#a violent white man who electrocuted harley to the point of permanent brain damage
catoscloves · 2 years
#not shipping something is fine#and i get that lena definitely seemed queercoded#or like a lesbian suffering from comphet#i also didn't particularly enjoy any m/f dynamics on the show that involved lena#but like interracial m/f ships are still important rep#and no matter what it wasn't okay to be racist assholes#bullying james's actor#or compare james to a canonical slave owner/abusive white man#i get that the show and guardianc*rp is long over but the way that some of y'all treated characters/actors of color#for the sake of a fanon white wlw ship#yikes#lmao anti blackness seems to run rampant when it comes to superhero comics converted into live action films/tv#i may not have been motivated enough to watch the flash but i heard how sn*barry fans treated iris and westallen#because iris was black and the woman in the comics wasn't#and how j*rley was somehow a better choice in the movies over quinnshot#a violent white man who electrocuted harley to the point of permanent brain damage#as opposed to deadshot who was fond of harley and protective over her#and didn't want to risk her life#he refused to kill her at waller's command#i wonder where it went wrong#or why the kiss scene was cut out#and quinnshot is popular as a 'brotp'#anti jarley#anti supercorp#i'm not saying SC fans are anywhere near the level of j*rley#just pointing out the common pattern in the terrible treatment of black characters#(i know for a fact that james was a white man in the comics and i assume karolsen was taken more seriously as a relationship because of it)#and i believe deadshot was too
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