#and i believe deadshot was too
deadliestfishinthesea · 3 months
Love always comes back (like a boomerang) Pt. 2
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How you meet Captain boomerang while working undercover for A.R.G.U.S. (and eventually fall for him)
Part 2.
the real story begins after this one (and the romance too)
1.400 words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54019207/chapters/136825786#workskin
“King Shark showed promising signs of composure since he got admitted here. It's his first time outside.“ officer Cash walked up to her, staring out the window with a frown, „He shouldn't cause any problems.“
The weather didn't change. Y/n squinted to see if it was raining or if she was just imagining it. It was hard to be sure when glass separated her from the outside. She took a sip of her coffee, but winced and put it down on the windowsill. Still too hot.
“Oh, please. Look at him.“ Y/n gestured with her hand, “If I didn't know any better I would think it's his first day of school.“
The shark was out in the yard, sat on a bench that was much too small for him and glancing at anyone who passed by him. He almost looked lost.
“When are you going to talk to him?“
“You think he's got potential?“
"It doesn't matter what I think. That's up to Waller.“ Cash hummed and nodded, but Y/n continued, „But yeah. He does.“
“Hmph, what about the Aussie?“
“What about him?“
“Waller already approved him, no? Oh, and didn't he save you in the yard the other day or something?“
“You could say. A fight broke out, I was in the middle of it, he took the fight away from my direction.“
Y/n still remembers it clear as day. They replaced the broken table by now but when she looks out at the yard she can still imagine Harkness slouched over the other prisoner, blood dripping from his nose and his knuckles. She doesn't exactly know how to feel about the whole situation, but maybe that's because she doesn’t let herself think about it too much. Every time she remembers herself in the medical facility at the foot of Boomerang's bed, she tries her best to think about something else.
He huffed out a laugh, “I'm just glad that other guy's in lockdown now. What was it, Rambo?“
“Rango, right. And the others?“
“Well, there's the doctor gone rogue and the man who never misses. You tell me.“
Y/n read all of their files. Harley Quinn, Dead Shot, Captain Boomerang and King Shark. All deadly, all wanting to get out. She never saw Harley Quinn in person, only photographs, and she would lie if she said she wasn't curious to meet her. Out of all the convicts she was assigned to evaluate, she was most excited to meet another woman with a degree in psychology, even if this one was apparently insane. She saw Deadshot once, but remembered how he looked. And she was almost in awe when hearing stories about his shooting skills, because as hard as they were to believe, they were all true. King Shark is unlike anything she's seen before. She felt like she was reading a fantasy novel when researching about him and his origins, and it baffled her to see such a seemingly powerful creature sit all shy on a yard bench. And then there's Captain Boomerang. His records were insane. She was in a briefing about a month ago and she remembered Colonel Flag say over a call that it would take at least two reams of paper to print out his full rap sheet. And it wasn't exactly a lie. She nearly had a stroke when researching about his past. Among other crimes, the man had nearly a hundred counts of burglary to his name. Who robs a hundred fucking banks? He does, apparently.
Cash went to say something but both his and Y/n's comms lit up and a male voice spoke trough the radio.
“This is watcher-09. Report to the north wing, Mockingbird wants to see you.“
Suddenly her coffee was long forgotten. They both looked at each other in silence until Y/n spoke up.
“What's Waller doing here?“
The trip to the north wing was short. Cash pushed open a big door and walked into a large room filled with rows and rows of computers, with an enormous monitor covering the whole front wall. It was uncanny to see the room completely empty. Y/n followed him in and stopped next to the giant monitor, and in front of them stood Amanda Waller, holding a manila file in her hand. She dropped the file on a desk.
“Doctor, I'm afraid your time in Arkham is over, you're being relocated to Metropolis under Colonel Flag's command. Cash, I need all my convicts ready.“
“What happened?“ Cash inquired.
“Metropolis has been invaded. We are sending Task Force X on the field and there's no time for evaluation, either they're ready or they're not.“ she slid the file across the table to Cash.
“They are, ma'am .“ Y/n said and Waller looked at her.
“Did you talk to all of them?“
“No. Only Captain Boomerang. But I've done my research.“
Waller nodded, “You've given me no reason to doubt you so far, doctor.“
“Thank you, ma'am. When am I leaving?“
“Right now.“
Wind gushed around and picked up small debris as the helicopter lowered to the ground. The door opened and Y/n stepped out, clutching her rifle. A tall man with a mellow expression on his face walked up to her, shouting so he's heard over the loud whirring of the helicopter.
“Y/n?“, he outstretched his hand, „I'm Colonel Rick Flag. They call you doc', right?“
She grabbed his hand and shook it, „That's me. What's the situation?“
“We're continuing travel on wheels. Anything that flies around here is an easy target.“
As they walked to a group of trucks the helicopter started leaving. They stood in the outskirts of Metropolis, surrounded by burnt down trees and collapsed buildings. She could see the outline of the city in the distance, and the giant alien ship hovering over the sky, its mechanical tentacles weaving through skyscrapers, and it seemed as though it engulfed the entire city. Her blood ran colder by the second, and she held her weapon tightly as she watched everything. Flag spoke again, not yelling this time.
“What's the situation in Arkham?“
“Waller's getting her Task Force ready.“
He was quiet for a second until they reached a truck. He turned to her, “So the circus is actually joining the defense?“
She nodded.
“And you're the one who picked them out?“ He looked at her pensively.
“Waller picked the members. I was just there to… provide extra precaution.“
“Make sure they're insane enough to do this, huh?“
“Aren't we all, Colonel?“ She smiled bitterly.
“Damn right. But that there's another type of crazy. Gotta make sure to keep 'em in line.“
“And how does Waller plan to do that?“
He was quiet for a second, searching for his words.
“You ever heard of a bomb injector?“
She sat in the back of the truck, relaxing into her seat as much as she could. So, it was finally happening, she thought. She wondered if the criminals would come out of this with their heads intact. Literally. In all honesty, she hoped they would. Even though she didn't have a direct say in it, Y/n was still involved in choosing the prisoners for the Task Force and sending them to their potential deaths.
A memory slipped into her head, then. Her in the medical facility, standing at the foot of Digger's bed, after he just saved her. Willingly. She thought about that often. He didn't have to step in, didn't have to earn bruises and stitches and isolation time just so she wouldn't be hit. But he did it anyway, and he didn't expect anything in return, either. That made her wonder. If he could do something selfless like that, could they all? Was there any good left in them? In him? But it didn't matter now. There's a chance she won't ever see him again, whether that be because of his death, or maybe even hers.
And she wasn't sure it if was from lack of sleep, or hundreds of destroyed homes, or maybe even because of the weather, but now she sat in the back of a truck leading to a dangerous combat zone, and she just regrets not thanking him properly.  
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jaxxsoxxn · 2 months
That one scene from Hercules the Disney movie
Captain cold : I can’t believe you’re getting so walked up about some hero
Captain boomerang : this one is different. He’s honest and sweet. Captain cold : oh please 
Captain boomerang : he would never do anything to hurt me 
Captain cold : he’s the flash 
No, 'cause Boomer is probably so defensive about it. Cold would rather die than admit he cares, but he saw how Speedster can and will fuck you up, so whenever the two r just chilling around him, he gets full-on nitpicky.
Because of Flash's speed healing, I honestly doubt he has a lot of scars, especially from Digger, but the other way around? It's never anything too dangerous, usually a smaller cut that healed badly in the prison or something alike, but he has more than many scars from our fav Speedster. It's nothing that's too noticeable usually and his biggest harm was breaking his nose once or twice, which with how many times it was broken already makes it less than worth noting...
...for anyone, but Leonard Snart himself and his picky nature. Does he intend to make Flash feel bad with his snarky comments? Not exactly, but he's happy with it, even if they won't break up. Golden Glider absolutely adores it and tries her best to comfort Digger by saying "It's just in his big brother nature", but she's also not sure about what Flash wants from this relationship.
I wrote before that the JLA would need some time to understand that Digger is dating him without a second reason, but the Rouges? Some of them would eventually accept that Captain Boomerang and The Flash are dating just because they like each other and no-one is planning on changing their sides, even if Boomer is already on the grey-ish spectrum (tho most Rouges enjoy being on the grey-ish spectrum), some of them would never understand.
Trickster, for one, adores the fact that he can now hang out with the Flasher and just fool around! He's pretty fond of it and Boomer looks 100 times happier than before, so he's okay with it as long as it won't mess up anything.
Mirror Motherfucker- I mean, Master likes that he can annoy Barry more, but his fun is usually cut short because if there's one thing this man can do, it's running. The second Boomer is ready for their date or just happy to get somewhere else, he disappears. Him and Mirror boy ain't becoming besties any time soon, sadly. Lisa, who adores M&M(s), is a little sad because of it.
I feel like Captain Cold could warm up to the idea- (haha, get it?) but over all, he would not be a fan. You can see your totally-not-friend get his ass handed by a guy this many times before not trusting him with said totally-not-friend.
Weather Wizard would take a hot moment to warm up to the Speedster, but in the end, he'd be happy for the two (CC: Et tu, Mark?). He is the one and probably only Rouge that is willing to listen to Digger's rants about speedy. He's not trusting Barry per se, but he's not unhappy about the two together - even if there's no gain for him in it.
Golden Glider, a sour sweetheart she is, acts way more happily about it than she is - if she'll learn that Mark gets the juicy info from Digi, she's silently seething. Might be a little too much like her brother sometimes...
Heatwave, gods bless him, is slightly bitter about the fact that the Suicide Squad knows before them. Like, what do you mean people that kidnapped you know before us, your friend- he means, coworkers! He sulks a little, but as he's pretty happy for Digger, he is not as happy for Flash.
Also, a lil thing:
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(expect possible ColdWeather/Hail aka CC x WW in the closest future <3 bc i lov 'em
Also the chatfic will happen!! I'll post the link to it, bc this mf is going to be on ao3, sorry <3 ships expected: Boomerflash, HarleyIvy, Flag x Deadshot for fun, Mirror Master x Golden Glider possibly, ColdWeather/Hail probably
It will be a chiller, easy to read and write ff! More info later <3)
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mamuzzy · 5 months
Okay, my temporary-brainfuckery is over, I'm kind of hyped now about the new year and can look back at 2023 with much more contentment. So I jumped on the train of doing Art Summary too :))) (template HERE)
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Yeah, what the fuck did I do in the first half of the year... honestly, I don't remember. No, really, I can't remember...
My sketchbook can be dated back to 2021 with some old Touken Ranbu and merfolk sketches, but I don't remember actually opening it this year until june...
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...and guys, I actually have only a few pages left to fill!!!! I kind of proud of myself. Joining into TCW fandom really did wonders with my creativity and productivity.
I'll get sappy with this probably, but the existence of this blog, a filled up sketchbook in my hand is the very proof that I exist. When bdick fucks me in the brain, I can't remember having these wonderful memories of creating but when my mind clears from the fog, I come up here, looking at my little fortress, looking at my silly doodles, I don't feel that I have to build up everything from the start, and I actually managed to create a safe-place for myself that welcomes me back when I return from those dark places. My art maybe not visually pleasing, my anatomy is shit, but they are mine and most importantly THEY EXIST.
❀ My artistic plans for the future in this blog... ❀ ❀ To continue creating: daily doodles. Not sure about uploading it daily but maybe making compilations from my sketchbook from time-to-time. I'm expecting to have a more relaxed job time-wise, also I'm on a medication now due to my migraines, maybe I won't spend half of my year sleeping just escape from the pain. ❀ Creating character bios for my OC's. ❀ Participating in events/doing challenges: The whole concept is scary for me because deadlines are stressing me out, and I'm a slow artist.
❀ One of the self-made challenge: Redraw my sketchbook from 2012-2014. I probably mentioned that I've found it some time ago and actually chickened out from uploading them because most of the sketches in them are quite... hmm... bpd related without me knowing I had bpd back then (also i don't want them to hide under cut because then what's the point of uploading???). But it would be interesting to redesign them and make a comparison post about it.
❀ be more authentic with my art: my original plan with this blog was to use art to heal myself, and while drawing funny stuff is great, I still believe I'm self-censoring myself both in art and both in personal posts just like I'm masking in real life and it's. fucking. exhausting. My mental fuckery is a part of my life, part of me.
❀ Writing short stories: TCW, TBB, RepComm, million ideas in my head.
❀ Getting started on my Deadshot story: A multichaptered longfic starting from Umbara arc (I wrote ARC again), following the canon events but will deviate at some points.
❀ Getting started on my urban fantasy Coruscant Guard Story.
I could go on but I don't want to set unrealistic and unachievable goals either. YEAR JUST STARTED AND IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!
Thank you for hanging out with me in 2023, thank you for giving me a chance with those prompt-games and requests. I love you guys.
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demonbirdsforever · 5 months
My DC Title Run
You know what @fancyfade , you Comic title run was so fun to read I’m gonna take a crack at it too. I hope you don’t mind.
Justice League Dark
Zatara fam
A Multiverse Team up (Raven, Spectre and Phantom Stranger)
Raven series
Flash’s Rogues
Captain Cold series
Lantern Team up (There choice on which Lanterns to use but No Hal Jordan)
Soranik (Sinestro’s daughter)
JSA (There choice of team members)
Sandman (Sandy Hawkins)
Titans (With no Raven)
Beast Boy & Cyborg
Team up (Red Arrow & Black Canary & Lois Lane)
Donna Troy
Suicide Squad
Team up (Artemis, Starfire & Power Girl)
Gotham Knights (Batfam focus)
Commissioner Gordon & Alfred Pennyworth
Team up (Mera & Dolphin & Miss Martian)
Manchester Black & John Constantine (Protect Metropolis)
Mini Series
Gorilla Grodd
Ra’s Al Ghul
Black Manta
Comic Title series Pitch
The Trinity is missing!!! Hal Jordan has not been seen in space for a month and Flash disappeared right before everyone’s eyes! Plus unbeknownst to the people of Earth not only are they missing on Earth but across the entire multiverse! It’s all hands on deck as everyone scrambles to keep the peace. While Raven, Spectre & Phantom Stranger use all their power to find the missing heroes for not only one Earth is at risk but all of them.
*I believe that because of the sheer of amount of comics with these characters in it (Especially Batman). Is causing over saturation. So the best thing would be for them to take a year long break and then come back with a bang.😅
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kimhargreeves · 19 days
New Mission- Clayface x Reader (Suicide Squad Isekai)
(Based on the upcoming Suicide Squad Isekai. Things won't be accurate of course but decided to have fun writing it. Making it the first fiction I've posted in almost over a year. Decided to have fun writing on the new Muzan lookalike😅)
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(Based on the upcoming anime Suicide Squad Isekai)
We were all rounded up by Amanda Waller in a room as we all had chips implanted in our brain, ones that would explode if we're to disobey her and her missions for us. We all sported the same orange prison suit. I am a criminal in Belle Reve locked with my best friend, Harley Quinn. Like any prison its divided by men and women, Deadshot and Clayface on the other end. I frown as I glanced at Clayface or Basil Karlo his real name, I knew them before we got captured at separate time and place, but I never got along with Clayface both of us occasionally clashing heads and annoying each other....
"Ugh why do we have to be a team?!" I whine as I roll my eyes as we stand in a line.
Clayface glanced at me in annoyance as he leaned back in his seat, his clay face forming a frown as he spoke
"As if you're exactly a delight to work with yourself sweetheart"
"Haa?! I'm a great delight, the best to be around with! Besides you got caught way earlier than me" I remind looking at him. He smirked as he glanced at me.
"You're pretty full of yourself aren't you? I may have been caught before you, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're more of a competent villain than I am. Let's not forget that you wouldn't be in this situation if you had been more careful in the first place"
"I'm as great as a villain as the Joker" I glare referring to Harley's boyfriend, he's still loose in Gotham.
He scoffed, shaking his head.
"Comparing yourself to the Joker? Please, that's an insult to my intelligence. The Joker is a criminal mastermind, someone who always thinks three steps ahead... You, on the other hand, simply rely way too much on your looks and charm in order to get away. The difference between you and the Joker is vast"
"Well of course I'm gonna use my beautiful looks! Every female villain does..like Poison Ivy"  I say shrugging.
He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.
"Ah, yes, the seductive nature of female villains. Ivy uses her seductive looks to manipulate and deceive her victims before poisoning them. But do not deluded yourself into thinking that you're on her level, sweetheart. Ivy possesses a depth of cunning and wickedness that you could only dream of. Comparing yourself to her is laughable"
I scoff . "Heh. no I'm not! She may be taller than me with bigger attributes but we work the same! *I blush as I defend myself.
Clayface chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
"Work the same, huh? It's not just her height or her attributes that make her superior to you. Poison Ivy commands nature herself, harnessing the power of plants and using them as her own personal weapon. You, on the other hand, are essentially a weak link with nothing but looks as your only strength. But hey, if you want to keep living in delusions, be my guess."
"Yeah right, any man would be lucky to have me!"
He shook his head, a dismissive scoff escaping his lips.
"You're quite deluded if you truly believe that, love. Do you really think that your beauty is the only thing that matters to men? You lack the intelligence, the wit, the charisma, and the darkness that true villains possess. And those qualities make a woman far more attractive than pretty looks.
I frown now remaining silent as I keep glaring. He looked at me with a smirk.
"What's the matter, love? Am I hitting too close to home? Perhaps you're realizing that you're nothing but a pretty face with no substance. It's not too late to change that though, although that would require some self-awareness on your part, I don't quite think you have that...yet."
I glare as I walk closer standing in front of him as he remained seated. "You said what?!
He grinned up at me as I approached him, unfazed by my proximity to him.
"Oh, don't worry, love, it's just a little dose of honesty that you desperately need. But by all means, feel free to continue being a shallow little girl using nothing but your looks to get by in life. I'm sure that'll take you far, won't it? Pfft, such a waste of potential...”
Oh yeah? We'll see about that. I glare as I lean down gripping his chin and pressing my lips to his.
He was caught off guard by my sudden gesture, surprise evident in his expression as my lips met his. He could feel the heat rising within him, and for a brief moment, he found himself struggling to maintain his composure. But then he pushed me away, a displeased frown on his face.
"Whoa there, love. I suppose you're trying to prove a point by using your feminine wiles, but let me be clear, I'm not so easily swayed by your charm, no matter how tantalizing it may be."
Hmm I smirk to myself as I touch my lips blushing a lot. "All men fall for me..it's just a matter of time before, well, before you do, Karlo.
He scoffed, shaking his head in amusement as he observed my confident demeanor.
"Ah, I see, you believe that I'll inevitably fall for your feminine allure. Well, I hate to disappoint you, sweetheart, but you're in for a rude awakening. Just because I can acknowledge your physical beauty doesn't mean I'm helplessly entranced by it. It'll take more than a pretty face to break down my defenses and win me over."
I frown but then smirked remembered an event. "Oh yeah? Says the man who before we got locked up came to me, and we had an amazing night together"
 Ismirk blushing, "Don't think I forgot about that.
He sighed, a hint of a blush creeping onto his cheeks as I brought up the topic.
"Alright, I may have conceded to your advances that one time. But let's not kid ourselves, that was a moment of weakness on my part. It doesn't mean I'm under your spell or anything."
I hum blushing as I hold my face. "You've always been adorable when you don't acknowledge yourself.
He rolled his eyes, trying to maintain his aloof demeanor.
"Adorable? Please, I don't do 'adorable' sweetheart. I'm a hardened criminal, not a fluffy little bunny. And as for acknowledgement, I don't need validation from anyone, not even you, love."
I smirk turning my back to him. " 'Oh, (Y/N)! Do it like that harder!' I fake a moan imitating his words
His cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and he muttered.
"Sh-shut up. You know I'm not like that... And you certainly weren't so quiet that night either..so stop bringing it up"
"Of course I wasn't quiet! Was I supposed to?!"
He let out a huff, his annoyance growing.
"No, but I'd prefer it if you didn't go around reminding me of that particular moment. It's embarrassing, alright? I have a reputation to uphold..and having a pretty little villain like you turn me into a weak little-"
He stopped mid-sentence, cutting his words off before he could finish.
I blink surprised and blushed immensely hearing those words.
Realizing that he had said too much, he quickly changed the topic, a scowl on his face.
"Anyway, that's all in the past. It's done, I've moved on, and we have bigger things to focus on than some random one-night stand. So let's just forget about it and move on, shall we?"
I kept blushing and tilted my head. "You..think I'm pretty?
He hesitated for a moment before admitting it.
"Well, you're not displeasing to the eye I suppose. But let's not get carried away, your looks aren't enough to make up for your lack of intelligence and wit. There's more to a villain than just good looks, love. You may be pretty on the outside, but there's nothing to admire on the inside" he scoffed.
I smile as I blush grabbing his arm to hug him. Wanting to tease but also touched by his words.
He raised an eyebrow, surprised by my sudden display of affection. "What in the hell are you doing?" he said, a tinge of confusion in his voice
He let out a deep sigh, his annoyance momentarily forgotten as you hugged him. “Oh, fine, enjoy your little affectionate moment. But don’t think this changes anything between us, love. I still find you incredibly aggravating.”
I hum smirking and winked. "Okie dokie “Ugh, you're insufferable” he muttered, his annoyance returning. He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but secretly feel a bit of warmth from my affection. “Now can we get back to the matter at hand? We have a mission ahead of us and I'd like to get it over with without any unnecessary distractions.”
I let got of him as Harley came to my side.  Harley, who had been observing the interaction between you and Clayface, couldn't help but chuckle.*l
"Looks like ol' Clayface is softening up a bit, huh? You got him wrapped around your finger, (Y/N)."
I smirk as I hear her. "Guess I do don't I?! I chuckle and you're lucky to have a guy like Joker so devoted to you Harley's eyes lit up at the mention of her relationship with the Joker.
"Ain't that the truth! My puddin' is one of a kind. Who needs a normal guy when you can have the Clown Prince of Crime himself, am I right? We're meant to be together!"
"Absolutely, Harls" I smile at my best friend, "Definetly a keeper"
Clayface rolled his eyes at the exchange between us two.
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. You two are both in love with crazed lunatics. Typical behavior for female villains, right? But when it comes to real villainy, I prefer my partners to be cunning, manipulative, and ruthless. Love is a weakness and I don't have time for that nonsense."
I pout a bit looking at him since I didn't expect him to be listening on us as Harley and I fangirled  and had a girl chat. "Yeah yeah keep saying that, Harley and Joker are the perfect couple.
He scoffed, shaking his head in amusement.
"Perfect couple? Please, they're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Love never lasts in our world, especially not for criminals like us. One day, Joker will tire of Harley, and she'll be left shattered and broken. But hey, if you two want to idolize that mess, be my guest."
I held Harley back as she tried to grab him.
He raised the eyebrow, his expression a mixture of amusement and irritation.
"Oh, what's the matter, love? You don't like hearing the truth? That your precious Joker and Harley are just a recipe for disaster? Maybe you should face reality and realize that true villains don't waste their time on love. But go ahead, keep clinging to your delusions if it makes you feel better"
I sigh turning to Harley. "I'm sorry, Harls...don't listen to him you both are adorable together"
Harley scoffed, still trying to break free from your grasp.
“Yeah, (Y/N), I'm not gonna listen to him. My puddin' and I are meant to be, and nothing he says is gonna change that.” Clayface just smirked, clearly amused by the duo's fierce loyalty to their dangerous partners.
Of course! And you have my full support" I chuckle.
He chuckled, shaking his head at your supportiveness.
"Oh, how sweet. The two of you supporting each other’s delusions. It's like watching a pair of love-struck teenage girls with their first crushes."
"Well...duh?" I tilt my head
He rolled his eyes, clearly unamused by my attitude.
"Of course you would see it that way. But let me tell you something, love. Loving a villainous psychopath like the Joker isn't some romantic fairytale. It's a twisted, destructive path that only leads to heartache and ruin. But I suppose you two are too blinded by your naive notions of love to see it that way."
I blush as I look at him my eyes almost turning to hearts. So fun to tease him.
He raised an eyebrow, noticing the shift in my expression. The sight of you blushing and staring at him with hearts in your eyes was...unexpected.
“What's with that look, love? Are you getting sentimental on me now? It's not very villainous of you.”
Harley grabbed my face telling me to try and stop blushing.
He couldn't help but crack a slight smile at my flustered state.
"Oh, look at you. All embarrassed and flustered like a damsel in distress. Is there something I said that has you all tongue-tied, love?"
I blush looking away a bit. "Everything..idiot" I mutter.
He smirked, his amusement growing. "Ah, so I have that effect on you, do I? Well, as charming as that is, I'm afraid we have more serious matters to discuss than my ability to make you blush. We are in the midst of a mission, after all."
Fine fine *I sigh and turn to glare at the woman in charge. "Waller! What the hell do you want us to do?!" I ask our superior bitch.
Amanda Waller spoke up, her tone as cold as ever.
"Well, if you can stop bickering like children, I'll fill you in on the details. We have intel on a secret government facility dealing with advanced weaponry and experimental technology. Your mission is to infiltrate the facility, gather information, and sabotage their operations."
I sigh loudly and groan. "You're no fun, lady." Harley nods agreeing.
Waller fixed you with a stern gaze, unfazed by my attitude.
"I'm not here to be fun, Miss (Y/N). I'm here to ensure that we achieve our objectives. You all have been chosen for this mission because I believe you each possess...unique qualities that will help us succeed. So if you're done wasting my time, let's move on to the details."
I frown. He chuckled, enjoying my reaction to Waller's intimidating demeanor.
"Don't worry, love. I'm sure we'll find some way to inject a little fun into this mission. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of "unique qualities" she sees in us..." Waller continued on with the mission briefing, outlining the facility's security measures, layout, and potential threats.
Amanda Waller put Rick Flag to keep an eye on us along with his side kick Katana. Both serious about the mission.
Rick Flag, a no-nonsense soldier, stood by Amanda Waller's side, his eyes scanning over the group of criminals. Katana, meanwhile, stood quietly beside him, her sword glinting in the dim light.
"Our priority is to make sure this mission is successfully carried out," Flag said in a steely tone. "We'll be keeping a close eye on all of you."
A man on our team Peacemaker confronted him, seems like they'll be at each other's throats.
Peacemaker, a cocky ex-soldier, faced off with Rick Flag, his ego and brash attitude evident in the way he spoke.
“I don't need you babysitting me, Flag. I've got this.”
Flag glared at Peacemaker, clearly not amused by his arrogance.
“We're doing things by the book, Peacemaker. No solo heroics, got it?”
"Whoa whoa men let's try to not kill each other, okay?! We haven't even left prison yet" I say stepping between them.
Harley, ever the voice of (a different kind of) reason, chimed in..
“Yeah, fellas, let's not start this mission with a brawl, alright? We gotta play nice for now. Can't afford any in-fighting with Amanda Waller watching our every move.”
Flag nodded, clearly agreeing with the group’s sentiment.
“Fine. We’ll put aside our differences for now. But I’m warning you all—if any of you try anything that threatens this mission, I won’t hesitate to take necessary action.”
I roll my eyes but smiled. "Ready to serve under you!"
Rick Flag smirked a little at my sudden change in attitude.
“That's the spirit. Let's get loaded into the vehicles and make our way to the facility. Remember, once we're inside, we'll need to stick together and follow the plan. No going off on your own, got it?”
"Right!" We all said. We reached outside once we got rid of our prison clothes and into our civilian ones or villain ones as people would call it.
As the group of villains exchanged their prison uniforms for casual civilian clothes, they boarded the vehicles, ready to embark on their mission. The ride to the facility was tense, with the villains aware of the gravity of what they were about to undertake. Clayface glanced over at you as you got into the vehicle, his eyes locking on your civilian outfit.
"What?" I ask glancing up over to him
He shrugged, a cocky smile on his face.
”Just admiring the view. You know, even out of your villainess get-up, you're still a sight for sore eyes. Makes me wonder if you ever stop looking good."
Aww falling for me then? *I smirk blushing again.
He smirked and rolled his eyes, playing it cool.
“Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. I'm just appreciating a pretty face when I see one. It doesn't mean I'm falling for you or anything."
I huff pouting as I cross my arms over my chest.
Clayface chuckled, finding your pouting adorable.
"Aww, don't pout at me, love. You know I can't resist your little puppy dog eyes when you do that. But don't worry, I won't let myself fall for you... I'm far too cunning and heartless for that."
"Ha! See? Every guy falls for me" I sing
He rolled his eyes but couldn't help but chuckle at your confidence.
“Oh, is that so? Well, I must be the exception to that rule because I am utterly unbothered by your feminine wiles. I'm completely immune to your charms, love.”
"God damn it I'm gonna throw up" We heard Peacemaker say making me frown at him but not taking him seriously.
Clayface turned a glare towards Peacemaker, unimpressed by his comments. “Watch it, Peacemaker. We're all here to get this mission done. No need to be disrespectful. Besides, if you're feeling sick, try taking deep breaths or maybe even closing your eyes. Anything but spewing insults at others.”
"Huh?! You both are the ones making me sick not the car ride" he says pointing at Clayface and I. Having stoic expressions.
Clayface couldn't help but scoff at Peacemaker's words.
“Oh, I'm sorry if our presence is too much for you to handle. Perhaps we should ask Amanda Waller to arrange a separate transportation for you, given that you seem to be so easily nauseated by our mere existence.”
I roll my eyes "..typical men..." I whisper to Harley.
Clayface couldn't help but overhear my comment, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Oh, did you say something, love? I couldn't quite catch that. Care to repeat it for the entire team to hear?”
Didn't say a thing" I quickly reply.
He arched an eyebrow, clearly not believing you for a second.
“Oh, really? Is that so? Because it sounded like you just mumbled something about ‘typical men.’ Seems like you have quite the habit of muttering things under your breath, love.” I hum glancing at him as he sits to my right and Harley left, "shut up."
He chuckled, a smug grin on his face. “Oh, you never fail to amuse me, love. Maybe I should start a tally of all the times you tell me to shut up. I'm sure it'll be quite the impressive number by the end of this mission.”
I roll my eyes and we all remained silent during the long car ride. Harley has fallen asleep on my left shoulder and I began to close my eyes, nodding off and rested my head on my right where Clayface is.
Clayface noticed you dozing off, your head resting against his shoulder. For a moment, he pondered whether to wake you or let you sleep, but ultimately decided to allow you to rest. As he continued to keep watch, he couldn't help but notice the way your face looked so peaceful while you slept, your usual fiery demeanor completely absent.
I blushed as I remained deeply asleep.
Clayface found himself unable to resist a small smile as he observed your peaceful expression and the gentle blush on your cheeks. Despite his attempts to remain aloof, a hint of affection tugged at his heartstrings. The sight of you at peace reminded him that beneath your tough exterior, you were just a human being with emotions and vulnerabilities, just like himself.
Don't know how long it has passed when the car stopped.
As the vehicle came to a halt, Clayface gently nudged you, trying to rouse you from your slumber.
“Time to wake up, love. We've arrived at the facility. And I've got to say, your drool on my shoulder isn't exactly the most flattering accessory.”
"Huh?!" I blushed fully waking up now, II quickly pull the sleeve of my jacket as I attempt to clean it. " I'm sorry, okay? You should've woken me up when you felt it"
He chuckled softly, clearly amused by my  reaction.
“It's fine, love. Accidents happen. But I must admit, the sound of you apologizing is a rare treat, especially considering your usual defiant attitude. Maybe I should keep you asleep more often. You're much more agreeable this way.”
"Ugh...don't you try to bring my apology up."  I warn.
He grinned, unable to resist teasing me.
“Oh, I plan to bring it up every chance I get, love. But for now, we've got a mission to focus on. Let's get this done, and then we'll see what else we can do to keep you in this more cooperative state.”
I grit my teeth and huffed stepping out and seeing a place which wasn't Gotham. "...where the fuck are we?"
Clayface followed closely behind you, his eyes scanning the surroundings.
“Looks like Amanda Waller has picked this place for the facility. No surprise there, she's always one to keep things under wraps. Judging from the scenery, we're probably in the middle of nowhere. No city in sight, just wilderness.”
Rick stepped forward with Katana.
Clayface glanced at Rick Flag and Katana, his expression a mix of curiosity and caution.
“Well, well, well, if it isn't the fearless leader Flag and his deadly sidekick Katana. How nice of you to join us. So, what's the plan, Flag? Are we just going to stand here in the middle of nowhere and admire the scenery, or is there a mission we're supposed to be undertaking?”
Rick said nothing and Katana remained silent as usual. Rick grabbed his equipment and told us all to follow him.
Clayface smirked at Rick's annoyed response, clearly amused by his irritation. He glanced at you and Harley, motioning for you to follow as they fell into step behind Rick and Katana.
I groaned "I hate walking...hey, carry me" I say behind him unashamed to ask.
He rolled his eyes, an amused smile playing at his lips.
“Oh, is our tough little villainess tired already? Wanting a ride, are we? And here I thought you'd be able to handle a little stroll on foot.”
I pout as I look away. "That's what you said last time about wanting a ride" I mutter on the..different type of ride he had asked.
He raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained by my innuendo. His smirk widened, as he responded with a teasing tone.
“Well, love, if you think this walk is too much for you, I suppose I could give you a ride. But only because I can't resist seeing that adorable pout on your face.”
I hum and quickly got behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
He couldn't help but chuckle, easily lifting me up in his arms as he carried me in hud back.
“Well, aren't you quite the opportunist? Ready for your chariot, love? Just don't get too comfortable, I might just toss you around if you start getting too cheeky.”
"Hey hey! Very careful on tossing me!" I warn as I glare and blushed. "and quit touching my ass!"
He smirked at the warning, clearly enjoying teasing me.
“Oh, I'll be careful, love. I wouldn't want to upset my precious passenger and get a well-deserved beating from you. But as for your rear, well, it's a bit hard to avoid when you're this close to me. Perhaps you should be the one being more careful.”
"If you let me fall me I'll kill you" I warn as I hold onto his shoulders as he carries me from behind.
He laughed lightly, his voice full of mock concern.
“Oh, such a threat! I promise not to dump you, love. After all, it'd be a shame to lose my human backpack so soon. But keep making those endearing threats of violence, I have to say I do find them quite charming.”
I silently hum and smiled to myself as I rested my head on his shoulder as I held him and he continued to carry me. Only this mission will tell if we'll get closer to each other.....
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When the phone rang at eight at night, the rogues didn't expect the otherside to be silent other than breathing. At first they thought it to be a prank. However just as anyone else would hang up the phone, the rogue paused. You had come to mind. Meanwhile you bit your lip, as tears streamed down your face. You couldn't talk but you needed to hear the rogues voice. More than anything, you just wanted to come home.
The Riddler: He was annoyed that someone had wasted his time. That was until your face flashed across his mind. It stopped him in his tracks of intending to insult the caller. Much quieter, more gentle he spoke hesitantly. "(Y/N)?" The caller seemed to be holding back sobs as their breathing quickened at the name he said. "(Y/N)...tell me where you are." He asked quietly. "Please...whatever is going on, I can find a way to fix it. Please talk to me. I'll find you, I promise." He heard a quiet muffled sob before the caller hung up. His jaw quivered, his own tears burning in his eyes.
Scarecrow: It was a pitiful attempt to scare him. Or at least that's what he thought until you had crossed his mind. "(Y/N)?" He asked softly. There was a sniffle. "Is that you?" He didn't receive a response. "What are you hiding from? Why are you afraid?" He pressed but still didn't get any responses. Before he could ask anything else, the caller hung up and Jonathan gasped. With the connection gone, you had been ripped away from him once again.
Two-Face: He was annoyed. Finally he snapped. "What the fuck do you want!?" He growled out and just as quickly his rage left. A thought coming to mind. "Baby?" It came out almost like a plea. He didn't receive a response. "If that's you...please come back to me, baby." Harvey pleaded shakily. "Tell us you're okay. Tell us anything. Just talk to us baby." He didn't get a response, only a muffled sob. "Baby, please..." Harvey begged. The caller hung up. "Please!" He yelled out. "We gotta get them back! We gotta find them." Two-Face ranted incoherently to himself.
Black Mask: He was about to say some rather colourful things when you had come to mind. "(Y/N)?" His voice was low, wary. He didn't want to believe it. It seemed too good to be true. However the sharp strangled inhale gave him a pretty solid clue. "Baby...talk to me. Where are you?" He didn't get a response. "Has someone scared you? Hm?" More silence. "I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. So tell me where you are, hm?" The caller hung up. "Baby?" Roman's voice quivered. The phone fell from his hands as he swiped his arms across his desk. "Shit!" He screamed and with a loud crash, all of the desks contents fell to the floor. He put his head in his hands.
Deadshot: The caller had interrupted him as he worked and he let out a huff. There was no ignoring the calls incase instructions had changed. Yet on the other end was only silence. You came to mind and he swallowed hard. "Babe?" He asked quietly. He heard the quickened breath. "Is that you?" Silence continued. "Zoe misses you...I miss you." There was a muffled sob. He took a shaky breath. "Tell me you're okay...come home. I can come get you." He heard only silence on the phone. "Please babe, I'm begging here. Talk to me, are you safe?" He heard another muffled sob the line went dead. "Babe?" Deadshot asked.
Ragdoll: He was silent at first before letting out a confused. "Hello?" There was nothing but breathing. It was a long shot but he had to be sure. "(Y/N)?" There was a sniffle. "Where can I find you? You don't need to be scared." He coaxed. He was met with silence. "Come on, sweetie. Tell me where you are." He pleaded softly. "You know I was always the better hider than seeker. Let me bring you home." The line went dead. He exhaled shakily. "Sweetheart..." He trailed off.
Harley Quinn: Her heart raced ad tthe thought crossed her mind. "(Y/N), is that you? Can you hear me?" There was a muffled sob and Harley continued. "Come home...please?" Harley's voice cracked as she continued through tears. "Please just give me a sign, tell me where I can find you and bring you home." She was met with silence. "If not..." A sob broke through. "...then stay alive! I'm coming for you, sweetie, and I need you to hang on." The line went dead and Harley broke down into sobs.
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darthkvznblogs · 4 months
Total non sequitur of a question but what do you think of the DCEU?
I like the non sequitur! I hope y'all don't feel like you can only send me asks about the Kverse lol (though of course I'm always happy to answer those!)
I'll give you a very brief review of each:
-Man of Steel: I enjoyed it for the most part. I don't really gel with all the Jesus-y imagery, the bizarre choices with Jonathan, or the incredible amounts of collateral damage (you can't avoid everything but Superman would definitely try to limit it), but I kinda dig the look of all the Kryptonian stuff, I like Henry Cavill's more brooding Superman, and Zod was a cool antagonist.
-Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: wayyy too many things going on. I can't McFucking believe they made Jimmy Olsen a CIA plant and killed him off immediately. I don't completely hate that version of Lex Luthor but he gets grating pretty quickly. The Knightmare stuff is pretty eyeroll worthy IMO (especially once they double down on it later). The titular duel is pretty good, but very short, and leads into some of the worst stuff in the movie. Doomsday sucks!
-Suicide Squad: aside from some cool freaky stuff with Enchantress, and Viola Davis and Margot Robbie being great casting choices, this one's kinda nothing to me. Rick Flagg, Capt. Boomerang and Deadshot are various flavors of decent to good. Tried to do a Guardians of the Galaxy-y thing and failed miserably. Top contender for worst Joker adaptation of all time.
-Wonder Woman: Great, if very simple plot-wise. The Ares stuff at the end really lets the rest of the movie down, but most of the movie's very cool and fun. I still get chills from the no man's land scene! Chris Pine's Steve Trevor is pretty damn good (but Chris Pine is just good in general)
-Justice League (Whedon's version): I actually like the choice to have a more colorful look for a Justice League movie, but yeah, not good. To say nothing of the behind the scenes drama, they tried to do what the MCU did with the Avengers with half the build-up. Doesn't feel earned at all. Some good action and character interactions, but that's about it.
-Aquaman: Pretty fun, I really appreciate the commitment to being just kinda bonkers, from the more comic-accurate looks to the ginormous underwater battle. I don't really love Momoa's Aquaman but I didn't mind him too much on his own.
-Shazam!: One of my favorites in the DCEU. Doesn't overcomplicate itself, doesn't exhaust itself with references to other stuff, just a good story about found families with real heart, some good humor, and a decent villain.
-Birds of Prey: Other than the bizarre choice to give Cassandra Cain's name to a character that couldn't be more different, I fucking love this one. Very fun, great action, and it reminded me I have a crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead lol
-Wonder Woman 1984: Sucks. I hate to say it, I went in thinking I'd really enjoy it but it was genuinely painful to watch for the most part. Not even the power of Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine combined could save this one.
-Zack Snyder's Justice League: Definitely an improvement overall compared to the theatrical release, but dear lord it did not need to be 4 hours long. Flash's turn-back-the-clock gambit was super cool. Legit kinda ruined by the Joker monologue in the Knightmare, lol.
-The Suicide Squad: Didn't watch it! I saw how bloody and murder-happy it'd be and just shrugged and moved on. I'm sure it's as good as people say, but I'd have to be in a very particular mood to wanna watch it, tbh.
-Black Adam: Enjoyed it quite a bit, though the presence of the JSA in the modern day with very little explanation is a bit jarring. The Rock's Black Adam is a bit too heroic and personable for my tastes but brutal enough that I'm okay with it. Kinda loved Pierce Brosnan's Doctor Fate (except for the suit design, I hated it)
-Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Haven't watched it yet, but I don't hear great things about it, so not super enthused about it. Probably will watch it eventually.
-The Flash: I categorically refused to watch this one because 1) I got spoiled on what happens to Supergirl and y'all know I love Kara so it pissed me off, and 2) the CGI nostalgia fest felt extremely cynical and cash-grab-y to me. Not particularly interested in watching this one, but maybe someday.
-Blue Beetle: Gods, I really wanted to watch this one in theaters. It was in my town for all of two days and I couldn't go :( I plan on watching this one soon-ish - even if it's really bad I'll probably enjoy it, I'm a Jaime simp haha :P
-Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom: Genuinely didn't know this one was coming out. Also not particularly interested in watching it, but also not against it, so I'll probably end up putting it on some really boring weekend hahaha.
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Thoughts on Arkham City
The beginning with Catwoman was so interesting and Two Face suddenly showing up was a nice little scare
The Strange name definitely sparked interest
Lmao Bruce "Billionaire. Millionaires are so last year." was fucking brilliant.
Hugo knowing Bruce secret is honesty so good of idea
Wait, how did Wayne's destroyed Penguins family?
Two Face isn't sexist, he believes in beating ANYONE if deserved
I like Harleys new outfit
Bane wanting to help Batman is interesting concept
The fake out with Joker being dead was pretty good
Selina calling Pamela Red is so cute
Penguins museum is pretty creepy
Batman is a fucking dick for what he had done to Viktor Really Bat? You tell people enough?
Never heard of woman who knew Rā but it's cool they added Talias assassins
Not big on Talia x Bruce
Really Oracle? What if Bruce is killing them? Do they forgot Clay face exist?
It's so weird seeing Robin in costume but he's adult. It just it hits with itself so much
Don't like Talias outfit + Rā's challenge was kinda boring
Rā is an asshole
I did not expected Hush to be the face killer, I thought Black Mask or Clayface
Of course Joker took Nora, at least
Batman isn't enough of dick to leave her
Heard of Azreal before but dude is still weird
I didn't expected Hatter's to sound so cute but his scene is seriously creepy
I didn't expected Zsasz to want his parents back, that's cool motiv
When I saw Deadshot have to assassinate Bruce I was like "Oh, he will go for Hush"
Zszasz story is actually pretty good
Ok but Talia saving Bruce was nice
FINALLY we're back to Catwoman, I honesty forgot about her
Did Pamela wanted to murder Selina because she didn't watered her plants? Lmao
Very bad move with plant Catwoman
Selina not wanting to leave Batman is so sweet
Aight, nevermind then
Wait it's over?!
Nah, there's no way it's happening, it's gotta be Fear Toxin or something
Oh it was multiple choice
Of course Batman is willing to sacrifice life's for sword lady; at least he make a good choice in the end
Hugo feels like someone who sees problem and decides best resolution I'd to eliminate it
Hugo deserved that
I did not expected Rā to kill Hugo
Of course there's Protocol 11
Rā death was kinda funny
I knew Joker was dead because I watched Arkham Knight I the best wasn't expecting it to be because of Talia
I'm with Bayman on no killing but at least she took it in her own hands instead of pressuring Batman into it
Ok twist was pretty good
Might not like Talia but she's good girlfriend
Joker looks horrible; wait then who played him?
Ah Clayface; I like how he just wanted to play Joker. Wait his name is Karlo? I knew him as Matt from BTAS, I just learned few villains use the same name (it isn't going to be confusing at all)
Bat just fucking slashed him into pieces
Bruce with sword is kinda cool
Fact that Batman actually thought about not giving Joker cure but it was Joker action that lead to it being destroyed is ironic
Bat carrying Joker like Robin is nice reference
Not suprised Bat didn't anserw Gordon's question, he has the right after that whole fuckery
Cat just woke up and immediately started kicking ass like it was nothing
Oswald being afraid of Cat lol
I feel like game is going for too long with Selina trying to get her stuff back
Batman disappearing is quite interesting
Ah, so it was Tim
Harley basically went emo
Tim deserves a Thank You
No, Batman isn't alright
I think I liked it more than the first one but overall it was pretty okay game.
Tapes :
I love how defeated he was at the end
I like how they went more in depth of her character; it would be cool to see Holly
Mr Freeze
I really like his origins, him trying to freeze neighbors pets was an interesting detail
I like how they used Killing Joke as hid backstory, and theory that what he's saying is true just to fuck with Strange
He is such asshole but in unlikeother versions he's an idiot, not big of a fan
Two Face
I love the voice acting, I wish they could talk more about Bruce that would be interesting
I talked about it earlier but I love his backstrory, there is actual group of people who thinks like that and it's scary
Mad Hatter
That was both sad and terrifying, he is completely detached from reality
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holy-asd-batman · 2 years
Live reactions to Superman/Batman Public Enemies
Ooooh Kara!!!!
Clark is fucking ugly
Why did the anime girl run
I do like her voice not her design
They did her dirty
At least all of them ugly, equality ig
Kevin Conroy, the man the myth the legend <3
God they're married
And Clark and Lex are so divorced vibes
Lex going through the motions of Bombs, their yours my friend
How are Metallos pants still on??
Also Bruce shows up and gets his shit wrecked in 0.5 seconds
Sure blow up the entire graveyard
"Do us a favour and lose the sense of humour." "Do us a favour and buy one"
The pic of Bruce just lying like the family guy meme
The casual banter while both of them are seriously in danger of succumbing from their wounds -> married
I'm enjoying Luthor so far. He's just lying and spreading blatant misinformation and he's loving it
Kara's design is so ugly, her boobs are too big and her eyes are too far apart. She looks like a porn version of a Disney Princess
Banshee she looks cool
How Solomon Grundy holds Batman is how I treat him in my mind
Deadshot is spinning guns nice
Wait wasn't Bruce inside that Tornado
Lex Luthor and Ru-Paul have the same speech patterns
Bro the argument "He's the president" sounds so stupid to a non-american
Like imagine going this hard for fucking Mark Rutte or worse Willem-Alexander
Batman spitting facts "I don't see any patriotism here"
Did Powergirl just kill someone and cause the death of another
Yep RIP Captain Atom and Major ‘I forgot your name’
Wait isn't this the meteorite that supposedly annihilated Blüdhaven
And kicked off No Man's Land
If a meteorite that size was involved wouldn't this be a UN problem and not necessarily a American Issue
Billy come on, I trusted you
I love the thoonk sound that happens when Billy hits Clark
"Just taking my supplements"
Luthor is insane I'm loving this
Wait is Bruce just standing there half-naked
Luthor is so unhinged
Besties flying away
Oh the general is going to die
I may be making a separate post with screenshots of Luthor he is absolutely bat-shit insane
Ohhh I do not like Toyman’s accent
Every line Luthor says is just Gold
Bruce this is the tenth time you got swung against a wall with your grappling line
this is so homoerotic
Oh Clark is mad mad
Comics have been described as Modern Mythology
These two are Patroclus and Achilles the way they keep sacrificing themselves for the other
Clark is mentally dragging Luthors corpse behind his carriage
Yeah Bruce wouldn't have survived that
The crowd cheering for the explosion of the Meteor while Clark looking devastated cause he knows Bruce died... Hold on...
Luthor still being a bitch
Oh Captain Atom is alive
Titties out Luthor, I salute you
He's Alive!!
Ahwwww Clarks smiling again
That hand-holding was not platonic
"God bless America, God bless Me!!!" You got this Luthor I BELIEVE IN YOU
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qnzl-relocated · 2 years
which canon dynamics, whether from the movies, the comics, the cartoons, or anywhere else, are you most curious to explore? which ones have the biggest impact on her?
okay okay let’s see here....
so film-wise it would be pretty much any of the bop or ss characters, regardless of the screen time they shared.  ss is one of my favorite (comic) groups and if i can get interactions with any of them i would love to deep dive into their relationship, whatever it may be.  i really think that harley and deadshot have a super interesting dynamic in the comics, but feel like her and rick have more of an interesting one in the ss film.  but i love all of them together and how they learn to work as a unit instead of a singular entity.
obviously ivy.  but i like to see their relationship in kind of a love bomb way.  if exploring a romantic relationship it’s very much harley love bombing and completely enveloping ivy with too much too quick.  i think it’s a normal thing for any relationship harley has post joker to not realize how to actually show her affection to the other person. 
i’m willing to explore her relationship with joker, the beginning and the end of it mostly.  i don’t even care if it sticks to canon, but i do think it’s another important relationship to dive into.
there’s probably more but i really need to pick up a comic and actually glance at them again lol.
i think the friendships that she makes in any capacity are really the most important ones.  the people who show her that she’s more than joker wanted her to be.  (and i do base pretty much her entire current verse post joker, she is rebuilding her entire life outside of him.)  the people who show up for her when she needs them and least expects it.  harley’s a good bean, she’s just had her brain fucked with to believe a lot different.
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coolgirl32 · 3 months
The time they first met nightmare
So I already did a few hc for the villains you do know now I'm going to do a few hc for the new ones or the ones that haven't been on here but who are new anyway no copywriting don't repost without my permission also enjoy this
Deadshot/Floyd Lawton
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When he first met her she was his Target he was paid to take her down or bring her alive to the person he was hired to capture her but she was too slippery for him and she kicked his ass a lot. (By the way this was before Zoe was born also this is an alternate universe where nightmare is Zoe's biological mom) so while they were fighting things got heated if you know what I mean 😉😏. The next day Floyd woke up and found out that nightmare was gone he knew he fucked up when you realize she used her magic on him he told himself he'll never fall for that again so throughout the couple of months he's been trying to find her when he did find her he found her in a hospital bed with a baby girl in her arms he realized that he ended up getting her pregnant and she had his daughter she told him that their daughter's name is Zoe they both made an agreement that Floyd would tell the person who hired him that he killed her and that there was no more evidence but in secretly they've been raising their daughter in secret so no one would know that nightmare is still alive well the person who hired Floyd didn't know that nightmare was still alive.
Alberto falcone
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He met her at the New Year's party on the yacht Alberto never really liked going to celebrations or parties but he was forced to by his father that's when he saw her standing outside by herself he walked up to her and asked what was wrong she told him she was waiting for her date to arrive but he never showed up Alberto felt so bad for her that he asked her if she would like to dance with him she accepted his offer. Of course this was her plan Bruce had told her that Alberto could be holiday but she never believed him until she could see it for herself that's when she was pulled out of her train of thought and saw Alberto talking to her while they were dancing they had a wonderful conversation Alberto was about to kiss her when she stopped him and told him that he needs to buy her dinner first Alberto was a little upset and a little embarrassed so he decided to take her out to dinner they had a wonderful time they had a wonderful conversation Alberto even told her that he doesn't want to be in the family business he never did he just wanted a normal life and to get away from Gotham as far as possible Jacqulyn understood wanting to get away from Gotham or a place like Gotham far as possible and not wanting to be part of a family that was filled with crime is understandable after all her sister is poison ivy. As they both finish talking and eating they soon decide to go on another date the next day and then another day the next day after and then next after that the dates continue until Alberto and Jacqulyn got to know each other really well of course she never told him about her secret Identity or anyone else's secret identity. One night they were on a date Alberto loved her he wanted to ask her to marry him that's when she pushed him away and a gun shot was heard Alberto looked and was relieved at Jacqulyn was not hurt that's when he looked at the roof and saw holiday he looked to see Jacqulyn but she wasn't there she was chasing after holiday in her nightmare costume when she caught holiday it was revealed to be Harvey Dent's wife of course Jacqulyn used her magic on holiday and put holiday in Arkham asylum a few months later Alberto and Jacqulyn moved away from Gotham they got married and had a daughter named Isabella Alberto was really happy that he finally got the family he wanted and to get out of the falcone family safely and happy.
I'm going to do the next part of the other characters of the harem this took longer than expected I'm sorry also don't forget to request anything also have a wonderful day for everyone
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jaxxsoxxn · 2 months
Funny scene imagine it
Boomerang and Bart talking about anything and having fun
Hal huh? Who knew that kangaroo actually is good with kids can you believe that Barry 
Barry looking at boomerang like he’s the only person in this room hal knowing that look too well
Screams out Flash no are goddamn serious. Barry caught off guard. Wait what
hal of all of the men in this world and the women him why him Barry looks at the hand that he pointing at to boomerang wait no no no no no no no that’s no oh don’t lie to me I know that look Barry I don’t like him like that I promise hal you sure cause your face is turning red OK fine so it’s not a big deal a big deal. He’s a criminal well your girlfriend was once a criminal your ex-girlfriend you did not pull that card Barry I did. Hal
Come back to boomerang then Bart what the bloody hell are they screaming about I don’t know should we go stop them boomerang no kid let’s see this play out.
Henlo Snail Anon! :D why won't I write the scene out a little ;>
Also, poor Wally, he didn't connect the dots yet :')
Bart and Digger share few things with each other - their hatred to boredom, their inability to think some things trough and stop moving being one of those, so when Barry sees them meet, he honestly expected them to at least understand each other.
The Suicide Squad (or something something force X) is helping Justice League with some type of mission, which is centered around the Bat, so unsurprisingly not many of them know exactly what is the mission about or what is the danger they are helping with, but it leads to the squad meeting up with a lot of sidekicks.
Of course all the Robins know Harley and Deadshot, Aquaboy or however he's called at the moment also know King Shark.
(said Villain waves at the kid almost shyly and Barry can see Hal roll his eyes in fondness - man was always weak for animals and after sitting trough Guy's drunk rants about sharks and how they're misjudged, he might've grew a soft spot for them which he's not proud of)
Surprisingly for him, Wally barely even knows Boomer. He blinks few times after somebody mentioned that Captain Boomerang was a Flash Rouge and looks closer, which causes few of the more vigilant sideckis to stop in their tracks and look from Kid Flash to the villain.
Digger, being one of the first to notice Wallies confusion, scowls visibly and just averts his eyes. Flash couldn't stop the slight grimace at the scene, feeling bad for the man. That is, until Bart, always his actions faster than his thoughts (though he's learning to do better) gets inside their meeting place and starts running circles around Boomer.
"Cap! Cap! Cap!" a show of affection in his way, chanting his nickname and running circles, while every person that can see above Bart could notice Digger bite back a fond smile.
His Speedforce gauntlet shines lightly while he grabs the kid behind his neck and pulls him up with an amused huff.
"Me, me, me." he repeated after the boy, slowly letting him down.
Somehow, ignoring the shock of few people around them, the two jump into conversation like it's their second nature. Bart still moves around like normally, but Digger does the same, if slightly slower.
When they finally stop for a second, all people can decipher is "Barry talks about ya do much." and then they brush it off, continuing.
Hal, gods bless Hal, doesn't notice it. He's smirking slightly, pointing at their general direction with his hand, while with the other he practically hangs himself on Barry.
"Who could've guessed that the kangaroo is good with kids! Especially since he put bombs in two of 'em..." he wants to carry on, but he can't help but catch the way his friend stares at his Rouge.
Barry has a light smile on his face, soft and so admiring that it's almost loving. His eyes are squinted and shining with delight at every silly joke Boomer and Bart make to each other. Green Lantern's jaw is on the floor so quickly, that he could be mistaken for a speedster himself.
"No, Barry, no." he shakes his friend lightly, to not cause a scene, but his eyes are wide enough for Flash to know he's serious. "Bar, there's no way--"
"What? What's wrong now?" his head moves in his way, he's eyes confused, even if they jump back to Boomer and Impulse whenever a loud cackle or a snort is heard. "What's with you?"
"With me?!" Hal slightly loses the control he had on his tone of voice. "I'm not the one thirsting for a goddamn Villain-!"
Flash stops him with his hand against the other's lips, his eyes darting around the room making sure that no-one heard the man. Somehow in the back of his head he can hear Wally also joining Bart's and Digger's conversation, though he's way more subtle than Impulse.
"Shush! It's not like that, I have no idea-"
A hand grabs his writs and Hal pulls his mouth free.
"Like hell you have no idea! If I'd look at anyone the same way you look at him, you'd probably play wedding bells!"
Barry can feel his face starting to match his suit and he grimaces at the sight of a prideful smirk on GLs face.
"Okay, maybe, but it's not a big deal!" he hissed back at the man, who looks at him like he's the biggest idiot here.
"Not a big deal-?! He's a rouge, your very own one! He tied you to a giant Boomerang once!"
"Okay, first of all, it was the funniest shit ever and it wasn't even that serious, second of all, the name Carol Ferris rings any bells?"
"Oh you did not-!"
"... Does anyone know why Bar and Hal are arguing over there?" Wally asks, staring at the pissy fight his two elders have, somehow in disbelief when Flash grabs the other by the hair and pulls almost lightly.
Bart and Digger don't stop talking about their favourite Just Dance dances for longer than a second, just to shrug at him.
With a heavy sigh, Kid Flash is still trying to put together how does Captain Boomerang know Impulse, since the only person Barry actually talks about is this silly Harkness guy or George, whoever he might be.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
So the question in Trump says it doesn't care about anything and our son said well in questioning I think we've heard enough about other people's stuff let's hear about your stuff and what you have you know for a couple reasons like the lasers laying out all over New Zealand, and it just laying there. They have some questions this guy getting some answers he doesn't want to talk about it have some more questions he doesn't want to talk about that you said he had fleets they asked him about The fleets he said he didn't want to talk about it as the day progressed they figured out that he has stuff and people and a bunch of them so because of his attitude alone they're attacking him in unison we're going to have the summit and they're all going to go after him and we need to happen he's complete spoiled piece of crap and he was a day one but boy is he a horrible person to our son horrible he can't have a day without more or less almost getting into a fight with someone mostly with the Indian himself my son says the hostility will be returned ends up dead in the parking lot ends up dead in police custody ends up Deadshot all over the place the stupid a****** won't stop doing it he says it every time I'm going to have you killed and it keeps coming up and getting killed he's a moron on top of it
Thor Freya
We have to try so hard just to get out of bed just to look half decent and find you running around ruining everything we've ever done and what we're trying to do and our looks and good behavior and we have had enough of you and yeah you are the Ayatollah and boy what an a****** you were you're such a dick you executed so many of our own people that were worth something and you're not with anything we're going to go back over these old crimes too I'm going to have bgaa take a look at them and see if he can understand what we're saying we don't want him in power or in control and his computer program is not good enough to do that he's an idiot he plays Sean Connery and he messes up more of our program and every other program I got to tell you something you let this guy go everybody everyone else is I mean who the hell are we talking to and he says it's us and somehow we get to something these crimes of killing people are usually small but now he's going after all of us and we have a different opinion and he says there's a way to do it other than giving bja who's your sworn enemy now the information is to send a certified courier and the trail of possession is verified and there's a place for dignitaries there and as long as you're not pouring in and organizing you'll be allowed to be there and I'm going to go ahead and do that and ask where and things like that said they don't want anybody else in and you might see your people getting hit because they're going to clear them out so it's advisable probably not to be near it I'm going to go that route it's good advice
And it was me and I'm saying and it's being truthful you don't want to go there they don't want us there they don't want us nearby but I'm going to spend some time to find out what special courier to use and they say it's from the actual un and that makes sense I'm going to say that he's doing it now and it wholesale way and we don't want to be associated with him and we want to put him on trial and get rid of him and others who follow that way it doesn't make any sense what they're doing he says it's a good thing to do because it might not just be him those people at the school in Florida or nuts and I might be there but I don't believe the AI can do it what are you saying is the air I can't do it it's Dave or dad his AI it's a trick it's Jesus Christ just like the Bible is a trick and it might write that down
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
FEBUWHUMP DAY 9: Rick Flag x F!Reader
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Author’s Note: YES I KNOW THIS IS TAKESHI, BUT IT FITS WHAT I HAVE PLANNED... (I’ve also had this work for months now, but finally finished it, it’s shorter than I would like, but I still hope you guys enjoy)
Also for this to make sense, see TIMELINE
Febuwhump Master List || Main Master List
Febuwhump Day 9: Kidnapped
Warnings: Graphic violence, murder, blood, kidnapping, language, killing spree, use of weapons, a darker Rick, PTSD, childhood abuse, interrogation
“Hey Flag, I found her,” Economos states through a straw, looking at the screen as the red light blinks a signal of your location.
“Well, where the hell is she?”
“Some dust ball called Texola, Oklahoma? Why the fuck would someone take her there?” Rick goes rigid at the mention. Why would someone take her there? Unless, unless they are after him. Clenching his jaw, his nostrils flare as he eyes the screen.
“Alright, I’m gonna get the team.”
“Waller’s not gon-”
“I don’t give a fuck. I’m going after (Y/N).”
“Boy, you better get your ass back in here,” Rick’s father threatens, a leather belt wound up in his hands. 
“Richard, please, leave him alone,” Rick’s mother steps between her husband and her son to try to alleviate the tension in the room.
“Get out of the way, woman. Boy over here needs to be punished.”
“It was just a B, dad. I was the highest score too!” Rick frantically looks around, looking for cover from his father’s wrath. 
“’Just a B’,” he mocks, harshly gripping Rick’s arm causing the younger man to wince. “No son of mine gonna get a B,” he roars before bringing the belt down on Rick’s rear end.
Rick is snapped back to reality by Harley’s nagging.
“Hey Flag, what’s gotcha day dreamin’?” She slots herself down next to Rick, swinging her legs as Rick sighs.
“Harley, I’m not in the mood.”
“He just missing his piece of ass I reckon,” Digger jokes, fiddling with his boomerangs and Rick shoots him a glare. Digger immediately shuts up.
“Who would even take her to this dump? There ain’t shit here,” Floyd comments as Harley wraps her bat in barbed wire.
“Ya, this is a shit hole.”
“They took her to get to me,” Rick answers, shutting his eyes, his hands gripping his gun a little tighter.
“But why here?”
“I grew up here. In 1992 I moved here with my dad and mom because my dad was placed in protective services.”
“5 minutes til drop,” the intercom comes on and Rick looks over the group he gathered. Despite them being criminals, these were the ones he trusted most. Rick cocks his rifle and stands up, turning to them.
“Kill anyone who isn’t (Y/N),” their eyes widen in shock at their commander’s command and Harley is the first to snap out of it, standing up and throwing her bat over her shoulder.
“This gonna be lots of fun.”
“You’re mistaken, Rick won’t come. He won’t,” you spit the blood out and onto the man, earning a slap across the face.
“If he is half the man I’ve heard he is, he will,” the man grabs a taser and sticks the end to your neck, the electricity effectively knocking you out.
“Alright, we’ll splint into two groups, Deadshot, you and Harley will take the right side. Boomer and I will take the left. We go in together. On my command,” Rick whispers to the team as they nod, preparing for an onslaught. Rick starts creeping in on the building, relatively small and possibly easy to take over; but, Rick doesn’t care. All he cares about is you.
“You're a failure. I can not believe you are my son,” Flag Senior spits, crumpling up the paper and throwing it in Rick’s face as he remains rigid. “You’ll never get into West Point with these grades. You’ll never be anything.”
“Hey Flag, Flag,” Digger’s voice pulls Rick out of his thoughts once he noticed the Colonel had stopped moving. “Come on, mate, snap out of it.” Rick shakes his head, returning his face to the eyesight on his gun. “Yo, you good?”
“’m fine,” Digger and Harley share a look across from the field before shrugging it off. Approaching the door, Rick presses his back against the outside wall, motioning for the others to follow suit. “On one,” he holds his hand up and counts down before kicking in the door, gun up and shooting each person in his way, taking out the henchmen. “Deadshot, get an advantage point.”
“Yes boss,” he rushes up the stairs, leaving Harley and Boomerang with Rick. 
“You two, watch my six.” He quickly makes his way through the halls, shooting down everyone he comes across.
“With the way Flag is going, we might not even be needed,” Harley quietly comments to Boomer who only shrugs.
“No harm done to me,” they continue following Rick down the halls. Coming across a big door, the group slows to a halt. Rick takes a shaky breath. 
Kicking in the door, Rick surveys the room and sees red. There you are, hanging by your wrists by a chain, beaten and bruised, unconscious and bleeding. “You mother fuckers,” he grits out, raising his rifle and pressing down on the trigger, using rapid fire to plow down person after person. 
The gun clicks, a sign showing it’s empty. “Shit,” he unholsters his glock and aims at the heads, brains splattering against the wall before his normally hazel eyes, now a dark brown with anger, fall onto the man standing in front of you.
“Ah, the famous Colonel Flag. I was wondering when you would come and collect your whore.”
“What do you want with me?”
“I want you to pay,” he grins wickedly, pulling out a knife but Rick is quick. He immediately tackles the man and fights him for the weapon.
“Flag, I can’t get a clean shot with you on top of him,” Floyd’s voice vaguely echoes in the back of Rick’s head, but he doesn't pay attention, nor does he pay attention to the way Harley and Digger just sit idly by, kicking the henchmen after doing nothing. 
After successfully getting the knife from the man, Rick sits on top, the knife pressing against his throat.
“You wanted me? You used my girl to get to me? Well now you have me,” Rick seethes, all of his principles, morals, and ethics long gone. He plunges the knife into the man’s side, causing the man to scream.  “Didn’t think Flag had it in him,” Boomer picks at his cuticles with the edge of his boomerang as Harley watches. 
“Dontcha think we should stop ‘im?”
‘You’re worthless.’ Stab. ‘You’ll never be anything.’ Stab. ‘You’ll never find love.’ Stab. Stab. Stab. Rick stabs the man one more time before rapidly pulling the blade out, the red blood spraying across his face as he leans back and heaves, staring down at the lifeless man.
Wiping off his face, he stands before delivering a kick to the side, throwing the man over the platform before he rushes over to you and yanks the chains down, you falling into his arms.
“Darlin’? Come on darlin’, wake up,” he shakes your body as you slowly stir awake.
“Rick?” He smiles softly, pressing his lips to your sweaty head.
“Hey baby. It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here.” He holds you close and rocks your body, burying his face into your hair as you look around the room.
“What happened?” Rick pulls back and looks around the room, slightly appalled by the mess.
“What they hell did you guys do?” He gears his questions towards his companions as they laugh,
“We ain’t do shit, mate. That was all you.”
“Yeah Flag, I ain’t neva seen ya like this.” Rick looks up to Floyd.
“Was this really all me?” The assassin nods, pointing to the man who was holding you hostage. Rick looks over and holds back the bile in his throat. Noticing his embarrassment and horror, you quickly pull his face towards you.
“Hey, you did what you had to do to save me. You saved me,” you bury his head in your chest, kissing the top of his hair. “You saved me, Rick.”
Meanwhile, Waller rewinds the tape with an amused smile plastered on her face.
“I never knew he could be so violent.” Harcourt comments as Waller pauses right over the part where Rick digs the knife into the man.
“Neither did I.”
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid​ @yelenas-lova​ @himbovillain-anon​ @babblydrabbly​ @a-reader-and-a-writer​ @fairchildflag​ @siliethkaijuy​ @infatuatedjanes​ @niki-xie​
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox​ @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o​ @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @heart-0n-fire @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @mattymurdocksbitch @katjnordstrom96 @bb-skyrunner @11thstreetvigilante
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thefangirltreehouse · 3 years
mixed thoughts on suicide squad upon second viewing
gunn still can’t write women.
again, gunn still neglects to give any agency to anyone who isn’t billed
and yet again, we’re still misunderstanding harley. honestly, at this point the only people i trust to write harley are animated series team & dini (maybe sean murphy)
fucked up amanda waller, despite davis’ stellar performance, do you seriously believe waller would let her staff away with that shit?! and the way her body just lied there was just distasteful
bop’s prison fight sequence was good, the re-do whilst good, felt disingenuous 
you killed rick flag and polka dot but let peacemaker live?!
you let elba keep his accent but not capaldi?! am sorry but “yankee-fucking-doodle-dandies” would sound much better in a scottish accent. (to be fair, he did slip quite a bit and i think that was one of the lines)
edgy for the sake of being edgy (which isn’t a surprise, you aren’t going to convince me gunn is a good person, and no, i don’t think he’s changed because he didn’t face any consequences, disney dropped him, so dc hired him.)
paring harley up again with another coercive abuser but because he’s hot its totally fine? gunn thinks that’s okay? fucking really?! sounding a little incel-ish if ya ask me.
i think we all know the only reason weasel survived was because he was played by sean gunn 
ye killed boomer?! fuckin’ why?! he was one of the few redeeming things about the original.
soundtrack was amazing standouts for me are “rain” (which weirdly wasn’t played during the best shot in the film, that heavily featured rain) and the track with nanaue in the aquarium is so soft and dreamy.
flag wasn’t boring and by the end of the film, i honestly really liked him plus he’s got one of the most powerful lines in the film.
cena can act, and act well? too well
davis, elba and melchior had amazing performances
sebastian is too fucking pure, as is king shark and his moustache disguise.
third act was incredible
it’s an incredibly well made, and intense film, again, see third act.
r2 and bloodsport’s friendship is precious as is harley and flag’s
just polka-dot, everything was great about him.
gunn didn’t even try to hide that the fact the opening scene with robert and and his daughter was supposed to be for deadshot.
why do i feel like roy or jay would be good in these films, especially now with flag gone, not that it would make any sense i just like the idea of roy specifically being on the squad since dc doesn’t know what to do with him.
i’m surprised there was no mention of boomer after his death, or even lawton, katana or croc hell, there was no mention of bats and putting supes in the icu is a pretty big deal to be simply considered a passing comment
why is nobody talking about calendar man?!
can ivy hurry the fuck up and come collect her wife from these abusive male characters and awful directors.
why did harley feel like a side character?
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
The Arrowverse and WB: Interference is Common.
On November 9th, the CW’s Supergirl came to an end. Many fans, myself included, were saddened that Kara and Lena didn’t end up together in a romantic relationship at the series end. Although the chances were slim to none, many of us were hoping for a Korrasami style ending at the very least. Instead, the queerbaiting of Supercorp is one of the show’s lasting legacies. But why? What was there to lose in the show’s final season? A recent interview from Jay Faerber (linked here) had some interesting answers. Two that caught my ear were that there was a lot of support for Supercorp from a lot of the writers and showrunners, and that each season the crew received a package that detailed which comic characters they could use if they choose to do so. WB always had their fingers in the pie, so to speak. Faerber even makes a point of mentioning that they had to go upstairs to allow for Melissa Benoist to get a haircut or have pants.
So why mention all this? I believe that WB was the one who blocked Supercorp from happening. Perhaps the CW holds some of the blame, which I wouldn’t hold it past them. However, as I will soon discuss, WB has interfered with the Arrowverse several times in the past.
Arrow had multiple instances where WB interfered with the storytelling of the show. The major one? The destruction of the Suicide Squad:
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One of the most promising storylines from Arrow was the beginning of the Suicide Squad. Slowly building up in season 2, it seemed like this was going to be a major aspect of the show, if not it’s own spin-off. There was even a Harley Quinn tease. But then...they killed Deadshot. And Waller. WHAT?
This is because Suicide Squad by David Ayer was in production and WB didn’t want people to be confused as to why there was two versions of the characters, because they must assume that their audiences are stupid. Regardless, that was the end of that storyline. Willa Holland admitted that she and others thought the decision was frustrating, but there was nothing that they could do.
The next major interference was the disappearance of Slade ‘Deathstroke’ Wilson. Fans of this character, who is still highly regarded as one of the best villains of the entire Arrowverse, were very confused when he all but disappeared from the show until season 5 brought him back, with season 6 wrapping up his story for good.. But why? Because of Justice League was in production.
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Thus, the show lost one of the most dynamic characters because WB wanted to focus on this version of Deathstroke...which went absolutely no where. Great choice WB, great choice.
So two major villain/anti-hero storylines from the show were forced to stop because the WB wanted to focus on the DCEU. But what was the other major one?
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The introduction of Ray Palmer into the Arrowverse. Remember how Arrow spent several episodes mentioning Kord Industries, hinting at the introduction of Ted Kord, better known as the Blue Beetle? If you do, do you also remember being shocked that Ray Palmer was brought on instead? Me too. This is because Brandon was originally brought on to play Ted Kord, but last minute studio interference forced the writers to use Ray ‘the Atom’ Palmer instead. No one outside the studio really knows why the change was made, but it was. Ray became a fan favourite, so it worked out in the end but what made them decide to make the change? Since then, there has been very little mention of Kord.
There are some other, more minor moments of interference from the studio. Until Batwoman was introduced to the universe, there had been a no Bruce name drop rule at all times. Also, the Bird of Prey were not to be used for the longest time due to the ban on Barbara Gordon, despite the introduction of the sympathetic Huntress and Black Canary.
Smallville, despite being one of the most popular DC properties, had its limitations from WB as well. Despite the use of popular DC characters such as Oliver Queen, Arthur Curry, and Dinah Lance, the Smallvile crew was barred from using two characters in particular:
Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince.
Most likely in case they chose to do shows based off of these two, but regardless, Batman and Wonder Woman were not allowed to be mentioned on the show directly, nor where they allowed to be brought on. This carried over to the Arrowverse until Batwoman came to light. Batman himself really hasn’t appeared in the show, but a fake Bruce and a real Bruce has. Wonder Woman has been mentioned but that’s it.
Supergirl has had some interference as well. In the first season of the show, Clark was never allowed to appear on screen fully. That did change in season 2, when Tyler Hoechlin was casted as Clark Kent. However, his character had special limitations put in place. He was only allowed to appear for a certain amount episodes in season 2. After that, he was very limited in the amount of appearances he could have.
Lex Luthor was not allowed to really be mentioned fully until season 4, when he was introduced to the show. Despite the Luthor family being on the show, they could not use the name of DC’s most well known villain. I am unsure of the reason behind this, but it was noticeable.
As previously mentioned, but Benoist was not allowed to change her physical appearance unless otherwise approved due to her look being specific to Kara. She had been asking for pants for her super suit for quite awhile prior to its introduction in season 5. Vancouver gets chilly y’all, yet she had to fight for something warmer and less revealing. And don’t get me wrong, I loved the iconic Supergirl look, but I also want the people playing them to be comfortable.
These characters are all intellectual properties. Understandably, there are many hoops to go through to use them in the first place. However, there shouldn’t be last minute changes or out right refusals from WB once someone gets the okay to do something.
It is on the showrunners and writers to make this clear, however. If Supercorp was blocked from WB, I wouldn’t be surprised. And I’ll point out there is a difference between fun easter eggs vs. dropped storylines and characters. The examples I used are the ones where the interference is the reason for these things disappearing without much explanation.
Who knows, maybe the CW was the one who said no. But, I just can’t see a network choosing to lose the viewers and to lose the money that they can make from the show (DVD/Blu-Ray sales, viewership numbers, con appearances) over making their most popular ship canon. From a business standpoint, I can’t wrapped my head around it. We will most likely never know the real reason why, but since the WB has proven itself as the big bully on the playground at times, this is why I believe they are the ones who put their foot down on it.
And that’s disappointing.
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