knightofameris · 4 years
dylan + kuroo, aquarian date where i just goes on and on abt all the different fishes and such and he listens to me rambling and just goes ☺️
☙ kulan + sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. angst if you squint, like REALLY squint. otherwise fluffy fluff <3 Oh, and slightly suggestive uhhh comments. i feel like anytime we interact i turn something suggestive and that’s oops, my bad ✎ wc. 0.6k
✎ summary. an aquarium date turned double date~
✎ ameris’ notes. KULAN SOUNDS REALLY COOL IN MY HEAD. i hope you enjoy this <3 <3 @miyalove
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Kuroo was usually the one who’d talk in chemistry puns, send you “secret” messages hidden in elements of the periodic table late at night, as well as talk about volleyball and even the way he missed his older sister. Which wasn’t much, he wasn’t too open about his family but it was nice this time around to see the way you seemed to light up when it came to talking about the different species in the aquarium. 
With a glance to the time on his phone, he reached down to clasp his hands with yours, his fingers sliding between yours smoothly. 
“Hmm, what’s up?” You asked, pulled out of your little rambles to look up at Kuroo. You really really wanted to run your hands through his hair, just to fix it up a little bit. 
“It’s almost time to meet back up with Suga-chan and Ame-chan.” 
Although the four of you had decided to come here for a double date, it ended up with the four of you splitting up for just some couple time and then reunite after some time. 
“Tetsu,” you said, looking up at him as the two of you walked past families and even other couples, “are you having fun?” 
A bit of anxiety flowed through you, worried since you were the one talking the most. 
“Hmm?” Kuroo raised a brow. “Of course I’m having fun. Anytime spent with you is fun.” He leaned down to leave a small kiss on the crown of your head and you smiled, squeezing his hand. You hummed happily in response when the two of you saw Sugawara and Ameris waiting in the meet up spot, swinging their hands back and forth, smiling and talking to each other. 
“Suga-chan! Ame-chan!” Kuroo called out, and the two immediately looked up. 
“Ah, Kuroo, Dylan!” Ameris waved, Sugawara also greeting the two of them. 
“How was everything for you guys?” Ameris asked, glancing at Dylan. 
“It was fun,” you grinned, looking up at Kuroo. 
Kuroo smiled back, before turning his attention back to Sugawara and Ameris, leaning down with a sly grin towards the setter and his girlfriend. 
“Is Suga-chan as refreshing as everyone says he is?” Kuroo asked, glancing down at Ameris. Sugawara’s gaze followed Kuroo’s, down at his girlfriend. 
“I mean, from the way she reacts in the be-”
“Koushi!” Ameris smacked Sugawara on his chest, causing the boy to laugh by the way the girl turned red and got so flustered. “Dylan what if we just broke up with them and dated each other, what do you say about that?” 
“Hmm,” you pretended to think, glancing up at Kuroo, “yeah, Tetsu’s kinda annoying sometimes.” 
“Wha-hey!” “That’s not fair!” 
The two boys immediately began pouting at the way the two of them began talking about their different places they wanted to go to for dates and how annoying their boyfriends, and soon to be pretend-exes. 
But Kuroo was happy, knowing that you were happy. And though this was all in jest, he trusted you with his heart. No matter the many different times anxiety would fill his chest if you guys even partially argued, reminding him of the way he grew up. In some ways, he wished his parents had found something like he did in you. 
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knightofameris · 4 years
Kainoyaku(noya and yaku) and stargazing/a bonfire?
☙ kainoyaku + sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. no one has brain cells here and if they do yaku and suga barely have it. but also I tried making it fluffy but brain HGNN ✎ wc. 0.6k
✎ summary. beach day but also compliment kai day. 
✎ ameris’ notes. i the way that the ship name flows so smoothly,,,, i love it. i’ve seen you on my dash so many times as well as w ur match up, so I hope I depicted you well!! also I always depict bonfires at the beach so I hope you don’t mind I mashed that up (I'm from social pls forgive me). Was going to write everything in third person but, yk i’m gonna do this in 2nd pov so it’s more smooth for you to read!! 
ALSO IM SRORY. i don't think this is my best work AHHH. still trying to get into the swing of writing again. 
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You would think that after a long day at the beach it would tire out Noya and Ameris. Even for you, you were barely getting through the day and only surviving on the energy that Noya gave out. Admittedly though, Yaku had to calm you, Noya, Sugawara, and Ameris. It was interesting to see Yaku give a light scolding to Suga but you suppose even the “moms” of the teams still like having fun. Even Yaku had to get scolded by Ameris. 
It was supposed to be just a casual hang out, a little bit of catching up between the five of them. You all invited the rest of Karasuno and Nekoma but they bailed, so it just became a couple’s date. 
And it was nice, as nice as it could be. But the beach weather was perfect, with the way the ocean waves reflected the sunset just a few minutes ago. The refreshing sea salt smell and the light scent of marshmallows being roasted over the bonfire. 
“Oi, calm down!” Suga scolded Ameris and Noya, even though part of him was tempted to join in on their activities but with the way you and Yaku seemed to be wanting to wind down after a long day was what made him actually use his braincells. Also, he was tired. 
Immediately, Noya’s head whipped over towards you, his burnt marshmallow (from him and Ameris trying to compete over who could make a perfectly golden marshmallow) falling off of his little skewer. 
He opened his mouth to talk but your eyes just trailed to the little goop of marshmallow on the edge of the bonfire. 
“Noya, you idiot your marshmallow just fell off,” you pointed out. Yaku handed you a few graham crackers and chocolate. You thanked him with a smile and ever so slightly, he scooted closer to you, his hips touching yours. 
“Hah, I won,” Ameris shoved Noya lightly only to pout in return. Suga ruffled Ameris’ hair when she handed him her lightly golden, and somewhat burnt, marshmallow 
“Hey Ames,” you asked, looking up at the stars that finally came out to play for the night. All of them waking up from their sleep just to shine for the rest of the world to see. 
“Hmm?” Ameris chewed on her bit of smores. 
“Can you recognize the constellations?” 
“Ah, no.” 
“Aren’t you a fan of astronomy?” Yaku asked, leaning his head against your shoulder now. And though earlier in the relationship it would’ve made you stiffen up, you’re a bit more used to it now, accepting it all with open arms. Even if Noya still teases you with how awkward you are at times. 
“Yes, no? I’m terrible at physics don’t look at me.” 
“I call bullshit!” Noya exclaimed, Suga agreeing. You even added on but Ameris immediately turned the conversation around.
“Kai I will personally fight you.” 
“How? you’re too short,” you teased back. But it was the way Ameris’ smile grew larger that somewhat scared you. As well as the way Noya and Yaku slightly glared at you. At this point, Yaku wrapped an arm around your waist giving you a light pinch and you simply lightly slapped his hand. 
“I’ll just keep complimenting you until you’re a puddle. Noya, don’t you think Kai is so wonderful? They’re so sweet and their art and writings are so well done!” Noya had begun nodding his head vigorously. 
“Oh and Yaku, don’t you think Kai is the best person to be with? I know for a fact that they’re a great friend but to be in a relationship with them? Honestly, I’m jealous.” Cue Yaku agreeing with a passionate yes as well as Suga saying a quick and offended “hey!” 
You felt the way that you were slowly short-circuiting, the bit of heat rushing up your neck to your cheeks. 
This was your weakness.
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knightofameris · 4 years
:0 did i actually catch the event!!1?1!
my selfship is: ann + tooru!!
our dates are actually really impromptu. he just knocks on my door and we just go out for stupid grocery & corner store raids. he complains about how i make him take a cheat day but HE’S the one who grabs more snacks than me. my favorite part is when he puts me in a shopping cart and we race down the parking lot at unholy hours 🥰
☙ toorann + sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. no one has brain cells here,,, none, UH slgihtly suggestive comments/actions????? idk ASJDFDLSAJF, me being cheesy because im stupid LOL, okay kinda? bad writing definitely bad writing ✎ wc. 0.6k
✎ summary. a coincidental and spontaneous meet up~ 
✎ ameris’ notes. AHHH I hope you enjoy! I had fun with this one owo @anntidote i am simultaneously proud and not proud. Schrodinger's pride. 
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Honestly, none of you should have been here at this time. Or even awake. You should be asleep. But nope! Tooru just had to come by your house, toss some rocks at your window when you just wanted to binge a few shows and yet here you were at some convenience store that happened to be open during this time. 
“Tooru, I’m still in my pajamas,” you whined as he dragged you by the waist to grab some snacks, just so he could blame you for why he’s not building any muscle. 
Tooru continued marching towards the light up neon sign of the store, giving you a quick glance over and let out an appreciative hum and you were suddenly self conscious about yourself. 
With how many times he’s dragged you out this late, you should really stop wearing short shorts and a large t-shirt to sleep. But they were comfortable! 
“You look fine,” he waved you off, his hand trailing down to place his hand flush your cute butt (his words, not mine) only to suddenly see Mr. Refreshing and Mrs. Refreshing and he immediately retracted it back to your waist. He would’ve scowled and made some comment about Karasuno but with you in his presence and you being close friends with Mrs. Refreshing, well, he bit his tongue. 
“Ann, why are you up?” Ameris asked, her hands full of snacks. “Wait, why are you even here?” 
“Uh, why are you?” You asked, squinting your eyes at the couple in front of you only for Ameris to do it back
“Ah, Oikawa-kun,” Sugawara greeted with a wave. Or, as much as a wave as he could wave with how many snacks he had in his arms. 
“Suga-kun,” Tooru responded with a bit of, well, bitterness laced on his tongue. You promptly elbowed him in the side causing him to cry out. He was about to scold you when Ameris interrupted him. 
“We’re gonna watch movies at my place since my family’s not home, wanna join?” Ameris grinned and immediately you nodded your head. 
“Wait, but let me and Tooru get some of our snacks too!” 
Well, that’s what was supposed to happen. One thing happened that turned into another (who would have thought that Oikawa would pick a fight with Suga, but maybe it’s because Kageyama wasn’t there) that led you all here.
It was an hour later when you and Ameris decided to humor each other’s boyfriends competitive spirit. 
All the snacks were put in shopping bags placed to the side and you and Ameris were in beat down shopping carts with Tooru and Sugawara preparing to race each other down the abandoned parking lot. 
“This is going to end badly,” Ameris said. 
“You’ll both be fine, Ann-chan, Ame-chan,” Tooru waved it off. Sugawara adjusted his grip on the shopping cart while sporting a pout on his face. 
“Yeah, don’t you trust us, your boyfriends?” 
You and Ameris exchanged glances with each other only to laugh. The two setters glared with a tick mark apparent on their foreheads. 
“We could just shove them, grab the snacks and run, Koushi-kun,” Tooru suggested.
“Wait, when were you first name basis with-”
Sugawara cut his girlfriend off, to her delight, “Sounds like a plan.” 
And as the two of you sputtered out colorful words in return as they shoved the carts. You and Ameris struggled to clamber out, throwing more curse words as you both chased your boyfriends down.
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knightofameris · 4 years
☙ noae + sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. fluff and i guess jealousy but it’s all in jest ✎ wc. 0.7k
✎ summary. in which everyone’s a pouty baby
✎ ameris’ notes. @chibishae34​ THIS WAS THE FIC IDEA I HAD BTW WHEN WE WERE CHATTING!! i know you didn’t send in a request or whateverrrr but just a lil gift or something ;-; i hope you enjoy it!! <3 is also done a bit later than i wanted but oops i had to finish the hw i procrastinated on. this is done much later than i wanted, but i hope it can help make everything that’s happened just a little bit better <3 hope u have a good week too!! 
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It was cute, to be honest. Really cute seeing the way Noya and Sugawara pouting off to the side of the Karasuno VBC get together. It had been a while since the team had reunited. It’d also been admittedly tough not always being physically with Noya, all things considered as you stayed to do studies and he traveled the world. 
When Noya first talked about how he wanted to go travel the world he wanted you to come with. But that wasn’t feasible for you, financially or even for what you had plans for in life. 
There were a lot of tears, arguing, and in the end comforting words and embraces. Because you and him both knew that eventually you’ll both find each other in the other’s arms. 
Well, except for this moment in time. 
As in, Ameris was currently in your arms after a long time of not seeing each other and the two of you happily chatting away about how you missed each other as well as tossing in old cute nicknames from high school. 
“I will full on leave Koushi just for you, my lovely Shae baby,” Ameris grinned, eyeing her boyfriend’s reaction as he stood off to the side with Noya beside him. 
“I’ll drop Yuu for, my angel Ameris!” 
“Hey!” Sugawara and Noya protested, immediately at their girlfriend’s side, trying to pry them off of each other. 
Alas, their grips were too tight as they whined, trying to fight their boyfriends from pulling them away from each other. 
“See, this is why I’m gonna break up with you Koushi, you won’t let me be with my love,” Ameris stuck her tongue out at Sugawara. 
A tick mark appeared on his head, “Wh-what! I’m your love!” He pouted. 
“Yuu,” you dragged out his name, “I just want to give Ameris some love!” 
“But, I want love too!” 
Ennoshita slammed his hand down on Noya’s head and immediately pulled Noya off of you. Daichi as well on Sugawara and the two of you were finally free from the extra weight and it was then that you both finally let each other go. 
For the rest of the reunion, the two of you caught up on things, Noya and Sugawara beside you as well, catching up with the rest of the team but giving pouts when they would try to garner your or Ameris’ attention. Though, the two of you willingly gave them the attention they craved. 
Noya grinning at each kiss or head pat you gave him, giving you one back because, in his words, he really missed you. 
“Hey hey,” Ameris bounced up to you and Noya, Sugawara close in tow with Ameris pulling him by his hand. Sugawara grumbled about how he wanted to go home already after such a long night and just be with her but Ameris lightly smacked him on his chest and squeezed his hand a bit to tell him soon. 
Turning back to you and Noya she suggested, “We should go on a double date while Noya’s still in town!”
Your face brightened at the idea, Noya even noticing it as you nodded your head, “Yeah, that sounds like a really good idea!” 
“Oh, but you’d be my date, right?” She asked you directly with a giggle. Suga sighed out in frustration, bending down to rest his head on her shoulder as he whined at the lack of attention. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you replied. 
Finishing up the conversation, Noya’s hand threaded through yours comfortably like puzzle pieces. Bidding goodbyes to the rest of the alumnus, Noya was more quiet than usual on your way back home. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, squeezing his hand. 
“You wouldn’t actually leave me, right?” Noya asked. 
“Aww, baby,” you cooed, pulling him closer to give him a kiss on the cheek, “I wouldn’t. I was just teasing and you remember how Ameris and I was like back in high school. I love you, always.” 
Noya slightly flushed pink, immediately looking to the side, away from your gaze.
“I-I love you, too.”
“Aww are you embarrassed?” You teased, pinching his cheeks only for him to try to swipe your hand away from your face. 
Relationships weren’t easy, they never were. But with Noya it always felt easier because it was with him. With every hill, as long as he was beside you, it’d be okay. 
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knightofameris · 4 years
okayy here we go; hi i’m known as jules!! she/they,, self ship w/ semi, very teasing but soft vibes yano fhdjdjd and 3am adventures to the store w/ sugaris ofc hehe C: -🧸
☙ julmi+ sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. angst if you squint, chaos and fun <3 ✎ wc. 0.7k
✎ summary. a coincidental and spontaneous meet up~
✎ ameris’ notes. K SO I WAS KINDA STUCK ON THE SHIP NAME BUT I THINK THIS STILL WORKS. ur so cute and I love this sm ;-; and thank u for stopping by sm. and i hope you see this in the morning!! and hopefully it’ll help you feel a lil better <3 (also my first time writing semi pls. might’ve really focused on that tsundere aspect u brought up before ADSJFDAFJ. 
also pushing my ONE handcanon i have for him which came from this fic i read where he made like a 2-3 chapter cameo ljldsjf
AND oh god i couldn’t concentrate on this. destiel. putin. yk, the usual
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It was a little bizarre seeing how Semi and Sugawara got along so well. Considering the fact that Karasuno did beat Shiratorizawa to be the representative of Miyagi. But you suppose they had quite a bit to relate over. 
Not just volleyball, but the fact that, well, as setters they were replaced despite being third years. But they each found their own way to contribute (even if they didn’t believe it). 
Nonetheless, this was how you personally found yourself chasing Ameris down the different aisles for stealing the last of your favorite snacks (though you knew she was going to give it to you in the end). 
“I’ll let you have the snacks if you ate dinner today!” You shouted. Ameris came to an abrupt stop, though, and you ultimately crashed into her the moment Sugawara and Semi appeared in front of the two of you, causing a rather large “accident.”
In a tangled mess of limbs, Semi let out a groan, trying to get back up as Ameris and you clambered off the boys in a fit of giggles. 
“Did you really have to run around like that?” Semi huffed as if he was mad. You know he wasn’t which made you smile up at him. He began to flush pink, quickly looking away with his brows still furrowed. He does admit though, he enjoys seeing you happy like this. 
Ameris tossed the snack towards you as she went to help Sugawara up off the ground, “I didn’t eat dinner so uhh, you can have the snacks.” She laughed sheepishly as she immediately hid behind Sugawara. Before you could scold her, however, her boyfriend immediately bonked her on the head.
“What do you mean you didn’t eat dinner!” Sugawara scolded, grumbling about how he was gonna have to force feed her. 
“We should head back if we want to sleep before sunrise,” Semi suggested, glancing at his phone for the time. You stuck our your tongue as you held onto his arm. 
“You’re no fun.” 
Ameris piped in, “Let’s quickly grab our snacks and meet in the front? Then we can finish our game of Catan.” 
With everyone agreeing, so that they didn’t destroy the store clerk’s sanity any more with the many close calls of knocking over shelves of food, they rushed in pairs to grab their respective snacks. You had to drag a somewhat grumpy Semi Eita, though you knew deep down he was having just as much fun as you were. 
It had been a somewhat difficult journey over the years. Not between your relationship with him, save for maybe the mutual pining which drove everyone insane. Including Ameris (with love). But seeing him try to pour his love into the sport only to be overshadowed. 
But you knew he was talented in other ways. Or skilled, depending on your perspective. 
The first time he played piano for you was the same day you knew you were-well-maybe in love with him. Or definitely in love with him. It was always fascinating to you that he took care of his hands not just for setting, but for such a wonderful instrument. 
“Should we get some of these?” Semi asked, pointing towards a few bags of amanoya rice crackers. 
Your face brightened up, immediately scanning the rows of snacks below and above it, “Yeah! Ames likes the wasabi ones and I think Sugawara as well.”
Semi nodded, grabbing a handful before the two of you headed towards the front, promptly paying for the snacks to meet up with Sugawara and Ameris outside. 
The cold brisk air of the night hit the two of you, slight chills running through your body. Semi wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to keep you warm.
“Nice, Semi-san making the moves first time around!” Ameris teased. Sugawara giving a low whistle as well. You grinned, patting him lightly on his chest before the four of you headed back to finish up some board games and watch terrible TV shows. 
Of course, it was a slow walk full of detours, pranks, and many snacks being eaten before even getting back. But, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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knightofameris · 4 years
double dates — masterlist
main masterlist || haikyuu!! masterlist
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✎ ameris’ notes. ngl this is also for me cus i want to go back to read these,,, we love being self indulgent <3 also for you guys to find!
This mini event is closed for now! But stay tuned I’ll be having a milestone event with something like this again soon~
last updated: november 9, 2020
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☙ kainoyaku + sugaris ❧ 
@\kaaidalupita <3
☙ churro + sugaris ❧ 
churro anon <3
☙ hitumsuga + osameris ❧ 
🐝 anon <3
☙ kulan + sugaris ❧ 
@\miyalove <3
☙ chai tea + sugaris ❧ 
🍒 anon <3
☙ toorann + sugaris ❧ 
@\anntidote <3
☙ julmi + sugaris ❧ 
🧸 anon <3
☙ matsuannah + sugaris ❧ 
savannah <3
☙ noae + sugaris ❧
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knightofameris · 4 years
sav (savannah, but my nickname is sav/savvy lol) + mattsun (matsuannah? matsannah?) 🥺
relationship dynamic: matssun's the more chilled and go with the flow while i'm more planed out and wanting adventure. so i feel we balance each other out pretty well. we both love teasing each other (as a sign of love) and showing affection through touch.
ideal date: movie night (probably with some friends too) but only of movies that we think are so BAD that it's hilarious to make fun of it. me and mattsun would prolly be high too but not all the time lol
(also yes, this is the same savannah + iwa anon from the sm au event 🥺 i absolutely love it btw it was so accurate and rlly cute!! ❤️ what can i say tho, i'm a h*e for aobajohsai boys 😀)
☙ matsuannah+ sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. alcohol, smoking, just drug use i guess ASDJFDASKJF, mentions of Christmas Hallmark movies lmao ✎ wc. 0.5k
✎ summary. a short little movie night where no one pays attention to the movie. 
✎ ameris’ notes. KLASKDJFDKJF i felt that I love,,, aobajohsai as well. I’M really happy that you enjoyed it btw!!! AHHHHH yours was fun to do. ALSO THE WAY I’M,,, the lightnovel sketch with suga in tanaka’s lap in adfsdalfm i’m actually a cuddly drunk and me seeing suga just sitting in tanaka’s lap i,,,, i want that pls thank u 
i’m not sure if i like this one that much but i hope you do! ahhhh sorry ;—;
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At this point, with the way that none of you and your friends were paying attention to the movie playing on the TV, one of you guys should’ve just turned it off. But the flickering lights from the screen gave a sort of ambience and it was fine for the most part, since you were all at least partially paying attention to the movie. 
It was a strange group gathering, to say the least. The AobaJohsai third years and Karasuno third years gathering together despite the match where Karasuno won a few years ago (so not quite third years anymore).
But it worked out, somehow. With you and Ameris being the bridge between both teams with a friendship that wasn’t torn because of the volleyball matches. 
And the atmosphere at least was lighter with, well... 
Your legs were tossed over Mattsun’s lap comfortably, one of his hands resting on your calf and his thumb rubbing small circles on the inner part of your leg. The two of you were slightly giggly, you more so as he had more of a lazy smile listening to you make fun of the terrible acting on the Hallmark movie playing on screen. 
Ameris was sitting on the ground with Sugawara sitting on her lap, the two of them bickering because of how heavy he was, but she didn’t make any movements to push him off her lap. Instead she just tightened her hold around his waist as he snuggled his face closer into her neck. 
Though, you supposed that’s how it was when the two of them got drunk, they were more prone to PDA of sorts. 
“Oi, get a room,” you teased towards the two. Iwaizumi and Daichi both murmured agreements. Also scratch that fact that no one was paying attention, for some reason Oikawa and Makki were invested in the movie but it could just be from them being high. 
Ameris stuck her tongue out at you as she reached out for another bottle of soju but Daichi quickly pulled it away, with an obvious tick mark on his forehead. 
“No more for you or Suga,” Daichi mentioned. Iwaizumi had already begun putting other alcohol and joints away seeing as everyone was a little bit out of it, Asahi had fallen asleep somehow. 
Ignoring the former captain, Ameris glanced back at you, “Savvy, I think you need a room with Mattsun.” She pointed at how his hand had slowly creeped up your leg and how you had leaned into his side. 
“I don’t know about you but everything here is PG-13,” you remarked. Ameris continued to glare at you as she tightened her hold on her boyfriend. 
Iwaizumi and Daichi both sighed, both inwardly debating if they wanted to take a shot or a hit because of how tiring everyone here was. 
And as they heard you and Ameris bickering back and forth (playfully) with Mattsun and Suga watching in amusement they ultimately both decided to take a shot. 
And thank the gods they did because somehow both of your attention spans went back to the movie as the climax of the movie began and each of you began making extremely stupid and excited remarks. 
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knightofameris · 4 years
hi bb !! could i please get a chai tea and a library date 🥺 only if you want to tho !! i know that i have requested a lot hdjddk I’m sorry 🥺, she/her pronouns pls !! if you are doing it, jdjdkd i hope you have fun doing this event, thank you !! ❤️💖💓💝 —🍒
☙ chai tea + sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. fluff, college!au of sorts! ✎ wc. 0.6k
✎ summary. in which you may have gotten kicked out of the library. just kidding :3c
✎ ameris’ notes. LIBRARY DOUBLE DATES???? i sorta made it along the lines of studying at the library :3c mostly cus it’s midterm season and i... am dying... and dw about requesting a lot!! IT’S ALWAYS SO MUCH FUN!! and i love u for participating <3 
edit: I apparently forgot to write half a sentence ??? And I remember planning on writing it in a diff direction but forgot to take off part of it in the “contains” god I’m sleepy
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The constant clacking on laptops, pencils and pens scribbling on notebooks, the somewhat annoying clicking of pens or tapping of pens against the table, and you were pretty sure there was someone crying at one of the closed single desks in the corner. Truly, the epitome of college students in midterm season.
You eyed Ameris off to the side who was obviously zoning out as she stared at her laptop screen. Sugawara beside her who was surprisingly studying intently, not that that was surprising since he’d use it as a routine back during nationals in high school. 
Daichi beside you had a little bit of a concentrated look, perhaps border constipated. You laughed quietly, getting side-eyed by everyone at the table (except for Ameris, she was still zoned out). Daichi raised a brow but you silently waved him off as if it was nothing. 
He promptly went back to burying his hand in his hair as he leaned on his arm, trying to plan out his final essay, even skimming through the books he had to read for his criminology class to find evidence and quotes. 
Meanwhile, you were struggling with organic chemistry. God, why did premed students have to learn ochem (okay well you knew why but it still sucked). Admittedly, you have been working a little bit too much. Seeing as you’ve had an energy drink (courtesy of Ameris) as well as coffee (courtesy of Daichi). 
When was the last time you slept? 
As you eyed Ameris, beginning to fall asleep and Sugawara jabbing her on the side to wake her up (cue her whining and pushing him away by his face), Daichi passed you a small note with his scribbly handwriting that was just very him.
You alright? We can head back to the apartment if you want. 
You smiled, looking up at him then grabbing your pen to write back underneath. 
yeah just a bit tired, stressed. but its alright how’s your essay coming along?
Daichi frowned as he read your little note, especially at the way you brushed off your exhaustion. 
Alright, let’s go home.
With that, he began packing his things and Ameris and Sugawara glanced up. You couldn’t even protest against him.
“You guys heading back?” Ameris asked quietly, rubbing her eyes with a yawn which promptly caused you to yawn in return. 
“Yeah, just gonna get some rest before studying again tomorrow,” you replied with a tired smile. 
“I guess we should head back too,” Suga suggested, nudging Ameris to start packing up. 
“Same time tomorrow?” Daichi asked, already swinging his back over his shoulder. Ameris nodded as she latched sleepily onto Sugawara’s arm after they all finished packing up. 
“Geez, you should’ve drank the energy drink!” You scolded the girl but she just shook her head. With a sigh, you reached out for Daichi’s hand by his side and he subconsciously clasped his hand in yours. 
“We’ll see you tomorrow then,” Sugawara said with a tired smile, also exhausted from all the studying as he ruffled Ameris’ hair. 
“Text us when you get back,” Ameris softly spoke up before the two went off their own way. 
Daichi looked down at you, and you gave him a closed eye smile. Unable to resist, Daichi kissed the top of your head before saying, “Let’s head back home.” 
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knightofameris · 4 years
🐝bbbb (transcript: babybaby)
I'm hungry and lonely (and I miss communicating with you😔), so I'm going to be greedy. this is the first time I've been involved in something like this, be gentle with me, jared♥️
hitoka x me (Crimson, they/them) x suga(r) + osameris double date!
I think you can find my matchup (🐹), but I'll still write a little text—
relationship dynamics: I'm the most flirtatious but reserved, suga is the most caring, hitoka is more like our child at times, but we still love her. I tend to constantly snuggle up to them and try to arrange group hugs. and, of course, to be in love with cutie, she must exist in this world and I will be her main fan💘
synopsis: hitumsuga + osameris are going to have a date at night in a quiet place, as this night promised the largest meteor shower in history🌠
☙ hitumsuga + osameris ❧
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✎ contains. fluff fluff fluff <3 and me being mean to osamu ✎ wc. 0.6k
✎ summary. a little night of stargazing and meteor showers <3 
✎ ameris’ notes. BA🐝 heheh, do u get it its babee jdflasdjf. PLEASE EAT THOUGH. and I love talking to u bb pls feel free to just drop by and talk about your day or anything uwu. also the way I'm actually excited to write about this,,, esp since I haven’t REALLY WRITTEN OSAMERIS. OR THOUGHT TOO MUCH ABOUT OUR DYNAMICS. i got a few ideas of how we work tho LMAO. i love him so much too it’s kinda scary. BUT YES BE GREEDY GRR. 
also the way a lot of y’all mentioned stars, stargazing, my soul. my heart. my aesthetic. 
SORRY THIS IS TAKING SO LONG. i got caught up in a few things w my family again >:v ill continue working where i can but i’ll probbaly release a few tomorrow ): and everyone can still send them in so no worries! 
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It was a calming night, arguably the best time during the 24-hour day that humanity deemed to be how to organize a day. What even is a day? It’s just a social construct because again what is the passage of time even. 
Actually, I take everything back. It wasn’t too calming. 
Not with the way that you were holding Hitoka between your legs, snuggling into her as she squirmed and Sugawara laying his head on your and her lap. Sugawara took his time complaining for the two of you to settle down so he could relax and admire the stars (which were really nice out, thank the gods). He even poked the two of you in the sides, causing you both to jut out in pain. 
“C’mon Hitoka,” you pouted, snuggling your face into her back. But the way her face kept growing redder by the second, you’d think she just got into the relationship with you and Sugawara. 
Before Hitoka could respond though, as they waited on the picnic blanket, Osamu and Ameris was heading over, calling out to them. 
In Ameris’ hands was a picnic basket as Osamu gave her a piggy back ride, probably begrudgingly (but not really). 
“Babybaby!” You called out to Ameris and Osamu bent down to let his girlfriend down. And as she hopped down, immediately making him hold the picnic basket, she ran towards you to in a sort of tackle hug from behind, despite the fact that Hitoka and Sugawara were in your lap. 
“Hello, hello! I missed you!!!” 
“Geez, am I just a pack mule to you?” Osamu asked, setting down the picnic basket. Sugawara had already gotten up to help Osamu unpack the food the two brought while Ameris snuggled with you and Hitoka, who felt even more embarrassed as the seconds passed by. 
You’re both sure that you broke Hitoka with all this affection. 
“It’s not my fault you’re built like that,” Ameris deadpanned at Osamu who did the same back to her. 
“Thanks for making the food by the way,” Sugawara grinned, already settling back to lay his head on your lap. Hitoka finally calmed down as well, settling her hands onto Suga’s silver hair. 
“Ah, yes! Thank you, I should’ve said that sooner,” Hitoka was about to apologize but Ameris had waved her off, letting her know it was no problem as she headed to sit next Osamu, immediately placing her legs over his lap with him warapping his hand around her waist.
“’Samu did most of the work though,” Ameris scratched her cheek, as she went ahead to grab one of the onigiris. 
“Yeah, she was pretty useless,” Osamu teased. Cue Ameris hitting him on his chest. “Thanks for inviting us.” He immediately looked up to the sky, the beginnings of the meteor shower already starting  
You smiled, “Of course, just wanted to see Jared again.” Ameris laughed out loud at your inside joke with each other. Suga and Hitoka exchanged curious glances while Osamu just raised a brow but paid it no mind. 
“Wait, wait, it’s starting!” Hitoka said excitedly, patting your leg rapidly and ruffling Sugawara’s hair. All five of you glanced up as more meteor showers streaked across the night sky. Suga, to calm Hitoka down grabbed her hand to place a kiss on her palm and you tightened your hold around her waist giving her a small kiss on her shoulder as well. 
Hitoka, once again, grew red but you wouldn’t have it any other way. It was always fun to tease her and Koushi. And you were just glad you got to see the stars fall from the sky with Ameris and Osamu as well. 
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knightofameris · 4 years
pspsps~ this is the jasmin x kuroo anon 🥺 the ideal date is probably something simple, nothing stressful or TOO expensive because i don't wanna stress tetsu out LMAO maybe just a walk around a popular festavil and we'd probably invite friends over to hang out with us (but we'd eventually break off into our own group lol) we'd go on rides, play cheap fair games, and grab some greasy festival food, find a nice place to sit and eat + chat and laugh and watch the stars LMAO it's super cheesy but it's kinda 🥺 yanno
☙ churro + sugaris ❧
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✎ contains. highschool au ?? idk LOL i guess basically where it is in canon whateverrr ✎ wc. 0.7k
✎ summary. a little day at the Tanabata festival in Sendai <3
✎ ameris’ notes. BABY YOU’RE BACK. here is a kith. just for u. MWAH. i love churro so much wtf u don't even know. HSGNFDG. also the way I knew that there was a star festival of sorts in japan.  then continued looking into it just for this <3
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It was supposed to be a little get together for Nekoma and Karasuno. Although they were all fated rivals, it didn’t mean they couldn’t relax before the school year started up again, and so Spring Interhigh. 
And why not have the Cats visit the Crow’s territory? After all, the Tanabata festival was the biggest in Sendai, Miyagi. 
Except, chaos ensued and that’s how you found yourself lost in the crowds of the Tanabata festival with Kuroo. Your hand tightened around his, and Kuroo squeezing yours back, giving you a side glance to ensure that you wouldn’t disappear from his sight with your short height. 
You didn’t mind being lost with Kuroo though, it was beautiful. The colorful strips of paper adorning the buildings. The cheery laughter of families and children brushing against your legs. It was sweet, since the festival was about star-crossed lovers. 
And though your love story with Kuroo wasn’t necessarily a star-crossed story, it was still a romantic one nonetheless. 
“Where do you think the others went off to?” You asked Kuroo. He shrugged in response, hoping that Kenma was fine. But he knew Kenma was most likely off on the outskirts to find some peace and quiet. Or Hinata was dragging him around with Lev, Inuoka, and Shibayama close behind. 
“We’re off practice, I’m not their captain,” Kuroo gave you a sly grin and you frowned in response, knowing he was up to something, “I’m your date for tonight, so let’s not think of our kids right now.” 
“AW,” you held his entire arm, rubbing the side of your face into the side of his arm, “so you do see us as parents when it comes to the team.” 
Kuroo opened his mouth to make a retort only for him to get interrupted.
“Jas?” A familiar soft and feminine voice called out. Kuroo and you turned around to see Ameris holding hands with Sugawara. The two were adorning yukatas similar to your own and Kuroo’s. “Oh, and Kuroo, sorry didn’t see you. Thought we lost everyone.”
“That’s only because you’re short,” Kuroo teased Ameris. But you were quick to flick him on his cheek. 
“Shut up Tetsu, we’re not short we’re fun-sized.” you defended, giving Ameris a smile who promptly returned one. 
“Well, since this is supposed to be a bonding thing between Karasuno and Nekoma, we could just hang out,” Sugawara suggested, and with that being said the four of you walked through the crowds talking catching up. You and Kuroo couldn’t help but eye the way Suga and Ameris were holding each other’s hands. At the training camp they were all just at, the two weren’t together at all. 
A small silent conversation between you and Kuroo were held as you walked behind Sugawara and Ameris. You nudged him to mention something but he nudged you back. 
With a sigh and a roll of your eyes, “Hey, Ames, this is kinda like a double date, huh?” 
Ameris flushed red, her hand promptly pulling away from Sugawara’s, “Wha-Oh, no, we’re just friends! It was just crowded and we didn’t want to get separated is all!” She held her hands behind her back and Sugawara, ah the poor guy. You couldn’t help but take a bit of pity between the two of them. 
Exchanging glances with your boyfriend, finding their situation a little too similar to your own, a little scheme already being planted in the two of your heads. 
That’s how you and Kuroo found yourselves dragging the two pining idiots off to a more isolated area to watch the fireworks. And when the loud crackling of the fireworks began and an array of lights filled the night skies with the stars in the background, you and Kuroo snuck off to give the two their own alone time. 
“Do you think they’ll finally get together?” you asked him, panting from running away. 
“I think so,” Kuroo replied, reaching both his hands to grab yours as he pulled you into him. “But, I’d rather think about you right now.” 
The colorful flashes of the fireworks danced on your skin and in that moment Kuroo couldn’t help but think about how beautiful you were. But little did he know you felt the same, with the fireworks behind his head as if he was an angel. Even if he was far from one. And as he leaned down to kiss you, somewhere else Ameris had finally, finally, confessed to Sugawara. 
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