#a video of miku playing through fnaf
raidenfanclub · 1 year
Here's a list of things I've been obsessed with at one point or another/still am obsessed with
inspired by a post made by my bitc*-as*s-sister @deargodhelpmeaaaaaaaaa
this is like in order of when I was obsessed, going from elementary school to today (late high school)
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There's so many lmao- the ones showed above are like the most impactful interests I've had- I've liked other things, they just didn't rewrite my goofy brain like all these did
ok explanation time
Pokemon- absolutely loved these games as a kid. I gaslit my older sister into thinking pokemon were real when we were really young. Almost my entire elementary school life was defined by this series and I adore all my pokemon plushies.
FNAF- ok so my sister liked it, so then I liked it. Our neighborhood friend and us had a whole club centered around the characters and we kinned assigned ourselves with all the animatronics. I was Mangle/Foxy btw.
Zelda- Probably one of the most influential games of my entire life. I played through so many of them in the later part of my elementary school years and cherished my toon Link plushie. I literally considered myself ThE gIrL lInK and pretended I was him. Breath of the Wild came out when I was deeply obsessed with the games and also when I was having an extremely awful time in my life. Botw may have unironically saved me. This series is a cornerstone to my identity.
Undertale- My sister liked it, so then I did too. Me, her, and her best friend, kin assigned ourselves characters without knowing what kinning was. I was temmie and muffet btw. I loved this game- then hated it because thats what was considered cool. But nowadays I just love it because its truly an amazing game and I dont care about its fandom reputation anymore.
(ima mention mincraft- even tho its not listed- minecraft was another cornerstone of my happiness and identity)
Hatsune Miku (and just vocaloid in general)- another "my sister liked it, so then I did" i liked the characters and the music. Me and my sister went to an event for the Miku expo one time, and it was so much fun. (it was an event where everybody drew miku and itd be scanned for the "Blue Star" music video, i remember it vividly) was an amazing time. I still like some vocaloid songs and love miku. Some of my school friends say I'm the real hatsune miku because I own a miku cosplay lol.
Splatoon- Everybody in middle school knew me as the girl with the squid bag and zelda jacket. I adored splatoon with the release of splatoon 2. I played it with my friends, I played it on my own, I made big deals out of splatfest (to the point where my parents were like "oh its splatfest? that's ur favorite!!) this game also really pushed me into becoming an artist. I would spend hours trying to recreate the artstyle and for like 2 years, all i ever drew was splatoon art. Another cornerstone series like Zelda.
Persona- oh no another cornerstone of my identity series... I look back at these games very critically and nowadays am not a huge fan of the writing choices. But in middle school, when I first played these games- omg they made me a better person because of how much I wanted to be like the protagonists. I wanted to be a reliable friend like them, so I worked really hard to try and become a better person. Despite the problems in the writing, these games really did help me- also they were my introduction to shin megami tensei) I should also note, THE ART! Playing persona encouraged me to shift my cartoony splatoon style into a more semi-realistic anime style like persona. My art improved monumentally from how much I studied Soejima's illustrations. It really inspired me.
Evangelion- I actually read the manga first. I reread it a bunch because covid started up and I had it checked out from the library. We couldnt return them with covid restrictions so I just reread them a bunch. Then I eventually watched the show and just loved it. I got my sister into it a year after I did, and we made a tradition of watching End of Evangelion once a month. Also a major influence on how I view writing and my artstyle.
Shin Megami Tensei- OK ANOTHER CORNERSTONE BUT these games made me realize the depth video games can have. Even though some of the games are really on the noise with their themes- games like Nocturne and Strange Journey blew me away with their creativity. I have so much to say about this series but I will keep it concise and say that this may be my all time favorite series (though its a close contender with Metal Gear)
JoJo- First off, I adore the art so much. But my friend encouraged me and my sister to watch it, we really enjoyed binging the series- and then I read the rest of the manga (SBR MY BELOVED). But i think why i especially love jojo is the friends I made from it, I joined the Fandom wiki community (and although it had its toxicity) I met one of my best friends there and had so much fun drawing things for my online buddies and chatting. Im not on the wiki anymore, but i still talk to some friends from it- and I still really enjoy the series itself PART 9 IS SO FUN SO FAR!!
Monster Hunter- really mh rise, I havent gotten to playing the other games (YET) but me and my sister play thsi game together, its awesome, I love the monsters, I got really good at drawing dragons because I would constantly draw the creatures from this series. I own the mh world artbook and that thing has got to be the best artbook ever- its my bible.
NieR/Drakengard- the same friend who recommended jojo to me recommended nier to me (he's such a real one, absolute bestie) We were gonna play replicant together but he got grounded so he let me experience it on my own. And I adored replicant, it was so fun to play with zero expectation of what it was. the Nier games may have my favorite sort of aesthetic but also I love its characters and its writing. Of course, when I got into Nier I went and played Drakengard also!!! Me and my sister played all these games together (tho she didnt play replicant with me, she just walked in on the most crucial plot points) But we played Drakengard 3 together, (ultimate sister bonding experience) and even though drakengard 3 IS SO FLAWED, we had a lot of fun. The Final Boss (which took me 3 weeks to beat btw) was so much fun for us (i still refight it sometimes) ... We of course played Drakengard 1, we spent $130 to get it actually, played it all (i suffered thru obtaining ending E) and we though it was awesome. Still havent played Drakengard 2 yet, but one day. I love this series for its writing, characters, aesthetics, and being able to discuss it with my evil sister.
Genshin- i dont wanna talk about it. I played it with friends, made me happy to become closer to ppl by playing it. I like some of the characters. ok bye...
Metal Gear Solid- My sister says I had the ultimate character arc by going from being obsessed with Genshin to being a die-hard Metal Gear Fan. I played all the games in late 2022, and it's probably the most brainrot I have ever experienced for a series- absolutely a cornerstone series. Everything about it is just awesome. I could go on for hours. I HAVE GONE ON FOR HOURS (to my poor friends) I literally made my tumblr just to look at metal gear fanart. The games inspired me to finally get better at drawing realism, and some of my most iconic art has come from my fanart for the games. I love my friends in the fanbase too, its awesome. I think about Metal Gear every single day. Never missed a dose of my metal gear fangirlling pills.
Silent Hill- My sister and I were playing sh2 together, then didnt play it for 6 months, and then I played the entire game without her (sorry maddy) Im still going through the 1st game and have the 3rd one in my backlog- but the atmosphere and psycological horror in these games is everything to me. The creature design and lighting choices have inspired my art, and I think about these games all the time. The latter half of sh2 actually terrified me a bit, and horror games dont really scare me.
Resident Evil- I have no idea how I got into the games but I played re4 over winter break this year, and realllly liked it- I adore Leon and I don't care what anybody else claims, HE IS MY MAN. But after re4 I played re2r and re7, and I just love the gameplay and the characters. Even if the games are really goofy and not really scary (I have balls of steel, re7 didnt scare me, but i loved the tension) But i love the goofiness and how campy they are. Me and my sister played re5 together and made a bunch of silly jokes- making resident evil multiplayer was the best decision ever. I can't wait to play the rest of the series.
Trigun- My most recent obsession (although it coincides with my silent hill and resident evil hyperfixations), I had first watched the show like 3 years ago- REALLLY LIKED IT- but didnt finish the anime. And then never touched it until I saw stampede's first episode. I went a watched the 1998 anime and read the manga. I can't describe how much this series has come to mean to me and it literally won't leave my head. I don't like stampede. I love the animation but I just can't. It's a-ok if your a fan, i genuinely see the appeal but you'll only catch me talking about it if its either about peak quality animation or a 3-hour rant about my problems with the writing. THE ORIGINAL SERIES HOWEVER! means the world to me. I reread volume 10 like 6 times and cried eachtime. My friend explains things to me in "trigun" terminology" as a joke when we have personal conversations. I love trigun so much.
Ok there's def more things I really enjoy, like Nijisanji, Ghost-n-pals, Chainsaw man, Death Stranding, Honkai Impact, Sailor Moon,,, the list goes on. But Everything I wrote essays about are my most physically obvious obsessions
Nijisanji actually deserves its own paragraph but im tired lol.
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flipperdipper10 · 1 year
Hey, remember that sekai fnaf AU idea what if I wrote for it so part 1 of that
Chapter 1: Saki’s Dilemma
Saki could hardly pay attention in class.
Her teachers knew why, everyone knew why. It was all over the news after all. Who wouldn’t feel pity for the girl whose brother was reported dead? The disappearance and assumed death of Wonderlands x Showtime had taken the world by storm. Trending on social media sites, video sites trying to explain what had happened in a biased perspective, people pleading with Phoenix Wonderland to make a statement on the situation... it was impossible to be ignorant of the events. Saki was told to take it easy, to rest her heart and do whatever it took to properly process the events. It was a miracle the stress didn’t get the better of her.
Her bandmates were (rightfully) worried about her. Tsukasa Tenma was, while annoying, a major supporting force in both their band and Saki’s life. He lit up the room wherever he went. He was Saki’s world in the hospital, a way to feel connected at home even when she couldn’t be there. Tsukasa was constantly there for her. And now he could never be.
Even the Sekai was worried about her. Luka and Rin were both talented at picking up Saki’s feelings better than others. And once they knew what had happened in reality, they immediately pieced two and two together. But what could they do? All they could do was give her someplace to sort through her feelings and mourn. And in Rin’s case, supply an endless number of hugs.
The accident, the landslide, happened a week ago. Geologists had a sneaking feeling that it was going to happen- there was a cliff close to the park location that they had had a watch on for years but only now did it choose to break. The landslide knocked into the east wing of the park, tearing down the fish coaster and knocking over the trampoline dome. Even attractions that weren’t hit by the initial wave of land were taken down after the fact by falling attractions that were. The park staff played a major part in the evacuations, Emu’s brothers knew of the danger the landslide could have posed and as such made the exit to the park incredibly open and easy to access at any given time. And thanks to that, none of the park-goers got hurt. 
But the Wonder Stage cast and crew never made it out. No bodies were discovered, only minor possessions. A phone. A wallet. A costume piece. The authorities assumed the four were dead. There wasn’t anything to disprove it, so that was the story that was went with. But it couldn’t have been that simple. Why didn’t anyone look for the Wonder Stage cast during the landslide? Why didn’t anyone go back for them? Why was it that only after the landslide happened did people think to check? Her grief was mixed with countless questions.
And when her brain was filled with questions, there was only one place she could go for answers.
She pushed open the door to the Sekai rooftop, slowly walking to the center of the roof. A small smile came to Saki’s face as she looked straight up into the sky. Each glittering star twinkled. “What do I do...?” She asked them, sitting down onto the ground. “Nobody is telling me anything. Nobody is explaining anything. What am I supposed to do?”
Saki fell onto her back. “I just wish... I knew what really happened to him.”
The door to the roof was pushed open. Saki quickly rolled onto her stomach and into a sitting position. “Miku? What are you doing here?”
Miku closed the roof door behind her as she walked over to Saki. “I had a feeling that someone was in the Sekai, but I couldn’t quite figure out where they were. So you were the one I sensed.” She looked down. “Mind if I sit with you?”
“Did something happen today?” Miku asked, lowering herself to the ground. 
Saki shook her head. “Oh, nothing bad happened today!” She said, “But... my head’s all filled up. I just need to clear it.”
“I see...” Miku could take a guess as to why Saki was feeling like this. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Can I ask for some advice?”
“Something about everything with the landslide just doesn’t seem right.” Saki explained. “I don’t feel like I know the full story of what happened at Phennyland, and I don’t think anyone wants to tell me. Maybe they don’t know it either. But the idea that nobody went to go see if the Wonder Stage needed help evacuating... it doesn’t sit right with me. They were one of the most popular stages in the park. Plus, Tsukasa isn’t exactly quiet.” She laughed, before looking back up at the sky. “But why did nobody think to check? I can’t wrap my head around why.”
Miku silently listened. “So, you’re wondering why nobody looked for your brother?” She asked, repeating Saki’s question back to her.
Saki nodded. “Yeah! It just doesn’t make sense. I tried asking the police but they just said, “what’s done is done”.” She said, putting on a fake (and horribly mimicked) cop accent as she pretended to be one.
“Why don’t you take a look around the park yourself?” Miku proposed. “If you feel the police had missed something, maybe taking a look for yourself might be best.”
“That’s... I had never thought to try that.” Saki admitted.
“Is the park blocked off to onlookers?” Miku then asked.
She nodded. “I think so. They don’t want people coming in and getting hurt. But I doubt that they watch the park too intensely at nighttime. I could probably sneak in once it gets dark.”
The idea of going in at night had Miku concerned. “If you do decide to go, promise me you won’t go by yourself, okay? Bring Ichika, Honami, or Shiho with you. Don’t do anything that could get yourself hurt.” 
“I don’t think they’d support a late-night adventure...” Saki admitted. “Shiho would think it’d take away from resting or practice. Honami doesn’t like spooky things, and I don’t know if Ichika would want to go either...” She thought for a moment. Would anyone want to go with her? Who would be willing to travel to an abandoned amusement part incredibly late at night with possible risks to safety involved? And it’d have to be someone who wouldn’t worry about Saki’s health with staying up late and overdoing things... 
Well, there was someone who came to mind. Someone who knew a lot about Phoenix Wonderland, someone who knew one of the stage members personally, and someone who had gotten more confident in going outside later at night.
“Thank you, Miku! This really helped! I think I know what I want to do next now.”
“I’m glad I could help.” Miku said. “But promise me you won’t push yourself too far, okay? And... if you come across something you don’t want to see, promise me you’ll take care of yourself first and foremost.”
“I will. If anything gets really scary or weird, I’ll hightail it out of there!” Saki promised her. She got to her feet, pulling out her phone. “And... thanks for always hearing me out.”
Miku smiled. “Fufu. It’s what we’re here to do. You seem to be doing a little better now.”
“It’s because I’ve got some hope now!” Saki said. “I’m going to get to the bottom of all this, and I’ll get some answers!” With that, she paused Untitled and disappeared, waving to Miku as she left Sekai.
Once she was gone, Miku got to her feet. “I hope Saki can find what she’s looking for...” She mumbled, before turning around to the rooftop door. “Rin, you know if you wanted to join in all you had to do was ask.” Miku said, seeing two bright ribbons peering out from the doorframe.
Rin playfully gasped. “Miku-pyon saw us! Quickly, escape!” 
Miku could hear several sets of shoes scrambling downstairs. Quickly, Miku ran over to the door. “Wait, hold on! What’s going on?”
Rin turned to face her, and not just her. “All the girls too?” 
Honami nervously laced her fingers together. “Saki was missing during lunch, so we thought she might’ve come here. And Rin proposed we all look for her.” She explained. “But it seems like you had everything under control, Miku.”
Meanwhile, Shiho didn’t seem pleased. “But going to the abandoned amusement park at night? That seems really dangerous... plus going late at night could put her health at risk. She could get another cold again.”
“I-I’m sure Saki would at the very least bundle up and sleep before going!” Ichika protested, defending the keyboardist. 
“But are you sure it’s a good idea, Miku-pyon?” Rin asked. “Shihocchi’s right, it seems pretty dangerous.”
Miku shook her head. “It can’t be that bad. If the place is guarded during the day, then there shouldn’t be anyone else in there with them, right? And so long as she doesn’t go alone, it should be fine.”
Rin frowned, still not convinced. “I don’t know... I’m getting a bad feeling about all of this.”
“I’m sure it will be just fine.”
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marzzthehuman · 15 days
time to yap about myself because I want to!! these are totally random facts so yeah. don't expect good grammar this is a yap not an essay
i have read both Warrior cats and Twilight. (I have read every twilight book and own ~45 warrior cat books)
muppets. ily Muppets. my favorite Muppets are Wembley (fraggle rock), Big bird (sesame street) and cookie monster (sesame street)
i have 5 siblings. lol. 1 biological sister and 4 step-siblings (yes all from the same side of the family. they are all my stepdad's kids) 2 stepsisters and 2 stepbrothers. My biological sister is the youngest and one of my stepbrothers is the oldest. here's oldest to youngest . Stepbrother1, Stepsister1, Me, Stepsister2, Stepbrother2, Sister. (fun fact me and SS2 are a week apart, me being a week older hehe. she is more mature than me though.)
my mom said I'm going to be the shortest out of all of my siblings (cries in 5'2 1/2"
i used to watch a lot of LPS music videos except like all on YouTube kids which it was kind of crazy how much got on there (there were multiple LPS popular episodes available on there too...)
i used to harass my mom on Minecraft. spawning tons of villagers, cats, and/or dogs, flooding her house, etc.
ive been a doctor who fan since I was 3
my favorite vocaloid songs are All I Need Are the Things I Like by PinnochioP and nyanyanyanyanyanyanya by daniwellP
in 2020 I found out what Hatsune Miku was but not really because when I googled her I didn't get any helpful information except something about Google banning her??? (along with the fact I didn't do any other research than that) then two years later learned what she actually was and now here we are ily miku
in the summer of 2022 when I got REALLY into Miku I found out about pjsk but didn't really care about it but then a few months later in December I was bored and remembered the game existed so I was like yk what lets try it. so here we are now. funny enough, I pretty much just started out the game only caring about Miku and skipped through the 'this is what this is' things so I had NO clue what was happening. in may 2023 I was scrolling through TikTok when I came across a ruikasa video and you see where that got me. got me into the game overnight and had to figure out the game on my own because I actually started caring about the other things besides the music part. (also a few months prior I had done my very first gacha pull because it was the fluffy Dreamland gacha rerun and I wanted Rui SO BAD without knowing anything about him and also not knowing you can train cards so imagine my shock when I finally figure out you can upgrade cards and I see I have the card I desperately wanted a few months prior. I also got the Nene card too I guess. my first 4*)
once I was really invested in this one youtube video about what would happen if all the humans disappeared and idk I thought it was interesting
in 2020 I was obsessed w that strawberry cow song. and then a year later when Washing Machine Heart was popular realized the og version of strawberry cow (Strawberry Blonde) was made by the same person (Mitzki)
when FNAF first came out I was not scared AT ALL and a year ish later despite my mom's protests I would hide in my closet and watch game theory about it beside me being very young. somehow I was not scared??? and then once my friend told me about circus baby and ballora (I was scared Ballora was in vents and holes in the wall but it wasn't that bad) and we would pretend we were Sister Location characters on the playground. (I was Ballora and she was Ennard. we also got some other people to play it as well) I was also obsessed with this one fan song at one point (You Can't Hide by CK9C) my first memory of me actually being scared of FNAF was in 2020 when I was scared glitchtrap/William afton was in my closet
i found out I was aro/ace when at an after school thing this person (they were a friend..ish??) was like 'who wants to kiss me' (or something like that??) and I was like 'uhh me ig' so then we did and then a few days later they gave me a note that said 'i like u' on it and that had me stressed out along with the fact I was sick. (I didn't have a fever and I wasn't throwing up so my dad decided I was well enough to go to school. it thought it was just a 'feel bad in the morning" thing but I just got worse throughout the day.) so I never gave a proper response to the note. the next day was the start of a 4 day weekend and I woke up in a fever-induced haze (I had just woken up from a weird ass fever dream about the office. yes the show) and in that fever-induced haze my brain was like 'oh wait I'm aroace' and I was like 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' so yeah that's how that happened (dw I texted the person and was like 'sorry I literally just figured out I'm aroace I am so sorry' and they were like 'ok')
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minkdenmilo · 3 years
✌️ Dream SMP Character Headcanons ✌️
Note: These are alll... A) For the characters lmao and B) Mainly jokes and just like- based off vibe these are in no way serious
+ Pours Mountain Dew in his cereal instead of milk
+ Buys the majority of his clothing from Walmart and Ross
+ Genuinely enjoys Arby’s and Chili’s food
+ Definitely had a cowboy phase as a child
+ Probably is allergic to shellfish but eats it anyway because he like the taste- then gets confused over why he has hives
+ Owns at least a few items of ironic Peppa Pig merch (probably a backpack or a mug or something)
+ Has an irrational hatred of hamsters and an irrational adoration for chinchillas
+ Has Dr. Doofenshmirtz monologues memorized and will recite Phinease and Ferb lines when bored
+ Went through a major Bruno Mars phase as a child
+ Has probably dabbled in stage magic and knows how to do basic card tricks
+ Will drink honey straight from the container if left alone for too long
+ Collects Webkinz and/or Beanie Babies
+ Likes to listen to music when doing mundane tasks but keeps the volume up way too loud
+ Unironically likes Lisa Frank based things and owns one of those rainbow dog folders to keep important documents in
+ Probably a good student when he applies himself but half the time he just doesn’t focus
+ Gives off “will bully Freshman” energy but in reality he would be the type to befriend new students and be actually pretty nice
+ Can and will drink any form of alcohol- including antiseptic rubbing alcohol if not stopped
+ The type to buy a pinata and fill it with non-candy items (like bagels) just to fuck with people
+ The type of person to go outside in the freezing cold in shorts and a tank top and go outside in the sweltering hot in a black hoodie and jeans.
+ Cries while listening to the Shrek 2 soundtrack sometimes
+ Special talent is making origami- half the time he doesn’t even need a tutorial he just can figure it out
+ Went through both a pirate Captain Hook phase and a fairy Tinkerbell phase as a child (probably more a pirate kid though tbh)
+ Favourite video game is Stardew Valley
+ Hates Club Penguin, much prefers Animal Jam
+ Either dropped out of college after one year or is double majoring like engineering and accounting there is no middle ground
+ Will cry after eating spicy food- regardless of the actual spice level
+ Obsessed with games involving counting- like the guess how many beans in the jar kind of counting games
+ Likes Caramelldancen and that one upbeat Hatsune Miku song way too much
+ Can accurately guess the height of nearly everyone he comes across
+ Watches Game Theory FNAF videos to help himself fall asleep
+ Has watched Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared way too much (especially the Love themed episode)
+ The type of person to dress up elaborately for every day of spirit week and come decked out in class colors for Pep Rallies
+ Sings while doing mundane tasks such as cooking or cleaning
+ Probably liked Disney Channel original movies as a child more than she cared to admit
Captain Puffy
+ Eats the foil on chocolate easter bunnies by accident a lot
+ Only knows how to play Chopsticks, Heart and Soul, and Kumbaya on the piano but will play them whenever given the opportunity
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spookyraman-blog · 7 years
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This is for author’s purposes, to anyone lurking. This first post is here to give myself an idea of all mediums I will consider covering.
Horror: Fiction meant to scare.
Behind the scenes/set trauma and paranormal action.
Coincidence or consequence?
Classic Horror movie critiques, reviews.
What makes a horror movie? Where do the stories come from?
What about remakes?
The “Jumpscare”
What defines the “horror” genre, the “thriller” genre, the “suspense” genre, etc.?
What makes a lasting impact on viewers?
Horror fans vs. Horror haters
the “based off of a true story” cliche 
Movies based off of books
What makes an antagonist? A protagonist?
Marketing in horror movies. 
The classic “found footage” films and their history
Blair Witch
Horror movies in different cultures
Tim Burton?
James Wan
Weird movies
The Silence of the Lambs
Horror novels, stories, books.
Urban legends of the world
Legendary horror stories birthed from the internet (i.e Slenderman, Bed time.)
What makes fiction writing scary?
Famous horror novelists (Stephen King, R.L stine)
Books turned to movies (was the original better?)
Short stories and their impact.
What makes writing scary? Compare to the other mediums, such as visual, physical, and musical horror.
The plot in horror books
characters in horror fiction
Banned horror books?
Books like Coraline
Dante’s Inferno
Video Games
Why are horror games so popular? (The basis of let’s plays, pretty much, pewdiepie got famous off of amnesia.)
What makes a horror game?
Fandom vs. Lore (Ex: FNAF)
Sequel games, trilogies, etc. compared to a one-off game.
Games like Outlast vs. Resident Evil (Run and hide vs. Shoot and Kill)
Isolation horror games (you’re “alone”)
Enemies in horror games,
The input of the player in horror games, and horror aspects based off of player involvement.
Plot in video games, how the player progresses through the story arc.
A successful horror game vs. An unsuccessful horror game.
Cultural Horror games, i.e American vs. Japanese, etc.
Marketing in horror games.
Other genres of video games vs. horror.
VR games
Future of horror games?
The “Jumpscare”, as seen in basically all horror games.
The “Chase” (think Outlast)
Horror game reviews, ratings, critique.
Games vs. other entertainment, like movies and books. 
Purpose in horror games?
What do games offer to the horror genre?
Where is the horror genre in the game industry? Is it as big as fps/adventure games/etc.?
Is there a “formula” in horror games? 
Horror adventure games, horror survival games, horror fps, etc.
Games based off of movies/books
Different horror songs
Can horror/thriller songs belong to different genres as well?
What other genres?
Songs like “I’m sorry I’m sorry” vs. Ambient game music, like the original Fire Temple Theme in OoT (the one with chanting)
Religious music
Music in games, movies, other productions
How does it add to those productions? is it the only reason that thing is scary? 
Music as a way of telling a horror/terrifying story (Korn)
Death Metal; not necessarily “horror” but dark music
Random spooky songs off of albums
Cursed songs/sounds?
Pink Floyd-esque music, like “one of these days”
Creepy music, stuff that keeps you up at night
Music that you have to listen to a lot before you realize how creepy it is (Skrillex’s Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, KILL EVERYBODY, etc.) 
Atmospheric music
Ambient Music
Music with a lot of noise (bacterial contamination by Hatsune Miku)
Music by drug addicts
Music with weird messages
Webseries and productions: reviews, messages, etc.
Alan tutorial, Marble Hornets, Clear lakes, Wyoming Project, that one Sleepwalking one
Professionally Produced series reviews, like Supernatural (NOT THE FANDOM), Stranger Things, American Horror Story, etc.
Who made them? Were they based off of real things?
Fandoms vs. Lore
“Based off of a True Story” 
How does the series pull in its views? 
The classic “cliffhanger” in horror/suspense series
Season Finale vs. Filler Episodes
Random horror episodes in normal series
Series based off of internet urban legends, like Slender Man with Marble Hornets, 
characters based off of real people/ideas.
The fandoms, oh god
Horror: Real phenomena, documentations, the stuff that movies are “based off of”.
Investigations, Hauntings, Possessions/Exorcisms
Famous Paranormal Investigators
 Ed and Loraine Warren
Cultural stuff, legends, holidays like the Mexican Day of The Dead.
“Haunted” Places and Investigations that have occurred there
Les Catacombes
Religious stuff
Purgatory, Hell
Unsolved Mysteries
Is a house actually haunted?
Abandoned Places 
Why was it abandoned?
dolls especially
No, not “found footage” movies
Stuff like the Amityville horror, actual documentaries. 
any other factual, real events
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