#a wild k memefill appears!
endless-season · 2 years
(surprise!) izutotsu go go go
pt2 - "you're obligated to answer all the qs btw. MAKE THEM FIGHT!!!"
Give me two characters in my inbox
Who would win in a fight
Do they even know how to fight each other. What do they even fight about? Totsuka using the bar as a storage space? How long it'll take Mikoto to realise they've pranked him? Totsuka getting himself into trouble?
As a general rule of thumb, Totsuka only wins if Kusanagi is feeling generous enough to entertain him.
Who I like better
The dead one.
How I ship them
Please refer to that giant post I wrote many years ago.
They know each other so well. They're so in touch with each other's feelings. They seamlessly connect and switch between casual and serious situations. They communicate openly and call each other out and gossip about others beautifully. Their strengths complement each other perfectly to support each other as well as Mikoto. They're the ones that look after everyone - which also leaves the two of them to be the ones to look after each other. Hashtag: IRL marriage goals
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