while the other doctor told me that it would clear on its own. Either way I felt really powerless like there was nothing I could do or at least that's kind of how I felt after I left the doctor's office originally. Just like there's not much I can do I just have to wait and see what happens. And that I think is a problem with the health care system I think we should empower women if we're doing nothing but waiting and seeing in that six month we should take a look and see what what it is that we can do. So at first I had no idea I really had to do my own research on my own and what I learned is just to take notes to write things down to ask questions and to actually hold the doctors responsible to answer your questions and in doing that I felt a lot more empowered and more in control of my own situation and more in control of my own health care plan. And I think that was actually a big part of the healing process too when we're not sitting by as just a you know a patients you know we're not just a bystander to our own health care plan but take charge of it. We have a better chance of healing. [00:19:20][112.9]
Lita: [00:19:21] That's really amazing. You have the best outlook of anyone that I have ever met. [00:19:27][5.8]
Jean: [00:19:27] And it's very exciting that you can get your book is just coming it's just a matter of days and we can really that is a source of empowerment than anything. I just I'm very excited for you and I'm excited for all of us women out there every now have this resource available to say. [00:19:46][18.6]
Coutrney: [00:19:46] Yeah I'm pretty excited about it too. [00:19:48][2.3]
Coutrney: [00:19:49] I definitely put my heart and my soul into this book. I tried to keep it short and sweet and inspiring not overwhelming you with all of the information on HPV or specific diets that you should follow but getting you excited about being in charge of your own health care plan and starting to take action and showing you ways that you can take a little step that might add up to make a big difference when you go back for your next pap smear and say six months or a year. There's a lot you can do in that time to really change it. So I've tried to capture that in the book which comes out this Sunday the 22nd. And for those first three days I'm actually offering the book completely free so that Sunday Monday and Tuesday go to Amazon download the book app free to me it's really just more important to get that information out there get women inspired to do something about their health and get them taking action so that they feel more in control that they can make informed decisions about what to do next. In a seemingly overwhelming and sometimes scary situation. [00:20:54][65.3]
Lita: [00:20:55] Sure in and the title of your book again is HPV Free? [00:20:57][2.5]
Coutrney: [00:20:59] Correct. HPV free a holistic approach to boost the immune system and clear the infection naturally. [00:21:05][6.0]
Jean: [00:21:06] Okay. And we're definitely going to put a link on our Web site for people who want to find your book. And it sounds like I mean just read a great resource for those who've been diagnosed with HPV but it also sounds like a great resource for everyone who wants to take a more holistic approach to their health. [00:21:19][13.3]
Lita: [00:21:21] It's not just HPV what you're saying. Courtney will work with anybody with anyone's disease no matter what it is. Because like you're saying getting the stress out of your body so that you can heal better is such a big step. And that's probably the step that the doctors don't do. But your attitude and your coaching and your techniques. That's exactly what we need. [00:21:43][22.4]
Jean: [00:21:44] Yeah and we are so grateful that you took the time to tell us about this and to talk with us today and you're offering book free when it first comes out to reach more people out there and it's just an amazing amazing job that you've done here where we're proud to have spoken with you today. [00:21:59][15.6]
Lita: [00:22:00] Gosh yes absolutely. [00:22:01][0.8]
Coutrney: [00:22:02] So thank you so much for having me. [00:22:04][2.2]
Lita: [00:22:04] You know. Absolutely. COURTNEY Now this is your time to wrap it up and we'll let you say whatever it is that you want to say to our audience so that they can feel empowered today. Go right ahead. [00:22:16][11.3]
Coutrney: [00:22:17] Absolutely. So if you're out there if you've just been diagnosed with HPV if you've been told by your doctor to wait and see and you're at home and you're scared and you're nervous please understand you're not alone. This is nothing to be ashamed of and you're not dirty because of this. This is a common disease that many of us have and many of us will have throughout our lifetime and really opening up and finding others to connect with has really helped me. So you know find a friend talk to them about it and you don't have to have it all figured out to start doing something today. I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning. I just knew I had to do something. So I started making changes start you know making little changes to your diet adding a little exercise size you know spend a little more time giving yourself some love take care of your body you know love it and be kind to it and honor it and you will start to find your way. There's a lot of women out there. I do have a support group as well. On Facebook it's called Empower and shine and it's a support group for women who've been diagnosed with HPV and it's a great place to connect to start to get some ideas to start to move forward and feel a little more informed so that you can make the best decisions for your own health care. [00:23:41][84.0]
Jean: [00:23:42] That's fantastic. And also on any of the other social media sites for people to reach you. [00:23:46][4.3]
Coutrney: [00:23:47] Yes. You'll find me on Instagram as well at Shine Light health. And then on Twitter Twitter my handle is shine light heal. [00:23:55][8.2]
Lita: [00:23:56] thank you again. And you look forward to reading the book. [00:24:00][4.7]
Coutrney: [00:24:01] Thank you so much again for having me I look forward to sharing it with everyone out there. Absolutely. [00:24:05][4.2]
Lita: [00:24:07] If you have any questions or comments related to today's show you can contact us at podcast D X at Yahoo dot com through our Web site where you can link to our Facebook page and also see more information as we build our site. Please go to podcast D X dot com. [00:24:27][19.3]
Ron: [00:24:28] If our listeners have a moment please give us a five star review on item podcast. [00:24:28][0.0]
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